#greg......... ilu...... do better
carehurt · 5 years
what if i come back solely for the ste.ven universe fandom, as a treat,
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fix-it-feesh · 7 years
Rules: Tag twenty followers you’d like to know better Anyone can do this if they want to! :D Just say you were tagged by me~
Name: Feesh Nickname: Feeshy, Feesherman - or any variation of ‘Feesh’, basically.  Star Sign: Gemini Gender: Cis female (she/her) Height: 5′4″ Favorite Colors:  Periwinkle! Time right now: 11:07pm Location: England! I’m from Florida, but I moved to the UK in September 2016 to pursue a Master’s degree. C: 5 Lucky Numbers: I really only have two! They’re 16 and 28. Number of blankets I sleep with: I have a duvet, but I also have an extra blanket for the colder nights. Favorite fictional character(s): MAN. I have soooo many. Felix is definitely one of them (my precious, smol bean). Another one I’ll list is Greg Lestrade from the BBC show Sherlock.  Favorite books: Abarat, The Catcher in the Rye, Jane Eyre Favorite bands: The Killers, The Struts, Matchbox 20, Third Eye Blind, Mystery Skulls Dream job: To rehabilitate wild animals and set them free again. What am I wearing right now: A SUPER tacky purple t-shirt with kittens on it. I’m not wearing any pants. ;D When did you create your blog: I wanna say back in 2012? JAYSUS, has it already been 5 years??? What do you post about: Wreck-It Ralph! My blog is basically a shrine for it, hehe~ Do you have any other blogs: I have my main ( @gooberfeesh​ ) aaaand one other blog, but that one is a secret because it’s kinky. 8D;;;; When did your blog reach its “peak” (when did you get more followers, have popular posts, etc.): Back when Wreck-It Ralph was a hot-hot-tater-tot fandom. Oh man, those were the days. I’m still super close with @limey404​, who illustrated a lot of my fics. ILU 4EVER LIMEY <333 Who is your most active follower: I’m honestly not sure... Probably because I’m never on this blog. WHOOPS What made you decide to get a tumblr: I needed to unleash my FEEEELS. Do you get asks on a daily basis: Nope! Why did you choose your url: I wanted it to be a play off of Fix-It Felix. :D 
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