thegreatincite · 7 years
on books, by the great incite
ed. 01
title: call me by your name
author: andre aciman
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While the selection quoted below is a particularly beautiful rendering of this point, Aciman’s entire work herein is a reminder - equally comforting and haunting - that we are multi-dimensional, layered, non-linear beings. From where I stand, the value of bringing this realization into view is the potential for it to inspire connection and empathy. If we’re all a little deeper than we know, and if we all have a level of darkness that permeates our many layers, we also have a level of light that does the same. How can we get closer to seeing our sameness? Thoughts welcome.
“Today’s Basilica of San Clemente is built on the site of what once was a refuge for persecuted Christians. The home of the Roman consul Titus Flavius Clemens, it was burnt down during Emperor Nero’s reign. Next to its charred remains, in what must have been a large cavernous vault, the Romans built an underground pagan temple dedicated to Mithras, God of the Morning, Light of the World, over whose temple the early Christians built another church, dedicated — coincidentally or not, this is a matter to be further excavated — to another Clement, Pope St. Clement, on top of which came yet another church that burnt down and on the site of which stands today’s basilica. And the digging could go on and on. Like the subconscious, like love, like memory, like time itself, like every single one of us, the church is built on the ruins of subsequent restorations, there is no rock bottom, there is no first anything, no last anything, just layers and secret passageways and interlocking chambers”
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thegreatincite · 7 years
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#HeresTo looking at you Sade - strength, elegance, and self embodied.
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thegreatincite · 7 years
#HeresTo June 2017: the month that steady mobbin saw the top of the mountain.
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thegreatincite · 7 years
Florencia Galarzia is a 2017 sporty spice, and I mean that from a place of highest compliment. Equal parts badass athlete and social influencer, with the ever-growing modern zest of budding entrepreneur streaking through her body of work, Florencia is visually and strategically at the helm of what I think is one of the most artfully curated partnerships that I’ve watched come to life this year. As a geek for reinventing partnership models that ultimately anchor forward-thinking business models, I can’t help but love every element of this kith x adidas football collaboration. 
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#HeresTo women whose names just stand for #dorightandkilleverything.
Rock on Florencia.
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thegreatincite · 7 years
Filed under ‘things I think are cool.’
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thegreatincite · 7 years
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thegreatincite · 7 years
Due to a beautiful google doodle today, I discovered the captivating legacy of what must have been a captivating woman. Zaha Hadid’s work speaks for itself. It is grand in scale, bold in form, and elegant in function. These are all things that I seek to embody, and it is amazing how effortlessly she communicated her embodiment, even from beyond the grave.
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What I have discovered about Zaha Hadid brings a favorite quote to mind:
You are the only proof of your own life.
-Emmanuel Rohani
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thegreatincite · 7 years
Let that ride out.
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thegreatincite · 11 years
“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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