#grimmchild adult
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pocochiiiiii · 1 year ago
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I won't forget you.
adult grimmchild and little ghost shells.
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hishap · 11 months ago
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I think I found your child. Or the ring master
This is Grimm's punishment for not paying child support ;P
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nasudaigoro · 2 years ago
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ridleymb · 4 months ago
Just wanted to say I really really love your hk gijinka art and have been going crazy over how you drew Ghost to look just like their father, pk 😭💔 yummy yummy art + angst
Thank you, I'm glad you like my hk gijinka art
I'm also happy that you like my gijinka Ghost design. I really have a lot of things to say about it that I forgot to say before
Most of the time I've seen some npcs say that Ghost reminds them of PK so I draw adult Ghost to really resembles PK. I still draw adult Ghost more like HK, only the hair is similar to PK, but Ghost's somewhat quiet personality is what makes them resemble their father the most. At first their siblings didn't pay much attention to this when Ghost was little, but when Ghost grew up and became a bit like PK, they noticed.
It sounds bad but I kind of like that about them, because even though they grew up like their dad and have the same personality as him, they still don't make the same choices as him or become like him. (Like how Ghost still became a good parent to Grimmchild, even though they knew it was best to end the endless Ritual like Brumm said)
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bluegekk0 · 2 months ago
how long does it take grimm to grow from his child form to his adult form+ how does vyrm feel about his child form (is there any weirdness with that)
If exposed to nightmare essence it can grow up in a matter of days. That's why he always chooses someone to accompany the Grimmchild, usually one of the Grimmkin, but sometimes he'll ask someone familiar with the territory they're in. And as for Vyrm, he's never actually seen it, Grimm specifically chooses to do the rituals away from Hallownest because it doesn't have enough nightmare essence for a full ritual, but also to make things a little bit less weird for the family.
Though it's worth pointing out, the Grimmchild form isn't an actual child, it's not Grimm as a child. It's simply a smaller form of his physical body that has to absorb more essence to finish developing. It shares consciousness with Grimm, who is an adult, it's just smaller because that's the only way he can move it from the nightmare realm to the physical world. But considering the similarities it shares with, say, Lewk, I do think it would be a tad weird for Vyrm. And the others too, I imagine.
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spectruminterests · 1 year ago
What other ideas did you also have for the Hollow Knight Modern AU?
I have… a lot. (For context: I originally posted about my Hollow Knight Modern AU here). I tried to type some things out and then tumblr erased it, so instead you get my unorganized ramblings that I have on my notes app. (Under the cut so not everyone has to read them). Essentially, Pale Royal (the Pale King) is the mayor of the oddball town of Hallownest and the somewhat negligent father of five chaotic children.
Character names:
Pale Royal (= The Pale King)
Blanca Royal (White Lady) 
Hollis Royal (The Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel)
Kinsey Royal (Broken Vessel/Lost Kin)
Hornet Weaver (Hornet- her mom insisted she should have the Weaver name)
Herrah Weaver (Herrah the Beast)
Greene Royal (Greenpath vessel)
Knight "Ghost" Royal (The Knight/Ghost/player character)
Grimm Nightmare Sr. (Troupe Master/Nightmare King Grimm)
Grimm Nightmare Jr. (Grimmchild)
Dr. Sophia Monomon (Monomon the Teacher, I chose the name Sophia because it means wisdom or knowledge)
Quirrel Monomon (Quirrel, Monomon's adopted son)
Morningstar Claw (Mantis Lord)
Lance Claw (Mantis Lord)
Arrow Claw (Mantis Lord)
Mace Claw (Traitor Lord) 
Bretta Scriber (Bretta)
Tiso Shieldsmith (Tiso)
Sybil Erebis (Seer)
Pale and Blanca have an open relationship - Blanca and Herrah get along fine and Pale having a child with Herrah wasn’t a problem for Blanca. Blanca is also bisexual and in a relationship with Dryya, the Hallownest Chief of Police. 
Tween Hornet: What are you talking about I have no interest in girly things I like ninjas and swords! *hides princess book under the bed* 
Ghost: second grade Force of Chaos
Grimmchild/Grimm Jr.: Second grade arsonist and Ghost's best friend/accomplice 
Pale King and White Lady: parenting is easy! Just let the kids figure it out for themselves! 
Teenage/Young adult Hollow Knight: the only responsible person in the household. Is slowly going insane taking care of four younger siblings. 
Troupe Master Grimm/Grimm Sr.: Similar parenting philosophy to PK and WL. Is *fabulous* Actively encourages his son to be a ball of chaos. 
Herrah: Like a crazy cat lady but with spiders. Her home is not a place for the faint of heart. 
Teenage Mantis Lords: Sisters Morningstar, Lance, and Arrow. Leaders of the student-run Fencing Club which is really just a veneer for a bunch of kids who want to be TOUGH WARRIORS! Members include Hornet and Cloth. 
Traitor Lord: Mantis sisters’ older brother Mace. A deadbeat high school dropout who makes a living as a drug dealer. The family doesn't talk about him. 
Lance: "Yes I'm a girl and anyone else who'd like to comment gets STABBED!" 
People know better than to mess with these kids. 
When Grimm gets a call from the school: "Oh? My son set a fire in the boys' bathroom, you say? Did he tell you why? Because toilet paper is very flammable, he said? Oh well, kids will be kids, it sounds very much like something I would have done at his age... Suspended? Surely that's a little harsh? With all due respect, I think this behavior is teaching him important life skills! Surely that should be more acceptable in a school?" 
I'm imagining Grimm Jr. asking Ghost to run away and join the circus with him 😆😆😆
"You'd be a great act, Ghost! I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind having another kid! You could be an acrobat or a clown or a mime... (at this point Ghost gives him a look).... okay, maybe not a mime."
The town of Hallownest is technically their "hometown," but the Nightmares travel. Grimm Sr. just drops his kid off at the local public school whenever he's too busy to take care of him, never mind whether or not he's actually enrolled. Cue a lot of teachers trying to figure out where the hell this kid came from. How much the kid is actually learning, missing school so often and being dropped in random classes is... questionable, but everything is fine! The Hallownest school system has already given up. Grimm Jr. really only goes to school because Dad is too busy to deal with him full time 😆
He's doing his best to just push his kid off on a stranger like in-game 😆
Ghost also often begs for Grimm to come sleep over, which of course causes more chaos than usual in the Royal household. Poor Hollis, trying to maintain some semblance of order. 
Bretta is already writing fanfic. Ghost once saves her from a bully by dropping onto him from a tree, at which point Bretta decides she’s in love. Then Bretta mentions this to Greene. Bretta: “Oh, is he your brother? He’s so hot! 😍😍” Greene: “… sibling. And they’re seven.” Bretta: “Oh… so that’s why he’s… they’re… so short….” *is mortified*
Bretta later develops a crush on Hollis and writes fan fiction about them.
Grimm just drops off his kid at the Royal house with no notice and no indication of how long he'll be gone 😆
The whole Royal family is autistic in some fashion, because look at them. Pale is an inventor in his spare time and is always thinking about how to optimize infrastructure in the town of Hallownest. He also works late and forgets to eat or sleep when he's hyperfocused. Blanca (White Lady) spends more time with her garden and her large variety of houseplants than with her children, and everything has to be clean and Just So or she'll make a fuss. She always adjusts her children's and stepdaughter's clothing before they leave the house, much to Ghost's and Hornet's chagrin.
Hollis couldn't break a rule to save their life and comes off as stiff and robotic when trying to interact with people. Their parents are proud of the former and entirely oblivious to the latter. 
Kinsey is sensory-sensitive and awkward. Loud noises, bright lights, and busy rooms drive them crazy. This does not stop them from being kind of an extrovert or from getting into trouble with Hornet. 
Hornet, for her part, has some sensory issues with clothing (and hates the fancy things her stepmother tries to shove her into with a passion) and speaks in a very blunt but also overly archaic/wordy manner (if you've seen her dialogue in game you'll know what I'm talking about). She has little interest in socializing with people unless a) they're her mom or siblings, b) she's causing trouble, and/ or c) it's something violence-related. 
Greene takes after their mom with their love of plants. They also love animals and are better with animals than people. They're super shy and awkward lol
Ghost is well, Ghost. They often struggle to speak/experience speech loss and have a raging case of ADHD in addition to the autism, making them constantly chasing after new and interesting things, unwilling and unable to pay attention unless they're interested, and entirely oblivious to social norms. In other words, they're hell to deal with 😆
Quirrel is Miss Monomon's adopted son and a giant nerd. He's 14 and a sophomore in high school because he skipped a grade as a kid. He has an I ❤️ isopods (group including pill bugs) pin on his backpack and is really into "bugs" and other invertebrates. 
Hollis, nicknamed "Holly" by their siblings, is Very Tall (like 6 foot 5 or something), rather gangly and skinny, and AMAB (in part to make their height more plausible lol). At first they look kinda intimidating but they wouldn't hurt a fly, and are just about the quietest, shyest person ever, with one exception: if you hurt their siblings, you incur their wrath. Other than that they will take anything that's thrown at them - bullying, name-calling, way too many home responsibilities for a teenager, etc. - with a stoic front. They have just about no self-esteem and have a bad case of "awkward tall person syndrome," always hunching over and trying not to stand out despite the fact that they are literally head and shoulders above their classmates. Like all their siblings they have white hair (which they keep long), pale skin and very dark eyes. 
Blanca (the White Lady) is an albino, thus the white skin, white hair, and very light blue eyes. She's also something of a Karen and acts like being an albino makes her an oppressed minority or something.
She also never leaves the house without makeup.
Tiso Shieldsmith is Hollis's classmate and maybe-friend who moved to Hallownest last year. He's kind of an idiot teenage boy and he calls Hollis "Stick Bug" thanks to their stick-bug-esque physique. He's, obviously, in the martial arts and fencing club, and he's kind of trying to be a tough jock but not always succeeding. I love the way he interacts with Hollis: 
"Yo, Stick Bug, my man!  I mean, my non-binary guy... I mean, uh...whatever. How are you doing, pal?" 
*Hollis stares at him in an expressionless way as Tiso rambles.* 
Hollis always refers to their parents as Mother and Father instead of just saying "Mom" or "Dad." It's out of respect mainly, and also because Blanca tends to like everything fancy. The outfit I drew Hollis in is what they normally wear to school, at their mother's request XD
Radiance is a local celebrity with a cult-like fan base. Miss Sybil (Seer) is the school's history teacher and the students are shocked when they discover she's an intense Radiance fan. “Radiance” is a stage name and she's Grimm's cousin (a relationship neither of them particularly care to mention most of the time). Pale hates her for reasons unknown, to the point where Pale has tried to pass all kinds of town restrictions on shows and circuses specifically because of Grimm and Radiance. Grimm either ignores the anti-circus ordinances or finds loopholes, and protesters stormed the town hall at the restrictions affecting the Radiance, enough that Pale had to undo them. 
Grimm has some level of ability to break the law in Hallownest in part because the police in Hallownest don't want to deal with him either (lol) and in part because Blanca has used her influence and her relationship with the Chief of Police, Dryya, to discourage the Hallownest Police Department from prosecuting him. “Oh, Mr. Nightmare can’t be in jail, his son is my youngest’s best friend, and the poor man is a single father. I can’t imagine what that would do to poor Grimm Junior. Not to mention I’ve heard that Radiance is actually a relative of his… do you want her fans storming the police department?” (This is, of course, behind her husband’s back.) 
Grimm is also very good at finding loopholes, twisting people's words, and generally being a pain in the arse to anyone who has issues with him. 
Herrah has dark skin and a fat but very muscular figure. Usually around Hornet and the Royal kids she's all motherly and sweet, but when dealing with people she doesn't like she's intimidating AF. 
Obviously the Royal family is white af because... a) they're entitled jerks, at least to a degree and b) look at them. 
Hornet has brown/light brown skin but still has the white-blond hair and almost-black irises that run in Dad's side of the family. She gets strangers trying not to stare occasionally, but at least she isn't so pale she could be mistaken for a corpse XD
In fact I imagine that several of the characters often get strangers trying not to stare- Hollis and Grimm Jr. come to mind.
Grimm has dressed his son in red and black since he was a baby; it’s not every day you see an 8-year old dressed in a fancy black and red suit with a cape and makeup that looks like a cross between "vampire," "emo," and "circus." 
Tiso: Yo, Stick Bug! What's with the dress? You look like you're going to prom or something! 
[Hollis is wearing a white frilly dress that's too long to be anything other than one their mom ordered specially made, along with a fancy necklace and earrings]
Hollis: Mother has tea with her gardeners' club this afternoon and would like to show me off to all her gardening friends (said in a completely calm tone, even with a slight smile) 
Tiso: "Show you off?!?” You say it like you're her favorite doll instead of her kid! Are you expected to do anything at her event? That sure doesn't look like gardening clothes. Your mom is definitely being weird, you sure you're okay with this? 
Hollis: Of course. It means Mother is proud of me. 
Hollis has issues.
They're shy and desperate for approval and their parents are (somewhat unintentionally) walking all over them. They need love and support that's not tying their value to being "perfect." Luckily, their siblings don't want Perfect Obedient Hollis, they want the real, happy them. 
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potatos-messy-mind · 1 year ago
So ive been getting back into the hollow knight fandom a little, and finally made my rendition of the 'Little Ghost' as an adult. I call this rendition 'Shade Vessel Ghost' for obvious reasons. They have one little one with the grown up grimmchild, which i will also include here. She has no name yet, though.
Both images were drawn freehand by me, Except for the Shade Lord, Kings Brand and Dream Wielder Charm.
If anyone wants more information on the Shade Vessel AU dont be afraid to ask!
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foamywishes · 1 year ago
So while I've been dead as a doornail here, I have bee working on my Hollow Knight AU, Within Reason and I finally have a timeline set up. So here is the basically run down of events: -The Radiance has been sealed already The Radiance was captured before her Infection could spread wide to the kingdom, thus Hallownest still stands as a functioning kingdom in current day. She is trapped inside of a different vessel within the Temple of the Black Egg -The Dreamers are still Alive The Egg's seal is constructed differently using different methods so there is no reason for the Dreamers to keep the sea and they are allowed to go on with their lives. -Hornet still is born She is a child during this AU, however her birth is still a deal made between the Pale King and Herrah. This time its to keep a treaty of peace between Deepnest and Hallownests which tensions have risen. -The Vessels are still crafted Their function still serves as a back up plan in case the Radiance breaks out of her current seal. This time though they are made to destroy rather than contain but being Hollow is not as needed though highly preferred. Meaning that there is more room to explore the pure vessel. -Ghost is alive and an adult Working him in was like the worst aspect but much like the main game and timeline, Ghost would escape the Abyss and leave Hallownest. This time however since there was no call to return he was instead picked up and raised by Grimm and acts as the Grimm Troupe's Knight. Him and Grimmchild are best buds and are inseparable brothers. -The Pale King and White Lady are still together Kingdom doing well, the enemy is sealed so why not? Anyways so this is trappings in place of Within Reason. I'm currently working on a project I hope to release soon. I'm still a lil nervous about sharing my HK AU ideas in public but then again cringe is dead soooooo. Yeet.
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ashyronfire · 2 years ago
Do Not Go Gently || Chapter 13: unneeded
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Title: Chapter 13 - unneeded Rating: T Characters: Ghost, Grimmchild, The Hollow Knight, Hornet Warnings: Post-Embrace the Void Ending, Sibling Bonding, Found Family, Angst & Healing, References to past trauma, references to past torture, Rebuilding, complicated families, Unrequited Love, Everyone lives, (except those dead prior to canon), Happy Ending
Pale Ore. For a nail large enough for an adult vessel. Yours is but a little knife. Suits. But sibling-large, too small in hand.
Author’s Notes: I am once again reminding people this fic isn't dead, I'm just slow when I have no buffer to protect me
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abyssembraced · 1 year ago
I've briefly mentioned this before in the past, but I've given it some more thought recently and can now safely say with confidence:
Ghost's (and by extension, all other Vessels') "cloak" is actually a set of wings.
By default, these wings don't actually work, however, which could have been caused by multiple different things. Maybe it's some sort of genetic thing that came about because of how different the Pale King and the White Lady are species-wise (though since they and the vessels are all gods, maybe they wouldn't have any issues like that?). Or perhaps the Void prematurely halted the development of the wings when it was introduced into the Vessels' egg(s). Or maybe the Vessels did initially hatch with working wings, but being in the Abyss damaged them and rendered them unusable. Regardless, the point is that the Vessels have wings, but they don't (usually) work.
(More under the cut, this post is long dgsgshf)
If nothing else, the "cloak" is definitely part of the Vessels' bodies in some way, considering that they're present on the Vessel corpses in the Abyss, so it has to be something they hatched with:
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And yeah, sure, the "cloak" doesn't really look much like a set of wings, but the Radiance has similar noodle-y things that are almost certainly meant to be wings:
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Same goes for Markoth, who, being a moth, should logically have wings:
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And Grimm, who also has a tendril-y segmented cloak that later turns out to be very wing-like:
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And Grimmchild, who flaps its wings and flies:
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And the Maskflies and Belflies:
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Among others.
So yeah, I'd say that the Vessel "cloaks" look similar enough to other wing designs in Hollow Knight! And also I don't know enough about bug biology to have any other ideas of what the "cloak" can be dgdgsgsf
And also, to go off on a quick, non-Ghost-specifically-related tangent, I imagine that most of the "cloaks" and "clothing" that the bugs in Hallownest seem to "wear" are actually just part of their body in some way. Pretty much only the Weavers and the bugs rich enough to afford their creations had actual clothing garments that were separate from their bodies. So like, Hornet's cloak and the things the husks in the rich half of the City of Tears are wearing are Weaver-made clothing, but, say, the "cloak" that Elderbug has is just part of his body. Clothes are a symbol of status, not something everyone is expected to wear.
Hollow's design, more specifically their appearance as Pure Vessel, also points to the "cloaks" being some sort of body part. Looking at two of their sprites from their pre-battle cutscene, you can see that Hollow's armoured cape that they destroy and the shorter cloak that they actually fight in are two clearly different colours. They're two different garments, with the grey cloak being underneath the white cape. The grey cloak being part of their body would explain why Hollow wasn't just wearing the white cape alone.
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It is true though that Hollow's "cloak" as an adult really doesn't look like wings, even for Hollow Knight's artstyle, unlike the ones the baby Vessels have. So, continuing with the idea that it is, indeed, still a set of wings, maybe Hollow's have been clipped?
Considering Broken Vessel/Lost Kin, it seems like the wings normally grow to be pretty long. I imagine they'd get in the way quite often when trying to fight with a nail and stuff.
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So, with that in mind, as well as the fact that the wings don't even work, and that even if they did work, Hollow is so large that there wouldn't be many places where they really could fly much, I could see parts of their wings being trimmed to make fighting easier. Probably by the Pale King, or perhaps even by Hollow themself. Or maybe it wasn't a deliberate action at all (at least at first), and the wings just got sliced off in a training accident because of how large they were. …And then PK/Hollow continued to clip them if they ever grew back in subsequent molts, since it was just more convenient that way.
…But anyway. Back to Ghost.
The Mothwing Cloak and the Monarch Wings that Ghost obtains on their adventure aren't their own separate items—they're more like upgrades to Ghost's existing wings. The dead Greenpath Vessel's wings happened to be more intact than most others', and Ghost was able to basically absorb those wings' energy (and/or the "mothwing strands threaded within them") to strengthen their own ones. In doing so, Ghost gained a slight control over their wings that they previously did not have. That, combined with them observing Hornet's movements before and during their battle (in order to get a sense of the technique they'd need for the rest of their body), granted Ghost a short dash using their wings to propel them forward!
The Monarch Wings, meanwhile, were able to restore enough functionality in Ghost's wings to allow them a short burst of flight, though it's still far from proper flying. The Monarch Wings strengthen and lengthen Ghost's "cloak" wings by temporarily transforming them, which is something we do see in their sprites when they use it:
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Also, in my old post about my Ghost's postgame design references for their masked and Shade/Void forms (which I actually wanna make an updated version of eventually with a timeline and added information and stuff), I mention that Ghost's "cloak" in their masked/stable/normal form transforms into Void tendrils in their Shade/Void form. This is, of course, because the "cloak" is their wings, and is part of their body! So when Ghost breaks or otherwise exits their mask, their wings also transform into pure Void alongside the rest of them.
And of course, in their Void form Ghost has access to full, unrestricted flight/floating. It's just a Void Creature Thing. There are stranger things about them dgdgsf (*cough* Shade Soul passing through solid surfaces)
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pocochiiiiii · 7 months ago
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Adult Little Ghost and Grimmchild
(The design has become similar to other users.)
↓There is a gijinka under.
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I tried to get matching braids for the hair.
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puppyluver256 · 2 years ago
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[Image Description: Suit, a Hollow Knight OC that resembles a Grimmchild with adult proportions and an overa;; playing card design motif. They have a mostly black body, a white face with red eyes and black lines crossing down the face through said eyes, and a red midsection and underside of their long tail. They are wearing a long dull blue cloak with a red diamond-shaped clasp and a black and red inner lining, with card suits emblazoned on the ends. They are giving a polite, if somewhat nervous, bow to the viewer, a shy smile on their fave. The background is the Grimm Troupe's tent, specifically its appearance during the fight with Grimm, with an eerie red light emanating from the top of the frame. End ID.]
More Art Fight with Suit! Lookit them, they're trying their best to be the awesome troupe master that they can be!
🎨 Good luck to all my fellow Art Fight participants! And most importantly, have fun!! 🎨
Hollow Knight and related concepts © Team Cherry Troupe Master Suit © @zombugz Artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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hollowknightinsanity · 1 year ago
i have andra on the mind. im gonna talk abt her.
well specifically her and grimms daughter (who ive named timori, i cant remember if i said that or not) but yknow
mostly ive just been thinking about timori’s personality, and how she is with her baby siblings and the rest of the troupe
she’s a VERY chaotic character. loud and outgoing and not afraid to speak her mind, and willing to beat the ever loving fuck out of a mf for someone she cares about (or if she just doesn’t like them). she acts like a teenager despite being a fully grown adult half-god and i find that very funny
she’s a little overprotective of her siblings — some people who summon the troupe aren’t too trustworthy in her eyes, so sometimes she’ll follow the summoner around to make sure they’re taking proper care of the grimmchild, and if not, she’ll step in (and kick their ass, if she deems it necessary).
i like to think that timori helped run the performance during the events of the game, or at the very least that she was present while ghost was doing their thing. since andra knew holly (and genuinely really cared about them), she immediately pointed out ghost’s similarities to them to grimm, and bc he loves his wife, grimm assigned timori with keeping an eye on them to make sure there wasn’t anything they really needed to worry about.
timori, who adores her mom and dad with her whole heart and knows what went down in hallownest to make andra leave, agrees to do that, and so she spends most of her time in hallownest trying to keep tabs on ghost’s activities when she knows where the hell they are (that bastard is FAST, and REALLY good at hiding). by doing that, she found the variety of vessel corpses just laying around the kingdom, and she was like “oh shit, are there multiple???????”
and when she saw ghost going down into the abyss, she took a peek herself, saw the floor LITERALLY MADE OF MILLIONS OF VESSELS, and was like “oh shit, there are multiple”
this revelation made andra understandably upset and distressed. infanticide ain’t cool, man!
anyway. after the events of the game, andra feels kinda obligated to return to hallownest every once in a while to check up on ghost (holly and ghost looked almost exactly the same as kids, and andra loved holly with every fiber of her being, so she felt immediately attached to ghost when she met them), and also to see the grimmchild again, even though the troupe usually doesn’t do that. they do it this time, though, and andra had a mental breakdown when she saw holly again. and a panic attack when the shade lord appeared out of fuck-knows-where bc the grimmchild wanted to say hi.
after that unreasonably funny interaction, timori and her baby sibling are reunited and have a grand old time traveling the whole kingdom with their parents (and holly, because they missed andra and wanted to tag along)
all in all, timori is a great kid, she’s just like me fr, and she and her dad constantly joke about their shared transness and the fact that they traded genders.
timori is transfem, and i hc grimm as transmasc. this makes for some lovely goofs in the troupe tent.
ok im done now 👍
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aewrie · 1 year ago
rambling about grimm hcs/au lore. and i mean rambling
my hc is that grimm adores kids & cares about them a lot, and i will die on that hill. like, if he were a regular guy with regular guy aspirations he'd love to be a kindergarten teacher. or run an art/craft club or such. something where he'd get to he'd get to spent time with kids, and encourage them to be creative and weird.
he doesn't hand grimmchild over to the summoner because he doesn't care, but because it's a necessary part of the ritual; the rare occasion where things do go wrong aside, he knows it's for the better, for the child to travel with the summoner. it allows him to rest before he burns (something he desperately needs, because once the child is in the picture, he is actively dying). it allows the child to experience things and grow beyond the scope of the troupe.
he is so protective of his child. yes, it is his reincarnation, but even if it wasn't, he would be. he was ready to die for the child when he did not realize what it was, when he did not want to be responsible for any child at all and was freaking out about the whole thing until he got too depressed about it to be freaking out. he was miserable, had nothing to gain from the situation as far as he knew, and the #1 priority was still the child.
(though, once he knew, and especially once he had trauma related reasons to be extra vigilant? yeah he might have overreacted to some truly, really, genuinely not-a-big-deal situations a few times.)
also, if an actual child did show up for his ritual somehow, he'd rather burn himself alive than go through with it. he can improvise with the ritual when circumstances are less-than-ideal and he cannot find a replacement summoner on short order, though it's not fun for anyone involved. least of all him. the course of action he would take is to find a home/caretaker for the child, gather what flames he can with the troupe's assistance, and torch himself. very much preferably in that order, so the kid wouldn't need to deal with him dying and whatnot; it is not a pretty thing to witness, even indirectly, and he will need more of an adjustment period after. not the best time to be dealing with a stray child.
just, him going up against a child (combat prodigy or not) for his own gain does not fit into the picture at all.
(i started this typing this whole thing bc i realized this specifically is a part of why child ghost bothers me so much lmao. and then i started going off on tangents)
(maybe he did do a double-take when someone tiny waltzed in, but i also think a great amount of variety in size depending on species just makes sense for bug people. and canon does have that kind of variety, too! regular mortal adults range from sly to old stag wait i forgot about bardoon he's the hugest actually, kids from millybug to marmu (these two are spirits but the sizes appear to reflect what their physical bodies were, given we have markoth and galien with actual corpses to compare to). it'd be really awkward and rude to assume shit based on size alone, i feel, if you can't clearly tell based on other features.)
grimm would also be very interested in an explanation as to how and why a child came his way in the first place.
basic rundown: there's these bugs who live apart from the troupe, keeping watch for dying kingdoms and potential summoners. the bug we dreamnail in the cave? was supposed to choose a summoner from amongst survivors, travelers, what have you. it would have been their job to set up and to light the lantern; and also to explain the task at hand and to guide the summoner to the troupe. from there, grimm handles things. alas, the bug died before they could fulfill their duty. good thing ghost had the dreamnail.
speaking of: if the dreamnail is a moth artefact associated with radiance only, it makes no sense for grimm to rely on it for his ritual. he either would have to have alternative means to achieve the same effect that all summoners can utilize, or do something else by default. in my version, no dreamnailing required. when things go as planned, at least.
when the ritual nears its end, conventionally, the nightmare king will find the summoner in their sleep, not the other way around. individuals with unusual skills or tools to reach dreams exist, thought they are rare. so while it was a surprise, it wasn't too odd for ghost to just pop in unexpectedly rather than being 'invited' (read: the nightmare king has found you! now it's time for the asskicking).
the summoner will be allowed into grimm's chambers, because the proximity makes things easier, but that's optional. not everyone can easily fall asleep when he's right there. some manage, and then wake up when they get trounced, and cannot relax again until they get some distance to grimm.
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devilcatdarling · 2 years ago
This ship seems popular so out of curiosity, opinions on Grimm x Hollow?
Oh boy oh lord and here's where I am a disappointment and or fandom party pooper xD
I don't ship them for various reasons. Let me preface this by saying I have nothing against the ship and I can absolutely see why a decent amount of people ship it for the opposing elements, aesthetics, and etc, but it's definitely not to my personal tastes at all.
This is one of the more common canon x canon ships I don't like (along with Pale King x Grimm and Hornet x Grimm) and reasons include but are not limited to the fact I hc Grimm as being the Radiance's Sibling, whom the likelihood of any of the Pale King's offspring + him wanting anything romance related to do with another god trespassing on their territory, much less the direct relative of their most sworn enemy, is slim to none. If anything they'd likely feel threatened by having another higher being show up in the remnants of their home and feeding on the nightmares of their remaining peoples
In addition I think adult Grimm from in game is...an ANCIENT god. Many many years old beyond the pale siblings and I don't really care about the age gap much as both characters are clearly grown adults and ascended gods in their own right but Grimm has a rebirth cycle that pretty much resets him to larval stage physically at the time of the ritual completion. I know some people view Grimmchild, Grimm, and the heart as separate entities and that's fine, but canonly it's said that Grimmchild, Grimm (and possibly NKG/Nightmare heart) are all one and the same. So the whole life cycle/age thing here gets really weird when you go by canon rules for it and take Grimmchild's ascension into the master role into account. I feel like his older current mortal form, which we burn in the ritual, is more of father/grandfather age physically when compared to Hollow, but again that's my personal interpretation and we have no reference for that. Most of this is also why I dislike Hornet x Grimm and avoid it
I do however ADORE when he's portrayed as developing a friendship with the siblings (abit very warily on Hornet's part and sheer terror at first on Hollow's) and or a more fatherly interpretation where he's a voice of reason as a much older higher being with a lot of years of experience and guidance to offer. I imagine this too would likely take a LOT of time to develop especially due to his heritage and status as a foreign higher being, not to mention he uhhh dies when the ritual is completed so
Yes Im boring I'm sorry xD
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ostebee · 6 months ago
I think it's so damn obvious that I was highly inspired by some Precure villains for my Grimm's writing and visuals. Precure just means too much for me now to draw inspiration from it. They have literally everything. Mannerisms? Shut from GoPri, Joker from Smile and probably Namakelder from Happiness Charge (haven't completed it yet). Visuals? Shut but in colour reverse. NKG? Mostly Close from GoPri but also a tiny bit of adult Lock attitude. Grimmchild? Probably Lock with more Kuroro traits.
Yeah, Dracula as main source for design is good. But HEYYYYY.
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