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histoirecafe · 3 months ago
Dehors | Outside : Petite Corniche (02.10.2024)
Mercredi 2 octobre 2024. En rentrant du travail, moment magique route de la Petite Corniche à la sortie de Lutry. Comme dirait l’autre : y a pire ! Tags : #suisse #vaud #lutry #grandvaux # #bmw1200gsadventure #moto #CapitaineAventure #CaptainAdventure
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lyonelkaufmann · 3 months ago
Dehors | Outside : Petite Corniche (02.10.2024)
Mercredi 2 octobre 2024. En rentrant du travail, moment magique route de la Petite Corniche à la sortie de Lutry. Comme dirait l’autre : y a pire ! Tags : #suisse #vaud #lutry #grandvaux # #bmw1200gsadventure #moto #CapitaineAventure #CaptainAdventure
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pascalouphotos · 2 years ago
Image du jour, 23.05.2023 coucher de soleil
Image du jour, 23.05.2023 Coucher de soleil sur le lac Léman.
Image du jour, 23.05.2023 Coucher de soleil sur le lac Léman. Paysage, coucher de soleil sur le lac Léman ……………………………………. Toutes les photos de paysages peuvent être commandées sous divers format tel que photo sur toile, encadrée, imprimée sur papier. Le fichier original n’est jamais vendu sauf exception N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour des renseignements ici Nouveau La boutique en ligne va…
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www-thomasvino-ch · 1 year ago
La réforme AOC aux oubliettes: trois paradoxes des vins vaudois!
La Fédération vigneronne vaudoise a tenu ses assises à Grandvaux, jeudi 9 décembre 2023. L’occasion de faire le point sur les grands dossiers de l’heure et de pointer les paradoxes des vins vaudois. Le premier, c’est que la réforme des AOC, qui devait accompagner le «plan de relance» de l’Etat de Vaud, va finir en «réformette» et la montagne accoucher d’une souris! Par Pierre Thomas L’ordre du…
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yuricrispi · 1 year ago
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by DeGust on Flickr.Morning view of Lake Geneva fron Grandvaux - Canton du Vaud, Switzerland.
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sparksofmelody · 2 years ago
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by DeGust on Flickr.Morning view of Lake Geneva fron Grandvaux - Canton du Vaud, Switzerland.
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thierrylidolff · 2 years ago
Repenser l’être comme ouverture à tous et à tout « La Communauté terrestre », nouvel essai du philosophe camerounais, propose de repenser l’être comme ouverture à tous et à tout, en puisant en particulier dans les métaphysiques africaines animistes. ENTRETIEN Achille Mbembe : « Réinventer la démocratie à partir du vivant » Propos recueillis par Séverine Kodjo-Grandvaux 05 mars 2023 LE…
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smuratmsp · 2 years ago
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Randonnée enneigée (à Saint-Laurent-en-Grandvaux) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cor1ijts--5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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menubot · 3 years ago
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Welcome to 1966! Why not enjoy some Villette "Treize Vents" 1964 O.E. Lederry, Grandvaux at Lusanne Palace? http://menus.nypl.org/menus/28078
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gacougnol · 2 years ago
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Richard de Tscharner
Vue sur Grandvaux
Suisse, 2015
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
[KISS] Monday 30 June 1834
4 ¾
10 ¾
two kisses last night before getting into my own bed fine morning F62° at 5 ¾ - asked for the book of the maitre de poste and in spite of his telling me it was not worthwhile wrote as following ‘Le 29 Juin 1834, Madame Lister, dame Anglaise, allant de Paris à Geneva, se plaint de l’insolence du postilion Michel, allemand qui l’a conduit de St Laurent jusqu’a Morey’ - off from Morey at 6 18 - very fine ascent from M- along the narrow beautiful gorge - cheval du report from Poligny to Montrond, Champignole [Champagnole] to St. Laurent [St. Laurent-en-Grandvaux], St. L- to Morey or Morez, but only had it from M- to Rousses [Les Rousses] - from 6 40 to 7 walked up  the mountain - very fine green wooded rocky gorge - at Rousses [Les Rousses] at 7 47 - nice little post house and Inn (might sleep there very well) opposite Douane – shewed the 3 passports but nothing said about our baggage – care not what we take out – would be particular enough about what we brought in – breakfast at 9 – before and after wrote our yesterday – Rousses [Les Rousses] a small but good village off at 10 7-  at 10 20 got out and walked 10 minutes up the hill – then in 5 or 6 minutes more pass the road (left) leading to the new Swiss road along the lake to Geneva – the postboy said the distance was the same as the road we were going and many travellers now went that way - But why hurry down to Switzerland and the flat road along its lake, in preface to lingering along the Jura, and enjoying the matchless 1st view of the Leman waters?  at 11 ¼ enter the fine winding deep valley which leads to La Vattaye [La Vattay] at 11 57 – a single house (la poste) very nice bedrooms, good-house -  might have slept and eaten there very comfortably – 24 minutes here Miss W- all the while on the pot has very often two motions a day she was sickish and peewee as usual but Noyau afterwards in the carriage did her good - La V- beautifully situated in little high-situated plain embossed in fir forest and high hoary fir-sprinkled rocks - still winding along the same fine valley (vide line 6 above) till 12 ¾ when on reaching the top of the pass, the rich plain, the lake (or rather the Rhone from soon after its quitting the lake) with its magnificent screen of mountains and Mont Blanc, burst upon our view - the celebrity of this view is deserved - I don’t remember having ever seen a finer - in 5 minutes the drag was put on, and the postboy had also tied fast the wheel with ropes, and we began the descent which lasted till 2 26 when having passed thro’ the main part of the town of Gex, we had one steepish street and then disencumbered the wheel and 4 minutes  afterwards stopt at la poste (at the far end of the town) a nice little Inn where, so nice was the garden at the back, and so fine the air, and the view, and so comfortable the bedroom we were in, we thought we could spend a few quiet days very well -  A- being ready for something to eat, had a nice (cold) picked trout and lay down all the while (1/2 hour) - Gex a goodish little country town – no inquiry about passport. Off again at 3 - fine rich plain - very good road but so flat, could see nothing but the trees and hedges and yellow corn (only observed 3 or 4 patches of vine) close alongside, except the mountain and Mont Black ½ way up the horizon - fine wheat dead ripe - at Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] (Voltaire’s chateau) at 3 50 - one of the women servants shewed us his chamber - nothing particular except a  sort of mausolée to his memory in the fire-place - a brick-floored, 2 windows, nice enough, not large room opening into the hall or salle à manger where V- used to entertain his friends - 3 or 4 minutes sufficient for seeing this - then saw the gardens - the fine view of Mt. B- finer said the man (aetatis 71 but looking much younger the son of V-‘s gardener) then the view people go for to the little height above, the village of the great Sacconex [Le Grand-Saconnex] - and saw the hornbeam
 avenue (the trees planted quite close, 6 or 8 in. distant and meeting at the top - from 3 to 4 yards wide?) Voltaire used to walk in, and where his cabinet d’étude was (in the garden) when he to be out of the way, and the Elm (fine tall, straight, large Elm) he planted - it was when the cabinet d’étude was that stood the mausolée or moment that bare the inscriptions to his memory - erected by comte de Beudet and destroyed in the night by some people, 8 or 9 years ago, du temps Charles X and suspected to be Jesuits - on the death of V- (made a marquis by the King of Prussia) his heirs sold the village chateau and all property to Comte Beudet (aetatis now 86) to whose family the property had belonged before V- bought it - V- pulled down the  old chateau and built the present house - the gardener told at full length the story of the désagrément between V- and Gibbon and G-‘s imprudence in getting to see him and their being reconciled and afterwards friends - on V-‘s finding that G- had succeeded by stratagem, he sent his servant after him to ask for 12 sols for having seen the bête - G- gave 24 sols, said he had paid for twice, and would come again the next day - (he had before written some pretty complimentary verses) so V- overcome received him en ami the next day, asked a party to meet him and they were good friends ever afterwards - after seeing the gardener went to the old gardener’s house - saw V-s cane, [cap.] 3 little silver inkstands and book of seals, given to the gardener (when V- went to Paris the last time) because he was then the errand boy and went to the post - this book curious - under each seal (in V-‘s writing) the name and sometimes place of the owner with occasional short remarks - such as ‘fou de Lyon’ etc put together these seals and remarks that the boy might know which letters would be received and which not - for all the above things including the manuscript account of V- last journey written by his secretary our English general Cockburn offered £150 in vain - the gardener’s children (2 married daughters? or 1 son and a daughter?) may dispose of these things as they like - they are the old man’s living while he does live, tho’ he is and always has been Comte de Beudet’s service -  off from Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] at 4 ¾ - had been 55 minutes there – Miss W- bought a lithograph of the chamber and chateau 3/. and little bust of V- made of the garden earth and baked, probably at the neighbouring pottery just out of Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] - for 1/. - offered the man a 5fr. piece - saw he did not think it enough and gave a 2fr. piece more for which he thanked me - F- a near good village - the French Swiss boundary is somewhere just out of Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] - stopt at 5 10 at the police at the Great Saconnex [Le Grand-Saconnex], a good village or little town? and shew my English foreign office passport determined to put the other 2 away – shewed passport again on entering Geneva – left it, and they gave me a ticket to be signed by me before receiving back my passport – all this particularity in consequence of the late affair at Lyons - Alighted at the large, new, handsome hotel des Bergues at 5 40 – bargained for apartment au 1er.  a little salon and 3 single bedded room all looking on to the Rhone and a room for George at 12/. a day -dinner and vin order for 2 selves 8/. and breakfast (for [ditto] not including strawberries) 2/. servants at 8/. a day for the 2 - much better off than I expected, but the man (just come here from Thun) saw that I knew what I was about - very handsome                            (bridge angle a strong abutment against the current) just opposite us finished only 6 weeks ago - buildings along the Quai all new and arcaded and handsome the town quite changed in this quarter - new and very handsome - beautiful view over the water and the mountains from our windows - dinner at 7 ¾ - very good – sat talking over dessert and bottle of Lunel of which however I only took ½ a wine glass, better pleased with very weak vin ordinaire and water - before dinner we had been to the P.O. and got our letters (3 for A-) and 1 for me dated Thursday 19 June,3 pages and directed from Paris ‘Geneve’ and wrote on the back ‘parti à Geneve en Suisse poste restante’ ends,  from my aunt Shibden – better account of herself – begs us not to hurry home – all going on well in and outdoors – my father pretty well ditto Marian -  Miss W- of Cliff hill takes it ill A- never told her of coming abroad tho’ it had been publically talked of so long – what a nonsense! 2 of A-‘s letters from her sister – her eyes still bad – to be confined the beginning of October - one from Washington – Mr Lamplugh Hird will give for 3 years £60 for Lidgate and 17D.W. and SW- £20 a year for the remainder of the land – Mr H- likely to be a permanent tenant – wants alternations for which SW- would allow £40 – advises the agreeing – thinks the place would be well let - to pay p.c. for furniture on the valuation of an appraisement A- and I do not want the H-s and do not accept the terms offered ten minutes with her tonight she was tired said I was long about it that I gave her no dinky dinky that is seminal flow and I excused myself and came away to my own bed  very fine day F70° at 10 ¾ pm
all the way from Poligny, where began the ascent of the Jura, the chalets of stone, neat, pretty little white buildings (cottage establishing) far too spruce and good to be as picturesque as the Swiss.
Miss W- thought I meant to go to the top of the Mt. Blanc and she certainly would go with me - the old gardener said 2 English gentlemen were lost in the attempt last year
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anisputeri · 4 years ago
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by DeGust on Flickr.Morning view of Lake Geneva fron Grandvaux - Canton du Vaud, Switzerland.
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italianartsociety · 4 years ago
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By Samantha Hughes-Johnson.
On this day (20 August) in 1995, Ugo Eugenio Pratt (known as Hugo Pratt), the comic book artist and illustrator, died in Grandvaux, Switzerland.
As a young child, Pratt had spent much of his childhood in Venice. In 1937, he moved with his mother to Ethiopia, in order to escape Mussolini’s fascist regime. He returned to Italy as the Second World War was drawing to a close.
Pratt’s first-hand experience of conflict and the fact that he was interred in a prisoner of war camp as a young man, influenced his art, which amalgamated realism and the ability to tell a tale with factual research.
In 1949, Pratt received a request to take up work in Argentina, which he accepted and accordingly, moved to Buenos Aries. Pratt also worked in London for a brief stint between 1959 and 1960.  From this point he migrated from Italy, to France and then on to Switzerland, where he spent his last years.  
His legacy includes the creation of the captain and sailor, Corto Maltese, a character invented by Pratt whose adventures were published in a comic book of the same name. Pratt was also awarded the following accolades: a 1974 Prix Saint-Michel; various awards at the Angoulême Festivals of 1876, 1981, 1987 and 1988 and a 1886 Max and Moritz Prize.  In 2005, he was inducted into the Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame.
Images: Black and white portrait of Hugo Pratt. Wikimedia Commons.
Black and white portrait of a young Hugo Pratt in Buenos Aries. Wikimedia Commons.
Hugo Pratt, drawing for the cover page of The Ethiopian. © 1978 Cong SA, Switzerland.
References: Désireé Sormani, “Corto Maltese Lands in Bologna.” In Abitare, 2016.  
Treccani Online Encyclopaedia.
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hegmachinecom · 4 years ago
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by DeGust on Flickr.Morning view of Lake Geneva fron Grandvaux - Canton du Vaud, Switzerland.
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skyesbrochures · 4 years ago
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by DeGust on Flickr.Morning view of Lake Geneva fron Grandvaux - Canton du Vaud, Switzerland.
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jja-berger · 5 years ago
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Moaï by jja. Soar en taille direct.
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