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lucifeena · 2 years ago
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She hates window shoppers… 👏
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alphagirl404 · 11 months ago
Happy Mother’s Day from the Skyloft Moms.
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(Names for those who don’t know: Mallara. Piper. Wryna. Goselle. Greba. And Luv)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year ago
Okay, well replaying Skyward Sword reminded me that I wrote this like a year ago buried in a reblog so I'm just gonna air it out and plop it here.
The first time Link had disappeared, it had caused alarm. Zelda had just gone missing, ripped from her loftwing by a treacherous tornado, and suddenly Link was a haggard mess, dressed in a knight’s uniform, and then gone. People feared that he had been hurt too, a search shouldn’t last after sunset; he wasn’t a full knight, after all. However, Headmaster Gaepora had managed to calm the academy students, and the news spread throughout Skyloft.
It took almost a week for Link to return to Skyloft. When people saw his crimson loftwing circling around the town, a collective sigh of relief fell over the sky island. If he’d been gone consistently for so long, then he’d only return when he’d found Zelda, after all. Not to mention it meant they were both safe.
However, that had not been the case. Link had been alone, tired, and filthy. His clothes had tears in them in certain places, he had strange silky threads wrapped around parts of his legs, dry blood stains were disturbingly evident on his tunic, and he practically had bags under the already constantly present bags under his eyes. He had landed just by the goddess statue and had not been seen since. However, another bright light had appeared in the cloud barrier, unnerving the Skyloftians, who chattered about it amongst each other.
The bazaar had been exceptionally busy that day, and the new red light in the sky caused people to gather there to discuss the matter. It meant there were long lines just to get inside, and Link had not seemed keen to stand among the crowds to get the supplies he so desperately needed. Instead, he’d sat on the bench outside, waiting for the townspeople to eventually spread throughout the island once more and give him the space he needed to prepare for his next trip.
The crowds did indeed start to thin, but as people trickled out of the bazaar with hot drinks and hot gossip on their tongues, they paused, finding the boy passed out on the bench. At first it was amusing; Link often fell asleep all over town. But then it was worrisome. He looked haggard. Everyone in town was invested in this boy’s well-being; they’d all welcomed him into their homes at one point or another, the adults all remembered the little orphan wandering the island aimlessly in the days after his father’s unfortunate death, they all remembered bringing him into their homes with promises of warm food and a pillow to lay his head on.
So it had been collectively decided that someone would fetch a pillow from their home and get Link a bit more settled. Wryna brought a blanket as well, but Greba had pointed out worriedly that Link was still a mess (with an emphatic “He stinks!” from Kukiel). Mallara had gotten Commander Eagus, who had promptly swaddled Link in the blanket and carried him to the academy to tend to him.
After that encounter, everyone on Skyloft had decided that they’d keep an extra careful eye out for the boy.
This new pact ended up saving the young knight-in-training’s life. The next time he came back, he had fallen off his loftwing entirely, caught only by Pipit, who had been notified that something was wrong when Orielle noticed the loftwing’s panicked screeches. He’d been unconscious before he fell into his classmate’s strong arms, and even Groose and his stooges had watched in concern as Pipit had rushed Link to the infirmary.
But today was not quite so dire. Link had been missing from Skyloft for two weeks after he’d recovered (his periods of absence continued to grow, much to everyone’s concern), but this morning Jakamar, his wife Wryna, and their daughter Kukiel woke up to a surprise green bundle curled up in their bed. He was on the edge, barely taking any space, but he hogged a majority of that side of the bed’s blanket. At first Jakamar nearly jumped out of his skin until he realized who it had to be, and he pulled the blanket back just enough to see the curved little ears and fluffy dirty blonde hair that everyone on Skyloft knew so well.
Blowing out a sigh, he turned away and held his wife as she peered over his shoulder. “Well, at least we know where he is.”
“He’ll be hungry,” Wryna commented. “I’ll get started on breakfast.”
Jakamar grunted in acknowledgement as his wife crawled to the bottom of the bed to climb over the wooden frame so as to avoid waking Link. Kukiel shot up and started to bounce on the bed in excitement, and Jakamar scooped her into his arms and also climbed out of bed in a similar manner. The house was silent as the family cleaned their faces and prepped for the day (though only because the parents constantly had to remind Kukiel to keep quiet with gentle shushes and fingers over their lips), and then Jakamar took his daughter out for a morning stroll while Wryna busied herself in the kitchen area.
When he got back to the smell of a delicious breakfast, he stretched and smiled, glancing at the bed to find it empty. He looked back to see Wryna’s disappointed face.
“He’s gone!” Kukiel exclaimed in her high voice.
“I didn’t see him step out,” Wryna said guiltily.
Jakamar put a hand on his wife and smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry about it, hon. At least he got some sleep. Pack it up in a bottle, if we see him we’ll give it to him.”
Jakamar had the luck to find Link later that day as the boy was meandering around the windmills. Although Jakamar was getting ready to offer the now lukewarm food, Link instead started asking him about the windmill’s missing propeller. Jakamar helped him as best he could, and just as Link rushed off to find Gondo at Jakamar’s suggestion (he figured the robot, though broken, might be able to help), the man called out to him, waving the large bottle with food carefully packed inside.
Link stared at him, confused. Jakamar held out the bottle. “Take it, kid. You look like you’re starving.”
It was a bit of a slip up to admit it to his face. Link often would recoil at such remarks, would cover it up with an embarrassed laugh and then actively avoid whoever said it for a while, which then made it even harder to help him. But it was the truth - he did look gaunt and worn thin. Jakamar was usually a pretty easygoing guy, but this seemed like it was starting to get serious. He wished the headmaster would reel the kid in.
Link’s expression shifted, so easily readable on his face, and his confusion clearly became shame. He looked down at the ground, biting his lip. When Jakamar pushed the bottle into his sight again, he took it wordlessly, but as he locked eyes with the man he gave a grateful smile. Before Jakamar could get a word in, Link turned on his heel and headed for the bazaar.
Jakamar blew out a sigh as he watched the boy run. Hylia look out for him.
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ateneanike · 4 months ago
El Museo británico dispone de una magnífica colección de armaduras casi completas en bronce, tipos de yelmos, grebas, etc.
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banfrancop · 2 years ago
..."Y cuando hubieron llegado a la casa del tesoro, llamada Teocalco, luego los españoles sacan afuera todos los artefactos tejidos de pluma, tales como travesaños de pluma de quetzal, escudos finos, discos de oro, collares de los dioses, las lunetas de la nariz, hechas de oro; las grebas de oro, las ajorcas de oro, las diademas de oro.
Inmediatamente fue desprendido de todos los escudos el oro mismo, que de todas las insignias. Y luego hicieron una gran bola de oro y dieron fuego, encendieron, prendieron llama a todo lo que restaba, por valioso que fuera: con cual todo ardió".
Y por esto y por muchas otras cosas más, España debe pedir perdón a México.
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link-is-a-dork · 2 years ago
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Goselle: “Did you hear the news? One of the students in the Wing Ceremony has lost his bird! It’s gone missing!”
Greba: “Oh, really? Thet’s terrible!”
Mallara: “To tell the truth, I’m not comfortable around birds. It’s their talons-- They look so sharp and painful!”
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galtzagorri-marrazki · 2 years ago
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2022 NEGUA
Urepeleko mendiak dira ikusten dituzuenak.
Aste horretan absurdismotik jotzeko gogoa nuen.
Bezperan greba eguna ginuen (ez dakit zenbat garrena) ta atxiloaldi batekin bukatu zen,
ta beraz nehor ez zen lanean, salbu iguzkia! he he
Gauza da ez nuela gogorik grebaren inguruko marrazki bat egitea. Prentsa eta aho guzietan zen Macronen erreformen kontrako greba...
luzaz segitu du marrazki hoi ta gero ere.
Langileek hamar astetik gora grebetan ibilirik ere deus ez zen lortu. Gora Macron ta Macronistak!
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brooklyndreaming · 2 years ago
about the mini goats
can i say that i hate that you just click your phone, click a pet, and they just pop into your inventory and are an item. I moved households and my "items" were returned to me. I get it this is how chickens and stuff work too.
it feels like a game testing feature and like how hard would it have been to click on a rabbit hole building or something?
i do love them so much, my little sheep Boink, Shakira, and Greba Grackentire
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rainsofcastamererpg · 5 months ago
Señores del Terror
Walton Patas-De-Acero 30 años
Walton es uno de los hombres más leales a Roose Bolton. Siempre con sus grebas de acero, ganadas en batalla singular contra un caballero Manderly, se muestra cada vez más orgulloso gracias a su cercanía y a la confianza que lord Bolton le brinda. Lo más cercano a un escudero que se puede tener, lo más parecido a una mano derecha, si cabe, que se puede desear. Roose no le preguntó sobre sus orígenes, tampoco le importa en demasía. Y Walton no hace muchas preguntas, acata las ordenes y las imparte cuando es necesario, con su amada lanza de la que es experto.
Sueña y tiene la certeza de que cuando la guerra acabe lord Bolton le obsequiará con terrenos. Desea ser señor propio y tener una esposa en la que ennoblecer su futura Casa.
Casa Overton
La Casa Overton se encuentra cerca de la costa oriental, entre el mar y los bosques. Han estado fuertemente ligados con los Bolton durante los siglos pero ahora van un poco por libre. Se rumorea que el primer Overton fue un bastardo de Royce IV Bolton, apodado Brazorrojo, del cual guarda todavía los cuchillos con los que abría el vientre a sus enemigos como reliquias.
Se dice que las mujeres de la Casa Overton aún poseen los ojos pálidos de los Bolton y que son ellas las que, realmente, gobiernan la familia, siendo diestras en el manejo de las armas.
Casa Goodman
La Casa Goodman fueron antiguos perreros de Fuerte Terror durante el reinado de Belthasar Bolton, el cual les concedió un feudo al nordeste, colindando con los Karstark, para que vigilaran las fronteras.
Se dice que tomaron ese nombre porque eran considerados entre los norteños del Lágrimas buenos hombres. Aunque esto, a decir verdad, son habladurías pues la familia Goodman esconde en secreto sus prácticas de cacería contra los salvajes que caen en sus manos. La enseñanza de los perros cazadores Bolton provienen del antiguo linaje de los criaderos de los Goodman.
Parece que Lord Sanguijuela no da suficiente miedo que busca a sus señores del Terror aquí
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budybell · 2 years ago
Soldado navarro siglo XIV
Vi esta figura en una página de segunda mano y me enamoré al instante. Aunque es muy sencilla, me encantan sus detalles, su postura en movimiento y el rostro tiene mucha expresividad. Es de la marca Pegaso Models y su escala es 1/30 unos 54 mm. Casi no se le ven los pantalones (aunque no lleva quijotes) ya que viste rodilleras, grebas y escarpe metálicos. El tabardo es de cuero con remaches y se…
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hgeo21 · 2 years ago
Arqueología y sesgo de género
En Agighiol (Rumanía) en 1931 y en Vratsa (Bulgaria) en 1965, se excavaron dos túmulos funerarios casi idénticos. En cada uno de ellos se enterró a una pareja acompañada de un fastuoso ajuar compuesto por cascos, grebas, flechas y caballos, así como vajilla de plata y cerámicas griegas. La interpretación parecía evidente: se trataba de guerreros de élite y sus esposas. Pero los análisis de los…
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libromundoes · 5 years ago
Los 10 mejores libros sobre silencio | Grebas de Abbie | Libros
SIlence en un libro es una cosa vieja y divertida. Demasiado y el lector puede querer recuperar su dinero. ¿Demasiado poco y qué queda de suspenso, misterio, drama? En la literatura como en la vida, hay mucho que aprender de lo que no se dice.
Para los escritores, el silencio es un regalo. Ya sea que se trate de personajes confinados al silencio o de aquellos que están comprometidos a cortar las voces que se consideran peligrosamente diferentes, hay pocos escritores que no tengan que hacerlo. en un momento se hizo la pregunta de cómo representar mejor, bueno, nada.
Durante mucho tiempo me ha fascinado el silencio. Como un niño y adolescente ruidoso, experimenté algunas cejas arqueadas cuando decidí escribir mi tesis de pregrado sobre elipses en la literatura modernista. Cuatro años después, cuando comencé a escribir ficción y el tema del silencio todavía estaba en primer plano en mi mente, especialmente el género que puede establecerse en el centro de un relación a largo plazo.
En mi novela, El tratamiento silencioso, Frank y Maggie han estado casados ​​durante 40 años, pero no han hablado durante seis meses. Es una historia de amor edificante y un misterio, un drama emocional y una meditación sobre el trauma familiar. Cuanto más exploro el tema del silencio en la vida de mis personajes, más aprendo que es un compuesto de matices que significa algo diferente para todos. mundo. El silencio puede ser a la vez aterrador y relajante, aislante y comunicativo a su manera, dependiendo de quién lo exprese.
Si tuviera que identificar una característica unificadora en los libros que se enumeran a continuación, sería la forma en que los propios lectores deben esforzarse más cuando se enfrentan a un silencio impenetrable. Después de todo, podría significar cualquier cosa …
1. Titus Andronicus de William Shakespeare Después de ser brutalmente violada, la hija de Titus, Lavinia, también tenía la lengua y las manos cortadas atascadas para evitar que informara quién es responsable del ataque. Incapaz y despojada de su preciosa castidad, la impotencia de Lavinia se convierte en un poderoso símbolo del silencio de las mujeres maltratadas.
2. El silencio de las hijas de Pat Barker. Barker narra la Ilíada principalmente desde el punto de vista de Briseida, la mujer otorgada como premio a Aquiles después del alboroto de Lyrnessus. Con la historia en sus manos, no hay dónde esconderse de la misoginia de la antigua Grecia. Ajax puede estar convencido de que "el silencio se convierte en una mujer", pero al retomar las voces silenciosas de la historia de Barker nos damos cuenta de cuán moderna es la resonancia de estas historias. los clásicos provienen de la era #MeToo.
3. Un trueno silencioso de Sara Barnard Cuando Steffi, una muda selectiva, conoce a Rhys, una estudiante sorda de su escuela, sus mundos comienzan a abrirse. Para Steffi, la perspectiva del discurso está plagada de ansiedad y Barnard ofrece una exploración sensible del tema a una audiencia de adultos jóvenes. Steffi y Rhys se comunican en parte a través de BSL, un fascinante punto de entrada a la cultura de los sordos. A medida que su amistad se integra silenciosamente en algo más, ¿Steffi encontrará su voz y el coraje de volver a usarla?
4. El corazón es un cazador solitario de Carson McCullers John Singer comienza la novela como uno de los dos hombres tontos de un pequeño pueblo de Georgia. Cuando su mejor amigo George es llevado a una institución mental, John se aísla. Hasta que, es decir, comienza a comer en un café local y se destaca como el confidente silencioso de las diversas personas que lo frecuentan. Una buena exploración de la conversación, sus dificultades y la búsqueda a menudo mística de comprensión.
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Isabel Allende en 1985. Fotografía: Felipe Amilibia / AFP / Getty Images
5. La casa de los espíritus por Isabel Allende Después de la vida de tres generaciones de la familia Trueba, esta novela está marcada por la decisión de la matriarca Clara de permanecer en silencio durante nueve años después de la muerte de su hermana mayor. En lugar de hablar, Clara recurre a la escritura, el arte y sus poderes espirituales como una forma alternativa de conectarse con el mundo que la rodea. Esta es una evidencia convincente de que gritar más fuerte no siempre es la mejor manera de ser escuchado.
6. La niña que sonrió con perlas por Clemantine Wamariya y Elizabeth Weil En este informe, seguimos el viaje de Wamariya desde la masacre de Ruanda en 1994 hasta los seis años que ella y su hermana pasaron en siete países africanos hasta que finalmente obtuvieron el estatus de refugiado en los Estados Unidos. Mientras reflexiona sobre su trauma, Wamariya lucha con la incapacidad del lenguaje para hacer justicia a su experiencia vivida. Es imposible olvidar el pasaje donde explora por qué el "genocidio" no logra capturar el alcance total de una atrocidad: "No se puede testificar con una sola palabra".
7. Peregrinación por Dorothy Richardson Esta novela poco conocida sigue a Miriam Henderson a través de 13 volúmenes (o "capítulos de novela" como Richardson quería que se conocieran), siguiendo su vida cotidiana como joven trabajadora a principios del siglo XX en Londres. El texto se caracteriza por una gran cantidad de puntos suspensivos ("…") mientras que Richardson juega con una fascinación modernista más amplia por la ausencia y su representación. Una lectura larga, pero que recompensa más que el esfuerzo y, al hacerlo, resalta el silencio que está en el corazón de la conciencia.
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Saoirse Ronan como Briony Tallis en la versión 2008 de la película Expiación. Fotografía: fotos de entretenimiento / Alamy
8. Expiación por Ian McEwan Mantener shtum, o no mantener shtum: esta es una de las grandes preguntas en juego en esta novela preseleccionada por el Premio Booker. Desde el silencio de Paul y Lola sobre el encarcelamiento injusto de Robbie hasta el intento de arrepentimiento de Briony al expresar su versión de la verdad, es una historia que muestra cómo el silencio convincente puede ser un dispositivo narrativo .
9. The Outrun de Amy Liptrot A los 30 años, Liptrot se muda de Londres a Orkney, el sitio de su infancia, mientras se reconcilia con el alcoholismo que caracterizó sus 20 años. En la dicotomía entre la vida urbana e isleña, el ruido urbano y el silencio salvaje, es una meditación asombrosa sobre el poder restaurador de la naturaleza y su poder de curación.
10. Silencio: en la era del ruido por Erling Kagge Como aventurero, Kagge fue la primera persona en asumir el "desafío de los tres polos", llegando al Polo Norte, el Polo Sur y la cumbre del Everest. Tenga la seguridad de que no fomenta un viaje a uno u otro de los tres en una búsqueda para encontrar el silencio en el mundo moderno. Por el contrario, Kagge aboga por encontrar focos de calma a lo largo de la vida diaria, ya sea en el camino al trabajo, en la ducha o en un momento de quietud frente a un sándwich durante el almuerzo.
El tratamiento silencioso de Abbie Greaves es publicado por Century. Para pedir una copia, visite guardianbookshop.com. P&P UK gratis en pedidos superiores a £ 15.
The post Los 10 mejores libros sobre silencio | Grebas de Abbie | Libros appeared first on Libro Mundo.
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beautifulklicks · 7 years ago
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Gray Heron
Black-necked Grebe
Jacek Żbikowski
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sword-is-bored · 3 years ago
A Boy and His Bed
Skyward Sword
(In honor of me finally getting Skyward Sword on my switch, here’s this!)
Kukiel watched as Link entered their home. He looked exhausted and took off his bulky adventure gear. Link gently set them next to the bed and promptly fell in afterwards. In a moment his eyes shut and he was sound asleep. Kukiel wasn’t confused, however, as this happened often. Link would sometimes just walk into someone else’s house and do the same thing, and no one ever questioned it. She was curious as to why. “Mama?” She whispered, hoping Link would stay asleep. “Why does he come in and sleep? Why can’t he go back to his house?”
Wryna smiled and kneeled down to face her daughter. “Well, Link doesn’t have a home. He stays at the academy, but he doesn’t have another place to go. Sometimes the other kids there are too loud at night, honey.” Kukiel gave a pout. “Yeah, but it’s daytime! And he’s sleeping in yours and dads bed!” Wryna nodded. “Of course, he can’t take your bed. I’m sure he didn’t get enough sleep last night anyway. Just let him rest, he’ll be okay.” Kukiel was unsatisfied with the answer, but decided to let it go. Her mother stood tall and watched as the young girl left the house. Wryna stood and watched Link, a frown dancing across her face.
The adults knew why Link was allowed to spend the night anywhere.
Link’s father was a beloved knight. He protected everyone valiantly and was a kind soul. His mother was also a bright and kind woman. She was outspoken and made sure everyone around her knew how much they were loved. Together, the two were inseparable and deeply in love with one another. The two were loved as a couple in Skyloft. When it was made known they were expecting a child, the town was overjoyed. This little child was going to grow up so unbelievably loved.
Then, tragedy struck. Link’s father was caught in a horrifying tornado accident. His loftwing broke it’s wing in the night when it hit an island and Link’s father was sent screaming through the cloud barrier with it. When his mother found out, the town listened to the cries of a heartbroken pregnant woman. The townspeople decided to help Link’s mother, and stepped in. Many men volunteered to be Link’s father figure, especially the knights. Overwhelmed with grief, Link’s mother simply allowed what was needed to happen. She promised herself to make it to his birth.
The day came where Link was born. His mother died during childbirth. The townsfolk murmured that it was due to a broken heart that she passed. Thankfully, Link was still loved. The townsfolk made sure to pass on the love and adoration he would have gotten from his own parents. They made up schedules with who gets Link and when. As the young boy grew and other children appeared Link was able to stay with parents of other children, babbling away about his days of adventures. There wasn’t any home Link didn’t stay at for at least a night or two. Although they wouldn’t say it in front of their kids, Link was everyone’s first child.
They all celebrated his first full night of sleep, his first word, his first steps, his first time using the potty all by himself, there wasn’t a moment where Link ever felt like an outsider among the adults. As he grew, and got bullied by Groose, Link began to shrink into himself. Getting anxious as he wandered over to the house he was supposed to stay in for the night. He gently knocked on the door and watched as Gondo and Greba opened it with smiling faces. “Hello Link! Welcome over, I was just tinkering with your broken toy!” Gondo said ushering the boy in. “It’s ok if I still stay here, right? I don’t want you guys sick of me.” Link blurted out, staying in the doorway.
“Of course not, kid, what made you think that?” Gondo asked. “I just, I dunno. Groose says that… I shouldn’t, you know, stay with everyone all the time. Since I have, kind of, a room in the knight academy.” Link mumbled, stuttering through his words. Greba scoffed. “The day you listen to Groose seriously is the day my dinner grows legs and walks away.” She grumbled. “Get inside, and don’t ever question if you’re wanted here again. Your parents did so much for everyone, the least we can do is give a good life to the last gift they gave us.” Link blinked furiously and wiped away the tears that began to spill. “I’m a gift?”
“Of course you are, buddy. We’re all trying to do our part.” Gondo said giving Link a reassuring squeeze on his shoulders. “You’re everyone’s kid, and don’t forget that. We all promised—from the day you were born!— that you will always have a safe place to stay with anyone here. No strings attached.” Gerba gave Link one of her famous mom-hugs. “Never question it again.”
After 18 years, some might think that Link should have his own home. He does, and that’s with the family who raised him. Every single adult on Skyloft, who banded together to make sure a kid would grow up with the love he deserved. He turned out to be the kindest, and sweetest kid. Albeit he does sleep like a rock, no one on Skyloft would change him or ever deny a safe place to rest after a long journey.
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tortilla-of-courage · 4 years ago
Skyward Sword - comparing NPC names in English and Spanish
For this I’ll be comparing mainly 2 (technically 3) translations of SkSw: English (ENG), Spanish (Latinamerica) (ESP-LA) and Spanish (Spain) (ESP-SP). If available, I’ll add the Japanese (JP) too. The spanish ones might be the same in some cases, which will be marked as (ESP). (I might also add an extra translation or two if i know them)
Link (リンク - Rinku), Zelda (ゼルダ - Zeruda) and Impa (インパ - Inpa) stay the same in all translations. Some of them have some minor changes tho (beware of slight spoilers for SkSw)
(Special thanks to @sunnylaurels for sharing the Japanese names for the Skyloft NPCs! And to @attllhak for sharing some French ones! - Really Long post under cut)
Main/Important Characters
Fi (ENG) - Fay (ESP) - ファイ (Fai) (JP)
These are basically the same, just different spelling. There’s a lot of speculation as to what Fi’s name is based on. For some reason I like to think it’s because of “Wi-Fi” but anything goes
Ghirahim (ENG) - Grahim (ESP) -  ギラヒム (Girahimu) (JP)
This one’s interesting because both ‘translations’ are technically right. English follows it more “to the letter” doing “Gira” as “Ghira”, while Spanish interprets it as “Gra” since Japanese doesn’t do the two-different-consonants together thing, but overall both are the same
Groose (ENG) - Vilán (ESP-LA) - Malton (ESP-SP) -  バド (Bado) (JP)
Groose, Groose, Groose. Probably the main character with the MOST changes. “Bado” seems to be referencing the Japanese pronunciation of “bird”, but could also be interpreted as “Birdo”. LA Spanish’s “Vilán” is sometimes seen as referencing the english “Villain”, but recently @/deerdroo pointed out to me it’s most definitely referencing the “Gavilán” bird, which resembles a little eagle (Wikipedia calls it a “sparrowhawk” in English). Not sure what Spain’s doing with “Malton” but I like it. And of course “Groose” follows the bird naming theme most of Skyloft has (referencing grouse and goose). Also his name in French is “Hergo”
Demise (ENG) - El Heraldo de la Muerte (ESP) -  終焉の者 (Shūen no Mono) (JP)
Okay this guy. “終焉の者” could be translated as “The One Who Brings The End”, according to @/sunnylaurels. So, in a way, I guess it makes sense for the English translation to just grab “Demise” for the name but also I feel it REALLY takes away from how it’s a Title rather than a name? He’s an ancient being, him existing as a “concept” and having no name adds a lot to his character imo. Anyways, “El Heraldo de la Muerte” would translate as “The herald of death” or “the messenger of death”, which is like really ominous i think - imagine having to fight some guy and everyone on earth calls him the messenger of death. I’d be so scared. Yes I’m very aware Demise means Death i just think it’s silly he just gets called that and that’s it. Also i keep reading it as Denise so really, who’s losing here? Not me. 
As a fun add-on to this, in German his name can be translated to “Death-bringer” (thanks @/aureateart), while in French it’s Avatar du Néant, which would translate to “Avatar of the Void” (thanks @/attllhak)
The Imprisoned (ENG) - El Cautivo (ESP-LA) - El Durmiente (ESP-SP)
“El Cautivo” basically means The Imprisoned, but “El Durmiente” means “The Sleeping One”, which... fits, but also i find it a bit funny, not sure why. Fight the sleepy avocado everyone
Deities + The Surface’s Main Places’ Names
The Goddesses stay the same in these translations too:
Din (ENG, ESP) - ディン (Din) (JP)
Nayru (ENG, ESP) - ネール (Nēru) (JP)
Farore (ENG, ESP) - フロル (Furoru) (JP)
Hylia (ENG, ESP) - ハイリア (Hairia) (JP)
The dragons, for the most part, too. The only one that really changes is Faron, which changes to “Farone” much like in Twilight Princess with the Light Spirit of the same name.
Eldin (ENG, ESP) - オルディン (Orudin) (JP)
Lanayru (ENG, ESP) - ラネール (Ranēru) (JP)
Faron (ENG) - Farone (ESP) -  フィローネ (Firōne) (JP)
Levias (ENG) - Narisha (ESP)
I couldn’t for the life of me find Levias’ name in Japanese, but considering EVERY translation EXCEPT English has him as Narisha? i’m gonna take a wild guess and say it’s ナリシャ (Narisha) or similar. His name Levias is based off the word Leviathan. And Fun fact! Did you know the spaniard Zelda Wiki lists him as being one of the dragons? as in, him being a whale-shaped dragon? yeah.
The Surface (ENG) - Las Tierras Inferiores (ESP)
Las Tierras Inferiores would translate as “The Lower Lands”
Faron Woods (ENG) - Bosque de Farone (ESP)
Eldin Volcano (ENG) - Volcán de Eldin (ESP)
Lanayru Dessert (ENG) - Desierto de Lanayru (ESP)
These ones mean the same for the most part, just with the change of Faron to Farone.
Skyloft / The Sky - Places and Animals
The Sky (ENG) - El Cielo (ESP-LA) - Celéstea (ESP-SP)
“El Cielo” literally means The Sky, while Celéstea would be a play on “Celestial” (From the Heavens/Skies). Fun side note - “El Cielo” also means “Heaven”, so when i was younger everytime i went back to the sky i’d be like “rip Link he’s dead :/”
Skyloft (ENG) - Neburia (ESP-LA) - Altárea (ESP-SP)
Neburia, from what I learned after a 4 am Wikipedia dive, could be based off the word “Nébula”, which can mean “Cloud”. It basically means “Cloud Town”. Altárea, I think??? would be based off the word “Alto” which means “High (Altitude)” so basically, “A Place High Up”? If anyone wants to comment on this i’d appreciate it
The Lumpy Pumpkin (ENG) - La Calabaza Flotante (ESP-LA) - Calabarza’s (ESP-SP)
“La Calabaza Flotante” literally means “The Floating Pumpkin”, while “Calabarza’s” is a really clever play on Calabaza and bar. I’m not sure what the name of the island itself is in english, but in Spanish it’s “Isla Calabaza” (Pumpkin Island) (ESP-LA) and “Calabia” (word play on “Pumpkin Place”) (ESP-SP)
Loftwing (ENG) - Neburí (ESP-LA) - Pelícaro (ESP-SP)
Neburí would also come from Nébula, so it’d translate to something like “Cloudy (thing)”? possibly. Pelícaro seems like a play on the word “Pelícano” which means Pelican.
Remlit (ENG) - Lémury (ESP) - Remuri (JP)
Lémury is a play on “Lémur”, probably because of Remlits’ ringed tails. Remuri might be the same play of words. 
Skyloft/The Sky - NPCs
(I might revisit some of these at one point since some of the references they could have flew over my head!) (haha get it? flew? the sky? ok)
Batreaux (ENG) - Mursego (ESP-LA) - Batolo (ESP-SP) - Morusego (JP)
My friend! my buddy! Batreaux is an obvious play with “Bat”, since he kind of resembles one. This is kept in both Spanish names - Batolo seems like a combination of “Bat” and “Bartolo” (a spanish name), and Mursego is based off the spanish for Bat “Murciélago” (as well as being the closest to the Japanese “Morusego”!!). Keeps the “flying animal” theme in all three languages.
Beedle (ENG) - Terry (ESP) - テリー (Terī) (JP)
The man, the myth, the legend. Beedle’s name is similar to “beetle”, the insects he loves in BoTW and SS. Not sure what the deal with “Terry” and similar is. He keeps the “flying animal name” theme with Beedle, sort of, but loses it in every other translation (which, btw, is also Terry or a variant in most languages)
Bertie (ENG) - Arín (ESP-LA) - Alfred (ESP-SP) - Arin (JP)
This poor man. Working all day and all night. Bertie’s supposed to reference a type of sparrot called “lovebird” (the bird part). For Arín, besides being basically the same as Japanese, could reference the word “Cantarín”, which means “singsong” and is used to describe birds that sing a lot. Alfred... no clue.
Cawlin (ENG) - Corvy (ESP) - Ras (JP)
In the same way “Cawlin” references “caw”, which is the sound crows make, “Corvy” references this same bird, called “Cuervo” in Spanish. In french he’s “Orbo”, which if i had to guess also references crows.
Croo (ENG) - Gurriaco (ESP)
“Croo” could reference both the “cooing” of birds and “crow”, like Cawlin above. Gurriaco, if I reach enough, could be referencing “Urraca”, a type of bird in Spanish.
Dodoh (ENG) - Dodo (ESP) - Dodo (JP)
Referencing the extinct bird of the same name in all languages, I guess. 
Dovos (ENG) - Dombo (ESP)
Dovos feels like it’s referencing “Dove”. Dombo gives be “Dumbo” vibes - probably could reference it because he flies? not sure
Eagus (ENG) - Aquilo (ESP) - Igurusu (JP)
Eagus, Aquilo, and Igurusu are referencing Eagles. It’s more obvious in Eagus. The spanish for Eagle is “Águila”, which is just two letters off from Aquilo. 
Fledge (ENG) - Gruyo (ESP) - Sebasun (JP)
Fledge is referencing Fledgling, a young bird. Gruyo comes from “Gruya”, which is Crane in spanish. In french his name’s “Célestin”.
Gaepora (ENG, ESP-LA) - Gaépora (ESP-SP) - ゲポラ (Gepora) (JP)
Pretty much the same. His name is also a combination of the Owl from Ocarina of Time’s name “Kaepora Gaebora” (ENG, ESP) - ケポラ・ゲボラ (Kepora Gebora), probably because he looks a lot like the Sage of Light Rauru and the owl he turns into. One of the few Skyloftians not named after a bird in English, though technically he is if we consider the above?
Gondo (ENG, ESP-LA) - Dorcon (ESP-SP) - Doruko (JP)
Not sure what Gondo might be referencing bird-wise exactly? though i think “Gondo” is similar to “Gonzo” (from Wind Waker), with who I think shares some design aspects. Dorcon in Spain’s Spanish seems to just take from the original Japanese. In French his name’s also “Dorco”!
Goselle (ENG) - Alani (ESP) - Otaka (JP)
I’ll be real, not sure what’s going on with her names in either language. Goselle gives me bird vibes but i’m not sure. Alani reminds me of the spanish “Alaja”, which means Jewel
Greba (ENG) - Ornella (ESP) - Miho (JP)
Ornella reminds me of the word “Hornilla” (mute H), which is basically the hole where the heat comes out of in wooden ovens... but! according to the dictionary it also means “(a) hole where pigeons make their nest” so i guess it’s bird related too!
Gully (ENG) - Gabio (ESP-LA) - Gabi (ESP-SP) - Garu (JP)
Gully most definitely references a seagull. Gabio and Gabi references the same animal, but in spanish obviously - “Gaviota”. 
Henya (ENG) - Galina (ESP-LA) - Zenona (ESP-SP) - Heena (JP)
Henya references Hens, as does Galina (Hen being “Gallina” in Spanish). Zenona... uh.. not sure where that came from? I’m halfway through this post realizing i’d gladly accept comments from any spanish speaking person who wants to give an input on these things im missing 
Horwell (ENG) - Asteus (ESP) - Hoonelu (JP)
i’ll be real im not sure what Asteus is referencing. Horwell seems to be pretty close to the japanese for the most part though
Jakamar (ENG) - Carpín (ESP) - Geran (JP)
Carpín is most definitely referencing Wood Peckers (“Pájaro Carpintero”/Carpenter Birds)
Karane (ENG) - Grusi (ESP-LA) - Gracielle (ESP-SP) - Kuranu (JP)
Karane seems to be almost the same as in Japanese, while Spanish went crazy and gave her a completely different name, tho at least they’re kinda similar between each other. Also in french her name’s “Grida” (another Gr name!!)
Keet (ENG) - Pío (ESP-LA) - Pitxi (ESP-SP) - Michiru (JP)
Pío is, quite literally, the sound birds make (or the way we’d write that sound in spanish), especially chicks. Pitxi is a mystery to me
Kina (ENG) - Calabel (ESP-LA) - Calabelle (ESP-SP) - Panan (JP)
Calabel/Calabelle is referencing the spanish for Pumpkin, “Calabaza”, giving it a more feminine name-esque ending (like in Anabel/Anabelle)
Kukiel (ENG) - Picalia (ESP-LA) - Cuqui (ESP-SP) - Kuuko (JP)
Cuqui could be referencing that exact same word (often spelled “Kuki”) that just means “cute”. Picalia seems like a play with “pícara” which basically means “gremlin” (google translates it as “sassy” but im not sure if that word fits)
Luv (ENG) - Mandi (ESP-LA) - Amanda (ESP-SP) - Manda (JP)
Mandi and Amanda seem to stay close to the Japanese name, both of them being common spanish names. Luv, like i mentioned in Bertie’s part, would reference “love bird” (the love part)
Mallara (ENG) - Pati (ESP-LA) - Patty (ESP-SP) - Rubia (JP)
I only now realized Mallara is referencing mallard ducks. wow. Pati/Patty are just a common name in Spanish. Lil fun fact related to her Japanese name! Rubia means “blonde” in Spanish
Mia (ENG, ESP-LA) - Miwi (ESP-SP) - Mi (JP)
mia my baby girl. i love her. im yeeting her off Skyloft. seems they all reference meowing in some way
Orielle (ENG) - Corina (ESP) - Kuina (JP)
LISTEN. the other day i was trying to think just WHAT Corina could be referencing. And the only thing that popped into my brain is that “Corina” is the name they gave the bird Tokyo Mew Mew girl in LatinAmerica. It’s literally the only bird related thing i can think of. Also it sounds a bit like “Kuina”. French name is “Kinaé”, similar to Japanese!
Owlan (ENG) - Buhel (ESP) - Aoulu (JP)
Owlan seems to keep the owl theme across all three! Aoulu seems to just be “owl” quite literally, and Buhel is a play on the spanish for Owl (”Búho”)
Parrow (ENG) - Golondro (ESP) - Parou (JP)
Golondro comes from “Golondrina”, a type of bird! I think it’s called “swallow” in english ... so it kinda fits Parrow anyways! Also Parrow seems to be his japanese name too
Peater (ENG) - Panolo (ESP-LA) - Paul (ESP-SP) - Jakusin (JP)
This guy. man. Seems to be “Jackson” in Japanese? But everyone grabbed a P and ran. Panolo seems like a play on “Manolo”, a nickname for people with the name “Manuel” - maybe mixed with the P for “Pájaro”(Bird)? Paul’s just a common name as far as i know.
Peatrice (ENG) - Panalí (ESP-LA) - Paula (ESP-SP) - Jakuriinu (JP)
Peatrice seems to always be named after her dad. “Jackeline” in Japanese i believe, and barely “feminized” names for the rest. Panalí sounds a bit more like “panal”, the spanish for “hive” (as in beehive)
Piper (ENG) - Joana (ESP)
There’s not much to comment here. Joana’s a common name in Spanish
Pumm (ENG) - Vito (ESP-LA) - Ruperto (ESP-SP) - Puukin (JP)
I have NO clue where Vito came from. It sounds like a badly spelled “Victor”. Where did the Pumpkin theme go???? huh?????. Ruperto’s kind of the same? Unless i’m missing some pumpkin related words in spanish, it’s just a common name.
Pipit (ENG) - Cocu (ESP-LA) - Coocker (ESP-SP) - Kikoa (JP)
This guy. It seems a lot of languages kept the C/K sounds in his name? He’s Kiko in French and Cuco in german (thanks @/aureateart). They seem to reference cuckoo clocks maybe? and the german’s really close to cucco. 
Rupin (ENG) - Rupín (ESP-LA) - Milo (ESP-SP) - Kookin (JP)
Rupin/Rupin are referencing Rupees, since he’s the shopkeeper and the alike. Milo... I... I’m not sure what’s referencing?
Rusta (ENG) - Ganzo (ESP) - Rostaa (JP)
Rusta and Rostaa seem to be referencing Roosters, while Ganzo’s referencing the spanish for Goose! (Ganso)
Scrapper (ENG) - Serbot (ESP) - Sarubo (JP)
Including this lil guy here coz... why not? Serbot seems to be almost the same if not the exact name as Japanese (though Sarubo could just be Server?)
Sparrot (ENG) - Aspir (ESP-LA) - Gorronte (ESP-SP) - Subuha (JP)
Gorronte seems to be a play on “Gorrión” (Sparrow), so, pretty close to English. Aspir..... I’m not sure?
Strich (ENG) - Vestro (ESP) - Osta (JP)
Vestro, like Stritch, references Ostriches, with Ostrich in spanish being “Avestruz”. Seems Japanese references the same animal? and I think french too, since he’s “Latruche” in that language!
Wryna (ENG) - Elenia (ESP-LA) - Alisia (ESP-SP) - Arisu (JP)
Alisia seems to stick to the Japanese name Arisu (Alice), while Elenia went... a different direction. Elenia is a variation of a common spanish name, Elena.
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sunnylaurels · 4 years ago
@tortilla-of-courage @squid-ink-personal @musashi 
(Except for Link, Zelda, Fi, Ghirahim, Gaepora, and Impa)
Skyloft: Sukairofuto (スカイロフト- in other words, Skyloft)
The Surface: Daichi (大地, means ‘great earth’)
Faron: Firoone (フィローネ)
Eldin: Orudin (オルヂン)
Lanayru: Raneeru (ラネール)
Levias: Narisha (ナリシャ)
Knight Academy
Groose: Bado(Or as I call him, Birdo)
Pipit: Kikoa
Fledge: Sebasun
Cawlin: Ras
Strich: Osta
Karane: Kuranu
Owlan: Aoulu(The Japanese transileration of ‘owl’)
Horwell: Hoonelu
Eagus: Igurusu(probably meant to be ‘eagles’)
Henya: Heena
Phoeni: Fenii
Mia: Mi (Remlit: Remuri)
Skyloft(aka I didn’t know where to put them)
Mallara: Rubia
Jakamar: Geran (most likely a pun on keiran, 鷄卵, ‘chicken egg’)
Wryna: Arisu
Kukiel: Kuuko
Gully: Garu
Goselle: Otaka
Greba: Miho
Parrow: Parou
Orielle: Kuina
Beedle: Terry
Batreaux: Morusego
Kyte(Green Rescue Knight): Torubi
Albat(Red Rescue Knight): Yanka
Hauk(Blue Rescue Knight): Hoogu
Scrapper: RS-301S Sarubo
Luv: Manda
Bertie: Arin
Sparrot: Subuha
Rupin: Kookin
Peatrice: Jakuriinu
Gondo: Doruko(Or Dorko... but let’s not)
Piper: Juna
Dovos: Dabu
Croo: Rooku
Other Islands
Lumpy Pumpkin: Pumkin Baa (Pumpkin Bar?)
Pumm: Puukin
Kina: Panan
Keet: Michiru
Rusta: Rostaa
Bamboo Island: Take Kiri-竹斬り (Bamboo Slicing)
Peater: Jakusin
Fun Fun Island: Ruuret Tou(島) (Roulette Island)
Dodoh: Dodo
Sealed Grounds: Fuuin no Chi-封印の地 (The Grounds of Sealing)
Gorko: Margo
Kikwi: Kyui
Machi: Macha
Bucha: Kyokuroo
Lopsa: Mugii
Oolo: Kobuu
Erla: Seburii
Yerbal: Houjii
Lake Floria: Furoria Ko (Floria Lake)
Jellyf: Ragee (Parella: Parege)
Mogma: Moguma
Ledd: Chitsu
Cobal: Cobaru
Kortz: Roju
Merco: Maki
Tyto: Nikeru
Nackle: Chitta
Tubert: Konsai
Zanc: Risuta
Guld: Gorudo
Silva: Siruba
Bronzi: Pakka
Plats: Putena
LD-301 Series: RS-301 Series
Golo: Kenbun
Gortram: Torogo
Skipper: RS-301C Kunkubo
Silent Realms
Silent Realm: Sairen (”Siren”)
Spirit Vessel: Seishin no Utsuwa-精神の器 (which means ‘spiritual container’)
Guardian: Shugosha-守護者 (which means, you guessed it, ‘guardian’)
Sacred Tears: Shuzuku (means ‘droplet’)
Light Fruit: Hikari no Mi-光の実 (Fruit of Light)
Waking Water: Shirare
And finally...
The Imprisoned: Fuuin no Sareshimono-封印のされしもの 
‘The Thing That Was Imprisoned’
Demise: Shuuen no Mono-終焉の者
I can’t think of a truly accurate way to translate that but...
‘The One Who Brings The End’
Will update with time! There’s a lot of characters!
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