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mmmhgmmgmmgmmmmmmm grafiled
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Aklımı avla bir grafil kuş gibi mermiye değsin...
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OLIO EVO DEI TECNICI ITALIANI Da un progetto di GRAFILL Editoria tecnica, casa editrice proprietaria del portale LavoriPubblici, nasce il FrantOlio Casale Abate e l'Olio EVO dei Tecnici Italiani. Questa iniziativa unisce la competenza tecnica al valore della terra siciliana, dando vita a un prodotto che rappresenta dedizione, studio e passione. Oggi ve lo proponiamo nella comoda "bag in box", l'unica che mantiene intatte le proprietà organolettiche e la fragranza dell'olio.
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Sinüzit Nedir?
Sinüzit, sinüslerin astarının ve sinüsü kaplayan dokuların iltihaplanması veya şişmesi durumudur. Bu durum, yüz ağrısı, burun tıkanıklığı veya akıntısı, baş ağrısı, koku kaybı ve diğer semptomlara neden olabilir. Sinüzit, çeşitli nedenlerle ortaya çıkabilir ve genellikle soğuk algınlığı, grip, virüsler, bakteriler, mantarlar veya alerjilerle ilişkilendirilir. Hem çocukları hem de yetişkinleri etkileyebilir ve tedavi edilmezse kronikleşebilir.
Sinüzit Türleri
Sinüzit, farklı sürelerde ve şiddetlerde meydana gelebilir. Temel olarak dört türü vardır: - Akut Sinüzit: Akut sinüzit, semptomların dört haftadan daha kısa süren ve genellikle soğuk algınlığı gibi virüslerden kaynaklanan bir türdür. Belirtiler burun tıkanıklığı, burun akıntısı, yüzde ağrı/basınç ve koku duyusunda azalmayı içerir. Bu tür genellikle kendiliğinden geçer. - Subakut Sinüzit: Subakut sinüzit belirtileri, akut sinüzite benzer, ancak daha uzun sürebilir, yaklaşık 4 ila 12 hafta sürer. - Kronik Sinüzit: Kronik sinüzit, belirtilerin en az 12 hafta sürdüğü ve genellikle bakterilerin neden olduğu bir türdür. Kronik sinüzitin tedavisi antibiyotiklerle amaçlanır. - Tekrarlayan Akut Sinüzit: Bu tür, bir yılda dört veya daha fazla kez semptomların tekrarladığı, her seferinde iki haftadan kısa süren akut sinüzit durumunu tanımlar.
Sinüzit Neden Olur?
Sinüzit Neden Olur Sinüzitin temel nedenleri arasında enfeksiyonlar, virüsler, bakteriler, mantarlar, alerjenler (toz, küf gibi) ve çevresel faktörler yer alır. Kronik sinüzitin en yaygın nedenlerinden bazıları şunlardır: - Soğuk algınlığı, grip ve diğer virüsler - Mantar enfeksiyonları - Alerjenlere maruz kalma (toz, küf gibi) - Burun polipleri - Nazal septum deviasyonu - Kistik fibrozis - Geniz eti büyümesi - Saman nezlesi - Astım - Burun eğriliği - Diş enfeksiyonları - Sigara tüketimi - Bağışıklık sistemi zayıflığı - Yüzme ve uçak yolculukları
Sinüzit Belirtileri
Sinüzit Belirtileri Sinüzit, farklı türlerine bağlı olarak değişen semptomlar gösterebilir. Genel olarak sinüzitin yaygın belirtileri şunlar olabilir: - Sarı veya yeşil burun akıntısı - Burun tıkanıklığı - Nefes almada zorluk - Yüz bölgesinde ağrı veya basınç - Baş ağrısı - Ateş - Koku kaybı - Kulakta basınç hissi - Üst çene ve diş ağrısı - Öksürük - Ağız kokusu - Halsizlik, yorgunluk Beyin Sinüziti Belirtileri
Beyin Sinüziti Belirtileri Beyin sinüziti, ciddi bir komplikasyon olabilir ve daha fazla belirtilere neden olabilir. Beyin sinüziti belirtileri şunlar olabilir: - 1 haftadan uzun süren şiddetli baş ağrısı - Zihinsel durum değişiklikleri - Nöbetler veya fokal bozukluklar - Kusma - Alın bölgesinde şişlik
Sinüzit Teşhisi
Sinüzit Teşhisi Sinüzit teşhisi koymak için doktorlar şu yöntemleri kullanabilir: - Burun endoskopisi: Burun içine bakmak için kullanılır. - Burun sürüntüleri: Enfeksiyonun nedenini belirlemek için örnekler alınabilir. - Direkt grafiler: Sinüslerin görüntülenmesi için kullanılır. - BT taramaları: Sinüzit lezyonlarını ayrıntılı olarak görüntüler. - Alerji testleri: Alerjik reaksiyonları tespit etmek için yapılır. - Biyopsi: Nadir durumlarda, sinüzit nedenini belirlemek için dokudan örnek alınabilir.
Sinüzit Tedavisi
Sinüzit Tedavisi Sinüzit tedavisi semptomların şiddetine ve sinüzitin türüne bağlı olarak değişebilir. İşte sinüzit tedavi yöntemleri: - İlaç Tedavisi: Sinüzitin çoğu vakası, antibiyotikler, dekonjestanlar ve ağrı kesiciler gibi ilaçlarla tedavi edilir. Tedavi, semptomların hafifletilmesini ve enfeksiyonun kontrol altına alınmasını amaçlar. - Doğal Tedaviler: Sinüzit semptomlarını hafifletmeye yardımcı olabilecek doğal tedavi yöntemleri arasında buhar inhalasyonları, tuzlu su lavajları ve sıcak kompresler bulunur. - Cerrahi Müdahale: Kronik sinüzit tedavisinde cerrahi seçenekler, sinüslerin boşalmasını ve hava dolaşımını iyileştirmeyi amaçlar. Bu tür müdahaleler, endoskopik sinüs cerrahisi veya balon sinoplasti gibi yöntemleri içerebilir. Sinüzit Nasıl Geçer?
Sinüzit Nasıl Geçer Akut sinüzit genellikle dinlenme, bol sıvı alımı, doğal tedaviler ve uygun ilaçlarla kendi kendine geçebilir. Kronik sinüzit, doktorun önerdiği antibiyotikler ve diğer tedavilerle yönetilir. Semptomların geçmeyişi veya şiddetlenmesi durumunda tıbbi yardım almalısınız.
Sinüziti Önleme
Sinüziti Önleme Sinüziti önlemek için aşağıdaki adımları izleyebilirsiniz: - Üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarından kaçının. Virüslere ve bakterilere maruz kalmamak için temizlik ve hijyen önlemlerini alın. - Alerjenlere karşı önlemler alın. Alerjik reaksiyonlarınızı biliyorsanız, bu tetikleyicilerden kaçının veya uygun önlemleri alın. - Sigara ve kirli hava maruziyetini sınırlayın. Sigara içmeyin ve kirli hava koşullarından kaçının. - Nemlendirici kullanın. Ev içinde uygun nem düzeyini korumak için nemlendirici cihazlar kullanın. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/E-kKMXEHa5g Sinüzitten Nasıl Korunuruz? Sinüzit, çeşitli türleri ve nedenleri olan bir rahatsızlıktır ve tedavi, semptomların türüne ve şiddetine bağlı olarak değişebilir. Uygun bir tanı ve tedavi için bir sağlık profesyoneli ile iletişime geçmek önemlidir. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2xiwbhyT-U Sinüzit Nedir? Sağlık konusunda merak ettiklerinizi ve fiyatları Fiyatı Nedir Üzerinden takip edebilirsiniz. - Kelebek Hastalığı Nedir? - Mitomani Nedir - Gerçek Saç Fiyatları Read the full article
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The little guys are revved and ready for the Soundtoys Exhibition at Grafill!
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TicWatch'ın Yeni Amiral Gemisi Akıllı Saati Ortaya Çıktı
Son birkaç yılda akıllı saatlere olan ilgi sürekli olarak artıyor. Pek çok firma bu alanda yeni ürünlerle karşımıza çıkıyor. Pazarda tutunmayı başaran ve başarılı bir grafil çizen firmalardan biri ise Mobvoi. Firmanın yeni amiral gemisi akıllı saati yakında ortaya çıkacak.
İnternette çeşitli kaynaklarda ortaya çıkan söylentilere göre Mobvoi, yeni amiral gemisi saati için değerlendirme yapacak ve saatleri test edecek kişiler arıyor. Bu akıllı saat yakın zamanda tanıtılacak. Böylece bu yılın sonbaharında piyasada yer alacak olan Google Pixel Watch ve Galaxy Watch 5'e katılacak.
Yeni akıllı saatin özellikleri de belli oldu
Mobvoi'nin yeni akıllı saatinin bazı özellikleri de açıklandı. Buna göre yeni saatte şu özellikler olacak:
Uzun batarya süresi
Google Pay ile NFC ödeme uyumluluğu
IF68 sugeçirmezlik
Mikrofon ve hoparlör
Yeni IHB/AFiB tespit ve yorgunluk değerlendirme
Geliştirilmiş premium tasarım, bayrak gemisi model
Mobovi'nin şu andaki amiral gemisi modeli diyebileceğimiz TicWatch Pro 3 Ultra Snapwear 4100 işlemciye, 10 GB RAM'e ve 577mAh bataryaya sahip. Akıllı kullanım modunda da bu saatin bataryası 72 saat dayanıyor.
IP68, GPS ve mikrofon/hoparlör gibi özellikler pek çok akıllı saat için artık standart olsa WearOS ile birlikte gelen Google Pay üzerinden NFC ödeme yapma özelliği saati öne çıkaran noktalardan biri. Ayrıca Pro 3 Ultra'da kalp atışı düzensizliği, atrial fibrilasyon ve stres tespit özellikleri de bılunuyor.
Mobvoi'nin tasarımını geliştireceğini ifade etmesi, akıllı saatin geleneksel tasarımından ayrılmayacağının da bir göstergesi. Şu ana kadar TicWatch'larda iki düğme bulunuyordu ve dönen kadran kullanılmıyordu. Yeni tasarımda da aynı tarz geliştirilecektir. TicWatch Pro muhtemelen yine oldukça büyük olacaktır.
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Seven Stories 2021 from Fiscal Cliff supported by Grafill Gallery _ Natural phenomenons are a well used tool to illustrate and explain financial circumstances. The economy could face tsunamis and earthquakes, it could end up in deep valleys and reach high peaks, and it could be standing in front of the fiscal cliff. The fiscal cliff illustrates an abrupt and uncontrolled economic collapse, and the imagery of state leaders falling down cliffs is one of satire drawings’ best known archetypes. The metaphor is strengthened by the cliff’s many cultural appearances, and it has become a cultural icon itself due to films as Thelma & Louise, Looney Tunes and the Youtube fossil Tha Cliff from 2006. In the publication Fiscal Cliff, the topographic metaphor is used as a starting point for a visual game with symbols and characters that somehow has to deal with the fiscal fall. There might be multiple reasons why the fiscal cliff occurs, but once it's here it will affect us all. Erlend Peder Kvam (1994) is an artist and illustrator based in Oslo. As an illustrator he has been working with clients as Bloomberg Businessweek, Medium Editorial, BENEE and Pom Poko. He was formerly associated with the performative design collective Narves1biblioteket, and in 2020 he co-founded the zine label Foot Books.
More information here
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I hope I can be UPLIFTING! I'm about to give my lecture in Oslo at GRAFILL Visuelt 2017, and a second one during the Midnight sun of TROMSO!! #grafill #visuelt2017 #Oslo #tromso #norway #toby #tobylovesyou #tobystravels #garybaseman #baseman @grafill_ @visuelt It's been TEN YEARS since we last visited!! 💙💙💙 I'll be there June 7-14! Please share any Recommendations for Toby? (at Sentralen)
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La manutezione degli edifici La manutenzione degli edifici è un tema sempre attuale. L’obiettivo della manutenzione di un immobile è quello di garantire l’utilizzo del bene, mantenendone il valore patrimoniale e le prestazioni iniziali entro i limiti accettabili per tutta la vita utile e favorendone l’adeguamento tecnico e normativo alle iniziali o nuove prestazioni tecniche scelte dal gestore o richieste dalla legislazione.
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american and french forenames + theological angels
Abenjay Adrone Alaudellet Aldice Aliel Alinde Alinicel Alline Alupe Alvions Aléricie Amattielis Ammark Amélik Anadries Andrede Andrie Andréli Anely Aneth Annemmael Antophsie Anuency Ançoinanda Aphari Arairane Arganne Arlia Aronjam Artalley Artris Arunitchen Aryssie Audine Aurégille Becton Benanmax Bennie Berrissie Berthuredi Berus Besie Beste Bettellenn Blathie Blelley Bobbyn Bonad Brais Bravey Bricen Caley Calianne Calte Carce Carle Carlee Caronelme Cesti Cheigindy Cheil Cheloy Cherette Chernoll Cherry Chiene Chrie Claig Clathené Clawn Clémine Colanda Corievion Couge Criena Céanue Cécinett Cédrene Céliambeu Daldie Dalfrance Danchel Danna Danne Darargia Darie Davent Davieriam Davièverie Deanda Debona Debord Dennia Denton Derrine Deste Dethiel Dindalixim Dithlex Dolaulie Dolen Domarley Domeg Domerloric Dored Dorenny Doriely Dormworiel Douille Doure Eannoé Edway Eidark Elienny Ellaured Ellie Elydiel Emuel Ennicky Ennine Enorenny Ergine Erren Essabine Eugley Eulael Everick Eviolyd Fabil Fabruby Failydia Florace Florme Flosane Flosey Floyce Frane Fremha Freta Fretty Gabil Gaytona Geloseris Gence Gendo Genna Gerle Gertard Ghamiren Gilto Giniel Gisthalis Gladiahmax Glauline Gleorret Glole Gorek Gorik Grafile Gredna Grielley Guelice Hardo Haroyane Hawre Hectorel Helianne Helicarie Hemmarda Hemmy Herney Herry Hershel Holdiesana Howaric Huanad Huelle Huria Inger Innice Iremmalval Irgine Istan Jacelen Jacorene Jamarut Jancel Jandracka Janman Jaylle Jeand Jeandard Jeande Jeandy Jeane Jeanie Jeann Jeanna Jeany Jeatie Jeatralet Jefferut Jenton Jequett Jeramélie Jessannie Jesta Jestonio Jimarlorie Jimine Jimonine Joandane Joanielmar Joanpie Jochryl Jodebobbyn Jodie Johnnience Jonalvid Josel Joselle Joëll Judine Julane Julant Juliamon Junickyl Karce Karisons Karlaneve Karose Kathel Katranyane Katte Kayton Kenry Kentin Kerrinice Kertine Kimmari Kricha Kricia Kricto Kryste Kuredus Kuren Lainah Lathle Laumel Lauredone Laurianna Lavervel Leloy Lenne Letta Lette Lichecil Lislindran Lisranie Livie Loliel Loravicia Loristi Lothance Louistemha Lucarl Lucasie Luceck Luchawnah Luchery Luciel Lucild Lucipaurth Lulise Lynel Maachane Mabiel Madrie Maelin Magne Malla Manes Manichenez Manny Mantorey Marank Marann Marbah Mared Marne Marob Marocey Maroy Martrotte Marudea Marvérène Mathawn Mathériste Matran Matrie Maudel Maurie Meddin Meriahame Merna Merrah Mertindy Micase Milissam Mille Milline Mindel Mirgaël Mithelian Munklistia Murie Nadregh Nakirany Narick Natrin Neane Nessa Nickylew Nielma Nindren Nièlexany Noline Nuelin Océath Olaul Pahrista Patacecki Pathiel Pathélia Pathérose Patsyle Pauran Paurenne Pauret Peabris Peannia Pedia Pence Pentoniel Phencise Phild Phqibathel Power Powes Poyce Prine Purafabel Purtinne Rachan Ranicie Ranie Rançois Raphilda Raqqie Raymohn Razracques Reence Renci Richan Riellenne Rinès Robbyne Rogernah Roodne Rossim Rubine Régina Rélifre Saberney Sabla Salle Samel Samine Sankatriel Sarcecia Scherri Scola Sedne Semmine Sernie Shale Sharcey Sharra Shergine Shlose Shmaris Shmel Sicarin Sidge Simadriel Sonicky Sonna Sonny Sopherut Stietty Stifforis Stinetando Stithean Stois Styrt Sustephsie Sylexandy Thane Thard Thenn Therma Thiethadia Thiter Thuadralle Tomillew Tonney Topauré Tophary Urietty Uzaphertie Vadrace Valberna Valet Valivie Valle Valphaël Verange Verre Vichrilde Vidne Vielia Virgile Vièvehol Warannette Warlavin Waymon Wight Wisann Yolis Zaphard Élari Éliffersha Élinda Érèse
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🟢 GRAFILL Editoria Tecnica: un esempio virtuoso di sostenibilità ed economia circolare
👍 La casa editrice ha deciso di ridurre l'impatto ambientale della propria attività con la realizzazione del FrantOlio Casale Abate, modello di valorizzazione del territorio e delle sue risorse
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Compasión... Una virtud mal mirada Una visión mal sentida Una sensibilidad sin valor Un valor invisible... Grande quien la ve, la siente y la valora. Grande quien siente amor y no se empequeñece por visibilizarla #love #compassion #grafilings #hadanevada #amor #compasion #sentimientos #watercolor #draw #dibujando #soñando #sintiendo #viviendo, #lifeisamoment https://www.instagram.com/p/BvmMUxeHRZ1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1il5xknorjwtz
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I Never Believed There Can still a True and Reliable Crypto Currency Company Again. I decided to Risk Again out of my love for Crypto trading. I promised myself I must share my Testimony with Fellow Investors over the world if I get paid. But really happy They Never Disappointed.
I urge Fellow Investors please take your time and Make your inquiries about this company and Invest with Them, Of a Truth They are Legally Registered, Certified and Authorized.
Good luck.
This is referral link below https://grafil-trade.uk/?ref=Scott
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The King - 3
pairing: koh!Tom x reader
Summary: The king and y/n had gotten a lot closer since her first day in the realm
warnings: mention of torture, death, traitors
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“Hey Tom?” Y/n’s petit voice echoed through the halls. She was looking for the king, after the first day down in hell y/n became more familiar with the halls. “Tom?” she shouted a bit louder. She checked their chambers and was aimlessly roaming the castle now. A large set of doors was in front of her. Y/n decided to test her luck and she opened the doors.
She saw a line of souls and they were all staring at one person, Tom. “Y/n? What are you doing here?” Tom looked genuinely confused. “I was looking for you” y/n mumbled she looked ashamed of herself. “Do you want to see what I do?” Tom asked the girl, y/n quickly nodded her head and ran towards Tom’s side.
Tom felt powerful being the one y/n ran to, to feel safe. “So all the people send down here are sinners, only some are worse than the others so I decide how severe their punishment is” Tom explained to the fallen angel. “Alright” y/n stood on the side of Tom’s throne and it made him chuckle. “Y/n you can sit down on the other one”
“Isn’t that one for the queen?” her small voice was adorable to Tom. “Well yes, but we can make an exception for you” he smirked at y/n, how could someone who’s told to be evil, be such a kind person.
Y/n sat down in the black throne, it sat amazing like it was made for her. “So how do you do this?” Y/n quirked an eyebrow. “I go through their sins and based on that I give them their destiny, it varies from having to work in my palace to having your liver picked out by a bird every day.”
“Are you talking Greek mythology?” Y/n giggled at him. “Yes I am” Tom smiled at his future girlfriend. “I knew it, god I love those stories, they are so ethereal” Y/n stared deeply in Tom’s eyes and for a moment they forgot everything around them, the line of souls who waited to be judged, the servants who were watching, everything. Y/n blinked slowly her eyes gazed towards Tom’s lips, she had a need to connect those with her own.
They almost meet each other, sadly enough they don’t. They break apart just before their lips touch. “Why not let the souls come” Tom whispered. He had to restrain herself for kissing her and fucking her on his throne infront of all these souls.
“Oh yeah. I’m sorry” y/n backed up again, sitting in her own throne. “This soul had been a traitor of his country by murdering thousands in a military operation” an unknown voice said, startling y/n. “Who’s that?” she asked Tom.
“That’s our so-called AI, he knows everything that happened in the soul’s life,” Tom explains. “Okay, so this soul has a pretty bad past, what do you think their punishment should be” Y/n cocks an eyebrow. “Well their motivation to enter the military was to do this so he gets a terrorist fate. Having to relive the day of the event in the eyes of other persons. They will start to feel immense guilt so bad that some even try to kill themselves even though they are already dead.”
Y/n smiles at Tom, he was a fair man despite rumours that people had told her. Still a look of horror is painted on y/n’s face. “Darling are you alright?” Tom asked her with concern. “Oh yeah the soul deserves is, still is hard to hear” a small chuckle escapes y/n’s lips. “Do you want to go? I have people that can do this for me”
“No I can’t do that, this is more important” y/n shakes her head. “Darling it’s quite alright for me to leave. I have something to show you anyway” Tom takes her hand and leads her out of the room. Y/n let her hand go of Tom’s and placed it on his bicep. They walked through the halls like a real couple and it was all too noticeable for Tom. He noticed how her posture was relaxed and how her smile was directed to him. “Y/n can I ask what you have against heaven?” Tom knew that it wasn’t an appropriate question the minute y/n’s body tensed, “it’s just that, when you came here you immediately changed out of the pure colours and into black, you also said that you prefer me not to be like they are in heaven” he continued.
“Heaven is not as good as they tell you it is Tom. They are bad people who want everything to go precise and if one little angel disagrees with that they’re sent to the dungeons. There they whip their wings and barely give them food just enough for the angels to survive. The entire land is there on fear of the council. Sometimes they don’t even give a reason for it to happen, they just do it.” y/n swallows a thick breath, heaven is like hell for her. “Is that what happened to you?” Tom looks at her with sympathy, an emotion that he never really showed, all souls that live here deserve what they got. Y/n is an exception she never wanted to live in hell, she got sent here.
“It did, I still don’t know why. I like it here a lot better though. It’s not corrupted by power hungry monsters. Thank you for this” y/n leaned her head against Tom’s shoulder. They walked further down the hall until Tom stopped. “We’re here darling” he opened the door and a large garden laid behind it. “Oh Tom it’s beautiful” y/n looked up in Tom’s eyes. Their lips were only a centimeter apart from each other.
They stood there for a while before Tom closed the gap. Their lips met in a soft kiss, y/n hands laid on Tom’s chest and Tom’s arms were wrapped around y/n’s grafile body. After a few moments they had to pull apart to breath. “Wow” y/n bit her lip, the sight of it made Tom think of her in a different way than he should. “If you don’t mind aI would like to do that again” Tom smirked before placing his lips on hers again. They both silently thanked the fates for bringing them together.
The king taglist: @mazzellhoe @sarah-moss2015 @laucontrerasv @wonders-of-the-multiverse @theelilbritt @tragicluver
taglist: @loxbbg
#tom holland reader insert#tom holland fanfiction#tom holland fanfic#tom holland#tom holland x reader#tom holland x you#tom holland smut#tom holland x y/n#tom holland imagine#tom holland imagines#koh!tom x reader#koh!tom holland#koh!tom
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Self-awareness in the disaster situation of Barangay San Isidro, Valley 2, Parañaque City
On December 26, 2019, I had a visit on our Barangay City Hall, which is located on San Isidro, Sucat, Parañaque City (Hence, Barangay San Isidro). The Barangay Hall will be confusing to many, especially to newcomers like me, since there are many doors which lead to different organizations and departments of the Barangay.
On my visit there with my mom, I was greeted by two people from the information desk and was asked what my initiative was of being there, to which I asked of who I can interview inside the Barangay pertaining to BDRRM. They then pointed the door to the left which led to another room, in which I met Mr. Raul Grafil, a Barangay Executive Officer.
I asked him if I can interview him for my NSTP, specifically about BDRRM I said, to which he obliged. I showed him first the list of questions and soon after, we got the interview going. When asked about the hazard identification questions, he remembered when Bagyong Ondoy striked us (on 2009), then there was the rally and violent confrontation between the police and the people of Silverio (the place beside the Barangay Hall), and Parañaque being under the state of calamity because of the rising number of dengue cases. For typhoons, it randomly appears and God-made, so it is usually frequent, but not as great as of Ondoy. Then for the rally and the rising dengue cases, it seldomly happens, since those were man made, and the dengue cases were the result of our own negligence, specifically, by not throwing our trashes in proper places, accumulated unclean water in some places, etc.
Silverio Demolition
Credits to: ABS-CBN News
For the vulnerability and risk assessment, he (Mr. Grafil) brought me to the hazard map of Barangay San Isidro. The map showed everything I needed to know about where to go and not to go in times of need. The map indicated where flood and fire hazards are most probable and evacuation areas, places that are the safest to go to if a typhoon or calamity happens. He told me that those near the flood and fire hazard symbols in the map are the most affected if a typhoon is to happen since they are the ones that need to evacuate early and leave their homes since it not safe anymore, and that they are the most prone to the effects of the calamity to happen. He also added that everytime a calamity happens, it’s very hard since people don’t usually listen to what they’re saying, thinking that it’s not going to have a disastrous effect and “lilipas rin”. He said, “Okay naman paminsan minsan, kasi minsan hindi naman talaga kailangan mag evacuate, para lang sigurado, pero may mga beses talaga na kahit pinipiliit na nating mag evacuate, wala talaga, ayaw.” This was one of the hardest problems they encounter which also gives a harder after effect, since those who did not evacuate are those most needing of help.
After that, I took some pictures of their emergency equipment stored besides the stairs. They have the necessary equipment needed in cases of emergencies, such as life vests, ropes, hoses, machineries and such.
Soon after, he showed me proof that Parañaque is always prepared and preparing for the better by showing the awards the Barangay won (Disaster Resilient Barangay, Best in Solid Waste Management and Cleanest Waterways).
We then got back to the room where we first met, and in there I asked the questions pertaining to the Disaster Management Assessment. He told me that if constant rain is imminent or a typhoon is coming, they usually post announcements, warnings, reminders and important information in their Facebook page (Paranaque City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office). He said that the Barangay conducts assessments before, during, and after a typhoon to have the proper preparations made for the people and for future typhoons to come. They also conduct trainings and orientations for people who may help the community in the future in times of hazards and disasters, and immersions for students which include community preparation. It is the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council/Office, with the help of Consumer Welfare Office, and Bureau of Fire Protection, that help the community in facing a calamity or disaster. After that, I thanked him and took a picture with him, before leaving and learning new things on how to help in having a better tomorrow.
As we took pictures outside for the community walk, I can’t help but notice clogged sewages in front of the Barangay Hall, and as we crossed the street, there was a big dumpster of garbage on the road. This is a very hazardous practice since if those garbages drain our sewages in times of typhoons and heavy rain, the flooding is very much imminent.
As for safe spaces, the St. Catherine Court (can be seen in the “evacuation area” part of the hazard map) is located in Valley 2, Sucat inside the St. Catherine Subdivision and is open to everyone who needs to evacuate out of their homes. It is very much safe since it is in the higher ground of the subdivision and not prone to flooding.
They also practice waste segregation and collection of water bottles, which is the best practice since it prevents clogging of sewages. They are also constructing new sewage systems, an extension of those already constructed near our homes, to further decrease flooding in times of rain. For me, it’s harmful in the short run but beneficial in the long run, since the construction of those sewage systems are left behind and when it rains, it makes it hard for pedestrians to walk in the proper sidewalk and are forced to walk on the road which is dangerous, but when all of it is complete, we will all benefit and be less prone to the effects of flooding.
Based on the kwentuhan and community walk, I can describe the community as well prepared, since they have the necessary equipment needed ready in cases of calamities and disasters. They have fire trucks, life rafts, the equipment, and they also have a hazard map. One thing that was not provided to me was a BDRRM plan, which could have been very helpful, since they did not have any more copies. They know in what areas of the Barangay are more prone to fire and flood, which is very much needed in times of calamity so that they know what their area of focus will be. This also shows that the barangay knows the strengths and weaknesses of different places in the community, which is very helpful in times of emergencies. Then, the government agencies and departments of our city and Barangay are helping together to reaching out to our fellow people of San Isidro in how we can all prepare and minimize risks and the disasters that are to come. The community is clean due to the practice of solid waste management, but can be better since garbage are still everywhere (not solely based on them but also because of the lack of discipline of the people). If the Barangay can easily provide anyone with their BDRRM plan, clean the sewages, and create more seminars and programs for its people, then I can say that they really are deserving of the awards they were given. The issues confronting the community are flooding, the rising number of cases of dengue, and garbage everywhere. I think these issues are happening in the community primarily because of clogged sewages and drainages, which is because of garbage everywhere, which is because of the lack of discipline of the members of the community that don’t practice “clean as you go” and simply throw their trash anywhere, and because of this, water is left in different places, which then becomes the source of mosquitos which then causes dengue. For me, all of the problems are interconnected because all of the reasons for it happening are also interconnected. The possible solutions the local government to address these issues are first, implement a better policy in waste management, like banning plastics, making those who are not following the law clean sewers and garbages, and be more vocal in waste management practices by creating seminars, workshops, immersions for students, and posting in social media for better awareness of the people. Relating this to the disaster situation of our country, we ourselves are the ones who are making us unprepared for disaster and even we do become prepared, politics and corruption take place. We cut off trees and replace it with buildings, we throw our trash in improper places, we don’t listen to the authorities when a calamity is to strike, and when a calamity or disaster happens, it is us who cries the loudest for help. Yes, it is in the nature of the Filipinos to help each other in times of need. President Manuel L. Quezon once said, “the Philippines is our country, and the only country God has given us. We must live for it and die for it, if necessary.” Yet, we live for our country and let it die on its own. If only the country realizes that money won’t give us second lives. The country needs to have discipline, politics that actually care for the country and not for the congress’ sake only, and actually helping each other in giving life and preserving life with one another. Only by then can we actually be prepared and rise up from disasters and calamities. My realizations from the kwentuhan and community walk that even the smallest of things can make the biggest difference. By practicing “clean as you go” in everywhere I go, I contribute in helping the community have a proper waste management system, which then lessens clogged sewages, which then results to less or no accumulated water, which then results to no presence of dengue. The community is affected by everything we do, and if only every member of the community can see it, then we will all benefit from it. We need to address the issue of disaster in our country because it disregards the value of human life. Disasters kill innocent people and affects usually the poor and the needy, for they don’t have the necessary items they need to protect themselves from the disasters to come. We need to address it because it is a problem that we cannot control, but we can reduce its harmful effects to the people and lessen the number of casualties. By addressing disasters, we preserve the value of human life, as all humans should do. We can address it first and foremost, by planning. We can address it by knowing what the problems are, what are our weaknesses, our strengths, what can and cannot be fixed, all the variables present, and how can we solve it. Second, by helping each other. One cannot do it alone, but together, together we are strong. And lastly, by throwing our pride aside and caring for our country and its’ future. As a member of the community and this nation, the possible solutions I can do to address the vulnerabilities by being vocal of how I can help and how others can also help. Since we are in the age of technology, I can make publishing materials in social media which aims to show awareness in our community in terms of disaster, waste management, and how we can all help create a better community. Also, people today are visual learners, so them seeing videos and images, even memes, whose goal is to show awareness will create much more awareness to everyone. Actions that I should take to increase the capacities of my community and country, as a student, is listening and being active in my NSTP class and volunteering in Red Cross. For me, I cannot help others if I am still powerless. Therefore, if I listen to my NSTP professor, read the modules, opening my eyes in the bigger picture, then I become prepared in teaching to others what was taught to me. By volunteering again in Red Cross (I volunteered in High School), I then have the necessary skills to help others and at the same time, hone my skills so that when the time comes, I can help others so that may also help those who are in need. In this way, we create a system in the community that cares for itself and creates a better future for our children, our childrens’ children, until the world is no more.
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Grafill: Web Design as Architecture. May 23rd, 6pm, Oslo/Norway. Drop by in case you're around.
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