#grey left a LOT of hickeys on rey after that
reyphorian-art · 2 years
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just some rey & grey stuff
grey belongs to @cryptid-valley
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antivanruffles · 7 years
For @antivanonmytongue for the continued cheering up of the emo
Title: Bar None Author: Ruffles/Satine86 Warning: Swearing, booze, obnoxious J (the usual)  A/N: Taking place in that new weird Instagram Verse. More bro-sy than I intended, but still with that Rei/Jadeite goodness! ;)
The club boasted a…. well, Jared wasn’t really sure what it boasted. The design was all over the place; low-backed, modern looking couches and chaises lined the back wall, to the left was what appeared to be a well-stocked bar, complete with strobing, multicolored lights. On the right were tall, wire tables and leather cushioned chairs for those who wished to perch while they drank. The middle was a sunken dance floor, a crush of people writhing together while music pumped through the speakers.
Jared thought it was a ridiculous place to try and introduce your friends to your lady’s friends, but he wasn’t about to tell Nathan that. Though, he supposed this way they could all drink and any awkward lulls in the conversation would be down to a minimum. Especially since Zane was unable to grace them with his presence -- crafty bastard obviously planned it that way.
It barely took Jared anytime to spot Kent at a tall table near the bar, looking nervous and slightly out of place in his pressed charcoal grey suit and overly-starched dress shirt. He hadn’t even undone his tie, for fuck’s sake.
“You look like a fucking narc, man,” Jared said once he was close enough to be heard.
Kent frowned, looked down at his suit. “I came from work.”
“And I didn’t?” Jared gestured toward his dress pants and blue button-up, sleeves rolled to his elbows. The suit jacket was in his car, along with his tie. He’d shucked those the second he’d left the building. “You need to learn to loosen up.”
A pause, while ocean blue eyes surveyed the crowd. “Seen Mina yet?” Jared asked in a sing-song voice.
“I’m… what?” Kent sputtered, nearly dribbling his martini down his chin. “I’m not seeing Mina. We’re not… we haven’t.”
“Relax, stud.” Jared patted his shoulder. “I meant have you seen her, with your eyes, this evening?” He made a few elebrate hand gestures to go along with his words. Kent did not seem amused.
“No, I haven’t. Nathan isn’t even here yet.”
Jared nodded, flagged down a waitress and ordered a scotch. “Zane isn’t coming.”
“That twerp. Did he even give you a reason?”
“Some bullshit story about a work thing that sounded incredibly made up.” The waitress reappeared with Jared’s drink, which he took with a grateful smile before downing half of it. Next to him, Kent was watching the crowd, finally spotting Nathan as he made his way toward them.
He slid up to their table, a shiteating grin on his face. “Hello boys--”
“Zane isn’t coming,” Jared said by way of greeting.
“He isn’t coming?” Nathan frowned thoughtfully, absorbing the news. “That fucking shitstain!” He continued to mutter obscenities under his breath until Kent managed to get his attention, asking after Marnie and her friends.
“Oh, right! They should be here in a little bit. Someone was running late.” He started scanning the crowd despite his words, eyes lighting up almost immediately. Jared followed Nathan’s gaze and found Marnie plowing her way through the crush of people, clad in forest green. Just behind her was Mina, glittering like gold in a sequined cocktail dress.
Jared’s gaze darted toward Kent, noted how his eyes seemed to bug-out slightly at the sight of Mina. They all said their hellos; Jared hadn’t spent much time with either woman, but he supposed that was kind of the point of the night.
He watched closely as Mina grinned up at Kent, her head tilted in such a way to reveal the extremely obvious hickey on her neck. Jared nearly choked on his drink, caught Nathan’s gaze across the table. Nathan looked as stunned as Jared felt.
“W-where are the others?” Kent asked. Even in the darkness of the club, Jared was certain he could see a blush starting to creep up Kent’s cheeks. The night was gonna be worth it just for that.
“Parking the car,” Mina said, her attention solely on Kent. There was an awkward pause until Marnie spoke.
“We should order their drinks, Amy and Rei have both had long weeks. We’ll be back shortly!” She linked arms with Mina, gave Nathan a wide smile, and then headed to the bar.
“So,” Nathan drawled, flinging an arm around Kent’s shoulders. “Been out with Mina recently?”
“That’s hardly any of your business.”
“At least I have the decency to leave bite marks where the public can’t see,” Nathan said.
“Okay, I don’t want to be a part of this conversation.” Jared nodded cheerfully, turning away from his friends and fully intending to get a refill at the bar. That’s when he spotted a strangely familiar face.
She was dressed in a simple black sheath dress with a pair of red heels. She looked far more at ease than she had the other day when she’d descended upon Kennison’s office like an avenging Fury.
Against his better judgement, Jared sidled up to her at the end of the bar.
“Hello there, Shakespeare. Didn’t think I’d get to see you again so soon.” He rested his elbow against the bartop, tilted his head at her.
Her eyes widened as realization dawned on her. “What are you doing here?”
“Just enjoying a night out with friends. And you?” Jared smiled pleasantly at her.
She looked him up and down, eyes just as sharp as they were the other day, her mouth set in a thin line. “None of your business,” she finally replied.
Jared laughed. “And here I thought it was a come-on when you called me ‘mealy-mouthed’ the other day. I’m so sorry for misreading the situation.”
“You’re teasing me.” Her frown was even deeper now, eyes narrowed threateningly. Damn if she wasn’t pretty though.
“Sorry, it seemed a shame to let the moment slip by. Miss….?”
Whatever her reply was going to be -- probably another inventive threat of bodily harm -- it was lost over a shout from behind them. “Rei! There you are!” Marnie was hustling toward them, Mina and another dark haired woman in tow.
Jared stared for a moment, felt his eyes nearly pop out of his head the way Kent’s had earlier when he saw Mina. She was part of their group. She was Rei Hino, which made the other dark haired woman Amy.
“Sorry, I was held up by him.” She made a vague gesture in Jared’s direction, and Marnie met his gaze.
“You know Jared?” she asked, nose wrinkling in confusion.
Marnie nodded slowly. “Nathan and Kent’s friend. Jared Auckland.”
Rei turned to face Jared fully, eyebrows arching toward her hairline, “You’re that Jared?”
“I am. Fancy that.” Jared leaned forward a bit, cradled his chin in his hand and grinned at her. “Looks like we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other, Shakespeare. Also the offer still stands, if you ever need someone to practice on.”
“Ugh.” She whirled around, flagged down a bartender. “A shot of tequila!”
“I’ve already driven you to drink? I must be losing my charm.” he asked, both of them now completely ignoring the other women standing there.
“I doubt you ever had any.” The bartender sat down the shot in front of Rei, and she smiled her thanks before knocking it back a slight tilt of her head. Jared couldn’t keep from noticing the elegant curve of her neck, the creaminess of her skin. Really he knew he should stop goading her… it was just so fun when she was worked up.
“I like you, Shakespeare.”
“The feeling, I assure, is not mutual.” She slammed down the shot glass, daintily wiped the corner of her mouth with her thumb, and whirled around to look directly at Mina. “I feel like dancing. Do you?”
“Um… I guess?”
“Good.” Rei grabbed her hand and started dragging her toward the dance floor, leaving Jared and her bemused friends in the proverbial dust.
“Do I even want to know?” Marnie asked, crossing her arms.
“I’m sure she’ll fill you in.” Jared smiled, though his gaze remained on the dance floor, on a head of raven hair. “Eventually.”
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