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saramackenzie1982 · 1 year ago
It's Day 17 of #Thankful and I'm happy over the weather. It's almost like spring and I want to dance.
#GoodWeather #Springlike #GratefulToBeAlive #WaitingForTheBus #ButItsAutumn #WifeAndMom #IndieAuthor #StayAtHomeChallenge #WritingCommunity
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piccolascintilla · 3 years ago
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🌟 "...I am grateful for being alive today. It is my joy and pleasure to live another wonderful day..." 🌟 . . . #bookstagrampl #flowersarebeautiful #czytambolubię #mybeautifulsimplicity #wdzięczność #gratitudeattitude #gratefultobealive #medytacja #tulipany #bookstagrampolska #flatlayoftheday #flatlaypoland #seekinspirecreate #abundancemindset #książkoholizm #flowersmakemehappy #duchowość #gratitudequotes #tinytinymoments #kochamczytać #booksarelife #kochamkwiaty #flatlayfriday (at Kedzierzyn-Kozle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdynmCxs9wd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shalome7 · 4 years ago
Blessed Morning World! Happy Sabbath! It's A Great Day To Be Alive! #OneMoreDayAboveGround #OneMoreChance #OnTheWakeUpList #Gratitude #GratefulToBeAlive #GratitudeIsAMust #Thankful #ItIsSabbath #HappySabbath #Shalome_7_MVH @mvhpromotions https://www.instagram.com/p/CRbXOiPB4QG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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james1925 · 4 years ago
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#vegancampout2021 thanks to everyone who made it one of the best weekends I’ve had in a while. @parivartanphoenix @peasful.protestor @eddie_firesmile @thevdandy and many many others who’s instagrams I didn’t get, Dom, Ellie, please tag them if you know their usernames #vegancampout #joeycarbstrong #biscoff #vegancamping #bestweekendever #veganforeverything #tofishandchips #unitydiner #benjaminzephaniah #russellbrand #pmoney @kingpmoney #gratefultobealive (at Vegan Camp Out) https://www.instagram.com/p/CS99qtcs8Lq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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incurableoptimistest1994 · 5 years ago
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Six years ago today, this was what was happening. I nearly died. I may not be spending today with everyone I want to be with, or going where I’d like to, but I am grateful to be alive, to be with people I love, eating good food, drinking yummy drinks, wearing a pretty dress, watching good telly, messaging awesome friends, filming for the BBC, and living a life full of so much laughter and love. As one of my favourite authors @cassieclare1 says in my favourite book; “One does not question miracles, or complain that they are not constructed perfectly to one's liking.” Being here today is a miracle, and am not going to question it. I hope you all have an Easter as good as mine 😁❤️ #sixyearsagotoday #vstoday #gratefultobealive #gratefulformylife❤️ #onedoesnotquestionmiraclesorcomplainthattheyarenotconstrucedperfectkytoonesliking https://www.instagram.com/p/B-4pecwjjlJ/?igshid=15gig8aeb41eu
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flawesomelifeandstyle · 5 years ago
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Thank you for all the birthday wishes and birthday love.🎈 I'm incredibly blessed and grateful for another year of life. This weekend I got the chance to really flourish. I'm grateful for the time I got to spend doing what I love. I'm still fighting and it's a blessing to know that I'm not alone in this. Y'all are so awesome. Thank you again. 💕 #birthday #thankful #birthdaygirl #thirtysomething #gratefultobealive (at Jefferson Hotel Richmond) https://www.instagram.com/p/B89tAy9jTw0/?igshid=1c4x4d14xff4i
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lifestylehappyplace · 5 years ago
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I'm grateful that I have a home, that is comfortable and has privacy to rest🧡 Wishing all those who go without the comforts of home a better life soon🙏 #gratitude #grateful #gratefultobealive #gratefullness #grateful🙏 #gratefull #gratefulthankfulblessed #lifestylehappyplace #lifeisagift #agoodlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B4k64bdFBB_/?igshid=1lpjfh2eri3pl
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nhan25hugo · 5 years ago
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Glory and Sorrow ✨⛪️🌳✨❤️ •••••••••• 🗺 Europe 2018 Series ⛪️ Roma, Italy 📸 Wed 17 Oct 2018 📝 Sun 22 Sep 2019 •••••••••• #DiscoverRome #Italy #Roma #BestOfTheDay #BeyondOrdinaryVision #SlowLife #LifeIsHowYouTakeIt #GratefulToBeAlive #HappinessIs #HappinessInLittleThings #HugoTravelDiary #GayTravel #Instatravel #TravelPhotography #Instarome #Instaeurope #Wanderlust #TravelMore #StreetPhotography #DoMoreOfWhatMakesYouHappy #ShotOnMoment #MomentWide #PassionPassport #BeautifulDestinations #NeverStopExploring #BestCityBreaks #ImATraveler #LiveAuthentic #TravelBlogger (at Roman Forum) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2txDSah_0K/?igshid=1a9u163519daz
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briaswings · 6 years ago
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Taking your #pulse — measuring how many times the heart beats in a minute — helps make you aware of your heart rhythm and the strength of your heartbeat. It’s a reminder, That you’re still breathing, That there’s #Life Pulsing Through Your Veins ... There is nothing prettier in this world than a girl in love with every breathe she takes. Be #GratefulToBeAlive #QuotesToLiveBy 😌 #LStyleMedia @ls_media_social LinkInBio ✨🖤❤️💜✨ (at LStyle Media Social) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByRqUHjg0zS/?igshid=1jcg9mqo5x7ry
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innen-zn · 6 years ago
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new-lifestyle-secrets · 3 years ago
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Natural Forces Within Us Are The True Healers of Disease -Hippocrates (Circa 460-Circa 370 BC) .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ .⁣ #tbithrive #braininjury #brainhealth #neurorehab #braininjuryrecovery #concussionawareness #braininjuryawareness #gratefultobealive #mtblife #concussionrecovery #tbirecovery #traumaticbraininjurysurvivors #concussion #traumaticbraininjurysurvivor #traumaticbraininjuryawareness #braininjuryrehabilitation #braininjurylife #traumaticbraininjuryrecovery #braininjurycommunity #traumaticbraininjury #braininjurysupport #braininjurymatters #braininjurysurvivor #tbiawareness #mtb #tbisurvivor https://www.instagram.com/p/CiBPdHLPiRs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yogawithzain · 3 years ago
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👋 Hello everyone,⁣ ⁣ ♥️ I want to thank all of you who have kept me in your thoughts and prayers during this unexpected medical emergency I recently experienced. I am overwhelmed with gratitude from the love and support I have received in so many comments and messages here. I’ll do my best to reply back soon. Just operating a little slowly during my recovery time. ⁣ ⁣ 🗣 In the meantime, I want to clarify a few things for record:⁣ ⁣ ✔️ I did not have a stroke⁣ ✔️ I did not have an aneurysm ⁣ ✔️ I am fortunate for the local medical supervision I received and things didn’t turn out worse. ⁣ ✔️ The docs emphasized this was unusual to happen to me, and the cause was of it unexplained. ⁣ ⁣ 🤷‍♂️ A odd mystery! Such is life. ⁣ ⁣ ✖️ I asked the doctors if should change anything in my lifestyle: plant-based diet, daily coffee intake, inversion practice, too much movement, not enough sleep, etc. The list goes on. And they kept responding NO. It is not correlated to any of that’s at all. ⁣ ⁣ ✖️ Definitely not related to any vaccine side-effect. Speaking of which, time to sign up for the booster jab asap!⁣ ⁣ 💌 I hold utmost gratitude for my family: mom, dad, sister and brother-in-law. All of them are medical doctors and have taken such good care of me since leaving the ICU. From what I understand, there was a chance things could’ve taken a worse turn. And possibly more life threatening with a lower recovery rate.⁣ ⁣ 🙏🏾 Thank goodness for professional medical doctors. I whole heartedly trust their unique specialties and practice. Science doesn’t have to be pretty to be pretty awesome.⁣ ⁣ ✍️ Amazing cosmic illustration by artist and Iyengar Yoga teacher @svenjakarstens. Highly recommend to follow her! ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #gratitude #gratefultobealive #countingmyblessings ⁣#cosmiclove ⁣ ⁣ (at Cosmic Ocean) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWnD4I1L9-8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shalome7 · 4 years ago
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#HappySunday World! #GratefulToBeAlive Enjoy The Rich Blessings That YAH Has Bestowed Upon Us! #AdvertiseWithMe #BoostYourSalesWithMarieVHall https://www.instagram.com/p/CTKMy_TgNTd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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incurableoptimistest1994 · 3 years ago
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Forever grateful, beyond what any words can express, to the incredible Hanna Edwards and my amazing mammy Caroline Davies for their quick action straight into doing CPR. They broke a few ribs but I forgive them 😉 and if they hadn’t been so strong and swift with their action the lasting damage could’ve abs would’ve been significantly worse. I can’t believe this was eight years ago… sometimes it feels longer, like a very distant memory or even a dream, and other days my PTSD makes it feel like it was yesterday. Did you know less than 12% of people survive an out of hospital cardiac arrest? There is so much I’d have missed if I’d died and stayed dead. I’m very, very glad I’m still alive 💛💛💛 #cardiacarrestsurvivor #gratefultobealive https://www.instagram.com/p/CVve28tNzhX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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greenvalemanitou · 4 years ago
The little joys of Manitou Studios. A monster spider web woven all the way above a pond, fish recognizing and greeting you, and a cat hanging out in the corner, among the flowers. For in the green vale spins the manitou! #spiderweb #fishpond #natureisbeautiful #gratefultobealive #greenvalemanitou #forinthegreenvaledwellsthemanitou #manitoustudios #thisisnorthfield (at Northfield, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRzehdrn_Fp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nhan25hugo · 6 years ago
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Chance 🌆🌳🌼✨🌈❤️ •••••••••• 🌼 RMIT Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City 📸 Wed 13 Feb 2019 📝 Fri 1 Mar 2019 •••••••••• #SunRise #EarlyMorning #FlowerPower #SaiGon #HoChiMinhCity #VietNam #BestOfTheDay #BeyondOrdinaryVision #SlowLife #LifeIsHowYouTakeIt #GratefulToBeAlive #HappinessIs #HappinessInLittleThings #HugoTravelDiary #Instatravel #TravelPhotography #Instasaigon #Instaasia #Instaflower #Wanderlust #TravelMore #StreetPhotography #DoMoreOfWhatMakesYouHappy #ShotOnMoment #MomentWide #PassionPassport #BeautifulDestinations #NeverStopExploring #BestCityBreaks (at RMIT University Vietnam) https://www.instagram.com/p/Buc7YyJHmir/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nfrnag4p2qtr
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