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Go Mean Green Golf! Crushing my drives Thank you Sully #pullthepin #grenade2 #bombtechgolf #sullyrules https://www.instagram.com/p/BrqsHeGhSh-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8eocrkft9btx
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iim two twiitchy iin my play2tyle two really have the 2mooth focu2 ana need2 a2 a con2tant whiich mean2 a lot of my 2leep dart2 dont land where they need two? iim decent w her grenade2 but even her gun ii2 kiinda wonky liike iim good at kiilliing ppl w iit but not that good at keepiing my team healed wiith iit lmao
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[[ logs with @flippinoptimist wherein they discuss blowing up transportalizers, get derailed by pokemon and grenades, and then some last minute angst :y ]]
twotoned2marta22 Hello agaiin, Terriible. Artiifex recommended II talk two you about riiggiing my tran2portaliizer two be de2troyed iin the event of 2omeone attemptiing two capture me.
twotoned2marta22 (The technology doe2n't naturally exii2t iin thii2 tiimeliine and II would very much liike two keep iit that way.)
flippinoptimist chirp! gotcha, i can do that. sometides i go places wwif a portable one on me an thats rigged to fwwoom if i use it you wwant it to fuck up just itself or evveryfin in a certain radius? cause you can fit a lotta explosivves in one a those if youre careful!
twotoned2marta22 II hadn't thought about a radiiu2. ... Probably a good iidea two make 2ure iit can obliiterate everythiing iin the cave, 2o there ii2n't any 2ort of valuable iinformatiion attacker2 could get theiir hand2 on.
flippinoptimist you might wwant to keep your vvaluables+furniture+Etc in your sylladex wwhen naut in use for a wwhile or like movve if you aint got ties to anywwhere
twotoned2marta22 2ylladex??
flippinoptimist chrp invventory system? does your timeline naut do that?
twotoned2marta22 No, II haven't heard of iit before. II2 iit a game thiing??
flippinoptimist lol ok youre gonna enjoy the shit outta those sometide wwhen youre naut worryin about tech gettin loose in your univverse i dont think so, my alternia had em its a portable matter compression system? like, it stores objects in cards, then it stores the cards in a modus that makes it evven smaller, then you sort through them vvia wwhatevver method the modus tells you to like invventory systems in games i guess the game can do fucked up shit wwif the codes on the back a the card, but, thats naut important outside a the medium wwhich is a game thing that doesnt matter
twotoned2marta22 Oh. Well that'2 an awfully conveniient 2y2tem. Fiigure2 we don't have iit.
flippinoptimist sounds like your wworld might be missin a lot a interestin tech havve a friend you could store all your stuff wwith wwhile this irons out?
twotoned2marta22 Not really, no. And iit'2 not a2 iif II have a whole lot two begiin wiith. Fur2 and clothe2, II 2uppo2e, bone2, horn2... The only thiing2 II couldn't replace would be my pet2, the Cro22haiir2, and the tran2portaliizer iit2elf.
twotoned2marta22 The fiir2t two II have a plan for, the la2t... not 2o much. II fiigured iif II cro22ed enough wiire2 and pre22ed go the thiing would at the very lea2t fry...
flippinoptimist i can hotwwire it wwif some selfdestructs if you wwant, or teach you howw to if you dont wwant! make it go off on a button push, or if you use it wwifout doin a particular thing first, or if you fuck up your passwword enough times to get locked outta your computer, or all kinds a shit
twotoned2marta22 That'2 po22iible??
flippinoptimist yeah!
twotoned2marta22 Damn. That help2.
flippinoptimist you put a receivver in the thing wwif the explosivves, one that can pick up wwireless, then... i mean for low-security shit ivve hooked things up to listen on privvate trollian memos im guessin wwif explossivves you sleep near youd wwant more secure than that wwhich is totally doable!
twotoned2marta22 II would... certaiinly liike two not be blown up on acciident, ye2.
flippinoptimist ivve been wworkin wwif explosivves for swweeps
twotoned2marta22 Oh??
flippinoptimist yeah! makin my owwn grenades an shit
flippinoptimist i lovve grenades, theyre a lot of fun to use in combination wwif a little bit a spoilers from the future
twotoned2marta22 ...Grenade2.
flippinoptimist also im like, tiny an naut strong, an all the enforcers wwere blue or purple kids older than me, so i had to make up the difference somehoww yeah! oh hey do you naut havve any?
twotoned2marta22 Well, no. Ju2t kniives and arrow2 and 2uch. And a very dangerou2 gun.
twotoned2marta22 2orry, one moment, II have two retriieve 2omethiing.
flippinoptimist chirp!
flippinoptimist this one time i got an anon an a younger me ended up hangin out on nadayas ship an wwe made grenades all day apparently lemme knoww if you wwant any! i like havvin a stockpile around in case shit goes dowwn
flippinoptimist i got useful ones an fun ones!
twotoned2marta22 ... A 2tockpiile would probably be good. II ju2t need 2ome kiind of contaiiner two 2tore them iin that two very curiiou2 and dexterou2 furret2 couldn't get iintwo.
flippinoptimist lol yeah havve they figured out padlocks yet
twotoned2marta22 II haven't te2ted that, no.
flippinoptimist sounds fun to test can i try to teach them grenade safety
twotoned2marta22 2omethiing beiing that 2ecured and not 2melliing liike food *miight* deter them...
twotoned2marta22 Hone2tly you probably could, II've been meaniing two fiigure out how iintelliigent they are. Certaiinly a lot more than the average lu2u2.
flippinoptimist sometimes i can talk to critters cause mind shit!
twotoned2marta22 Waiit, 2eriiou2ly??
flippinoptimist yeah! i go to earth sometides an ask the birds to showw me wwhere theres neat roadkill so i can fossilize it, an i givve them bread i wwonder if i can fossilize bread
twotoned2marta22 That certaiinly ii2 a puzzle two get an an2wer two.
flippinoptimist looks like probably sorry, i got distracted lemme knoww wwhat you need an im game!
twotoned2marta22 Hm...
twotoned2marta22 II'm. A liittle two jiittery riight now, two be hone2t, 2o II'll get back two you on that iin the eveniing. II2 that alriight??
flippinoptimist shore, anyfin i can help wwif?
twotoned2marta22 Ah, probably not. II've 2tarted a conver2atiion wiith the troll that'2 been lurkiing iin my fore2t and 2he... know2 2ome thiing2 2he defiiniitely 2hould not know.
flippinoptimist aw im sorry, but that makes sense, i hear shes thinky
twotoned2marta22 2o, you know. Eiither 2omeone talked or 2omeone got tortured and thu2 talked.
flippinoptimist ... :(
twotoned2marta22 II have no way two veriify anythiing.
twotoned2marta22 And 2he 2eem2 the type two treat everythiing a2 a game.
flippinoptimist any chance shes fakin you out? sometimes people guess shit an pretend theyre shore to see wwhat hits they get. fishin
twotoned2marta22 IIt would be quiite the fii2h. There are no tiie2 two follow. Only the four troll2 iin the know, and con2iideriing two are mutant2, the thiird a daywalker, and the fourth iin a nonquad relatiion2hiip wiith one of the mutant2, they have nothiing two gaiin by 2preadiing the iinformatiion anywhere. IIt. Really doe2n't look good.
twotoned2marta22 II need two go now, II'm 2orry. II'll talk two you later.
flippinoptimist yeah.. luck
twotoned2marta22 Thank2.
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the2e human2 are 2o bothered about a couple dozen old ww2 grenade2 they dug up down the road chiill
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I’m surprised I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere as it affects quite a few values in game. It seems like all bonus medals are no longer working after the Tier 1 update. The easiest way to see this is the reduced weapon ammo, reduced explosives capacity, and reduced drone range and speed after the patch. Additionally, tier 1 weapon damage upgrades don’t seem to affect vehicle damage of the weapon. My fully upgraded CZ 805 is taking the same number of hits against a vehicle as an unleveled one, even though the damage bar has doubled.Here’s a list of the bonus medals so you can see it all really adds up to quite a bit.Weapons:15% movement reduction while aiming10% hip fire accuracy25% ammo capacity20% damage to vehicles10% time to aim with scoped weaponsDrone:25% drone range20% drone speed100% drone mark efficiency8 second drone cooldown100% drone resistanceItem:25% binocular zoom1 extra mine1 extra diversion grenade2 extra frag grenades1 extra C415% binocular efficiency2 extra flashbangs2 extra flaresPhysical:50% duration of No Pain (damage resist after being revived)10% damage reduction for ground vehicles10% noise reduction when running5% damage reduction against bullets5% detection rate15% damage reduction against explosives20% damage reduction for aircraftSquad:30% revive speed5% rebel damage5% damage reduction for AI squad20% bleed out time8% AI efficiency via /r/GhostRecon
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@timaeusturbulent ii2nt iit?? iim 2tealiing 2ome old a22 ww2 (world war two) pho2phoru2 grenade2 they dug up near my friiend2 place and doiing 2ome experiimentiing ✌
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Go Mean Green Golf! Crushing my drives Thank you Sully #pullthepin #grenade2 #bombtechgolf #sullyrules https://www.instagram.com/p/BrqsHeGhSh-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8eocrkft9btx
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