#gotta sleep off the last bits of this week since I didn't get to do that during the gamejam
copper-skulls · 10 months
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found two two deaths thumbs I completely forgot while looking for something else hfksj. this is me sticking them somewhere I'll remember their existence
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madelynraemunson · 4 months
𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 (𝐬𝐨 𝐢 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠)
ex husband! eddie x fem!reader
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“all that still matters is ‘love ever after’ — after the life we’ve been through” — life after you // daughtry
WC: ~950 words
3AM. The witching hour.
The air smells of twilight musk and marinating dew. It's pitch black all around you, the nearest gas station being an agonizing 1.3 miles away. You're also 10 miles from Hawkins, pulled over in nothing but platform heels, a black mini dress, and expired pepper spray in your purse. To make matters worse, the only friends up who seem to be up at this hour are hungry bears and obnoxious, chirping crickets. And skinwalkers if you're where you think you are.
A horrible ending to a girls night out. Just what you needed.
Alone and afraid, you decide to call the number one person on speed dial, whose gradual distaste towards you renders itself very evident from the moment he answers the phone.
"What?! I'm trying to sleep."
"Eds." you whimper into the phone. "I need you."
There's a long pause in response to your petrified sobs, followed by the clicking noise of a phone keyboard before you hear cursing and the frantic ruffling of sheets.
"I’ll be there."
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You watch as Eddie crinkles his forehead in concentration, examining your car while his soot-tainted hands explore every crevice of your hood. Routine maintenance has never been as issue because you've always had a personal mechanic at your feet. But since the divorce, you've gotten pretty bad about it. Otherwise, the you and Eddie wouldn't be stuck in this situation. Obviously.
"Weeelp." Eddie sighs, stretching out every bit of the syllable. He slams the hood shut. "She's just about blown out. You're lucky that thing didn't overheat too much with you in it."
You've prided yourself in not needing a man to change your tires, wiper fluid, OR oil nowadays. But in the midst of your journey towards self love and independence, you somehow forgot that your car could also overheat.
You try not to watch intently as Eddie cleans his hands off with his hanky, the one he keeps neatly tucked into the back pocket of his flattering dark, denim jeans. Your eyes then trail towards his leather jacket, which housed his broad shoulders and delicious waist so nicely, you would've thought it had been tailored just for him. And you could just about fall right into him when he angles his torso towards you, his sculpted jawline glistening in the moonlight — but nearly not as glistening as those gorgeous chocolate eyes, the ones he used to his advantage during your marriage to get you to forgive him for whatever mistake he seemed to make that week. Before you could fawn any further, Eddie snaps you back to reality.
"When was the last time you put some coolant in this thing?"
"Some what?"
"You keep Prestone at the house?" Eddie pesters. "Antifreeze? Peak?"
Cheeks reddening, you shake your head. "No.”
"You get this thing examined often?"
“Not unless you do it," is what you shamefully admit. “For the most part…”
Eddie's face scrunches out of frustration. He knew this would happen.
"God, I hate when you do shit like this," he snaps. "For all I know your engine light could've been on for weeks."
"But it wasn't." you mutter softly. You're already scared. This is the last thing you need.
"You know your car in particular needs to be serviced every half year?" Eddie mutters. "Oil changes, tire rotations. Your break pads have also seen better days. Which is concerning."
"And how many times do I have to say you gotta pay attention to this fucking radiator?!" Eddie hisses, slapping at the hood again with his open palm. You shudder at the loud *THUNK* noise that echoes across the woods. "We wouldn't be out here in 3AM if you had just taken proactive measures.”
"Stop YELLING at me!" you whine, a piece of your inner child spewing outwards to combat Eddie's belligerent word vomit.
"I'm not yelling." Eddie firmly insists.
He turns his back to you and starts towards your car again.
"Yes, you are, you always do." you croak miserably, balling your fists up in frustration. “You always do Eddie, and I'm sick of it! You always want to be right, and you always kick me when I'm already down to-"
“Okay, okay, okay." Eddie hushes you. He runs a frantic hand through his hair. "Agh, fuck, okay — I’m sorry.”
He looks at you with guilty, glimmering eyes as you shift your body away from him. Guarded, tense. Closing up all access of you towards him because he lost those rights a long time ago. Muttering to himself now, Eddie scrapes at the pebbles beneath his feet, fiddling with the chain of his wallet before he dares to speak to you again.
"I just worry about you a lot."
You peer back over at him. "Deadass?"
He snorts. "Well yeah."
With your permission Eddie stalks closer to you.
"I don't want to wake up to a phone call talking about my wife's car bursting into flames — with her inside." He rolls his eyes. “All because she hasn't been maintaining her shit.”
"I have been," you fib just a bit, though most of it rings true. just forgot to iron out some little details."
Eddie relaxes his shoulders.
"I know," he surrenders. “I guess there's a part of me that secretly hopes you'll still need me somehow. Some way, or another."
"I'll always need your presence," you reassure him.
Your ex husband softens up. He always thought that during your separation you had found another Superman to save the day. Some other handsome devil to fix your car and maintain all the leaky faucets inside your once shared home. But as you've always insisted, nobody has your back like Eddie. Your very own George Reeves. At your disposal for you and you only.
He suddenly wraps his arms around you, and as you predicted you ease right into him, the comfort and familiarity of Eddie melting away any ounce of hostility you guys have ever harbored against each other. You both have your days, but the love you two have for each other has always remained the same. Just changed form, is all.
"I'm glad you're okay," is all he says.
'I'm glad you're here," you sniff. "Always playing hero, per usual..."
"Well for you, always."
He plants a gentle kiss on top of your forehead as you two sway around in unison. You hum to showcase your endearment.
And he'd do it again.
🏷️ tagging peeps who seemed interested in this lil universe 🫶🏼✨ thank you guys for reading :)
@highinmiamiii @potatobeans99 @mediocredreams @joshlmbrt @eddiesxangel @enam3l @mmunson86 @davidblowies-blog @thatissonnina @oskea93 @aurora-austen @lesservillain @madeofmunson @xxbimbobunnyxx @eddiesghxst @munsonssweets @nailbatanddungeon @swiss-mrs @winchester-angel @belokhvostikova @curlyjoequinn @strangereads @marrowfrog00 @shadyunknowncreation @tuolcaniacoc @catherinnn @prestinalove @pleuviors @cinemabean @calumfmu @littlexdeaths
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bluecollarmcandtf · 5 months
Cash Slave, reporting in...
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Good morning, master. State Trooper Hernandez reporting!
I hope you're doing well since the last time we saw each other. Again, I can't apologize enough for pulling you over on the highway. I had no idea you were such an amazing hypnotist. Thank you again for letting me get off easy and only making me taze myself twice! I was paralyzed in that muddy ditch for awhile, but you could've given me a helluva worse punishment!
Your instructions aren't negotiable, so I made sure to snap a photo before I started my shift today. As you suggested, I've been eating a box of donuts every morning, and I've packed on a hefty 30 lbs since I've started. My wife has complained, but I know you want me to look more like a cliche of law enforcement!
I'll stop by your house to drop off my paycheck tonight after work. I won't forget to pick up some pizza for you and your friends on the way: extra sausage, just like you said!
See you tonight, master!
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Hello sir.
It's been a week since you came into my shop, and I've followed everything you said. I didn't agree with it at first, but you convinced me with that little pendant.
You were right! I really am beneath powerful men like you. Filthy blue-collar workers aren't worthy to lick the dirt off your shoes. You were right to point that out, and you were right to tell me to embrace it. When the world looks at me, they shouldn't see a man. They should see a grease monkey at the bottom of society.
That's why I haven't showered or changed in seven days. My BO is uncomfortable to work in, but I know it's just a reminder of what I am. I used to be proud of my job. Ha! I used to look down on suits like you, but I'm nothing in comparison; just a tool at your disposal.
Anyways, I cleaned and waxed your old car as fast as I could. I know I lent you my convertible, but you're welcome to keep it. I put a lot of sweat and blood in fixing her up, but like you said, fancy cars are meant for you to drive and me to maintain.
Stop back in my garage anytime. White-collar men like you get free service here! It's not the place of any lowly laborer to get in the way of what you want.
Thank you again, sir.
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Hello boss.
Just started another long day of window washing! It's another hot one, but I'll keep my head down and sweat through it like usual.
I've gotta say, it's days like this that make me miss the comforts of my old corporate desk job. I'd kill for some AC right now, but I remember how much you made me realize I hated that career. Like you said, I'm much better suited to a life of mindless cleaning.
It turns out you're the real one with a knack for business strategy because all of your advice has been genius! The income is dependent on the hours I put in, and since I'm working for half the price of all competitors, I've gotten a monopoly on the market! I've fully booked all seven days for the next five or so weeks, so I'll be washing windows non-stop!
The business is already booming! I've been billing customers to your bank account, so you should already see all the profit in there!
Later today, I'll make a note of the minimum I need to replenish the cleaning supplies I'm running through. I'd also be grateful if you loaned me a bit for personal use, but it's understandable if you can't spare any! We agreed that I wasn't working for a salary, and I'm fine with that! I've been sleeping in the company van the last few weeks and it's more than good enough for me!
Don't worry, boss. I'll get back to work!
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Tell my wife hello for me, master!
Working on a rig has been isolating. The job is brutal, the days are long, and every night I head back to our bunks covered in oil. I thought I'd at least get to bond with the other guys, but most of us are too tired to do anything but eat and sleep after our shift.
The only thing that's getting me through it is thinking about you. I know I also have a girl at home, but you were the one that gave my life purpose. I was never going to make money as an actor, and you helped me see that! You were the one that convinced me to go for this ridiculous job in the middle of the ocean, and now I'm making a ton of money!
You deserve it all.
I wouldn't have seen any of this cash if I hadn't stuck around after your stage hypnosis show. I still remember the wild look in your eyes when you came up with this idea for me. I also remember that hungry look you had when you saw my wife. It was impossible to say no.
Oh, and thanks for keeping my wife company while I'm gone. A man like you deserves her attention more than I do. Like you said, I doubt I was pleasing her to begin with. The only thing I'm good for is earning money, and I hope you're enjoying it because it sure isn't easy to earn!
I gotta get back, but I wanted to let you know that I signed up for another six months like you suggested. It's lonely, but I'm happy to do it, master!
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Son, or should I still call you 'sir'?
I'm not sure if I your new title applies through text as well? Being your dad and your servant can be a bit confusing, but I don't mean disrespect you! Just let me know.
My workout is done and I'm headed back to your house. I signed the deed over to you this morning, so you officially own it now! Like usual, I'll clean the place from top to bottom. I've got all the mops and cleaning supplies in my van and ready to go. Since it's Friday, I'll start on the weekly yard work; mowing, weeding, etc... I don't want to bore you with the details, but it'll take the majority of the day to keep your place in tip top shape!
As I understand it, you are having friends over tonight, so I'll prepare a three course meal for eight. I ironed my apron this morning so I should look like a more presentable waiter than last night when I served your food!
As always, please let me know if there's any other way I can be of service today or tonight.
I'll be awaiting your return, sir.
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Hey little bro,
I just finished my workout at the gym with dad. We're both hitting PRs and we're really starting to see some results! Still can't believe you hypnotized his dumb ass to think he's your butler! That man looks so stupid changing from gym clothes into a bowtie and gloves. He's constantly calling you 'sir' too, even when you're not around.
He's such an idiot.
Anyways, I'm all dressed and ready for my new job. You were totally right. I'm going to be so much happier as a clown instead of a wrestler. I'm about to head out to my first gig; a ten year old's birthday party. I think he's the kid of someone I used to compete with. It might be a little awkward, but it won't affect my routine. I've got an afternoon of pies in the face and self-deprecating humor ahead of me.
I made sure to tell the guy who hired me that I'm willing to stay after and clean up. Kids make a huge mess after all. I just hope he won't be too weird about me being a clown at his son's party. We may have been rivals in the past, but that was back when I wrestled. Now I'm just a joke for hire. He's technically my boss for the day, so I'll have to get used to taking orders from him.
Wish me luck, bro. I'll give you the money after the dad dismisses me. Let's hope I make a good clown!
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jadeddangel · 7 months
Feel free to ignore this request if you want! But basically Adam and reader being pretty good friends who are casual with each other, have a similar sense of humor and personality, reader is a older sibling figure to many of the other angels, and him just beginning to actually gain feelings for them
Eeee I'm so excited!! Thank you for requesting!!
Adam x reader
"Can't believe I'm falling in love with such a cocky bitch"
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You and Adam knew eachother since the beginning of time, and having known eachother that long you started to rub off on eachother. You both had similar humor and jokes the only difference was, was that you knew how to act politely, Adam did not.
You worked as a welcoming angel for new souls and angels of the like, showing them around and getting them set up in a home was just one of your many jobs. You worked closely with percious but you didn't like him, he was kind of a cunt when he wasn't around other people. You were on your lunch break sitting at a high table on a chair swinging your legs happily, you had gotten a milkshake and some fries. Adam snuck up behind you grabbing your sides suddenly, "hah! gotcha bitch!" Adam laughed. You had went to hit him at first but started laughing with him when you realized who it was, "adam!! You bitch come sit! I haven't seen you all week bro" you pointed to the seat across from you.
You couldn't even remember who had started the tradition of sneaking up on each other, but it just stuck, and Adam never failed to sneak up on you. Adam and you talked about your week together making small jokes as you ended up sharing your fries and milkshake with him. "And then she's over here hitting on the drummer, like, you think you want drummer dick? Nah, do you know who I am? I'm fucking Adam, I'm the original dick!" Adam recited the story to you as you started snort laughing. "Well it can't be that good if she wanted drummer dick!" You said between laughing as you hit your thigh loosing your shit over your own joke. "Hey!! My dick is fine thank you very much!" Adam huffed defensively before joining in your laughter. It took you both forever to catch your breath and stop.
Adam grabbed the last fry and ate it "Alright sugartits I've gotta go danger tits is waiting for me, but hey! I'll swing by your place with some Chinese food. Sound good?" Adam looked at you with hopeful eyes. You chuckled "sure thing dickmaster I'll see ya then" you said playfully giving him a sweet smile. Adam went to get you a hug but paused and patted you on the head awkwardly instead before speeding off to go find lute.
You were a bit confused but expected it from Adam, well atleast you were learning to Adam had been acting weird.. you thought that it would be all fixed up after mating week, but he was still just as weird as before.
You ended up getting an early day off since Emily took over welcoming souls for a bit to help. "Calm her energy down." In Sera's words, at least. You picked up your place, finally dishes and other chores you were behind on. You got a movie picked for tonight and some beer and sodas for you and Adam.
Adam finally came by your place after dark with a bag of Chinese food and a bag of clothes for him to change into assuming he was staying over. Adam knocked on the door rhythmically as he waited, you opened the door after a moment or so in some sleep shorts and one of Adam's band t-shirts(I keep forgetting Adam has a band bro).
"Woah, is that Adam without lute on his shoulder like a little parrot?" You teased letting the man in. Adam took his helmet off and rolled his eyes, "I'm not bringing my second in command to your house to hang out." Now that that was weird, Adam never responded that way to that joke, "bro, you good? What happened that got you all pissy? Are you on your man period or sum?" You asked concerned but still trying to make it a joke. Adam sighed "nah just a lot on my mind. There's this chick -" "ooooo does the Adam have a crush?" Who's the lucky bitch huh? " You cut him off plopping on your couch and turning your head so Adam could change(like you weren't just watching him in the reflection of the tv). Adam sighed and got changed into comfy clothes, "yea it's fucking weird though I mean she wouldn't leave my mind during mating week and ugh I get so awkward around her" Adam groaned laying on the couch with his head in you thighs. "Shit Adam do you actually like this chick? Or do you just wanna fuck her? Orrrr was the pussy that good that you want more?" You teased playing with Adam's hair carefully. Adam shook his head "I think I like her I mean I've known her for awhile and she just gets me yknow?" Adam said tilting his head a bit to look at you before changing his mind and grabbing the remote looking through Aisney(angel disney) and putting on the live action of "the jungle dude" (the jungle book).
You took a moment to think, it hurt, the thought of Adam falling in love with someone else after sharing so much. "Just think about your heart before you brain Adam, think about your feelings, maybe you should tell her I mean it can't hurt too bad, and I mean if your friends I'm sure she feels the same... and you guys can just be together, yknow.." You slowly got quieter and quieter, feeling like if you were any louder, you were gonna cry your eyes out.
Adam nodded a bit. "What would you do in my situation?" Adam asked under his breath, yet you still heard him. You took a deep breath "Adam I...." Your words got caught in your throat as you looked down at him looking guilty. Adam tilted his head to look at you confused at the look. "What's with the look sugar tits? You look like I'm about to cry, did I say sum?" Adam asked genuinely concerned for you. It made your heart melt knowing he cared for you so much, it made your heart melt so much in fact that before your brain registered what you were doing you had leaned down and trapped his lips in a kiss. The angle wasn't comfortable, and your spine was bent weird, but God was it worth it, feeling how soft his lips were. Adam froze for a moment before melting into it, licking along your bottom lip, teasing you a bit. After a moment of you both continuing to kiss each other, you both pulled away for air a small string of salive connecting you and breaking after you moved too far away. You were panting a bit but didn't go too far from his face. "That's what I'd do.. " you whispered softly, your lips barely brushing against Adam's. Adam reached up and put a had on your cheek "you wanna know something sugar tits? I think I would do the same.." Adam smiled as he locked your lips together in a passionate kiss pulling away after a few moments.
Adam smiled and sat up next to you , allowing you to straighten your back properly. Adam chuckled " awwe you hunched just to kiss me sugar tits? I'm honored" Adam joked. You rolled your eyes "yea yea whatever dickmaster now do you wanna cuddle up and eat while we watch a movie or do we wanna talk about what well we are first?" You tilted you head a bit. Adam was already reaching for the bag when you brought it up. "What do you mean what we are? I thought that kiss established it, I'm yours and your mine" Adam spoke almost boredly. You could feel the blush creep up on your face " your gonna be one heck of a boyfriend " you laughed.
The rest of the evening was relaxed as you cuddled and ate together. Before falling asleep together on your couch, hoping everything would be perfect with you both together
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The Outsiders Prompt Fic #12- I didn't know where else to go
This is for @ramennoodlezzzao3 who requested prompt eight with Ponyboy. Sorry for the wait, I hope you like this. I wrote it sleep deprived after work and it's unedited so I apologiz wfor any typos.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
When Curly first hears the tapping on the window he thinks it’s his beloved Princess Chunko, aka the raccoon he’s been feeding and attempting to train for the past six months ever since Tim told him off for feeding her- the poor thing was a single mom who worked two jobs and Curly wasn’t heartless. He wasn’t about to let his girl down, ok?- and Angela said you couldn’t teach a raccoon tricks because ‘they aren’t like dogs, dumbass’. Shows what she knows. Curly’s managed to almost get Princess Chunko to shake his hand on command (she’ll do just about anything for leftover fries from McDonald’s), and she’s only bit him like, three times. 
However, when he pulls back the curtain (thank god Angel’s sleeping at her new boyfriend’s place tonight because she would be beyond pissed to get woken at one in the morning) it’s not his beloved furry princess he sees, instead it’s his beautiful, very human and also male princess. 
Right. He’s gotta be cool about this. Smart. Suave. Pony’s never come here so late at night before. Curly isn’t exactly at his best right now- he’d been planning to shower in the morning so he still smells like the desperation of high school and whatever boozy concoction Ma had thrown at him earlier- but he isn’t gonna like, turn Ponyboy down if he’s come here for a hookup. He’s not that stupid.
Except when he throws open the window he catches sight of the pure misery on Ponyboy’s face and all impure thoughts fly out of his head. (Ok, maybe not all of them- he’s a simple man and Ponyboy is Ponyboy and he’s also right there-  but  Curly is again not heartless so like 98% of the impure thoughts are banished. Maybe 97%.)
“Hey Ponyboy!”
Pony runs a hand through his hair. He sighs, and the sound is so tired it could give Tim a run for his money.
“Hey Curly, can I-” his eyes get shiny but he blinks hard and they’re normal again, “can I come in?”
Curly doesn’t bother answering, just grabs his best-friend-maybe-boyfriend-but we-haven’t-had-that-talk-yet-but-also-kiss-and-stuff under the arms and half drags, half lifts him through the window. Curly thanks his unlucky stars that Angel’s mattress is under the window because this was not an elegant maneuver, and Pony landed right on top of him. Like, right on top of him. Curly isn’t exactly complaining because this close he can see the freckle near Pony’s hairline and smell his toothpaste and whatever shampoo he uses, but Pony also completely knocked the wind out of him, and Curly’s is also a fifteen year old boy and attracted to Ponyboy so if Pony doesn’t move soon a different problem is going to make itself known and Curly cannot let that happen or he’ll have to jump off a bridge.
He shoves Pony off of him as gently as he can without being soft, and leads him over to his own side of the room. Angel will already be pissed enough that he was on her side of the room, nevermind the fact it was just to open the window, and Curly doesn’t want to add fuel to the fire. Sure, he loves making Angela angry but she also took a razorblade to his favourite hoodie last week and Curly isn’t willing to risk her ire right now. Things with the boyfriend she’s currently staying with are slowly but surely falling apart and Angela going through a breakup is a dangerous creature. Even Tim steers clear of her as best he can during her anger phase, and then they both decide to be a little nicer when Angel moves on to grief. 
Pony sits next to him and Curly wonders if he should’ve put a bottom sheet on his mattress, then banishes the thought because it’s stupid and because he doubts there’s a bottom sheet anywhere in the house- angel bought her own and guards it viciously. Still, he can’t help the anxiety bubbling in his chest. Pony is in his room, sitting on his bed. In all the time they’ve been hanging out he doesn’t think Pony has ever been in his room. And they’ve certainly never been alone in his room- or in Ponyboy’s for that matter since Sodapop Curtis is the world's most annoying cockblock and one of these days Curly is really gonna slug him.
Fortunately- or unfortunately, he really isn’t sure- Pony seems oblivious to Curly’s internal turmoil. In fact, he seems kind of oblivious to everything, staring blankly at the wall and biting his lip hard enough it might start to bleed soon. 
Rude, Curly thinks, if someone’s gonna be biting ponyboy’s lips tonight it should be him.
It’s kind of worrisome though. It;s not like Ponyboy’s the more, well, present even on a good day, prone to daydreaming and getting all focused in a way Curly doesn’t understand, but this seems different, worse somehow. The misery is still written across Ponyboy’s face, but there's an undercurrent of anger there too, and beneath that, fear.
“You good, man?” Curly’s never been great with emotions, never understood his own or wanted to help with others. He wants to help Pony now though, he just doesn’t know what to say. “You uh, you need anything?”
“No- yes- I dunno.” Ponyboy shakes his head, curling in on himself, and no, nope, if he bunches up it’s like he gets even more stuck in his own head and Curly refuses to let that happen so he yanks him until Pony’s head is resting against his shoulder, his arm around the guy’s admittedly very nice shoulders. “I didn’t know where else to go, I just- I couldn’t stay there. Not tonight. Can I stay with you?”
“Of course,” Curly agrees immediately. There’s a whole host of reasons why and he’s sure some of them are good but the only important one is the thought of Ponyboy Curtis sleeping in his room with him, “why though? Didya finally get tired of Sodacan cockblockin’ us?”
He waggles his eyebrows suggestively, expecting Ponyboy to roll his eyes but snicker like he usually does when Curly makes a suggestive joke, but instead he just sighs, his eyes getting all sad again.
“In your dreams Shepard,” he says, “but nah, it’s nothing like that, just…Darry and Soda are fighting.”
Curly blinks. That’s what Ponyboy is upset about? His family fighting? If Curly got sad anytime people were fighting in his house he’d have died of heartbreak years ago. Shit, Ma hadn’t gone a day without swearing at them in years, and Tim had told him just this morning he was a waste of space. Last month, he and Angel hadn’t spoken for over a week after she tattled on him to Tim about his plan to get into Buck’s race fixing scheme. 
Then again, the Curtis family- even their gang- wasn’t much like his own. They weren’t soft exactly, but they weren’t cold neither, which was something Curly had got used to at a very young age. Ponyboy on the other hand…well, he doesn’t have much ice in him at all.
“They’ve been mad at each other for days, and tonight it’s like they just blew up,” Pony continues, “like a match in a powder keg. They’ve been yelling off and on for hours, and everytime they start to shout it gets worse. They hardly even noticed when I left.”
“Darry won’t be pleased you ran off,” curly points out. He’s not good at emotions but he is good at being practical, at least when he’s trying to think like Angela, and he knows Darry Curtis will be mad if Ponyboy comes home late or not at all. Curly thinks the guy needs to lighten up a bit. One murder wrap when Pony didn;t even kill the guy shouldn’t mean he needs to be supervised 24/7. Darry needs to lighten up.
Ponyboy rolls his eyes.
“Shit man, you sound like Two-bit. I left a note alright? And if they’re really that worried they can get over themselves and come and find me.”
“What are they arguin’ about anyway?”
That was apparently the wrong question to ask because Pony’s face shutters again.
“That’s the whole problem! I dunno! I can’t figure it out and I listened to them argue awhile. It got real personal real quick, whatever they started arguin’ about probably isn’t why they’re mad now.”
“I’m sorry man,” Curly says, and he is. Rarely is it that he feels any sort of sympathy for other people’s issues, but Ponyboy curtis is not just anyone. In fact, he’s maybe the best person Curly knows, and he doesn’t deserve his house to feel like Curly’s does. The Curtis’ are supposed to be better than that. Ponyboy is supposed to have better than that.
Curly knows there isn’t much he can do. There never is, and with his penchant for fucking shit up he’s rarely trusted with even meaningless things let alone important ones, so he’s not usually armed with the skills to help anyone. However, in this situation, Curly knows what to do because it’s something he wished for every day or his childhood, and something that was never really provided to him no matter how hard Tim sometimes tried. 
Tonight, he can keep Pony safe.
“You can stay here,” he promises, scrubbing a hand through Ponyboy’s hair as an excuse to feel how soft it is without grease in it, “whenever you want. Just show up.”
That earns him a smile, a real one, the kind that makes Ponyboy sort of glow and Curly kind of want to kiss him and combust and jump out a window all at the same time.
“Thanks.” Pony murmurs, and Curly feels himself grin when Pony settles his head back on his shoulder, exhaustion returning.
Curly lets himself grin as he maneuvers them so that they’re squished together on his lumpy single mattress. It’s not the most comfortable position- Ponyboy is half on top of him and not in a fun way, his bony elbow jammed into Curly’s ribs, and his hair tickling his nose, but Curly wouldn't change it for the world.
Ponyboy is already gone when he wakes up the next morning, but that’s alright, Curly expected it, just like he expected the call that came when he was making breakfast and the light that has returned to Pony’s eyes when he sees him at school.
The Curtis house isn’t supposed to be like his own, and it isn’t. Ponyboy wouldn’t ever look this relaxed if it was. 
Even still, Curly reasons, it can’t hurt to keep his window unlatched. Just in case. 
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bowsellie · 10 months
"oh what a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked up little thrill"
warnings: smut (as always), vampire!ellie and related content (blood, biting, death), references to canon compliant major character death, depictions of grief including weight loss and depression, Jackson!au, no use of y/n, oral (r!receiving), fingering (r!receiving), strap-on usage (r!receiving), strap is referred to as Ellie's cock, period sex, pet names (good girl, baby, etc.), continued consent :)
Ellie Williams had been acting different lately.
You had expected it, really, since the unexpected death of her on-again-off-again father figure, Joel. In fact, most of her behavior was along the lines of what you expected from somebody grieving. Talking to people less, weight loss, odd waking hours...but something about it was different.
This was what you were considering when you looked out your window to see Ellie pacing down the street, a nightly tradition she'd picked up in the weeks since Joel's funeral. You felt comfortable staring more than usual, knowing you weren't visible inside the dark of your living room. Only the candle flickering in your window gave any indication that you were awake, and she didn't seem particularly focused on your window out of all the others on the street.
There was a time she would have been, though. Just a few weeks ago, Ellie's presence on your street would have been shortly followed by heavy breathing, sweat, and moans in your bed. Obviously, you'd been giving her space, but...it seems everyone else had, too. You couldn't remember the last time you'd seen Ellie have a conversation with somebody.
Something between genuine concern and a selfish need to be the one to check on her boiled in your gut. Maybe this is why you opened the door and called out, or maybe it was something in your bones saying tonight would be important. Either way, you found yourself repeating her name on your doorstep, watching as she turned her head.
"Come inside Ellie, it's freezing out here! Just for a little bit?" you asked, almost pleading. You should've grabbed a blanket or something--snow was collecting in your hair and eyebrows as Ellie moved eerily slowly towards your house. What if it wasn't Ellie? What if it was.... You shook of the thought. Of course it was Ellie.
After entirely too long, she stood on your steps and allowed herself to be ushered in through your door. The uncanniness had worn off as she stepped into your house, smiling reservedly and thanking you as you made her a cup of hot chocolate.
"You're not even wearing a coat, Ellie. You've gotta take care of yourself," you scolded gently, wrapping her in a blanket. Your fingertips brushed her neck, and the skin was ice cold.
"I've been freezing no matter what I do lately. No use," she explained.
"Are you still on leave from chores? I haven't seen you around lately."
"Yeah, they said I can come back whenever but I've been sleeping through the days still. I wish I could just snap out of it."
As she spoke, you examined her face. New lines had formed as the skin had sunken in, veins visible around her eyes. There was almost no color in the tips of her fingers, and despite the snow refusing to melt from her hair and lashes, she wasn't shivering. Odd.
You moved a little closer to her on the couch, kicking up your feet to get comfortable. "Well, I'm not going to give you the I'm-here-for-you spiel that I'm sure you're sick of getting. I know we weren't like...every day friends either. But I'm an insomniac, too. So if you need to be out and about at night, feel free to come here."
She met your eyes. "I probably shouldn't do that."
"Why not?" you asked, leaning forward to hear her voice better. It was like something shifted in her with this movement, like you had broken an invisible barrier. Ellie leaned forward so your noses were barely touching, and she breathed in slowly.
"I've just been feeling...off lately. I can't explain why. But when I think about you, or anyone really, I just want to...bite them."
You leaned back and giggled. "Glad to see you're feeling well enough to fuck with me, I guess. But really, the offer stands."
This didn't seem to land, though. Ellie leaned over, putting one hand on either side of your body, and smiled. Your eyes drifted to her lips, looking quickly away when you convinced yourself her teeth looked longer than normal.
"I'm not fucking with you. Test me, though. See how long I can go without sinking my teeth into you."
And who were you to deny Ellie Williams? She was as hot as ever, and maybe someone warm to lay with was exactly what she needed. So you leaned forward and captured her lips in a messy kiss, which she quickly took over. The clashing of tongues and lips was interrupted occasionally by the scrape of teeth, something unusual for her usually soft mouth.
Ellie shifted so her whole weight was on top of you, one leg next to your waist and one between your thighs. She pushed forward slightly, causing you to moan into her mouth. She took the opportunity to capture your bottom lip and
You pulled away, wiping your lip and looking down to see bright red blood. You expected the nervousness in Ellie to pop up, quickly apologizing, but when you met her eyes she only looked more hungry.
"I told you," she said, reaching out a thumb to wipe the last bit of blood from your mouth. She popped it into her mouth, her tongue peeking out as she licked it clean. "Whatever happens tonight might be irreversible for you. It's up to you, baby."
Whatever fear should have arisen at her words went straight to your pussy. Maybe something had broken in you, but the sight of her licking your blood of her finger was suddenly the hottest thing you've ever experienced. So you nodded hastily and shoved your mouth against hers.
Ellie's hands started to roam, groping your tits and pulling them out of the spaghetti strap you were. She kissed her way down your neck, popping a pebbled nipple into her mouth and swirling her tongue around it. You moaned at the sensation, pressing the ache between your legs harder into her thigh and arching your back into the wetness of her mouth. Ellie scraped her teeth over the nipple, pulling gently before letting go and leaving hickeys towards the other side. Giving it the same treatment, she began to snake her hand down your stomach and hips. As curious fingers reached the hem of your sweatpants, you tugged her hair to pull her away from your chest.
"I'm on my period, if you mind. I totally understand if you do, but..." you began explaining, trailing off as the hungry look in her eyes returned.
Before she could confirm or deny her continued interest, Ellie was pulling your bottom half free of the pajamas and panties you had been wearing. Pushing them aside, she spread your legs and dove into your pussy.
Ellie ate you out ferociously, tongue in so many places you could barely keep up. Your mind went blank as she overwhelmed your senses, hands tangling in her hair. One hand reached towards your still exposed tit, grabbing like a lifeline, while one moved down towards your hole. She pulled back as she inserted two fingers at once, watching as you threw your head back with a scream.
"That's it, good girl. Taking me so well. You taste incredible like this."
Dried blood smeared from the side of her mouth, but she returned to suck your clit before you could point it out. The stretch of your cunt being worked up combined with the pressure on your clit quickly cannonballed into one of the strongest orgasms you had ever had, ending only after Ellie pulled away and removed her fingers.
She reached her clean hand up to you and pulled you off the couch on to shaky legs. "If you're going to get my cock, I want you to take it in your bed. Got it?" she asked, leading you down the hallway to your room. Already fucked out, you could only nod and mumble a barely coherent "mm-hm".
Within falling distance, Ellie pushed you on to your bed and crawled between your legs, grinding the bulge beneath her pants into you. Already sensitive, your legs began to close and shake around her. As your arched backed and your moans stuttered, she pulled away before you could cum again.
"Not so fast, baby," she whispered, tucking a strand of her behind your ear in an oddly gentle gesture. You leaned your face towards it, vaguely registering that her hand was just as cold as before. Before you had time to contemplate, however, your thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of silicone rubbing between your lips. Pressing in slowly, little by little, Ellie leaned over and began panting in your ear.
Leaving kisses with each thrust, she nipped and licked from your ear down your jaw to the junction between your shoulder and your neck. Fucking you hard, you asked her to repeat herself when her strained voice asked "can I bite you?"
Why would she asked that? Hadn't she done it before, didn't she know? Your stomach twisted--excitement, nervousness, confusion. What was different this time.
"Why wouldn't you be able to?"
"You can't go back," she explained, more and more desperate as her thrusts became sloppier and sloppier. You knew she was getting close, and the pressure against your already sensitive clit was getting to you. "You can't go...fuck, baby. Please. Please."
"Yes, fuck, yes. Bite me, Ellie. Bite me please." You begged, both of your moans reaching a louder volume than before.
You felt her teeth, sharper than usual, against your skin. Her tongue darting out to lick the salty sweat. A pressure, a release, an orgasm as your skin broke.
You and Ellie screamed in unison, dual orgasms wracking your bodies as she clung to your neck.
And then, you felt nothing.
Nothing but cold and thirst.
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
I’m so happy you would write for arcane!! I love the fanfic that you write! So I can’t wait to read this!! ❤️❤️❤️ (I’m shaking, help me)
Can you right a platonic yandere Silco and jinx, with a similar reader to the “Smoking it away” reader?
Sure, Spoon person. I LOVE Arcane SM So thank you for this!
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Jinx and Silco had taken you in when you were young, maybe nine. Jinx had lived with Silco for not long now and hadn't settled but found you, a street kids precence soothing, she would seek you out to play together and bring you back to Silcos home to eat and sleep. And at some point you simply didn't really leave, Silco accepted you though you were never as close to him as he and Jinx were. And you weren't really as extrodanary as Jinx was, you didn't have any extensive skill in explosives, or war and though it was never said, you did feel useless, like dead weight. so you fought you'd find a way around it, a way sourced to you in the city, a constant prescene and a unstopping force in Zaun that turned average men in to beats and rage and later deform them and shrivel them up into only skin and bone, so you sourced it out, behind Silco and Jinx back of course.
So you started Micro dosing, just a few drops at any given time where you wanted to feel that pep of energy, you would find some where private, like your room that wasn't really private since Jinx would enter whenever she liked, or sometimes would sleep in your bed without you knowing and take out that one vile in your left pocket that you had been working on for the last few weeks, press the top of the vile on your finer, and then take that drop or purple liquid and press it on your tongue to feel that rush, that feeling of elecitricty running down from your mouth and across your spine setting you free from your uselessness.
And though Jinx may not have noticed, Sevika did.
She noticed the shakes, the paranoid looks around the room and massive weight loss, and she thought to tell Jinx, not to be kind, but to be a bit cruel. So she entered Jinx's lair, a extremely unusual occaronace, Jinx didn't notice her until she sat down next to her.
Jinx: "...Sevika?"
Sevika: "Hey"
Jinx: "...Hey? What brings you to by humble abode huh?"
Sevika: "I see Y/n's not here, you know where she is?"
Jinx: "No, but she's probably in her room or just hanging round Silco, Y'know, why?"
Sevika: "You notice anything...different about her recently?"
Jinx: "Youre being reeaally criptic Sevika, I don't like that" She said leaning away from her with her frog goggles.
Sevika: "She's always cold, always shaking, acting strangely don't ya think"
Jinx: "What are you getting at?"
Sevika: "I think she's using, Jinx"
Jinx: "Using, like shimmer?"
Sevika: "She's got all the signs of microdosing"
Jinx: "HA! You gotta be kidding, she would never do something like that with out telling me!"
Sevika: "Well maybe you two aren't as close as you think
Jinx: "Excuse me?" She said standing up, and stepping up to Sevika.
Sevika: "I'm just saying, if you paid attention you would see she's falling off, and you two were as close as you think, she would tell you that she's using"
Jinx: "Get the fuck out"
And so she did, she left without another word as Jinx stood motionless in her lair, glaring out into the darkness over analizing every single recent interaction.
Jinx: "She's not using, she' s just saying that to be cruel" but what if she is
Jinx: "No, NO! I would notice! I know what using shimmer looks like, I WOULD KNOW" so why is she avoiding you?
Jinx: "Avoding me? She's not avoiding me she's just busy! Why would she be using any ways, she has everything she could ever need, she has me! and she would never do that to me, and definetley not behind my back! hahah, No no no that's silly" What if she ends up like those bums down in the gutter
Jinx: "No, No that's not gonna happen baecuse she's NOT using!" What if she ends up like vander
Jinx: "NO!" She screamed pulling at her braids.
Maybe she's lying to you, maybe she's using to escape you maybe she wants to leave, she probably rather be high than with you
Jinx: "SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" She shriked into the void.
She'll be one of those scroungers begging for food shrivled and dying, covered in filth and all baecuse of you.
Jinx: "NO NO NO! No NO NO" She pulled herself into the fetal position rocking back and fourth so sooth the terrible thoughts again and again, she had to talk to Silco about it.
And so, later that day she bursted into his office, sitting on his desk while his chair faced her, looking out the window.
Jinx: " Sevika came to see me today"
Silco:"...At your lair? odd, Why?"
Jinx: "She said...She said Y/n was...microdosing"
Silco: "Shimmer?"
Jinx: "Yeah shimmer what else?! And I was like She's not using that's silly and she was like 'maybe your not as close as you think you are' You know all Sevika like so I-"
Silco: "Jinx, your starting one of your ramblings again"
Jinx: "Oh Yeah yeah sorry" She giggled to herself
Jinx: "Have you noticed anything off about her recently?"
Silco: "Well, she is spending less time with us than usual, I suppose it is possible"
Jinx: "But she wouldn't...She wouldn't!"
Silco: "Jinx, Instead of spinning yourself into a frenzie, go check her room for anything susbicious, anything strange"
Jinx: "But...What if I find something?" She whispered.
Silco: "we'll figure it out"
So Jinx found herself in your room scanning over how messy it was, how much dust had collected and how the windows where musted over, as she began to go through your wardrobe, throwing out you clothes onto the bed until it was bare, going through all your draws and vanity until she had basically destroyed the place with all your things stroon about the room. She huffed to herself wondering where, if not here it could be, until she was the glint in the corner of her eye, she swivled around to the air vent where something shined in the reflection of the sun. Jinx, being for to short to simply grab it pushed your vanity to step on inorder to open the vent to find a small metal lock box, standing back down onto the floor the took a hair pin out and jimmied the lock only to reveal what she despratley wanted not be there.
Two Vials of shimmer, she felt herself shake with rage and frustration, why would you do this, for how long were you doing this? In a flip act of rage she threw the box at the wall, casusing it to dent, holding the two vials in one hand so tightly they might shatter in her hand.
Now what are you going to do?
Hours later Jinx had found you back in the back room of that Last Drop like you often were, she heard you shuffling about as she slowly turned the handle to the room, with your back facing her as she entered silently as she watched silently while you again as so many times before took your half used vial, unscrewed the vial pressed the end onto your finger to rub the resedue onto your togue, but not before she stalked you from behind and placed a hand on your shoulder.
Jinx: "What are you doing?" She asked in her childishly calm voice.
Y/n: "I- I I'm Just, Jinx I-"
Jinx: "Oh Y/n" She sighed before whacking you over the head with her rifle, knocking you out.
Eventually when you woke, you found yourself in your bed, but not in your room...
You sat up to realise you were in Jinx's lair with your bed laying on one of the giant fan panneles, looking over at Jinx welding something with the sparks flying out in all directions.
Y/n: "Jinx?"
Jinx swiveled round in her stool smiling at you.
Jinx: "Your awake! I was worried maybe I hit you a bit to hard haha"
Y/n: "I- How did you"
Jinx: "So I found your stash"
Y/n: "Oh"
Jinx: "You thought you could hide that from me?"
Y/n: "Jinx I"
Jinx: "Ssssshh" She angrily shushed you, skipping over to your bed that had misteroulsy moved from your bed to here, flopping onto the covers climbing over you to trap you between the bed and her, staring you down.
Jinx: "How long have you been lying to me?"
Y/n: "Jinx please I"
Jinx: "nu uh, No No no" She placed her her finger over your lips.
Jinx: "No More talking, all you've done is lie to me" You winced ash she said it so aggressivly spit was coming onto your face.
Jinx: "Why would you do this? Why would you do this to me?! This is so selfish, I should have known, I don't know why I didn't see it, you were acting all sketch and going all quite and odd, I should have seen"
Y/n: "Jinx, I-I was only using so I could be..."
Jinx: "So you could what?"
Y/n: "I just wanted to feel strong, you know, like you"
Jinx: "HA! That's funny toots" She held your face squishing your cheeks together into a kissy face.
Jinx: "It's beacuse you want to leave me, you would rather get high than spend time with me!"
She wants to leave you
Jinx: "Shut UP!" she screamed to the left of her.
Y/n: "Jinx, I want to go back to my room"
Jinx: "This is your room now, why do ya think I had Sevika move your bed here, Silco will get his cronies to bring the rest of your stuff soon enough"
Y/n: "What?"
Jinx: "I can't be having you alone if I can't trust you, can I?"
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Blitzø x human! Assassin! Reader
Blooming feelings
Summary: After the first few murder fiascos, you and Blitzø start catching feelings for each other. His attempts on your life morph into dates and you can't take each other as seriously as you should on the battle ground.
A/n: heyyy, I'm sorry for the slightly belated posting. The last few days have been a bit haywire for me... Anyways, I hope you enjoy the part two. Here you have the links to all the parts currently available:
Part 1: First encounter
Part 2: Blooming feelings -> you're here:)
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The smoke bomb went off, you could hear the shattering of glass and the revving of the motorbike. Y/n was gone.
"And she's gone..." Blitzø stated and was about to leave through the portal, when Moxxie pulled his sleeve:
"Sir, there's a card on the floor"
Blitzo picked it up, it was a note. In a neat handwriting the following was written:
Despite being sent to kill me
(and failing miserably),
you're chill
Call me:)
314 159 2653
Blitzø texted you this very evening. He wanted to do this instantly, but had to withhold himself - gotta preserve the reputation
You were getting ready to bed, today was a long day, right after the pleasant encounter with Blitzø, you had to rush off to deal with a murderer and then get your bike into repair. Oh and you also had to buy yourself new cargo pants, your current ones were getting a wee bit to bloodstained for your liking.
Today was a busy day. So only now, about to go to sleep, did you have time to actualy process what happened in the morning. That being you giving the attractive imp(?) your phone number... And, since he still didn't call or text you, you were staring to have second thoughts... Have you read too much into the whole thing? Was it strictly professional for him?
That's when your phone went off
Unknown: whadup, gurl
Cut the guy some slack, he was low-key nervous and was trying to come off as suave
Y/n: Blitzø?
Unknown: ya, who else wuld be txting u
Y/n: should I take offence?
Unknown: idk, do u find that offensive
Y/n: kinda?
Unknown: soz, I'll show u a picture of a horse I drew and you'll forgive me
Unknown: deal?
to be fair, Blitzø didn't know what he was writing. He had no intention of offending you and panicked, texting you the first thing that came into his mind. Thankfully, you found it amusing and texted him back:
Y/m: deal:)
He sent you a picture of a horse. You though it was really good, so that's what you texted him back. He was ecstatic and instantly sent you a few more.
Needless to say, that soon enough your gallery was filled with various drawings of horses.
In the span of the next week, you and Blitzø texted quite a lot.
He offered you a job at the IMP pretty early on:
Blitzø: ya know, when u end up in hell, a gal like you culd work for me
Y/n: why are you so sure I'd wanna work for you?
Blitzø: why wouldnt u?
Y/n: idk u trying to kill me is kind of a turn off...
Blitzø: ahhh come oooon it's not that big of a deal
Blitzø: ill take u horse riding or smth
Y/n: can't say no to that hahaha
After that reply, Blitzø got so hyped up, he literally ran out of his office and shouted:
"Fuck yeah she loves me back, ya hear that Mox," Blitz looked very much proud as he showed his employee the text chain
"Uhhh Sir, I wouldn't make such quick assumptions-"
"Shhh don't ruin the moment" Blitzo retorted pressing his finger into Moxxie's lips to silence him.
Sometimes you'd get a notification in the middle of a job and it'd be Blitzø sending you a selfie of him ( and sometimes some of his friends as well) in the middle of a fight with a caption like:
"another normal day at work (nearly got killed)"
"brunch went wrong"
Or plainly
"how u doing? "
And sometimes you'd reply with a selfie of yourself, creeping up to some guy you're about to murder. Which would cause Blitzø to text you:
Blitzø: update?
And you sending him a picture of you, potentially covered in blood, standing over a dead body.
At this point, he wasn't shying away from nicknames. He'd call you babe, sweetcheeks and sunshine.
You'd usually settle fro something along the lines of hot stuff, pretty boy, love
However, Blitzø does a lot of stupid stuff, which is when idiot, dumbass, etc. come in use
"How ya doing, hot stuff", you'd say, winking at Blitzø, causing him to try and lean on a non-existent doorframe and ultimately topple to the ground, sending you (and Millie, who witnessed it) a fit of giggles.
You and Blitzø's murderous rendezvous start to become more.. date-like. There is a lot of flirting and very little shooting done.
Sometimes you wonder, whether you guys should just drop the pretences
Moxxie and Loona are steadily growing sick of all of this. Millie finds it quite endearing, actualy.
You were presently engaged in a hand to hand combat with Blitzø. You performed a serie of punches, trying hard not to hit any super vital points. This sent your oponent tumbling on the ground.
"Youuu do punch Hella hard, babe," Blitzø drawled out "that's Hella hot "
You chuckled at this and threw him an ice pack with the words:
"Take that, wouldn't want to cause permanent damage to that pretty face of yours"
Blitzø would never admit it, but that made him blush very much, which would've been very much visible if it wasn't for his red skin (the blush was still fairly visible, just less intense).
or another time:
With one swift movement Blitzø tackled you to the ground. He smirked:
"Ya know, I could get used to this view, babe" he started nonchalantly "maybe different setting, like a bedroom" he smirked at your startled reaction "though if you prefer this place, babe, then I guess why not? I'm not picky " he continued his flirting.
You look up at him deviously, buckling your hips forward and in one movement flipping you both, positioning you on top:
"I think this is way better" you smirk at him triumphantly
"Whatever you say babe. Whatever gets us to fuck"
You didn't expect him to be THAT straightforward (honestly, that one is on you, having known him for quite some time you should've seen that coming), deep red blush cowered your cheeks. You were rescued by Loona's groan and frustrated shouting:
"Get a room! Stop defiling the fucking pavement"
The closer you grew together the more comfortable would Blitzø feel with invading your private space. He would sometimes launch "surprise attacks" on you (the reason was that "he missed you very much"):
It was the middle of the night, when you groggily opened your eyes to see Blitzø mere centimetres away from your face:
"Whatcha dreaming about?" He asked. You were about to shriek, but caught yourself in time. Meanwhile, Blitzø continued "Wake up, Im here to kill ya" his voice was far too giddy.
You were very tired. Exhausted.
"Mmmm, go to sleep, Blitzie," you pushed him lightly off you and onto the bed, wrapping your arm around him, "kill me tomorrow"
In retrospect, this wasn't very professional, but Blitzø didn't seem to mind...and judging from the soft purring in the morning, he even enjoyed it.
At this point, you're very accustomed to each other's habits. You also have a set date and time for the Blitzø's murder attempts:
You were anxiously pacing the street. It was a nice Tuesday morning. 9.15 am precisely and it has been 15 minutes since Blitzø was supposed to attack. He always showed up on time. To your murderous rendezvous.
You were about to pick up your phone and dial him, demanding an explanation (you were worried sick: What if the imp died on one of his jobs?), when he showed up, out of breath (clearly had been running) and with two coffee's in tow.
"Hey babes, d'ya miss me?" He said in his suave voice.
"You're late to your weekly murder attempt on my life" You said in a flat voice.
"Ahhh soz, there was a fucking line ot the coffee shop" he replied nonchalantly
"and the fact that you argued with the employee for ten straight minutes because they couldn't get Y/n's order right and then misspelled her name didn't do much to help" Moxxie muttered under his breath, but of course everyone heard him.
"Come on, Mox, don't embarrass Boss in front of the girl" Millie said and winked at you.
"Anyway," Blitzø said stretching out the first syllable, "I got your coffee. Just how you like" he looked at you with pride, as if he had to fight a glorious battle for it (he sort of did)
"Awwww thanks, love, that's so sweet" you smile and give him a soft peck on the cheek. You take a sip of your coffee, its delicious, just how you like it.
Once you're done drinking your coffee and are fairly caught up with the drama that you didn't manage to cover in your texts and calls, Blitzø commands:
"Now, M&M get into your positions. We're way behind schedule!"
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a/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great day (or night) <3
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The Secrets One Keeps
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Alrighty, This is a request I was sent by an anon! Asking for a reader who's Hosea's daughter but dating Arthur, they have to keep their relationship a secret, especially from Hosea. Afraid for the poor man's heart.
Keep in mind this is my first work since coming back from hiatus, I'm a little rusty, so it might not be as great as it could be, be patient with me as I try to get back into the Rythm of things please! There's some NSFW themes but it's not full on smut, not for my first one back, but never fear, that will make a return.
Warnings: Fluff, language, maybe some NSFW themes Reader is a bit younger than Arthur is. (Don't worry Im not a freak, reader is gonna be over 18 by like at LEAST six years) Female reader, if there's slip ups, please let me know so I can correct them!
Let's jump into it!
You swear to God you just saw him, You just did, you watched him come out this way and you watched him give you that...look.
He wanted you to follow him, you could SEE it.
So where the hell was he?
You call out, but you keep your voice low. It's late, and camp isn't too far, you don't want anyone to hear you...you know what the two of you agreed on, and it was better if no one knew about the two of you. Especially your father. Hosea would NOT take kindly to Arthur dating his 24 year old daughter.
Not only that but to Hosea...Arthur was like a son...he saw the two of you as though you were siblings.
You definitely did NOT feel that way.
"Arthur, I swear to whatever God you pray to you better fuckin' come out-"
"Aw now, c'mon Darlin' that ain't very nice of you to speak like that."
You practically hear the smirk on his face as you feel an arm wrap around your waist and a chin on your shoulder.
"'Sides, you know I ain't a religious man."
"Arthur Morgan, how many times do I have to tell you not to scare me-"
"Awww you love it."
"No I don't!"
"Bullshit you don't last time I did you laughed and tried to take my pants off-"
"Shut up."
You twist to face him and sure enough he's wearing that smirk of his.
"You like it."
"Alright! Fine."
He laughs and leans in, placing his lips gently against yours, softly, sweetly, so different from what he showed everyone else.
"Been wantin' to do that all damn day. I hate this sneakin' around crap," He scoffs. "Fuckin' stupid, we're both adults."
"Aw come on, it's not so bad Arthur...The sneaking around is kinda fun..."
"I guess so...I don't know, I'm gettin' real tired of not bein' able to kiss you goodbye, or havin' to hide behind the wagons just to tell ya I love ya. I shouldn't have to hide it like I'm embarrassed."
"I know..."
You give a sigh and lean into him.
"It sucks, I know it does, I know. The sneaking is fun, but...I know what you mean. We should be sharing a tent by now, instead of trying not to be caught."
He gives you a grunt in response, placing his chin on your head.
"How can we be sure that Hosea wouldn't approve of us?"
His voice comes out a little strained. Acting as though he didn't already know the answer.
"C'mon Arthur..."
You sigh again and move so you can look him in the eye properly.
"You know he won't. Hell, he sees us slightly too close to one another and he loses his mind, he stares you down. You know it, you see it."
"I know..."
He grumbles.
"I need to spend more time with you though Darlin' I do. I NEED to."
He pauses for a moment
"We have to at least take a trip together soon, I mean...either that or we just gotta stop carin' about what Hosea thinks. Don't get me wrong I love 'em, I do, but I love you more."
"I love you too..."
The two of you are silent for a few moments, comfortably leaning against one another in the darkened part of the woods, it's late, both of you know that, and both of you know that you should probably be getting to sleep.
But it's been a long day. A long week even, the two of you haven't had nearly as much time together as you would have liked.
"You think maybe I could sneak you into my tent?"
Arthur's voice breaks the silence, quietly, barely there.
"Jus' tonight, please?"
"Arthur, you know dad'll see us."
"No, look I can leave tomorrow before you, leave the flaps down, no one'll go in there, then you just gotta go out towards the side instead of the front, go around the back of the wagon."
You chuckle a little at his enthusiasm, he never fails to make you smile. He's so obviously, deeply in love with you that it's hard to say no to him.
"Alright....alright, okay, we'll try. He should be asleep by now, it's just the others we have to worry about."
"They ain't gonna say anythin'."
You look at him and give a confused look, though your smile never wavers.
"How do you know?"
"They won't cause if they do, it's me they have to deal with, not Hosea."
His voice lowers slightly, and you watch as that look comes over his eyes. You've seen it before, you know what it means.
"Jesus Arthur, would you quit that, you..."
Your face heats quickly and you look away from him. Of course he was attempting to be threatening, but to you, it just seemed...attractive more so than threatening.
He knew that.
"Why Sweetheart...somethin' gettin' into that head of yours?"
"Shut it, you know what it does-"
"Absolutely I do, why you think I'm doin' it?"
He laughs but leans in and kisses your temple before starts to lead you back towards camp.
"C'mon, let's sneak you in."
He ushers you forwards, and the two of you stop at the edge of camp to see who's up, but luckily it seems that mostly everyone is sleeping.
He then leads you around the edge of Clemmons Point until the both of you get to his tent, the moment the both of you are in he closes the flaps up and gives the two of you some privacy. It seemed like the two of you had gotten away with it. Or at least no one had called out to you.
In the dim light of his lantern the two of you share a smile and there's a look in his eyes that you know means you'll be playing the quiet game tonight.
Morning seems to come faster than you would have liked it to, the time spent with Arthur never seemed to be enough, so when you wake up in the early morning you decide to just burrow further into his bare chest.
It earns a quiet grumble from him as he pulls you closer to him, he's awake, you can tell he is, but he stays silent. The only way you know he's awake is the fact that his hand can't stay away from your ass.
"Didn't you have enough last night?"
You mumble but there's a smile on your face as you adjust, throwing a leg over his hip.
"Ain't never 'nough with you."
It comes out as a grumble and he moves to your thigh, gripping it tightly as he pulls it even further over his hip.
He buries his head in your neck and kisses there. As much as he seems to try and rile you up the kiss is soft, more sweet than anything.
"C'mon Darlin'...this could be every mornin'..."
He yawns and shifts himself, trying to wake up a little more.
"We gotta tell him at some point anyhow..."
"I know..."
You huff and move your hand to his hair, gently massaging his scalp, it's nearly instinct.
"I just...I don't know what he'll think, what he'll do...."
"C'mon, it's me. I know it probably ain't what he wants but...He loves me, he knows me...you could be screwin' Bill behind doors."
He stops a moment.
"Shut up Arthur, it is not-"
"I dunno about that, seems kinda dumb to me."
You roll your eyes and laugh before you kiss the top of his head. You're about to open your mouth to try and come up with an idea on what to tell your father when the tent flap opens.
You and Arthur move simultaneously to look and see who's standing there only to have your eyes go wide.
You're leaning backwards, your head turned over your shoulder to look, and you suddenly wish that you could disappear.
Hosea stands at the opening of the tent, his mouth open as though he'd gone to say something and then he'd noticed.
"Hosea, I can explain-"
Arthur starts, he moves, and gently puts his hand on your back to push you towards the wall so that you can stay covered.
"I don't want to hear it!"
Hosea puts his hand out, as though he's trying to block it all from view.
"Get dressed! Both of you!"
He leaves, dropping the tent flap and leaving the two of you alone.
"Shit's fuckin' right..."
Arthur sighs and plops back down on the cot, covering his eyes with one hand.
The two of you take a moment, sitting in silence. wondering what the hell you'd say.
This silence continues as the two of you go to dress, once the two of you are done Arthur reaches for your hand, taking it quietly as both of you leave the tent.
Hosea stands right outside, and the both of you give one another a look of shame.
"What the HELL do you think you're doing!?"
Hosea nearly yells, it's such a difference from his usual calm demeanor, you've rarely seen your father so mad.
"Hosea, c'mon..."
Arthur mumbles.
"Can't we talk about this outside of camp?"
Hosea takes a deep breath and then nods, and the three of you begin your trudge towards the edge of camp. It's there that Hosea stands with his arms crossed waiting.
"Explain yourselves."
"No, Y/N, you first."
You swallow and look to Arthur and then to Hosea.
"I love him. I mean that. I love him, and I have for a very long time, and he loves me. I know he does. It's not just...it's not just a one time thing, it means something-"
"How long."
"About a year."
A silence falls over the three of you. Hosea's face seems unreadable.
His eyes close and he gives a deep breath, exhaling heavily.
Hosea opens his eyes and looks towards him, his jaw clenched.
"If anything happens to them, emotional or otherwise, I'm going to hold you accountable, and you WILL NOT like me. You understand me?"
"I do Hosea, you know me. I'm not gonna let anything happen to them. Never."
Hosea doesn't seem exactly...pleased with this answer, but he seems to accpet it.
"Don't EVER let me catch you two like that again."
"You didn't knock-"
"Shut up Arthur."
Arthur clamps his jaw shut and swallows, but there's a look a defiance in his eyes.
Hosea looks at the two of you for a moment longer and then walks away without another word.
The two of you, now alone, look at each other and give a relieved sigh.
"I guess...I mean he knows now at least."
"I have a feeling he's gonna make your life a living hell for a while Arthur-"
He breathes.
"More than likely."
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anangelinthepit · 22 days
Baby you're the Right Kind of Wrong
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Hey everyone sorry this one took awhile. I had extreme writers block for this story. Anyways enjoy. I love you all -Magenta🌹
Triggers- ⚠️ swearing and verbal abuse
Taglist- @reyadawn @fadingintothegrey @bloodylullaby @chey-h @hurricanesfollowyou @iluvmewwwww75 @lma1986 @thisbicc @justanaccounts @dreamstyles @supersquirrel1996 @lolitasangel @tikosblogg
Part 6
It’s been two months since the guys left for their tour and things are starting to become easier. The first two weeks were so fucking rough that Noah and I would call each other almost every night in tears. Not so much anymore, we still call every night but the pain isn’t so unbearable. I'm able to keep myself distracted and Noah has been too. Now of course I get the occasional drunk call from him telling me how much he loves me and misses me. It was cute until I got a text from Nick the other night that Noah was drinking heavily and to be careful with what I said to him. He had already flipped out on Matt and Bryan. Nick would give updates here and there telling me how he's trying to help Noah cope but it's no use. He keeps running to the bottle.
Just like Papa did.
That was a few days ago. I'm hoping he just settles and takes a break from partying. Touring isn't all about parties and booze, right? He's gotta lay off the alcohol eventually. I rubbed my eyes in exhaustion and looked over at the clock. It was pushing almost midnight and decided it was probably time I lay off the game and get a shower. It was weird that Noah or Nick hadn't texted me yet and Of course, my mind went to a worst-case scenario. I was going to call everyone until I remembered that Jolly shot me a text earlier saying that they'd be in the studio and Noah would call me after.
After I got out of the shower, I went back to our room and threw myself on the bed. I'm still not used to or comfortable sleeping without him next to me so it does take me a bit to knock out. The clock read 12:15 Am and still no call or text from him. Surely they must be out of the studio by now, was he avoiding me? My heart started to hurt and my eyes began to fill up with tears when suddenly my ringtone went off. I looked over and saw the goofy smile of my boyfriend lighting up my phone.
I knew he wouldn't forget to call me. I felt relief and eagerly picked up the phone. I wish I could say the feeling lasted but it didn't when I was met with what sounded like a party in the background and gibberish talking Noah.
Not again…
“B…baby. C-can you feel me?”
“Hey babe yes I can hear you. Where are you ?”
“AYYYYYYEEEEEE BABY! what is my princess bunny boo.”
Oh lord, give me the strength to help him fight his inner demons tonight. I'm tired
I groaned and realized he was still on the phone. I was hoping he hung up and would just continue parting.
“Baby please calm down, I'm still here.”
“I know ya are. Ya, your sexy ass is stuck with me church girl.”
“Noah, stop, please. This isn't okay.”
“Ohhhhhh did I hurt your feelings church girl.”
I heard a woman in the background beckoning him. It's not the first time I've heard girls around them but this one was as clear as day and sounded way different.
“Who was that?” I asked starting to feel my stomach turn and my hands shake.
My heart was officially in my stomach. Despair turned to anger while the love I have for this man turned into a firey jealous rage. Mama warned about jealousy and how it's the devil's way of making you commit evil acts. I haven't felt like this before, and to be honest it hurt so profusely. If Noah had been standing right in front of me I might have thrown something at him. That's how angry I am.
“Who the fuck was that Noah?” I asked more sternly. I'm poking the bear talking like this but I'm getting pissed
“Woah easy church girl Who do you think you're talking to?” Noah said in a low-toned voice. I could tell his demeanor changed without even looking at him.
“You fucking heard me. AND STOP CALLING ME THAT. Who the fuck is the chick in the background and why is your fucking name in her mouth?”
“Oh my god, here we go again. Can ya keep your anxiety to you're fucking self please.”
“Noah I don't have fucking time for this. You want to drink yourself stupid, that's fine but leave me the fuck out of it. I'm not going to waste my time trying to talk to someone who chooses the bottle over me.”
“I had a couple of drinks, you're so over dramatic Y/N. And you need to stop talking to me like I'm just some dude off the street. I am your man and you will treat me with RESPECT.”
“Then tell those bitches to stop calling your name.”
Jesus, why are we fighting? We’re supposed to be in the honeymoon stage. I was about ready to hang up the phone before I said something I would regret but Noah needed to have the last word….
“Okay, then how about I make her moan it?”
“I'm just joking babe. Relax”
“Babe wait”
I hung up my phone and ended up chucking it at the walls. Noah has said a lot of things to me before but that was the last fucking straw. I began packing a bag and heard my ringtone go off a few more times. Now not only was Noah trying to call me back, but so was the rest of the band and crew. Calls were followed by text messages
Noah: Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean it
Nick: Y/N what happened? Noah is freaking out
Matt: Y/N he's just been drinking he didn't mean it
Folio: Noah wants me to tell you he's sorry and to call him.
Jolly: please pick up the phone before this man gets arrested for public intoxication
I scoffed at everything and sat in his game chair. I tried to calm myself down, leaving wasn't the best option after I thought about it. I have nowhere to go and this is all I know.
You could go back to Mama. Pray for forgiveness now
I grabbed my head trying to get that thought out of my head.
“No, I promised Noah,” I said to myself trying to stop the tears from welding in my eyes. I looked to my left and saw the photo that Noah had taken of us together when we went to the beach for the first time. Kissing my forehead and smiling at me, this photo keeps me going. Reminding myself that we’ll be together soon and back to how we were.
And no matter how hard things get I'm keeping my promise.
Even if Noah doesn't
Noah's POV
I woke up the next morning suck to my fucking stomach and hung over. “I'm so done drinking Vodka”. Lalzily dragging myself out of my bunk I made my way to the kitchen/ lounge area and was met with an angry crowd that consisted of my friends.
“I fucked up again, didn't I? Sorry guys you know I didn't mean it.”
“Oh dude you didn't fuck up with us,” Folio said faking a swig of his coffee
“What do you mean?”
“Let me ask you something. Have you heard from Y/N?” Jolly said
What the hell are these guys getting at? I told them to stop with the fucking mystery problems and just tell me what happened.
“All I'm gonna say is there's a good chance Y/N took a baseball bat to all of your stuff,” Jolly added
Nick grabbed my shoulder and began to explain what I did to Y/N. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, the thought of me being so disrespectful to my angel killed me. This all seemed like a bad nightmare
“Nick there's no fucking way, I would never talk to her like that.”
“Well you fucking did, also I hope you know mad people got pictures of you with all those girls. If Y/N sees those she is gonna set all of us on fire. Fucking call her and beg for her forgiveness dude. She deserves better.” Nick said
He was right, she deserves so much better. I grabbed my phone and started to scroll through our messages. I cursed at her and said all those nasty things over the phone. “God I don't ask for much but please don't take her from me.”
I let out a deep sigh and clicked on her contact.
God, she hates me
Why did I do this
One more chance baby, please
Love you guys 🩵
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luimagines · 3 months
HI PINKY ! 🎻 Anon here ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
My finals went overall quite well! (Except for one final but my overall grade was still fine so we're all good) I did end up having my ceiling of my room collapse though! (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ Gotta love landlords that refuse to do proper house maintenance on century old homes. So right before finals had my ceilings collapse, then had finals while stuck sleeping in the living room (to be fair the couch was comfy but the whole setup is less than ideal), and then literally the evening after my last final flew out to literal other side of the planet for college visits. So needless to say I've been rather tired recently! It's been fun though and I also got to see some family that I rarely see again so that was nice. BUT! I finally have the mental bandwidth to send in an ask again. So enough with the dramatic rambling about my life I have more ideas about the human hero reader I thought of!
So! I learned just the other day that an army captain is actually kinda low rank. (At least in the US military, can't speak to other systems) And you usually get there within like 4 years of your career as an officer. And if Wars is around 24-26ish (at least that's how old I usually imagine him since he's one of the older members of the group but not like OLD) and he would have started his time in the military as like a 17-18 year old, buddy boy would actually be behind on his career. (Stick with me this will all come together I swear!)
So I imagine human hero reader (I'm calling them hh!reader for my sanity to specify from here on out for my sanity) ended up getting pulled into the military after saving Hyrule. They really don't like being there, but the royal family of that time doesn't really give reader a choice. I'd imagine them most likely being a very low rank enlisted soldier. (If you require explanations for anything just let me know. I am more than happy to explain and understand most people haven't been raised around this stuff) But because reader didn't want to join the military in the first place and Warriors is one of the MOST wary member of the chain they would probably butt heads quite a bit. I imagine reader with an attitude of while they're usually a very nice person to be around they can hold a strong grudge and aren't afraid to tell someone if they're being an idiot. Not something that goes over well in the military. So reader probably targets at least some of that frustration to the resident military man. And something that would be rather easy to go for is that fact that he still hasn't been promoted. This would probably devolve into him telling them that they suck as a soldier until reader snaps and said they never had any choice in the matter and they storm off. Probably one of the their merry little band would go after reader. I think Sky might be best since he's a knight himself so he'd have a better idea what they were going through. Wind would also be an interesting option especially if it's after the whole "We're the same since we both made the active decision to save Hyrule!" moment. Both are good chances at bonding. Oh yeah I guess it's relevant that I see reader at an older teen age, like 16-17. Yay sibling dynamics (I say this like my only younger sibling doesn't drive me up a wall). I'll prolly add more later but I am tired. And I have a relatively early morning tomorrow.
Hope this was coherent but I actually had motivation for once so I went for it. If any clarification is needed just ask. Make sure to drink water and eat a snack! Self care is important to help prevent burnout. Have a lovely week. Good day/evening) ┌⁠|⁠o⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠o⁠|⁠┘⁠♪ See you maybe once I've slept and ate. Bye!!
Oh, I thought you going to go the path of Reader outranking Warrior and him not being able to do anything about it. ^.^*
It reminded me of that one post for Marvel where Tony got excited because Rhodey, being Colonel, outranked Steve and could tell him what to do.
I'd imagine if Warrior pulled out the whole "you suck as a soldier" Wild would have to push back a bit because if they suck, what does that make him? He died! Hello? At least Reader had something going for them. They still won in the end with minimal loses on their side.
Wild lost everyone.
So what does Warrior actually think of him then?
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hideandgopeep · 19 days
Book Club? Part 2
Part 1
But first, some notes: things have changed since I did Part 1, and I'm working on a rewrite that adds time between their introduction and Part 2. So if you read Part 1 or do, pretend that they kinda got to know each other, okay? Listen, the muse's inspiration took over, and I didn't want them to be strangers when he gets all mushy in Part 2. Personally, I'd run away if that happened.
Who/What: Miche Zacharius x afab reader. NSFW. He wanted to return the pleasure of course, but it turns out he was a bit smitten anyway. They actually get around to discussing the book.
Word count: 4.5k. Yes, for real.
Tags & CWs: Soft Miche, Reader is bad at feelings, humor, cussing, saliva, fingering, cunnilingus, PIV, self-indulgent af.
If you're here for just the smut, it's in the final quarter of this 😅
Part 2
I look up after finishing the last pages of the unusual book. Miche’s still napping on his back, nude, left hand on his chest. His large window gets the setting sun, and damn, my view is unbeatable. Of the man, not the window.
The last of the brassy evening sunlight lays across his legs, revealing lines in his hair from the constant rub of gear straps, but it reveals more bruises I missed earlier. There’s an older greenish one on his upper left arm like he slammed into something. Curious, I stand for a closer inspection, fully aware of how fucking weird it is to watch someone sleeping. There’s a fresh bruise across his lower shins and a long slash on his outer calf, edges dimpled from stitches.
He needs to hydrate after training and this evening’s fun, so I scoot the chair to make noise and gauge how deeply he’s out. His legs shift, so I place my palm on his shoulder with a soft, “Hey, Miche.”
What am I doing?This is too personal, and I shouldn’t be here. However, if it’s possible for such a large man to be this adorable, then he’s the perfect example when he stretches, eyes fluttering open, and grinning up at me.
Fucking hell.
His eyes focus on the cup of water in my hand, and he slides his legs off of the bed to sit up and chug it, a couple of drops running down his neck and over his collarbone to drip onto the bed. It takes everything in me to not jump back into that bed when I meet his sleepy gaze.
“I finished the book.” Gotta get the hell out of here before whatever comes next.
“I noticed.” He studies me for a few seconds before reaching for my hand tucked under my elbow. “You good?” We were here two hours ago, with afternoon sunshine, existing on a different world, and now I’m stepping back when his fingertips graze mine.
I set the plate of food next to him on the bed. “Brought this if you’re hungry. I know you Section Commanders always have a ton of shit to do, so I’m gonna head out.”
He makes no move to eat, and I feel his eyes on me when I start pulling on my boots, stomach in a knot over potentially offending him. He’s been around long enough, so surely he’ll understand, right? There’s no way he’s as soft as he was earlier.
“Nah, I’m caught up, and we’ll have the next few weeks free to recuperate and plan.”
I nod, focusing on tying my laces.
“Yeah, yeah. I know what you’re doing but how about staying?”
The floor creaks when he stands, and I have to look; he’s backlit by the waning sunset, and I shamelessly drink in the scene, taking in everything from his hair to the glorious swell of his chest to his thighs to-
“’m going for an overdue shower. You’re welcome to make yourself comfortable, if you decide to stay.” I watch him pull on his dirty pants, stuffing himself in before doing the zipper, and it’s too intimate seeing something so mundane and personal. Goddamnit. I growl curses while taking off my boots, and he wraps me in this hug that keeps chiseling away at my hesitation.
“You sound like your captain cussing under your breath like that,” he mumbles against the top of my head. “But I’m glad to see your shoes by the door again.” Glad you’re staying. He hugs me tighter, clinging. I run through a dozen scenarios in my head, including being love-bombed at the present moment; his way with me is almost too familiar. I’d asked around before really considering thinking about him and got nothing negative.
“I’ll think about staying for a bit. Besides, we still have book club,” I finally say. “Especially since you’ll smell fresh. Not like cum and sweat.” He beams at my answer and leaves with this silly open-mouthed smile.
I light two of his lamps to browse his bookshelves, starting with the portraits while hoping he takes his time in case I change my mind. The first is of who I assume are his parents. Miche has his mother’s coloring and eyes, his father’s nose and brow. He has two portraits of them, the other larger and more recent. Beside this one is an oval painting of three children: one who’s clearly Miche with his sister and brother. Their brother looks like he’s the baby and takes after their father with his darker hair and youthful brown eyes. Miche seems to be eldest, and he and his sister favor each other. I’m tickled over how adorable Miche was with his childish bowlcut and chubby cheeks.
There’s not much order to his books, maybe a loose grouping by topic. I pull one about insects, deciding to say fuck the worrying for now. It’s not like we’ve never lost anything, and I’m fearing too far ahead anyway.
Miche comes in after tapping on his own door while I’m comparing illustrations of butterflies in the book at his desk. I turn to see his wide eyes on me like he’s surprised I’m still here.
“Hey, Sweetness.”
Sweetness. I’m not a pet name person. He leans over me with a hum and braces his palm on the desk to see which book I have, close but not uncomfortably so.
“Hey, uh,” I start. Oh, I’m nervous. “I don’t want you to think my hesitation was because of you, in a negative way.”
He rests his chin on my shoulder, and his stomach growls. I’m about to tell him to sit and eat, but he says in a quiet voice, “I’ve been wanting to talk to you basically since you started.”
“Crush at first sight?”
He chuckles and sits on his bed with the plate. “Do people our age still call it a crush?”
I have absolutely no response as the word mistake lurks on the edge of my thoughts. He’s serious. “Oh, shit. Shit. I’m very flattered, but...”
“Too risky, right? Getting attached or something.”
“Exactly.” There’s a slight flinch in his eyes, so I attempt humor. “Are you saying it’s too risky for me, or is it risky for you because you were crushing on me for months?”
“You goof,” he laughs. “I mean anyone getting attached is risky.”
I close the book and fully look at him. He’s grinning at me, eyes twinkling in the lamplight, and then this motherfucker says, “Feels like I caught a star or something today,” before shoving the rather big final chunk of bread in his mouth and mumbling, “But better. Real.”
Those words are from the book he lent me. The whole reason why we’re here: a fucking romance novel. His words should be too much for me, but the dopey way he’s chewing the damn bread at me makes them seem playful.
“You’re ridiculous,” I giggle. What wins here? Rationality says it’s way too fucking soon for all of this and that I need to take my leave, now. Logic reminds me that there’s nothing to lose here aside from a little rationality. Plus, he admitted to having a crush (mind-boggling).
I crawl onto the bed behind him to hide where it’ll be easier for me to open up. “I gotta admit that I don’t know what the hell to do here.” He sits still, listening while I glide my hand over his back and sides, my fingers finding remnants of previously broken ribs. “I assumed we’d just snack, talk about the book, get to know each other more after our fun. And here you are with this information and these too-sweet words.” I sweep my fingertips over his undercut, lightly scratching his scalp.
He lets my words hang, tilting his head back so I can reach more of his head. I stop to untangle his damp hair before it knots, and he breaks the silence.
“We’re both afraid.”
“Didn’t realize you are.” Fuck, I should’ve left. This is getting deep. “I like this shirt better than that thick training one. No buttons.” That gets a half-chuckle out of him. “I’m not good at this shit.”
“Don’t give a shit if you’re ‘not good at this shit.’”
I go back to scratching his head. “But I don’t know what it’s supposed to be like, just what it shouldn’t. And why now, this soon?”
“Well, Survey Corps shows you how quickly things can change, so...” he trails off with an exaggerated shrug and gives me space to think.
I do, dragging my nails over his scalp, thinking about how the character in the book longed for the comfort of being with the person he loved. Waking up next to them, sharing a pot of tea by the kitchen window on a stormy evening, splitting the last lemon poppyseed muffin.
“This,” he rasps, “this is what I want.”
“What, being petted like a horse?”
He snorts. “The intention behind it, goofy. Caring, you know? Of course, I‘ ll take being petted, too.”
“Oh, so that’s why you lent me the book. Preparing me for your confession.”
“A little, but it’s a good story. Wondered if it’d mean anything to you.”
I smooth his hair again, kissing it to soften my next blow. “You were warned that I’m bad at this. It was touching that they ended up together after everything they went through, but it felt like fantasy to me.” The fact that he hasn’t sent me on my way for my churlishness has me doubting my doubts. “Sorry.”
He sets the empty plate on his table and stretches out on his back to look up at me with those soft eyes. “Don’t be sorry; it is fantasy. Finished another book recently, also fantasy, with a character who says, ‘None of us sees more than a tiny piece of all the world, like we’re looking out a little window. I saw you through mine, and something inside me said That’s somebody you ought to know.’* I’m not asking you to marry me. Hell, I accepted long ago that’s not on my path, because every time I come back from an expedition is a fuckin’ miracle. I’m asking if you could see me from your little window, to spend time with me. To care.”
I’m speechless, replaying his words until my thoughts start to spin. Miche, I said I’m not good at this, followed by an apology. Miche, I need a lot of time, and it might not end up right, followed by an apology. This was a one-time thing. I’ll just hurt you. Probably by dying. Lets stick to books. Yeah, I have some recommendations. Yeah, I like that one-
He pokes my nose. “It’s been an hour.”
I’m an idiot. “You’re a shot of pure, beaming sunshine, you know that?”
Somehow, he wiggles closer, ribs and hip pressing against my bent knees. “I don’t but like hearing you say so.”
I sink onto his chest, easily finding a comfortable spot. Our hands comfort each other, mine moving in wide arcs over his chest, his fingers brushing through my hair, gentle as a whisper.
“I hurt the last person I was with,” I mumble against his chest. “First time in fifteen years I let someone get close like that. Or, I thought I did, because they said what hurt most was my distance.”
“Try to think about what’s going on now, the good right here.”
I groan, fighting another urge to run. “I should be pissed at you for convincing me like this.”
“You should?” he teases. “And what am I convincing you of?”
Convincing me to think about accepting someone’s care. Convincing me to allow myself to care too, instead of leaving so they can’t. “Damnit, Miche.” He knows; he’s ahead of me but has proven himself patient. “You’ll give me time, right?”
“Of course.”
“Can I tell you something else?” I don’t wait for his answer before saying it. “I thought about you bending me back over a table in the dining room and-”
“I dunno, our pants conveniently disappear, and you-” A giggle cuts me off, and I lift my head. “Mid-lunch, shove aside a squadmate’s half-eaten apple. ‘Excuse me, I’m about to get railed by my man here.’”
His giggling gets intense when he tries to speak, wheezing what sounds like, “You? And that?” We’re both breaking down over this, but he keeps trying to talk. “No one’s done that with me before.”
“Obviously. I don’t think anyone besides Oluo would appreciate it, and Erwin would probably skin us.” He’s shaking and gasping, so I cut the shit to let him settle down.
“I meant doing what you did, taking charge. Seems like I’m always expected to lead, and it feels like a performance instead of a connection.”
I shove my face against his tit. “Come on, man! Are you pussy-drunk?” This renews his laughing fit, and I’m along for the ride because he squeezes me to him. It feels good making him fall apart twice in an evening.
“Yeah.” He lets me go to wipe his eyes. “Other reasons too. But I wanna know how you knew to do that. Might have to work on my poker face.”
I tuck my hand under my chin. “You don’t have a good poker face. We’ve played.”
“Aw, hell.”
“To answer your question though, you kept looking at me during dinner with these wide eyes, like nervous or doubtful.”
“I was! Didn’t wanna make the wrong move while wishing you’d do anything to me.”
It’s still unbelievable, the things he’s saying this evening.
“Have any thoughts about me besides your naughty table one?” he asks.
“Yeah.” I grasp his shoulders to pull myself close and kiss down his long nose. “Thought about wanting to get to know you and your pretty eyes. Then I came back from that expedition to you waiting to share a book with me.” I brush my lips against his, feeling his chase mine before I give in to share a soft, lazy kiss.
“Gonna make me melt again,” he murmurs.
“You should get some sleep.” When I start scooting out of his arms to take my leave, he blocks me with his legs. “Miche, I-”
“Hm-m, stay? Please?” He pulls me back onto him.
I wake up as a warm little spoon tucked under his chin with his arms around me. It’s easy to doze like this, listening to his breath, feeling his heart against my shoulder. Until he starts snoring. I roll over under his arm, and he’s grinning already. “You snore.” The front of his hair dried slightly wonky.
“Was hoping your voice’d be the first thing I hear.” Oh, a gravelly morning voice, huh?
I tuck my feet against his legs. “So warm.”
“You kept saying that in your sleep. It was cute.”
“’s true.”
Damnit. “Hm?”
“You hungry?”
“I will be, probably go for breakfast after a shower.”
“I can wait for you.”
It’s casual, the way he offers this, like he says to me often. I prop up on my elbow, and he quickly wiggles his head under mine, blinking up at me. Sleep marks cross his cheek and temple, and I flick sleep from under his eye. The short-lived dreamy haze cracks, and my stomach sinks realizing I’ll close his door behind me and never see that afternoon light in his eyes again. Think about what’s going on now, the good right here.
I can chose to stay and feel things out, right? It’s not like we’re getting younger, and we know our days are numbered.
“Hey, we don’t have to go together. ’s okay. But you’ll come back, right? Wanna-no, need to treat you.”
Morning breath be damned, I slide my leg over his and lean in to kiss him. It’s harder to talk myself out of this, to keep myself from caring, regardless of his reminder about treating me.
“We’ll go, and yes, I’m coming back.”
Walking into the dining hall with him? Eating with him? Uneventful, except for this knowing look from my captain.
Miche and I split to handle our separate duties after breakfast with the intention of meeting in his quarters at 15:00. “Bigger bed,” I remind him when he asks if I’d prefer my quarters.
I get to his door closer to 15:30, running behind from an errand, and he opens before I can knock, standing there giving me that big goofy smile. “You made it.”
“Sorry, got stuck in a long meeting...” My thought fades when he scoops me up like I weigh nothing, lifts me to peck my lips, and lies in his side still holding me. No one has ever handled me like this, moving me at their whim in an intentional, loving way.
I curl up in his arms, playing with his hair while we wind down from our days. His brow softens, duties fading so he can exist in this reprieve. He probably sees something similar in me, because he asks, “Anything specific you like?”
“Wish I could say, but it’s more about what feels good in the moment.”
“I just wanna get my mouth and hands on you.” His words, his voice, make my head swim with how quickly they light me up.
“Yeah? What are you waiting for?”
“Those words.”
He gets me on my back, his breath behind my ear. I try to pull him closer, but he resists with a grunt against my neck. The heat of his breath makes me dizzier, and I let my hands drop from his shoulders.
“That’s it,” his whispers.
And oh, the way his large rough hands feel sliding under my shirt and over my ribs. My breath catches when his fingers brush my lower stomach. “Can we take this off?” he asks, tugging the hem of my shirt.
“Take everything.” His hands move slowly, reverently, not bothering with his own clothes before sitting between my legs and resting my thighs on his knees. “Yours?”
“In time, ‘m busy,” he whines. There’s a moment of silence while he takes me in, then he swipes his thumb over me. “Wow.”
He admires my arousal between his thumb and finger. “For me?”
“Yes,” I answer, curious, and hold in my laugh. He throws his head back and lets out a whispered howl. My face and chest burn so hot I feel another wave of chills, then he lowers his eyes, all dreamy and heavy-lidded, to find mine, and he sucks his fingers.
“All mine?”
I don’t know if he actually wants an answer, but I give one. “Yes, Miche. All yours.” His mustache curls with this eager grin, and I clarify, “For now.”
“I’ll take it.” His hands ghost over my sides and stomach again, but it’s comfortably ticklish. I close my eyes when his touch reaches my hips, and he does what I did to him—frames my groin to massage me.
I peek, seeing his jaw hanging, and he swallows when nudging the tip of one of his thumbs into me. “You’re pulling me in.”
“Give in.”
He does, making me shiver; he sees, knows that he’s earned another crack in my wall. This is why I want to maintain control. I don’t want to be known, it’s too much exposure, yet Miche somehow got past that with a goddamn book.I’m done for.
And that’s okay right now, because he withdraws his thumb and drops to his stomach, shaking the bed. His fingers rub small circles over my inner thighs, his hot, wet mouth trailing along the circles. The tickle from his mustache causes more shivering under delicious, tingling waves. I shove his pillow under my head, peering over my body at him when his tongue begins exploring.
“Fuck,” he mutters before slipping his tongue deeper and groaning. “Of course you taste this good.”
I reach to hold his hair back, quickly realizing it’s gonna take strength to not explode from the view of his face between my thighs. Those eyes meet mine...and my god, the fucking rush.
“Gonna watch?” he asks without pulling away and presses the tip of his tongue above my clit. I smile and start to answer, but he pushes his wide tongue against me and drags it down. He repeats this, increasing pressure each time. When he adds soft flicks before the even drag of his flattened tongue, my strength falters.
He pauses, eyes wide, his cheek against my thigh. “You okay?”
I breathe and ease my grip on his hair. “You almost had me there.”
“I know.” His hand leaves my thigh so he can slide a fingertip into me, and he blinks, hard, before looking to the side to release a long breath. “Oh my g-tell me when y-”
“Now.” He closes his eyes, mouth resuming his tending while he gently works his thick finger into me. Soon, he’s humming over my clit, syncing the near-agonizingly slow rhythm between his tongue and hand.
“Miche, you’re almost hitting my sweet spot, you feel it?” The pad of his finger immediately moves over it, and he adds more pressure with his tongue. My thighs squeeze his head, and I almost feel bad when I notice I’m tugging hair again. Just before I lose it, I try to ask, “Now?” but it comes out as a squeak.
“Now?” I pant.
Miche lifts his head, pulling out his finger to begin gently giving me two. He sucks in his bottom lip when I groan from the pleasurable addition, but he quickly gets his tongue back in place, fingers finding that spot again. This is all it takes. He’s moaning along with me while I ride it out, prolonging the waves with softer licks while my breathing slows.
“Wish you could see the absolutely beautiful mess I made of you,” he whispers.
“Your face gives me some kind of idea.”
“Everything was fine yesterday, right?”
“More than fine.”
“Was anything-was I uncomfortable to...”
I’d be humored if he didn’t look worried. “No. We didn’t meet all the way, but still.”
“Don’t wanna hurt you, ever.” He leans over me, and I kiss his slick nose.
“If you’re wanting me to wax poetic about your body, just say so, but it’d help if you ditch the clothes.”
“No, it’s not that.” Yeah, there’s a smile struggling under his mustache. “You’re kinda compact.”
“Be serious. You don’t need an anatomy lesson, right?” Neither of us can keep from giggling any more.
“You’re somethin’.” He hops off the bed to shuck his clothes, both of us still shaking with suppressed laughter when he eases his weight on me.
“Mhm, I’m funny.”
He starts giggling again, giving up and dropping his head against my shoulder just to whine, “Sweetness” behind my fucking ear.
“That’s gonna do me in. I think you know that.”
“Kinda the goal, huh?” he winks, shifting to kneel so he can gather my wetness to coat his cock. I think about offering to do it but don’t—it’s fucking hot watching the shine of my arousal mixed with his saliva spread over his pretty deep pink head and thick shaft, and he’s looking at me in return through his messy hair. I scoot to clamp my thighs against his hips, wink up at him, and tug him onto me.
His sighs, and I hold back the hair hanging over his forehead and eyes, revealing a few wiry white hairs that I missed yesterday. “So much beauty to see,” I murmur and slip my free hand between us, eager to finally get my hand around him.
He’s close enough for me to nock his tip, and I feel my cunt pulling at him. “You can take it from here, Miche.” But he hesitates, so I reassure him. “I’ll say if anything’s uncomfortable.”
“’ll go slow, if not for you then for myself.” He does, slowly starting to push into me before taking a timid pause, watching me for any discomfort.
“You’re good, keep going.” I spasm around him when he pushes further, and I get lost in everything, his weight, his scent, the taste of his skin. And it’s all intensified by the way he’s watching me, pausing with his cock partially buried before dragging his hips back to utter a pinched groan while giving me more with his next slow push. I float in pleasure, mumbling encouraging words, and soon our groins meet. He stops here to kiss me, and feeling his tongue against mine, tasting him, makes my cunt squeeze him.
“That’s gonna-”
“Take a break when you need to.”
He does, pulling out to press his cock head to my clit. “Wanna last long enough to feel you cum on my dick.”
“Think about the ODM straps on your feet.” He nods at that, rubbing against me. “Hey Miche? ‘m all yours right now. Don’t forget.”
“Fuckin’ couldn’t.”
I shake when he slides back in with a sighed moan. “Feel how easy that was?” He tries an experimental thrust. “Like that, yeah.”
He puts his forehead to mine, keeping his slow pace. “Shit.”
I want to take over, directed by the close sound of his breath straining around his little grunts, but focus on his eyes and accept. When my my legs start shaking around his waist, I think Damn, I should do this more often.
Miche’s weak voice against my ear asks, “W-where? Can’t-mmph-longer” and sends me hurtling toward breaking.
“Where you are or on me,” I manage to answer before hearing my own loud sob while my body releases, clinging to his closed-mouth whimpering and scratch of his beard against my shoulder.
A mashed-up string of curses before he utters, “It’s-”
“Yeah?” His noises pause as he lifts his head from my shoulder, a string of drool from his chin to my shoulder. “Do it, Miche.”
Staying where he is, he fights to keep his eyes open, mouth offering gratitude between his spasms while I feel his release as though it’s mine before he collapses on me.
We breathe, while the sun shifts to pour more light through the windows. He wipes the sweat on my forehead, and when our eyes focus, I realize my mistake: I’m about to receive a shower of affection.
It comes in the form of probably a hundred actual smooches all over my face, ears, neck, shoulders, tits. I’m a giggling puddle by the time he stops to press my palms against his fuzzy cheeks and say, “You were ready to run outta here yesterday evening.”
The sun’s glow catches in his eyes. “Yeah.”
“How ‘bout now?”
“Couldn’t if I wanted to with you on top of me,” I tease and pinch at the apples of his cheeks. “But I don’t want to.”
*Reference: Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree
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scoops404 · 15 days
↻ dream for honestly any part of anagnorosis
↻FLIP FLOP:send me a scene from one of my fics and I’ll describe or write it from another character’s POV!
Under the cut!
He knows before the call comes through that it's not good news. Truthfully, he's had a plane ticket in his cart for the last twenty minutes just ready to push pay while he waits to hear from Sapnap. It's just--there's something wrong. George has been blowing hot and cold, endlessly needy and shameless about it and then closed off and tight lipped, but they've always done well with distance. And this time, the distance has been good for them. They've been talking more in the last two weeks than they have since before they hooked up.
It's been... well, it's been alarming in some ways because Dream sees the parallels to the last time they were like this--the last time in London when George was majorly depressed but wouldn't accept it or talk about it or do anything but the exact directions Dream would give him in order to stay alive: eat, shower, sleep, work.
Maybe he shouldn't have gone to LA. Maybe he should have stayed and forced George to talk to him. But he knows how George gets when he thinks he's cornered. It's one step forward and ten steps back.
"Dream," Sapnap says when he picks up. "Bro, you gotta--it's bad. You gotta come home."
"Nick, what's--what's wrong?" Dream asks, and then a sick feeling comes over him. He can hear a siren in the background and he just knows that it's George. "Did he--did he hurt himself?"
"No," Sapnap says quickly, he sounds a bit distracted. "No, he didn't. He--but he's hurt. I found him in his bathroom unconscious."
"Nick?" Dream says and--oh god, his voice is--he can hear how raw he sounds. He feels like a child again--no control over the situation and on the other side of the country from his--from the love of his life. From George, who needs him.
God, he's been so stupid.
"Come home," Sapnap says with authority in his voice. For once, Dream listens to it. "I'm going with him to the hospital. I'll keep you updated."
"Okay," Dream says and hangs up. He presses purchase and then he pulls up his Uber app. There's no time.
He pays for inflight wifi so that he can get and respond to Sapnap's sporadic texts. Dream also sends his mom over to the hospital, a tearful phone call in the Uber that he hopes no one ever leaks.
Five hours. He has to be on this plane for five hours while George--while George is in pain. Unconscious. What could have caused him to pass out? Dream's brain jumps from undiagnosed brain tumor to cancer to an intruder in their home to low blood sugar from now eating enough. He keeps himself off of reddit, off of webMD because that's--for once he knows that's not helpful. He can't watch any movies, he can't listen to music. He just sits there, rawdogging it, mind spinning over and over and trying to keep the panic at bay.
What would he even do in a world without George?
When the plane lands, Dream's not embarrassed about pushing and shoving to the front of the line to deplane. he has no carryon, no bag to pick up in baggage claim, he's going to sprint to the uber line and then go straight to the hospital.
Panting in the back of the Uber, he finds a text from his mom saying the doctors won't talk to her or Sapnap, but she thinks they'll talk to him. Sapnap told them something that means they'll share info with Dream, and he wants to give Sapnap the biggest hug in the world when he sees him. Fuck, he's a bad liar but his friend comes through when it counts.
"Good luck, man," the Uber driver says when Dream jumps out of the car. Maybe picking someone up at the airport and dropping them at the hospital is a glaring sign that the person in your backseat isn't doing all that well. Dream thanks him perfunctorily.
His mom finds him at the front door and brings him to the nurse station to explain who he is.
"Ah, the father," she says sagely and then starts pulling him into a room.
He turns to ask his mother what the nurse means and her eyes are tearful, a sad smile on her face and he realizes--oh. He's the father.
He's someone's father?
George is here and Dream is a father and that means...
He's never been great at math, not like George, not on tests or theoretical things that don't matter. But this? He can do that math.
"We need to know your son's name," the nurse says in a no nonsense tone and Dream almost blacks out.
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deceasedream69 · 2 years
The book
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Warnings: none.
Summary: Books, jet, sleep. enjoy.
This case was tough. I just wanted to get into my bed and sleep for 24 hours straight. But first, we gotta get to quantico, great.
The flight was getting long and I was bored. And Spencer noticed this and went to sit next to me.
-"I've brought some books if you're bored", he smiled sleeply. I smiled back and turned to look at him. His cute little face, with his cute little nose and his cute sparkly eyes.
-"what do you have? And before you say anything, I do judge a book by its cover"
He laughed and got all his books out. He had five books.
-"hmmm, I don't know, this one seems boring, this one's too long, but maybe I can borrow it another day" I smiled.
-"it's your choice, I already read them all".
-"Of course you did", I said without taking my eyes off the books. "I'll take this one". it was the shortest, and it sounded interesting. He nodded and grabbed another one from inside his backpack.
-"You didn't offered them all"
-"I knew you weren't going to like this, and I'm also bored, so...", he opened the book and started reading, and so did I.
Spencer's pov
I cracked my neck, slowly, y/n's head was on my shoulder and I didn't want to interrupt her reading.
-"don't worry, genius, she's asleep", said Derek laughing tiredly.
-"wha...", I wanted to check but my neck wouldn't reach. But it was obvius since the book was closed in her hand.
I sighed and continued to read. I found it so cute that she tried to read but failed and fell asleep... on my shoulder. I hid my face in the book so my red cheeks wouldn't be so obvious.
I've liked her for a while now, but... dating, it just wasn't my strong. And I doubt I was her type.
After a while the plane arrived. And I had to wake her up.
-"Hey... " I shook her shoulder a little. "we're home"
-"mmm?" she said still sleepy, making me smile.
-"we're home, let's go"
She lifted her head and placed her hand on her mouth.
-"omg, I'm so sorry", she said, making me confused.
She got a handkerchief from her purse and started to clean my shoulder. Apparently neither she or I noticed when she opened her mouth and drooled all over my shoulder. I laughed at her cuteness.
-"Fuck, I'm so sorry, Spence, I promise it won't happen again, damn..."
-"calm down, why are making such a big deal over nothing?", I smiled.
-"cause you hate germs, this is disgusting, I just... here's your book", she said picking it up from the table.
-"you can keep it until you finish it"
-" thanks..." she said shyly.
I smiled and we exit the jet.
*a few weeks later*
-"hey Spence", she sat on my desk.
-"Hey" I smiled.
-"Here", she turned around, "it's your book, but, you should check it home, there are some pages that don't make sense, maybe cause the book's a little old and some bits are missing"
Before I could disagree she walked away. I was confused cause the last time I read it, it was fine. I just placed the book back into my desk. I'll check on it later.
-"Goodnight Spence!", y/n said goobye and I smiled and waved. I haven't finished, but I was closed from finishing, just a few more things and I can go home. But seeing her reminded me of what she said about my book, and my curiosity was killing me.
I took the book out and started to quickly read through it, there was nothing wrong.
I was almost finishing the book, and still nothing... Maybe she was sleepy when she read it. I was about to put it back but decided to read it all, just to make sure.
And when I got to the last page, I froze.
"I think you're really cute, are you in for a date? xoxo", written on the last blank page, with black ink. I could easily recognize the handwriting.
My heart started to beat fast, I could feel my cheeks burning and my hands were sweaty, should I say yes?
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Hi about my ask for carer howdy and little villain reader it’s ok to add headcannons to it sorry I couldn’t respond sooner!
Howdy + little reader
TW- a little bit of cursing in the beginning but that's it
Angst but fluff at the end
Cg- Howdy
Little- Reader (2)
Mentioned - Poppy
“Y/n your jokes arent funny anymore ok, your getting on everyones nerves right now”. Howdy says in a very annoyed tone. You and Howdy where on the phone bickering for about 10 minutes all because you wouldn’t stop prank calling the neighbors all week.
You cursed, “Well I’m fucking sorry that i just wanted to have a laugh every once and a while”. “Well it not every once and i while, ITS EVERY FRICKING DAY”. Howdy was getting realy annoyed at this point, like, REALLY annoyed. He felt bad for yelling but he had to say something. “Listen y/n, im sorry for yelling but, you need to calm down for a bit”. Howdy stated trying to calm himself down. “Listen Y/n i gotta go, I’ve got “Wally” stealing apples again”.
(Howdy hangs up)
Tears prickled your eyes as you placed the phone back down. A small stream of tears came down as the hiccuped slightly. You got up off the chair you where sitting on and headed to your room. You then brought out a small F/c box, opened it and grabbed a F/c pacifier. You then slipped it into your mouth and grabbed a small bee stuffy and hugged it tight. You lay on the floor silently crying yourself to sleep.
(Time skip to a week ish)
“Hello Poppy”. ”Hello dear, say, have you heard from Y/n lately, they haven’t done there “daily” prank call for a week”. Poppy states sounding quite concerned. No matter what the person has done, she will alway be concerned if something is off. “I mean, I did kinda go off on them before about the pranks”. Howdy rubs his neck while putting some fruits away. “WHAT! You know how sensitive they are”. “Yeah but-”. “No buts. You better go over to Y/n’s house and apologize to Y/n”. Poppy demands. “I- yes ma'am”.
Howdy finishes closing the shop and heads to Y/n’s house. “Now to see if Y/n is still alive”. He walks up to your door and knocks. “Y/n? Hay uuu- sorry about earlier, but, I just wanted to check up on you since, you haven't done any pranks”. “Well I guess your busy right now, I'll come back later tomorrow”. *glass shatters from inside*. There's a slight cry coming from inside. ”Y/N”!! Howdy yells opening the door. “Everything ok-”? Howdy says with wide eyes. He sees you curled up on the kitchen floor crying and panicking while there seems to be a glass jar shattered. “Hay, hey, it's just an accident, you ok”. Howdy says in a very calm tone pushing the glass out of the way. “Y/n please look at me”. You look up at Howdy with tears streaming down your face hiccuping. Howdy is at shock by seeing you sucking on a (F/c) pacifier but then calms down when he realizes that you're a little. “Hay bud, can you tell me how old you are”. Just by hearing him realize that your little you kinda calmed down. *You hold up 2 fingers*. “Aww your so little”. Howdy picks you up and cradles you in his arms. He starts walking to your living room and sits down on the couch. The tears start to stop so all you guys are are small sniffles. “I'm sorry about last week, I was having a bad day and I really didn't mean to take it out on you, do you forgive me”. Howdy looks down to see filing with the paci clip. “Non-verbal”? *you shake your head yes as You slowly close your eyes*. “Awww, sleepy little one”. After a minute or two he hears small quiet snores coming from you. “good night little one, sleep well.”
I'm sooo sorry this took forever to do. I have SATs and finals going on.
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(Maybe a bit too much complex ? You’ll tell me)
Kaede had enough~! Ever since kokichi somehow convinced tsumugi AND the headmaster that his new uniform should be a ultra lewd playboy bunny costumes that accentuates way too much his twink but ultra cute yet strong body, his immense boy butt, and his crotch! Not only that but he’s been bothering everyone! The number of spanks he gave to the other fat ass femboy (Shuichi) friend of Kaede that embarass him on a daily basis, the way he sometime gets behind Kaede and "hug" her pressing her (admitedly massive even if hidden behind a sweater) boobs, the time he mixt an aphrodisiac in everyone’s water just before an exam!… she will convince him to end his lewd pranks! … what the naive ultra thicc bimbo bod pianist didn’t realized was that 1) it was kokichi, a VERY good manipulator especially for airheads like Kaede 2) is lust is way bigger than that~
Basically they make a deal that he stops bothering everyone IF she hangs with him every day and "play" with him every night for a week~!
Basically a 7 day/step corruption, at the end Kaede is completely kokichi’s bimbo bitch, she gets sluttier as the corruption progress, and they do lewder and lewder acts.
I don’t remember but I Think NTR is one of your top stuff, so you can put some here BUT it has to end well, like Shuichi being also a fat ass ultra hung twink just way more submissive than kokichi, so under kokichi impulse and manipulation he joins at some point. (Or not)
If a 7 part corruption is too complicated for you you can tone it done to 5, 3, or heck even 1 and turning it into an instant lost if you’re not in the mood for that, it’s fine!
Warning: lewd content below
Day 0:
“So you gotta let him sleep in your room for a week?” Shuichi questioned his best friend as they were having breakfast together in his room. The pianist nodded, seemingly frustrated at the situation. “I mean hey, if it gets him to change out of the playboy bunny clothes can't be that bad, right?”
“Of course it's that bad! It's about the principal of the matter, Shuichi! That little bastard can't keep doing whatever the hell he wants. I swear, after these 7 days I'm putting in a notice for him to be suspended.” Kaede was fuming. Shuichi had never heard the blonde so angry before. He placed his hand on her shoulder to help calm her down, a gesture she seemed to appreciate as she began to smile. It was just one week, how bad could it be?
Day 1:
“So how was last night?” Shuichi questioned Kaede, who blushed at the mere mention of the night before.
“Ah well, y'know.” Kaede seemed embarrassed. “I think I was a little too harsh on him.”
She nodded. “I thought he was gonna prank me or do something weird to me, but no. All he did was sleep normally. In fact, I was being a jerk to him, making fun of his night terrors and all.”
“Night terrors?” Shuichi questioned. He never heard Kokichi bring up those before.
“Yeah, they're pretty bad. Normally he clings onto a big stuffed animal or something to help calm him down, but there wasn't anything like that in my room. So he just clung into me.” Shuichi was about to raise an objection, but Kaede cut him off before he could get the words out. “But he wasn't being mean! He didn't play any pranks or pull any cheap tricks. He just…hugged me tightly. It was…I dunno, nice I guess? Still don't like him, but it was refreshing to see a human side to him.”
“Maybe that's why he wanted to sleep in your room? To find a way to tell you.”
“Maybe.” Kaede thought, reflecting on last night. Until suddenly, her face became beet red as she remembered something else. “But uhh, the funniest thing happened while we were sleeping. Apparently, I need new pajamas, because the buttons totally busted while we were sleeping. So I woke up to find Kokichi motorboating my boobs, hahaha….” Kaede sheepishly recalled as both she and Shuichi felt the embarrassment.
“Y-yeah that's…certainly awkward.”
“Y-yup, what are the chances, right?”
Day 2:
Shuichi and Kaede ate breakfast together in silence. Normally there'd be a lively conversation between the two of them, but for some reason Kaede was dead silent. Shuichi, sensing something was wrong, tried to break the ice. 
“Soooo…how’s been sleeping with Koki-”
“I saw him jerk off yesterday.” 
“H-HUH?!?!” Shuichi nearly fell out of his chair upon hearing what she said. He grabbed his own seat as he stared at her with intensity. “What the hell are you saying?!?”
“I-it wasn't on purpose!” She defended. “I guess he just…forgot to lock the bathroom door. I-I only saw it for a second though. After that I ran to the bed and pretended nothing happened.” Shuichi sighed in relief, grateful his friend wasn't a complete degenerate. Kaede sighed as well, for an entirely different reason.
“H-hey!” Kaede opened the bathroom door to find Kokichi jerking himself off. However, before she could reprimand him, he finished, shooting his thick semen which splashed directly into her pajamas, face, and of course, her bare tits that her broken pajamas failed to cover. 
“Don't blame me, I need to do this. My nightmares get reeeaaalllly bad if I don't empty my balls before bed.” Kokichi nonchalantly explained. Kaede merely humphed at his response, before her eyes widened. He still wasn't flaccid. Kokichi smirked. “Yeah, typically one nut doesn't do it for me. I need to go for a whiiiiile.” 
“T-that’s nice, but w-what am I going to do?” Kaede angrily complained, as her and her clothes were still soaked in Kokichi's cum.
“Go shower. Don't worry, I won't peek. I'll just be dealing with this before bed.” Kokichi spoke slyly. “Unless you want me to jerk off on your bed instead?”
Kaede balled her fists before stripping out of her now ruined clothes. Kokichi was going to pay for this. She stood naked in front of the boy, who stared at her while he jerked off. Something about him looking at her with such list driven eyes while touching his big…no! Not today.
Kaede practically ran into the shower and drew the curtains. She turned on the hot water and worked to scrub all of Kokichi off of her. She stared at his silhouette through the curtains. He kept true to his word and did not peek but…did his dick really need to be that big?
That night, a naked Kaede slept with Kokichi. He clung to her chest seemingly tighter than the night before. She huffed. He was so getting reported after the week was over. She just needed to remain pure until then.
Day 3:
“We're not going to eat together anymore?” Shuichi repeated dumbly, confused by Kaede's sudden change of heart. “Why? Not that I'm mad but, weren't you the one who wanted to eat in my room with me?” 
“I-its not you! It's just…Kokichi had methods to help him mitigate his nightmares and…he wants me to help him with them during the morning.” Kaede sheepishly admitted. “S-so I'll be doing that now. But only for the next few days! After that he gets suspended and we'll go back to normal.”
“Well, you're your own person so, can't really fault you for that. Just, try not to take him too seriously. He may have issues, but he's still a jackass at heart.” The boy swore uncharacteristically. Not that Shuichi disliked Kokichi (okay, he definitely did), but even he could see that something fishy was happening. Kaede nodded her head before digging back into her food. She ate with her hands, which was a fine but a little messy cause of the sauce-
Wait a minute.
“Kaede, there's something on your hands.” He pointed out while Kaede froze. “It seems like some type of…white liquid?” 
“A-ah! Yeah, that's just…white sauce from last night.”
“Last night!?! What on earth did you do then!?”
“W-well Kokichi asked me to jerk his…j-jerk his…jerk his bottle of white sauce! He was trying to have some last night and the bottle wasn't dispensing it, and I guess some got on me without realizing it.”
“Oh, okay. That makes sense.” Shuichi realized. I mean, there wasn't anything else that could be on her fingers, right? “Was the bottle broken or something?”
“N-no, it was just…really big. A lot bigger than you’d think. I mean I saw it before and I was like ‘wow’ but once it's in your hands it's even more like…‘wow!’. Can't believe he just has that. And it was so messy too. Like he could've been a gentleman and offered to clean me up but noooo. He even seemed to like it when it got on my face and chest. Ugh! He's the worst. He even got some in my mouth.”
“Did it taste good?”
“The white sauce.” Shuichi explained. “I heard some recipes even include things like eggplant or heavy cream depending on the purpose. So, was it good?” 
“O-oh, uhm. I-it was whatever I guess.” Kaede blushed, but Shuichi knew her for too long for her to hide things from him. He chuckled to himself. She definitely loved it. 
Day 4:
“Hey Kaede!” Shuichi called out to his friend in the hallway. Kaede jumped a bit, before quickly waving back at Shuichi. She pulled down the hem of her skirt as the boy ran up to her. 
“Hey Shuichi…how's it going?”
“Eh, the usual I guess. How about you? Kokichi any easier to manage?” 
“O-oh!” Kaede's expression changed when Shuichi brought up Kokichi's name. She rubbed her thighs against each other and blushed. She broke eye contact with Shuichi and stared at the ground, trying to recall…something. Her face grew even more red before she answered. “W-well to tell the truth he's been a bit…wild as of late. He's been keeping me up super later into the night with his…before bedtime habits. I get he has issues sleeping without it but…fuck.~”
“H-huh?” Shuichi gasped at Kaede's uncharacteristic swear/moan. Kaede clapped her mouth shut before responding.
“S-sorry, I've just been really tired as of late because of him. Don't even have control over myself anymore…hahaha.” Kaede's statement was more accurate than Shuichi or even herself could've known. But to quickly cut off a curious Shuichi, she removed herself from the conversation. “I need to go, Ko-i m-mean Ms. Kirigiri needs me for some help. Bye Shuichi!” 
“That was weird.” Shuichi spoke to himself as his friend ran off. “I get that she's tired, but who moans when they don't get enough sleep? Oh well, I mean, all ultimates are a bit eccentric so I guess it's not the weirdest thing that's happened here.” 
Day 5:
“Heeeeey Shumai!” Kokichi called out to Shuichi this time, as they were the only two in the dorm room lobby. They rarely speak, but for some reason, Kokichi is convinced that he and Shuichi “have a lot more in common than he knows.” 
“What's up Kokichi?”
“Noooothing much. Just looking to have some dude time. A true man to man talk. A bro-down hoedown. A slightly homo rodeo. A-”
“Just say what's on your mind.” Shuichi sighed, already exhausted before the conversation even began. 
“I'm just trying to act like dudes with you man. I feel like we lack that strong male bond between us. Talking about cars, screaming about sports, acting only a little gay in the locker room, bragging about not sex partners, the complete guy package.” 
“I don't want your package Kokichi.”
“Pffft, nonsense! You just haven't had proper guy time with me yet. Check this out~.” Kokichi shows a video of what looks like a blonde babe bent over, getting fucked by a shocking large cock. She was completely naked, aside from the pair of white panties pushed to the side of her phat jiggly ass. Her face wasn't visible, but a muffled voice could vaguely be made out, screaming Kokichi's name like a pornstar. 
“K-kokichi! Is…is this real?” Shuichi asked, curiosity and lust getting the better of him. 
“Of course it is! I really lucked out finding a girl like this. She was a little reluctant at first, but she ended up being a bonafide slut! I knew I picked right with her.”
“Who is she?” 
“Hey, Shuichi, if we're going to be bros that means you gotta respect the bro code. You can't ask me things like that.” Annoyingly Kokichi stood up with a cheeky grin. It was obvious from the start he only wanted to tease Shuichi using this information. “I'll see you later, Shumai! Let's have some more bro time later, okay?” 
Day 6:
“And then he says he was looking forward to spending more ‘bro time’ with me. Can you believe that?” Shuichi ranted about Kokichi to Kaede, who was busy looking under the desk for the pencil that she dropped at the start of class. He conveniently left out the part about the pornography he was shown, as he still had fantasies about that mysterious blonde woman.
“Ah, well, I don't think Master was in the wrong there.” 
“I said I don't think Kokichi was in the wrong there. She responded, not bothering to get up from looking. “I think you just need to be more open to him.”
“Yeah right, he's a complete- KAEDE!” Shuichi was caught off guard, nearly getting the two caught in the middle of class. For the first time he looked down to talk to Kaede, however while he did expect to find her still searching for her pencil, he never thought he'd see her bare ass! “W-where the hell are your panties?!?” 
“Oh, those. Kokichi and I were talking the other day, and he brought up the point on how tight my panties must feel, and told me to start going without them. And I feel much, much better. See.” Kaede stood up, and without a hint of shame, flicked up her skirt for Shuichi to get a face full of her phat ass. 
“K-Kaede. Put that down. He's just trying to trick you!” Shuichi pulled her skirt back down to normal, causing the pianist to pout.
“Trick me? Why would he do that? I think you're the one that’s tricked Shuichi. You don't understand why I love Master the way I do.”
“What on earth are you- wait….” Shuichi paused to think for a moment. The video, Kaede's attitude, Kokichi sleeping with her. It was technically possible, but did he really manage to-
His train of thought was cut off as Kaede scotched closer to him, rubbing his cock with her fingers as she whispered in his ear. “Master ordered me to take care of you, so he's willing to share his toys with you if you don't talk. What do you say, Shumai?~”
Day 7:
“F-fuck.” Shuichi moaned as Kaede sucked his cock. She looked up at him with mini hearts in her eyes, her brain completely rotted by sex. Behind her, Kokichi spread her ass cheeks apart, sliding in his giant bitch corrupting cock inside of her. She moaned into Shuichi’s dick, sucking it even harder now that she was being fucked from behind. 
“I told you Shumai, you and I should definitely spend more time together. After all, we have so much in common~.” Immediately after his taunt, Kokichi and Shuichi came inside of Kaede, filling up their shared pocket slut together.
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