#grand theft javelin
qtcomicsblog · 4 years
Justice league unleashed fan episode 5 “Grand theft javelin”
Justice league Unleashed "Grand theft Javelin" Night time at the Watchtower the league are in the hall as jessica is preparing to show them something in the hangar Jessica: Now everyone, you all maybe wondering why i called you all here? Hawkgirl: Does it have anything to do with matching footie pajamas? Jessica: No, i was gonna talk about that next week. I've been working on a little project and i'm ready to show all of you Superman: ok jessica lets see it Jessica:Alright everybody, Behold! Flash: What are we suppose to be beholding? Jessica: Huh? She turns around and sees the hangar is empty Jessica: AAAUUGGHH! IT'S GONE! Hawkgirl: Wait wasn't the javelin in here? Someone steal the Javelin?! Superman: Excuse me? Wonder woman: huh? Jessica: How did this happen?! Hawkgirl: WHO DID IT?! Somewhere in the sky the javelin is flying through the clouds and supergirl is piloting it Supergirl: Oh yeah! The league are outside on a roof Wonder woman: How did you lose the javelin?! Jessica: It wasn't my fault! Superman: Fighting will get us nowhere, lets just find it ok J'onn: Now if we're going to find it we'll need help Superman: Their's only one person that comes to mind At the Batcave batman is at the bat-computer and the league busts through the ceiling Superman: BATMAN! Batman: Clark, you have 10 seconds to tell me why you bust through my ceiling Flash: Someone stole the javelin! Jessica: Not my fault! Flash: And with need your help to find it. Batman: I'm busy. Superman: Come on bruce you can't just turn away, we need your help and who else than the worlds greatest detective Batman: Time's up. Batman presses a button and a giant pipe tube sucks in the league and are thrown out of the batcave. They are on the ground in a pile. Hawkgirl: Well i saw that coming. Jessica: I guess we better do it ourselves, lets go rough up some villains J'onn: But where do we start? Flash: i know a place, back in central city. The Javelin zooms by in the air as supergirl laughs. The league arrives at the bar. Flash: Alright this is the place. Jessica bust through the door. Everyone in the bar looks at them. Jessica walks in looking all tough. Bartender: Can i help you with anything? Jessica: Yeah, Me and my associates are looking for a super powered jet. You see one around here. Bartender: Depends, are you a cop? Jessica: Not exactly, i'm like a space cop. I'm a green lantern. Bartender: Oh really. The bartender presses a button under the bar Hawkgirl: Uh jess I don't think this is working Flash: Uh guys... The league sees that the entrance is being blocked by Villains. Jessica: Oh... Thug 1: You put alot of our buddies in the slammer Justice freaks the only way you're getting outta here is in a black bag with a zipper in the front Thug 2: A body bag Thug 1: They know what it is! J'onn: Perhaps we should've plan this better The villains close in on them Bartender: I'm going on my break. The bartender goes outside. Sounds of fighting from the bar echo outside. The front door opens and the league walks out unscaved Superman: Well that lead us nowhere Wonder woman: Yeah, and i think i scuffed my boots in that fight J'onn: We should keep going Jessica: Thanks for nothing bad guys! The villains in the bar are all beat up in a pile Hawkgirl: now what?! Jessica: Hey guys! I just remembered something, i put an emergency shutdown protocol in the javelin! Jessica pulls out a small remote Jessica: All we gotta do is press this button and the javelin will shut down and land and all we have to do is use the tracker to find it Wonder woman: What?! YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU COULD'VE DONE THAT THE WHOLE TIME?! Jessica: Yeah, i uh... forgot. ALRIGHT! Jessica presses the button and the tracker finds the javelins location Jessica: I found it lets go! Back at the javelin supergirl is under the hood trying to get the javelin working again Supergirl: uh stupid shutdown protocol. An ice cream truck stops next to the javelin and harley quinn walks out Harley: The leagues super jet? Here? Harley sees supergirl under the hood Harley: Hey goodie goodie need some roadside assistance? Supergirl: Huh? Harley: Huh, Big blues little sister? Supergirl: Wha? I'm his cousin! Harley: Could've fooled me Supergirl: Why are you here clown? Harley: I was taking a stroll in my ice cream truck when i saw the leagues jet and i thought i might spend some time making fun of them. Then i find out it's just you here. Supergirl: umm hmm Supergirl hears something in the distance Supergirl: huh? Uh oh. She hears the league coming her way. Supergirls face turns pale. Harley is sucking on a Popsicle Harley: Hey what's with you? You look like you got hit with scarecrows fear gas. Supergirl grabs harley and goes into the ice cream truck Harley: Hey, what's the big idea?! Supergirl: Just hang on tight. Supergirl start the truck and drives off in high speed. The league arrives at the javelin Jessica: That was harley! Flash: Yeah but who was the one with her? Wonder woman: I know that color scheme anywhere, because it's your color scheme kal Everyone says the same name Superman: Kara! Wonder woman: Kara! Jessica: Kara! Flash: Kara! Hawkgirl: Kara! J'onn: Kara! Jessica: Ofcourse it was kara why didn't we think of it before Hawkgirl: Uh guys they're getting away. Wonder woman: Come on we can get them on the javelin Jessica stops them Jessica: WAIT! Right now is the perfect time to introduce the new features i added to the javelin. Hawkgirl: Really? Now? Jessica: Yes now, observe. Jessica presses a button on the remote. The Javelin begins to transform, it gets a more bulky look much like an armored van and it gets 6 large wheels. Jessica: I introduce to you, The Javelin "ON ROADER!" Everyone is silent and confused Jessica: Get it? On roader, like an off roader but the javelin has wheels so it can drive on the road? Superman: We get it lets just go In the ice cream truck supergirl is speeding through traffic Harley: SLOW! FAST! BREAK! BREAK! BREAK! Supergirl drives pass an old lady crossing the street. The on roader javelin is following behind them. Jessica: now that auto pilot is engaged allow me to show you around the new Javelin On Roader. Jessica shows them the workings of the javelin on roader Jessica: Over there is navigation, Over here is a "what for it?" Seat controls for each specific member, and there is the... Wonder woman: Soft serve Ice cream Machine!?! Wonder woman opens her mouth over the nozzle and pour ice cream into it Jessica: All for you diana Wonder woman: It's beautiful! The javelin turns a corner bumping into things Superman: JESSICA WATCH THE ROAD! Jessica: I wouldn't need to if you would just take your seat Superman: Huh? Jessica pushes a button and a chair appears Jessica: It's the big one with your logo and your exact lumbar settings Superman: Amazing Jessica: Captain the com is yours! Superman sits down and floors it catching up with kara and harley Harley: You stole the javelin from the justice league? I thought i was crazy, but you just a mad woman! Supergirl: I am not taking the fall for this! Harley: But what can they do to you? Supergirl: What are you nuts, the league are monsters! They make me clean the entire watchtower without my powers and diana will make me watch educational show while eating plain steamed broccoli. The javelin pull up beside the ice cream truck Wonder woman: Kara i know you're in there i can see your S, Kara! Wonder woman clears her throat Wonder woman: Oh Kara if you stop right i swear no punishment will befall you, i give you my oath as an amazon Supergirl: That is a lie, they're gonna lay into me if they catch me! Supergirl speeds up Flash: We gotta stop that truck! Jessica: I'll stop it with the Blast cannon! Jessica aims a cannon at the truck Wonder woman: Jessica harley's in there! Jessica: Can i atleast go semi-lethal? Everyone yells Superman: NO! Wonder woman: NO! Flash: NO! Hawkgirl: NO! J'onn: NO! Jessica scoffs Jessica: Uh you never let me shine! Fine harpoon hooks it is Jessica shoves her ring into a slot and construct harpoon hooks shoots out of the side cannons and hook onto the truck. Wonder woman and flash climb onto the chains Wonder woman: Alright clown, stop that truck full of delicious ice cream! Jessica: Yeah hand over the fugitive! Supergirl: Don't snitch me out bro! Wonder woman and flash walk across the chains Supergirl: Do something Quinn! Harley: Well since you put it that way Harley pushes a button. The back of the truck opens up from the middle and the ice cream on to of the truck turns into a cannon Harley: I SCREAM! YOU SCREAM! WE ALL SCREAM! FOR ICE CREEEEAAAMMM!!!! Flash: That doesn't look good Harley loads the cannon with ice cream Harley: Have some tooty fruity! Harley fires a barrage of ice cream scoops at them Superman: Watch out! The ice cream hits the windshield Jessica: Hey watch the paint bucko! They speed up Superman: Jessica what else you got in this thing? Jessica: Ofcourse i do, hawkgirl would you mind pressing the pad on your station? Hawkgirl sees the rectangular pad Hawkgirl: You mean this? Hawkgirl presses it. Side launchers open up from outside and fires spiked balls. One of the spiked balls hit a street light and explode Jessica: I call them "Mace mines!" Specially made just for you. Hawkgirl: They're so destructive, reminds me of Thanagar. Hawkgirl get misty eyed Jessica: are you about to cry? Hawkgirl: No! SHUT UP! LETS GO GET THAT LITTLE TROUBLEMAKER! Harley reloads the ice cream cannon Harley: Exploding spikes huh, how about a big ol' scoop of, EXTRA ROCKY ROAD! Harley fires the ice cream Flash: Oh no. Flash dodges the ice cream shots. Diana eats the ice cream scoops. Diana is chewing Diana: We gonna take out that cannon Flash: I got an idea An ice cream scoop hit flash in the face and he falls off Wonder woman: Flash! Flash rolls on the ground. he gets back up and runs after them. Harley is still firing and diana is still eating the shots, she catches alot of them in her shield and eats out of it like a bowl. Flash runs up to the side of the ice cream truck. Supergirl sees him and freaks out and tries to hit him. He runs so fast he turns into electricity itself and goes into the trucks motor and talks through the radio. Flash: You are in so much trouble! Supergirl: AAUUGGHH!! She screams and punches the radio, the force cause the whole truck to flip over. Wonder woman flips up and lands on the windshield while still eating the ice cream Superman: What the...? The Javelin stops. Still in his lightning form flash leaves the truck and goes to the javelin and turns normal again. The league steps out and diana finishes the ice cream. Harley and supergirl crawl out of the truck. Harley: That's it I'm out! THIS IS BETWEEN YOU AND THE LEAGUE, I'M THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER! Harley pulls out her hammer and activate the rocket turbines and spins out of control away from the scene Supergirl: Wait, Wait, DON'T LEAVE ME! The league stay behind her looking disappointed Superman: I literally have no words to describe how disappointed i am of you. So diana's gonna say it for me. Supergirl hangs her head in shame Wonder woman: You, YOU, RECKLESS IRRESPONSIBLE! YOU ARE GONNA BE CLEANING THE ENTIRE WATCHTOWER FOR A MONTH YOUNG LADY! FOLLOWED BY MOWING THE LAWN CLEANING THE FOUNTAIN! WHILE EATING A GIGANTIC HELPING OF STEAMED BROCCOLI! END.
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‘In the latest of a long string of prison interviews, Quinn maintains that she is not, by definition, insane.’
‘“I resent the implication that I ever lost touch with reality,” she insists. “Any time I was ever out of touch with reality, I can assure you it was 100% on purpose.”’
‘When asked about the circumstances that led to her most recent arrest after hijacking and subsequently wrecking an eighteen wheeler full of frozen hamburger meat, Quinn refused to elaborate, stating only that it was all part of a larger plan.’
‘“In a city like this- especially in the kind of times we’re livin’ in- you gotta take every opportunity to do what makes you happy, y’know?” she shrugs. “That’s the secret to life, Gary. You gotta grab onto those little moments of joy in the middle of all the darkness, and let ‘em carry you forward.”‘
‘She then raises both her fists above her head before yelling, “I know what I’m carrying the javelin for!” A seemingly quite random gesture that, upon further research, seems to be a reference to an event that occurred several months ago in Corto Maltese.’
‘Quinn is facing eight lifetimes’ worth of prison time accumulated from previous offenses, plus an additional three years for grand theft auto.’
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Child Identity Thief Receives 259 Months in Federal Prison after Running a $3.3 Million Scheme
U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner, sentenced 50-year-old Turhan Lemont Armstrong to more than 21 years in federal prison yesterday for running a $3.3 million credit card, loan and real estate fraud scheme.
According to authorities, the Los Angelas-area local used stolen identities and Social Security numbers, primarily those of children, to obtain credit cards, open bank accounts, set up shell companies, apply for loans, and purchase assets such as homes and vehicles.
Since parents rarely think to monitor their children’s credit score, the scheme went on for nearly a decade, allowing Armstrong and his accomplices to apply for loans from multiple financial institutions across the country. The loans were used in the purchase of multiple cars that were later exported out of the United States.
As per the May 2019 conviction report, the accused failed to report any income to the IRS between 2009 and 2017, but continued to maintain multiple residences in Georgia, Florida and Northridge. During the investigation, the authorities found multiple fake IDs, hundreds of credit cards and social security numbers of his victims.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Armstrong was found guilty of all 51 counts in his 2019 federal grand jury indictment. The charges include conspiracy to commit financial institution fraud, financial institution fraud, making false statements to financial institutions, conspiracy to commit money laundering, money laundering, conspiracy to commit access device (credit card) fraud, access device fraud, interstate transportation of stolen vehicles, and aggravated identity theft.
“[Armstrong’s] criminal conduct was more than a series of bad decisions – it was a way of life,” reads a passage of the sentencing memorandum. “The victims of [Armstrong’s] crimes run the gamut: banks, credit card issuers, car dealerships, utility companies, and the people all over the country whose identities [he] stole.”
The number one goal of identity thieves is to make as much profit as possible off your personal identifiable information. Whether they apply for loans, fill out false tax returns or acquire medical insurance in your name, some of these crimes can go unnoticed for months, or even years. Children identities are especially tempting for cyber thieves. In a 2017 study conducted by Javelin Research, more than 1 million children had their identities stolen, with 66% of victims under the age of 8.
It’s important to avoid sharing your child’s Social Security number when possible, but if you do, inquire how the organizations protects you and your child’s personal information. Keep your documents and sensitive information in a secure place, and immediately take action if your child’s school discloses a data breach.
If your young one is highly active on the Internet, you might want to provide him with some handy cyber security tips, that will help protect his personal information and your household devices.
from HOTforSecurity https://ift.tt/2NRMVIn
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entergamingxp · 5 years
Journey to the Savage Planet Review — A Brand New World
January 27, 2020 1:00 PM EST
With an enticing, hilarious world that’s constantly fun to explore, Journey to the Savage Planet could be one of 2020’s sleeper hits.
It’s tough to put a label on Journey to the Savage Planet. The first-person adventure wears the hats of many genres while channeling its inner No Man’s Sky, Portal, Metroid Prime, and Ratchet and Clank. Very often, a game with multi-genre ambitions and influences can lose its own identity, but Journey to the Savage Planet proves that a game can be both familiar and original.
You play as an employee of Kindred Aerospace, a company that proudly boasts about being the fourth-best interstellar exploration business for the eighth year in a row. Kindred’s CEO Martin Tweed is an enthusiastic chap who seems to be modeled after Aperture Science founder Cave Johnson. Both have a penchant for communicating via prerecorded video messages with an unintentional comedic flair. While you are in your spacecraft, known as the Javelin, you can watch a series of hilarious ads that pop up on the various screens in your humble abode for what can only be described as product placement for the worst products ever created.
“Journey to the Savage Planet proves that a game can be both familiar and original.”
As a part of Kindred’s Pioneer program, it is your job to discover, explore, and research planets that are suitable for human habitation. You are sent to explore the planet known as ARY-26. The trip there used up all the Javelin’s fuel so if you want to return to Earth, you will need to find an alternative source for fuel. None of this will be easy as a series of budget cuts have limited Kindred’s resources and they can only provide you with the most basic equipment and a snarky, sub-par AI companion named EKO. Luckily, your ship comes with a 3D printer that, with the proper resources, can craft better gear and upgrades. You’ll need to gather these resources which are found hidden on ARY-26 by extracting them from the creatures and plant life that inhabit it.
Once you step out of the Javelin, a new and exciting world awaits. It’s a brilliant and bright universe that contains hidden dangers that betray its beauty, including flora and fauna of the friendly and nefarious varieties. You will want to scan everything! In addition to providing useful information, the scanner report contains amusing anecdotes or jokes that get compiled into the Kindrex, which is Journey to the Savage Planet’s version of Wikipedia.
Admittedly, I often skip reading this information in games but here, I looked forward to unlocking new stuff just to read the descriptions. The description of the Infected Pufferbird, for example, results from what happens when parents don’t vaccinate their kids. I also can’t say Baby Shock Fruit plant without singing it in the form of the Baby Shark song.
The object of Journey to the Savage Planet is to unlock the secrets of ARY-26 by completing quests or missions that involve solving puzzles, platforming, combat, and of course, exploration. It’s not long before you realize that you may not have been the first explorer to probe this uncharted territory. This further adds to the mystery of the planet and might explain Martin Tweed’s growing interest in your work.
Gameplay is both intuitive and satisfying with the control scheme feeling responsive and fluid. With that being said, you should still expect to die several times because often, you will come across areas and tasks that you aren’t optimized to complete yet. Sometimes failing is as much fun as succeeding since death is never permanent thanks to the Bio-Replication Chamber that 3D prints a new body with all of your memories intact. Upon dying, you will need to return to your place of death if you want to reclaim the contents of your backpack which leads to the new you encountering your former self’s dead body. You can even bury your former vessel and in its place a tomb marked with a reminder of how many times you have died appears.
While it’s full of hidden objects, secrets, and hidden areas, Journey to the Savage Planet is a game that is meant to be finished. I applaud Typhoon Studios for this because, while in theory, we say we want our favorite games to go on forever, we don’t mean it. I know I often feel overwhelmed when I’m presented with seamlessly unending games like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Grand Theft Auto V. It’s not that I don’t appreciate games like this, but I just don’t have the time or attention span that they require and I end up missing out on large portions of the game.
Journey to the Savage Planet is the perfect length and when I finished my first playthrough, I wanted to immediately go back for the pieces I missed. It wasn’t just the length of the game that worked well, it also felt as though everything in it mattered and that I wasn’t burdened with completing unnecessary tasks that were the product of a sadistic developer.
One small issue I had with the game was that having to backtrack after a death becomes redundant. Not that the game doesn’t give you ample fast track points, because, in fact, it’s very generous with them. I just started getting a bit frustrated being sent back to the Javelin after dying, especially on a few of the missions where the transportation pedestal was not optimally placed to where I wanted it to be. I wouldn’t mind Typhoon Studios implementing something like you see in Diablo 3 where you can choose where you respawn even if it comes with some penalty or fee.
“There’s a lot to love about Journey to the Savage Planet but most importantly, it reminded me why I started playing games in the first place: for fun.”
The final boss battle in Journey to the Savage Planet is a challenge so before taking it on, be sure you’ve leveled your character up. There are two ways in which you can do this. In order to gain a higher health and stamina threshold, you need to seek out Orange Goo. It’s found almost everywhere but sometimes, it’s not in plain sight. You will also want to complete science experiments or side missions which will advance your Field Explorer rank in order to upgrade your gear and unlock new perks. These upgrades and unlockables will also require the resources you have been collecting from ARY-26 and its plants and animals.
On a technical level, the game performs almost flawlessly on PS4. Although I do feel I need to mention that I encountered one glitch that caused instant death for no reason after restarting one of the two beacons needed to gain access to ARY-26’s tower. The glitch was eventually fixed, however, and I could resume my playthrough with no further issues.
Journey to the Savage Planet can be played solo or in a 2 player co-op mode with an online partner. It’s worth noting though that my review playthrough was done entirely solo, so I can’t speak to how the experience might be in co-op.
There’s a lot to love about Journey to the Savage Planet but most importantly, it reminded me why I started playing games in the first place: for fun. Journey to the Savage Planet offers a ton of enjoyment in both its gameplay and storytelling. Bravo to Typhoon Studios for kicking off 2020 with what might just be the sleeper hit of the year and mic dropping a brand new IP that shouldn’t be missed.
January 27, 2020 1:00 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/01/journey-to-the-savage-planet-review-a-brand-new-world/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=journey-to-the-savage-planet-review-a-brand-new-world
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frozendoorgaming · 5 years
Morning Mist #78
Announcements, Releases, Trailers
Pistol Whip feels like playing Beat Saber inside The Matrix
The only thing scarier than Silent Hill is Silent Hill in first-person
Right as Pokemon Sword & Shield are about to arrive, Game Freak re-iterates that there are 'no plans' to add a full Pokedex
Rainbow Six Siege Shifting Tides video features operators Kali and Wamai
Marvel's Avengers Only Includes 6 Playable Characters at Launch
Void Terrarium trailer features genre-blending gameplay
Persona 5 Scramble introduces new Phantom Thief Sophia
Nexon has officially cancelled Dragon Hound
Milestones, Industry
Three Games Join Capcom’s Platinum Titles List
Six years after release, Grand Theft Auto Online is getting even more popular
Tencent wants to work with Nintendo to attract "console game players in the U.S. and Europe"
Improbable and Tencent join forces to bring SpatialOS and a developer program to China
A prominent FIFA competitor blows the lid off of a match fixing scandal involving several pro gamers
Skate trademark not abandoned as previously suspected
Overwatch’s Jeff Kaplan thinks Blizzard’s Blitzchung punishment was too harsh
Deals, Freeware
This Asus gaming laptop with a GTX 1650 has dropped to $580
Why wait for Black Friday? Save $400 on this HP Omen laptop bundle at Walmart right now
At $299 the T3 Rush is Corsair’s least expensive gaming chair to date
Nuclear Throne and Ruiner are this week's free Epic Store games
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Stardew Valley has co-op on Xbox One
This mod enables 3-player co-op in Devil May Cry 5
Dataminer reveals clans might be coming to PUBG
Bananas are for losers, the new hot Fortnite skin is a big stick of meat
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Fire Emblem: Three Houses' latest update adds sauna, animal interactions, and more
Anthem's new PTS gives players an early look at Icetide
Anthem commemorates N7 Day with some gorgeous Mass Effect-style Javelin skins
Eve Online's 10,000 player deathmatch returns this month
Halo TV series marks the beginning of production with a cast photo
This pacifist player beat The Outer Worlds on Supernova difficulty
Why Pokémon's #ThankYouGameFreak is trending
Here are all the devices where you can stream Disney+, including PS4 and Xbox One
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gaminghardware0 · 6 years
This GTA 5 mod lets you play as Magneto and take revenge on humanity
Given Grand Theft Auto’s long-standing antipathy toward human beings in general, X-Men nemesis Magneto is a perfect fit for Los Santos. One enterprising modder has added Magneto to Grand Theft Auto V, allowing players to take on the powers of elemental magnetism. As Magneto, you can casually fly over the city, plucking cars up off the roads and chucking them into each other. But the mod gives you a startling amount of Magneto’s power - you can rip weapons out of enemies’ hands, pull up street signs and use them as javelins, yank airplanes and helicopters out of the sky, and even swing huge wind turbines around. It gets even more ridiculous, though: Magneto can actually attach vehicles to the blades of a massive wind turbine and use the entire works to smash things. Guns yanked out of police officers’ hands can be turned around and fired back at them. He can lift entire trains off their tracks and whip them around through the air, and pull gas pumps away from their stations. from https://www.pcgamesn.com/grand-theft-auto-5/magneto-mod
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Found by @thedragonprincess
Full Name: Mandil Dracius Darkstalker Other Names: Drix, Drace Universe They Exist In: World of Warcraft Gender and Sexuality: Cis Male/Pansexual Pronouns: He/Him Ethnicity/Species: Sin’dorei Birthplace and Birthdate: Silvermoon City/Eversong Woods, July 18th about 420 years ago.
Guilty Pleasures: Drinking, engaging in BDSM, speaking with people who see him as more than just a killer. Phobias: Death, spiders, being buried alive, (Recently) dirty silverware
What They Would Be Famous For: Having no knowledge of his life before the Time-Dilation bomb incident, he couldn’t say. The most he can hope to be famous for now is having spotlessly clean fine china. 
What Have They / Would They Gotten Arrested For: Before the incident, plenty. Robbery, assassination, trafficking both property and people, grand theft, extortion, the list goes on. Now, probably not much. He still posesses the muscle memory for many of his old talents, but he has to be put in a situation where they would come to the front. 
OC You Ship Them With: No one. He has always been a loner. Sure I’d LIKE for him to have someone, but it never seems to work out.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Probably Nuellen or Adrianis if he keeps messing up and getting hurt. 
Favorite Book Genre: Romance Novels
Least Favorite Book Cliche: Fantasy with really over the top protagonists that have no flaws. 
Talents and/or Powers: Mandil was trained from a child to be a living weapon of the Dawnstar Inquisition. He is proficient with swords, knives, thrown weapons, bows, guns, spears, and javelins. He also has a limited aptitude for magic. Since the collapse of the inquisition, he has learned several talents others might find unscrupulous. He is an engineer with a knack for explosives, but this talent may have undone him for good. He recently mixed magic and technology in the worst way and now has no memory of his previous life, and has been artificially aged by nearly 300 years.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Before, I couldn’t say. Now, because he is lovable and fussy in the best possible way. 
Why Someone Might Hate Them: Before, because he was an giant assbag with inferiority issues. Now, because he can be a bit overbearing; particularly about his silverware.
Why You Love Them: He’s my oldest character on WoW and I love having him around. 
Why you Hate Them: I find myself often thinking he is never good enough as he is. This is mostly caused by my inability to find quality RP because of my social anxiety. But I take it out on Mandil because I don’t know how else to handle it. 
Tags: Anyone!
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