#grindelward crimes
geekynerfherder · 6 months
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Peter Popken.
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j4ylov · 6 years
Ministry: you and Grindelwald were as close as brothers
Dumbledore: We were closer than brothers
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clarabowlover · 4 years
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Happy Birthday To Gorgeous American Actress Alison Sudol
(Born 23rd December 1984)
Pics: Listal.com
Gif Source: Bing Images
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enixamyram · 4 years
My mother was watching Crimes of Grindelward and just listening to her talk about it reminded me of how much I hate that entire series and how it completely craps over the original series in every way possible. God I hate those films so damn much.
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ms-znodgrass · 6 years
Too Much Pino (Newt x Reader)
Word count: 2274
When the reader has to pretend to be Newt’s girlfriend, a little home truths are revealed...
Authors Note: Please excuse any grammatical errors, I didn’t have time to read this through. Sorry!
You had met Newt Scamander at an exhibition of some sort, studying the creatures of the magical wizarding world. Secretly, you were quite the fan, having heard of his large list of inhabited creatures and having read up on his findings regarding every single one.
To say you were a little star struck was a slight under exaggeration. But, once the halo around his head had grown fainter, 6you were able to speak with him as a normal person would. The two of you became very close friends.
That was years ago however, and since, you have both done intense research together. Often you co-wrote papers about rumoured animals that were to be found, and created plans on how you could find them. One of your most recent findings was a Spurlgeo that you named Pino. Splurgeo’s were relatively rare, but gifted in the sense that they could detect dishonesty. Pino was a derivation of Pinocchio, because whenever a Splurgeo knows you’re lying, its nose would grow. The name amused you, and Newt for that matter.
Your research into the genetic structure of a Mymph was cut short when Queenie knocked at your door. “Hello,” you said, knee deep in an essay about the lack of chromosomes found in a Mymphs cell cluster.
“Sweetie, we need to get ready,” she chimed, peering her head around the door. You finished copying up your sentence, before turning to look at her. You beamed, you were so excited about the ball tonight. It was a perfect break for you all, a ray of sunshine that streamed through the dark ‘Grindelwald’ cloud that hung over your heads.
“Let’s go!” You squealed, following her to her bedroom where she was determined to make you look like a movie star.
After an hour or so, Queenie had completed your look. You’d settled for a long, navy, velvet dress that clung to your curves and wrapped seamlessly around your body. The long sleeves protected you from the harsh winter chill, and the v-neck plunge showed a little bit of cleavage.
“Are you sure this isn’t too much?” You asked her, as you inspected your flawless make-up, polished off with a red lip. Queenie appeared in the mirror behind you, eyes sparkling.
“I’m sure. You’re gorgeous!” She giggled. You turned to look at her, her porcelain skin was draped in a beautiful red dress, her hair hung in tight curls about her cheekbones.
“And you look stunning,” you told her, “thank you so much. Now we beet head off before Tina thinks we’ve stood her up.” You took her arm in yours, and both skipped to the door.  
 The ball was lively as you entered, everyone was laughing and smiling and drinking. People waved at you, Queenie and Tina, approaching you with warm hugs and soft kisses. After an hour or so, you began to look for Newt. You had discovered some new information about the Splurgeo and were eager to share your findings. After a couple of minutes of shuffling through the crowds, you spotted his tall stature a few metres in front of you. “Newt!” You yelled, hoping to gain his attention. He turned his head, looking around curiously. He couldn’t spot you and his dumbfounded expression was amusing to you.
Suddenly he spotted you, a small smile crossing his features. Only for a second though. His sweet grin was replaced with a concerned look, and he bolted towards you.
Breathlessly, he started, “Y/N I really need a favour, it seems I’ve gotten myself into a situation and I really need you to help me.”
“Woah, Newt, breathe,” you told him, placing your hands on his shoulders. He inhaled deeply. “I’m sure it can’t be that bad at all, we can easily-“
“I need you to pretend to be in love with me.”
He half laughed, almost making you think he was joking. But then his stern expression told you that he certainly wasn’t.
“Please! Something slipped and then unravelled into this stupid lie, and I can’t let people think I’m any more of a loser.”
“You’re not a loser. At least they don’t think so, I on the other hand-“
“Please Y/N! I’ll do anything,” he pleaded.
“Anything? Like, lend me your Farheo analyser?”
“This is Y/N, my… partner,” Newt sighed, “this is Lacabelle and Gregario Jones.” The two people that stood before you were polar opposites. The lady, was tall and thin, her purple hair hung below her lips, lips painted with a bright red colour. On the other hand, the gentleman was short and stout, his hair balding a little. His lips were red also, but it was a result of the red wine he was sipping ever so frequently.
“Hello, its lovely to meet you,” you smiled, shaking their hands. “I hope you have a lovely evening, and-“
Pino appeared out of nowhere, brushing up against your leg and stopping your train of thought. “Oh hello,” you grinned, rubbing his furry head.
“Who’s this?” Lacabelle smiled, looking down at Pino.
“This is Pino, Y/N named him after Pinocchio, because he’s a Splurgeo,” Newt announced, chuckling a little. You knew he found the joke funny.
“Oh how enchanting! A splurge! Ha, these little guys are always hard to find!”
“He must’ve hidden in my bag,” you said, a little embarrassed.
“He’s very cheeky,” Newt chimed in. Pino wrapped his body around Newts calf, as he always did. At times you had to pry Pino away from Newt, much to Pino’s dismay. The little fluffball loved Newt, and never enjoyed leaving him. He was the reason you were around Newt so much. Well, part of the reason.
“I can see. It must be interesting to have him around, I’m sure he settles many of your arguments,” Gregario laughed. You and Newt looked at each other, sharing a nervous glance.
“Very rarely,” you joked, suddenly feeling Newts arm snake around your waist.
“Well it must be nice to know when he’s lying, Y/N?”
“Of course! Though the only lie that has ever left his mouth is, ‘You look beautiful’. Especially after hours of research,” you smiled.
“Oh but you are beautiful Y/N!” Lacabelle compliments.
“She’s certainly the most beautiful woman in the room,” Newt chuckled, his grip softer around your waist. You all spotted Pino out of the corner of your eyes, awaiting the growth of his nose. But, it didn’t change shape. His little paws touched his face, scratching at his neck. Nothing.
You could feel your cheeks burn as Newt peered down at you through his lashes. You couldn’t help but allow your lips to curl up, and tried to prevent your smile escalating to a full beam. “Oh I say, you’ve found yourself a real charmer Y/N!” Lacabelle sung, sipping on her wine.
“I’m rather lucky,” you said, more to yourself than the others. Gregorio swayed a little, his nose as red as the wine in his hand. He looked between you both.
“It’s so good to see a couple find love even in the darkest of times,” he smiled.
“Oh hush Gregorio, they might not have announced it to each other yet,” Lacabelle laughed. You looked at Newt, afraid of what might come next.
“Well, have you?”
“S-sorry?” Newt choked.
“Do you love each other?” He smirked, nudging Newt. Low and behold, your worst nightmare. With Pino present, this could go one of two ways – and both outcomes would not work in your favour. Lacabelle softly punched him arm, mumbling about how ridiculous he is. Still, she was waiting for an answer.
You looked at Newt, scoffing. “Well, you know-“
“We haven’t really-“
Suddenly, you both transformed into a pair of absolute idiots. You had started rambling, at the same time, desperately trying to think of ways to avoid the question. The only problem was that Newt had finally shut his mouth a little too early. This meant that your last little confession has slipped out, and he had heard it perfectly.
“-he likes animals which is amazing and has really good hair and I do love him but…”
All of you turned your heads to Pino, who once again stood there and shrugged. You allowed a few seconds to pass before you began to silently pray that the ground would swallow you up, or that the ceiling would collapse solely on you. Pinos’ nose hadn’t stretched, not even an inch.
It had suddenly gotten very quiet. Lacabelle stared at you and blinked once. Gregorio was in the process of finishing his drink, and Newt had removed his arm from your waist. You felt awful, and your heart had stopped beating. At least you though, or hoped.
You blinked a few times, and cleared your throat. “It’s suddenly gotten very warm, please excuse me.”
You had never walked so quickly. People around you looked like coloured blurs in your vision, and you couldn’t tell whether that was a result of the clumsy way you were navigating yourself, or the water that slowly began to well up in your eyes. At one point you felt an arm graze your shoulder, and caught Queenies eye. You smiled unconvincingly, and kept walking.
The cold air hit your burning cheeks with a silent slap, instantly calming you down and relaxing the muscles that had sewn together in your throat. The balcony was bare, thankfully, bordered with a marble railing. It kept you from nearly throwing yourself over the edge. Nearly.
You began to pace, hoping to rid yourself of the embarrassment. Talking to yourself helped too, a series of ‘why’s and ‘how’s and curse words flew from your mouth. Eventually you just buried your face within your hands and screamed. So very loudly, you felt as if your voice was about to disappear. Maybe you would too.
In the midst of your meltdown, you hadn’t noticed that another body had joined you outside. You furthermore hadn’t noticed that the one person who had followed you, was the last person you’d expect to want to see you.
You slowly removed your hands from your face, wrapping them around your torso. Your head etched round to see Newt coming towards you.
Standing next to your side, he looked out at the view. A sea of darkness bedecked with flickers of golden paint. You were just able to make out the horizon, its silhouette illuminated ever so slightly by the rising moon. “I’m sorry I had to throw that on you, as soon as you came through the door,” he said, slowly and carefully, as if his words could break you if he wasn’t careful.
“No, no. Don’t be silly,” you sighed, struggling to maintain your composure. He noticed your change in aura, and tried to resume a normal conversation, hoping it’d make you feel better.
“The food here is-“
“Look, about what Pino said,” you began, “it’s really nothing to take in, not that I’m sure you did, you know, notice my little proclamation,” you were rambling, “in fact it’s not a proclamation because it’s not true, you know that Splurgeo’s are only accurate 90% of the time so 10% of the time they’re wrong.” You were still rambling. “And clearly Pino is wrong, I mean it’s blatantly obvious isn’t it? And the research I’m doing-“
You hadn’t noticed the change in proximity between you and Newt until you felt his warm breath fanning your face. You turned your body, practically bumping into his chest. You looked up at him, your nose ever so close to his. His eyes were catching yours, holding them. You felt as if your face was getting closer to his, and looked out at the view again, though it suddenly seemed very dull in comparison.
“I’m making you uncomfortable,” Newt mumbled, stepping backwards and thrusting his hands into his coat pockets. Instinctively, you reached out.
“No, no. I’m too comfortable when I’m with you,” you confessed involuntarily. He looked up at you again, watching you through the soft curls of his fringe. He took another step towards you, closing the space that hung between you both. His warm hands touched your cheeks, thumbs grazing over your cheekbones.
“You’re freezing,” he sighed, concern laced within his tone. You smiled.
“Am I?” You hadn’t noticed. The goose bumps appearing on your arms were certainly not a result of the harsh winter wind that soared around you both. He nodded, removing his coat. “Newt stop, you’ll catch a cold.”
“Better me than you,” he smiled, draping it over your shoulders. His wide mouth twitched slightly, eyes hiding behind his ginger curls, he was thinking.
“What is it?” You asked, touching his arm briefly.
“I so terribly want to kiss you,” he blurted out, his cheeks turning a shade of crimson. Your lower jaw dropped a little, and your eyes widened. The words left your mouth before your brain caught up with you.
“Then kiss me.”
Newt’s eyes flickered from the floor to your lips, and he brought his hands up to your cheeks once again. His lips softly touched yours, tickling your mouth. It was light and kind, leaving a large smile in its wake.
Again, he brought your head closer to his and deepened the kiss. You almost melted into his arms, and had to steady your body against his. He chuckled a little, that same laugh that caused your heart to beat two times as fast.
“I hope that tells you how very much I love you.” Newt took your body in his, and hugged you as tightly as he could muster.
“I would say the same, but I think Pino beat me to it.”
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graciamoli · 6 years
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This love left a permanent mark.
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jssannart · 6 years
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Some concept art for fantastic beasts because I loved the new movie :-)
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Me: Okay, No one will Spoiler the Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald, Alright?
Next day
Me, Seeing people post of Spoilers about Fantastic Beasts Crimes of Grindelwald: WHEN YOU PEOPLE GONNA RESPECT THE FANDOM? IT'S AGAINST THE LAWS THAT NO SPOILERS, YOU LITTLE SHITS
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qiyushiwazi · 6 years
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Fantastic beast and the crime of gindelwald is all about love in Paris❤️
family's love
brothers' love
sisters' love
loves that can be reached, loves that have to hide away and loves that have to be separated
All credit to JK Rowling (scanned photos from the screenplay book)
Finally back to the wizarding world🔮
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Before Harry.
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@.hidisneyx3: I'm getting in there early with auditions and casting calls. Over last year (between morning sickness and being terrorised by twins), @.janeypowellx, @.mattHQ and I started to discuss ways in which to bring the history of her fabulous Harry Potter series to life. After a lot of chatting and brainstorming, we decided that making a series of films covering different areas of the marauders era would be best. These will be the following in this order: - Before Harry: The Marauders & The First Wizarding War - Before Harry: The Dumbledores - Before Harry: Origin of the Order - Before Harry: The Life & Death of Regulus Black - Before Harry: The Tales of the Black Sisters - Before Harry: I Am Tom Marvolo Riddle NOTE: while a lot of these stories aren't continuously connected, they will all fit into the timeline in their own way. therefore, for MOST of the films, the actor who is cast for one character will always play that character for the entirety of the films. For example, Bellatrix in the marauders will be the same actress in the black sisters movie. See a brief film synopsis and the characters involved below. MINOR ROLE = small appearances in one or two of the films REGULAR CHARACTER = a character you'll see and hear of regularly throughout most, if not all, of the films
Before Harry: The Marauders & The First Wizarding War
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Brief synopsis: This film starts the timeline of the 'Before Harry' universe. The central focus characters will be James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew & Remus Lupin & the narrative will follow their friendship, flashing back and forth between their time at Hogwarts and the lead up to The First Wizarding War. It won't include anything beyond The Order of the Phoenix as that's a film that will come later on.
Before Harry: The Dumbledores
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Brief Synopsis: The film follows the life of Albus Dumbledore and his family. It will be shot in two parts. Part one will be 1892 - 1899: Albus's Hogwarts years, including the story of his father's arrest, Albus's genius and later on, his romantic relationship with Grindelward which led to the decline of his relationship with his brother, Abeforth. After a montage showing the events of the Global Wizarding War (also referenced in Fantastic Beasts/Crimes of Grindleward), the second part of the film starts in the late 1930s and into the 1940s. It follows Albus meeting Tom Riddle at Wool's orphanage and becoming a professor. This specific film ends with Dumbledore defeating Grindleward, who was terrorising the continent during this time.
Before Harry: Origin of the Order
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Brief Synopsis: This film follows the origins of the Order of the Phoenix and where it came from. It would start with the prophecy and how it targeted both the Longbottoms and the Potters before flashing back in time to Albus conjuring the order in the 70s. It would cover the rise of the Death Eaters and the confrontations muggle-borns, muggles and later "blood traitors" had with them. The central characters in this film would be the Marauders, the Potters and the Long Bottoms. The middle of the film is told through the eyes of Sirius and Pettigrew rather than either of the families and reveals the story behind Pettigrew's betrayal and why he did so, as well as Sirius's imprisonment. Obviously this part will cross into Harry being the chosen one but won't explore his story any further. Instead, the ending of the film will look into what happened after the war; Select Death Eaters, most famously Bellatrix, torturing the Longbottoms and seeing them trialled and sent off to Azkaban. The final scene shows Albus and Severus discussing the protection of Harry Potter with other Order members, before disbanding.
Before Harry: The Life & Death of Regulus Black
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This film will follow the story of Regulus Black, the younger brother of Sirius. It'll start with how he was sorted into Slytherin and idolised the Dark Lord, joining the Death Eaters from an extremely young age. The story will follow his journey through Hogwarts, his bond with Kreacher and how slowly, he started to doubt his loyalty to the Death Eathers. It will follow Regulus's discovery of the Horcruxes before he eventually dies; revealing his real death, being dragged to death by the Inferi.
Before Harry: The Tales of the Black Sisters
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More of a romance x family story. This film follows the history of the Black Sisters, their upbringing and then their different paths as they grew into young adults. It'll feature Narcissa's romance with Lucius and Bellatrix's, Bellatrix marrying Rodolphus becoming Death Eaters and going on to torture the Longbottoms (seen more earlier.) Seeing as she's the sister who is seen LEAST in the original series, The Tales of the Black Sisters will mainly be told from Andromeda's perspective; how she dealt with her family's favouritism for blood-purity, falling in love with Ted and eventually being burnt off of the family tree. She narrates the film.
Before Harry: I Am Tom Marvolo Riddle
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Brief Synopsis: The entire story of Voldemort right up to the end of the First Wizarding War. There's too much for me to write in here but you can find it on Harry Potter Wiki :')
James Potter Sirius Black Peter Pettigrew Remus Lupin Albus Dumbledore (only open in The Dumbledores, otherwise played by older actors) Severus Snape Lily Potter neé Evans Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort played by an older actor in later eras/films) Bellatrix Lestrange neé Black Andromeda Tonks neé Black Narcissa Malfoy neé Black Regulus Black Frank Longbottom Alice Longbottom Lucius Malfoy Xenophilius Lovegood Pandora Lovegood neé Lestrange Rodolphus Lestrange Rabastan Lestrange
Patricia Rakepick (friend of the marauders, in the Maurders film) Fabian Prewett (order member, Molly Weasley's brother, in Origin) Antonio Dolohov (Death Eater, in Origin and Tom Riddle) Caradoc Dearborn (order member) Ariana Dumbledore (in The Dumbledores) Abeforth Dumbledore (only open in The Dumbledores, otherwise played by older actors) Gellert Grindleward (in The Dumbledores) Leta Lestrange (in The Dumbledores, The Black sisters) Marlene Mckinnon Dorcas Meadows
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littlemisso · 3 years
Get to Know Me
I was tagged by @batnbreakfast ages ago (opps!)
Favourite colour: Blues, purples and greens.
Currently reading. Re-listening to Phillippa Gregory’s “The White Princess” and “A Short History of England” by Simon Jenkins
Last Song; Not a song, exactly, but I am listening to the Lord of the Rings Soundtrack as I try to work on my WIP.
Last movie “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelward” (brought well before a certain someone showed their true colours)
Last series I’m making my way through: Currently alternating between old Silent Witness, Old Holby and Dr Who. I believe I may be watching Ted Lasso at some point soon
Sweet, spicy, savoury: A time for everything....
Craving: A good, restful nights sleep.
Tea or coffee: Tea, because British.
Currently working on: Learning to check which account I’m using when I post or re-blog: procastinating more on my WIP: not getting so excited by the “good stuff “  coming out of the Berena Creative Project Resuscitation event
I’m tagging no body because I’m embarrassingly late with this - but if anyone wants to take this as their invitation to join in, then it absolutely is.
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esamastation · 6 years
Okay I have now seen Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelward
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thenerdybonbon · 5 years
I finally got around to watching Crimes of Grindelward and you know what...
...people were totally right, that movie was stupid. It looked nice enough but the fuck was that pile of hot garbage? I don’t just mean Johnny Depp coz fuck that guy, not good.
These days every new thing that comes out by JKR just takes a little more of the shine of HP.
This is why I only care about the HP books and fan content, the offical stuff is terrible, and makes it all a little less magical every time.
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redrosecrown · 6 years
I was tagged by @buds-of-marjoram
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: Don’t have one
Zodiac: Aries Sun
Height: 166 cm
Last movie I saw: Fantastic beasts and the crime of grindelward
Last thing I googled: Maisie Williams april 17 
Favorite Musician: Evanescence
Song stuck in my head: Don’t have one right now
Other blogs: Kitten Garden on tumblr. Check it out. And in wordpress :somesmerizingtales
Do I get asks: Yes
Blogs following: 74
Amount of sleep: 7-10
Lucky number: 88
What I’m wearing: Pink sweatpants and a black-and-red coat.
Dream job: Working for fun, not for money
Dream trip: Florence, Italy. Turkey. UK.Egypt.Greece
Favorite food:Flia
Play any instruments: None
Languages: Albanian, English, and I understand some Serbian and Spanish
Favorite songs: “Sweet sacrifice” - Evanescence
Random fact: I have social anxiety
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: moon, ice-cream, Vincent Van Gogh painting, vampires, ghosts and castles, cats and irises
I’m tagging: If you’ve been retagged. I’m sorry. @abybweisse, @blackbutlerobsessed, @thedarkestcrow, @tenderalec, @grelliams, @rationalkuroshitsuji, @dorkshadows, @faustianexchange, @rabbastian, @frederickabberline, @catastrophy-cat, @undertaker @undertakers-witchy-mermaid, @undertaker-blog-blog, @kuroshitsuji-effervescence, @kuroshitsuji-scenarios, @kuroristudies, @kuroshitsuji-hetalia-jokes, @sebastianmichaelis1474 @cielistoocuteforus6 @cielphantomhive121476
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kimisnotcool · 6 years
My issues with Crimes of Grindelwald movie and Jk Rowling’s Queerbaiting
This is a thread about fantastic beasts and where to find them 2
(the crimes of Grindelward)
If you are not familiar with the term queerbaiting.
It’s When a television series, book or movie makes statements on there being LGBTQ representation, but it ends up being for views. canonlogically or In the movie there ends up being none or less then they hinted at.
The backstory:
We know that Dumbledore is gay and has feelings for Grindelwald because Jk Rowling explicitly said so. This all basically happened because Rowling has previously been accused of lack of diversity and representation In her potter books. She fought off these claims with the new information Including that Dumbledore was gay and in love with Grindelwald. So when this movie was announced we were promised and hoped for some sort of acknowledgment of this.
Why do people queerbait?
Tv and film want to be inclusive of all people to sell more tickets yet they know that being gay is still (unfortunately) a controversial topic for some people and in some religions. So they try to get the best of both worlds and include it but never really say it out loud so that way they can’t be held accountable for either including or not including it. For them it’s a win win.
For representation and diversity it’s a lose lose.
Cut to the problems.
SPOILERs🚨 ahead
The scenes I will be discussing are
1. The scene where newt scamander asks Dumbledore why he can’t go up against Grindelward himself and Dumbledore’s reply to this.
2. The scene where Dumbledore looks into the mirror of Erised and sees Grindelward and him,and then seeing the both of them Taking a blood oath.
Here’s why this does not make sense and it is queerbaiting if you do not tell us or show us about dumbledore’s feelings.
Scene 1: if the only thing stopping Dumbledore from fighting Grindelwald is their blood oath why doesn’t he tell Newt this the first time he asks him? Seems to the viewer It’s not a big deal if there’s no feelings involved but instead Dumbledore acts all secretive about it as if there’s another reason to it and says nothing about this oath.
Scene 2: here’s where it gets sticky because of The movie makers previous decision.
Dumbledore is standing in front of the mirror of Erised and sees...Grindelwald.
Okay I’m thinking this must be where they announce his feelings for Grindelwald Since seeing him thorough the mirror or Eirsed means this is what Dumbledore desires most in the entire world.
Then the camera cuts to them both taking the oath preventing them from fighting each other. (I’m not gonna mention the plot hole of the mirror showing the past all of a sudden) this could be interpreted as that what he desires most is for them to be close and have a bloods binding bond as a token of their friendship.
They knew that was not enough to not be bait. So they trhow out some more bait and They show us a close up of Dumbledore and Grindelwald’s fingers Intertwining but then cuts right back to the oath reminding you that they’re holding hands to seal the oath, leaving us free to interpret however.
When a movie’s adds a love interest it usually does not help the plot forward at all. In this case it acatually DOES help the plot move forward that’s why the bait is important to the director and Rowling.
Let me explain why
if they break the blood oath and Dumbledore is able to fight Grindelward the plot suddenly still has tension because you could explore the “What will happen when Dumbledore sees him again? “ narrative.
“Will he be able to kill Grindelwald or will his feelings get in the way of him doing what needs to be done?”
They’re baiting you because they know not including any sign of Dumbledore’s feelings makes the whole “blood oath”plot point weak because all it becomes is “you used to be friends with me and now you’re not! and the viewer is gonna be yawning and saying get over it and just kill him already.
If there were no feelings then what was the point of all the Mirror of Erised business then?
What was the point behind all the secrecy and stalling around the blood oath?
Gotcha... you guessed it... say it with me.... Queerbaiting
Thnx for coming to my TED TALK.
QUEER BAITING where you desperately try to have your cake and eat it too.
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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelward.
Or as my friend @mollichu on Twitter put ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where Do I Get My Refund’ That’s quite funny. Harsh, but possibly true. COG starts right after the first installment of Fantastic Beasts with little story, little development and little humour for a 2 hour flick that is basically Grindelward settling in to a nice French apartment and Eddie Redmayne trying to win back his bird.
I’ll catch you up on the three months that have passed in the film. Johnny Depp has escaped prison. Dumbledore has told Eddie to go to France to find Ezra Miller because he is trying to find his mum. Queenie and Jacob have had a falling out so Queenie goes to France to see Tina and Jacob goes with Eddie to France. Grindelward is in France because he wants to capture Credence who he believes will take down Dumbledore. Even though we know that’s not going to happen.
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I really enjoyed the first Fantastic Beasts for the simple reason that apart from Newt and the creatures there wasn’t really any relation to Harry Potter canon. The first film had all the Harry Potter fun; the magic and imagination that made you feel like you was in a totally new world that was such a wonderful escape from our ordinary mundane muggle lives. But COG didn’t really do any of this. It didn’t have the sparkle, the mystery or the intrigue of the first one. Instead it was bogged down in new and confusing plot twists and family relationships. It didn’t need to be as confusing as it was. That let it down massively. 
It was fun and the performance from Depp was very good, he is a bit like a far-right not as charming Jack Sparrow really. But Grindelward could have and should be darker. I want some more rallies and dark stuff to happen. I don’t want PG crap. 
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I can’t even talk about the HP canon that’s been totally mucked about with. Dumbledore teaching Transfiguration WHAAAAT?!?! Minerva McGonagall teaching at Hogwarts when she wasn’t old enough WHAAAAT!?!?! Grindelward telling Credence that he is Dumbledore’s brother WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT!?!?!?! Seriously though that’s dumb. Because we know he’s not. So it won’t be a plot twist when it turns out to be a lie, but imagine if JK is just like ‘yep that’s his brother, FU to all my fans who read the books’.God that will be so stupid. I don’t even need to warn you about possible spoiler alert because it’s so stupid it’s not a spoiler. 
3/5 It’s not great. There’s too much pointless backstory and plotting for future films. Dumbledore doesn’t even fight Grindelward until 1945 and we are currently in 1927 or something. Is it gonna jump forward massively? Will there be a new actor playing Newt? I’m calling it now but Grindelward controls Hitler, that’s the plot for one of the films. 
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