#gotta respect them serving looks while going thru the worst time of their lives
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bumblesimagines · 1 year ago
they don't know but when they release bridgerton and hotd material in the same day, the bumbleimagines fandom sighs in relief and respect
im waiting for vikings valhalla to be the last nail on the coffin
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chargetheintruder · 4 years ago
So I got my 1st shot today.
That being of the Pfizer/Bio-NTech COVID-19 vaccine:
And that was the information I acted on last night.  I just needed to find out a) if the thing did ANYTHING against the South African variant (it seems to so far, versus not being vaccinated at all), and b) why exactly this virus seems to wreck your health so deeply (spike protein seems to cut blood vessels and capillaries all over the place as it infects the host).
Sp last night I set an appointment for this afternoon.  And I got there actually, made myself do it and got it to work.  The vaccine at the local Walgreens was the most pleasant part of my day so far.  Seriously, I didn’t even feel the 1st shot, and the only side effects I have so far are some occasional blurry vision, and occasional dizziness.  Arm’s not even sore.  I’m sure that’ll change.
It’s a pity then that the rest of my plans for the day, plans A and B, were solidly ruined and near-ruined, respectively.  Trigger warning: Rage-ass rage-quitting, somewhat, ahead.  (or not so much: Edits out the wazoo ahead)
I had originally planned to buzz by the local Mickey D’s to snag a burger or two as a reward for doing the vaccine--getting a semi-hot burger to take home, fries to heat in the microwave.  That was all I wanted to do.  Their SIGN up top where drivers can see it said “Lobby OPEN for Carry-out Orders” so I thought I was good to go.
I wasn’t.  The doors were locked.  So I went around to the drive-thru, yes, on foot, after checking traffic, NO CARS were nearby or present even..  And I still, STILL got told by the, the worker at the window that “We only serve cars, you gotta be in a car to get things here.”  I looked at him like he was stupid because the doors were locked in spite of the sign.  He was all like “It’s not me it’s what the manager said” and all that.  Bullshit.  Yeah.
The joke that’s my life gets better, and my day gets worse.  Plan B--hit up a nearby charitable shop and mini-grocery store.  Get burgers there, maybe a bag of store-brand potato chips and some drinks.  Not the greatest but technically it is “cheeseburger” and “potato”.  Just cheap and low-grade.
I get to the cashier and there’s issues with my debit card and the chip-reader AND the magnetic strip reader at his cashier’s deck.  I try not to snap--it’s a charity and he’s likely a volunteer but he insinuates I don’t have money.  I’m baffled but the insult just pushed me over the edge.  So I go to the ATM, it’s NEW, it WORKS with my card, I’ve NEVER had problems with it.  I still don’t.  It’s 12 feet away literally.  But no, I have to have my goods “paused”, and then have to wait to hand him a fresh 20, show him my ATM receipt and balance and THEN tell him in no uncertain terms “this pandemic’s going to let up soon and then what?  When your equipment goes bonk and/or you guys do, what are you going to hide behind them?” Look, I’m not a company or agency, I’m ME.  One guy with a ruined life and mostly trashed health, I’m pent-up, stressed out as fuck, dealing with WAY more social isolation than I was ever supposed to deal with while still living here “in town” if on the edge of it.  I have a confirmed mood disorder, on meds for that.  Confirmed urinary/prostate issues, on meds for that.  On meds for “blood pressure” because people look for excuses to sedate you in this town if you’re presenting as male.  Okay, that was a cheap shot, technically I am morbidly obese/overfat (by BMI, thanks pandemic weight gain)  and could pop a vein or something.  That’s not the point.
Point is, people are jerks to me, acting on behalf of some monstrosity when I am only acting for ME and then they look at me like I’m the worst asshole ever when I snap?  A little?  The fuck?  The pandemic isn’t going to be forever (mostly, another rant) and when DO I get to stand up for myself and not get blown off, ran away from and treated like a second-class citizen?  When do I get ANY of my life back?  Any?  Of my life back?  ANY at all? Look, you’ve gotten as rid of me as you possibly can.  And seriously?  Yes, I’m being unreasonable--woe betide he who keeps a fat bitch from his cheeseburger I guess, *lol*--but I’m literally and actually ONE PERSON being unreasonable.  Whole entire agencies and corporations are being unreasonable and unkind to me, making excuses worse than what I’d make to get fired from a job on purpose.  ALL OF YOU ARE PUNCHING WAY WAY DOWN TO GET TO ME, AND THEN YOU GET UPSET WHEN I GET ANGRY ABOUT IT.  What even is my life?  What even is society with this virus?
And no, I have no car, no smartphone, none of the signs that I’m entitled to anything and/or creditworthy.  So really, your apps and your privilege logic isn’t parsing with me.  You’ve all proven to me (today, recently and for the past 2 1/2 years) that I’m a nobody and that you’ll never let me have ANYTHING ever again.
But you’d begrudge me a real cheeseburger?  You’d hate me for wanting French Fries for the first time since March 2020?  Really?  Those things bring me CLOSER to death and your Gloat Party, you know?  =))  Edit: Lots of offensive and irrelevant rabble-rabble bitch-bitch snipped.  Not because I’m not allowed to be angry or upset ever--all rumors to the contrary notwithstanding--but because seriously, what the world needs now, is not another white asshole going off on everything over a few little things.  You got that one.  Now when I can I go get some fries (I miss those) and semi-decent cheeseburger?  For real.
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