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under1roofkids · 3 years ago
Under 1 Roof houses a combination of high-quality, innovative yet affordable children's activities and services all in one place and all under one roof. You can book classes, sessions, therapies, private parties and holiday activities, you can stop for a coffee, meet with friends, have a family breakfast, lunch or dinner. https://www.under1roofkids.com/
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rentalsgetaway · 2 years ago
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1 Bedroom new build apartment 👋
Swipe for more pictures 👉🏻
Available for daily & weekly bookings
Located in North Greenwic 🇬🇧
Serious Enquiries only
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archoptical · 8 years ago
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Creekside Wharf
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regard-luxury · 2 years ago
Most Stunning And Extraordinary Watches Luxury, Innovation And Artwork P4
It additionally includes a brilliant black, sunray-finish dial with arms and hour markers in 18 ct yellow gold. The mild reflections on the case sides and lugs highlight the refined profile of the 42 mm Oyster case... XThe Oyster Perpetual Deepsea Challenge in RLX titanium with a Cerachrom bezel insert in black ceramic and an Oyster bracelet.It options an intense black dial and enormous luminescent hour markers. Waterproof to a depth of eleven,000 metres , with a unidirectional 60-minute rotatable bezel, the Deepsea Challenge is an extension of the experimental watch created in 2012 to accompany James Cameron within the Mariana Trench... REVOLUTION is a quarterly magazine that lives and breathes horology.
X...The watches’ robustness and shock-resistance are confirmed by withstanding 5000 g. It can handle extreme shocks and bumps like when the wearer rides a mountain bike, skis an exhilarating downhill slope or runs an bold path. XKrayon takes another step, opening a bit wider the door into the world of nice mechanical complications. This first female incursion into the world of mechanical complexity based on Krayon phases the ballet of the stars trilobe nuit fantastique and the measure of time towards the backdrop of a personalised, refined woman’s ephemeris... X...Rolex achieved perfection when it turned its attention to redefining the aim and functionality of the bezel. Typically, a bezel operates independently from the interior mechanism; nevertheless, the Ring Command bezel within the Yacht-Master II regatta chronograph operates along side it.
Oversized lab-grown diamonds make the rounds of its 18k purple gold or stainless-steel bezel. For divers, timing was every little thing, and Breitling got down to give them the most clear-cut dive watch attainable by eliminating any characteristic that didn’t help their lifesaving needs underwater. What remained have trilobe nuit fantastique been clean traces, chunky luminescent indexes, squared-off hands and a high-contrast dial ring, all aimed toward maximum legibility. The new Superocean retraces the Slow Motion's celebrated design codes, while adding trendy options, like a ceramic-inlayed bezel and brightly colored dials...
The watch is water-proof to 300 m , as nicely as being shock-, sand- and saltwater-resistant. The bronze model makes use of a special alloy that has glorious resistance to corrosion, yet will still develop a delicate patina over time that makes the watch even more distinctive. The two strap options have a folding clasp that enables for micro-adjustments of as much as 15 mm for simple put on over rashies and wetsuits. For security, the bezel is uni-directional on most sizes and bi-directional with a patented lock on the 46 mm.
The business thus provided good employment in the metropolis and that is how Hakose started a four years, in his personal phrases “extremely powerful with no time to sleep” apprentice. Today, he’s one of the internationally acclaimed Japanese lacquer artists, however his need is to have his works used on a daily basis by his shoppers. He runs his personal workshop and takes a quantity of apprentices to move on his information. Minase may be very proud to have the ability to collaborate with such a great artist who shares the brand’s values. XThis Spin Time timepiece integrates a Flying Tourbillon at its heart that completes its rotation in one minute. In a technical and aesthetic tour de force, the mixture of the Spin Time show mechanism with a central Flying Tourbillon is a first in watchmaking history.
Divido dials are either crafted in plain urushi colors , or copper stamped and hand-painted. XThe classic but modern design of the Limited Edition Bremont Longitude marks a significant milestone on this journey. Not solely does the Longitude house the brand’s first manufactured movement from its new ENG300 movement series nevertheless it additionally incorporates unique brass from the historic Flamsteed Meridian Line on the Royal Observatory Greenwich, London. At Greenwich, the brass Flamsteed Meridian line marks the historic position trilobe nuit fantastique where the first Astronomer Royal, John Flamsteed, made his observations and laid the foundations for accurate timekeeping and navigation... XHighly refined, beautifully finished, and providing fashion and comfort across many wrist sizes not often present in a sports watch, the elegant new C65 Aquitaine takes the retro diver to new peaks – and depths.
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444names · 2 years ago
breton names from tes BUT including "w"
Abywyr Adistywyr Adwing Adwingwing Adwistain Adwistan Adwistasil Adwistyctyn Adwistyr Aelwind Aelwingsly Aelwyn Aelwynak Aelwynyn Agrywyrice Altherywyr Ambloodwing Ambreywel Ambreywen Anabywyr Andreywen Andywyrick Angerowan Annardwulf Arthwing Arthwingsley Arthwington Ashwin Ashwingsmine Ashwingstock Avripperwin Babistywyr Barthwing Barthwingare Bedastywyr Belladabywyr Beroweveur Brantierower Breywel Breywen Bridweg Brunwyctor Brunwyctorya Brunwyna Brunwynaldre Brunwynone Carthwing Castywyr Cathywyr Cerowington Chartwounard Chridweg Chrystywyr Colwind Colwing Colwingham Colwinna Colwynault Colwynayne Colwynona Colwynyn Condywyr Copperwig Copperwin Corwin Corwind Corwing Corwingston Corwynak Corwynault Corwynon Crowin Crowingcroft Crowingwin Dailiperwig Damarkwore Danwychere Danwyctabyth Danwyctor Danwyctyn Danwyn Darkwore Darkworel Darkworya Darrardwulf Darroweves Demartwouna Dorothew Duthew Eadwyche Eadwyctaut Eadwyg Eadwyger Eadwyn Eadwynon Eadwynyra Eadwynyssa Eadwyr Eadwyval Eadwywyr Edmondywyr Edwanette Edwarde Edwastellady Edwastelle Edwaster Edwastersley Edwastier Edwaston Edwastona Edwastynak Edwelle Edwind Edwing Edwingham Edwingharthe Edwingina Edwingsmith Edwist Edwiston Edwistrameli Edwistyvyra Edworel Edworelia Edworenval Edwort Edwortena Edwortenard Edworticia Edwortin Edwortine Edworya Edwyche Edwyched Edwychelac Edwyctot Edwyger Edwygerdin Edwygerele Edwygerique Edwyna Edwynielle Edwynora Edwynyna Edwyree Edwyrice Elaudreywel Elberthywyr Elyzabywyr Emerywyr Emmandreywen Erwane Esteverywyr Fabreywel Falkwin Falkwing Ferowingsley Ferrickwind Fordywyr Forthwoderun Foucherywyr Freywel Freywell Freywelle Freywen Freywenard Freywenitte Gaerfordywyr Gaerwin Gaerwingham Gastywyric Gawayine Gawayinette Gawaynak Gondierower Gordywyr Greenwic Greenwick Greenwington Gwenaudelie Gwenauld Gwenica Gwenie Gwenile Gwenilline Gwening Gwenne Gwynak Gwynalda Gwynaldonac Gwynalien Gwynand Gwynane Gwynard Gwynaut Gwynie Gwynielle Gwyniellette Gwynisea Gwynne Gwynnellivia Gwynole Gwynoles Gwynolle Gwynolline Gwynollon Gwynolon Gwynolorick Gwynon Gwynonette Gwynore Gwynorene Gwynoryan Gwynynayne Gwynyrice Gwynyrine Gwynyrry Gwynyse Gwynyssace Gwynyssand Gwynyssara Gwynyssard Gwynysse Gwyssac Gwyssace Gwyssant Harthwin Hastywyr Hawkfiel Hawkfielde Hawkfielet Hawkfielles Hawkfordier Hawkfordyval Hawkhamrite Hawkhara Hawkhard Hawkharie Hawkharien Hawkharl Hawkharly Hawkhou Hawkhouge Hawkhouseph Hawkhouses Hawkhousette Hawkhoussa Hawkin Hawkingifer Hawkingsmith Hawkingwin Hawkinne Hawkslene Hawkslynnese Hawksmie Hawksmina Hawksmithe Hawkstoleona Hawkstor Hawkstoret Hawktonacel Hawktonache Hawkwin Hawkwingham Hawkwinna Hawron Hawronard Hawronde Hawrondywyr Hawronette Hawronia Hawroniques Hearthew Hearthwind Hearthwodel Heartwounte Helwind Helwing Helwyna Herrowane Howeve Howeven Howeveque Howeveryna Hugusterowe Inawyna Inawynak Inawynier Inawynn Inawynone Inawynorya Inawynyna Inawynyssa Ingwing Inwolda Isabywyr Jannabethew Jaufortenwic Jondywyr Jowald Jowaldou Jowaldriel Jowane Jowaneselde Kingwie Kingwin Kingwinn Lanardwulf Laurickwin Laverywyr Lewind Lewing Lewingard Lewingfielda Lewingfielle Lewingham Lodywyr Lorthwing Lywellara Lywenard Lywenice Lywenins Lywenitte Lywenne Malkwin Malkwind Malkwing Mareenwick Marthwin Marthwing Marthwingwin Martwounan Marwin Marwind Marwing Marwingare Marwingham Marwingifer Marwingwing Mathew Mathipperwin Mirardwulf Mirteenwic Mirtenwick Moorwig Moorwind Moorwington Moorwinne Moorwyn Moorwyna Moorwynak Moorwynynak Moorwynysse Morgingwin Morrickwin Morrowe Morroweves Morrowinne Mortenwic Morthwode Murridweg Namwen Namwena Namwenis Namwenne Nashridweg Oedistywyric Oliverywyre Olwind Olwingis Olwinne Owayne Owenaelred Owenane Owenice Owenier Oweniette Owenne
Parrowalda Perardwulf Perowalda Perroweve Perroweves Porthwin Prefordywyr Redwyche Redwyge Redwyn Redwynie Redwyr Redwyval Redwyvane Redwywyr Renwick Renwind Renwing Sabywyr Sebarnamwen Seronterwind Serowan Serrowaldric Sesterwig Souardwulf Spenardwulf Sterwig Sterwind Stoweves Stowevette Theodywyric Theristywyr Thibreywelle Tilwalda Tilwaldin Tolwind Tolwing Tolwingtemps Tolwynyn Tyreenwick Uthywyre Verowing Verowingart Verowington Verrowever Vierrardwulf Vonterwig Wingara Wingfielle Wingharler Wingsley Woodfordywyr Woodsterwig Woodwig Woodwin Woodwind Woodwingham Woodwistyr Yeomwin Yeomwingsly Yngwing Yngwingiene Yngwingier Yngwingsley Yngwingsmith Ysyreenwic
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magnoliamert · 5 years ago
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A beauitful Diane Bergeron table setting featuring Diane Bergeron’s new Greenwic… https://ift.tt/343khcY
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rudyroth79 · 5 years ago
Meridianul zero
La data de 13 octombrie 1884, acum 135 de ani, în cadrul Conferinţei Internaţionale de Astronomie de la Washington (la care au participat delegaţi din 25 de state), s-a hotărât ca, începând de la această dată, Observatorul astronomic de la Greenwich (în estul Londrei) să fie sediul ”meridianului zero”, adică punctul zero al timpului de referinţă pentru definirea fusurilor orare.
Denumit Greenwic…
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mybookingbox · 6 years ago
Gurkha's Inn 17 Colomb Street, Greenwic
Gurkha’s Inn 17 Colomb Street, Greenwic
Gurkha’s Inn 17 Colomb Street, Greenwich, London SE10 9HA, +44 20 8293 5464 #Gurkha’sInn #Colomb #StreetGreenwich #London #SE109HA http://ow.ly/cFzr30oWyIj
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happybuses102 · 6 years ago
Go Ahead London Route 188 (WHV113) - North Greenwich Station to Greenwic...
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archoptical · 8 years ago
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Creekside Wharf
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lovinggivercloud-blog · 8 years ago
RT GreenwichAssoc: At Goldman Sachs, video makes the banking stars https://t.co/2hrvunnFeh via FinancialNews _tim_burke #banking #Greenwic…
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differentfirekitty-blog · 8 years ago
RT GreenwichAssoc: At Goldman Sachs, video makes the banking stars https://t.co/iQBrTTlOGT via FinancialNews _tim_burke #banking #Greenwic…
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archoptical · 8 years ago
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Creekside Wharf
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