#grey does streaming
arthyritis · 9 months
Considering that looming stream again:
👍 or 👎
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greydoesthearts · 9 months
I'm live colouring my puppets!! Come hang out :D
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nerdby · 2 months
So I'm watching X-Men: First Class for the first time in FOREVER -- it's been years because I have lost all patience with the vastly inferior Mystique 2.0 AKA Jennifer Lawrence. And anyway, it's only just occurred to me......
How the fuck did Charles did convince his parents to adopt some random, blue, runaway, orphan child?
Did he like brainwash his parents into adopting Mystique with his mind control powers????
Cause, I mean, that's awesome because kids should not be homeless. No one should be homeless, but it's also simultaneously horrifying and like.....Are we just not gonna touch on that??? Though from what I know about the Xavier in the comics it kinda tracks. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time he brainwashed someone "for their own good". Just look what he did to Jean.
This is gonna bug me now.
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discountskeppy · 2 months
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ohhh yeahhhh this is definitely my favorite way to watch jojo yesss fuck why isnt the entire screen just black i dont want to see a fucking thing i just want the shadowsss
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lightleckrereins · 2 years
Congrats on making the official Six Broadway Insta!! Another step toward being the official Six Co-Costume Consultant with Elisabeth!!!
Hey this is me taking forever to answer asks again. This is about the six halloween post if anyone is wondering.
But thank you so much!
This is technically the seventh or eight time I appear in one of the six official accounts but who is counting?
I am. I am counting. And keeping screenshots. If I am being honest I am to a point a little numb to queens sharing things from the game. Most of those werent posted by me and a few still conveniently not credit or crop the watermark. As nice as it is to know the queens like it most times it is the start of the whole "did they credit this time?" process.
But cosplay hits different. This is mine only. And I stopped tagging anything beyond the official accounts long ago. Yes comments are really nice (and I have a folder called serotonin messages) but cosplay is a thing I do because it is fun and because I love crafting. And lost important because I can see something and give myself the challenge of making it on a tiny budget and not buying any of the fancy expensive things. It is my thing.
Also yes Elisabeth and I say six should hire us at least once a week.
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medicinelarrie · 2 years
I don’t think Louis will count for your Spotify wrapped. Spotify stops collecting your data for that on 31st October
Spotify recently said that the data doesn't stop collecting. I definitely saw a tweet about it
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alienssstufff · 2 months
smth smth builder’s signature styles whatever - I love how instantly recognisable it is to be in a Bdubs build whilst not be jarring. This shot of both sides of the river is a wonderful example
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The custom trees. Are so freaking tall in compare to the default, yet their presence doesn’t feel obstructive. You don’t feel ‘blocked out’ from the environment as the deliberate thinness of the trunks, what height the leaves on the pine start at give just enough breathe room to: look through, catch glimpses of the other side, and be invited to Go Through It.
He says it in his commentary, a lot of what he builds is heavily grounded in realism. This area is not meant to be the centre of attention, the purpose of these trees is to Immerse and act as transition as one leaves the rest of the minecraft world and into Bdubs’ ‘more natural’ one — where the trees are grey, and the water is clear.
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I’m so fucking serious this random cut of the river is my favourite part in the entirety of this forest, I like how still it looks, I like how clear it is yet how dark it is not only to imply depth but that illusion that the river is reflecting its surroundings how you can even say the river is a dark green! Being able to come to these interpretations for something so simple to me perfectly captures what he wants in builds like these.
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And it STILL doesnt feel out of place because he does something like THIS. The way the stream gets progressively more and more opaque until it meets the actual main river is genius work. It gives the impression the water in Bdubs’ place is fresh in compare to the saltier, deeper water of the larger river it transitions.
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😭And a final thing, I know the white glass he used was done to suggest rushing water but I swearrr he has like a sixth sense in how to place them perfectly. (Forgive my shitty camera) From this distance if you squint you can see these dark and lighter shadows made by the trees, and by putting where the white spots are placed now highlights these small rays of sunshine poking through the leaves and shining on the river and I think that’s unintentionally the coolest thing.
whhwwh idk how to end this, I just really liked this new video for reasons above and wanted to tell the world why.
BdoubleO100 you never miss. Forever and ever.
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Here’s a shaky picture of Etho on his horse if you’ve made it this far :]
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ewqjeon · 2 months
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pairings: soft dom!jungkook x sub! bratty!reader
genre: fwb, smut
warnings! grinding, weed, high sex, unprotected sex (pls no), fingering, tit sucking, thumb sucking, praise/spit kink, ass spanking, bigdick!jk, doggy
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Jungkook slightly groans as he sits up straight with a groan, grabbing the small grinder off of the low-height wooden table with his left.
"Shit, never knew weed hits harder after a breakup." He chuckles with a scoff. After having gotten the weed and his bong, you soon have a lit blunt in your hand and a smile on your face when the effects of the weed sets in.
"Damn, Koo, this is strong stuff." You comment with a smile, laughing and inhaling another whiff of the scent of the weed.
"I know, right?"
Jungkook replies with a satisfied smile and a nod, taking a huge inhale of the burning end of the blunt which causes his lips to slightly burn. He blows out the smoke in that attractive way that just makes you want to kiss those pierced lips of his right then and there. However, you're too stoned to know what you're thinking or feeling so you just take another hit and chuckle.
"Damn, baby, you're high, aren't you?" Jungkook chuckles while taking the blunt from your mouth, placing it into his own and blowing out that smooth and steady stream of smoke. With the slight slur in your words, the redness of your eyes, and the glazed-over look you're giving him.. he knows you are pretty stoned.
"Hell yeah." You admit with a giggle, leaning back into the comfort of the couch and looking at Jungkook. "You ain't so sober either, pretty boy." You add with a smirk.
"I can handle more shit than you, love." Jungkook chuckles and gives a smirk right back, his glossy dark brown eyes peering into yours and his pupils dilated just a bit from the drug. He exhales the last bit of smoke that he's been holding in and places down the half-smoked blunt onto the table, his lips curved into that cocky little smirk of his.
Jungkook spread his legs, arms on the headrest of the couch with his eyes fixed on you. His gaze wanders down your face and body biting his lip as he does so.
"Damn, baby.. I gotta be honest with ya'.." Jungkook laughs when the drug settles in further and he takes hold of your jaw with his cold and calloused hand. "You are a cute and pretty thing, you know that?" He murmurs, his mouth slightly parted and his eyelashes looking longer than usual. He doesn't let go of your jaw as his cold palm makes you slightly shiver.
"Mhm, you flatterin' me or somethin'?" You murmur, blinking your glazed over eyes. Your skin is more sensitive because of the drug, so you can feel the roughness of his palm much more than you usually would, yet his touch doesn't feel uncomfortable.
With a smirk he pats his lap. "Sit on it, baby."
"Sit on it, you say?" You chuckle, though with no protest and no hesitation your eyes half-lidded, glossy and pink-tinted lips parted with a smirk, you straddle his lap without a second thought feeling his hard cock under his grey sweatpants.
With a satisfied groan Jungkook wraps his tattooed arms around your bare waist, squeezing you. "Oh, look at you... pretty girl on my lap, huh?" He chuckles while looking down at your chest, licking his lips with a smirk.
"You like this? Hm." You hum and chuckle, your hands reaching up to grasp the back of his soft and dark brown locks, pulling at them as you start to move your hips, grinding on him.
Jungkook lets out a satisfied groan at the pull and grind, tilting his head back a bit. Damn, that was a move that nearly sent a shudder through his whole body. His hands grip your waist further, his hips giving a slight buck against yours, his chest rising and falling with light heavy breaths and his eyes never leaving your face. "Mm, that feels good, baby."
A small moan slips from your lips as his hands grip your bare hips further and his hips grind back against yours. "Yeah? Like this?" You ask with a smirk, now grinding your pussy against his hard bulge with more force.
"That's it, baby. Just like that.." He groans, his arms wrapping further around you in a possessive hold that has no intention to let go. "Mm, you're so good at this." He murmurs while looking down just to watch your hips move against him, licking his dry lips again.
"Mhmm." You hum, pulling at his messy hair again to make him look up at you with his glossy doe eyes. You chuckle at that, leaning down to place your lips over his, pulling back ever so slightly with another chuckle before diving back in for a kiss.
His lips are warm and slightly chapped, his tongue eagerly pushing into yours to taste you. His hands grip your back, dragging down your skin just enough to leave faint but red marks behind. As you pull back and chuckle, he bites your lower lip and smirks, squeezing you with a tight grip and pulling you back into another kiss. His tongue invades your mouth once more, dancing and rolling with yours with needy and desire.
As he pulls you in for a second kiss, moaning into your mouth as he explores your wet and hot mouth, you feel his hand slowly finding its way into your shorts, pushing your panties to the side.
His cold fingers touch and rub against your clit, his teeth biting down on your lower lip. "Mm, you're already so damn wet, baby." He groans, his lips planting against the sensitive spot behind your ear that makes you shiver.
"Yeah? 'Cause of you. And nobody else." You moan softly, tilting your head a bit so he has better access while closing your eyes. You can feel his lips and tongue lapping against your neck, leaving hickeys and marking you as his.
He then pushes two fingers into your aching pussy, curling them inside of you.
"Mhm, nobody else but me. That's right, baby." He groans, his lips continuing to kiss and mark down to your collarbones then stopping there to kiss them as his teeth tug on the fabric of your top. "This is comin' off." He states, tugging on the material while looking into your eyes, his dark brown eyes meeting your gaze.
His breath hitches at the sight of the familiar pair of breasts. Nipples hard and so damn gorgeous.
"Fuck, I missed them so much." He murmurs and places his mouth on your left tit, sucking softly.
You throw your head back at the feeling of him having your nipple in his mouth, releasing a few soft moans for him.
He smirks, the feeling of your nipple in his mouth feels like fire. His eyes meet yours, his teeth grazing your nipple gently as he stares at you. "So beautiful, baby. So, so beautiful." He murmurs in a low voice that's only meant for you to hear. His one hand continues to rub your clit, teasing you while the other is squeezing your other tit, his touches almost needy. With your back arched and moan falling from your lips, his eyes watch you with pure unbridled desire and want in his eyes as an attractive laugh falls from his pink lips at the sight of you.
A moan slips past your lips when his mouth places a kiss against your chest, his breath hot against you. “Jungkook..” You giggle and chuckle while reaching for his shirt, tugging on the hem of it as you try to push it upwards.
He sits up at that, raising his arms above his head to allow you to pull his shirt over his head. He gives a smirk when his shirt falls on the ground, the dark ink of his sleeve on display.
“Need something, baby?” He teases.
A pleased gasp leaves your lips when his ink-covered arm is revealed, along with his muscular and toned torso. Your eyes rake up and down his body for a couple seconds before you chuckle and pull on his necklaces. “Shut up, you know what I need.” You scoff with a smirk.
“Oh, I do?” Jungkook chuckles deeply with a smirk at your statement, placing a hand on your neck then gripping it with a tight hold. “And, what’s that? Hm?” He asks with a tilt of his head, his eyebrows raising with a cocky look on his face while looking into yours.
“Your cock.” You grumble with a groan when he grips your neck with a firm but rough grip and his smirk drives you nuts. “Need you, Jungkook.” You murmur almost in a whimper, leaning in to his ear for a whisper while placing kisses on his jaw.
His dark brown eyes peering at you while his hand pushes your head back by your chin and you’re suddenly looking into his eyes. “Need me, huh? Pretty little thing like you needs me?” He chuckles softly and mockingly, his thumb brushing across your bottom lip.
You let out a small whimper at his words, his thumb running across your lower lip which he then taps to get you to open up. So, without any hint of hesitation, you immediately open your mouth wide open for him.
“Good girl. Gonna put that pretty mouth to use." He chuckles lowly at your quick compliance, his thumb slipping between your lips.
You hum at his chuckle, wrapping your lips around his thumb and sucking lightly to tease him. Your tongue swirls around the digit, letting out slightly whimpers and whines as you suck.
You can see Jungkook's adam's apple bob as he swallows thickly, his breath slightly hitched but still steady as to not allow a groan slip past his lips. His thumb presses against your tongue and he leans in to your ear, hot breaths fanning. "Don't tease me, baby.” He whispers, a low but slightly strained chuckle leaving his lips.
"Oh, or what?" You raise a brow at his whispered words. The urge to tease him even more was growing larger and larger, so you lightly bite on his thumb, letting the digit pull out from between your lips. Your tongue slides across the pad of it, smirking when his breath hitches again.
"Fucking slut asked for it."
A gasp is forced out of you when you're suddenly flipped over onto your stomach by Jungkook, your cheek laying against the soft pillows of the couch. You feel his presence above you, before a slap is delivered on your plump cheek.
"Don't act all smart now.” He mutters with an arched brow while rubbing his hand over the red spot his palm left behind, delivering another hard slap on your cheek at the same place.
"Ouch-!" You exclaim with a gasp when he spanks you, feeling that delicious sting from the slap. "Don't get so cocky-" You start to respond sassily, feeling his hand rub over the stinging spot before he slaps you again. Your words get cut off at the sudden slap, a low moan slips from your lips.
"Who was the one being all teasing and bratty? You." He huffs out with another smack that leaves a red handprint behind on your cheek. "Now look at you, moaning for me.” He grunts with an obvious smirk, his hand rubbing his large over the reddened skin.
"Shut the f-fuck up, Jeon." You try to form words, but fail to when the next smack has you moaning out again from the sting and burn of the slap. You look up at him over your shoulder while he rubs over the painful and red skin, giving him a bratty look while biting your lip.
"Mm, you're so pretty." He murmurs while licking his own lips, his eyes raking down your body and the way your chest and cheek are pressed against the cushions. He slaps you once more, his cold fingers touching your burning cheek before his hand slips down to your exposed hip.
"Now lift that ass up for me."
Slowly and teasingly, you wiggle your hips and lift them up, your hands coming down to grip the end of the couch with your chest still pressed down.
His lips spread into an amused smile at your teasing actions, a small sigh escaping him. "That's it, baby. Just like that." He whispers and looks down at you, watching each one of your move and arch of your back. He then reaches for his pants before pushing them down.
Feeling him entering makes you whine into the pillow and gripping the couch. "So big," You whine.
"Fuck, such a tight pussy." He moans as he begins to thrust into you.
Your lips are parted, small moans falling from between them as you rest your head against the pillow. You're unable to see behind you, but feel his hand gripping your hips.
He holds your hair in a ponytail, letting out a small chuckle at the sounds he pulls from you. His other hand's still gripping your hip, his thumb pressing into your skin. "Mngh.." You whimper upon feeling his cock so deep in your pussy, chills running down your body. “J-Jungkook..” You breathe out, the breath of your words shaky with anticipation.
“Do you missed having this cock inside of your pussy?” He murmurs with a small chuckle against your skin.
You slowly nod your head at his words, your breaths shaky and eyes fluttering. You missed this so damn much. "I've missed your dick so much.." You whisper, a small pout forming on your lips as a light whine slips from between them. "Missed us." You breathe, tilting your head back to look up at him over your shoulder.
"I missed us too, baby." He murmurs, placing a hand on your cheek and caressing the skin before placing his lips over yours, kissing you. His breath is hot, his mouth needy against yours as it works along your own. His cock is deep in your pussy, your bodies molding together as the kiss continues and his hand on your hip grips harder.
The needy and demanding kiss causes whimpers to leave your lips while you feel his body molding with your own, your hands reaching behind you to place your hand on his waist to pull him in closer. You can feel him groan slightly into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of his wet lips moving along yours. When he fucks you harder, a small gasp escapes both of your mouths.
"God, I've missed how your tight walls wrap around my cock.." He moans into the kiss, his teeth nipping at your lower lip before his tongue slips into your mouth. You let out a soft mewl at that, your fingers intertwining with his.
A muffled moan slips from your lips as he pulls away from your lips. Your back arches at how good it all feels. "Tell me," He groans and his hand wraps around your neck from behind as he pulled you up, your back know pressed against his chest.
"Tell me how good I fuck you, love." He whispers into your ear.
"Mmm.." You hum and nod your head at his question, whimpering when his hand wrapped around your neck. "Good, feel so good. Fuck.." You respond, your chest rising and falling at a faster rate as the slapping sounds of your skin's growing louder.
"Yeah, baby?" He whispers against your ear, his teeth lightly nipping at your earlobe before fucking his cock even harder into you. "What a good fucking slut, I'm so proud of you.." He chuckles under his breath while his hand slips down further from your neck toward your stomach pulling you closer to meet his thrust.
"Take that fucking dick, baby." He says between his thrusts.
With each thrust you're getting closer to your orgasm and you let out a pleased scream which is quickly muffled by his palm pressing against your mouth.
"It's 1am, baby." He laughs and snaps his hips even harder into yours. "We don't want to piss the neighbours off, don't we?"
You quickly shake your head. "I'm so fucking close, Koo." You try to speak through his palm.
"Mhm, already?" He breathes in your ear, a teasing tone in his voice. You can practically hear the smirk on his face when he whispers, his palm pulling away from your mouth.
Your eyes flutter at his words and breath in your ear, your heart beating quicker and your skin burning from his touch. “Yes..” You answer him with your own small smirk, biting your lip and tilting your head back to look up at him with hooded eyes, seeing him vice versa. His eyes boring into yours and his gaze looking intense with desire.
"I love the way you fuck me," You whisper.
“I fucking love you, Y/n. ” He says in a whisper in your ear which sends shivers down your spine, leaving goosebumps on some parts of your skin. He places small kisses against your neck then gives it a small lick on a certain spot, a small smirk forming on his face. That teasing, cocky smirk.
“Let go for me. ”
A low, breathy groan leaves your lips as his cock hits you like a damn truck bringing you closer to your release. Your teeth biting your tongue and eyes fluttering at the feeling of your orgasm.
He lets out a chuckle at the sight of your narrowed eyes and agape mouth pressing his lips on your forehead a messy and sloppy kiss.
"I'm so fucking close, baby." His breathless and needy whine has your heart stutter in your chest, and your breath hitches softly. The way he's pleading and pleading so desperately for you has your heart flutter and your body tingle, and you can't help but feel pride flood through you.
"I know, baby," You whisper back lovingly. "You're doing so well."
His whole body aches and throams with the need to release. As he moans and groans, you can't help but chuckle lightly with a soft moan. "Come for me, baby," You whisper.
Your words are enough to push him over the edge, and his hands grip your hips with a shaky groan leaving his chest. And after a couple of more thrusts, he finds his release and slumps down against you. "Fucking hell."
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jamminvroomvroom · 5 months
Now hear me out… Lando with a daddy kink. I rest my case (and send in my request).
heart to heart.
ln x fem!reader
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in which you’re heartbroken and lando knows exactly what you’ve always wanted.
oh, anon. how i love you. ngl haven’t written this trope much before so this was a baby-steps attempt… but it’s intense smut lmao. keep sending in requests guys, i’m getting through them (slowly)!! anyways enjoy, love you, tell me what you think <3
songs to set the mood: heart to heart by mac demarco
warnings: 18+ minors DNI!! smut, language, daddy kink (help), breeding kink (lord forgive me), friends to lovers (implied), mentions of cheating (not reader or lando), dom!lando, sub!reader
1.4k words
you’ve been friends for years.
sometimes it felt like the door was open for more, only to be quickly slammed shut when a cute barista handed you his number, or when lando slid into a bikini models dm’s. bottom line: it never ended up crossing that line and becoming more.
you’re crying on his couch when the line finally blurs.
“i just- i just thought…” you choke out a sob that cuts you off.
“what, honey?” lando coos, brushing some damp hairs away from your streaming eyes.
“i thought i’d marry him. how stupid is that?” you whimper. this is the worst breakup you’d gone through to date, and just like when anything goes wrong, lando is there with a spare shoulder for you to cry on. he always knew that your ex was a piece of shit but his warnings fell on deaf ears. “we talked about kids and houses. he asked me my fucking ring size.” you spat. all of this happened, of course, before you found out he’d been cheating on you with his boss’s assistant.
“you’re not stupid, honey.” lando pulls you in closer to his side.
you stay there for a while, letting the tears fall until there are no more left to cry and your face is drying up. your head rests on his shoulder, and when you turn it to look up at him, he’s already looking down at you.
pink lips are parted, slicked with a swipe of his tongue. two blue eyes turned to an icy grey dart between your own lustful pair and your lips, parted only to expel shallow, shaky breaths.
“kids and a nice big lawn, is that what you want?” he whispers. you shift against the couch, trying to hide the shiver the low gravelly tone of his voice shoots down your spine.
“mhm.” you nod slightly, sinking into his side and his eyes.
time speeds up for a moment; the hand he has wrapped around you finds your waist, and somehow he manoeuvres you onto his lap. it feels odd. odd, because it’s right. it’s new and yet it feels… familiar.
“why’d you waste all that time with those assholes, hm?” his voice is mocking, and your knees squeeze around his hips. “could’ve given you all that years ago. fucked a baby into you and put a nice, shiny ring on this finger.” lando pulls your ring finger between his lips, holding eye contact as he swirls his tongue around the digit. you tremble against him, his filthy words almost sending you slack against him.
“didn’t know you wanted me.” you pant.
“i’m gonna do things to you that will make sure that you never doubt me again.”
and he does.
you’re crying on his mattress, overstimulated, yet desperate for more. these are the only kind of tears he ever wants you to cry. he’s been between your legs for what feels like so long that hours could have passed and you wouldn’t question a thing. his tongue works over and over your throbbing clit and your hands rake through tangled curls.
“lando, please.” you chant, over and over again. you don’t know what you’re asking him for, but he seems to get it, because he doesn’t stop.
two fingers find your entrance, sodden with the remnants of more orgasms than you can count. in slides one, twisting deliciously before it’s joined by the second. you ascend, pretty much instantly, so overwhelmed by how good he’s managed to make you feel. your orgasm builds too quickly, and you’re dripping down his wrist before you can even tell him you’re close.
lando chuckles, tongue tracing the mess you’ve left as he shuffles on his knees between your legs. then, he’s hovering over you, balancing on one of his forearms whilst his other hand traces the curve of your body.
“having fun, honey?” he bumps his nose against yours, lips meeting yours a brief second later. it feels as good and as right the first time he kissed you earlier, and he licks into your mouth, deep and sensual. you moan into the kiss when you taste yourself on his tongue.
you can feel his cock brushing against your folds and you melt into the mattress, keening at his the feeling of him everywhere. your shaky hands skim his torso, feeling every dip and ridge under your fingertips. golden skin tenses, rippling flesh taut against your palms. your hips buck into his.
“tell me what you want, honey. need to hear you say it.”
“fuck me.” you mutter, rolling your hips once more. the angle you create means that his cock catches your folds and you can’t help but whine his name.
“how?” lando smirks, your chin trapped between his fingers. he makes you look at him, and you curse yourself for not doing this sooner.
“what you said earlier…” you choke out, trailing off.
“what did i say earlier?” he tease. you groan in frustration.
“please, lando.” you’re too hot, blush stains your cheeks and your neck.
“is my sweet girl getting shy?” he pecks your lips, kisses down your neck. when he reaches your ear, he tugs on the lobe. all you can feel is sharp teeth and warm breath. everything is slick.
“it’s okay, honey.” lando continues. “i remember. remember those wide eyes and pouty lips when i told you what i can give you. gonna make me a daddy, baby? finally gonna be mine?” he whispers, right into your ear. all you see is white.
“daddy.” you pant, when he finally slides into you, hard and deep.
“that’s it, baby.” lando grunts, hooking your thigh over his hip. you can feel the way his fingers dig in to your flesh, stopping him from falling apart instantly. his other hand takes your wrists, pushes them up the mattress until they’re pinned right above your head and he’s hovering over you, perfectly level. chest to chest, heart to heart.
shallow thrusts aid the deep grind of his hips, rolling slowly into yours. he’s everywhere, nothing separating your needy, flushed bodies. he never pulls all the way out, stays buried as deep as he can, and repeatedly hits that spot inside of you that allows you to see every star in the sky. you’re breathless, soundless, utterly helpless as you drown in him and everything he has to offer you.
you wonder if he’ll actually spill into you, mark you as his. it makes you dizzy, makes you shake, the idea of nothing stopping him from making such a mess between your spread legs. you want to beg for it but you can’t, the raging, wet pleasure in the pit of your belly rendering you speechless. all you manage is a dry plea of half of his name.
“lan-“ you begin, but he kisses the rest of the word out of his mouth.
“no, honey, that’s not my name.” he rasps, talks down to you in a way that pushes you even closer to sweet release.
“daddy. want you to be daddy.” you slur.
the reaction you get from him is worth every heartache you’ve ever suffered. his rhythm changes and now he’s slamming into you, and the sensation makes you cry some more, thick tears sliding down your neck which he tastes, licks away.
but then everything is soaking. you gush around him and his abs glisten. your throat burns from the scream, and then there’s silence, just for a moment.
“fucking hell.” he shudders, transfixed on the thin layer of you that seems to be everywhere.
he’s wrapped around you tight when he lets go, muttering unintelligible filth in your ear as he does. you stay intertwined for a moment, trying to piece together what you’d just done.
when lando eventually rolls off of you, he takes every inch of you in, a beautiful canvas covered in a memory. his eyes are warm again, soft. whatever had possessed him is long gone and he’s just lando again. your lando.
you attempt to wriggle across the mattress, seeking refuge in your forgotten pile of clothes on the floor. he stops you in your feeble attempts to peel your lifeless body off of his bed.
“hey, it’s okay, honey. let me look after you.” he coos, gentle sitting you up. “you okay?”
“thank you.” you whisper. your lips meet, fleetingly, delicate.
“‘m gonna take care of you, baby.” he promises. you believe him.
i don’t know what came over me lmao whoops
@boysthatgovroomvroom @thegirlinthefandoms @welld0nebaku @mcmuppet @japanesekel @vinvantae @ggaslyp1 @dr3lover @smiithys  @rachstash @infinitebells @multilovebot @fizzpopsnap101 @gaily19 @icecoldtires @mysticalnightenthusiast @thatchickwiththecamera @oyesmendes @disneydaydreameralways @canyouseethesainz @ferrarifwendvale @fcbformulaeri @tony-stank3 @maih23 @nokiaholland @soleilgrec @carolineworld @anthonykatebridgerton @allywthsr @iamasimpingh0e @ophcelia @lovelynikol16 @coffeehurricanes @jennx03 @blueflorals @lqvesoph @sidcrosbyspuck @better-dead-than-smeg @buendiabebeta @pjofics @kovalcin @wintergilmore3 @for-writing-shit @youdontknowmeshh @im-an-overthinker @jule239 @darleneslane
removed any tags that weren’t working! lemme know if you wanna be added or removed <3
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elliesgaythoughts · 4 months
Peek a boo
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Perv!Sub Ellie x Dom!fem!reader
Warnings: masturbation r! and Ellie, squirting, fingering, oral E!receiving, blindfold, tribbing, reader smacks Ellie’s face(non sexually), blood(non violent or menstral), dildo e! receiving💙
You knew Ellie like the back of your hand you knew what she liked you knew what she loved you knew her fears and what made her tick and apparently that all was you. Everything she does is you she lives and breathes you. Ellie obviously didn’t know you were aware of all this, to her all you knew is that you two met in collage and lived in the same flat to save money.
You both weren’t exactly close but you were polite to eachother you would say “hi” to her and she’d reply the usual “hello” shyly and scurry back to her room avoiding your gaze.
You’d be worried that she didn’t appreciate your company if it wasn’t for you catching her literally moaning your name in your bed with her nose nuzzled into your pillow, ass up and hands frantically moving in her boxers, the dark grey patch on the centre of the fabric standing out from the rest. You were supposed to be out all night but decided to come home early and head to bed because of a pounding headache, only to be greeted with such a pathetic yet ego boosting scene.
You never brought this up to her, instead you wanted to see how far she would take it and to be honest you loved the idea of this timid little nerd being completely obsessed with you.
Your tests started small, leaving your chapstick out in the morning just to find Ellie with a pink tint to her previously chapped lips and a guilty aura surrounding her when you got home but it grew thrilling to see just how addicted she was to you, you wanted to see her take this thurther leaving your white lace thong on the top of the dirty laundry pile, only to come home to all your clothes folded perfectly and smelling of fresh cotton outside your room door but your underwear was nowhere to be found and you’d have it no other way, to say the least, you found flattering and you loved the attention, so it became routine, you’d leave a pair of your underwear out every Friday morning and they’d be missing for you getting back home, only to show up randomly a week later.
What you loved to do was play with yourself moaning loudly into the night and no matter how late it was you’d hear little creaks on the floorboards outside your bedroom door and if you swallow your moans enough you can hear Ellie’s rapid breaths on the other side of your door and little wet squelches, after you came to the thought of Ellie getting off to just your moans you roll over tierd looking at the digital clock that read 4:32am. you hear her room door click close and a thud as she throws herself on her bed and sighs, you sigh with her. It was fun teasing her but you wanted more, you wanted to see her when she was whimpering and moaning and crying out in pleasure because of you, you wanted to see the tears stream down her freckled face and so you made it your mission..
You chose to give Ellie exactly what she gave you: a fucking show. There you were, in the exact same position you found her in that fateful night, ass up and head in your pillow your thong pulled to the side as you played with your dripping cunt, your room door swinging open and moans of Ellie’s name leaving your lips just loud enough for it to sound like your calling on her. You dipped your finger into your soaked entrance because just the thought of Ellie catching you like this had you fucking dripping, thrusting in and out of yourself and whimpering her name summoned her like magic, you heard that usual squeak of your floorboards knowing she’ll find you like this, you arch your back deeper and release the most sluttiest moan you’ve ever heard and shove a second finger into your weeping entrance “fffuck Ellie ri-right thereee ughh”. You hear a muffled groan, smiling to yourself you peek between your legs and you almost cum at the sight, Ellie leaning against your doorframe with a hand over her mouth, eyes close and her hand moving frantically in her trousers, her head tilted back in pleasure.
“ELLIE!??” you shout in faux shock pretending to try cover yourself, her eyes pop open and the colour drains from her face, she looks like she seen a ghost and tries to back away but trips up on her own two feet, falling on her ass, poor baby. You stand up walking towards her and she can’t even move. You admire the blush on her cheeks, the tears brimming in her eyes under her glasses and the slick glistening on her fingertips “i-i am so sorry” she sobs out and you shush her, extending a hand out to her, she grabs it fearing she could somehow make you more upset by refusing your hand. You pull her to her feet and regardless of height, she’s still practically cowering beneath you.
“aww Ellie were you watching me fuck myself?” You coo.
She doesn’t answer you, instead she stares at the floor silently.
So you slap her across the face, not too hard but enough for her to groan a little in pain as she rubs her cheek, staring at you stupidly, clearly in shock by your actions.
“answer me” you speak.
“yes” she practically barley whispers and she looks like she’s about to pass out, even in this situation she can’t help but scan your body in your underwear sheepishly admiring every curve. Wrapping your hand around Ellie’s wrist you walk her into your bedroom.
“Sit” you instruct tilting your head towards the bed and she does exactly as she’s told sitting on the edge of your bed. You don’t even glance at her as you walk to your wardrobe, leaning over to look through your drawers, putting your dripping pussy on display for her, your thong still pulled to the side, her breathing and squirming is the only sounds filling the room till you speak still looking through the drawers “strip”
“what?” she whispers
“don’t make me tell you twice Ellie”.
You listen to her shuffle for a bit before you stand straight and turn to face her, the sight of her in just her boxers make your cunt ache as trail towards the bed, a peice of pink fabric in your hands, you crawl on top of it and raise your hand to make a come hither motion at Ellie, the poor girl is practically shaking as she crawls towards you and sits between your legs, your hands trace her shoulders to try calm her down “did I look pretty?” You whisper.
“what?” She trembles between your legs
You huff “did I look pretty…with my fingers buried in my pussy ellie?” You place kisses on her shoulder.
She closes her eyes and squeeze her thighs together “Really pretty” she breaths out
“Did I make you wet baby” your lips graze her neck
“Y-yes” she whines
“You’re such a perv Ellie, I bet you wanna watch me suck on your pussy, do you want that?”
“Pleasee” tears are brimming in her eyes with desperation
“You don’t deserve that tho, do you ellie?”
She stays quiet, knowing the answer
“No you don’t get to see my lips wrapped around your pretty clit, do you?”
“Please, please”
You trail your fingertips to her inner thigh and her hips buck, her glasses sliding a little down her nose and she reaches up to push them back up but you stop her hand and pull the frames off her face placing them on the bedstand and she’s watches you curiously
“you’re not gonna need them” you reassure her.
She knows exactly what you mean, picking up the pink fabric, you hold your hand out and she places it gently in your hand “good girl” you say and peck her on the face, she whines at your actions “I don’t think you deserve to see me Ellie, not after letting me catch you being such a little perv”.
She squeezes her thighs together at the thought off you blindfolding her and fucking her “bet you wanted me to catch you, just want me to put you in your place baby huh?”
“Mmhm” she confirms,looking down, you follow her gaze and see a ridiculously large wet patch on her boxers, her slick literally leaking through them and onto your duvet, the sight makes your cunt throb, getting on your knees behind her, you’re squeezing your thighs together as you say “relax for me baby” she nods, playing with her hands in her lap and you reach round grabbing her chin pulling her into a sloppy kiss and she’s moaning into your mouth instantly, tongues rolling against eachother, wet smacking sounds filling the room, her drool landing on your chin as she grinds into the bed, your hand wraps loosely around her throat to get her attention
“you’re gonna do exactly as I say, and if you don’t I’ll stop do you understand?” She nods frantically “good fucking girl” you praise and her hand reaches down to touch her clit but you slap it and she yelps pulling her hand away “that’s mine now, understand?”
“Y-yes ma’am” you roll your eyes behind her head, of course she has a fucking ma’am kink.
“Your safe word is peach” you say placing the blindfold over her eyes and tying it behind her head “what’s your safe word?”
“Peach” she breaths out
“Good girl” you kiss the top of her head and stand off the bed “lie down for me angel”
“Yes ma’am” she whispers laying down, you look down at her admiraing her chest raising and falling with her heavy breaths, she looks so helpless like this, her hands gripping onto your sheets, all you want to do is make her feel good.
You stand at the bottom of your bed and Ellie gasps as you grip her ankle’s gently and pull her legs apart, crawling in between them, you kiss the tip of her pretty nose and you swear you see her lip twitch, it makes you blush, she truely is the most beautiful woman you have ever seen.
you place a barely there kiss onto her little smile “you’re gonna do exactly what I say and if you don’t I’ll stop, understand?”
“y-yeah” her shyness returning.
You hear her nervous breaths so you reach down and interlace one of your hands with hers, holding it besides her head to let her know that you’re not gonna hurt her..too much. She returns the touch by squeezing your hand tightly, you practically melt for this little geek.
You hold a kiss to her lips for a moment and pull away to kiss her jaw, your other hand trailing up and down the outside of her thigh, making goosebumps appear on her porcelain skin, your lips trail to her ear
“i could do anything I want to you…and you’d let me” you laugh
She’s nodding as you trail you teeth across the sensitive spot on her neck, she moans as you nip the skin there licking over it messily and pressing a wet kiss onto the purple skin, Ellie’s crying out like she’s already being fucked senseless.
You kiss the valley of her chest and peck your way to her pink nipple and flick it, she gasps as her hips buck into yours and you shush her “shh, I got you baby” you trace her waist as you suck on her sensitive nub, your hand catches her by surprise as it reaches up and tweaks the opposite nipple before your mouth laches onto it sucking and flicking, your spit practically coating her little breasts, it’s to much and not enough for her at the same time “p-please, please” she begs, defeated already, and you know what she wants, your lips barely touch her as you lightly trail them down her chest valley all the way to her auburn happy trail, you kiss the waistband of her boxers and press your lips onto her mound through them “can I take these off angel?” You whisper against her skin
“Please” she pleads, nodding.
You hook your fingertips into her waistband and pull, relishing in the sound of the fabric separating from her wet, sticky folds and the soft gasp that leaves her lips when your warm breath hits her throbbing clit. you trail both your hands lightly up her inner thighs and push them apart dipping your head and licking her outer lips that were already soaked in her precious slick, “ughh” her hips buck towards your face, one of your hands push onto her belly to shove her deep into the matteress, you experimentally lick across her clit and moan at the taste of her, suddenly becoming insatiable you begin licking and sucking on her precious clit messily, her slick coating your nose down, she’s squirming as you begin licking up and down her sensitive folds, tasting all her essence, you suck on her labia as you make your way down to her entrance and circle it, shes pulsing, desperately trying to suck you in.
“plea-ahh!” she squeals as you push your tongue into her warmth, your nose brushing her wet clit, she instantly laces her fingers into your scalp and starts to ride your face, her thighs pressing against your jaw and hips bucking up, you pull your pink muscle out and shove it in again, she’s practically crying out above you as you feel her belly contracting under your palm, you shove your face deeper into her suffocating yourself with her womanhood as you hook your arms around her thighs, her walls are squeezing on you, “d-don’t, don’t stop, umgonnacum uhhh pleaseee” she cries out.
You turn your face to the side cutting off contact with her and she practically starts to cry above you as she desperately humps your cheek trying to seek any friction, you lift your head “you cum when I tell you to cum” you instruct.
“Please please, I’m sorry” she sobs out, just desperate to cum.
“oh you will be” you breathlessly laugh out…
“Eleven, fffuck t-twelve-” she sobs out as you push your finger in and out of her leaking entrance, she wants to squeal your name but she knows if you she stops counting you’ll also stop, shes already fucked up once making you restart when you where in the thirties.
You ram into her harshly
“ahh please” her thighs are twitching
“Number?” You ignore her pleads
“Th-thirteen, can I cum”
“N-” you’re cut off when she interrupts you with her begging
“Pleasee” as she squeals as she clamps onto your finger
You slap the outside of her thigh harshly and shove a second finger inside her, thrusting to punctuate every word “no.ellie.you.can’t.”
You thrust into her a few more times and you feel her walks clamp tightly onto you, her thighs squeeze your forearm and she’s pleading “sorry” repeatedly, knowing that she can’t stop herself from what she’s about to do any longer, and you let her, knowing you can use this as a reason to punish her. she squeezes your fingers so tightly you can’t even move them anymore and she’s writhing above you, her hands dug into the sheet beneath her as she screams your name, pearlescent cum leaks from her, all down your fingers and palm, dripping onto your duvet, you kiss her navel as her breathing steadies she holds onto your hair gently, you slowly begin thrusting into her again and she can’t take it as she feels you speeding up “s’to much” she squeals clamping onto your fingers again, you pull your finger out her and she whines in disappointment, only to scream when you push in a third finger and slam into her repeatedly hitting her sweet spot, her nails are digging into your forearm, light specs of blood treakling down your arm “stop stop pleasee” she sobs
You lean down and suck her clit a few times
“doesn’t sound like the safe word”
“Please” she sounds so weak
“Thought you wanted to cum, fucking slut” you end the sentence with another hard thrust and flick your tongue across her clit and she can’t even speak as she wraps her legs around your head and squirts all across your face, you still inside her and flick her clit a couple more times, feeling her almost crush your fingers, you hear her sob and almost feel a little bad, pulling out of her and crawl up her to kiss her passionately “th-thank you” she says into the kiss.
You were supposed to be punishing her, but apparently she liked getting treated like a fucking whore.
“I hope you don’t think I’m done with you” you say.
“I know” Ellie confirms..
You’re thrusting the faux dick softly in and out of her, hand on the base as you roll your tongue across her bud, the taste of her had you literally salivating, you close your eye’s, listening to her whines and pleads and you fucking can’t take it anymore.
“Take it off” you beg but she can’t hear you past herself, moaning loudly. You squeeze her hip to get her attention and her head whips in your direction.
“Ellie, take it off, please”
Her hand reaches up and she shakily pulls the blindfold off, her teary green eyes locking onto yours, you look up at her, taking her whole clit into your mouth sucking and flicking at it, she grabs your hand that’s pressing on her lower belly, interlacing her fingers with yours and she starts to tremble a little “p-please ahh oh my god” her hips are twitching “don’t stohp” she whines as a white ring starts to form at the bottom of your dick as you quickly speed up your pace pushing in and out of her, her orgasm takes over her, legs spasming and belly contracting, you slow down your thrusts and lay your head on her inner thigh admiring as her bud twitches. You pull out hearing her whine at the feeling of being empty, you peck her pink fluttering clit and she hums at the sensation, you kiss her lower belly and look up to her face watching the tears roll down her freckled cheeks as her eyes are close in bliss, you crawl up her body and kiss her on the lips, both hands on her chest. She opens her eyes slowly and stares into yours her arm hooked around your waist, you pause admiring the sight you’ve made out of her.
Her hand reaches up cautiously and pulls your bra cup down a little and starts to play with your nipple, you moan at the touch “wha-ughh what are you doing?”
“you never got off” she says, concerned about your pleasure
“It’s okay baby”
“No, no it’s not” she huffs and kisses you again
You pull away “you’re right angel, you got one more in you?” you smile
she closes her eyes preparing herself for what’s about to come and takes a deep breath “yes”…
Your pussy is above hers, your slick landing on her clit, you press your warmth onto hers fully you both are breathing heavily as you drag yourself across her, moving your pelvis forward and backwards, her hips matching your rhythm, your holding each others hands, your face on the side of her neck breathing down her skin as you rut against eachother, tears welling in your eyes and squeezing around nothing, your clit is beating against hers as warm tears roll down your face your voice raising in pitch, the only thing you can think and feel is ellie, her name leaving your mouth like a prayer on loop
“D-don’t stop” she begs as your flesh becomes one, heat burning off each others skin as ellie desperately presses her lips to yours breathing life into you as she cums onto you, her body shakes, her clit banging against yours repeatedly and your head dips agains her chest as you tremble above her and your orgasm crashes over you, you cum, squirting onto her, your limbs growing weak, some of your release dripping into her as you collapse against her, chest to chest, both of you close your eyes and the only sound filling the room is the sound of each others gasps for air
You feel like your heart is swelling out of your chest as tears well in your eyes, you feel genuinely happy for the first time in years, “I love you Ellie” you speak into the silence.
“I love you too” she whispers, you press your lips to hers and she sobs into your mouth, you feel her hot tears against your skin “it’s okay baby, I got you” and now your the one crying, hands wrapping around eachovers bodies “I love you” she says again against your lips.
“I love you too Ellie” you reassure her.
You both lay there limbs and hands intertwined, head in the side of her neck as you fall asleep as one, the warm sunrise shining through your window and landing on your shared flesh…
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arthyritis · 8 months
Good stream!! May have overdone it a lil with my hand though :(
Cute art coming on greydoesthearts in a sec!!
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sanjisblackasswife · 5 months
Black Fem! Cam Girl Reader in Mind
CW: Nanami has a voice kink, He’s a pervert, Uhhh, mutual masturbation, uhhhhh yeah pure slutty smut
Thinking about Nanami’s little dirty secret of him watching a specific cam girl almost every other night when he gets off work.
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He don’t even remember when he started watching her, he watches porn like any other man yes, but as far as joining sex calls or live streams or even only fans just wasn’t in his interest.
However he misclicked a twitter link once and since then he’s been a regular watching her.
She’s has a relatively smaller audience since she’s new , no more than 40-50 people and doesn’t get many comments, but quite a bit of donations from anonymous perverts that ask her to do things like play with herself with a specific sex toy she has lined up.
It was a marvel to behold to Nanami, her beautiful figure plastered on the screen when he clicks her live, her pretty full legs spread so wide they get out of the camera. He swears he heard her mention she has been in gymnastics.
Her skin complexion was also what captivated him, she looked fake almost. Not in a derogatory sense, but it was astonishing how someone as beautiful as her has less than 100 veiws despite being so new.
Every night he comes home, mentally drained, throwing his clothes from one area of the room to the next, he’ll worry about it in the morning. As for now, it’s almost 9pm which means his favorite girl is about to start the show.
It started off as something he swore to watch once, get off, and never go back to the site again.
That was until he became addicted to the way she cums.
Something about it.
The way her left thigh twitch and jiggles signalling she’s close, her fatty lower lip being chewed on while her voice gets higher in pitch, the way how her eyes squint, but fail to keep focus as they roll back.
She sounds so fucking sexy when she cums.
She is so whiney and needy she begins to overstimulate herself which really drives Nanami over the edge.
“So greedy…” Nanami thinks as his strong fist grips the base of his dick, “Fuck keep going.
She plays with her breast a lot too when she cums on her little fingers, rubbing her clit in circles, bucking her hips at the camera.
It never failed to make the tired blonde man cum in seconds.
It’s been almost a month of this and he tries not to think about it too much. Watching her for a moment, getting off then immediately shutting off the laptop to clean up and go to bed.
but tonight he wanted to go a little further.
He never comments, he never donates, but tonight there was something in the air, maybe it was the new lingerie she wore to show off, maybe it was the need of seeing more of her. Though it’s been a month, nanami began to stay after cumming, watching her reply and give thanks to donations. He once stayed an entire live and honestly it was most he ever came in his entire life.
She was just so cute. Her voice was so delicate and sweet despite the slutty acts she was doing.
“Fuck it.” He though, clicking and typing away.
“Mr. John Doe has donated $150.”
“Oh!” Her voice almost purred in his heard making him groan as he laid on the headboard of his bed. “Thank you Mr. Doe. That’s so kind of you!…um…as a thank you do you have any requests for me tonight?”
Nanami’s breath hitched a little, her big doe eyes looking at the screen of her chat, she insisted she’d do almost anything and for a moment Nanami was going to just tell her to do whatever she liked but…
her voice. He needed to hear it more.
“Mr. John Doe has Donated $250: Moan my name while you play with yourself, it’s Kento.”
Her eyes widened at the message for a second leaving Nanami to sigh in embarrassment, why would he do that of course she’s not—
“Kento…that’s a really cute name.” She giggled, taking off the top of her pink and black set revealing her breast to massage, “Mkay! Thank you again, Kento..”
It was like her voice had a spell on him, immediately he lowered the waist band of his grey sweats and pulled out his dick and lube from his nightstand.
She did as told, teasing herself with her fingers on her clit, Nanami watched carefully stroking the shaft of his dick at the same pace as her,
“Kentooooo..” She whined throwing her head back., “‘Wish you were here to do this for me…’need you so badly..”
“Fuck..” Nanami growled, he wish he was there, one of his fingers are twice the size of 2 of hers, he knew he could have her cum way faster, maybe even squirt all around his wrist and hand, but alas.
He’s stuck w his own sticky seed flowing down his knuckles and palm. He overstimulated himself to the point he felt a tear fall down the corner of his eye.
“Ken! Kento!” Her voice pitched, she’s close, “Kento yes!”
The chants of his name while she falls flat on her back leaving nothing but her drooling wet cunt on screen left Nanami speechless, his cheeks were pink and hot, his hair no longer properly parter but flowing over his eyes he couldn’t take it. He wish he knew her real name and not username to moan with her.
“Hah…” She breathed moving back towards the camera, she started sucking on her own wet sticky fingers, and that made Nanami’s cock twitch , she’s such a dirty girl. “Hope it was to your liking, Kento. Thank you for the donation!”
If only he could give her more than a few dollars and stupid requests.
Part 2 Here
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mini-ism · 15 days
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⋆ warnings: ADULT CONTENT (MDNI). camboy!au, masturbation, no beta read.
⋆ pairings: gallagher, sunday, aventurine, welt yang, dr. veritas ratio (separate) X reader.
⋆ notes: this is a part 2 (that nobody asked for lol), i hope i didnt butcher anyones character 😓
⋆ PART 1.
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⋆ gallagher will actually oil up if you tell him to — and he does it with a dirty grin. he always wears his signature magenta tie, or maybe a collar if he’s feeling extra naughty. not much is known about gallagher, truthfully. gallagher likes to flex his biceps, he knows that drives you mad. his arms are all scratched up, speckled with patches of scar tissue up to his shoulders. he has a strangely magnetic gaze, one that calls to you as he strokes himself. he lolls his head, letting out a long, heavy moan. his brown hair starts to stick to his face as he sweats, teasing his cock to drive his viewers wild. he edges to get you riled up, raising his eyebrows as he pumps his shaft with two big, thick, calloused hands. he likes to cuff himself to his bed, unable to pull away from a vibrator or his own hand. gallagher is very personal with his viewers at times, ranting about his long, boring day at work with a hand on his cock, calling himself an “old dog” and blabbing about bitchy people. if there’s one thing about gallagher that you know, it’s that he’s a dirty, old showoff. oh, and, if you finish before him, he will relentlessly tease you for it.
⋆ sunday infrequently streams. there’s something so filthy and impure about it that drives him somewhat wild. he doesn’t like to show his face on camera a lot, it could end up bad if it becomes public knowledge that he’s the one on stream. however rare it may be for him to stream, let alone show his face, you can’t ever get enough of his flushed face. he’s just so pent up, and every time he gets close, his wings start to flap a little, it’s adorable. his wings are perfectly preened, his body is well taken care of, and his hands are simply beautiful. his skin is quite pale, it sometimes looks slightly grey, but his knuckles are rosy, and his face gets so, so red. his cock is just as gorgeous, his entire body is well maintained, his tip just as rosy as his knuckles. he lets out small babbles as his cool, collected exterior starts to falter from pleasure. he teases the slit of his tip with his thumb, stroking slowly, dampening his moans with his other mouth. what he does secretly is just so, so impure, it’s sinful, it feels all too good to show his fans what he cannot show the world. it’s amazing, having no control for once.
⋆ aventurine is showy. he’s already pretty showy (he has a lot to compensate for, in all honesty), but when he’s right in front of the camera, something in him changes. he likes to make his streams feel one-on-one, he knows that’s what gets him donations. sometimes, he likes to make “bets” on who will come first, you or him. it’s always you, especially when he dirty talks and picks up the camera to show you how hard and needy he is. he licks his lips and he moans softly when he pumps himself, taunting you to cum, confessing how hard this makes him. he always makes sure to ruin your orgasm indirectly, never letting you get what you want. shouldn’t seeing him already be enough for you, or are you just selfish?
⋆ welt never anticipated becoming a camboy. he was reluctant, but he strangely started to enjoy it. he doesn’t have much personal time, between his job, his duties, his life, he doesn’t savor the time he has alone with himself all too much. welt loves to praise you, urging you to come for him, come to his body and his dick. his gaze is so, so gentle, egging you on for longer, edging himself just so you feel good. his audience loves that about him, he’s endearing and selfless, he doesn’t even have donations on. he mostly streams for the fun of it, he loves encouraging you to feel your best, showing you every part of him that you want, flexing his muscles, giving you THAT look, moaning for you. he strokes his cock softly, whimpering with pleasure and whining as he feels his abs after he edges again. welt absolutely has a cult-like following, the majority of which have some sort of DILF fascination.
⋆ veritas ratio was openly against the idea of streaming. he shut it down every time, but something in the back of his mind nagged him. he grew in popularity in a short time, tugging on his cock with a strange scowl-like smile on his face. he was wonderfully sculpted, though, he loved to show his body. he would occasionally post to other platforms with photos of him shirtless. sometimes out of the bath, skin still glistening and wet, or after a workout in a mirror. in due time, veritas became used to flaunting his body, sneakily placing a rubber ducky somewhere around his home, whether it be his living room, his room, wherever, and challenging his viewers to find it. he’s mildly agitated whenever a member of his audience calls him “ducky” or “mr. ducky.” the ducks are part of the reason why he blew up so fast. veritas knows he’s handsome, though, and he loves to tease, pulling his cock from his boxers when he can’t bare another second of not touching it. he’s big, and he loves to talk about what he’ll do to you. he wastes no time, making sure to pleasure himself and you as efficiently as possible, he’s a master of dirty talk, especially with that commanding voice of his.
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rinniessance · 8 months
READY, SET, GO ༊*·˚ - satoru gojo x cam girl f!reader x suguru geto
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your roommates, satoru gojo and suguru geto, find you in a compromising position: legs spread, toys ready, camera recording. what do you do in this situation? you ask them to join, of course.
꒰ warnings: nsfw - mdni .ᐟ.ᐟ non-curse au. reader is a cam girl. threesome (mfm), everyone is kinda gross in this, unprotected sex, double penetration in one hole, kinda manipulation, slight degradation (they call you slut a lot), consensual filming. pure filth ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ // word count: 1.8k ꒱ ꒰ notes: i have been possessed by a horny demon aaaa save me .ᐟ.ᐟ꒱
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fuck, how did this happen? you were always so careful, double checking your schedules, triple checking theirs, making sure that yes, your roommates, gojo satoru and geto suguru, will be gone and away. because the situation you find yourself in right now is exactly what you were scared of the most: they should’ve been away, they were not supposed to be home until 3 hours later so you didn’t lock your door. you were laying on the bed, your camera positioned at your feet, capturing the perfect view of your spread legs and wet pussy as you lay against the headboard. you didn’t notice them coming back – which led you to not hold back your next cry of pleasure.
“yo, is everything good?” gojo asks as he knocks on your door. and because you are a dumb dumb whore who decided not to lock the door, it swings open.
gojo is met with the heavenly sight: his cute and quiet roommate impaled on a 10 inch dildo, wearing the skimpiest piece of cute pink lingerie, moaning and whimpering to hundreds of people online. the moment you meet his eyes, something akin to electricity and dread runs through your body. satoru is looking at you with wide eyes, panting like a dog. you want to stop, you have to stop, but you can see that he’s getting shamelessly hard, bulge in his grey sweatpants growing more prominent with each passing minute.
“satoru, what the fuck is goi- ?” geto stops mid-sentence as he observes the obscene scene in front of him: gojo looking like he’s two second away from fucking you right there and then, and you, little pretty doe caught in the headlights, looking between them, still pumping silicone cock in and out of you.
as you glance away from their scrutinizing eyes for a second, you realize something.
you’re still live-streaming.
how bad would it be to do what you’re thinking of doing next? pretty fucking bad.
but you have never been known to make good decisions.
“wanna join?”
gojo is moving towards you before you even finish the sentence. when he towers over you, he pulls the dildo out, making you whine.
“don’t worry, pretty, you won’t be needing it anymore. we will give you something much better to moan about,” satoru says as he trails his hand down, cupping your sex with his hand and shoving his fingers inside while the flat of his palm slowly grinds against your clit. you let out a pornographic moan, the type they always claim is fake, and immediately clench around him. gojo chuckles and licks your lips – not kissing you yet, wanting to see how much longer he can play with you before you start begging.
chat goes wild.
[y/nmegafan]: was this planned??
[hereforher]: there is no way this is not staged !!
[urmumlol]: who cares stfu it’s still hot af
“satoru, don’t be mean, you know the rules with the girls like her,” geto drawls as he nears the bed at your opposite side. girls like me? you’re beyond confused but satoru is pumping fingers at just the right angle, that all the logical thinking has long taken a walk.
“aw, common, let me have fun once in a while.”
“please, satoru, don’t be a child. you know the consequences of your fun, i don’t know if i want that with someone we live.”
somehow, you felt offended at their insinuation you cannot handle their definition of fun. are they not seeing what you do for the living?
“i’m pretty sure i can take whatever you think fun is.”
geto throws a quick smile to gojo.
“well, since you asked so nicely, sweetheart. how about we put on a real show?” suguru says to the camera and nods to satoru. white haired man strips of his clothes in record time, and lays down on the bed, dragging you down to lay on top of his chest.
“how nice of you, you kept this cunt all warm and ready for us, heh?” gojo is mocking you from behind. you can only whine as you heavy breathe in anticipation: the tip of his cock is playing with you entrance, taunting your hole as it clenches around nothing.
“shut up and put it in.”
all of a sudden, geto is squeezing your cheeks and looks directly into your eyes.
“nuh-uh, you don’t tell us what to do now. we fuck how we want to fuck you.”
satoru hooks your legs over his arms and spreads them apart while suguru takes his friend’s cock in his hand and starts pumping it slowly, beads of pre-cum already leaking from the tip. geto runs his finger across the slit, spreading the dripping fluid to the base of gojo’s dick.
“you better be ready, pretty girl.”
geto positions gojo’s length against your weeping entrance and satoru thrusts all the way in. he fills you in one hard stroke, stretch wide and painful, even after you already fucked yourself with the toy. you couldn’t see gojo’s dick from your position but by the way it immediately bruises your cervix is enough to tell you how big he is. you mewl pathetically and try to grab onto something but suguru takes your hands in his instead. almost as if out of thin air, he’s holding your underwear.
“hands are a distraction.”
he ties your hands and pushes them above your and satoru’s heads as gojo sets a brutal pace – his hips are fucking in and out of you, frustratingly hitting your gummy spot every single time, making you scrunch your eyes and nose. his arms are snaked around your waist and boobs to keep you in place while using your leaking cunny however he wants. his thick tip is kissing your bundle of nerves, sending shivers all over your body – you can feel the tingling all the way in your fingertips and toes.
raven-haired man positions himself above you and satoru, taking off his pants and underwear and dropping them somewhere by the bed. you’re delirious from how gojo is rutting into you, calculated strokes of hips, so you don’t notice when geto is sliding his cock between your folds, massaging your throbbing clit with his tip. the sudden metal feel on your skin lights up your nerves with the delicious realization – geto has a king’s crown piercing.
“yeah, i thought you’d like that. acting all innocent when we’re around but this is what you actually do in your free time? disgusting.”
your cunt tightens around satoru’s cock at the words, making him chuckle.
“shit, you should’ve felt the way she just clenched around me. dirty slut likes it.”
geto slaps your clit with his cockhead, making you tremble; his piercing putting just enough additional stimulation, it starts sending you over the edge. gojo continues moving his hips but you can feel that he is losing his rhythm.
“shit, don’t know if i can hold on any longer.”
“that’s okay, i’ll fuck her hard enough for both of us.”
suguru continues giving you the pussy job, moving his leaking cock up and down in between your folds, playing with your sensitive nub with his tip, slapping it slightly just as satoru hits your special spot extra hard. gojo is panting and whining in your ear, scrunching his eyes as he spills his seed into you, milky spurts of cum painting your walls white.
“fuu-ck, ngghh, she feels so fucking good. such a good cunt,” satoru mumbles in a feverish pleasure. he keeps up the pace, fucking his cum back into you, making sure every last drop stays. geto is still playing with your clit, slow and purposeful circles, finally taking you over the edge.
the orgasm washes over you in waves, like a tsunami, it’s anticipated – yet you’re still drowning in it. your mouth hangs open, drool escaping the corners of it, and you shake in gojo’s arms. he pinches one of your nipples and you let out a painful moan, trying to squirm away. he’s still pulsating inside you, and the second wave of ecstasy makes your toes curl, fingernails digging into your own palms.
it’s repulsive how quickly they made you feel this good.
“common, give us one more.”
as you’re about to protest, satoru spreads your legs again, this time even wider, which allows suguru to start pushing in.
“no, no, satoru’s still inside me, it’s too much nnnggg!” you whine but neither of them are listening. gojo quickly shoves his fingers into your mouth, making you gag around them. you're left nothing but to obediently suck on them, making yourself drool.
“we told you we’ll fuck you however we want, didn’t we?”
your cunt obediently stretches out to accommodate geto’s thick cock. gojo moans behind you as he feels his best friend slide into the tight heat next to him – he’s sensitive from his orgasm, and contact with geto sends him into overstimulation.
you close your eyes as your tiny pussy is being deliciously torn by your roommates’ cocks. suguru buries himself all the way in one harsh stroke before starting to slide in and out of your sloppy pussy. the wet sounds of the mixed fluids, your and satoru’s cum leaking out of your abused hole, makes your cheeks burn yet it’s impossible to feel shame right now. god, it’s impossible to think when it feels this good.
satoru’s slender finger circles around your clit, glistening pearl beginning for attention. you whimper and whine at the added stimulation, and it’s all too much – your body not recovered fully from your previous orgasm – as it’s rushing towards another ecstatic relief. suguru keeps up his bruising pace, making satoru start moving his hips too as he’s hardening up again.
two men find the perfect rhythm almost immediately – it makes you think how many time they have done this before. while suguru is pushing in, satoru is pushing out and it almost feels like they are tearing you at the seams – and you’re thankful for it. gojo’s still rubbing your clit and geto’s cock is reaching all the right spots: when his piercing hits your spongy nerve bundles just at the right angle, your body is giving in. your shaking form is fully visible to camera, orgasm washing off you and making you tremble in satoru’s hold. both men cum in unison with you, and it’s vulgar and indecent, the concoction that they keep fucking in and out of your abused cunt.
the mix of your cum is dripping down your thighs, down satoru’s dick and his balls. the squelching sounds bounce around the room, and you’re shocked you can still feel shame. mixed fluids stick to your thighs as satoru moves you around, and you know the bedsheets are a total mess. god, you’re so tired, you just want to go to sleep now.
“hey hey, don’t go falling asleep on us now. it’s time for take 2.”
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ncis-nerd · 2 months
The Case Of The Purring Kitten
grey novemeber au
older!nat x reader
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Liho purred in your arms. Nuzzling her head against your ankle. The sweet little kitty of Natasha's had made her way into your room. Of course you were shocked when the cat just strolled in like this was a casual occurrence.
You didn't complain though, you loved that kitty. She smelled like Natasha and meant a lot that even her cat wanted to be around you. You stroked the cat as you continued to draw in your sketchbook. A purr escaped from Liho.
When you were close to finishing, you swapped your 2b pencil for a heavier pencil, Liho jumped out of your lap. Appear she was making her rounds because she just waltzed out of your room. That silly cat.
Later that day, there was a knock in your door. You had been locked up in your room all day. There was no meeting planned for today so who could it be? "Come in" you mumbled, wrapping up in your latest art project. Natasha made her way into your room. You jumped, not expecting it to be the the red-head, you immediately shut your notebook. Not wanting to ruin your surprise.
Natasha looked at you, furrowing her eyebrows. "Hiding something, hun?' She glared at you. You shook your head and looked at her with your doe eyes, knowing that would distract her. And it definitely did.
She loved seeing you so wide-eyed. So innocent. Nothing but love and pure thoughts behind those eyes. She cooed at you and caressed your back. "hi honey, you still here with me?" she gave you a gentle smile.
You nodded, "m' here natty. want you though" you mumbled, fidgeting with her hoodie drawstring. Her eyes widened at your statement. "What do you mean hun?" She looked at you, her cheeks turning red. Obviously not expecting your boldness. "wanna lay down in your lap, want you to hold me" you mumble.
She smiled at your innocent request. Of course that's what you meant, she mentally facepalmed herself. She gladly took up your offer, taking you into her lap. Your head laid in her lap, she stroked your hair as your eyes began to flutter. "go to sleep, angel." she whispered softly.
It was later that day, Natasha had retreated to her room, allowing you to get back to business. The so called business was the drawing you were working on earlier. You had finally finished and made your way to Natasha's room. Natasha is gonna love it!
You knocked her door and slipped the folded up drawing under her door before retreating to your room.
Natasha opened the door, she saw no one so she closed it. Huh that was odd, she thought. She felt something beneath her foot. It was a paper, she picked it up. As she unfolded it, a beautifully drawn picture of Liho appeared. Y/n. Of course, this was so kind. Her heart melted your generosity.
She wanted to make it up to you.
Your favorite activity with the russian is to drink hot chocolate and watch a movie wrapped up into her. She grabbed your favorite fluffy blanket of hers, a bunch of pillows, some a big bowl of popcorn and rich hot chocolate.
She opened up the TV to the streaming platform, leaving it for you to choose the movie. all that was left was to grab you. The older woman made her way to her room where you had been reading a novel you bought recently.
You were humming the tune of that new song by Taylor Swift when you heard a knock at your door. Who could that be? You assumed it would be the russian, especially after giving her your drawing earlier and fleeing. your stomach turned in knots, nervously you stood up to open the door.
You were greeted with the green-eyed spy giving you a warm smile. "Hey honey, I love the gift you gave me! As a thank you, I have a little surprise in the living room. Please join me?" She spoke softly, waiting for a response. You blushed, this was so kind of her. You didn't expect something in return. Just wanted to show how much you love her little fluff ball. "Natasha you didn't have too.. but I'm glad you like the drawing!" You said, shyly.
Natasha took your hand and led you to the living room where she had a pile of blankets- the kind you like, hot chocolate- your favorite, popcorn- you NEED popcorn whenever watching a movie. Your eyes started to tear up. "Natasha, wow... This is.. Amazing" you gasp.
The russian admired your reaction. You were adorable, her hand found it's place on your back and motioned for you to take a seat. "Wanted to show you how special you are to me, dove." She hummed, handing you the remote to pick out a movie.
taglist: @ssa-shaylam @madamevirgo
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muwapsturniolo · 3 months
IN WHICH… Matt and Chris Sturniolo are just two inexperienced losers.
Lemme see you beat it, I'm feelin' just like Mike 
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Humming is heard within the dark room, followed by the sound of typing and the clicking of a mouse. Matt's eyes dart across the screen, his glasses perched upon his nose. He was currently in his room, dressed in grey sweatpants and a long-sleeved crewneck. He was attempting to finish his paper that was due in a week, always eager to stay on top and ahead of the game when it came to his studies. However, he was distracted, his eyes periodically darting to the top of his screen.
He quickly saves his paper and goes to the website he has logged on to so many times.
A pornographic website providing live webcam performances.
He found the site a couple of months ago by accident. He was on his computer, looking up websites to help him write his paper when one of the sites opened up a separate tab with the erotic webpage. He was shocked to see multiple freeze frames of girls in lingerie or having sex.
Even though he lived alone, he felt like he was going to get caught. He quickly slammed his laptop shut. Now he wasn’t a prude, he didn’t care if people had sex,
But he himself has never done it, he hasn’t even touched himself.
Out of curiosity, he slowly opened the laptop again. He hesitated when scrolling through the pages, his eyes analyzing the multiple streams. Even though he could feel his pants tightening, none of the girls called out to him,
Until he found her.
It was a freeze frame of her in a baby blue lingerie set, smiling as she held a phone. He didn’t know what it was about her that caught his attention, but he found himself clicking on her stream.
That was the first night he had ever touched himself.
Since then, he has made it a tradition to touch himself every Thursday night when she goes live.
He logs in with ease, his password and username already being saved. His heart skips a beat as he sees the pink dot next to her name, signaling she's on and live. He clicks on the stream and watches as his favorite girl's smile greets him.
"Hi everyone." she's sitting on her bed, her body covered in a lavender lingerie set. "I know you guys will be mad at me, but this will be a very short stream, only 20 minutes." Matt's smile visibly deflates.
20 minutes? She’s only going to be live for 20 minutes?
He debates on just closing out of the stream, but he can’t find it in himself to do so.
“Aww guys, I promise I will make up for it! Maybe I’ll pull out the fucking machine in my next stream.” He can feel his pants tightening at the thought of her using the machine.
“But, I wanted to tell you guys that I have a surprise for you! Any guesses?” He watches as her eyes dart across the screen, reading the comments flooding in. “These are good guesses, but no one has gotten it yet. 2 more minutes and then I’ll tell you.”
Usually, Matt never comments, always preferring to be a silent viewer but, he wants to change that tonight.
Megamattsturn: does it involve us possibly meeting you?
He watches as her eyes light up and she giggles.
“Megamattsturn seems to have the right idea. You’re a smart boy aren’t you?” He sucks in a sharp breath at the praise, his pants tightening even more.
“I’m hosting a competition for you all! Before I describe what the competition is, it is-“ Matt gets distracted by the way her glossed lips catch in the light, the particles of glitter shining off the pink LED lights in her room. He could only imagine the glittery residue on his dick after she sucks him off.
“-So finally the competition! I know most of you have begged to meet me, even though all you want to do is have sex with me, so I thought I would extend the offer.” Matt perks up, his interest peaked.
“One of you will have the opportunity to take me on a date, and if I feel comfortable enough, maybe one of you will get lucky.”
Matt watches as the chat blows up with men and women already begging to be picked.
“So after I end the stream, a link will be available on my account that will take you all to the form. As I stated previously, it is $50 to enter. The form asks basic questions. Name, age, height, what your interests are sexually, if you have any STDs, and where you are located. At the end of the form, you do have to submit a video of yourself explaining why you think you should be the one to take me out on a date. And because I refuse to take anything small, I would like a video of your-.” She trails off with a smirk.
“Does anyone have any questions?” She waits a few moments and sees that everything is good, before giving the stream one last smile and logging off.
The page reloads and it takes him back to her account page. Sure enough a pink link is in her bio.
He hovers his mouse over it, getting ready to click it when he backs out. He shakes his head and clicks out of the tab, standing up and walking out of his room.
“Be serious Matt, she wouldn’t pick you anyway.” He mumbles as he grabs a water bottle out of the fridge. He walks back into his room and decides to try and finish his essay.
He struggles to stay on topic, the idea of the competition still lingering in his mind. He groans and saves his essay before shutting down his computer. He figures he will work on it tomorrow and just go to bed for now. He turns his lights off and lays down in his bed, his mind racing.
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Matt sits in the campus library trying to do his homework, except his mind is clouded with the thoughts of the competition. It’s been a few days since the competition was announced and it’s all he could think about.
It’s pissing him off.
He wasn’t able to concentrate on his studies, he couldn’t pay attention in class, he couldn’t even listen to his music without thinking of this god-forsaken competition.
Deep down he wants to enter, he truly does.
He has the opportunity of a lifetime to take the girl in his dreams on a date, but there’s one problem,
He’s never been on a date, and he’s never even touched a girl.
He’s a virgin.
He just started masturbating a few months ago and now he might lose his virginity? There’s too much for him to think about.
He groans in aggravation and slams his book shut, snatching off his glasses and rubbing over his face. With a deep sigh, He leans back in his chair with crossed arms, staring down at the book in front of him.
He needs to get this sorted out before it really starts to affect his schoolwork.
Suddenly, a group of girls walk into the library and take a seat at a table next to him. He fights the urge to roll his eyes, the fact that they sat next to him when there were multiple empty seats all around pissing him off to no end.
He tries to shake off the frustration and opens his book again, grabbing his pencil and taking notes.
“Can you believe he sent me a picture of his dick?” This conversation took Matt by surprise, his note-taking stopping abruptly. “A picture?” One of the other girls responds. Matt tries to ignore them, but he can’t help but listen in.
“Yes! He sent the typical ugly-ass dick pic just holding it! Like bro, send a video from a good angle and let me hear you moan!” The girl exclaims rolling her eyes. The other girls laugh before switching to another topic, but Matt is still stuck on the previous one.
He knows he shouldn’t have listened in on the conversation, but they were telling him good information.
Girls don’t like awkward dick pics, they prefer videos of the guy jerking off and moaning. His cheeks begin to warm at the thought of sending a risqué video like that.
He’s pulled out of his thoughts by one of the girls turning to him, “hey you?”
Matt turns and look at them awkwardly, he can barley hold eye contact with them, his eyes looking everywhere but theirs. “Y-yeah?” His stutter makes one of the girls giggle. “You’re a guy right?”
“I-I would hope so…” He mumbles setting his pencil down.
She moves closer to him, her phone in hand. “Good, because maybe you could help me with this.” She unlocks the phone before shoving it in his face. Matt’s eyes widen seeing the picture of the dick, he quickly turns his head.
“Why do guys send pictures like this? Like it’s so ugly and does nothing to turn us on!”
Matt shrugs not really knowing what to say, “I-I don’t kn-Have you ever sent a picture of your dick? What angle did you take it from?” She cuts him off mid-sentence, taking a seat next to him.
Matt can’t belive how open this girl is asking him these questions. He couldn’t even sit through health class but she’s bold enough to ask him about his dick pic experience?
“I’ve n-never sent a picture like that…” He trails off, finally looking at the girl. She was pretty tall and had all the right curves in all the right places. “Really? You have never taken a dick pic?”
He shakes his head, nervously adjusting his glasses, “I have the opportunity to send one though….I-I just don’t know what to do.” He finds himself awkwardly admitting to his situation. All the girls stare at him with wide eyes.
He’s never sent a dick pic? He's a 21-year-old guy in college and he never took or sent a dick pic?
Their studies are quickly forgotten as they help educate Matt on taking the best picture and video. He thought the girls would judge him on his lack of experience, but they were all helpful and open-minded, claiming that if he is going to send one, he needs to make sure it’s actually pleasing.
Matt’s listening to everything they are saying, taking mental notes as well as real ones, so he won’t forget when it comes time. The girls find it adorable how actively he’s paying attention, asking questions that are questionable, but somehow still remaining polite.
"Aww, guys! We are like his older sisters teaching him how to get a girl!" One of the girls gushed. They all fall out into laughter, finding the statement true. They decide to pack up and leave since it's getting late out. They walk out of the library, holding arms with one another, Matt included.
The girls don’t care about him being a boy, they could tell in the short time frame they knew him, he was truly a nice guy. He was just shy and a bit awkward, but he was genuinely sweet.
They say their goodbyes and Matt begins to drive to his apartment. He catches a red light and leans back in the seat, a smile on his face. his phone buzzes making him look down.
Chaturbate message from lovely/n: Hey everyone! Just wanted to remind you that the link expires in one day! Make sure you enter! I’m excited to see the faces of my viewers!!
A new-found confidence surges through Matt,
He's going to enter the competition.
With his adrenaline pumping, he rushes through the door of his home, throwing his bag down on the counter and making his way to his bedroom. he plops down in front of his monitor and turns it on, quickly going to the taboo site and opening up her page.
Once again he hovers over the link, the little voice in his head telling him not to do it, telling him he wouldn't even get picked.
He shakes his head and clicks on the link. The screen reloads and a pink page pops up, a bright message is displayed, enticing everyone to submit their entry.
Matt scrolls down and clicks on the hot pink enter button.
Trying not to second guess himself, he begins to fill out the form
Name: Matt Sturniolo
Username on Chaturbate: megamattsturn
Age: 21
Height: 5'8
Location: LA
Matt sighs in frustration. He was never good at telling people what his hobbies are, his mind always drawing a blank at the question. He goes through the list of things he likes doing and chooses a few that seem more appealing.
Hobbies: I really love writing, I'm actually majoring in film because I love to journal and I would love to turn my thoughts and feelings into movies, or even music videos. I also like to play video games... I know it's a bit cringy but it brings me a sense of nostalgia since I would play with my brothers all the time. I also really love the Lego sets you can build and keep, my favorite was the bonsai tree.
Tell me about yourself: I'm a triplet, the middle one to be exact. One of my brothers goes to college in NYC, while my other brother goes to college in Chicago. I'm originally from Boston MA and I have a dog named Trevor back in Boston.
Sexual interests:
He hesitates, he's not sure what he's into sexually. He's never experimented but he believes he would be open to it.
Sexual interests: I'm not too sure. I do believe I would be open to almost anything within reason.
What would our date look like?:
This form has to be mocking him, constantly reminding him that he is the least experienced person there is. It might as well call him a loser. He wants to back out so bad, but he's almost done so he keeps going.
What would our date look like?: I'm not a fancy person, so I wouldn't take you to some fancy dinner unless that's what you would like. I would most likely take you to some type of fair or arcade so I could win you something. Then we would sit somewhere with food and just talk. it's not the greatest date but I think it would be fun.
Submit your video here:
He stares at the pink words, his heart beating in his ears.
"Ok, you can do this Matt! come on!" He hypes himself up. He quickly sets up his phone and presses record.
He smiles at the camera shyly, not making eye contact.
"Umm, hi Y/n... I'm going to try and keep this short because god knows I'll ramble due to me being nervous-" he takes a deep breath before continuing.
"The reason for this video is to answer the question 'why I should be the one to take you on a date.' And my answer is that I don't really know. If I'm being completely honest, none of us, the viewers, deserve to be in your presence. I mean we watch you take your clothes off and play-" he cuts himself off, looking away from the camera with flushed cheeks.
"Not that it's wrong that you do any of that, but in retrospect, we all seem like perverts for watching you do so... umm if I'm being completely honest I've never been on a date before and that's probably a huge turn-off but yeah." He trails off. He doesn't know what else to say so he ends the video. He watches it back and internally cringes at how awkward he looks.
He deletes the video and decides to try again
and again
and again
and again
"Take 5," he mumbles to himself, pushing his chair back.
"Ok, hi Y/n-" he runs a hand through his hair and fixes his glasses. "-this is like my fifth time making this video and honestly, I don't know. There's honestly no reason you should even be giving us a chance at all to go on a date with you. I've never deen on a date before, so I can't tell you why I should be the one to win. I just know you're really pretty, and I would love to treat you out to a fun night, even with no sexual favors involved." He finally looks back at the camera.
"And yeah, that's all I have to say." He ends the video, watching it over before deciding this is the one he wants to use. He sends it to his desktop and adds it to the form.
submit special video <3 :
"don't panic it's just a video... of you touching yourself." He slams his hand down on his desk in frustration. All his previous confidence whisked away as quick as it came.
"You're such a fucking loser Matt! Why can't you just send the fucking video?" He hits himself on the forehead a couple of times, attempting to knock some type of confidence into himself. he needs to calm down, if he keeps getting this worked up he's eventually going to back out completely.
He gets an idea.
He stands up and rushes out of his apartment, knocking on his neighbor's door. His neighbor was some older guy who always had some type of alcohol in his hand.
Now, Matt has never had a drink of alcohol, but he's heard of liquid courage and he needs any type of courage he can get at this point.
The neighbor answers, looking at Matt in confusion. "What's good bro?"
"I need alcohol," Matt states bluntly. The neighbor raises a brow and takes a sip from his beer. "Aren't you 21?"
"Y-yeah but I need some now and I-I know you always h-have some." The neighbor shrugs, not really caring.
All Matt remembers is stepping foot in the apartment and taking a shot. Next thing he knows, he's clumsily setting up his phone and crashing back onto his bed, pulling his laptop with one of her previous streams loaded closer to him.
He starts recording and presses play on the stream, his hand wrapping around the base of dick.
He whimpers softly as he begins to jerk himself off, the alcohol in his system making him even more sensitive than he already is.
“F-fuck Y/n”
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@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
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