#grey's spoilers
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laureala · 1 year ago
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AMELIA AND RICHARD in Grey's Anatomy 20.03
Well sometimes I pop bubble wrap.
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greenmoons · 4 months ago
Lucas: my grandfather owned a convenience store. Jo: Did he ever tell you what to do if you're robbed at gunpoint? Lucas: He died before I was born. Jo: I'm sorry. How'd he die? Lucas: Robbed at gunpoint. Yeah, my Uncle Derek and Aunt Amelia - uh Dr. Shepherd - were there.
It was a great dialogue, Lucas mentioning this thing was priceless, and the close up on the watch was such a scary refrence.
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she-karev · 4 months ago
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SOPHIA BUSH as CASS BECKMAN Grey's Anatomy (Season 21 Episode 8)
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ponytailcoby · 10 months ago
So they tease the Yasuda/Millin pairing just to get rid of Yasuda next season???
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gaelic-symphony · 4 months ago
Was anyone else just...thoroughly unsatisfied with the way that Grey's Anatomy wrote Levi off the show? Like I get that Jake Borelli was leaving the cast, and I think having him take the peds research position in San Antonio was a good choice for his character, but the whole thing with James the chaplain just rubbed me the wrong way. I've called Levi "my gay Jewish son" for several seasons now and definitely did do the whole Jewish mother thing ("why can't my son find a nice Jewish boy to date?") when they introduced his romance with the chaplain, and like, I know that interfaith relationships are entirely possible and very common, and many Jews maintain their Jewishness and even pass it onto their children while in marriages or relationships with non-Jewish partners, but still. Levi is the ONLY Jewish character currently on this show, and the ONLY main character in TWENTY-ONE YEARS whose Jewishness has actually been central to his character development and several of his plot lines, so to have him in a relationship with not just a gentile but a Christian pastor feels very...not great. And then, in Levi's final episode, right from the gate, his Christian pastor boyfriend is quoting the fucking NEW TESTAMENT to him. Like, I get that he's a chaplain, and quoting the Bible is kind of what he does, and people are allowed to be Christians and believe in the New Testament and that's fine, but for this Christian guy to offer his Jewish boyfriend a New Testament quote specifically just shows such a lack of understanding and cultural sensitivity that I really don't want this man anywhere near my son anymore. But of course, instead of going their separate ways when Levi leaves town, Levi asks this goyische boy to move to San Antonio with him, and James says yes. My Jewish boy is going to be in TEXAS, away from his Jewish family and any Jewish community he grew up with, with a Christian boyfriend who thinks it's a good idea to quote the New Testament to a Jew. That is not a happy ending for my son. Not at any point, but especially not NOW. Levi, boychik, there are multiple Reform synagogues in San Antonio, I'm sure we can find you a nice Jewish boyfriend there.
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octaviaabadassblakee · 1 year ago
Adams lying and taking credit for something Yasuda figured out is so on brand for Derek Shepherd's nephew.
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bishopsbelova · 1 year ago
Thinking about how Jo was/is afraid about what if they don't work out; but Link is so sure that they're gonna work out because he's been in love with her for so damn long and he's gonna do everything in his power to make sure they work out.
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salt-pepper-jolex · 8 months ago
My top 3 Grey's ships:
3. Japril; They're so sweet, even when they're not together. She's so strong, and he's honestly one of the best Grey's characters ever. They'll give everything for each other and their Ladybug (Harriet). The fact that he'd go to church for her even though he doesn't believe in it was the most amazing thing I've seen him do for her.
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2. Ben & Bailey; He loves her, and she loves him. They work through their problems. He stood by her no matter what, and dropped everything to be there for her while she had her hear attack. They're rock-solid. Also, the 60 damn years thing was so frickin' cute!
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1. Jolex; Every single thing about them makes me melt. The powdered donuts in the supply closet, the "I love you" before their first kiss, the 4 proposals, the way they look at each other, and every single time they say "I love you. Jo pausing the honeymoon because of the cancer-killer cell idea, and Alex backing her up, him believing in her and letting her go to find her mom, but also, the gene kit, the first successful proposal, the weddings. Oh my gosh, the weddings. Her telling him she wanted to have a baby. Her supporting him when they went to Iowa to find Helen, the whole thing with Paul showing up, and when she needed therapy. I strongly believe that Jo and Meredith made Alex a better person, and I hate [certain people from] Grey's for throwing that away and robbing them of more Waffle Sundays.
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Also, honorable mention goes to Calzona; Arizona and Callie are so cuteeee and I'm so happy that they're endgame! (Yes, they're endgame, fight me on it.)
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iconsrequestsworld · 2 years ago
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like or reblog if you save. ♡
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flickertheory · 11 months ago
i am now desperate for your 3-hour rant about “the addison returns to grey sloan to do fetal surgery" episode”
i need this in my life diane don’t leave me hanging
so basically
I would die for addison (look, the mix between "diane realizes she likes girls" and "diane is very enthusiastic about female characters with red hair" is just a venn diagram.)
her season 18 (and/or s19??? don't remember) episodes on grey's anatomy aren't ALL bad. she gets to touch on her emotional hurt / her difficulty in parenting / her burnout / her relationship to roe v. wade as an OB-GYN who is no longer able to help people the way she knows how to.
she is so GOOD. kate walsh is phenomenal.
BUT there's also this string of episodes where addison is used to propel the plot forward. she has to sit through richard and meredith bickering about job stuff. she has to teach the medical interns because they are, understandably, struggling.
there's literally an episode where a pregnant woman is going through intense emotional pain and addison needs to shout at richard webber (I HATE HIM) to stop being so self-centered. Because addison needs to focus on her poor PATIENT, not richard's ego and his fixation on yelling at meredith
(look i am aware people dislike meredith but I just kind of like her, okay? she's not a character I love, but i do like her. she is my emotional support character sometimes.)
What a fucking waste of a character. She returns after, like, 5 seasons away and you use her to teach some random students she's never met (student characters that the audience is only kind of invested in, by the way!) instead of being able to FULLY see her bond with her old friends.
There is old friend content, THANK GOD (Addison & Meredith, and her with Amelia and Meredith's kids), but we could've had more of it if we didn't waste Kate Walsh's screentime like this!
Like, Addison also has relationships with Webber and Bailey that we wanted to see more of. And we all want more screentime of Addison & Amelia because they're practically sisters.
No one CARES about Addison's relationship with Benson Kwan, for instance, who is NICE but is not, like, a character any of us really know that well. Benson has been on the show for like 1 year.
Anyways Addison's grief and emotional turmoil is great. I love her and cautiously like her return episodes on GA but am so mad that they're wasting some of her screentime on "she needs to work on the medical case" rather than "she gets to build emotional friendships and gets a character arc.
They did this very recently with Arizona Robbins too, AND I'M STILL MAD ABOUT IT
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joysmercer · 11 months ago
finally acknowledging that mika did nothing wrong. took them long enough
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laureala · 11 months ago
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ARIZONA ROBBINS in Grey's Anatomy 20.04
It still smells the same in here.
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greenmoons · 4 months ago
It's like there is a jar with notes inside and each not is a different trauma that happened to the Shepherd family and Lucas just pulled out two notes to experience himself.
He was almost in a hellicopter crash (like the plane crash) and was in a robbery at a convenience store like his grandfather.
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wenellyb · 4 months ago
Not people are saying that Tommy's departure is the saddest exit for a side character when these guys exist:
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Also, Tommy is coming back
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ponytailcoby · 10 months ago
I just realized Schmitt and Yasuda are leaving and I was like "why they getting rid of the gays?"
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themanycouples19 · 1 year ago
Grey's Anatomy Monologues 20x01
The science of dreaming has been questioned for hundreds of years as you get further away from it, cling to any sign of hope but the longer it takes the more it costs you.
As hard as you work toward the dream it can feel like the whole world is plotted against you.
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