#grecy 🌿
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ECCO ALCUNE CURIOSITÀ SUL DENTE DI LEONE"Il dente di leone è l'unico fiore che rappresenta i 3 corpi celesti del sole, della luna e delle stelle. ☀️ 🟡 ⭐️ Il fiore giallo assomiglia al sole, la palla del soffione assomiglia alla luna e i semi dispersi assomigliano alle stelle."
• "Il fiore del dente di leone si apre per salutare il mattino e si chiude la sera per andare a dormire. 😴"
• "Ogni parte del dente di leone è utile: radice, foglie e fiore. Può essere usato come cibo, medicina e tintura per colorare."
• "Fino al 1800, le persone eliminavano l'erba dai loro prati per fare spazio al dente di leone e ad altre erbe utili, come la malva e la camomilla."
• "Il nome dente di leone deriva dalla parola francese 'dent de lion', che significa 'dente di leone', riferendosi alle foglie con denti grossi. 🦁"
• "I denti di leone hanno una delle stagioni fiorite più lunghe tra tutte le piante."
• "I semi del dente di leone vengono spesso trasportati via dal vento e viaggiano come piccoli paracaduti. Spesso i semi vengono trasportati fino a 5 miglia dalla loro origine!"
• "Animali come uccelli, insetti e farfalle consumano il nettare o i semi del dente di leone. 🐦 🐛 🦋 🐝"
• "I fiori del dente di leone non hanno bisogno di essere impollinati per formare i semi."
• "Il dente di leone può essere utilizzato nella produzione di vino e birra tramite la sua radice. La radice del dente di leone può essere usata come sostituto del caffè. 🍷 🍺"
• "I denti di leone hanno una lunga storia. Erano ben conosciuti dagli antichi egizi, greci e romani e sono stati usati nella medicina tradizionale cinese per oltre mille anni."
• "Il dente di leone è usato nella medicina popolare per trattare infezioni e disturbi del fegato. Il tè fatto di dente di leone agisce come diuretico."
• "Se falci il dente di leone, per farti dispetto crescono steli più corti."
• "I denti di leone sono molto probabilmente le piante di maggior successo che esistono, padroni della sopravvivenza in tutto il mondo. 💪"
(Testo sistemato da Monya )
Crediti al suo autore
🌿 Pietre: Bosco e Magia
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🌿Olio extravergine d'oliva(Olea europea)
🌿L'olio EVO è un olio vegetale ottenuto dalla spremitura delle olive. È stato molto apprezzato e utilizzato sin dai tempi antichi, dai Sumeri, dai Greci e dai Romani, per le sue molteplici proprietà terapeutiche ed estetiche.
È considerato una "medicina naturale", un elisir di lunga vita, per le sue peculiarità fitochimiche.
È ricchissimo di sostanze nutrienti: vitamine prevalentemente E, K, sali minerali, grassi monoinsaturi e polinsaturi.
Inoltre, contiene una miriade di sostanze polifenoliche tra cui: oleocantale e idrossitiroloso, entrambe svolgono una forte attività antiossidante e non solo.
Queste molecole, eccezionalmente presenti nell'olio EVO, in sinergia con altri fitocomposti, conferiscono un'infinita serie di benefici terapeutici.
🌿L'olio EVO svolge una forte azione antiossidante nei confronti dei radicali liberi, minaccia costante dell'invecchiamento cellulare, protegge le cellule dallo stress ossidativo.
🌿Svolge un'azione antinfiammatoria in generale per l'intero organismo.
🌿Risulta efficace nel contrastare/ridurre l'ipertensione arteriosa.
🌿Riduce il livello del colesterolo cattivo (LDL), aumenta il colesterolo buono (HDL).
🌿Previene e riduce le patologie cardiovascolari (ictus, infarti) e le patologie neurodegenerative (Alzheimer, Parkinson).
🌿Svolge un'azione protettiva nei confronti del fegato.
🌿 Regola la funzionalità intestinale, favorisce la digestione, contrasta la stitichezza.
🌿Studi scientifici hanno evidenziato una riduzione del cancro nelle ovaie, ai polmoni e di alcuni tumori aggressivi del cervello, addebitando il merito all'oleocantale.
🌿Sostiene il sistema immunitario.
🌿Aiuta l'assorbimento delle vitamine e dei sali minerali.
🌿Secondo un recente studio pubblicato sul "Journal of the American College of Cardiology", consumare 2 cucchiai di olio d'oliva al giorno serve a ridurre il rischio delle patologie cardiovascolari, neurodegenerative e polmonari.
📚Lo Scrigno della Natura
🌿Extra virgin olive oil (Olea europea)
🌿EVO oil is a vegetable oil obtained from squeezing olives.
It has been highly appreciated and used since ancient times, by the Sumerians, the Greeks and the Romans, for its many therapeutic and aesthetic properties.
It is considered a "natural medicine", an elixir of long life, due to its phytochemical peculiarities.
It is very rich in nutrients: vitamins mainly E, K, mineral salts, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
Furthermore, it contains a myriad of polyphenolic substances including: oleocanthal and hydroxytyrolose, both of which have strong antioxidant activity and more.
These molecules, exceptionally present in EVO oil, in synergy with other phytocompounds, confer an infinite series of therapeutic benefits.
🌿 EVO oil has a strong antioxidant action against free radicals, a constant threat to cellular aging, and protects cells from oxidative stress.
🌿 It carries out an anti-inflammatory action in general for the entire body.
🌿It is effective in counteracting/reducing arterial hypertension.
🌿Reduces the level of bad cholesterol (LDL), increases good cholesterol (HDL).
🌿Prevents and reduces cardiovascular diseases (strokes, heart attacks) and neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's).
🌿 It carries out a protective action towards the liver.
🌿 Regulates intestinal function, promotes digestion, counteracts constipation.
🌿Scientific studies have highlighted a reduction in cancer in the ovaries, lungs and some aggressive brain tumors, attributing the merit to oleocanthal.
🌿 Supports the immune system.
🌿Helps the absorption of vitamins and mineral salts.
🌿According to a recent study published in the "Journal of the American College of Cardiology", consuming 2 tablespoons of olive oil per day helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and pulmonary diseases.
📚The Chest of Nature
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Totally not because I’m at the hospital right now but a hc about Spencer dating a medical doctor her returning to mmm home super tired.
Spence would definitely do anything he could to make you time at home as relaxing as possible
I think he's definitely someone that would do anything in his power to make his partner happy and comfortable, regardless of his own comfort
If he's home from a case and he has time, he for sure would prepare some little comforts for when you get home, especially if he's heard from you throughout the day and he can tell you're exhausted
Cue your favourite drink ready to be served as soon as you walk through the door
Definitely a master of comfort food, that man probably looked up how to make something he knows you love on youtube and followed the tutorial, either that or he's already a saint and he knows how to make it just right from all the times he's seen you make it
If it's been on of those days when you're aching when you get home and you just want to fall into bed, you bed he's put the heated blanket on the bed and warmed it up for you so you can just go straight to bed and relieve all of the discomfort immediately
Need comfort when you get home? Spencer's going to be there to greet you with open arms. He's he type of man that won't let you do anything if you're tired, he'll take your coat off for you and get you comfy
A nice, relaxing warm shower together
Now, if he's on a case, things would be a little different, but this is my idea on what he'd do for you
Spencer knows that some of the things he cooks are your favourites, so before he leaves he cooks a few of them and then freezes them for you to heat up after a long day
Flower deliveries
Scratch that, chocolate and comfort read deliveries!!
He knows the way to your heart even from a distance
If he's in a similar time zone, still up super late or at an earlier time than you and he's free, he'll call you, not just to say goodnight, but he'll also read to you
I'm convinced he's someone that reads books with his partner for fun and he takes it slow to read at the same pace as you, so he'd definitely do that over the phone and read to you if you're too tired to even pick the book up
Ugh audiobooks read by Spencer, now that needs to be a fic, remind me later
I also think he'd be a master of hiding notes, you never notice them at first but you'll open the bathroom cabinet, pull out something and out pops a little note he's attached to the bottle
Definitely leaves out a couple of his shirts for you, either to sleep in or to just have around to remind you of him when you can't sleep
At the end of the day, Spence just wants you to feel cared for and loved and he'll do anything to see it through
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This is so beautifully written 😭 I loved every second of this and the fact that she's a librarian !!!!
This entire fic was just so perfect, I'm so soft :((
The Dating Profile
Title: The Dating Profile
WC: 2K
Author’s Note: changed it up a bit but it’s based from the request below. Last two text parts were supposed to be a pic but I already had the 10 allowed by Tumblr. This is my first time using the “fake texting”
Special shout out to Sifen for the request, @boldlyvoid & @lcvingprentjss for your help.
Spencer Reid was always on the go, running up and down from the BAU to helping his friends, babysitting his godchildren, walking around museums and doing everything he possibly could to keep on going. But it wasn’t until the dark hours of the night, when he got home and winded down that he remembered the only reason for always runnig from place to place was because he felt the need to suppress the feeling of loneliness he felt on a daily basis. Walking into a dark, cold and lonely apartement always served as a cruel reminder that unlike his friends, he didn’t have anyone waiting at home.
After spending the day at the park with Penelope, Micheal, and Henry for what Penelope liked to call “Fairy Godparents Outting” he walked into his apartment and started to microwave a frozen meal. He looked around and started imagining a life in which he would have someone to come home to and be willing to listen to every story he had to share. For Spencer, this was beginning to morph into one of his many unattainable dreams. But he never once imagined that one tex message would be all it would take for his daydreaming to become a reality.
*next day*
Spencer was baffled. A dating profile? He surely would have known if any of his friends created a profile for him, wouldn't he?
It had taken less than 10 minutes for Penelope to assure Spencer that the dating profile was in fact real and not a vindictive unsub coming out to get him. And unbeknownst to Spencer, Penelope had also found out who had created his dating profile.
Spencer couldn’t help but chuckle at this. Being on the opposite side of what a fugitive is. He wanted to text back, get to know them, but unfortunately glancing up and seeing Penelope with a stack of FBI files he knew duty called. Putting his phone away he sighed and went to the briefing room. As the days went by Spencer kept thinking back to the nameless person that texted him. He wanted to know more about them but this was a first for Spencer, he did not know how to proceed. He also did not want to ask anyone on the team knowing that he would get teased. Spencer feared that the longer he went without talking with them the sooner they would forget about him, and so two weeks later after a long and disturbing case, he decided to message the mysterious number again.
Spencer couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh at this catching the attention of Derek Morgan
“Pretty boy laughing at his phone at 11:00 pm… am I dreaming?”
“Shut up” Spencer mumbled slightly annoyed but definitely embarrassed at the fact that he was caught. Morgan definitely catches the slight smirk on Spencer’s face but chooses not to say anything.
Spencer was enthralled with this mysterious texter. No one had wanted to get to know him before. And hiding behind a screen he felt comfortable enough to be fully and unapologetically herself. But there was a seed of doubt that had settled in the deepest corner of his brain silently echoing his word thoughts and fears which led to him thinking about how maybe once this person got to know them they would run always. After all who could ever love Spencer? Who could ever stay with him? All he’s ever known was loneliness.
Spencer wanted to ask Derek for advice but he always wanted to prove his ever-growing fears and anxieties that he could actually do this by himself. What he didn’t know was that back in Virginia across the hallway from his apartment was a very shy librarian who in a spur of the moment drunken mishap created a dating profile and stumbled upon his. To y/n, it was a mystery how someone with a dating profile wasn’t active on it but instead left his phone number to text. And yes they were weary of cat-phishing but something about this profile caught their eye.
Spencer was never the type of person who looked at his phone the minute he woke up. But he couldn't help but reach for his phone the minute he woke up after the conversation he had with his mysterious texter last night. But what surprised Spencer more than the fact that he was constantly reaching for his phone was the disappointment he felt when no new text messages were found on his phone.
“Kid, is your mom okay?” Rossi cautiously asked
“She’s doing fine, taking well to her medications. Why?” Spencer asked curiously
“Well you keep glancing at your phone, I haven’t seen you pick up a book all day”
“Oh-umm- no yeah everything is okay”
Spencer thought he had credibly dismissed Rossi’s worries but he couldn't successfully hide the blush that spread across his cheeks when his phone dinged signaling an incoming text. Nor could he dissimulate the growing smile when he say that his mysterious texter had finally texted him.
It had been two days since their last conversation due to Spencer being caught up on a case. He would just receive good morning and good night texts with good luck and stay safe texts throughout the day. He really wished he had the time to text back but 5 children’s lives were at stake. Finally, the case wrapping up in the early hours of the third day after their conversation, he hoped that the team would get back to Quantico in time before the library closed.
“Hey pretty boy we are all going to-” Derek began saying when Spencer interrupted with
“I can’t, have to go-book-library-bye” as he rushed out, moving faster than anyone had ever seen him move.
Walking up the steps of the library Spencer stopped to calm his wandering mind before opening the door. Making his way to the front desk he began fiddling his fingers on the strap of his satchel. Noticing an older lady by the front desk he walked up to her
“Excuse me, I’m looking for Y/N Y/L/N”
“You just missed them my dear, do you happen to be Dr. Reid by any chance?”
“Uh, yes ma’am that me”
“This was left for you, good choice of material” To which she added, “Its already been checked out so you’re free to go unless you are looking for another book”
“Thank you.”
Taking the metro home, Spencer began taking out the book to read when a note fell from inside the pages, without thinking he took the note and put it in the pocket of his coat.
As they continued talking, Spencer couldn’t help but start feeling a sense of closeness and familiarity whenever he texted y/n. It was as if with every passing text an invisible string pulled his heart closer to theirs. Spencer had finally found someone in which he could confide in without feeling like he was being judged and that was a feeling that he was not planning on letting go any time soon.
*6 months passes by*
Spencer takes out his phone to text the only person he would actually speak with and open up to.
Spencer: would it be completely inappropriate of me to dump a whole lot of feelings and ranting? I just- I need to talk it over with someone. Get some clarity
y/n: the handsome genius doctor Red needs my help? Well absolutely
Spencer: Remember that one friends I told you about? The one that died?
y/n: Emily. Yes, I remember
Spencer: well it turns out he isn't really ... you know.. dead
Y/n: wait...you mean to tell me the fbi really does do the whole fake deaths and shit?
The chuckle that slipped from Spencer’s mouth startled him in the midst of his silent apartment. Loving the way y/n made him feel. He wanted to meet them, he really did, but something at the back of his mind kept telling him that once they met y/n wouldn’t want anything else with him. But, he also knew that if y/n was the only person that could get him to see, understand, and most of all accept the reasons why Hotch, JJ, and Emily had to keep it a secret then they must be someone really special.
*one week later*
Spencer was dying to hear their voice, his imagination running wild thinking about how his name would sound like falling from their lips. He had just come back from a case, mentally exhausted, the team having to rely on his knowledge of physics to solve the case. There even came a point where he was feeling like he was too slow in figuring it out. Wanting to feel “normal” for a bit he stepped out of the elevator, taking out his phone he pressed the call button on his phone.
“Well hello there doctor sexy”
“You’ve never even met me, how do you know I am not… i don't know a pipe cleaner with eyes?” Spencer chuckled when saying this remembering his time back on that case, much had changed in his life and in the BAU since then. Reaching his door he starts searching his satchel for his key.
“A what now?”
“A…nevermind did I wake you?”
“No…the neighbor across the hallway has some crazy work hours I guess and they are making a lot of noise right outside the door”
“Funny, I myself am standing right outside my door looking for my keys”
“Hey doc, what are you wearing?”
“Why would you ask me– should I be the one aski-what?”
“Humor me for a sec yea?”
“Uh, black and white converse, a blue sock with rockets and green socks with donuts, black dress pants, White shirt with a-”
Suddenly he hears y/n laugh, a noise he knew he would always want to hear and she continued for him, “with a gray cardigan and a brown leather satchel across your body?”
“Uh yeah how did you know?”
Spencer then hears his neighbors door open and hears the same laugh he heard moments ago, “well it looks like the annoying neighbor that won’t let me sleep is my very own doctor handsome”
Startled, Spencer just stands there not knowing what to do. He is just admiring how the halfway light is casting a reflecting glow on y/n. Quickly gaining his confidence back he clears his throat before saying, “my apologies for not letting you sleep, mind accompanying me for a late-night cup of coffee.” And at that moment they both knew that whatever new chapter was beginning in their lives, it would be one they would remember all too well.
*4 months later*
“Dr. Reid, could we talk for a quick minute?”
Spencer could quickly tell that his friend was nervous, Anderson kept shifting from side to side, not meeting his eyes and picking at his nails.
“Anderson, please we’ve been working together for how long? It feels weird that you call me Dr. every time.”
“About four months ago I couldn’t help but overhear Penelope and Derek talking about a dating profile you have…or had”
“I KNEW IT. I knew it had to be one of them that did it”
“No, actually it was me”
“…you? Anderson but why?”
“Well, you see during JJ and Will’s wedding you got drunk and began telling me about how lonely you felt so I just thought… I’m sorry if I caused you any problems”
Spencer couldn’t help but notice how much his colleague cared about him and smiled. And shock Anderson by saying, “well, thanks to you I’m thinking about asking y/n to move in. We live across the hallway anyways and hey, promise me that if we get married you’ll officiate the wedding, after all, we met because of you.”
*two weeks later*
Spencer: would your life to move in with me sunshine?
y/n: bubs, I'm standing right next to you can’t you just ask
Spencer: but we met this way :(
y/n: I would love to move in with you my love.
Spencer: great! Now can we please cuddle?
y/n: I love you, dork
Spencer: ily2
Bonus Scene
Doctor Handsome,
I cannot find the words to express how much these past few weeks have meant to me by getting to know you. I have to say that it's kind of frightening that I don’t know you at all yet I feel like I met you 20 years ago. All this time I have felt like just another face in the crowd and I keep finding myself reaching out for you, terrified of knowing if you would ever love me. Because I know that you could be the one that I love, you are the one that I dream of and all I can do is send this message in a book, waiting here hoping it gets to you.
Spencer kept looking down at the piece of paper he had tucked in his coat pocket and forgotten all about. It was at that moment that he felt y/n putting roots in his dreamland. He finally began to feel his dream would become a reality and he couldn't wait.
@samuel-de-champagne-problems @fightingdragonswithreid @writer-in-theory @pretty-boys-book-club @kodiakwhiskey @the-chaotic-cow @slytherinintj13 @nygmaperry @reidslibrarybook @luredwithpretzels @nomajdetective @lilibet261
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my mutuals and their emojis <3
alex🧣 @buckleyhans
nat 🧬 @reidslibrarybook
nati 🎃 @meganskane
becca 🍡 @moreidsdaughter
katie 🦋 @sarasbaby
star ✨ @starry-eyed-spence
bee 🐝 @andineverwould
kam :) @elliottspond
lindsay 🐸 @jemilysprentiss
nessa 😗 @ssavanessa22
syd 🧃 @reidsacademia
zahra 💙 @writingquillsandpainpills
raven 🦉 @deadravenclaw
amelia 💌 @ellcsgreenaway
ali ⚡️ @nomajdetective
alex/arson 🧨 @spacecowboyhotch
grecy 🤓 @reidsbookclub
neveah ☁️ @lilacprentiss
mely 🪩 @sadgirlml
varsh 🌿 @lil-stark
nat 💫 @starrylang
zoe 🐡 @hotchandspencearedilfs
elaraa 🏹 @reidsmilf
katie 🌬 @leftoverenvy
benson 📸 @milfprotector
will 💃 @reidingrainbow
mads 🥴 @mommyhotchner
marie 🦦 @ssahctchner
jess 🦝 @nervous-tic
ana 🔮 @fightingdragonswithreid
tiana 🧸 @ssa-sapphic
emmy ⛈️ @ofwilliamandwalter
kodiak 🎤 @kodiakwhiskey
katie 🌓 @temilyrights
reni ☕️ @serenity-lattes
morgan 🧎🏼♀️ @ssamorganhotchner
lea 🪁 @gettingrailedbyreid
in order of the form responses so it has zero significance!!
please feel free to update your answers when needed mutual form!
emojis i use: 👻 🦭
#reidselle mutuals#reidselle mutual list#mutuals#mutual list#i love y’all <3#spencer reid#elle greenaway#spencelle#reidaway#spencer reid fluff#spencer reid angst#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid masterlist#spencer reid heartbreak
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The whole audio books by Spencer reminded me of this technically not Spencer but it is his voice.
And imagine this but like for all your favorite books. And then he’ll do themes like Edgar Allan Poe, Harry Potter ⚯͛ or Ray Bradbury for Spooky Season
His voice omg I could listen to him speak for hours. You just know that Spence is the best at reading stories out loud, there's no doubt in my mind that he'd read you anything of your choice without question.
You're fuelling the need for a fic about Spencer reading to y/n and I'm here for it
#grecy 🌿#i think i need a minute lmao#answered 🖋️#his voice is so pretty its not even fair#grecy i signed up to a writing challenge the other day and one of the prompts i got was telling spencer not to stop talking because she#loves his voice
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hi!! I have a request. Librarian reader who refuses to believe Spencer doesn’t have a secret book rec list somewhere so she uses all her power (and a phone call to Penny) - idk she could be like FBI librarian or Penny’s neighbor idk — and she finds Spencer’s secret bookstagram with a link to his goodreads.with the prompt
"I read that book you recommended.", "What do you mean?", "I found your goodreads."
Thank you!! And because I forgot on the first one. Congrats on the milestone!
𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐩! 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞, 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐬��𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟
Thank you for sending this in Grecy! I got a bit carried away but I loved writing it!
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OH SO MANY QUESTIONS YES DO IT !!! Would it be secret relationship?? Rivals to lovers?? WOULD IT BE PENNY x ____, Spencer x reader?? I’m already so excited for a fic that’s probably not even in its brainstorm stages 😭💜
GRECY YOU'RE SPARKING SO MANY IDEAS honestly I've not thought that much about it, I'm torn on who I'm going to write it about but I'm considering either a secret relationship, fwb to lovers or friends to lovers AHHH SO MANY SCENARIOS TO CHOOSE FROM
I absolutely value and love your opinion if you have one 💕💕
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Hello. Here with another request. Maybe co-workers in a secret relationship and reader is not having a good day so Spencer goes "Come here, sit in my lap." Then “is that my jumper, hm maybe that’s why the team has been acting weird. They know”
𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐮𝐩! 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩
Hi Grecy!! Oh I loved this prompt combination so much, thank you for sending it in, I hope you like it! 💕
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Hii! For the asks 4 , 13, & 28
Grecy! How are you?
4. I would indeed change my name! Ellie is just a name I have nicknamed my real one to, it's similar but not close enough that it's easy to guess I think. But if I were to change my name I would change it to Ellyn in the future, it's been a plan for me for a long time!
13. I have adopted an animal! I adopted my dog last year when a family member of mime couldn't look after him anymore, he's my entire world T^T
28. I think ot would have to be Vivaldi! Or maybe BTS haha 😅
Thank you for sending it in 💕💕
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 - what is your go-to code order or the way you always take it at home?
After your question is written, scribbles in response begin to appear on the paper underneath in pretty cursive. How strange...
Hi Grecy! Oh I wish I had some kind of elaborate order to tell you about, but I'm one of those people that just orders a cappuccino (or makes it at home). I'm pretty standard with my coffee, I like it strong and simple, but if I'm in a cafe I always ask for a little chocolate powder sprinkled on the top because I love when they use cute stencils on my coffee foam 😅
What's your order?
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Hi Ellyn!
𝐁𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐀 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤
I’m doing it for two characters if that’s ok. Spencer Reid & Luna Lovegood.
Hi Grecy!!
It's more than okay! Feel free to send in as many asks as you like! I love that you picked Luna and Spencer, they are both huge favourites of mine!!
𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝 Alice's Adventure's in Wonderland & Howl's Moving Castle - I felt like Alice was a bit of a given when it comes to Luna, but Howl's Moving Castle also fits her whimsical vibe too!
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐝 Perhaps an obvious choice, but the Sherlock Holmes novels are a solid choice when it comes to Spencer. For a more obscure recommendation, especially if you are interested in classic literature, Crime and Punishment is one I feel like Spencer would have read and enjoyed. And if that isn't your thing (or a chonky Russian classic lit is just too much for a casual read), I'd recommend The Book Thief!
#grecy 🌿#answered 🖋️#ellyn's celebration#borrow a book#honestly could have sat here for half an hour giving you books that remind me of spence
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Hiii Ellyn!
First of all I need to say I am absolutely loving the new username! Hope you’re well!
princess - if you could live in any other time period, which would it be?
Hi Grecy 🥰
Thank you so much, I'm really glad to know that you like it! I'm doing well thank you, how have you been?
Oooh this is difficult, fashion wise I would probably choose the 1940s, but part of me also likes the idea of 1700s because I have a bit of a fascination with that time period, though I'm sure it would not be comfortable for me to live in at all 😅 what about you?
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Thank you so much for the mention, Grecy!! I really appreciate it a lot 💕 I'll be on my way to check out the other blogs you mentioned too
Favorite underrated blogs
hi anon! ok underrated how?? fic wise? content wise?
I want to preface this by saying to some of my dear dear mutuals that I will be mentioning on this post blogs that are newer to writing for criminal minds or who don't get that many reblogs/notes on their fics/posts (hence making them underrated)
PS: I know I am forgetting some people I will most likely come back and edit this later.
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