#gotta practise looking at social things hehe
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miusmusings · 1 year ago
So, I don't know how to begin this post. Let me start by saying that this is only a personal social observation (gotta use my major somewhere), based on what I've seen in the school shipping culture around me. (Pls keep me out of shipping discourse, ty.)
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So, the entire ep was a kick in the gut, and it's tackling issues which are very, very personal to me, even rn when I'm in college. bullying, ragging, classism, institutional prestige... as if I'm not getting enough of drama, politics n media irl
But anyway, I'm not gonna go into those rn. Instead, I want to write a bit about this—shipping in schools.
I don't know how much this happens in the western school systems, but in the part of the world where I am, aka in South Asia, 'shipping' people (keeping it in quotes cause no one actually uses the particular term), starts at school.
No one teaches it to you, to be honest. But when two students of the opposite cisgender are close with each other, share their lunches/food/tiffin, then whispers start around the class. The reason for this closeness may be that they just vibe together, or their parents are friends, or sometimes they are actually in relationships/like each other.
From what I've seen in my (and a few other schools I had friends from), it usually starts as early as first grade? Back then even holding hands were scandalous And it doesn't really matter if the 'shipped' persons are popular or pretty or not, it can happen between any people who are a little close. Or if one side likes the other (which may be stated publicly or to friends).
Of course, it typically only happens with two people of the opposite cis genders, though as you go up in grades/classes, the scope of shipping friends/peers go into plenty other directions, too.
A lot of the times, it just turns out to be friendships, but I've personally seen people who are shipped get together too. And then there were a few instances where two people purposely promoted their 'ship' because they wanted to get close to the other person's friend in a very roundabout way. Is high school normally like this or is my school just????
So anyway, shipping people who are your friends/peers is considered normal around here. A thing to laugh and chat about with your friends (who can be the shipped ppl too), shout in the hallways, make silly doodles on etc. Of course, this can take a dangerous turn any second—many guardians do not approve of their children getting into relationships (real or otherwise) in schools, many people who are 'shipped' feel uncomfortable with the whole thing (though they in turn participate in shipping others), and of course there's the ever present chance of stalking, invasion of privacy, rivalry etc
School shipping is also a gradual process of socialisation involving love, romance, attraction, ig. Many institutes lack (or refuse to allow) talk of romance/attraction and sex ed. Many guardians would never touch the topic of talking to their wards/children about relationships, romantic and sexual love, some going as far as to forbid their wards from consuming any media about these things. In such a scenario, where love, romance etc is considered almost a taboo never to be associated with, shipping, ie love but without involving yourself into it, becomes a way to deal with them. Talking about your peers being in love starts a conversation about stuff that would not have taken place in any other way. Most times, this is not a self-narrative thing either, people 'shipping' friends/peers are aware they are not the 'shipped' people. But anyway. Most times is the keyword here
Of course, this shipping slowly goes into the areas of life when people *are* allowed to love, but most of it ends in high school (unless you're still in fandom, but that's a different thing altogether). People are too busy trying to eat, sleep and also study to continue shipping friends in college/uni.
I'm not going into the debate about whether this is healthy or not. As I stated at first, this is but a personal observation of things I've seen around, and things that are still happening, starting from when you are 5-6 years, ye.
(It's only been two years since I got out of hs, that's not a very long time. And my juniors tell me about the current school gossip XD)
This is just me seeing a drama and then rambling about something in it, so ye, Do Not get me into shipping drama.
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tuber-culosis · 4 years ago
I've been reading through a lot of radfem blogs and posts lately. and gotta say, i'm leaning a lot towards radical feminism. And im definitely gender critical.
but one topic I want to talk about in particular is the criticism of Islam.
Which I feel is totally valid considering the current state of mainstream islam and Muslims.
Mainstream Islam (is what you see on all social media, seemingly practised by a lot of Muslims) IS sexist. And homophobic. There's no use denying it, neither do I think I'm a bad Muslim for not supposedly defending my own religion. You have to recognise the flaws in your own system to improve and progress.
Then arises the question why am I still Muslim then/ why do I still practise Islam? If I recognise the way it is practised is sexist and homophobic, which are things I'm against?
The difference lies in my belief that "mainstream Islam" is much different from the root of Islam.
Many (read: a LOT, not all) modern Muslims have been influenced by ultra conservative movements that want to return Islam to the way they believe was practised during the time of the Prophet (pbuh), ie; some centuries back. This is propagated by the ideas of Salafism and Wahhabism that frankly, prevent progress, reform or any sort of growth in Muslim communities.
I personally have witnessed this in my own country, India, where women are increasingly wearing the hijab and even full body covering purdahs, not talking to the opposite gender, men not looking a woman other than their wives in the eye, etc compared to when my mother was a child, when almost all Muslim women dressed in normal comfortable clothes and there were no much gender segregations. (Gender segregation still existed to a certain degree due to conservative Indian culture ofc)
This radicalisation led to the development of ultra conservative Muslims who enforce sexist, homophobic and separatist policies in the name of God.
They claim to want to return to "true Islam" but they add so many unnecessary rules and regulations you have to follow in order to be a "true Muslim" that are almost so impossible to follow I can vouch I have unconciously broken like 50 of them in one day maybe. These "laws" are derived from:
1. The hadith
2. Arab culture
3. Poor translation of the Quran to fit these radical ideals.
Explaining each of these in a little more detail,
1. A lot of practising Muslims might come at me for this one, but I feel that considering the hadith to be a holy source of guidance and believing everything in the Hadith when there are so many contradictions and logical fallacies, is foolish.
For those who have no clue what the hadith is, Islam basically has the Qur'an, which is, as we believe, a holy book revealed by God to the Prophet (pbuh), which acts as divine guidance on how to live life as a good person. It has rules, suggestions, and guidance to take desicions on a lot of everyday matters we face. It was a godsend (hehe pun fully intended) to women, who weren't even allowed to own property back then. Muslims believe that the Quran is guaranteed againt corruption by God, as revealed in one of the verses. Therefore, to a believer, it is THE book to consult, and the verses will never change, no matter how many years pass. There's actually a really interesting way the Quran is coded, so people can know if it has been tampered with or not, if anyone is interested. But the bottom line is, for a Muslim, the verses of Quran cannot be challenged. There are various INTERPRETATIONS of said verses, but the core Arabic text is the same.
Now there is a secondary source of guidance in the form of Hadith, which is literature that claims to record things the Prophet (pbuh) has said in his lifetime. The problem I find, along with other hadith critics, is that it was compiled much later after the death of the Prophet. Muslims argue that these hadiths were passed down in a proper recorded chain of transmitters that can assure the message hasn't been altered or tampered with. The problem is, that the standard used then was just how reliable was a person's memory and how trustworthy they were, and they did not actually judge the actual content of the hadith. So even if a hadith hypothetically said "Kill all the disbelievers", (which, fyi, it does NOT) and it had a reliable chain of recorders, it would be accepted as "sahih" (trustworthy) hadith, even though it clearly goes against the guidelines of the Quran, where it says there shall be no compulsion in religion (which implies you cannot just murder anyone who refuses to believe/ believes another religion). If one actually examined the content of this imaginary hadith, it would be easy to see it's tampered with by people with or without malicious intent (for eg, it might've actually been "You can kill the disbelievers ONLY if they attack you and will not leave you and your family alone") or some may not even remotely be the words of the Prophet, as he only followed the Quran.
Also, the integrity of the Hadith isn't guaranteed by God anywhere in the Quran. To know more about this, I suggest you read this link , and this one.
So yeah, I take hadith with a (large) grain of salt. So I will not be including them in my discussion obviously.
Now a lot of these hadith have been fabricated, as established, or reflect something that was applicable specifically in that time and setting, seeing that the Prophet was an ordinary man who couldn't predict the future or know about all the different cultures of the world.
So even if the headscarf was a part of Arabian attire, that doesn't mean it has to be assimilated into our cultures now. Just because prostitutes used to pluck all their eyebrows out to signify that they are prostitutes (sex work is forbidden in Islam, because of the negative impact on women and society), doesn't mean that women are not allowed to pluck their eyebrows now.
Following these hadith blindly without considering for a moment that hey, these might be outdated, seeing it isn't meant for all time periods like the Quran, and half of these contradict themselves, maybe we shouldn't consider this as an authority on rules in Islam. Personally, I don't believe anything is forbidden that is mentioned as such solely in the Hadith, and not in the Quran.
But the staunch belief in all of these Hadith leads to micromanaging of women, and literally everyone else. Few ridiculous examples include:
women can't pluck their eyebrows
men can't wear silk or gold, and they need to grow beards
music and dance is forbidden (seriously???)
the Prophet married a literal child of nine years (no do not try to justify it as "it was acceptable back then". According to the Qur'an it wasn't. Girls had to be mature enough to reject or agree to marriages and literal children can't do that. There is plenty of research to prove that Aisha (ra), his wife, was at the very least 19 or 20. Again a case of unreliable and maybe purposefully manipulated Hadith. Scholars and people who uphold the theory that Aisha was 9, and hence, child marriage is legal are pedophiles through and through)
I feel that if anything, hadith should be considered with the authority of historical commentary, giving us more context to the times, and should never be blindly trusted just because a lot of scholars say it is a "sahih" (trusted) hadith.
Also a main feature of Islam is that you don't need an extra priest (no offence to religions who have priests) or a scholar to tell you things and intervene with God for you. You have a holy book, your own common sense and humanity, and you pray to establish a connection with God. Scholars are secondary OPINIONS who can provide insight from their knowledge and research to people who want it, but by no means any authority on things, just like hadith.
2. Arab culture and society, especially back the times that radicals want to emulate, was heavily patriarchal. Islam gave women rights and protection, but they were still limited by the cultural norms of that era.
What these people actually want is to return society to Arabic culture in that time period. (Exhibit A: the abaya/purdah for women and khandoorah for men. exhibit B: sex-segregated spaces)
Back then, women were expected to be caretakers and mothers, and men were expected to be the strong masculine protector.
Enforcing said cultural norms into modern day Islam is ridiculous. Saying that women rarely left the house back then, hence women shouldn't leave their houses now is the same as saying there weren't phones back then, so I shouldn't use one now. Would you ever give up your phones? So how about we do the same to women's autonomy and freedom? Adapt to modern times like regular humans?
If women were meant to stay at home, and meant to just rear children, and never meant to be seen in public, and never meant to be seen by the opposite sex, as extremists say "is God's will", then why is none of this found in the Quran? Do you seriously believe that God, describe multiple times as All-forgiving and generous and kind, would ever persecute women to such a fate? If you do believe that, then maybe you need to re-examine in the nature of God that you believe in. Also if you tell me the "it's for their safety" gimmick, I will flip out. It has been proved multiple times that a woman's dressing has nothing whatsoever to do with why men rape.
Sure, Islam advocates for modesty in dressing, for both sexes. Both are called to not stare rudely (many Muslim men seem to forget that part of the verse, strangely), both are advised to dress in modest, comfortable, clean and practical attire. Never once is anything remotely like "YOU'LL GO TO HELL IF YOU EXPOSE YOUR ELBOW, WOMAN". But the way modern Muslims enforce the dress code (some even going to the lengths of saying women shouldn't wear BRIGHT COLOURED CLOTHES, so as to not attract attention!!! I'm looking at you, Mufti Menk), you'd think that God says something much worse than that. Infact God pulls out Uno reverse, and encourages us to dress as beautifully as we want, especially when visiting the mosque.
3. A lot of English translations of the Quran come from Saudi Arabia. A country famous for its conservative practise of Islam. While the original Arabic text cannot be changed, a lot of these translations include information in parantheses that add "rules" based on the above mentioned factors, that a casual reader or a new Muslim who doesn't know Arabic will consider to be authentic rules of the Quran, extrapolated from the verse, and not extra additions that are often derived from hadith. A very good example of this is the headcover verse, which you can see in this link.
Even all the hostility surrounding homosexual people has been derived from cultural influences and one set of verses. From around 6000 verses, just a single set passingly mention homosexuality. Don't you think that if it truly were such a great sin, God would have explicitly forbidden it? Also why would he create such a natural variation in sexuality and then forbid it? Why isn't it forbidden for animals then? Is all-loving God that cruel to create this natural and healthy attraction in them and then explicitly forbid it when straight people get to marry and live life in bliss? (Please don't say that "God also created pedophilia, and that's natural, so by this logic shouldn't we allow that too?" because pedophilia IS NOT HEALTHY, AT ALL. IT'S IS A DISORDER. Unlike homosexuality) I'm also not picking and choosing things to fit my lifestyle, as some might say, as I am straight, and the only reason I support the LGBT community because I have basic humanity?? And they're humans who deserve rights and joy and freedom and acceptance just like the rest of us.
There have been reformed translations of Quran which examine the verse without prior bias against LGBT people, and they have presented an alternate translation, that the verse condemns sexual assault, which happened to be homosexual in the particular story. Check out this link too, which explains how closely examining the words used could change the meaning from one thing to another.
What I attempted to prove in this extremely long post is that the practise of a religion isn't necessarily the reflection of its true nature.
There are progressive open-minded people who believe in Islam because it gives them hope and solace. People who believe because core beliefs of Islam aligned with their own views and simple logic.
NOT to say there aren't religious bigots who will totally use religion to manipulate people into oppressing themselves or other people. There are, there are a LOT of people like that who call themselves "scholars". And there are a lot of people who follow these extremely harmful regressive version of Islam without critically thinking about what they are following.
I've seen a post discussing the meaning of the word Islam, which means submission to God. It said that it implies total submission, without questioning what we believe.
That is an argument used by both religious extremists to further their beliefs, and by the opposite side, who say the religion is oppressive.
I wish to present a view that Islam itself tells us to think critically, to use our brains to question everything and anything we believe. And then to arrive at our own conclusions. And if you're a decent, kind human, those beliefs maybe align with Islam (not saying that if you're not Muslim, you're horrible, that is not what I meant at all). And if the opinion between people differs, there's always logic and reasoning behind every rule that is presented in the Quran. Don't believe me? Here's the verse that tells people not to blindly follow their parents' religion. And here's a list of verses about critical thinking.
The reason we (atleast reformist Muslims) submit to God is because we questioned it, we came to the conclusion that Hey! This is right. I can submit to my Creator by, who is basically the consciousness that created everything and is the source of all goodness, love and strength, because the rules mentioned here make sense and they privde a moral framework for me to base important desicions on. They feel right. And there is logic behind everything written in this.
I don't mean to present Islam as an all-perfect amazing religion everyone should believe and that I'm right, everyone else, especially those liberal atheists who criticise my religion are wrong and WILL BURN IN HELL. I consider Islam a perfect moral framework, and that's my business only. Anyone can follow what they want and it's none of my business. In fact there is no compulsion in religion at all, and people who say Muslim or go to hell are wrong imo.
What I intended was to paint a picture of reformist Muslims who are still out there, who follow the religion because they questioned it. And not the religion as this stringent rule book we all have to follow down to a t, micromanaging every aspect of our lives and living in perpetual fear of hell, but rather this basic moral guide that teaches us tact, compassion and justice, to bring us closer to God spiritually. I wanted to show that the majority isn't always reflective of what I think is the true core of Islam.
I feel that many practises in the name of Islam are highly questionable and should be criticized, but I also want people to know that the people who seemingly represent the religion, are not representative of the entire mass of believers. That sometimes the practises you might criticize might have nothing to do with the actual religion, atleast according to some of us. It was also for fellow Muslims who might be in the same place I was a few years ago, questioning everything I had learnt was part of my religion.
This is also NOT to undermine struggles of people forced to follow Islam and its seeming requirements like hijab. This is not to claim that nope, every Muslim is fine and ok, and we're all peaceful progressive people. In fact I wish to do the exact opposite, to show that people who enforce oppressive policies in the name of Islam aren't actually backed by the religion and neither should they be backed by other Muslims. I'm also not trying to say no one should criticize Islam. Criticism helps us grow. Criticism is necessary to uncover oppression and eradicate it. So by all means, criticize.
I'm so glad I found the subreddit r/progressive_Islam when I did because it helped me a lot, and opened me to other like-minded progressive Muslims, who actively hope to counter the negative effects of Salafism and conservatism that is overtaking Islam.
So yeah, I think I covered almost everything I wanted to talk about and here's a final link that pretty much just states my position on things.
PS idk why this thingy is in different colours it just seemed cooler and less boring to read
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foulfurywombat-blog · 7 years ago
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"illinois insurance code 154.6
illinois insurance code 154.6
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What are 1995 BMW 325i Insurance rates?
My cousin is giving me her old 1995 BMW 325i, four door, white. I was wondering what the rates would be for Farm Bureau Insurance in NC.""
""Under Obama's socialized medicine, what would happen to those that work for health insurance companies?""
What would happen to those who work in medical billing & coding, claims departments for insurance companies, underwriting, etc... Wouldn't this just raise unemployment?""
Affordable car insurance for teen drivers?
I am currently 17 and I will have my license for a year on April 28th. I had one minor accident in October but I finally found a car that I can afford payments on that is a really nice car but all the insurance companies are giving me rates over $200 that I can't afford because I don't have the money to pay that and a car payment. Is there anyway I can get the car and get low insurance rates?
Where can i get cheap affordable Health insurance?
I am 20 years old and i will need to see a cardiologist. I have a low paying job right now. Whats the best plans. I cant afford much =/
Question about car insurance?
okay so i was recently in an car accident and my car was a total loss. The accident is not my fault. I received my settlement check for my vehicle after paying my deductible for my insurance company. 2 months later now I received another check from the other insurance company at fault with an attached form stating that the check is for repairing the damages on my vehicle. Is this check safe for me to cash out? Not complaining of getting extra money, but Im just curious why would i get another check when i already got a whole settlement check from my insurance company. Shouldnt the other insurance be paying my insurance company instead? any help would be great.""
""Open container citation, will my insurance go up?""
i got cited for an open container while parked in my car, im 18, and im in california, and my insurance is all state, how much will it go up??and how much will i be fined for an open container?""
Does a citation go on your insurance?
Does a citation go on your insurance?
Car insurance for a 17?
How do. I'm 17 and have just passed my driving test. I will be buying a 1.2/1.4 Fiat Punto soon on a 56 plate. How much roughly will this cost me on insurance? TY VM
Car Insurance out of state?
I live in los angeles and im about to go to las vegas on a trip i have a car but im being told that i cant drive the car because my car insurance doest get covered in las vegas incase something happened.im a Little worried because i dont wanna fly there especially with all the hassle at the airport.what can i do can i purchase car insurance for a couple days from my insurance company to go to vegas?
""Car insurance, it makes me think why bother.?""
Last year a neighbour crashed his car into my drive, damaging the railings, lucky my car was not there at the time and no one was hurt. He was charged as he had no insurance. I got a letter from the Police last week stating that he got 6 points and was fined 500.0. My car insurance is now up for renewal and I was quoted 600.0, obiviously I'm gonna have to get insured, but it does make me think why bother, what do you think???""
Need help with car insurance!?!?!?
Alright, so I'm getting a car soon and I'm checking out insurances and I can't believe how #%@$ing expensive it is!!! I know I'm 19 and I'm a male so I will have expensive insurance but c'mon, they're basically wanting to charge me like almost 400 dollars a month!! Does anyone know what insurance companies are the cheapest? I already checked esurance and aigdirect. I have a daughter so I don't want just liability, I want good insurance.""
Best insurance for Japanese imported car?
I am thinking to buy Mazda Eunos 1992 Japanese import. As i am new driver I find it hard to find decent insurance which will cost me under 2000. Any suggestions? Maybe you know any good company in mind?
Which car insurance is cheaper ?
I'm planing to lease a corolla LE 2010 or camry LE 2010 or Honda civic LX 2010, but I like honda more but I was told the liability coverage that honda required is high so it make my payment more, is this right?""
What's good insurance for young adults?
I'm 21 & I currently have insurance with the car lot I purchased my car from. What are good full coverage but affordable insurances?
If Im late 4 days on my car insurance payment will they terminate my policy?
There was an unexpected illness in the family and I am going to be about 4 days late paying my auto insurance bill. How will this affect me? will they cancel my policy? will they charge me an extra fee? any help is appreciated...
""When i buy my first car (before taking test), i want to practise with sumeone, how do i go about insurance?
i know i just get insurance but for a provisonal licence holder only.. when i pass (hopefully) do i just phone the insurance company and 'upgrade' my existing insurance or do i just get altogether new insurance? and How long did it take you to pass.. from first lesson to passing? Cheers! 10 points for best answer =D
Car Insurance for Teen?
I'm 16 years old and before my dad buys me a car, I have to have enough money in the bank for car insurance. (I've gotta pay for it.) I think I qualify for a discount since I'm, like, an A- student. Let's say... I get a 1999 Honda. Any quotes?""
Against my religion to have health insurance?
I live in the US and it is against my religion to have health insurance. If I will be forced to buy Obamacare, it will disrespect my God and I will never be allowed entry to paradise. I don't want to ruin my mortal life and my afterlife. Am I exempt from buying Obamacare now since it's very intolerant and hateful to force a man of God like myself to purchase this health insurance?""
How much will my car insurance cost?
I am seventeen years old, I live in New Jersey and my car is a two door 1997 Honda Civic EX. I am turning eighteen in two months. Which car insurance providers will be the most likely to give me good deals, and roughly how much would I be paying?""
A good individual dental insurance plan?
I don't have dental insurance, and my employer doesn't offer any. I seriously need to see a dentist, I haven't been to one since I last had insurance 4 years ago. But I can't afford much right now either. I need a plan that will cover preventive treatment, doesn't have much of a waiting period, and will cover at least some of any major work, because i think I might need some. By the way, I live in central PA.""
How to get maternity insurance?
We are wanting to start TTC, but we are a little worried about the cost of the actual birth and doctors expenses, as well as any complications that might arise. Now, we do have enough money to cover the basics, but if anything else should arise to complicate things, we're worried. We both work from home for ourselves and have looked into private health insurance, even only maternity insurance, but the plans just suck and dang expensive! Anyway, I was wondering if you knew of any way to get legitimate insurance for only me while I'm pregnant, and for the baby after its born? Some sort of affordable state insurance? Im in AZ by the way. How would i go about finding something like that? thanks!""
How much does insurance cost?
in california? my mother is on a stupid hmo, i was wonderingif i paid for a better insurance if it would get better.""
Can I get decent car insurance through Aetna?
I have them as health coverage through work. I just moved from FL to DE and my insurance through Geico DOUBLED!!! I am trying to find a better rate.... any ideas? Thanks
""I was in a catastrophic car accident, can I sue my own insurance company?""
In 2010 I was in a catastrophic car accident on a state road. I lost control of my car and it rolled 3 times and I was ejected from the vehicle . I am blessed to be alive but had a laundry list of injuries. I was life flighted to the nearest trauma center and was in the ICU for 2 weeks and then the step down unit for a month. I had 7 broken ribs, 2 collapsed lungs, skull fracture, blew out my orbital floor, broken cheek bone, broken nose, shattered my left shoulder, and broke my back in 4 places. I am lucky to say that I am not paralyzed but it was a long recovery for my back. I still have a list of surgeries ahead of me. Since I was no in an accident with another vehicle can I sue my own car insurance (I have full tort)? How much do you think someone could get? I am not being greedy I have a lot of bills in front of me and not working is taking a toll on me.""
Will an insurance company pay for a surgery if..?
..I had it before I got the insurance? Just about a month ago I had chest reconstructive surgery. I'm 18 years old so I have to be a full-time student to be covered by my parents' insurance. However, I realized I can't afford to pay for college. I have no job and I also desperately need a car. I want to take a year off to work and save money and get a car and then go back to college when it rolls around next year. However, my surgery hasn't been paid for yet and I only have until the 29th to drop my classes without being charged. If I were to quit college to work, how much would insurance be for me per month and would they even cover the charges of the surgery since I had it done before getting the insurance? Thanks.""
illinois insurance code 154.6
illinois insurance code 154.6
When can i refinance my car loan ??
i bought a car on June 5th this year ( 200-7-) Now i pay around 425 dollars for it every month , and as per insurance around 198 . i make around 750 dollars a month . i am doing this because i want to be independent from my parents. If i don't start somewhere then i will never be on my own . anyway emotional stuff aside..hehe. When can i refinance my loan , currently it's around 6-7% I think my credit score went high , my equifax is 669 , when i checked right now on creditinform.com. I have chase bank , you think they can lower it ? do you know how much lower they can go ? around 300 maybe? i am goin to take defensive driving class also , i heard that saves a lot of money also on insurance.. Please help , : ) thanks , have a nice day.""
Cheapest 3rd Party car insurance?
Hi guys, I really need cheap insurance 3rd Party with full UK driving licence. I'm turning 17 tomorrow and all the prices w/ a full UK driving licences are hitting 3,500, my car's only worth 500. The prices are fine with a provisional, but as soon as I hit a full UK driving licence, they GO UP massively and it's not right. Any ideas? Thanks""
What company provide cheap life insurance?
What company provide cheap life insurance?
Where can i get some good liability car insurance? ?
I wanto insure my vehicle i recently got so any ideas. Although iv had an at fault accident before help...
Car insurance= cover all drivers?
if somebody has car insurance with everything on it possible as far as what you can buy ( plans like pip, medical, liablity etc ) is any driver of that car, covered if in a wreck? or will the person driving been liable? geico""
How do you compare insurance for Yamaha R6 and Ninja 300?
I just want general idea of motorcycle insurance cost between these two bikes.
Is farmers insurance that bad?
I've read a lot of bad reviews about farmers insurance. i have an interview with them next week for a bilingual office claims representative position... What would be the career goal at this position. to become an agent in the future?
Question about changing term life insurance companies?
My term, no medical exam life insurance is almost up for the 10 years and it's going to renew higher than what I can get from another company, so I am going to apply at another company online and cancel the old one, but it says are you planning on replacing another policy? if yes, you can't buy this insurance, if no then you can buy it. I don't understand, why wouldn't they be happy to get another customer, is it illegal to change companies? I am in California. Should I just put no so it will accept it?""
How much does COBRA insurance coverage cost?
I know that it can cost 102% of whatever the company pays for the insurance on a group plan, but I want to know what people have actually paid for their continued insurance under COBRA. Real figures from the past year are appreciated.""
Best car for a first time driver in terms of insurance etc?
Hi, My girlfriend is taking her test soon and if she should pass was wondering which would be the best car to get her in terms of cheap insurance? Is there any sites that list insurance by car model? And any other general first car advice is welcomed. We are in the UK by the way. Thanks guys!""
""17-19 year old UK drivers, How much are you paying for your insurance?""
I recently passed my test, I am 18 and now looking for insurance that is cheap. Well... it seems that they are absolutly Bludy expensive!. I mean the cheapest one I saw was about 4500 year! :O So how much are you paying? Who are you with? and Are you insured as a named driver or main driver of your/your parents car?""
Car insurance amount?
How much valid car insurance do you need to get a new vehichle tax disk?
What factors affect car insurance premiums?
My mom is going to give me her old car once she gets a new one, and she said insurance is about $100/mo. My friend asked what insurance would be and I told her, and she thought that was really low The car is a 1999 saturn SL1 and it's standard, is the insurance cheap for this car? My mom has a great driving record I'm now wondering what affects car insurance premiums? I know age, gender, driving records, and other stuff.. but what else?""
Are there any North Carolina Health Insurance Agents here?
I need to find an agent or a website that sells other carriers besides bcbsnc...those guys are outrageous!
Peugeot 106 or 206 for first car?
Im 17 and im goin to buy a new car , wot should i choose wot will be least on insurance will there be much difference , how much on average will insurnce be in the uk , north west, any other suggestions for a car upto 800 to spend, thanks x""
How much is a monthly car insurance in new York ?
I'm leasing a car n I need to know what is the average monthly cost in NYC. Thanks.
Car insurance question?
My mom finaced a car for me in Montana its in her name but i pay the car payment. I live in Colorado. even though she has car insurance already on the car in her name... can i get full coverage in Colorado in my name? so say fro example if i crash it The car will still be covered. is that against the law? please help. thanks
Car Insurance ?
How much do you think it would cost to put my daughter on my AAA (triple A) policy? She's 18 just got a 2001 Hyundai TIburan with 66,000 miles on it. If anyone could help out, thanks!""
Driver Education/Insurance Rate Information?
For my Driver Education class, one of the assignments goes as follows: Call a local vehicle insurance company and ask if you can take a few minutes to ask some questions. Ask what the insurance rates will be for you when you are ready to drive. Also, ask what the rates would be for someone your age who is not taking any driver education classes. What will the rates be when you are 25 years old? What are they for a person without driver education? What are they for someone convicted of driving while intoxicated? If anyone could spare me the phone call, it would be greatly appreciated.""
Need cheap health insurance for my baby. Live in Maine.?
So, my husband apparently makes too much for us to receive Maine Care. The cheapest health insurance plan for my son would cost $200 a month. If anyone who lives in Maine knows of some alternative, cheaper, health insurance, please share with me! Thanks!""
I'm wondering how much other 24 ish year olds pay on car insurance?
I've been riding a bike for years... by motorbike insurance is now 150 a year, I just put what i thought was a normal car into a qoute and it was 130 a month... Is that high? Any idea what might be the biggest effect on that? So answers: I'd like to know what people pay on things + any advice on types of car or things to do to get it down.""
What is the average cost of having your wisdom teeth extracted without insurance?
My dentist has referred me to see an oral surgeon to have my wisdom tooth extracted. At the moment, I have no.16 & 17 3rd molars vertically impacted. I do not have dental insurance and I would like to know the average price per molar extraction with anesthetize?""
""Buying a car tomorrow, being added on to parents insurance, do I pay up front or ?""
Buying a car tomorrow, being added onto parents insurance, do I pay up front or am i just added to the updated rate the next month?""
How much is car insurance for a new female independent driver in the UK?
I was just wondering how much it costs for a new female to get insurance on a car .. anyone have a ny ideas ... and is 1.1 L engine big enough for a new driver answers needed asap please !! xx
Car insurance cost for a 25 year old?
Hey, I am wondering how much it would cost to insure a 25 year old driving a 2012 Ford escape. Thanks in advance!""
illinois insurance code 154.6
illinois insurance code 154.6
How much are you spending on insurance for a 600cc sportbike?
I've heard that the rates are ridiculous. Yet expensive bikes like Harleys have really cheap insurance.
""Is car insurance cheaper in L.A., CA or Fort Worth, Texas?
I'm currently living in the L.A. area and am moving to Fort Worth and I was wondering if I should expect an increase or decrease in my current rate and how much of a difference I should see. My record is clean. I also have good credit. (if either of those might have more affect in either state)
Can California Civil Code 827 be used to enforce mandatory renters insurance?
Recently my landlord sent tenants a letter stating we have to buy renter's insurance, stating that California Civil Code 827 allows them to do this. Looking it up, I see 827 is about rent increased, not renter's insurance (and nothing about anything being mandatory). When I signed the lease with them, I was not required to pay for renter's insurance, but they claim that terms have changed and now I am obligated to pay this, and if I don't, may destroy my credit. All because of Civil Code 827. Can they actually do this? Or is this letter some kind of tactic to coerce me into signing this document and providing insurance? Thanks!""
Does PA or NJ have cheaper car insurance?
I'm wanting to know which state has cheaper car insurance. I have usaa. Does it vary state to state ?
Does employer needs to provide medical insurance?
Hi I am a foreign worker, working here in US, do employers need to provide medical insurance or not??""
What kind of car is cheapest to insure?
I'm a 16 year old dude looking for a car. I've been looking for a few weeks now and I've noticed different cars cost different amounts to insure. Also I was looking for a used car that's around 3000$. So I was wondering in general what kind of car ( body style, make, model, color, automatic/standard) would cost me the least to insure because I have to pay my own insurance.""
Health Insurance for Small Business Owner?
Wanting to know how to find out two things: 1) the best health insurance coverage and 2) for the best and most affordable price. My husband is the sole proprietor of a small business he runs. He'd like to get good health insurance for the two of us but what I've looked into has been incredibly expensive for good coverage or cheaper for not-so-good coverage. Someone recently told us to look into becoming incorporated as that may help (I don't know how though). Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Medical insurance?
does medical insuance cover eye exams and eye doco visits for glasses too
How can i get affordable health insurance for my husband.?
How can i get affordable health insurance for my husband.?
Car insurance?
Im 16 and 1/2 years old. My dad says that i need good grades to get my own car insurance.. Couldn't i just place my name under my dad's auto insurance? How does that work
""California learners permit, do you need insurance?""
California. Do you need insurance while u have your permits or do you use your parents? If no, I get insurance after I take my driving test? And can you have a passenger with you when you have a permit? Like an adult right next to you and your sister sits in the backseat.""
How i can get insurance on my brothers car?
How i can get insurance on my brothers car?
What is a good affordable health insurance?
That is no more than $120 monthly. Thanks in advanced
""Car Insurance costs for a 17 year old in Las Vegas, Nevada?""
I will be getting my license early next year and I will be 17 years old. I am a male, and I get decent grades. Usually alway's A's and B's, maybe one C. I plan on getting an SUV, particularly a 1999 Ford Explorer with over 100,000 miles from my uncle. What would your estimate on insurance costs be? How do I apply my good grades to my insurance policy? Would it be cheaper to go on my parents account? Thank you, Damon Reis""
What is the cheapest van to insure?
Ive just passed me test (finally, at 21) and i havent had a car or van insurance quote under 1900.... The cheapest ive had is a peugeot partner pre yr 2000, even smaller fiestas and ka vans are 2000+ are there any vans out there at prices that arent gonna cost me 190 a month""
Does blue cross blue shield cover accutane?
So tomorrow i am going to get accutane if my insurance covers it. I have Blue cross blue shield of ga and the blue choice option through the TJX companies (my mothers work). it says on my insurance card medical coPays, $20 office visit, and $100 ER. Does this Blue cross blue shield cover accutane?""
Does State Farm homeowners insurace typically cover foundation damage?
I have a big water leak in the basement. Water is leaking from between the flooring and the walls. The house is about 75 years old. Do homeowners policies usually cover fondation damage? I can't find my policy to look. I'd like to have a general knowlegde before I call them during the work week. Thanks!
Is serenity insurance a ligitimate company?
Cheap auto insurance
Which cars are cheapest to insure?
I've had some problems in the past and my insurance is through the roof. I'd like to finance a car, but I don't want to have to rob banks to afford it. Does it cost different amounts to insure cars? Which are on the cheaper end of that spectrum?""
How much does malpractice insurance generally cost?
Need an estimated cost but if you have a good source that i can go to that will help
Health insurance plans?
I live in Florida and I'm a college student. I want to know what are good affordable insurance companies for college students or people in general. I prefer to know about those that are well known and have a long record history and not some sketchy insurance company. Thank you!
Help with car insurance?
I have a 2000 Chevy silverado Ext Cab w/ the 5.3 liter v8. I am 16 and my insurance is $175 a month. I am looking into getting a Pontiac G6 05-06 model. My question is, how much more do you think i will have to pay per month, even though its a smaller car witha smaller engine, but is a newer car?""
UK QUESTION classic bike insurance online?
What would you say is the best,in other words cheapest bike insurance places online for me in the uk. ebike just quoted me 74 quid was hoping for insurance for about 50 to be honest""
Why did my car insurance double from last period?
Does it make sense that your auto insurance can double for 1 at fault accident? I just got my renewal documents for my car insurance and my premium doubled from what it was last period. I did have one at fault accident so i knew there would be an increase but I didn't know it could double like that...
Settling with the insurance company?
My sister was fatily injured by a drunk driver in georgia.His insurance company has agreed to pay $25000 bodily injury liability and her insurance company will pay $25000 underinsured motorist for a total of $50,000.Should his insurance company medical pymts coverage pay anything like the funeral expenses.Also if her family agrees to this from the insurance company will that clear him of a civil suit""
illinois insurance code 154.6
illinois insurance code 154.6
Can I get insurance subsidies under the affordable care act?
I'm 56 years old and still working and get insurance through my large employer. But, let's say I decide to retire. I'm single with no dependents. My net worth not ...show more""
How much auto coverage should I have in Wisconsin?
I own a 2008 Scion tc, and a 1990 Honda Accord LX. The Scion still has a lien against the title, and I have full coverage for this reason. I use my Honda as a primary car to drive to and from work with liability coverage only. What I have for coverage now is: Bodily Injury: 500,000/person 1,000,000/accident Property damage: 500,000/accident Underinsured and uninsured: 500,000/person 1,000,000/accident Medical Payments: 10,000 Comprehensive & Collision: 500 deductible Is this too much? My agent said something about a new law in Wisconsin making it stack for each car, so technically, I have double that coverage, and my premiums just went up. I'm looking for a way to get some cheaper premiums without exposing myself to too much risk. How much insurance do I really need?""
Im female, 19 years old, just got my license, will be driving a chrysler/sebring JXi. Im looking for the cheapest/minimum coverage in Bradenton, Florida.""
Will my insurance cost more this year?
hello people ... so i was wondering if anyone thinks my insurance will cost more this year. i have a motorbike honda cbr125. last year it cost me 450 to insure. looking at the insurance this year it says around 550-650 will mine be this much?
How do health insurance deductibles work?
I'm looking at individual health insurance plans. All of them say they have a deductable of $500 - $5000. I'm reading the plan overview and it's explaining what the plan covers. It says prescriptions are covered after deductible, office visits are covered after deductible, and so on. Does this mean if a plan has a $5000 deductible that the health insurance company will not cover anything until after I've paid $5000 out of pocket on healthcare? Does that mean that if I had to go to the emergency room i'd have to pay for it myself until I've paid up to $5000? I'm really confused. I want to get temporary health coverage, but I don't see what the point is if I'm going to have to pay out of pocket anyways. Does anyone know how this deductible stuff works? I'd appreciate the help. Thanks""
Is motorcycle insurance manditory in california?
if you own the bike?
Insurance on a '98 Mustang?
16yr old girl in Ohio, just wondering the cost before i try and sell the idea to my dad lol. Yellow w/ body kit. Help? :)""
Can a life insurance sole beneficiary claim be disputed in Arizona?
The mother of my 4.5 yr old son recently passed with no will. Her 25 yr old son (half-bro) being oldest blood relative, locked my son out of his home and proceeded to stake claim to everything his deceased mother had, car, cash, final paycheck, $3800.00 income tax refund check (probably less than $30,000. total assets) but no real telling. Come to find out she had a employee life insurance policy which she named the 25 yr old as sole beneficiary. does' my son have any rights to claim anything?""
Why is my car insurance expensive as the year go by?
i got the car in 2009, each year the car insurance keep rising by price.. it was 400, then 600, now its 800... but as the year go by the car is getting older, so why is an older car insurance more expensive? does this have anything to do with the fact that my car has leather seats?""
Mazda Miata insurance is wacked?
I got a quote from Geico, which is the best I could find, on a car that I'm thinking about purchasing and financing. The car is a 1996 Mazda Miata with 80,000 miles on it. Geico gave me a quote for $882 for six months, thats $147 a month and $1764 a year. What the heck?! I'm 18 and don't understand why insurance is that expensive. I've never had a ticket or an accident. It also says that I need to get a deductible when the car is selling for $3995. Any advice?""
Which insurance company in Ireland provides the cheapest car insurance and best service?
Which insurance company in Ireland provides the cheapest car insurance and best service?
Car insurance ?? 10 PTS please help?
My mum bought a car and as a good son I said I'd pay for the insurance if I got to be the additional driver .. now can I put my mother's details down on the insurance form and Il just be an additional driver and as an additional driver am I covered for her car ? And CAN I PAY THE INSURANCE WITH MY BANK CARD ?? please help
If the policy holder on car insurance crashes does it affect the named drivers?
I am wanting to get a car and been 19 it will cost a lot , my insurance drops below 1000, if i put my parents as named drivers. I was wondering if the policy holder (me) had a crash would it affect their insurance or is it just the other way around, if they crash as named drivers it will affect the policy holder? As they have no claims discount and i have none , so i can not apply NCD protection ? Thank you :)""
My insurance company will not change car details?
I have been thinking of purchasing a brand new car this year and today went ahead with the purchase, well at least put a deposit down with a 12 week wait. I have been driving now for a year and a half. and at aged 28 thought I would be out of the range of a silly driver by now. However, after phoning my insurance company to ask for a new/updated quote for the insurance they are telling me that they will not insure me on a new car due to my lack of experience. I am of course going to still have the new car as most other insurance companies will insure me on the new car at a fairly reasonable rate. infact only 100 pounds a year more than my current car. They are still howver going to charge me a 30 cancellation fee and will obviously lose my no-claims for the six months. Does anybody have any idea as to a way to approach the company or make a complaint or should I just forget about it and move on?""
Is it legal for an auto insurer to raise your rate without notification and debit that out of your account?
I reside in Texas and have auto debits monthly for my auto insurance. I just checked and they raised my rate this month without telling me and debited the new rate out of my account, but i agreed to debit monthly my rate but was on a lower rate for over 2 years and up until last month. I never got notice, is this legal? Do i have any rights to recover that extra $ they took for a new rate that i was not notified of?""
Insurance getting cancelled on an SR22 in VA?
I was so excited about good news I received, that I forgot that my insurance was going to cancel at midnight. I have an SR22 filing, even though I no longer require it. I left it there until it was time to renew. My question is how soon is DMV notified? Will I have time to call my agent first thing in the morning?""
""I rear ended someone with no insurance, whats gona happen?""
i was on a motorcycle and rear ended someone in a car, the car has a lil dent on the bumper and their insurance already covered it. i do not have insurance and im going to court for it. what is going to happen? is my drivers license going to be suspended eventhough it was on a motorcycle? i have insurance for my car just not my motorcycle.""
What is car insurance for?
do i need insurance for a car that is parked or is it just to drive the car
How much will my car insurance go down when i turn 21?
How much will my car insurance go down when i turn 21?
Do You Have to Get Car Insurance....?
Do you have to get car insurance when you get you temporary permit at the age of 15.5. I am fifteen and I am getting my permit soon and i was wonderin if i had to get insurance. Just Wondering. Thanks Alot:>
Affordable DUI/SR-22 insurance in CA?
I need to get dui/sr-22 insurance in California. I was wondering if anyone knew of a affordable, reliable company i can get it from? Whats an rough estimate of costs? Thanks""
What do you do when he doesnt have car insurance?
I was in a car wreck two weeks ago. We thought he had safe auto to the police report which is a nightmare but which made it worst he has no insurance at all. He had been drinking early but did not blow enough to go to jail. What can be done about him driving without insurance and drinking
How to get a hold of the drunk drivers insurance?
my car and 2 other cars were damaged by a drunk driver. his car flipped and crashed on the ground. they ran away as soon as they got helped out. the police came and all we got was a police report number. my question is my car is scratched and has broken windows/mirror. i am not going to pay for it to get it fix , why should i it wasn't my fault. how can i get a hold off the drunk drivers insurance and policy information. will the police contact me after they get all the information or do i have to contact them? sorry i have never had to deal with the insurance company or the police for any of this so i have no idea. if this matter i live in san diego california""
I have already asked if i can get car insurance without license someone said put it in my name is that the car
put car in my name or insurance in my name?
How much will my car insurance be when I turn 23?
I hear your monthly car insurance payments go down significantly once you're 23. I turn 23 in a few months and currently pay $65/month. How much can I expect it to be after I'm 23?
illinois insurance code 154.6
illinois insurance code 154.6
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