smmarbles · 3 months
Transforming Spaces: Your Guide to Varanasi's Best Marble and Tiles Shop
When it comes to upgrading your home or office, tiles play a crucial role. They can add elegance, style, and functionality to any space. In Varanasi, the best place to find top-quality tiles is at our marble and tiles shop. Let's explore why we're the perfect choice for all your tiling needs.
Best Marble Shop in Varanasi: Quality and Variety
Our marble shop offers a wide range of high-quality tiles to suit every taste and budget. From classic marble to modern ceramic tiles, we have something for everyone. Our focus is on providing top-notch products and ensuring customer satisfaction.
Best Tiles Shop in Varanasi: Style and Functionality
At our tiles shop, we prioritize both style and functionality. Whether you need durable flooring options or stylish wall tiles, we have you covered. Our knowledgeable staff is always ready to help you find the perfect tiles for your project.
Tiles Dealer in Varanasi: Trusted Partner
As the leading tiles dealer in Varanasi, we pride ourselves on offering exceptional service and top-notch products. With years of experience, we understand the importance of quality and reliability.
Top Tiles Shop in Varanasi: Excellence in Every Aspect
We strive to set the standard for excellence in the tiling industry. With our extensive inventory, competitive prices, and dedication to customer satisfaction, we're the top choice for tiles in Varanasi.
Tiles Showroom in Varanasi: Where Inspiration Begins
Step into our tiles showroom and let your creativity flow. With stunning displays and expert guidance, we make it easy for you to visualize your dream space. Whether you're renovating a room or planning a complete makeover, our showroom is the perfect place to start.
In summary, when it comes to finding the best tiles in Varanasi, look no further than our marble and tiles shop. With our wide selection, top-notch quality, and exceptional service, we're your trusted partner in transforming your space.
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teenagedirtstache · 2 years
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clairity-org · 1 year
Hennepin Avenue Bridge, Minneapolis 5/25/23 by Sharon Mollerus
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setofkitchen · 1 year
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deadnymaster · 1 month
Why the Octonauts episodes release are taking so long to be released gobally (theory)
This is an idea that crossed my mind this morning. I don't known from where I took this information of China being so hard to convince to distribute a series on their country, maybe from Steven universe but nothing is comfirmed so take this whith a graint of salt.
The think is that China is a very reserved country whith a very unique culture. And the Octonauts, are very popular on there.
So that makes me think that someone or some group on preproduction or the category who decides the terms and conditions on distribution (idk if it the same group who put the money, I don´t fully known how an animation empress works), decided that the season five, along whith the rest of new content, have to be China exclusive for a while for some reason.
I found this reddit article written 2 years ago that talks more in deep about the season five situation https://www.reddit.com/r/Octonauts/comments/r4k515/where_is_octonauts_season_5_what_happened/
On another point, the evidence that the series has become very China centric decades on a special saga named "Journey to China". A spinoff that takes the "chinification" of the series to the extreme (and it's actually very probably to be a series that never leaves China legally, and that we never have an official dubbing into other languages of it for the rest of the world due to the circumstances. But remember, this is all speculaion and nothing is confirmed).
Another efect of the "chinafication" of the show, is the appearence of new characters bassed on chinesse animals. The most notorious would be Min the red panda and Paani, who is a species of monkey that despite coming from India, can also be found on China. He also replaces Kwazzi in most of the episodes of above an beyond (presumibly due to the chinafication)
This would be the end of my theory, remember that all is especulative and that nothing confirmed, put your thoughts on the comments
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oldeubagel · 2 months
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When I think for a little bit, both Priscilla and Rose kinda have some things in common (besides both of them being girls ofc) for exemple:
Both have the colour purple as part of they're design
Both live in mansions
Both don't live with they're dads (or atleast it's implied they only live with their mother)
Both have a cold relationship with they're mother(?)
I'm not really sure about last one since there aren't many episodes where Priscilla appears with her own mother, so take that with a graint of salt
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kirafesmaichuu · 4 months
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BANDORI 7TH ANNIVERSARY'S COVERS HAVE BEEN ANOUNCED!!! you can see more about the announcement and the cards for this event here
Pastel*Palettes : IDOL by ayase/YOASOBI
Afterflow : Where Our Blue Is by Tatsuya Kitani
Roselia : Otome Kaibou by DECO*27
MyGO!!!!! : Non-Breath Oblige by PinocchioP
Hello, Happy World! : Kyu-Kurarin by Iyowa
Morfonica : Hide And Seek (i couldnt find the artists!! sorry)
RAISE A SUILEN : Bocca Della Verita (i asume by Ado, but the translator wont show who)
Poppin' Party : Monster's Flower Song by Vaundy
im not a bandori update account, i just saw this and wanted to share. if you find more info please let me know!
I used Google Lens and Translator to find the songs, so things might be inaccurate, take this with a graint of salt
i am SO excited for pasupare, mygo and ras?!?! this is the second ado song bandori covers as far as i know, so one day we might get usseewa??? (would be awesome if ras covered it. i might just say this cuz i love ras but.... u cant deny that layer and chu² would sound sooo good telling ppl to shut the fuck up...) pray for it!! i surely will!!
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salieri27 · 2 months
we will always have each other (a GranKen fic)
Ken Rosa and George Grainte were at Kens house to try to brainstorm ides to convince Mr Granites boss Kat Kommander to let him stay on earth. so tell me about the history of your home planet' said Ken
"in the beginning there were two planets Kat Nebula and Etinarg they were always at war so when the first Kat Emperor had enough he decided to send some Etinarg people for missions this continued when the Kat Emperors son Kat Kommander took control and i was assigned to earth we Etinargions don't age, my assignment at first was to signal the invasion of the Katnipans i was sent to PS 38 as a social studies teacher but my cover was blown and was relocated to the school i currently work at, then along came the inventor of time travel Professor Time and he changed my original mission and only mine nobody else, after finding out that my people have the same name Mr Granite and that the planet earth had a huge problem with saving energy now my work here is complete i must blast off to Etinarg but i realized i came to like earth and you ken are my one true love' '"perhaps we can call your boss and convince him to let you stay here i really like you too' said Ken "we can try' said George as he dialed his boss
"meow meow meow' (what is it agent 30-A) said Kat Kommader
"commander i have completed my mission i can fax the new names for my people to you i have found true love' Said George 'EHHMEOWWW' (no get back here this instent ) said Kat Kommander
Then a face apperd on the screen next to Kat Kommander it was Profesor Time formaly Dr Hinze Doof
"Let agent 30-A stay if hes happy with this man" said Profesor Time
Kat Kommander looked like he was going to explod
"MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW" (what and risk the earthlings launcing an attack on us) said Kat Kommander
"Kommander, there are lots of other planets for you to invade, and as always ill stay out of your way I'm done with taking over stuff remember as a former evil scientist, i just assinge missions thats all, and agent 30-A can stay under two conditions, one that he can only say he's an alien to people he trusts, and two he must keep his alien agent identity a secret from the rest of the population we dont need an all out war, so you can stay agent 30-A and congrations on your wedding" said Professor time
George hung up and beamed at ken
"So the wedding is on" said Ken
The wedding IS on" Said George
Mr Granite has already anounced the news to his class now it was Mr Rosas turn
"Class i have big news im getting married" said Mr Rosa
"Spill the beans" said Nate
"I'm engaged to George Granite the third grade teacher at the elementary school but he's an alien agent from the planet Etinarg his boss allowed him to stay on earth it is really important to not reveal this classified information i just gave y'all otherwise a war would happen we don't need the government involved" said Mr Rosa
Our lips are seled" said the entier class
"Im happy you found someone Ken" said Nate
"Thanks Nate but dont call me Ken its Mr Rosa" said Mr Rosa
The bell rang and Mr Rosa sat behind his desk with a smile on his face
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wellthatwasaletdown · 11 months
Yeeeah, everything with the graint of salt people. I saw on another blog today that he was spotted in Poland late afternoon (and in the morning at the grocery store in Italy?) and I thought about your blog right away, because someone said something about him and polish girl, not that long ago. And everyone on this blog wondered if it could actually be like that. I thought that if it was the same person, they would probably come here and write about it. What the hell is happening 🥲 Even though, when the hell would he meet someone from Poland, where, when, lmao? We don't have any proof, but it looked like he was leaving Civita yesterday.
In Italy with Jeff (is this the grocery store?)
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comiiical · 2 years
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Tobias Rugstone
College headmaster, biologist, zoologist
Aerokinesis, enhanced physiology (superhuman strength, speed, dexterity, durability), phasing, flying, power grainting (flying, levitation), 
Raised in Texas after his family’s ship collided as a kid, he was a first generation born on Earth of his own species and, currently, the only one of it living on Earth as far as he knows. His family was out on a vacation of sorts when turbulences draw them to Earth’s atmosphere and forced them to clash.
He was fully aware ofh is nature while growing up, taught to be as human as possible, before he just couldn’t hide it anymore. He put on some tight clothes, kickeed some asses and attracted an attention that he was not meant to. But he lived with it and has lived with it for   40 years now.
He uses the alias Blue Blow.
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futureselfbeats · 3 months
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DAY 890 - FADE
IG: @futureselfbeats
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brotherbeastus · 1 year
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𖤐 𖤐 𖤐
DARK FORTRESS ‘BAPHOMET’ 2008 6 mins. official 𖤐 𖤐 𖤐
Born from shade / And undead desire / In the glade / A secret fire
Hidden from / Time and sin / Ardent gods / Stir again
Surge, Baphomet / Graint me Anathema / Purge me, Bephomet / From worlds in denial
Through demise / And desecration / In disguise / Dwells the lord of ecstasy
Defies the lie / Of divine castration / Claims his prize / The awoken few's apostasy
Intoxicate me with ambrosia / Thawed on mother nature's / Legs of lust
Moist and spread / Scythe of death / Poised, agog
If the Why / Rears his head / Let him die / Like a dog
Surge, Baphomet / Graint me Anathema / Purge me, Bephomet / From worlds in denial
Expectorate me into infinity / I thirst for the obsidian venom / Of the boundless sea of apce
You summon me / In childish play and insert time / I am devoid of pain / But I can take you there and / Beyond, if this be your wish
Come with me / And I show you the glow of
Inverted stars / Come with me / And burn in the furnace / Of inverted vision
Come with me / And there will be no more me for / The you to follow / Come with me / I am in awe of the extent of your / Ignorance
Come with me...
Since the dawn of guilt My path has changed / Last of the Nephilim / I have lingered in the / Seclusion of wood and fear
Uncaring for your woe / For I am a god of pleaseure / I will not shed a tear / On your perished spirit / When you return
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ddejavvu · 2 years
ooh okay! it's called The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, and it's on YouTube for free!! Not even like a shitty bootleg, a full high quality video of it being performed live. Sorta like Hamilton on Disney+ except Hamilton was obviously big budget 🫧
yesss i love when movies are just <3 free <3 that's where i watch nowhere boy lmao it's kinda graint but it's fine <33 i'll add that to my list!!
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setofkitchen · 1 year
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Best Non-Stick Cookware
Get the very best non-stick cookware for your kitchen. Our selection of high quality non-stick cookware is designed for long-lasting performance and easy clean up.
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steamedtangerine · 2 years
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Rachel Graint
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patrickkntn69 · 7 days
Capturing Grayton Beach State Park's Tallest Dunes with Pentax P30 35mm Camera
So two weeks ago we took a trip to Seaside Florida for some much-needed vacation. While there we visited Grayton Beach State Park just minutes from where we stayed for the week. One of the highlights of the park is the dunes in the park. These had to be some of the tallest I have seen in Florida, graint it I haven’t been all over Florida so they are probably bigger elsewhere. On this trip, I…
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