#greenhill gardens
anonymousewrites · 3 months
One Hell of a Love (Book 3) Chapter Thirteen
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Thirteen: One Hell of an Incident
Summary: Sebastian and (Y/N) return to Phantomhive Manor.
Mouse Note: Just Sebastian and MC getting a moment to end this book(?). Well, maybe. I may include the next arc, whenever it comes out, in this book since it feels short, but, for now, until there's more details for when the next arc is coming out, this book shall remain paused here. I love the next arc, though, so I hope it comes soon!
            In the end, after the incident in the tea garden and Weston College finished, Ciel told the Queen the truth. He gave her the whole account of what Derrick had done, what Agares had accepted, and what Redmond, Violet, Bluewer, and Greenhill had decided to do.
            The punishment handed to them was expulsion—not imprisonment. It was not a show of mercy at all; it was to suppress the scandal involving Derrick Arden’s actions previous to his death and his blood relation to the Queen. The royal house wouldn’t want that truth of corruption to be exposed by a trial. To the P4, their expulsion from the very school they sought to protect was as terrible as imprisonment—rather, it was an expulsion from their Eden.
            For the rest of the story given to the public, Derrick and his accomplice’s deaths were attributed to a boating accident, and the bodies were “lost”—buried in secret. The parties involved in the Midnight Tea Party were strictly forbidden from discussing the matter—and, indeed, how could they? Who would believe what they had seen? So, outside of the new P4’s subdued attitude, life at Weston College went on as normal.
            As for the Queen, she had truly received the entire report of the situation. Ciel had been concerned she would not believe someone was trying to reanimate the dead, but she fortunately did. Furthermore, she requested him to keep an eye on the situation. Ciel didn’t need the order to do so. He wanted Undertaker’s plans, whatever they were, to be stopped.
            “You must be exhausted,” said Sebastian as Ciel entered the carriage and they headed back to Phantomhive Manor from their meeting with the Queen.
            “Quite. I’d like to get home on the double and relax with some sweets,” said Ciel.
            “We will prepare something as soon as we return,” said Sebastian.
            “My lord, we also received a letter as we were about to leave this morning,” said (Y/N).
            “Ah, yes.” Sebastian withdrew it from his jacket. “It should keep you busy until we reach the manor.”
            Ciel glanced at it and saw the return address of Weston College and McMillan. He looked away. “I don’t want it. Throw it away.”
            “Oh?” Sebastian quirked a brow in amusement. “You do not mind discarding a letter from your former schoolmate without so much as a glance?”
            “I don’t mind.” Ciel looked out the window evenly. “I have no plans to return to that stuffy miniature garden.”
            Sebastian smirked. “Is that so?”
            “Very well, my lord,” said (Y/N). They were unsurprised by the development. Ciel preferred to keep people at arm’s distance, and, after seeing all the hero worship and strict near-brainwashing that tradition caused at Weston, he had no interest in associating further.
            Sebastian, (Y/N), and Ciel stared blankly at the lawn in front of Phantomhive Manor. It was covered in a flock of sheep. As usual, any time they were gone, something strange happened to the mansion.
            “What the blazes is this?” said Ciel.
            “Oh! Young Master! Mr. Sebastian! (Y/N)!” Finny grinned. “Welcome back!”
            “Welcome back, says Emily,” said Snake.
            “Old Man Sam’s farm fence seems to have collapsed,” explained Baldroy.
            “Don’t eat my skirt, I say!”
            “That chap’s headed for the herb garden, says Wilde,” said Snake.
            “No, no!” Finny ran after the escaping sheep. “Wait!”
            Ciel chuckled.
            “Is something the matter?” said (Y/N).
            “No, it’s nothing.” He watched Finny and Snake wrestle the sheep. “A lawn is simply a lawn.” It was nothing to be worshiped or avoided like at Weston. Ciel walked around the flock and waved a hand carelessly. “Tidy up quickly and prepare my afternoon tea.”
            “Yes, my Lord.” (Y/N) and Sebastian bowed.
            Upon rounding up the sheep and repairing the fence (and admonishing the other servants for being unable to handle the situation), Sebastian and (Y/N) headed to the kitchen to make afternoon tea.
            “Now, what shall we make today?” mused Sebastian, taking off his jacket.
            “Hm, what would the Young Master be craving after being stuck at Weston College?” said (Y/N).
            As they spoke, Sebastian pulled out the letter from McMillan. He pulled a knife and cut it open. Withdrawing the picture within, he raised a brow.
            “It turned out quite nicely,” said (Y/N).
            “Indeed,” said Sebastian, giving it to them. He picked up pots and pans to begin cooking.
            (Y/N) crumbled the picture and tossed it into the flames of the stove.
            “Time to bake the Young Master an extra sweet cake,” said Sebastian.
            “I’ll grab the ingredients,” said (Y/N).
            Weston College was behind them. The Phantomhive Manor would continue as usual.
            “Is the Young Master content to be home and ordering you around once again?” said (Y/N). They chuckled. “I imagine he wasn’t pleased with how eagerly you played housemaster and demanded his hard work in your classes.”
            Sebastian tutted. “To be punished for instructing him properly, how rude.”
            (Y/N) laughed. “Your poor thing.” They untied their apron and laid it down.
            Sebastian smiled at their amusement and took off his jacket. “However, I am pleased to be out of that place. The humans there were so…compliant to the school.”
            “Not enough troublemaking for you?” said (Y/N).
            “There were a few who were unequivocally themselves, but, for the most part, they all fell in line with the ‘tradition’ of the school.” Sebastian rolled his eyes, and (Y/N) chuckled. “But you, my darling, what did you think of the experience?”
            “I am glad to be gone for the same reasons as you,” said (Y/N). “I dislike how those in school who are different are encouraged to adhere to the standards of society instead of challenging it.”
            “Like yourself?” said Sebastian.
            (Y/N) grinned at him, catlike. “I have always broken society’s rules~”
            “You certainly enjoyed playing a masculine role,” chuckled Sebastian, undoing his tie and approaching (Y/N).
            “Well, I’ve been playing feminine for a while, so changing things up was fun,” said (Y/N). “I’m here for entertainment, after all.”
            “It was entertaining for you, and it was enticing for me,” said Sebastian, his hands going to (Y/N)’s waist. “You are so captivating, Felis, no matter the masculine or feminine clothing you wear.” He adored seeing them dressed up in different outfits—mostly because he could take them off later.
            “You know, in the past, when we encountered one another, I used to ensure I wore the finest clothing I could for the role I played,” said (Y/N), smirking and running their hands up his chest.
            “Attempting to seduce me for so long? How devilish,” said Sebastian, pulling them flush against his body. “You have no idea how long I wished to devour you.”
            “And now you can,” said (Y/N), damn near purring.
            “Now I have.” Sebastian kissed them. “And I will do so again and again and again for eternity.” He kissed down their neck. His grip on them tightened. “And I will never allow another to touch you.” Sebastian nipped their neck before lifted his head to gaze into their eyes. “When the Undertaker looked at you—” his eyes flashed fuchsia “—I despised it.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes flashed hungrily as Sebastian’s love and possessiveness piqued their own interest. Curling their hands in his hair, they pulled him in for a passionate kiss. “I am yours. You are mine. That is all that matters.”
            Sebastian keened against their kiss, pleased at the words. But he pulled back and gazed at them. “Undertaker has a strange interest in you. You are…inspiration as an individual returning in a new form, overcoming the finality of death.” Sebastian’s eyes narrowed. “I do not wish to see you harmed. I will not lose you.”
            “Corvus.” (Y/N) looked at him intently. “You have not lost me. You will not lose me. My transformation may be amusing to Undertaker, but that is only a danger to the humans he experiments on.” They chuckled. “Besides, you and I are far above humans and silly reapers, are we not? And we have one another.”
            “Yes.” Sebastian allowed their words to calm him, but his heart—whatever he had that counted as one—still hungered to prove to himself and (Y/N) that they belonged to one another—equals in love. “Yes, we have one another.” He kissed them. “I am yours, Felis. And you are mine.”
            “I am yours, Corvus,” said (Y/N), kissing him back.
            In a smooth motion, Sebastian lifted them and set them down on the bed. He leaned over them, legs between theirs, and pulled their waist up to kiss them.
            “Mine to have, to hold, to love.” Sebastian punctuated each declaration with a kiss on their skin. He lifted his head and smiled at them. “I love you, Felis. Truly.”
            (Y/N) smiled, grabbed his collar, and pulled him against them. “And I love you, Corvus.”
            They kissed him passionately, and those were all the words that were needed.
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hisbutleronhiatus · 2 months
It has been 43 days since the Kuroshitsuji hiatus was announced.
Today, the P4 went out for a walk through a garden Greenhill found one misty dawn (he was doing his morning run at the time and thought the others would like to see it).
Redmond posed on a bench while Violet contentedly sketched a scene from the Arabian Nights.
Bluewer made flower crowns for each of them.
Credit: @reine-du-sourire
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helpfandom · 6 months
Yandere Stobotnik x Platonic Reader Chapter 2: The man
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TW: Kidnapping, Threatening, Emotional manipulation. Kind of a mental breakdown/ anxiety attack?
You woke up without Maddie or Ozzy in the house, leaving it to feel empty. You were colder without Ozzy to lay on, and nothing other than Tom taking a shower could be heard. You checked the time, 6:52. I guess Tom took the day off to pack and get ready for San Francisco? You got up and got dressed in matching clothing, which soothed you a little bit.
You got downstairs and decided to go and make breakfast, which lead to slightly singed pancakes, but a meal you made yourself. Tom finished and was dressed in a casual outfit when he got downstairs and smiled when he saw that you made breakfast for him. You looked at him questioningly, "D- Did you take the day off or?" He sat down, "I asked to come in a little later today since I had to drive Maddie." You nodded, "Ah, that makes more sense. What time are you coming in?" He finished the bite he was chewing and then replied, "Around lunchtime, don't worry though, I won't arrive then take my lunch break, I'll eat here." 
You nodded and finished the bite you were eating before asking another question. "You think Maddie's over there by now?" "Yeah, I think so, I believe her flight arrived at 6:30, but I might be wrong so why don't we call her later today and find out?" "Have you seen anything weird lately?" He paused and asked for clarification, "What do you mean?" "Like have you seen anything like a quill but it was to big to be a normal hedgehog's quill, or a slightly anthropomorphic hedgehog?" He paused and looked at you incredulously. 
"D- did you know I picked up a quill yesterday?" You almost dropped your fork and knife in surprise, "What?" Your heart was fluttering, in a bad way. "Yeah, I saw it while I was at the speed trap. Oh! And one thing, I had my speedometer go off twice with high numbers." "D-do you think that maybe those are connected, I saw something weird yesterday." "What did you see?" You explained that both you and Maddie didn't know what it was that you saw. "Maybe it's aliens?" Tom joked. "Me and Maddie said the same thing, maybe it's a sign to get the heck out of dodge." You hummed a agreement out and finished the meal in silence with each other. It felt wrong without her or Ozzy.
You washed the dishes when you were done and then got started packing the books in your room, at around 8:30, Tom calls you down. "On the phone with Maddie!" You rushed downstairs to join the conversation.
"Whatcha' doing?" You asked, curious. "Just drawing, with Jojo, And Rachel." "Has she -she being Rachel- convinced you to leave me yet?" "No, but she wants me to check your phone for dating apps." "Good luck, the only apps I have are the ones that came with my phone." A moment of silence, then, "And the Olive Garden app," You pitched in on the "Cause' when you're there, you're family." Tom was remined of something, and said "Hey fascinating stuff here, we got a power outage."
"Oh, that's interesting ...." A clatter outside was heard, Tom looked at you momentarily before deciding it was racoons. He moved to the drawer with the tranquilizer in it while still continuing to speak, "Hey, how much does the racoon need before sleeping, Greenhill's finest Vet?" "Tom, That's for bears-" He finished setting up the gun to shoot, "Perfect, then it'll work." A gasp could be heard through the phone, "TOM!" He hung up on Maddie, leaving her to wonder what he was going to do to the poor racoons.
You followed Tom to see what that was, maybe it's what I saw yesterday? Hm, unlikely, but still.  We walked out to the garage, I walked behind Tom, who was ready to bust down the door. He kicked it in yelling "SFPD!" You chimed in, "Pending background check!" You both rushed inside and there it was, the ?hedgehog?. "Um, Meow?" Tom shot him with the tranquilizer in surprise, leading the ?hedgehog? to drop the thing that he was holding and create a ?portal? to the top of a building.
You walked back in shock, what the. The ?hedgehog?  flopped to the floor and dropped the bag that he was holding. You watched the bag fall into the ?portal? created on the floor and land on the building. You and Tom watched in shock as the portal closed in on itself. You shared a look and then Tom seemed to have broken out of his stupor. 
Tom grabbed the thing and shoved it in an animal cage that Maddie left in the garage. You got out of your frozen state when he handed you the tranquilizer gun. You held it until you two got into the house, then you put it on the cabinet. You and Tom had a moment of silence before he stuttered something out to himself. "Wh-what the fuck is that?" You sat down, and watched the thing breathe for a beat before saying something. "I think that this is what I saw."
He turned and looked at you, "Really?" You looked at him, "Yes." There was a pause as you both thought about what to say to each other. "I think we should call it a hedgehog." "Why?" You turned back to the thing in the cage. "Because that's what I've been calling it in my mind." He chuckled a little bit, "I don't mean to laugh, it's just that you're delivery was funny to me for some reason." You shrugged. "Gotta have humor in serious situations."
The silence was starting to settle in like a heavy, weighted, blanket amongst you two. Tom, done with the silence, beckoned to you to get up and talk to him. You got up from your seat and walked over to him. You both put your back to the hedgehog and were going to call Maddie before you heard the cage door opening and you stopped Tom.
You both turned around, shocked -even though you both were pretty sure he opened the door- to find that he escaped from the cage. "hgn, What happened?" You gasped and stepped back again. Tom walked to the hedgehog and asked "What are you?" "A hedgehog?" It asked the incredulously, like in disbelief that someone wouldn't know what it is. There was commotion outside, and it ran to the window. "Oh no, they found me again." 
You raised your eyebrows, "Again?" It turned to you, "Yes, again." It turned to Tom, "You've got to help me, Donut Lord." The commotions stopped. "Why should I help you?" "Because you shot me, and this is life or death." Tom looked in distress between you and the hedgehog. "You, Room, HIDE." You pointed to the hedgehog and Tom rephrased the sentence, "It- Attic, You- Room."
You went up the stairs and pretended to go inside your room. You could hear Tom open the door, and talk to someone outside. You didn't hear much though, only little snippets. You tried inching closer, but remembered the floorboards are creaky, and that would tell them that you are there. "So tell me why I should let you inside my house?" You put your hand to your mouth, What? Is someone trying to get in? "Are you aware of ..." Something came in through the window, which made you stand up in alarm. The floor boards creaked as you walked -more like ran- to your closet to hide. 
What the fuck? 
It was silent for a few minutes, most likely seconds but your impatience left you thinking it was longer -as far as you heard at least- before you heard thumping ?down? the stairs. You waited a few beats, and then you could hear a scream momentarily and then rapid fire gunshots with glass breaking.
You shut your eyes, you were panic stricken, and waited until you could hear something. It was minutes, -you counted to try and calm yourself- before you heard something come ?up? the stairs. You heard two pairs of feet, which meant it was likely two people who were here. Doors were flung open and you could hear that they were getting closer to where you were hiding.
Your bedroom door was busted open and then you could hear that they were right outside the closet door. "Hey, Doctor? Are you sure that someone was here?" A fluttering was heard as someone turned around. "Of course I am sure that someone was here." They flung open the door to your closet revealing you to them, as they did though, they kept talking. "Did you doubt my robots, Stone?"
'Stone' -at least as far as you knew, they were named Stone- pointed to you, and smiled at the 'Doctor'. "Of course not, Doctor." Doctor -this time you knew for sure who was who- grabbed your arm violently and pulled you up to them. "Now, adolescent, we need you to come with us to the police department." Dear god, he's scary. "O-okay. W-where's Tom?" Stone's eyes flicked to Doctor then to you. Doctor just let go of you and walked away.
Stone stayed behind and put a hand on your shoulder to try to comfort you. "Tom is- Tom is unavailable currently." Stone then lead you downstairs where you saw a catastrophe of a house. The table was broken, glass shards were everywhere, bullet holes riddled the walls and floor. Stone was preoccupied with something outside, which left you alone in the house. What happened? Is he dead? Who are these people? You saw that the tranquilizer was still on the counter where you left it, and you compulsively grabbed it and put it in your pocket.
Stone entered again to drag you away from the mess that was now your house. There were two large trucks outside where Doctor was standing outside one of them, impatiently waiting and tapping his foot. Stone explained "I had driven one of the trucks to investigate one area, and the Doctor had driven the other to investigate here, but now he wants to drive you down to the police station and investigate there, while I drive the other back to base. So, you'll be driving with him." Base? 
"O-okay." You got into the truck with Doctor in tow and sat down in one of the seats, and odd one since it was your lucky number and you needed all the luck you could get. "No. Sit somewhere else." The Doctor ordered you, so you sat in the next seat that was your lucky number -another odd number-, but that wasn't good enough for the Doctor. "Sit down beside me then, if you can't sit in the right place." 
So you did just that, you sat down beside him and yelled at him from inside your mind. Excuse me what? I can sit down in the right spot. I was sitting down to get luck, and it wasn't in the way of anything or anyone so I was in the right, you are in the wrong.
Your thoughts of anger were quickly burst when Doctor asked you why you sat in the wrong place. "I sat in the luck number spot." "What do you mean?"  You shrugged, "It was my lucky number where I sat, and you're kind of scary so I need all the luck I can get." He huffed. "I don't see why you think that. Luck doesn't exist, it's just a construct we created, all there is is probability. " You swallowed, I have to tread carefully. "I don't know why I think that way either." 
You quickly arrived at the police department, much to your relief, and got out of the truck. Wade's car was outside, alongside a few black cars, none of which you recognized. You entered the air conditioned police station in tow of the Doctor. Wade was surrounded by some people in black suits. Wade looked discombobulated and also looked like he was about to cry. You walked over to Wade, who looked at you in concern. "I thought Tom wasn't going to show up for a while today." You sat down at a chair, "Yeah, well um." You leaned towards him, and started whispering. "I think Tom's dead, and these guys-" You gestured to the men, "Had something to do with it." 
He whispered to you, "You think Tom's dead?" The shock of it made his hands shake, "I do, there were bullet holes and gun fire, and now Tom's missing." "O, M, G." He looked at you and wrapped you into a hug, "I'm so sorry." Doctor harumphed and then announced to everyone in the room, "So, you simple minded compatriots, I shall tell you what is going on." You and Wade looked to the Doctor, "There is investigation of the power outage incident, and it occurred in this sleepy little town." Stone entered the police station, and walked to Doctor.
You and Wade shared a look of confusion, but neither of you wanted to interrupt him talking, and so you kept silent. I thought it just happened here? Was it farther than that? He continued, "We are from the government, and we are taking over for now." Your eyes widened, the government? Wade gasped a little in shock, a sentiment you agreed with. The Doctor finished his announcement, and walked over to you and Wade. 
He looked around for a seat to sit on and then grabbed it once he saw a seat, Stone stood behind the Doctor. Doctor scooted close to you two before asking a question. "What do you know about terrorism?" You leaned back a little in shock, "W-what?" He grunted in annoyance, "What do you know about terrorism?" You looked around, as if searching your memory , when it came to you. "Acts of violence, particularly against civilians, in order to get a political point across?" 
"Close but what about domestic terrorism?" A look of confusion came across you and Wade's faces. "The same but done with someone from the country?" You asked, looking around again for something. "Hmm. Close enough. That's what Tom is." Your eyes widened again. "B-but-" Wade came to your rescue, "He can't put bait on when fishing, there is no way he can be a terrorist." 
You interjected, "I-isn't he dead anyway?" Doctor sighed, "Sadly-" He gave a look to Stone, "He isn't, nor is he captured." Tears came to your eyes in relief that Tom wasn't dead, You didn't want to lose another parent so soon. "Oh." "Oh?" Doctor queried. "I thought he was dead, ya 'know cause of the bullet holes, and gunfire." Doctor nodded, "A incorrect assumption, but I see how you jumped to that conclusion. But, back to the topic at hand here, Tom is a terrorist, even if you think him a good man."
No, no way he's a terrorist. It must be because of that hedgehog we helped earlier. The thing must be wanted by the government. You snuck a look at the clock, 4:41, whish was surprising because time had moved so fast. "Why is he a terrorist?" You dared to ask. "He is helping an enemy of the state, which reminds me of something." He stood up and beckoned you to do so as well. Stone stepped back to let Doctor through, and you followed Doctor to an empty room. 
Doctor grabbed something from Stone's pocket and held it in front of you. It seemed like a quill from a hedgehog, but it was long, glowing blue and sparkling with electricity. "What is this to you? And what was it doing inside your house?" "It must have been a glowstick, from a previous performance of mine." He hummed, "Then why is it so bright?" "Good glowstick, perhaps?" He hummed again, then handed it to Stone to keep. He started walking closer to you, and he grabbed your chin to look at him. "Look, adolescent, Don't play games with me." "I-I'm not, I don't know what's going on a-and I'm s-scared c-cause I thought that my dad was dead, and I didn't want him to die as well, and-" You burst into tears, all of your anxiety caught up to you and exploded within. 
You dropped to the ground and held your knees to yourself. You couldn't stop crying, even though it showed that you were vulnerable right now, you just couldn't stop. Stone kneeled beside you and started rubbing circles into your back. Doctor just stood there dumbfounded, he didn't know what to do, as someone just started crying in front of him, seemingly without warning. He just left you crying with Stone. 
It was hard, you didn't want to cry but your body was crying without you meaning it to, leaving you feeling awful making you cry more. Stone just kneeled there rubbing your back and giving you tissues while you were crying into yourself, which was for a while, because you couldn't stop. Eventually you did stop, but that was when all the tears in your body were gone.
You breathed in, and blew your nose again before standing up. "I'm sorry that you had to do that. I shouldn't cry." He gave you a sympathetic look, "It's okay to cry, it must have been a lot for you today." You laughed a little. "Yeah, it was." You threw away your tissues and breathed in really deep. "I'm okay now, I promise." "Okay. You ready to go out there?" 
"Yeah, I think so." You opened the door and took a look at the clock when you sat back down with Wade. 6:11. Doctor was talking to somebody else when you sat down. "You okay? Your eyes are puffy and red, did they make you cry?" You shook your head. "No, they didn't make me cry. I'm fine Wade." He said nothing, but moved the tissue box closer to you.
You were exhausted, but you fought with your tiredness to stay awake by stabbing yourself with your fingernails. You did end up falling asleep, but you woke up at 8:22, so it was just a little nap. Wade tapped you on the shoulder to see if you were awake. He needed to tell you something. "Hey, you awake?" You mumbled something, and then shook your head to wake up. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that."
"It's okay, I understand, but they have a plan as to where you'll be staying." You were more awake at that point, "What? What do you mean?" He paused for a moment then shook his head about something mentally. "Um, so, you won't be staying at your house 'cause it's an investigation zone and you would be trampling evidence, and since both of your guardians are unavailable to watch you, you will be staying with them - I think." You blinked slowly at him, "Why can't I stay with you?" 
He shrugged, "I don't know. Sorry, kiddo."  Doctor and Stone stopped by Wade's desk where you two were, "Did you manage to relay the information?" Doctor asked in a demanding tone. "Yeah, I told Y/N that they wouldn't be staying with me." The phone started to ring, and Wade picked it up before Doctor could. 
Tom's voice was a bit staticky, but you could hear him through the phone. "Hey Wade." Wade whispered into the phone, "What is going on, Tom? There are these men in suits and they were asking about you and asking about terrorism, and I told them you couldn't put bait on, there is no way he's a terrorist." Tom cut him off, "Wade, I need you to not let them know I called you." Wade looked at Doctor and Stone, "Yeah, I think they already know." 
Doctor grabbed the phone out of Wade's hand, "Mr. Wachowski ." "Ah, Hello Robotnik." "I want you to know that the only other person to punched me in the face was the school yard bully, he hit me in the cafeteria causing a blunt force contusion to the soft tissue surrounding my orbital bone, humiliated me in front of the entire school and you know what I did in response?" "I assume that you went to the teacher and reported him?" "No, I examined the inefficiency in a world where brawn overtrumped brain and I used technology to resolve that inefficiency. The boy ate his meals through a straw for a year. You are about to become the bully with a straw. I am coming for you Mr. Wachowski and when I catch you- I'll." Tom hung up the phone abruptly, stopping Robotnik from finishing his sentence.
"Hello? Hello? Hello Hello Hello?" Wade interrupted Robotnik, "Um, I think he hung up actually, 'cause I noticed the light isn't on." "Thank you, Officer Brainfart." Wade pouted at the insult. "You know what, just sit there and be you - sless." He beckoned for you to come with him as he walked off from the room.
"Um, aren't any of you going to erase my memory or something?! I will tell people about this!" But nobody did anything.
You followed Robotnik and Stone where they stopped in front of the truck. "Now, adolescent, are there any questions for my superior intellect?" You fiddled with your fingers, "A-actually, yes there is, Why couldn't I stay with Wade?" He laughed a little, "You were in the home and care of a terrorist, why would we let you be alone with someone when we could watch you?" Stone entered the truck, and it was just you and Robotnik outside. 
"B-but I d-didn't do anything, Why are you watching me?" He put his hands to his temples and rubbed them in frustration, and screamed at you, "BECAUSE!"
You grabbed the tranquilizer in your pants, I am not going with someone with power in the government that high, he can do almost anything without consequences, he could do anything to me. You shot the man with the tranquilizer and ran, but you could hear him grab the dart out from his leg and drop it to the ground. The crunch of the ground beneath your feet was quickly doubled as the man ran behind you, quickly catching up as you didn't do much exercise.
All you saw in front of you was the bright vermillion eyes of a robot floating in front of you.
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aksesorisetnikbatik · 1 month
Kalung Wanita Etnik Batik di Tokopedia Surabaya Sidoarjo
Kalung Wanita Etnik Batik di Tokopedia Surabaya Sidoarjo
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LAMITA Perajin Aksesoris Etnik dari Kota Malang Jawa Timur. Kalung, Gelang, Anting, Lanyard ID Card, Syal, Bros
buat kamu yang suka tampil unik bergaya etnik, ingin terlihat berbeda dari orang lain dalam hal berbusana, atau yang suka banget memadupadankan busana dan aksesoris, jangan lewatkan untuk nengok lemari pajang kami ya…
Bangkalan, Banyuwangi, Blitar, Batu, Bojonegoro, Bondowoso, Gresik, Jember, Jombang, Kediri, Lamongan, Lumajang, Madiun, Magetan, Surabaya, Mojokerto, Nganjuk, Ngawi, Pacitan, Pamekasan, Pasuruan, Ponorogo, Probolinggo, Sampang, Sidoarjo, Situbondo, Sumenep, Trenggalek, Tuban, Tulungagung
Sidoarjo, Balongbendo, Buduran, Candi, Gedangan, Jabon, Krembung, Krian, Prambon, Porong, Sedati, Sukodono, Taman, Tanggulangin, Tarik, Tulangan, Waru, Wonoayu Surya Indah Permai, Sun Safira Residence Regency, Sarirogo, Sekawan Anggun, Citra City Point, Jumput Rejo, Gebang Arum, Palazzo Park, Surya Citra Tama, Villa Jasmine, Graha Mutiara, Royal Orchid, Surya Garden Citra TamaIi, Sekawan, Puri Airlangga Sidokare, Greenhill, Ngemplak Cemeng Kalang, Casa Veranza, Gadung Fajar, Permata Siwalan, The Sun Gardens, Citra Padova, Pondok Jati, Heavenland Park Aragorn, Palazzo, Permata Pinang, Jambangan, Wilwatikta Putra Nusantara, Griya Hijau, Pabrik Gula Candi Baru, Grezz, Prima Raya, Belvara, Taman Hedona, Maxima Green, Mutiara City, Banjar Mukti, Pondok Nirwana Anggaswangi, Sapphire, Larangan Mega Asri, Kwangsan Kemiri, Pesona Gading , Anggun Permai , Gading Fajar, Delta Kota, Pondok Jati, Sukodono Dian Regency, Star Lotus, Kavling Keben, Bumi Suko, Blukid, Puri Teratai, Mutiara, Flamboyan Kepadangan, Sun Flower, Kuncara Executive, The Orchid Tulangan, Grand Teratai, Mutiara Citra, Pondok Sidokare, Prima Garden Estate, Mentari Bumi Sejahtera, Pondok Buana, Karakon Jaya Lestari, Griya Bhayangkara, Chalidana, D'gardenia City , Kahuripan Nirwana Village, Pepe Indah
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I don't know what else to put in your inbox at the moment, but do you have any new headcanons for any of the Wachowskis?
I absolutely have a few to share, my dear!❤️✨ I really, really miss making headcanons here. I do apologize if these aren’t the best, I’m still recovering from burn out from Uni. Let’s see what I can come up with...
Family vacations are an excellent way for the clan to bond. It’s one of Tom’s favorite ways in bonding with his kids. Tom does all of the planning: he makes hotel reservations, plans the activities, packs the snacks, he even goes through all of the effort and packs everyone’s clothes for the trip (Everyone seems to do it last minute). While the kids adore going on trip, they hate the early morning hours they have to get up at in order to get to their destination.
Maddie is very sporty and loves the outdoors. She loves to go on hikes and morning runs with her kids. When it’s her day to plan family activities with everyone, it usually involves nature runs, rock climbing, and swimming. Tom will join them on occasion, but he’s often tired after the morning run. He’ll sit in the car to cool off while the kids and mom have fun.
After a tragic accident at the only Olive Garden in the state of Montana, the Wachowski family is banned from entering in every eating establishment. They are denied entry no matter what state they are in. However, the ban can be lifted if Tom and Knuckles apologize.
Tails is not allowed to touch the Roomba and microwave. Once was enough.
Tails absolutely loves to go dumpster diving for spare parts. He finds just about everything that he needs in order to make his invention. The problem with this is the time that he likes to go at. Tails wakes Tom up at 3am to go to the Greenhills Dump to fill the back of the pickup truck with items that he needs. This is a once a week ritual that Tom and Tails have formed together.
Whenever Knuckles leaves the house for the day, he always makes sure to return home with a rock to give to Maddie and one to add to his rock collection.
On stormy days, Sonic likes to sneak small animals into the house to keep them safe and dry from the rain. This has been a habit that Sonic formed when living in the forest. The rain was usually brutal and not safe to be out. He would bring them into his cave to wait out the rain. Sonic has brought home small birds and critters for months into the house until Maddie caught him. She helped him construct a bird house to put outside so that the birds and small animals had shelter during the storms.
Due to living ten years in the forest, Sonic know how to do various animal calls, as well as understand what each call is. This is how he communicated with the fauna back then.
He may look cute and fluffy, but Ozzie cusses like a sailor. The only one that understands his barking is Sonic. Sonic and Ozzie will bark at each other for hours.
Knuckles deathly afraid of pigeons.
Tails has severe anxiety and stims when he’s nervous.
Sonic fears the ghosts that live in the forest. That, and a few other things.
Each of the Wachowskis have a dark secret that they keep from each other (well, mostly. Tails knows and will gladly tell you them if you give him mints). Tails chases his tails when no one is watching, Sonic is secretly the king of a nursery of raccoons that hang out by the garage, Knuckles cannot enter the same room that a pigeon is in, Tom is a die hard Downton Abbey fan and has seen all of the specials, and Maddie has a tattoo.
Ear rubs are reserved between Maddie and Sonic only. No one else is allowed to give him ear rubs. However, you can give him head pats.
The Wachowski family celebrates Hanukkah, not Christmas. Sonic and Tom get the biggest kick out of it.
This happens in the Wachowski household more than you think that it does. However, this happens more with Tom and Sonic more than it does with Sonic and Tails.
More importantly, Tom and Maddie love their sons regardless of their past. The two love and accept all of them. They are proud to be called Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles’ parents.❤️✨
I hope that you enjoy my headcanons! Thank you for the ask!
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infinityawnings · 2 years
Business Name: Infinity Awnings
Street Address: 97 Reney Avenue, Greenhill
City: Sheffield
Zip Code: S8 7FH
Country: United Kingdom
Business Phone: 0114 312 3771
Website: https://www.infinityawnings.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InfinityAwnings
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/infinity_awnings/
GMB Site: https://infinity-awnings.business.site
Business Description: Infinity Awnings is an independent awning installer, operating throughout Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire
We have a range of Awnings, Pergolas and Verandas from different suppliers which means we will have a product that meets most people's budgets and requirements.​
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=15569077534746112052
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 9am-5pm Tuesday 9am-5pm Wednesday 9am-5pm Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-5pm Saturday Closed
Services: Patio Awnings, Weinor Awnings, Markilux Awnings, Pergolas, Verandas
Keywords: Awning installations, Awning repairs, Awning company, Weinor awning specialists, Makilux awning specialists, Electric Awnings, Garden Awnings, Patio Awnings, Bespoke Awnings, Quality Awnings, Sun Awnings, House Awnings, Commercial Awnings, Shop Awnings
Service Areas:
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kalungetniksurabaya · 21 days
ETHNIC GIFT, Aksesoris Etnik Handmade di Shopee Surabaya Sidoarjo
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Etalase Marketplace: Kunjungi toko saya di Shopee! kalungbatik_3iswari: https://s.shopee.co.id/2AvTGwET4u?share_channel_code=1
Yuk, cek produk menarik dari Toko Aksesoris Etnik Batik di @Tokopedia! https://tokopedia.link/tN8rxMZNeMb
LAMITA Perajin Aksesoris Etnik dari Kota Malang Jawa Timur. Kalung, Gelang, Anting, Lanyard ID Card, Syal, Bros
buat kamu yang suka tampil unik bergaya etnik, ingin terlihat berbeda dari orang lain dalam hal berbusana, atau yang suka banget memadupadankan busana dan aksesoris, jangan lewatkan untuk nengok lemari pajang kami ya…
Bangkalan, Banyuwangi, Blitar, Batu, Bojonegoro, Bondowoso, Gresik, Jember, Jombang, Kediri, Lamongan, Lumajang, Madiun, Magetan, Surabaya, Mojokerto, Nganjuk, Ngawi, Pacitan, Pamekasan, Pasuruan, Ponorogo, Probolinggo, Sampang, Sidoarjo, Situbondo, Sumenep, Trenggalek, Tuban, Tulungagung
Sidoarjo, Balongbendo, Buduran, Candi, Gedangan, Jabon, Krembung, Krian, Prambon, Porong, Sedati, Sukodono, Taman, Tanggulangin, Tarik, Tulangan, Waru, Wonoayu Surya Indah Permai, Sun Safira Residence Regency, Sarirogo, Sekawan Anggun, Citra City Point, Jumput Rejo, Gebang Arum, Palazzo Park, Surya Citra Tama, Villa Jasmine, Graha Mutiara, Royal Orchid, Surya Garden Citra TamaIi, Sekawan, Puri Airlangga Sidokare, Greenhill, Ngemplak Cemeng Kalang, Casa Veranza, Gadung Fajar, Permata Siwalan, The Sun Gardens, Citra Padova, Pondok Jati, Heavenland Park Aragorn, Palazzo, Permata Pinang, Jambangan, Wilwatikta Putra Nusantara, Griya Hijau, Pabrik Gula Candi Baru, Grezz, Prima Raya, Belvara, Taman Hedona, Maxima Green, Mutiara City, Banjar Mukti, Pondok Nirwana Anggaswangi, Sapphire, Larangan Mega Asri, Kwangsan Kemiri, Pesona Gading , Anggun Permai , Gading Fajar, Delta Kota, Pondok Jati, Sukodono Dian Regency, Star Lotus, Kavling Keben, Bumi Suko, Blukid, Puri Teratai, Mutiara, Flamboyan Kepadangan, Sun Flower, Kuncara Executive, The Orchid Tulangan, Grand Teratai, Mutiara Citra, Pondok Sidokare, Prima Garden Estate, Mentari Bumi Sejahtera, Pondok Buana, Karakon Jaya Lestari, Griya Bhayangkara, Chalidana, D'gardenia City , Kahuripan Nirwana Village, Pepe Indah
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etniksurabayautara · 1 month
PROMO, Aksesoris Etnik Wanita Di Shopee, Suarabaya Utara-Sidoarjo
PROMO, Aksesoris Etnik Wanita Di Shopee, Suarabaya Utara-Sidoarjo
Etalase Marketplace: Kunjungi toko saya di Shopee! kalungbatik_3iswari: https://s.shopee.co.id/2AvTGwET4u?share_channel_code=1
Yuk, cek produk menarik dari Toko Aksesoris Etnik Batik di @Tokopedia! https://tokopedia.link/tN8rxMZNeMb
LAMITA Perajin Aksesoris Etnik dari Kota Malang Jawa Timur. Kalung, Gelang, Anting, Lanyard ID Card, Syal, Bros
Bangkalan, Banyuwangi, Blitar, Batu, Bojonegoro, Bondowoso, Gresik, Jember, Jombang, Kediri, Lamongan, Lumajang, Madiun, Magetan, Surabaya, Mojokerto, Nganjuk, Ngawi, Pacitan, Pamekasan, Pasuruan, Ponorogo, Probolinggo, Sampang, Sidoarjo, Situbondo, Sumenep, Trenggalek, Tuban, Tulungagung
Sidoarjo, Balongbendo, Buduran, Candi, Gedangan, Jabon, Krembung, Krian, Prambon, Porong, Sedati, Sukodono, Taman, Tanggulangin, Tarik, Tulangan, Waru, Wonoayu Surya Indah Permai, Sun Safira Residence Regency, Sarirogo, Sekawan Anggun, Citra City Point, Jumput Rejo, Gebang Arum, Palazzo Park, Surya Citra Tama, Villa Jasmine, Graha Mutiara, Royal Orchid, Surya Garden Citra TamaIi, Sekawan, Puri Airlangga Sidokare, Greenhill, Ngemplak Cemeng Kalang, Casa Veranza, Gadung Fajar, Permata Siwalan, The Sun Gardens, Citra Padova, Pondok Jati, Heavenland Park Aragorn, Palazzo, Permata Pinang, Jambangan, Wilwatikta Putra Nusantara, Griya Hijau, Pabrik Gula Candi Baru, Grezz, Prima Raya, Belvara, Taman Hedona, Maxima Green, Mutiara City, Banjar Mukti, Pondok Nirwana Anggaswangi, Sapphire, Larangan Mega Asri, Kwangsan Kemiri, Pesona Gading , Anggun Permai , Gading Fajar, Delta Kota, Pondok Jati, Sukodono Dian Regency, Star Lotus, Kavling Keben, Bumi Suko, Blukid, Puri Teratai, Mutiara, Flamboyan Kepadangan, Sun Flower, Kuncara Executive, The Orchid Tulangan, Grand Teratai, Mutiara Citra, Pondok Sidokare, Prima Garden Estate, Mentari Bumi Sejahtera, Pondok Buana, Karakon Jaya Lestari, Griya Bhayangkara, Chalidana, D'gardenia City , Kahuripan Nirwana Village, Pepe Indah
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bloomingbedminster · 4 months
We received so many lovely designs and I'm glad that we didn't have to choose just one. The public vote was very close with just one vote between the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, but we have a winner!
We're very pleased to reveal that this year's award design is by Charlie Tallis.
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We need volunteer judges
This year, judging will take place between Sat 22 June - Sun 14 July. Volunteer judges can do the judging any time during this period.
If you'd like to be a volunteer judge, look at the rounds below and email [email protected] with your preferred round. If the round is green and there is a judge name it is taken.
Good Front Garden Award Rounds
A - Ashton and Ashton Vale
A1 Ashton Gate Road, Ashton Gate Terrace, North Street (from Ashton Road to Greville Road), St Francis Road - Judge: Helen Ireland
A2 Chalcroft House, Leigh Street, Walter Street, Littlecross House, Vauxhall Terrace/Villas (Walter Street) - Judge: Jackie Liddle
A3 Coronation Road (from Beauley Road to North Street), Farleys Yard (near the Toll House on North Street) - Judge: Jackie Liddle
A4 Frayne Road, Clift House Road, Clift Road - Judge: Jackie Liddle
A5 Ashton Road, Wells Street, Bower Ashton Terrace, Bath Street, North Road, Baynton Road - Judge: Stephanie Whyatt
A6 Durnford Avenue, Durnford Street, Duckmoor Road (from Ashton Road to Smyth Road excluding flats), Ashville Road, Hardy Avenue, Raleigh Road (from North Street to Duckmoor Road) - Judge: Stephanie Whyatt
A7 Raynes Road, Banwell Road, Gerald Road, Smyth Road (from Duckmoor Road to Winterstoke Road) - Judge: Laura Murgatroyd and Liz Payze
A8 Drake Road, Dampier Road, Frobisher Road, Smyth Road (from Duckmoor Road to Luckwell Road) - Judge: Kath Leman and Lucy Rae
A9 Friezewood Road, Carrington Road, Truro Road, Balfour Road (including new housing) - Judge: Rebecca Hutchins-Davies
A10 Whitemead House, Winterstoke House and Southbow House - Judge: Matthew Symonds
A11 Duckmoor Road (from Smyth Road to Luckwell Road), Lynnwood Road, Luckwell Road (from Duckmoor Road to Winterstoke Road) - Judge: Kath Leman and Lucy Rae
A12 Silbury Road, Avebury Road, Ashton Rise - Judge: Marie-Elaine Carroll
A13 Ashton Drive - Judge: Yvonne Bushell
A14 Risdale Road, Langley Crescent Road, Tregarth Road, Trevenna Road, Atyeo Close - Judge: Yvonne Bushell
A15 South Liberty Lane including the new house/flats between South Liberty - Judge: Elke Small
A16 Hardy Road, Nelson Street, Trafalgar Terrace, Winterstoke Road (from Hendre Road to Bedminster Down Road), Winterstoke Close - Judge: Maria Alejandra
A17 Gores Marsh Road, Marigold Walk, Longmoor Road, Deep Coomb Road, Colliter Crescent - Judge: Jen Fox
A18 Bower Road, Bower Court, Irby Road, Stella Grove, Gore Road, Hendre Road, Greenhill Grove - Judge: Jenny Bhambri-lyte
A19 Clanage Road, Blackmoors Lane, Rownham Close, Parklands, Courtlands Lane - Judge: Elke Small
A20 Swiss Road, Swiss Drive, Swiss Close, Sanders Close - Judge: Karen Trenear
B - Bedminster
B1 Foxcote Road, Sturdon Road, Luckwell Road (from Winterstoke Road to North Street), Breach Road, Ashfield Road - Judge: Pete Spain
B2 Aubrey Road, West View Road, Ashgrove Road - Judge: Abi Slade
B3 Chessel Street (from Luckwell Road to Garnet Street), Beryl Road, Ruby Street (both sides of Chessel Street), Pearl Street (cul de sac section only) - Judge: Karen Trenear
B4 Thistle Street, The Nursery, Agate Street, Martin Street, Pearl Street (from Chessel Street to South Street), Parker Street, Lindrea Street, Crowther Street - Judge: Morgan Rayner-Philipson
B5 Dorset Street, Sion Road, Prospect Terrace (off Sion Road near South Street Park), Gladstone Street, Gaywood House, South Street, Please don’t miss North Street numbers 127A-135A (down lane behind community garden at North St end of South St), Palmerston Street - Judge: Sophie Majoe and Alex Noakes.
B6 Melville Terrace, Hebron Road, Graham Road, Clifton Terrace - Judge: Hillary Irvine
B7 Braunton Road, Clyde Terrace, Victoria Place, Albert Place - Judge: Hillary Irvine
B8 Elmdale Road (from Palmyra Road to Chessel Street), Pembery Road, Chessel Street (from Garnet Street to British Road), Jasper Street, Garnet Street - Jusge: Mo and Sarah Mulligan
B9 Elmdale Road (from Palmyra Road to Luckwell Road), Derby Road, Thanet Road, Avonleigh Road (from Luckwell Road to Palmyra Road), Palmyra Road, Highridge Road - Judge: Casey Beth Jacobs
B10 Avonleigh Road (from Chessel Street to Palmyra Road), Hengaston Street, Stanley Street, Chessel Street (from Elmdale Road to West Street), Ireton Road, British Road (from South Street to Stanley Street) - Judge: Jan Glynn
B11 British Road (from Cannon Street to Stanley Street), South Road, Clifton Street, Diamond Street, Victor Road, Westbourne Grove - Judge: Elke Small
B12 Dean Crescent, New Charlotte St, Hollidge Gardens, Murray Street, Brook Road, St Pauls Road - Judge: Matthew Symonds
B13 Argus Road, Argus Court, Hope Road, Airpoint (off Crips Road) - Judge: Laura Murgatroyd and Liz Payze
B14 Stanley Street South, Stanley Terrace, Bartletts Road, Buckingham Street, Beaufort Street, Chapel Barton - Judge: Maria Alejandra
B15 Osborne Terrace, Brighton Crescent, Brighton Terrace, Temple Street, Harptree Grove, Churchlands Road - Maria Alejandra
B16 West Street, Cromwell Street - Judge: Laura Murgatroyd and Liz Payze
B17 Church Lane, Church Road, Malago Road, St Johns Road, Granby Mews, Stafford Street (no. 12 and 26)
B18 North Street (from Greville Road to Cannon Street) - Judge: Elke Small
B19 Bedminster Down Road (from Bedminster Road to Parson Street), Bedminster Road (From Bedminster Down Road to Parson Street), Parson Street (from Bedminster Down Road to Bedminster Road), Willada Close, Hall Street and Mansfield Street - Judge: Jackie Smith
B20 Bedminster Road (from junction with Parson Street to roundabout at St John’s Lane), Shepton Walk, Honeywick Close, St Dunstan’s Road, Clinton Road, Francis Road, St John’s Lane (from roundabout to railway bridge) - Judge: Jackie Smith
B21 East Street - Judge: Matthew Symonds
S - Southville
S1 Beauley Road, Kingsley Place, Smyth Terrace, Howard Road, Dalston Road - Judge: Jacqui Lewis
S2 Camden Road, Park Road, Islington Road - Judge: Julia Harrow
S3 Greville Road (from the Hen & Chicken Pub all the way to Milford Street/Greville Street), Greville Mews, Greville Street, Lock Lane (at the end of Greville Street) - Judge: Maddy Taylor
S4 Milford Street, Langton Park - Judge: Andy Foyle
S5 Vicarage Road, Birch Road - Judge: Karen Trenear
S6 Exeter Road, Upton Road - Judge: Stacey Yelland
S7 Dartmoor Street, Exmoor Street, Fairfield Place, North Street (104 – 210), Fairfield Road, Dartmouth Mews (behind old car lot), King William Street, Mount Pleasant Terrace, Myrtle Street - Judge: Ann Hughes and Dave Hobson
S8 Berchel House, Berrycroft, Catherine Mead Street (incl new flats), Lombard Street, Mawdeley House, Warden Road, Dean Lane - Judge: Matthew Symonds
S9 Gathorne Road, Lime Road - Judge: Carmel Ferguson
S10 Argyle Street, Kingston Road, Lydstep Terrace, Merrywood Close, Merrywood Road, Morley Road (including The Edge if you can get access), Summer Street - Judge: Veronica Pollard
S11 Stackpool Road (From Edgeware Road to and including the Cul de sac) - Judge: Jacqui Lewis
S12 Edgeware Road, Stackpool Road (from Edgeware Road to Dean Lane), Upper Perry Hill - Judge: Ursula Gasser
S13 Coronation Road (St Johns Road to Beauley Road), West End - Judge: Jacqui Ham
S14 Acramans Road, Alpha Road, Southville Place, Southville Road (Chesham House/Rock Lodge), Thomas Blount Mews - Judge: Andy Foyle
S15 Allington Road, Pembroke Road, Osborne Road - Judge: Isabel and Athena Kearney
S16 Hamilton Road, Leighton Road - Judge: Maddy Taylor
S17 Raleigh Road & Amerind Grove (from Beauley Road to North Street), Greenway Bush Lane, Jennings Court, Vauxhall Ave (by Jennings Ct), Greenbank Road - Judge: Abi Slade
WH - Windmill Hill
WH1 Cotswold Road (feedback – also a Cotswold Road North but no front gardens on it- please double check if that’s changed) - Judge: Sarah Holder
WH2 Mendip Road, Eldon Terrace, Porlock Road, Quantock Road, Alfred Road (feedback – Porlock Road no addresses in it – check in case this changes) - Judge: Mary Emma Crowder
WH3 Dunkerry Road, Somerset Terrace - Judge: Mary Emma Crowder
WH4 Windmill Hill, Fraser Street, Gwilliam Street, Vivian Street, Algiers Street, Lambourne Close, Orwell Street - Judge: Mary Emma Crowder
WH5 Brendon Road, Dunford Road, Mascot Road, Caen Road, Kensal Road, Kensal Avenue, Holmesdale Road, Paulson Avenue, Paultow Road - Judge: Inge Shepherd
WH6 Nutgrove Ave, Raymend Road, Elvaston Road, Addison Road, Stanbury Road, Atlas Road - Judge: Claire Haines
WH7 Almorah Road, Hill Avenue - Judge: Samantha Rodda
WH8 Park Avenue, Newport Street, Nottingham Street, Water Lane, Maidstone Street, Margate Street - Judge: Dea Bulejsza 
WH9 Merioneth Street, Monmouth Street, Marndyke Street, Montgomery Street - Judge: Rich and Oliver Cross
WH10 St John’s Lane (west) to Wedmore Vale to the Railway Bridge/Malago Road - Judge: Finbar Cullen
WH11 St John’s Lane (east) Wedmore Vale to St Lukes Road - Judge: Finbar Cullen
M - Marksbury Road
M1 Aylesbury Road, Aylesbury Crescent - Judge: Jackie Smith
M2 Highbury Road, Parson Street, Hastings Road, Hastings Close, Wimbourne Road
M3 Martock Road, Martock Crescent, Somermead, Brixham Road, Lydford Walk, Somer Lane
M4 Dawlish Road, Lynton Road, Sidford Road, Haldon Close - Judge: Barney Smith
M5 Marksbury Road, Oakhill Drive, Timsbury Road - add Timsbury Walk - Judge: Barney Smith
M6 Littleton Road, Weymouth Road, Sidmouth Road, Sidmouth Gardens, Wedmore Vale - Judge: Fran Smith
M7 Malago Drive - Judge: Jacqui Lewis
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arsisgreenhillsag · 9 months
Unveiling the Epitome of Luxury Living with Arsis Developers in KR Puram, Bangalore
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Welcome to the realm of luxury living in the heart of Bangalore with Arsis Developers, a renowned real estate builder and developer. Specializing in crafting dream homes, Arsis Developers has established itself as a prominent name in the industry. Whether you are looking for 2 BHK apartments or indulging in the splendor of 3 BHK flats, Arsis Developers in KR Puram is your gateway to an opulent lifestyle.
Luxury Redefined
At Arsis Developers, we understand the essence of luxury and the aspirations that come with it. Our portfolio boasts an exquisite range of 3 BHK apartments for sale in KR Puram, designed to offer the perfect blend of comfort and elegance. Each unit is meticulously crafted to ensure a harmonious living experience, with attention to every detail.
Elegance in Every Corner
For those in search of 2 BHK apartments for sale in KR Puram, Bangalore, Arsis Developers presents a collection that is nothing short of exceptional. Our luxury 2 BHK flats in KR Puram are designed to cater to modern lifestyles, providing ample space and contemporary amenities. Accept the comfort of city living without sacrificing style.
Location Matters
One of the key advantages of investing in Arsis Developers' properties in KR Puram is the strategic location. KR Puram is a rapidly growing residential hub in Bangalore, offering proximity to major IT parks, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and recreational hubs. This makes it an ideal choice for both families and working professionals.
The Pinnacle of Opulence
When it comes to luxury 3 BHK flats in KR Puram, Arsis Developers takes pride in offering residences that redefine opulence. Our 3 BHK apartments in KR Puram seamlessly blend aesthetics with functionality, featuring spacious interiors, premium fittings, and panoramic views. Experience the epitome of comfort and style in every corner of your dream home.
Modern Amenities
Arsis Developers goes beyond just creating living spaces; we focus on providing a lifestyle. Our properties in KR Puram are equipped with state-of-the-art amenities that cater to your every need. From fitness centers and swimming pools to landscaped gardens and recreational areas, we ensure that your living experience is nothing short of extraordinary.
Why Choose Arsis Developers?
1. Unmatched Quality: Arsis Developers is synonymous with quality construction and attention to detail.
2. Prime Locations: Our properties are strategically located, offering convenience and accessibility.
3. Luxury Redefined: Experience luxury like never before with our meticulously designed apartments.
4. Transparent Transactions: We believe in transparency and integrity, ensuring a hassle-free buying process.
5. Customer-Centric Approach: Our customer-centric approach ensures that your needs and preferences are our top priority.
In conclusion, Arsis Developers stands as a beacon of luxury living in KR Puram, Bangalore. Whether you seek 3 BHK or 2 BHK Apartments for Sale in KR Puram Bangalore, our properties are a testament to unparalleled craftsmanship and a commitment to delivering the finest homes. Elevate your lifestyle with Arsis Developers and embark on a journey of luxury, comfort, and sophistication in the vibrant city of Bangalore.
Address: #No 56/2, Battarahalli, Old Madras Road, NH4, near TC palya signal, KR Puram, beside purvi greens hotel, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560049
RERA NO - PRM/KA/RERA/1251/446/PR/180130/002413
Website Information:
Call us:
+91-9900678631 | 9900678681 | 9900678691
Email :
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anonymousewrites · 3 months
One Hell of a Love (Book 3) Chapter Seven
Sebastian Michaelis x Demon! Reader
Chapter Seven: One Hell of a Celebration
Summary: It's the night before the Cricket Tournament, but a celebration just means more work (and bothers) for (Y/N) and Sebastian.
            “My, how handsome you look tonight, Mr. Noir,” said Sebastian playfully as (Y/N) entered the hall hosting the June third celebration of the Interhouse Cricket Tournament.
            (Y/N) smirked. “Thank you, Mr. Michaelis. You look quite dashing yourself.”
            They both wore their housemaster uniforms, but (Y/N) had traded their robes for some embroidery at the ends, and their suit vest was more decorative than usual. Sebatian had traded his cross for a more decorative one—the most ironic change a demon could make.
            “Now, shall we take our places for the opening speech?” said Sebastian.
            “We shall,” said (Y/N).
            They walked to their spots at the front of the crowd with their fellow housemasters, each itching to reach out and hold the other’s hand. On the dais before them, Agares stood and looked out over the crowd. He cleared his throat, and all of the guests quieted. This was the one event where outsiders could come to the college, and so there were a variety of people—family and highly connected businessmen—milling about in formal attire (fortunately, (Y/N) and Sebastian had yet to bump into the Midfords or anyone else who might notice them).
            “I do beg your pardon for interrupting your conversations, ladies and gentlemen,” said Agares. “Hello, everyone. I welcome you all and thank you for attending the opening ceremony of our storied Fourth of June Cricket Tournament. I am delighted to once again be able to hold the tournament this year. Please enjoy the festivities this tournament’s eve.” He cleared his throat. “Now then…” He threw out a hand dramatically. “Team representatives of each house, come forth!”
            The sound of heavy marching approaching the doors of the hall, and the crowd gasped.
            “What’s going on?!”
            “The floor, it’s shaking?!”
            The doors flung wide open.
            “Here they come!” cried the younger students. “Their overwhelming physical prowess and teamwork are second to none!”
            “Absolute champions, top of the world—the Green Lions!”
            Each member of Green house wore gleaming armor and green tunics. A cap fluttered over Greenhill’s shoulders, and he carried a torch. Edward and other members of the house carried Green Lion flags. Everyone was serious and carried themselves nobly.
            “Big brother! You look so handsome!” cheered a familiarly bubbly voice from within the crowd, and (Y/N) and Sebastian smothered chuckles as Edward’s face turned red in embarrassment.
            “I remember wearing armor like that,” said (Y/N). They sighed. “Awfully cumbersome. Not my style at all.”
            Sebatian chuckled.
            A moment after Green House took their places in the hall, rose petals flew through the air. The crowd gasped, and the women began whispering.
            “Look!” exclaimed students. “It’s the second-place house that drove Green House into a corner last year! Captivating spectators with their elegant plays!”
            “Brillian Eden, garden of fine plays—the Scarlet Foxes!”
            Dressed in kingly regalia, the Red House entered. Holding a candelabra in one hand and a rose in the other, Redmond entered with a smirk. Scarlet robes draped over ornate clothing, and behind him, the members of his house smiled sweetly at the crowd with roses and banners raised high. They looked every bit the lords they one day would be. As they passed through the crowd, women swooned, and various house members kissed hands and greeted all who saw them in a gentlemanly, albeit flirtatious, manner.
            “I once wore such clothing,” said Sebastian fondly. “I was able to order others around to my heart’s content, and I played my role well.”
            “What type of contract asked for that?” said (Y/N), raising a brow.
            “An ambitious woman looked to take a throne for herself and needed someone to act as king,” said Sebastian.
            (Y/N) smirked slightly at the idea of the power imbalance that usually kept women from advancing in society as they wished to turn on its head. That was their favorite type of contract.
            Sebastian was pleased to see (Y/N)’s approval of his contract. They were both unique in having personal principles over the types of contracts they took, so it wasn’t strange to compare why they had taken certain masters over the years.
            The lights of the hall went out, and everyone jumped. In the empty doorway, a single torch lit, and the flame danced in the darkness. Smoke filtered into the room.
            “Could this be?!” exclaimed shaky voices. “The house team they say throws their opponents into confusion with unpredictable trick plays?”
            “The swarming specters of the ghost legion—the Violet Wolves!”
            From the middle of the crowd, Purple House appeared. Everyone jumped as the figures, cloaked in black and carrying lanterns carved into skulls, moved among them.
            “Very sorcerer-like,” said Sebastian. “Or should I say witch?” He smirked.
            (Y/N) tutted and shook their head, not dignifying that with a response.
            “They’re at their tricks from the start, what with not coming in through the doors…” said a few frightened patrons.
            Everyone looked up as the lights were lit once more and owls soared into the hall.
            “Those birds are…”
            “That house, is it?”
            “Though their physical strength may leave much to be desired, they aim for an opportunity to win the championship with their strategic game plans…”
            “Attack of the cornered rats, God only knows—the Sapphire Owls.”
            Blue House stepped into the hall. Each wore long blue robes and carried an owl perched on their arm. Scholarly caps rested on their head, and Bluewer held a staff with a lantern atop it.
            Everyone clapped as they passed, but after the tepid introduction, the arrival felt somewhat unimpressive (though, what did they expect as the house that came last every year?).
            “Ciel! You look absolutely charming! Give it your best!” cheered Elizabeth.
            Ciel blushed, and (Y/N) and Sebastian chuckled.
            After all the houses took their places, the P4 stepped up to a large firepit, each holding their lantern, candle, or torch.
            “Now!” Agares raised his hand. “Light the flame of Saint George!”
            “We the players—” began Greenhill.
            “—in accordance with the great tradition of Weston College—” continued Bluewer.
            “—shall fight fair and square until the very end—” added Redmond.
            “—this we do solemnly swear,” finished Violet.
            The large cup lit on fire, and the flames curled up into the air. Everyone cheered and clapped, and the players whooped.
            “Now, I do hereby declare open the Interhouse Cricket Tournament of 1889!” announced Agares. “Tomorrow will surely be a day of fierce battles. So please enjoy this evening’s opening festivities to your heart’s content.”
            The crowd applauded as Agares walked off the dais. The instant he stepped onto the stairs, he tripped and tumbled down. The crowd gasped.
            “Vice Headmaster?!” cried another housemaster.
            “Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me,” said Agares, standing.
            Sebastian frowned. Once again, the vice principal had fallen and acted strangely.
            However, the party began to really grow into a proper celebration. Purple House crowded around a table, and people fearfully avoided them. Green House eagerly ate to gain strength for the coming day. Red House instantly mingled with the crowd—mostly eager women.
            “Hmph, what a very relaxed bunch,” said Bluewer. “Blue House, we will hold a meeting to perfect our strategy. We cannot afford to waste even a minute.”
            “Understood!” said Blue House.
            “Don’t be such a bore.” A woman put her hand on Bluewer’s shoulder. “Let down your hair a bit, why don’t you?”
            Bluewer jumped as seven women, a few older and a few younger, surrounded him. “Big sister?”
            “Let your hair down, let your hand down!” chanted two younger girls.
            “Look at you acting all high and mighty when you’re the exact opposite at home,” teased another sister.
            “The little boy who would always play house with me has grown up to be a prefect. How perfectly novel!” laughed another woman.
            “Big sister!” Poor Bluewer was red with embarrassment. “Please stop with the unnecessary commentary and go over there, would you?”
            “ ‘Unnecessary?!’ ” exclaimed another sister. “How dare you?!”
            “Ah, how do you do, everyone?” said a sister, smiling kindly. “Thank you for treating our little brother kindly.”
            “Big brother, where’s Lord Edgar?” chirped another girl.
            The entire picture of Bluewer trying to fend off his seven sisters was quite entertaining, and the Sapphire Owl house members were fighting not to chuckle at their prefect.
            (Y/N) and Sebastian smirked in amusement before speaking to the guests around them, mingling like model housemasters. Sebastian was irked by the several women who flirted with (Y/N). To the women, they were the ideal husband—attractive, intelligent, and gentile. Sebastian, too, was experiencing his fair amount of advances, but he was not paying them any mind and was instead busy to ensuring that any private conversation women attempted to have with (Y/N) was interrupted. What could Sebastian say? He was a jealous lover.
            “You seem quite intent on interrupting my discussions, Mr. Michaelis,” said (Y/N), smirking as they were drawn away from yet another unmarried lady.
            “I’m sure it was hardly stimulating conversation, Mr. Noir,” said Sebastian, raising a brow.
            (Y/N) tutted and shook their head in amusement, knowing full well they’d use this emotion to their benefit later—when they had privacy.
            Speaking of jealousy, Ciel had been cornered by a few of Bluewer’s sisters, who were analyzing his position as a potential suitor, and Elizabeth had immediately interceded.
            “Pleased to make your acquaintance, everyone!” she said formally, if not forcefully. “I am Ciel’s bride-to-be, Elizabeth.”
            Edward lunged and throttled poor Ciel for daring to hurt his sister’s feelings.
            “Blue House is boisterous as always,” chuckled Redmond.
            “Ciel! That strange house looks good on you!” laughed Soma.
            “I still can’t believe you were chosen to play for your house,” said Ciel.
            “Naturally!” said Soma.
            “Kadar is a deft hand at cricket, you know,” said Harcourt, smiling.
            “Cricket, introduced by the British, is all the rage in India,” said Soma. “Why, I even assembled my own team at the royal palace.”
            “Ah, Lord Edgar!” said one of Bluewer’s sisters. “How long must I wait before you ask me to dance?!”
            “Perhaps such time as you stop trampling on my feet?” teased Redmond kindly.
            “You are so cruel!” exclaimed the sister.
            “What foul words to fling at a fair lady, Edgar!”
            (Y/N) and Sebastian froze at the voice, and Ciel went blank in shock.
            Viscount Druitt stood in the middle of the crowd, and all eyes were immediately on him. Women stared with hearts in the eyes, and Druitt smiled out at everyone.
            “Ah, Viscount Druitt!” cheered the women.
            “How is he everywhere?” groaned (Y/N).
            “He is quite well-known,” sighed Sebastian.
            “Have my teachers escaped you, dear nephew?” bemoaned Druitt.
            “Uncle Aleister,” greeted Redmond with a smile.
            “Non!” said Druitt. “Do not call me uncle!” Undoubtedly, it made him feel old.
            “That explains the similarities of their appearances,” said Sebastian, raising a brow.
            “Ah! My beloved alma mater! The fresh springtime of my youth, like roses moist with morning dew, washes over me as if it were only yesterday!” As per usual, Druitt waxed poetry, and people adored it.
            “Luckily, his nephew is suspicious but not nearly as creepy,” muttered (Y/N). “Speaking of which, I’m going to leave before I get spotted—”
            “Ah!” Druitt’s eyes landed on them.
            Damn, why is it always me?
            “You, sir! What a face!” Druitt ran towards them and took their hand in his. “Truly, you may be a dashing man, but you have the grace of the feminine form! What an entrancing combination! Truly, a mysterious beauty worthy of a poet’s praise!”
            Even when I’m presenting masculine… sighed (Y/N). “What a…compliment, sir,” they forced out, shaking Druitt’s hand.
            Proud of himself, Druitt turned away to address the women beginning to gather around him.
            “Every time,” sighed (Y/N) as they drifted back to Sebastian’s side.
            Sebastian chuckled. He knew damn well Druitt had no chance of getting close to (Y/N), so, although his possessiveness had once again been piqued, he was also fairly amused by the endless compliments Druitt seemed to have for (Y/N), no matter the disguise.
            “There is quite a troublesome group gathering, indeed,” said Sebastian. Between Soma and the Midfords all in one place, it wouldn’t be wise to stay around. “Let us keep our distance.”
            “I daresay I agree with you,” said (Y/N), nodding.
            The pair turned away. The instant they did, a hand landed on each of their shoulders, and they froze. Turning, they faced one of the only human faces that could inspire any sort of twinge of trepidation—Marchioness Francis Midford.
            “You there, indecent manservant and maid, what brings you here?” she snapped.
            Of course she caught us, thought (Y/N) and Sebastian.
            “Goodness me, Marchioness Midford…” said Sebastian.
            “Good evening, Marchioness…” said (Y/N).
            “Look at you two!” she exclaimed. She grabbed Sebastian’s hair, and he stared at her in shock and a bit of surprised fright at a human being so forceful. “What housemaster in his right mind would go around in so dissipated a guise as this?” She turned her ire on (Y/N), and they coughed and stepped back quickly. “And you, what maid goes about dressed so?” She narrowed her eyes. “Hmph. No matter.” Francis put her hands on her hips and regarded them carefully. “iF you two are here and disguised so, then that must mean that Ciel’s enrollment at Weston is…”
            Sebastian bowed. “It is as you suspect, my lady.”
            “I do hope you can overlook my appearance due to the situation,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Hmph,” said Francis. That was all the acknowledgement they’d get.
            Elizabeth noticed Francis talking to the pair, and she blinked. “Oh? Why, if it isn’t (Y/N)—”
            “Ssh,” said (Y/N), winking and pressing a finger to their lips. Sebastian smirked.
            Elizabeth got the message and quieted instantly, but Edward and Alexis had already noticed the discussion going on.
            “Oh, who are these chaps, Mother?” asked Edward, staring as blankly as his father. “Sirs, are you acquainted with my mother?”
            “Oh, really now, you two!” said Elizabeth. “Those tutors are…” She whispered to them, and Edward and Alexis stared.
            “It has been quite a while, gentlemen,” greeted Sebastian.
            “A fine evening, isn’t it?” remarked (Y/N), smiling.
            “Ooh,” said Alexis. “I didn’t realize at all.”
            “Me neither,” agreed Edward.
            “You mean you actually hadn’t noticed and weren’t keeping quiet about this the whole time?!” exclaimed Ciel.
            “Edward Midford, you are in one of my classes,” sighed (Y/N), pinching the bridge of their nose. Apparently, it was the women in that family that were observant.
            Edward shrugged. “I didn’t look to closely.” He beamed. “And when Lizzie’s around, everyone else fades into the background, don’t they?”
            “Don’t come out and say that like it’s some kind of given,” sighed Ciel.
            “Does your work have anything to do with tomorrow’s matches?” asked Edward. Apparently, Ciel’s presence at Weston College had at least piqued some alarm.
            “Can’t say it doesn’t, but you can have at it without worrying about that,” said Ciel.
            “Then that’s just what I’ll be doing,” said Edward with a competitive grin.
            “I’ll cheer my heart out for you, so make sure you come back victorious!” said Elizabeth, hugging Ciel.
            “R-Right,” said Ciel. After seeing her kill hordes of bizarre dolls, he was still amazed by her usual personality.
            “You talk as if the perennially last place Blue House has even a hope of winning!” snapped Edward, huffing over Elizabeth cheering for Ciel.
            “Oh, but it does.” Alexis smiled. “Blue House did once win the tournament a long time ago.”
            “Are you perhaps talking about the Miracle of Sapphires?!” A redheaded young boy ran up to the group, and Ciel jumped. He shook Alexis’s hand brightly and introduced himself. “I’m McMillan, Phantomhive’s best friend!” Ciel blinked at that. “Oh, won’t you tell us the story, Marquess?!”
            “I doubt Soma would be pleased to hear his place taken,” tutted (Y/N) in amusement, and Sebastian smirked.
            “Very well, young man!” said Alexis. “It was back when I too resided in Green House and was the prefect’s drudge, just like Ed.”
            He dove into the Miracle of Sapphires, telling of how Diedrich, a Baron from Germany and the prefect of Green House in that time, was angry at Vincent Phantomhive, the prefect of Bue House at that time, for not making any preparations for the cricket tournament. The two ended up in a dispute that was more Diedrich upset than Vincent being at all concerned, but a feud began nonetheless, and they made a bet. If Diedrich and Green House won the tournament, then Vincent would have to renounce his position as prefect. If Vincent and Blue House won, then Vincent would a single mystery order for Diedrich to follow. The bet was set, and everyone expected Blue House to be beaten as usual and for Vincent to be humiliated.
            But that was not what happened. Once the tournament had ended, Sapphire Owl House was victorious, and Vincent had won the bet.
            “And Vincent and Diedrich became quite close business partners ever since!” finished Alexis, beaming. Everyone stared in surprise for various reasons.
            “Ah, business partners,” said (Y/N), knowing that meant the Guard Dog of the Queen had his connections in Germany.
            “The-The previous Earl was in Blue House?” said Ciel, blinking. He clearly hadn’t ever known it and wasn’t sure what to think.
            “I can’t believe your dad was the key player in the Miracle of Sapphires!” cried McMillan.
            “Ah, you didn’t know, hm, Ciel?” Alexis’s smile turned melancholy at how much Ciel had never learned of his father due to his death.
            “Father was a drudge…?” said Elizabeth.
            “He’s younger than Uncle Vincent…?” said Edward.
            Ignoring the insults from his children, Alexis smiled and put his hands on Ciel’s shoulders. “It was truly a brilliant game. It pains me to say this, but we were utterly clobbered. You have the blood of a genius game strategist in your veins. Have faith in yourself and give it your best.
            “Oh!” exclaimed Soma, noticing Agares approaching the dais again. “Something’s about to begin.”
            “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for waiting,” he said. “We will not draw lots to decide the tournament fixtures.” Agares gestured to Clayton. “You there, lend me your hat.” He took the scholarly hat—(Y/N)’s nose twitched at him not using his own; it felt off—and dropped two pairs of tokens into the hat. “Now, then, head housemasters, come forward and draw lots.” All four housemasters put their hands into the cap.
            Ciel and (Y/N) smirked as Sebastian dipped his hand in. They knew he’d get just the token they needed for their strategy to work perfectly. After all, the game had already begun. What use had they for miracle wins when they had tricks? Miracles were a thing of Heaven; tricks were a thing of Hell.
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jakartatimuretnik · 1 year
Terdekat, Kalung Wanita Etnik Tenun Wayang Tokopedia Kota Jakarta Timur DKI
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Jakarta timur, cakung, cakung barat, cakung timur, jatinegara, penggilingan, pulo gebang, rawa terate, ujung menteng, cipayung, bambu apus, ceger, cilangkap, cipayung, lubang buaya, munjul, pondok ranggon, setu, ciracas, cibubur, ciracas, kelapa dua wetan, rambutan, susukan, duren sawit, duren sawit, klender, malaka jaya, malaka sari, pondok bambu, pondok kelapa, pondok kopi, jatinegara, bali mester, bidara cina, cipinang besar selatan, cipinang besar utara, cipinang cempedak, cipinang muara, kampung melayu, rawa bunga, kramat jati, balekambang, batu ampar, cawang, cililitan, dukuh, kramat jati, tengah, makasar, cipinang melayu, halim perdana kusuma, kebon pala, makasar, pinang ranti, matraman, kayu manis, kebon manggis, pal meriam, pisangan baru, utan kayu selatan, utan kayu utara, pasar rebo, baru, cijantung, gedong, kalisari, pekayon, pulo gadung, cipinang, jati, jatinegara kaum, kayu putih, pisangan timur, pulo gadung, rawamangun.
Apartemen Ternama di Jakarta Timur, The H Residence,  Patria Park, Sentra Timur Residence, Casablanca East Residence, Apartemen Bassura City, The Oak Tower Apartment, Citralandmark, Apartemen Taman Pasadenia, Apartemen Patria Park, Prajawangsa City apartemen, Apartemen Jakarta Living Star, Signature Park Grande, MT Haryono Residence, Apartemen The Hive Cawang, Apartemen Tifolia, Apartemen Menara Cawang, Apartemen MT Haryono Square, Apartemen East Park, Apartemen Cibubur Comfort, Apartemen Delta Cakung, Apartemen Cibubur Village, The H Residence Cawang, Apartemen Bintara Residence, Podomoro Park, Pondok Kelapa Village, Apartemen Titanium Square, Core Sky Residence, Apartemen East 8 Cibubur, Apartemen Sahid Asena, Apartemen Callia, Apartemen Urban Signature.
Terlaris, Terbaru, Terbaik, Paling Keren, Paling Bagus, Best Seller, Promo, Diskon, Unik, Terkenal, Yang Murah, Premium. JAKARTA PUSAT, Cempaka, Gambir, Johar Baru, Kemayoran, Menteng, Sawah Besar, Senen | JAKARTA TIMUR,  Cakung , Cipayung, Ciracas, Duren Sawit, Jatinegara, Kramatjati, Makasar, Matraman, Pasar Rebo, Pulogadung | JAKARTA BARAT: Cengkareng, Grogol Petamburan, Kalideres, Kebon Jeruk, Kembangan, Palmerah, Tamansari, Tambora, | JAKARTA SELATAN: Cilandak, Jagakarsa, Kebayoran Baru, Kebayoran Lama, Mampang Prapatan, Pancoran, Pasar Minggu, Pesanggrahan, Setiabudi, Tebet , JAKARTA UTARA, Cilincing, Kelapa Gading, Koja, Pademangan, Penjaringan , Tanjung Priok.
Apartemen di Jakarta Barat Puri Mansion Westmark Apartment Apartemen City Park Apartemen City Resort, Apartemen City Park, Apartemen Taman Semanan Indah, Daan Mogot City. BSD Bumi Serpong Damai, Sky Terrace Lagoon Condominium, Point 8 Terrace Mansion, Padina Residence, Vittoria Residence, 19 Avenue, Green Parkview, Apartemen Green Central Like City, Istana Harmoni, Green Central City, Mediterania Gajah Mada, Tomang Park, Royal Mediterania Garden, Seasons City, Taman Anggrek Residences, Central Park, Grand Tropic, Grand Madison, Madison Park, Menara Latumenten. Taman Anggrek, SOHO Podomoro City
Jakarta utara, cilincing, kalibaru, marunda, rorotan, semper barat, semper timur, sukapura, kelapa gading barat, kelapa gading timur, pegangsaan dua, koja, lagoa, rawa badak selatan, rawa badak utara, tugu selatan, tugu utara, ancol, pademangan barat, pademangan timur, kamal muara, kapuk muara, pejagalan, penjaringan, pluit, kebon bawang, papanggo, sungai bambu, sunter agung, sunter jaya, tanjung priok, warakas.
Apartemen di Jakarta Utara Sky House BSD, Apartemen Maple Park, Sunter Icon, CBD Pluit, Gading Nias Residences, Gading Greenhill, Gading Mediterania Residences, Green Lake Sunter, Metro Sunter, Moi Kelapa Gading, City Home Apartment Tower Manhattan Bay, The Mansion - Tower Dorada, City Home Tower San Fransisco, Apartemen Sherwood, Gading Mediterania Tower C, Apartemen Mitra Sunter,  Cempaka Sunter, apartemen nortland, Kahfi Park Residence, Pantai Mutiara,  Grand Malaka, Royal Gading Mansion,  Bukit Gading Mediterania, Pesona Rorotan, Blossom Residence, Imperial Gading
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aksesorisetnikbatik · 1 month
Kalung Wanita Etnik Batik di Shopee Indonesia, Surabaya Sidoarjo
Kalung Wanita Etnik Batik di Shopee Indonesia, Surabaya Sidoarjo
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Etalase Marketplace: Kunjungi toko saya di Shopee! kalungbatik_3iswari: https://s.shopee.co.id/2AvTGwET4u?share_channel_code=1
Yuk, cek produk menarik dari Toko Aksesoris Etnik Batik di @Tokopedia! https://tokopedia.link/tN8rxMZNeMb
LAMITA Perajin Aksesoris Etnik dari Kota Malang Jawa Timur. Kalung, Gelang, Anting, Lanyard ID Card, Syal, Bros
buat kamu yang suka tampil unik bergaya etnik, ingin terlihat berbeda dari orang lain dalam hal berbusana, atau yang suka banget memadupadankan busana dan aksesoris, jangan lewatkan untuk nengok lemari pajang kami ya…
Bangkalan, Banyuwangi, Blitar, Batu, Bojonegoro, Bondowoso, Gresik, Jember, Jombang, Kediri, Lamongan, Lumajang, Madiun, Magetan, Surabaya, Mojokerto, Nganjuk, Ngawi, Pacitan, Pamekasan, Pasuruan, Ponorogo, Probolinggo, Sampang, Sidoarjo, Situbondo, Sumenep, Trenggalek, Tuban, Tulungagung
Sidoarjo, Balongbendo, Buduran, Candi, Gedangan, Jabon, Krembung, Krian, Prambon, Porong, Sedati, Sukodono, Taman, Tanggulangin, Tarik, Tulangan, Waru, Wonoayu Surya Indah Permai, Sun Safira Residence Regency, Sarirogo, Sekawan Anggun, Citra City Point, Jumput Rejo, Gebang Arum, Palazzo Park, Surya Citra Tama, Villa Jasmine, Graha Mutiara, Royal Orchid, Surya Garden Citra TamaIi, Sekawan, Puri Airlangga Sidokare, Greenhill, Ngemplak Cemeng Kalang, Casa Veranza, Gadung Fajar, Permata Siwalan, The Sun Gardens, Citra Padova, Pondok Jati, Heavenland Park Aragorn, Palazzo, Permata Pinang, Jambangan, Wilwatikta Putra Nusantara, Griya Hijau, Pabrik Gula Candi Baru, Grezz, Prima Raya, Belvara, Taman Hedona, Maxima Green, Mutiara City, Banjar Mukti, Pondok Nirwana Anggaswangi, Sapphire, Larangan Mega Asri, Kwangsan Kemiri, Pesona Gading , Anggun Permai , Gading Fajar, Delta Kota, Pondok Jati, Sukodono Dian Regency, Star Lotus, Kavling Keben, Bumi Suko, Blukid, Puri Teratai, Mutiara, Flamboyan Kepadangan, Sun Flower, Kuncara Executive, The Orchid Tulangan, Grand Teratai, Mutiara Citra, Pondok Sidokare, Prima Garden Estate, Mentari Bumi Sejahtera, Pondok Buana, Karakon Jaya Lestari, Griya Bhayangkara, Chalidana, D'gardenia City , Kahuripan Nirwana Village, Pepe Indah
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thewarriorspecial · 1 year
Greenhill High (CH5 - The Weekend Part One)
*Archive Edition* Previously only linked to AO3, full work now available under the cut.
Read on AO3
Rating: Teen | Guy Gardner/Kyle Rayner, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Dinah Lance, Oliver Queen, Wally West, Katma Tui, Alan Scott
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
A little something special for @hobicat!
Our beloved characters are starting their weekend. Excitement--and boba tea--is brewing at Radu's Cafe.
Late afternoon light pours in through the windows and Kyle is still deep in the soft, warm covers of is bed. He is also deep in gratitude that it is finally the weekend and he doesn’t have to get up before the sun in order to get to work on time.
Back in New York he never even thought about owning a car. He never had to do so much hurry-up-and-wait to get where he was going; waiting to pull out of his space, waiting at the traffic lights, waiting in line on a merge ramp, just fucking waiting as six lanes came to a full stop in both directions. At least when he was using public transportation he was always moving. Suburban life was isolated and exhausting. 
So he kept sleeping.
Meanwhile, in a row house on the cusp of suburban and urban living, Hal strolled out of his backdoor and into his narrow twelve by thirty-five foot “garden”. He had his enormous over ear headphones on and a book under his arm. He carefully navigated the goat path through the junk that littered the tiny space as he made his way to the hammock at the end of the property. 
At the siren call of the broken screen door banging shut, Hal’s biggest fan stormed down their freshly painted deck and climbed onto a small ladder. The balding man’s narrowed eyes and furrowed brow peered over the eight foot fence. 
“You ever gonna do anything about your fucking grass?!”
Hal smiled and waved as he wondered what fucking grass the man was referring to. There was so much rust and debris strewn about the property it looked like Genghis Khan had salted the earth. 
Then Hal remembered he had a front yard. He so rarely used that door because going through the back limited the amount of nosey-ass neighbors he had to talk to. There were probably vines growing over the windows by now.
‘Eh,” Hal thought, 'Whatever keeps the sun out keeps the cooling bill down.’
All of Hal’s flag waving neighbors gathered on nice weekends to grill and bitch about taxes yet none of them recognized the efforts he put in to keep those taxes low.
“Alright man, have a good one!” Hal shouted as he settled into his hammock and turned to his book. The man’s mouth was still moving and the occasional excited gesticulation could be seen over the fence. As Hal’s mind faded into the world of knights and magic, he truly appreciated the fruits of his labor—finding a loophole that allowed him to build a regulation five foot fence on top of an existing three foot structure. 
Robert Frost was absolutely right about fences and neighbors.
Nearby, in a quaint three-bedroom, one-bathroom cottage, it was brunch time. 
After spending the early hours lounging in his wife’s arms, a very tall, sexy math teacher made his way to the custom built kitchen to begin chopping fresh vegetables for the perfect omelette. 
John’s slippers shuffled softly across the dark wood floors. Katma had picked out the wood and John lovingly cut and laid a beautiful herringbone pattern throughout the first floor. His loosely tied, navy blue robe fluttered behind him like a cape. 
Hearing the coffee pot gurgle to life, Katma stretched and began thinking about getting out of bed. She watched her husband’s beautiful body glide down the hallway until he vanished into the kitchen. She smiled to herself as she settled into his side of the bed, breathing deeply of his scent left behind in his pillow. 
Sleeping with her coworker had been an excellent decision. 
Falling in love, getting married, living together—all of that was surely destined as they were so perfect for each other.
But sleeping with John, specifically this morning—both times—had been a very excellent decision.
Eff. Oh. Are. Dee.
Found On Road Dead. Fix Or Repair Daily. Fucked On Race Day.
“Son of a bitch,” Wally snapped as he punched the steering wheel. The horn made a sad attempt at a honk, but mostly sounded like a crushed party favor. 
Could that mean the issue was with the power? Maybe start with no spark? It was a fresh battery so he was losing power somewhere. 
Wally groaned as he leaned back and rubbed his eyes. There were very few more frustrating problems to solve than the dreaded no-crank, no-start. Of course, everything being soaking wet with river water wasn’t really helping the diagnostic process. 
“Why?” Wally had asked simply when John had explained he had “Taken a little detour”. 
“I was in a bit of a situation, mate. Had to get out the most direct way possible. Hillbillies do love their guns,” John obfuscated his reasons for tearing ass through the woods, probably used to people falling all over his British accent and not asking further questions.
But Wally was a scientist and he prided himself on his further questions. 
“Why?” He tried again.
“Well, mate, it’s like this. No shit, there I was—“
“Stop. Just give me the keys. I don’t wanna know.”
“Thanks, mate. I really owe you,” John says as he turns to leave. 
“Oh you do. About thirty-five hundred from last time. Your assistant seems convinced that your house just gets up and flies away. So I’ll be needing an address for that bill.”
“As soon as I’m settled in somewhere, you’ll be the first to know,” John says over his shoulder.
“Mm-hmm.” Wally fails to mask his brewing irritation as he takes the keys. If only he could stop being such a helpful little people-pleaser. 
“Oh, by the way,” John adds as he lights a cigarette next to the No Smoking sign, “Don’t open the trunk.”
“You wouldn’t believe—“
“I’ll call you when it’s done.”
Wally banged his head against the seat to try and clear the memory of the strange and unhelpful conversation. In a futile effort, he turned the key again. Through the struggling blower motor came the stench of burning plastic and something rotting. It mingled with the haze of stale cigarette smoke that was the hallmark of the kind of sick animal that smoked with the windows up.
When the radio powered up, it began playing an unholy mashup of Brass Monkey and Under Pressure. No matter how hard Wally smacked the faceplate, none of the buttons worked. As long as the car was on, that awful music played. 
Surely this car had come straight from Hell.
“I should’ve been a stripper,” Wally groans.
“He’s really cute,” Guy says out loud to himself as he looks at Kyle’s Linkedin profile picture again. He’s leaning on the desk in his home office, chin in his hands, and he doesn’t have the wherewithal to chastise himself for sighing. 
Kid that good-lookin’ surely had someone already. But it didn’t hurt to look. 
So Guy looked. And looked and looked. He searched through every available social media outlet where he could find Kyle Rayner. His twitter gave absolutely no clues to his relationship status. That page was filled with retweets of memes and the occasional 3am shitpost with one or two likes. 
The Facebook page had over two thousand friends but again was just a minefield of memes and links. Video games, anime, daytime TV. The same handful of people either liked his shared posts or busted his balls for liking things. One poster in particular seemed to go out of his way to make Kyle frothing mad. They kind of resembled each other but didn’t share a last name. Maybe they were cousins? Did Kyle not know about the block button?
After perusing hundreds of photos, Guy realized all of Kyle’s previous relationships had ended the same way. In all of the pictures, Kyle’s lovely face sported the same uncomfortable take-the-picture-already expression. All of his professional accounts used the same school-picture-day-perfect smile. He always stood on the girl’s right side. Everything followed a distinct pattern. It all seemed so…premeditated.
Guy came to one horrifying conclusion.
This dude was a serial killer.
The late afternoon sun beat on the shutters of Radu’s Cafe. Inside, the eponymous owner was beginning the prep work for his popular movie night. Every weekend he’d show a movie that was funny, or classic, or appropriately seasonal and crowds would gather to rowdily enjoy their favorites. There may be a special hell for people who talk in the theater, but this was not that kind of place. 
The local school staff had started the tradition a few years ago and as their students came along so did the rest of the neighborhood. Radu couldn’t be happier. It was great for business but a beloved gathering place was great for the community and that had been his true dream when he had bought the run-down property after the previous owners had suffered a break-in followed almost immediately by a flood. 
The location was on the main street where there were wide sidewalks and ample angled parking. He also bought the lot behind the building and converted it into a little skate park. Kids came to the park in droves, finally having somewhere they were allowed to play on their bikes and skateboards. There weren’t many parks of any kind in this area and Radu was happy to have the laughter of children outside of his window every day. 
Radu gently patted the brand new boba tea machine. He’d never pictured himself as a trend chaser. He’d imagined himself a classic restauranteur, running a place with a menu full of family recipes from back home. Life was funny that way. Now he couldn’t imagine doing the same thing every day of the week. 
A landline phone chimed merrily from the kitchen wall in the home of the reclusive, irascible History teacher. Nothing on earth pissed Alan off quite like being made to get out of his fully reclined leather chair. He leaned as far over as he could manage without falling out of the chair until he could read the large letters on the caller id box. It bore the name of one of his coworkers so he knew he had to get up and answer it.
Having a job was such fucking bullshit. He missed being rich and lonely.
Alan made a series of grunts, groans, and other old man noises as he got to his feet and dragged his arthritic body to the source of the disturbance. 
“What?” Alan barked into the phone.
“Hey, Alan!” Harold’s unnecessarily and probably fake cheerful voice sounded tinny and far away on the ancient speaker. 
“So it is,” Alan gritted his teeth, white knuckling the receiver in the Herculean effort to keep down the Dad joke of “Hay is for horses!”
“I was calling to ask if you’d like to join the rest of the faculty—“
“Don’t hang up!” Hal added hastily. Alan had a way of deciding he was done with a conversation and he had the terrible habit of just hanging up without saying bye. “We’re going to Radu’s for movie night.”
“I hate movies.”
“You do not hate movies.”
“I hate your movies.”
“It’s not my pick, it’s Guy’s.”
“I don’t like him either.”
“I don’t think you like anyone.”
Alan said nothing. He’d rather drop dead than admit Hal was right about anything.
“Your joints crave Vitamin D, Al.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Come outside and sit with us. I’ll cover you.”
“Hm.” Alan knew he had a weakness for food and his favorite food was free. And his joints did ache. “Who’s going?” Alan definitely didn’t want to talk to any of his students. Stupid little assholes couldn’t find their own country on a map of their own country. 
“Just the people you tolerate. And the new guy.”
“Hm.” The new guy looked young and Alan had a rule about talking to people under 35. 
“He’s cool, I promise. Besides, don’t you want to see Guy make an ass of himself?”
“Hmm,” Alan’s pondering took on an upward inflection. 
“So you’re coming?”
Alan bit back another joke. He and Harold were Forbidden from laughing in front of each other after The Incident. He didn’t know one could sprain their diaphragm and he didn’t want to relive the experience. “Fine,” he acquiesced with a sigh.
“Great! See you tonight.”
Alan hung up the phone with a bang. He hated plans he didn’t have time to cancel.
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arsisdevelopers1 · 1 year
How to Find the Best 3 BHK Apartments in KR Puram? Tips by Arsis Developers
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If you're in search of a spacious and comfortable home in KR Puram, Bangalore, the thriving locality offers a range of options to choose from. Among the various types of properties available, 3 BHK apartments are highly sought after due to their versatility and ample space. To ensure that you find the best 2 BHK apartments in KR Puram, here are some valuable tips provided by Arsis Developers, renowned real estate experts.
Extensive Research:
Begin your search by conducting thorough research on the available 3 BHK apartments for sale in KR Puram, Bangalore. Utilize online real estate portals, visit developer websites, and go through property listings. Pay attention to the details such as the location, amenities, floor plans, and pricing. This will give you a comprehensive understanding of the options available.
Define Your Requirements:
Before you start exploring properties, clearly define your requirements and preferences. Consider factors such as the size of the apartment, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the presence of additional spaces like a study or utility room, and the desired amenities. Having a clear idea of what you're looking for will help you narrow down your options and make an informed decision.
Choose a Reputable Developer:
When it comes to investing in a 3 BHK apartment, it is crucial to choose a reputable developer with a track record of delivering quality projects. Arsis Developers, for instance, is known for its commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Research the developer's background, check their previous projects, and read customer reviews to gauge their credibility and reliability.
Location Considerations:
KR Puram is a desirable locality with excellent connectivity and a host of amenities. However, it's essential to consider the specific location within KR Puram where the 3 BHK apartment is situated. Look for factors such as proximity to schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and employment hubs. Additionally, assess the transportation options and accessibility to major roads and public transportation.
Amenities and Facilities:
Luxury 2 Bhk Flats in KR Puram often come with a range of amenities and facilities. Consider the amenities that are important to you, such as a swimming pool, gymnasium, landscaped gardens, children's play area, and security features. Assess the quality and maintenance of these facilities to ensure a comfortable and convenient living experience.
Budget Considerations:
Set a budget for your apartment purchase and ensure that it aligns with your financial capabilities. Compare the prices of 3 BHK apartments in KR Puram and evaluate the value offered by each property. Remember to factor in additional costs such as registration fees, maintenance charges, and property taxes.
Site Visits and Inspections:
Once you have shortlisted a few properties, schedule site visits to physically inspect the apartments. Pay attention to the quality of construction, the layout, ventilation, natural lighting, and the overall ambiance. Engage with the developer or their representatives to address any queries or concerns you may have.
By following these tips provided by Arsis Developers, you can find the best 3 BHK apartments in KR Puram, Bangalore that meet your requirements and offer a luxurious living experience. Remember to take your time, do thorough research, and make an informed decision that aligns with your preferences and budget.
Address: #No 56/2, Battarahalli, Old Madras Road, NH4, near TC palya signal, KR Puram, beside purvi greens hotel, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560049
RERA NO - PRM/KA/RERA/1251/446/PR/180130/002413
Website Information:
Call us:
+91-9900678631 | 9900678681 | 9900678691
Email :
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kalungetniksurabaya · 21 days
ETHNIC GIFT, Aksesoris Etnik Handmade di Tokopedia Surabaya Sidoarjo
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Etalase Marketplace: Kunjungi toko saya di Shopee! kalungbatik_3iswari: https://s.shopee.co.id/2AvTGwET4u?share_channel_code=1
Yuk, cek produk menarik dari Toko Aksesoris Etnik Batik di @Tokopedia! https://tokopedia.link/tN8rxMZNeMb
LAMITA Perajin Aksesoris Etnik dari Kota Malang Jawa Timur. Kalung, Gelang, Anting, Lanyard ID Card, Syal, Bros
buat kamu yang suka tampil unik bergaya etnik, ingin terlihat berbeda dari orang lain dalam hal berbusana, atau yang suka banget memadupadankan busana dan aksesoris, jangan lewatkan untuk nengok lemari pajang kami ya…
Bangkalan, Banyuwangi, Blitar, Batu, Bojonegoro, Bondowoso, Gresik, Jember, Jombang, Kediri, Lamongan, Lumajang, Madiun, Magetan, Surabaya, Mojokerto, Nganjuk, Ngawi, Pacitan, Pamekasan, Pasuruan, Ponorogo, Probolinggo, Sampang, Sidoarjo, Situbondo, Sumenep, Trenggalek, Tuban, Tulungagung
Sidoarjo, Balongbendo, Buduran, Candi, Gedangan, Jabon, Krembung, Krian, Prambon, Porong, Sedati, Sukodono, Taman, Tanggulangin, Tarik, Tulangan, Waru, Wonoayu Surya Indah Permai, Sun Safira Residence Regency, Sarirogo, Sekawan Anggun, Citra City Point, Jumput Rejo, Gebang Arum, Palazzo Park, Surya Citra Tama, Villa Jasmine, Graha Mutiara, Royal Orchid, Surya Garden Citra TamaIi, Sekawan, Puri Airlangga Sidokare, Greenhill, Ngemplak Cemeng Kalang, Casa Veranza, Gadung Fajar, Permata Siwalan, The Sun Gardens, Citra Padova, Pondok Jati, Heavenland Park Aragorn, Palazzo, Permata Pinang, Jambangan, Wilwatikta Putra Nusantara, Griya Hijau, Pabrik Gula Candi Baru, Grezz, Prima Raya, Belvara, Taman Hedona, Maxima Green, Mutiara City, Banjar Mukti, Pondok Nirwana Anggaswangi, Sapphire, Larangan Mega Asri, Kwangsan Kemiri, Pesona Gading , Anggun Permai , Gading Fajar, Delta Kota, Pondok Jati, Sukodono Dian Regency, Star Lotus, Kavling Keben, Bumi Suko, Blukid, Puri Teratai, Mutiara, Flamboyan Kepadangan, Sun Flower, Kuncara Executive, The Orchid Tulangan, Grand Teratai, Mutiara Citra, Pondok Sidokare, Prima Garden Estate, Mentari Bumi Sejahtera, Pondok Buana, Karakon Jaya Lestari, Griya Bhayangkara, Chalidana, D'gardenia City , Kahuripan Nirwana Village, Pepe Indah
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