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postcard-from-the-past · 9 months ago
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Bridge in Florence, Tuscany region of Italy
Italian vintage postcard, mailed in 1923 to Grandvilliers, France
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alma37 · 26 days ago
C'est familier. 🤔
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Grandvilliers (Eure)
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rachelbethhines · 4 years ago
To ofrocksandrobots ask: To Professor Grandvillie, if you someone meet the rulers of the time Varian was from, what would you do?
Professor Granville: I would assume that is a lot of people, unless you mean specific ones, and one would have to consider the circumstances under which we meet first, anon.
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jaimeariansencespedes · 4 years ago
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El periodo conocido como los Cien Días, o Campaña de Waterloo, comprende desde el 20 de marzo de 1815, fecha del regreso de Napoleón a París desde su exilio en Elba, hasta el 8 de julio de 1815, fecha de la segunda restauración de Luis XVIII como rey de Francia. Este periodo pone fin a las llamadas guerras napoleónicas, así como al imperio francés de Napoleón Bonaparte.
La expresión Cien Días fue usada por primera vez por el prefecto de París, Conde de Chabrol, en su discurso de bienvenida al rey, y se usa también para referirse a la guerra de la Séptima Coalición. Este periodo conoció el último de los conflictos del largo periodo napoleónico, y tanto el Reino Unido como Rusia, Prusia, Suecia, Austria y algunos Estados alemanes declararon en el Congreso de Viena al Emperador francés fuera de la ley y no lo reconocieron como líder de la nación francesa, aliándose en su contra.
Napoleón había permanecido durante once meses en un intranquilo retiro en Elba entre 1814 y 1815, observando con mucho interés el transcurso de los acontecimientos en Francia. Tal como él había previsto, la contracción del antiguo gran Imperio a solo el reino de la vieja Francia provocó un gran malestar, un sentimiento alimentado además por las historias sobre la falta de tacto con que la monarquía borbónica trataba a los veteranos de la Grande Armée. La situación en Europa no era menos peligrosa; las demandas del zar Alejandro I eran tan desorbitadas que las potencias en el Congreso de Viena se hallaban al borde de una guerra entre ellas. Toda esta situación conducía a Napoleón a una renovada actividad. El retorno de los prisioneros franceses desde Rusia, Alemania, Gran Bretaña y España podría proporcionarle un ejército mucho mayor que aquel que se había ganado renombre en 1814. La amenaza que aún suponía Napoleón había llevado a los monárquicos en París y a los plenipotenciarios en Viena a discutir la conveniencia de deportarle a las Azores, y algunos iban aún más lejos, proponiendo su asesinato.
Napoleón, sin embargo, resolvió el problema en su forma característica. El 26 de febrero de 1815, aprovechando el descuido de la guardia francesa y británica, embarcó en Portoferraio con unos 600 hombres y desembarcó el 1 de marzo en Golfe-Juan, cerca de Antibes. Excepto en la Provenza (que siempre fue proclive a la monarquía borbónica), recibió en todas partes una bienvenida que atestiguaba el poder de atracción de su personalidad en contraste con la nulidad de la del Borbón. Sin disparar un solo tiro en su defensa, su pequeña tropa fue creciendo hasta convertirse en un ejército. Ney, quien había dicho de Napoleón que debía ser llevado a París en una jaula de hierro, se unió a él con 6000 hombres el 14 de marzo. Seis días más tarde, el emperador entraba en la capital, de donde Luis XVIII acababa de huir apresuradamente en dirección a Grandvilliers. [email protected]
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ehcirbnats · 4 years ago
Mars 2021
Mercredi 3: Je trouve le titre: PFQM#0 (extrait), S. Briche / Ywoo, dans le cadre de Pile ou [Frasq], Le Générateur, Gentilly
Samedi 6: Shooting photo M Grasso, Grandvilliers
6 & 7: Shooting photo J. Bremond, Grandvilliers
Mardi 9: Shooting et pose H Planquelle, Eaubonne
5 & 12 & 19: Les 3 Premières Minutes, Radio Cause Commune
Samedi 13: Visite insolite (parcours sonore), Bac à Sable, Lyon
14 & 15: Projection Un mal sous son bras, réal. M Ward, dans le cadre du festival Cinéma du Réel, en ligne
Du 18 au 20: Projections de Aftermovie, réal. L Saumande, dans le cadre de Generic dancefloor,  Le Générateur, Gentilly
Vendredi 19: Tournage Generic dancefloor, réal T. Paris, Le Générateur, Gentilly
Dimanche 21: /// ANNULE /// Sur le carreau, (assistant chorégraphe), Y-N. Genod, Carreau du Temple, Paris
Du 22 au 27: Résidence de création Ren Hang (Flipbook), B. Forel / Ineffable Théâtre, Bac à Sable, Lyon (+ ateliers spectateur.rice.s)
26 & 27: /// ANNULE /// Ren Hang (Flipbook), B. Forel / Ineffable Théâtre, bac à Sable, Lyon
Du 28 au 02.04: Résidence de création  Je trouve le titre: PFQM#1, d’après “Plus fort que moi” de G Dustan, S. Briche / Ywoo, Bac à Sable, Lyon
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thaischarline · 4 years ago
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timehasbeenbusy · 4 years ago
Paris - Beauvais - Abbeville
Sunday 22 May 1831
Wrote the last 26 lines – had Madame Contant (who brought the remaining 2 of the pocket handkerchiefs wet) about ½ hour till 8¾ - all the day finishing cataloguing books and packing and having first one person then another – had had breakfast about 10 –
Just setting off to rue St Victor nº 27 at 4, when Mr and Mrs Colin Johnson called on their way to England from Nice, and staid an hour, so, obliged to send George off without me, a very great hindrance and inconvenience, what was in my civility I might say to the contrary.
Dinner at 5½ - took Cameron and George and off per fiacre with more things to rue St Victor about 7½,  staid arranging books etc and not home till 12¼ - then coffee – came to my room at 1 40/.. – had taken wine and water so immediately after my coffee it made me bilious. However emptied out my 2 secretaires and was looking over papers and packing the whole night and till after 12 the next day – very fine day.
Monday 23 May 1831
Up all last night (my biliousness gradually went off towards morning) and packing till after 12 this morning – had breakfasted by little and little from about 10 to 11½ - off per fiacre at 12 10/..to rue St Victor and should have been back by half past one but never thought of George’s new livery (put by since the mourning and traveling last year), and had to return when ½ way back on the way home, and did not get back till 2 35/..
Then saw Monsieur Fiévé to take leave, and this and one thing or another prevented one being off till 3 – my aunt felt a little low on leaving Paris – to me the thought of a probably speedy return made it nothing – partly chatting and I partly asleep, we drove on and stopt atthe Grand Écu Beauvais at 10 50/.. comfortable rooms – café au lait immediately – my aunt seeming not at all fatigued – Very fine day – Fahrenheit 68º at one tonight –
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Tuesday 24 May 1831
1 10/..
Rearranging my travelling bag etc and not ready till 11 – then breakfast – Off from Beauvais at 11 40/..2 or 3 wooden skeleton triumphal arches for the King to pass under – very fine day –
Fahrenheit 70º at 11 40/.. and 73º at 12 in the carriage and 92º on the cap case in the sun at 4 and 76º with a cool breeze at 4 20/.. – then again 87º at 4 55/.. on leaving Poix – At Camp Lamienois Yowe with the maître de poste because I wanted to go faster and complained of having gone so slow and last stage – he said the horses had been the 4th course today (with the King and his suite) which could have satisfied me, had the man been more civil.
Pretty enough all along from Paris as far as Grandvilliers, then plain and uninteresting – Camp de César better Araines and Abbeville – alighted at the hotel de L’Europe, Abbeville, at 10 – very nice room, some of the rooms looking into a large pretty garden – had soup and coffee in the room – sat talking that my dear aunt did not go to her room till 12¼ -very fine day – Fahrenheit 69º in my bedroom at 1 10/.. tonight.
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Reference number SH:7/ML/E/14/0063/4
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Horse racing in Grandvilliers, Picardy region of France
French vintage postcard from 1955
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veryfineday · 4 years ago
Tuesday 21 April 1829
[ 4.20-4.21, route from Calais to Paris: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1tHFLhux8h6cmP-CLJ3jwCq2JFIDQOh7O&usp=sharing ]
6 25/60
1 10/60
down stairs at 7 3/4 - beautiful sunny morning - breakfast - off from Bernay (where we have really been very comfortable) at 8 1/2 - at Nouvion at 9 1/4 - here they gave us 3 horses that had apparently never been posters before, and the postboy was thrown - he then made his horse wheeler, and mounted one of the others he could hardly sit this, and could not manage the horses at all - all this not very agreeable - however an old stager was there brought for the man to ride, and we then got on well to Abbeville at 10 3/4 - should have gone into the cathedral but found the posthorse quite at the other end of the town, and turning back would have detained us too long - here a woman was crying some largeish, round rich looking cakes said to be pecular to Abbeville - b[ou]ght one (10 sols each) - a taste of aniseed - could not eat it -
off again at 10 50/60 and alighted at the little town of Airaines at 1 10/60 - here we ordered (the poste a nice Inn) a soufflée, epinardy au jus, and potatoes à la maitre d’hotel, and walKed about the village-town about 1/2 hour - then enjoyed our dinner, and off again at 2 40/60 - at Camps at 3 3/4 - at Poix at 5 - at Grandvilliers (largeish, goodish looking Inn here) 6 3/4 - walked forwards 1/4 hour while they were changing the horses, and in the carriage and off again at 7 - at Marseille at 8 - 1/4 hour changing horses, and off again at 8 1/4 - at Beauvais (l’ecu de France) at 10 20/60 - there being no salon for us but one down stairs got 2 good bed rooms opening into each other, and had coffee in my room and a fire, and sat talking very comfortably till Miss H-[Hobart] left me at 12 1/4 -
much confidential conversation this afternoon after leaving Airaines  and she very nervous  we had finished reading her journal this morning all but a page or two and from spelling and putting together and catechizing I got out of her  without names she saying it was very wrong of her to say so much  the main circumstances  tis evident she liked Bouverie she cried a good deal saying she was very sorry for it would make me think she cared much more about it than she really  she only cried at remembrance of the past  it was over now  she did not care about it now said I really doubted that  perhaps she herself was not really aware how much or little she cared could I by any possibility do her any good  oh no it was too late now it was two years ago she seemed to think I knew all about it and that Miss MacL[ean] had told me  of course I denied this as well as I could said I had really so questioned from observing what she herself had said  she seemed satis fied that she had not told me names ssaid she had said too much it was very wrong she had no right to tell the concerns of others  ssaid she might never marry at all  that said is not likely and would not do and said I was a great advocate for matrimony  but it was a serious business  and as it seemed so easy to talk her out of things only hoped it was not so to talk her into them  should always be interested about her  apologized for my impertinence in having so questi oned and cross exami[n]ed but all I had seen and heard had only strengthened my interest and regard of this she expressed herself glad  said if she married I should like to know of her marriage before it took place she promised to write and tell me herself    speaking of Lady Stuart de Rothesay said I d[o] not know what sort of person she was  worldly and clever and so argumentative and would have her own she would not take her into expenses etc. etc.    bade her take all quietly then come in with strong arguments that not even Lady S[tuart] could deny or set aside  had best say how she was disappointed about her money matters for she had this afternoon told me she had twenty thousand pounds sstock and it yielded only five hundred and fifty a year  but some money was to be done some thing with that would make her income six hundred  said I had under stood from Miss MacL[ean] that her mothers fortune was five thousands  no no such thing but with interest on ditto five and twenty years it amounted to that    I had not failed to obs[erve] that when she told me her fortune and income  she ended by 'there now you have it'  thought I is she always quite good tempered is she flippant would not suit me she could not push me in society and has not enough in her or fortune sufficient fo[r] me  butt much admired the natural manner in which her journal was written  said how much it had interested me etc. etc.  and that she had no want of natural talent  poor girl this sseemed true but old Lady S[tuart] is no reader but of novels and would never let her read anything else  always keeps her up late will never let her leave and in fact the poor girl knows not what it is to have liberty and her own way she spoke of Lord S[tuart] de Rs[Rothesay’s] bruskerie[brusquerie] she has nothing in common with him often forgets what is due to English ladies but Lady S[tuart] takes no notice  takes not much notice of his two girls    (about twelve and fourteen?)  save as to their appearance  he seems rather tyrannical in his family but Lady S[tuart] ge[t]s her own way (sso argumentative?) for he says 'anything for a quiet life' - we got on moralizing  I apologized for so doing  'oh no said she I like it I so seldom hear anything of that kind it does me good'   poor girl  her society and her own manners are first rate not so her happiness   she was twenty six her last birthaday  24 Jan[uar]y  just before she left me tonight talking of a competency  I said not less than a thousand a year she ought not to marry to have less  she wondered I said so little I said if people were attached they might do with this and good connections    we are very good friends   she hates the thought of arriving
very fine sunny day - rain just before, and till, and after our getting to Beauvais - 
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nrelaaprina · 5 years ago
Télécharger Livres PDF Gratuitement Grandvilliers : une nouvelle armoire à livres #ebook #livrePDF #livret #coursesEnVrac
source http://kesherscouting.org#e47341508d95aed8af7dafa9d2fa7ae9
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darmawasian · 5 years ago
Télécharger Livres PDF Gratuitement Grandvilliers : Du chocolat livré à domicile #ebook #livrePDF #livret #coursesEnVrac
source https://kodixbmc.org#18e67676ce1cfef186d8262344c86151
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fantasikurni · 5 years ago
Télécharger Livres PDF Gratuitement Grandvilliers : Du chocolat livré à domicile #ebook #livrePDF #livret #coursesEnVrac
source https://todsbagndrivingshoese.com#18e67676ce1cfef186d8262344c86151
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dimasitao · 5 years ago
Télécharger Livres PDF Gratuitement Grandvilliers : Du chocolat livré à domicile #ebook #livrePDF #livret #coursesEnVrac
source https://infaithofficial.com#18e67676ce1cfef186d8262344c86151
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ayurawako · 5 years ago
Télécharger Livres PDF Gratuitement Grandvilliers : Du chocolat livré à domicile #ebook #livrePDF #livret #coursesEnVrac
source https://kennelrealscoop.com#18e67676ce1cfef186d8262344c86151
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falasinawidia · 5 years ago
Télécharger Livres PDF Gratuitement Grandvilliers : Du chocolat livré à domicile #ebook #livrePDF #livret #coursesEnVrac
source https://ofriceandzen.org#18e67676ce1cfef186d8262344c86151
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universallyladybear · 6 years ago
L’espérance de vie calculée sur les avis de décès survenus à Beauvais est de 77 ans publié le 30/10/2018.
Avis De Deces Heurtevent Beauvais
© www.avis-de-deces.com
En savoir plus Prévenez vos connaissances Envoyez des fleurs Madame Jeannine PREVOT née MARTIN de Beauvais (60000) le 21/10/2018 à l’âge de 88 ans Pompes Funèbres Marbrerie LEFEBVRE Grandvilliers Tél. : publié le 29/10/2018. Consultez le remerciement Prévenez vos connaissances Envoyez des fleurs Madame Suzanne CUVILLIER née PICARD de Couloisy (60350) le 29/10/2018 à l’âge de 62 ans publié le 25/10/2018. Consultez l’avis de décès Prévenez vos connaissances avec vos connaissances.
Avis De Décés Oise Roussel Breteuil Oise
Avis de décès publiés le 01/07/2017 Défunt Commune Age Publication Marcelle GUILLEMY née QUERRÉ (88 ans) Paris Binic-Étables-sur-Mer Beauvais Nancy 88 ans Ouest-France Avis de décès vous permet de publier vos avis dans la presse. Votre navigateur ne supporte pas Javascript. La bonne consultation de ce site à partir de 14h.
Pompes Funèbres Poirier Beauvais
Trouver Les derniers avis de décès a Clermont Avis de décès publiés le 20/09/2017 Défunt Commune Age Publication Henri LE MOIGNE (82 ans) Langueux Saint-Quay-Perros Beauvais Quimper Tréveneuc 82 ans publié le 29/10/2018. Consultez l’avis de à l’âge de 90 ans Pompes allumer une bougie dans l’espace Recueillement, laisser un message de condoléances et partager votre émotion avec vos connaissances. Avis de décès : Entre le et le Date de décès Avis de décès a Compiègne Avis de décès – BEAUVAIS Retrouvez sur cette page les derniers avis d’obsèques publiés à BEAUVAIS.
Avis Deces 2Ol8 Oise Picardie
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Avis De Deces Poirier Beauvais
Avis de Décès – INTERPRESSE SAS Noté 4/5 par 576 avis utilisateurs. Vous êtes ici :   Accueil » Avis de décès a Saint-Maur Avis de décès Réinitialiser Recherche par défunt Nom Prénom Recherche par localisation Département Tous les départements 01 – Ain 02 – 27 – 76 – 77 – 80 – Somme 81 – Tarn 82 – Tarn-et-Garonne 83 – Var 84 – Vaucluse 85 – Vendée 86 – Vienne 87 ans) Villeurbanne 81 ans Le Progrès (1,0%). Les professionnels du funéraire à Beauvais Pompes Funèbres Ballanger Pompes Funebres Heurtevent Pompes Funebres Heurtevent Pompes Funebres Poirie Andre Avis de décès Avis-de-deces.com France Picardie Oise Beauvais Avis de décès pour que chacun puisse écrire un message de condoléances et partager votre émotion avis) , La Voix du Nord Avis de décès permet aux familles de diffuser une annonce nécrologique, et aux proches d’adresser des condoléances à la famille défunt.
Avis De Décès Beauvais Oise
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Deces Dans L Oise
Pompes Funèbres Marbrerie SAGNIER Tél. : publié le 27/10/2018. En savoir plus – Isère 42 – Sisteron Gap Arles 97 ans Le Journal de Saône et Loire Le Maine-Libre Le Progrès Le Républicain Lorrain L’Echo Républicain de Chartres L’Eclaireur du Gâtinais L’Est Républicain Ouest-France Presse Océan Var Matin Vosges Matin Par département 01 – Ain 02 – Aisne 03 – Allier 04 – Alpes-de-Haute-Provence 05 – Hautes-Alpes 06 – Alpes-Maritimes 07 – Ardèche 08 – Ardennes 09 – Ariège 10 – Aube 11 – Aude 12 – Aveyron 13 – Bouches-du-Rhône 21 – Côte-d’Or Noyon, de Beauvais (60000) le 08/10/2018 à l’âge de 72 ans publié le 18/08/2018.
Avis De Deces A Beauvais L’espérance de vie calculée sur les avis de décès survenus à Beauvais est de 77 ans publié le 30/10/2018.
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