#grandma aesthetic!minghao is everything to me
mingi-bubu · 2 years
little bit, a little bit, in love with you
For the Carat’s Cloud server’s Inaugural Secret Santa!  My giftee is the delightful and lovely Eishi @cherrybxmbby!  Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and I hope you enjoy~!  This is like, one of three different ideas I had for what I wanted to write.  The title is from Lykke Li’s “Little Bit” which honestly I really feel like does add to the vibe of this
f!reader x minghao, minghao + reader + mingyu best friends, mingyu actually like takes up a good portion of this but it’s for the #bants, uni au, mentions another svt uni au currently in the works, ~1.6k/words
You wave at the rest of your group mates as they gather their things and leave the library, a tired (and somewhat forced) smile on your face.  Mingyu ruffles your hair as he passes behind you, and you slap at his hand.  You know he’s doing it just to make your smile a bit more genuine.  He’s the easiest to read of your friends, and you know he worries about you.  Granted, the late nights you have, because you lose track of time studying, do give cause for concern.  But still, you do appreciate it.
“Are you staying here then,” he asks, hovering while looking like he’s trying not to hover.
“Yeah,” you say.  Well, it’s more of a resigned puff of air than an actual hard agreement, but details.
“No café today?”  His tone is casual, but you know him better than that.
You raise your eyebrow.  “Is there something you want to tell me, Gyu?”
“I- no,” he says.  You watch as he grows fidgety.  “Okay, yes.  Are you not going because of Growly McWhines?”
You snort at the newest sobriquet he’s gifted your friend and his partner for a different class project.  “Why you don’t just tell them that you’re interested rather than furthering the animosity between you two is something I’ll never understand.”  You shake your head slightly and continue, “But yes, I’m not going to Carat Cloud because of Growly McWhines.  I would appreciate just one day when I don’t have to hear one of you complain about the other.”  It’s so obvious that you guys are into each other anyways is something you decide can stay in your head.
“I would,” he says, “honestly, I would.” You give him a flat stare, not believing him in the slightest. “We can talk about it later.”
You nod and assume that that's the end of it, turning back to your notes. You were wrong.
“Ni Hao, wo Ming!” You don't need to look up to see the stupid grin on Mingyu's face. You do look up anyways, because this greeting can only mean one thing.  Xu Minghao was approaching.
It wasn’t like it was a new thing, him hanging out with you and Mingyu.  After all, the two of them have known each other since high school; Gyu’s family was Minghao’s host family when he came over from Liáoníng to study.  They are, for all intents and purposes, brothers in everything but blood.  So yes, you know Minghao.
… You like Minghao.  And honestly… what about him isn’t to like?  You like that he is generally calm and collected, a contrast to Mingyu’s energetic puppy aura, but he also knows how to let loose.  You’ve seen him go from zero to a hundred during some go-cart competition that his dance team was having.  And on-stage… in those performances and competitions?  God, it’s like he’s possessed by some other entity.  It’s as if Terpsichore herself has descended from the cosmos and made Minghao her vessel to humanity.  (Or, well, everyone who fits in the auditorium that the competition is held in.)
He is immeasurably kind and has hosted finals cram parties (wherein all you do is study with what feels like several dozen non-alcoholic drinks and snacks like carrots and apple slice bunnies within easy reach) for your group of friends.  Sometimes, if he knows someone in one of his classes is really struggling, he’ll invite them as well.  And he’s just so worldly.  He memorizes poems and historical anecdotes and recites them at the drop of a hat.  He stays up to date on so many different topics.  He is endlessly interesting to talk to, and you know you could spend all night staying up with him, just… just talking about anything and everything, if you let yourself.
“That joke was barely funny the first time, and it gets less funny as time goes on,”  Minghao says, though the smile he wears belies his true amusement.  “How are end-of-semester things going?”  He shifts the strap of his backpack, pulling the hood of his coat out from underneath it.
“They could be better,” Mingyu allows, a tiredness he hadn’t shown before seeping into his voice.  You and Minghao glance at each other; the both of you have a fairly decent idea as to what could be better.
“I agree,” you say, joining the conversation officially, “this group project is slowly sucking the life out of me.  Like, don’t get me wrong, I love Joshua, and he’s been my lifeline for this class.  But…”  You lower your voice, glancing around to see if anyone else was listening.  “Okay, is it necessary to bring a color-coded spreadsheet for the second actual out-of-class meeting we’ve had?  We just decided on what topic we’re going to cover.  How does he have a spreadsheet already?”
Minghao huffs out a laugh at your complaints.  Mingyu snorts and then slaps a hand over the lower half of his face as if it would prevent anyone from having heard it.
“So you’re both showing up to the cram parties then, I take it?”  He asks rhetorically.  “I talked with the owners of Carat Cloud, and they said we could hang out there to study.”
“Sounds good.  Message me the rest later?  I gotta jet,” Mingyu pulls out his phone, checking the time.
“I will,” Minghao says, “I’ll probably just send a message into the group chat.”
Mingyu nods, pockets his phone, and then ruffles your hair again before walking quickly out of the library.
You scowl after him, and then shake your head with a small smile.  You don’t bother to fix your hair again.  You turn your gaze to Minghao, taking in his outfit, well, the parts of it not covered by his coat.  He has on his so-called “grandma glasses”, chain and everything, and you can see the ends of his hair peeking out from under his speckled gray knit beanie.  It’s been permed and colored for his competition this weekend, a bluey-purple mix that you’re definitely interested in seeing more of.
Minghao pushes his glasses up from where they were sliding down his nose.  “So, um.”  He pauses.
You frown at the odd behavior, not really ever knowing him to not be confident in what he was saying.  “Is everything okay?”
He blinks a few times, as if getting his bearings after suddenly being woken up.  “No, it’s fine.  I’m fine.  I just.”  Another pause.  “So you know how I have the competition this weekend?”
You smile, more of an amused uptick of the corners of your mouth than anything else, but reply, “Yes.  And even if I didn’t, the hair sort of gives away that you’re going to be doing something soon.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he jokes back.  The small exchange seemed to help, and you can see him become himself again.  “I was wondering if you would also help me record a solo tape?  There are some dance troupes who have shown some interest and I want to make sure I have something prepared for when, or if, they ask for more.”
You flip open your cartoon frog planner and check your schedule.  “When were you wanting to do this?”
“I was thinking after the competition would probably work best since the building where we’re going to perform at has a few dance studios the next floor up from the auditorium.”  He says, sketching a rough diagram in the air.
“Yeah, I can totally help with that!”  You agree.  “Let me write it down, make it all official and everything,” you tease, pulling out the blue gel pen you use for personal events in your planner.
“I was also thinking that maybe we could get dinner after,” he says, and his voice sounds forcibly casual.
Your hand freezes, the tip of the gel pen still pressed into the paper, the ink pooling slowly around it.  “As a,” your voice cracks, and you shut your eyes in embarrassment.  You swallow and try again.  “Are we meeting up with everyone after we finish recording?  Mingyu or Chan or?”
“I was thinking of dinner as a date.  Personally, I think inviting my not-brother and my co-captain might ruin that atmosphere.”  You open your eyes and see the little quirk up at the corner of his mouth.
You make a noise between a scoff and a snort, “Yeah, I think that would just about do it.”  You bite your lip, looking down at the box for Saturday, where “Minghao Dance Comp” and “Help MH Record After” were written next to little bullet points.  “Are you serious about this?”
You really, really hope he is.  He doesn’t seem like someone who would ask you out and not mean it.  But your anxieties eat at your perceptions anyway.
His voice is gentler than before, but firm in its intent.  “I do.  I am, I mean.  Honestly, I’ve been trying to figure out how I wanted to ask you out now for a while.”
You feel your heart flutter at that.  “Oh?”  A smile you didn’t even realize had started appears on your face.  “Well, we can’t put all your planning to waste then, can we?”
Minghao watches as you write into the planner, right under the previous two notes, “Date with Minghao <3”.
You can’t wait for the weekend, and from the way Minghao tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear before he leaves you to study, neither can he.
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spending lunar new year with minghao ♡
member: minghao
genre: fluff
i did it for junhui so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i feel like lunar new year with minghao would be very chill
like y’all would do spring-cleaning but
only the living room would be cleaned
other rooms would just have closed doors so no one can enter and see the mess
and even the living room would just be half-assed lol
everything being stuffed into the cabinets or under the sofa 
but y’all still do the basics like sweeping and mopping
since minghao is an wushu (武术) boy he’ll definitely bust a few moves while spring-cleaning
at first it’s pretty funny and cute because doing stunts with a broom? attempting to replace nunchuks with a feather duster? how could you not laugh
but soon enough you’re yelling at him to stop because the feather duster is flying everywhere and your furniture is at risk of being damaged
also dancing while cleaning
but since there’s not much cleaning to be done you’re done fairly quickly
going out to buy decorations 
and the streets and shops are so nicely decked out in red and gold and there’s festive music blasting at full volume
the both of you get so hyped because the atmosphere is just so good
minghao doing the ppap song everytime he sees a pineapple decoration
cutely telling you about the history and traditions if you didn’t already know 
lots of cool candids 
and by cool i mean really cool, super aesthetic ones
but of course, it’s minghao so expect some memes :-)
shopping for traditional clothes
and then dabbing in them
bambam1a: 👍🏻
buying festive goodies, but not too much because minghao plans to steal from relatives when y’all go visiting
doing taste-testing but unlike jun the amount of food eaten is kept under control
but during the reunion lunch/dinner there is absolutely no control
the two of you just going all out
family elders side eying y’all because everyone else needs to eat too
but don’t worry, at reunion lunches/dinners there’s always more than enough to go around (*˘︶˘*)
staying up to watch the shows on tv 
especially the funny ones which ends up with the both of you laughing your asses off
dabbing at 12 am because it’s the first day of chinese new year
bambam1a: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
visiting his relatives to wish them a happy new year and receiving red packets
and when giving/receiving red packets it’s only polite to greet the receiver/giver with an auspicious greeting everyone is just like
“祝你们新年快乐,万事如意,身体健康,and faster get married ok” (happy new year, may everything go the way you wish for, we wish you good health)
kid relatives chortling in the background
which makes minghao switch to thughao mode in a flash
makes a snarky remark about them not being able to get married in the future and raises a fist
thankfully they shut up
but there are some people who aren’t the slightest bit intimidated by thughao
and that’s his grandmother
she just waddles up and goes “yeah man don’t keep me waiting any longer”
this is why grandmothers are the best
by now the both of you are as red as minghao’s hair during boom boom era
the kids start again and throughout the whole visit they wouldn’t stop teasing and comparing your faces with the lanterns
and sasdly thughao can’t do anything about it cause they’ll tell on him to grandma
mingthughao: “i swear when we do get married i’ll put $4 in their red packets and see how they like it” (because 4 is an unlucky number and $4 is a very small amount)
eating sO MUCH FOOD
his parents (still) trying to subtly side eye him because it’s rude to scold your child in front of everybody especially during chinese new year
and him just blatantly ignoring lol
when they do politey call them out he pulls out the “the members keep on saying i’m so skinny and that i should eat more” card to get away with it 
watching chinese dramas/skits on the tv with his relatives
minghao quietly roasting the actors and you trying to hold back your laughter
going to visit your relatives after visiting his
you witness the 180 degree change in minghao’s personality
gone is thughao with the savagery and witty remarks
in his place is the quiet innocent fairy minghao who can do no wrong
your parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, aunts & uncles, dammit your whole extended family just fall for him because how could you not love this cute little squish ;-;
they don’t believe anything you say about thughao
and like jun if your family is overseas you’ll definitely skype them 
but there’s hardly any difference because they still fall for him
doing everything all over again for the second day
and after chinese new year you would be digging out everything from under the sofa and inside the cabinets
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