#gotta mention my future baby and her cute bf
kqbluemoon-moved · 4 years
[ KOCLEAKS :: 02 : 44 PM ! ]
"apparently that future blue moon member is dating some idol that nobody even knows or cares about. i think it might just be the rumblings for some pr stunt in the future, but who knows.”
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evolve2 · 4 years
Height Headcanons!
We all know that the hunters are some pretty varied characters, height included, so I decided to try and settle their heights using their in game models. No screenshots this time, sorry. I couldn’t get any of the medics to sit still, but the camera positions when playing a character helped me get a rough idea. I’ll be posting my thoughts on why I decided on these heights under the read more!
(I also put a bonus rating on how I rated them on attractiveness)
Hyde, Parnell - 8′0
Torvald (Not including his artillery) - 7′9
Markov - 7′7
Bucket, Crow - 6′2
Lennox - 5′11
Lazarus, Abe - 5′10
Griffin, Maggie - 5′9
Hank, Slim - 5′8
Val, Kala - 5′7
Caira, Sunny, Emet - 5′6
Cabot - 5′5
Jack- 5′4 (He might still grow more, but not much)
The tallest of the hunters is Hyde and Parnell! A developer comment on Parnell tells us that he’s a whopping eight feet tall, and that Hyde is pretty close to his height in game, although Hyde’s wiki says that he’s also eight feet tall! I’ll take their word for it.
Parnell is a big, leading ray of sunshine. He can spearhead anything because not only is he charismatic, he’s also easy to spot thanks to his height. And he knows it! He has a big heart and this deep desire to protect his own, but at the same time, he’s a little sociopathic? His short story makes it seem like he has a bit of a cognitive dissonance between actions and people, and how they react. But that’s for another text post! Solid 8/10 (I love his jawline...)
Hyde is a bit of a weird one for me. I always thought he was a pretty average guy, he definitely struck me as kind of short when I saw his portrait picture, but no! He’s a giant, cockney sociopath. At least he’s lovable. (and that tummy?... I like it.) 6.5/10, I’m not interested in crazy flamers, thank you.
After them is Torvald, Markov, Crow, and Bucket! Torvald is taller by Markov by a few inches, and a few inches shorter than Parnell. I’d say that he’s 7′9, Markov is 7′7, and Bucket is 6′2. What’s up with all these tall guys around here?
Torvald. Oooh boy, yikes. The guy is terrifyingly tall, and has a glare that could make a Blitzer cower. Pretty sure his mechanical legs were modeled closely to his human ones. - 6.5/10 (Guys a bit obsessed and emotionally constipated. But hey, you gotta admire that devotion!)
Markov, the Martian Giant. He’s a genuinely good guy, but his quest to die in battle with glory is probably a red flag. This guy has huge protector vibes but he’s also... got a bit of a death wish. Steel is his language! 8/10 (Love the cybernetics though, and that physique?)
Bucket is HuangCorp repair and maintenance chassis, so he didn’t get to choose his height. He does, however, own it smugly. Nothing like staring down your enemy as you blast him to bits. - 7.5/10 (He’s a robotic AI, not that it’s gonna stop some people, but he’s gonna take a while to adjust to the whole romance and dating a human thing. Plus, he’s a sarcastic jerk and rather spiteful if you wrong him. Don’t get on his bad side. SERIOUSLY.)
Crow is tall, looming kind of guy, even if he doesn’t mean to. It’s just how he holds himself, hunched over, tense, that makes me think he doesn’t like being seen or heard. Too bad he’s pretty tall, though. 8/10. (I want to climb this man like a damn tree. Minus points for having the social awareness of a potato.)
After that we get into more normal territory. No more behemoths, although these ones are still tall by Earth standards. We have Lennox, Griffin, Abe, Lazarus, and Maggie!
Outside of her suit, Lennox strikes me as a tall, strong woman, and she definitely knows it. I can imagine her being rather slim and tall, just a few inches above Crow. She loves using it to her advantage to stare down Jack and pressure others into listening to her. And if that doesn’t work, she still has a four ton mecha to back her up. A conversation with Hank reveals that she is also cramped inside of it, so she must have some height to her. - 7/10 (I can appreciate a nice looking lady, even if she’s a bit on the older side. She’s a bit callous though, and changes out her men frequently. Careful! She knows what she wants)
I think putting Lazarus at 5′10 was a good choice, as he’s imposing enough for it to fit his haughty personality but also small enough he can hide behind the assaults and heal them up. Sneaky and lanky. - 6/10 (He’s not bad looking, but his personality really needs some work. He does prank and joke around, but you can tell his heart lies with thanatology, not romance.)
Maggie also strikes me as someone who’s taller than the average woman. She has long legs and really slim physique, a good contrast to her pet Trapjaw, Daisy. Gotta have some heft to you to be able to direct a dog like that around! - 7/10 (She’s got PTSD, is a bit brooding, but damn if she isn’t pretty and headstrong. She’s got the courage to keep going despite being afraid of the future. You’d have a hard time getting her to open up emotionally.)
Abe is average, but it does piss him off when Parnell likes to rest his arms on his head or make fun of him. Not everyone can be freakishly tall giants from a high-grav world. 7.5/10 (This guy is a charmer and he knows it, voice like honey and words of silver. Unless you want your heart broken, try to steer clear)
Griffin is an average fella, not that he brags or even notices. He’d probably say there’s no point measuring yourself when there’s always gonna be someone taller than you. What matters is how you act! - 6/10 (He’s a hunter through and through, and he’s a bit of a cynical guy due to his fame. If you want to serenade this man, make it good! And whatever you do, don’t mention the movies made of him.)
Slim, aptly named, is a thin, slender and slightly taller than average guy. Whatever he lacks in height he makes up for in fire. He’s seriously scrappy and sassy, big personality when fired up. - 7.5/10 (Slim has PTSD, and he’s a bitter, jaded old man. Watching his best friends die horribly will do that. But if you manage to get this guy to open up, you might just get the most loyal, loving person in the world. Self-esteem issues through the roof.)
Hank is a short-ish guy, more stout than he is tall. I get dwarf vibes from him, but he’s still a human. - 8/10 (He’s a gentleman, has a heart of gold, and despite his slang idioms and hillbilly accent, he’s also a genius. He’s also an open kind of fellow, but he does smoke and is probably looking for a long term relationship rather than a fling)
Val is an average woman, but don’t let that fool you. She’s all hidden muscle and sharp intellect. Her eyes, ears and trigger finger is probably sharper than anyone’s on the team. - 7/10 (She’s a spy man, and no matter how honest she is, that’s still going to be a big part of her. If you pursue a relationship with her, it will be on the run.)
Kala is a scientist first, experiment second, and a normal, human with needs last. She’s pretty average but makes up for her height with the power of SCIENCE! - 7/10 (She’s half monster, it’s not gonna be a pretty end to your relationship. But if you still want to chase this doctor at arms, then you’ll find someone who’s been shunning and smothering their feelings for decades. Soft-spoken and will probably cry when you say I love you.)
Caira is an interesting person, still taller than the average woman. She’s got some good muscle to her too, and her personality is really cheery and peppy. Don’t be fooled by a pretty face, though. She won’t think twice about napalming you if you piss her off. - 8.5/10 (She’s kind of mean and has no problem retaliating physically if it comes down to it. Big brain, big heart, but her high morals can make her come off as holier than thou. High energy kind of girl, and also I mean it when I say she’s smart. She constantly goes off on scientific rants, but that’s still really interesting. I love her. She infodumps just like me.)
Sunny is sunshine mixed with a hurricane. A whirlwind of energy, good vibes, and smiles all around. Engineering genius, but she has a few hidden sides of her that make her seem naive or stupid. She knows full well how the world works, and she’s determined not to let it bring her down. Solid 9/10 (She’s twenty one / twenty, and although that’s kind of young, she can still date. Very cute.)
Emet the medic, designed to be of average height and inspire a caring aura and protective feeling. He’s literally created to keep people calm! Real sweetheart, a little oblivious. - 8/10 for his good side. Bad side? 4/10. (The demon core would probably screw you so roughly you’d be limping for days. Not to mention Emet would probably be really shy in initiating a relationship, he’s sort of a man-child. Get past that, though, and you’ve got a nice, caring bf!)
Cabot is canonly referred to as being short, and I think 5′5 is a good place to put him at. I mean, average males can be pretty tall, so if he’s referred to as short, he’s gotta be noticeably short. - 10/10. (Literally husband material, was married, he’s handsome, he’s got a nice voice, own a ship. Biggest challenge would be trying to woo him.)
Jack is literally tinier than a pea. A rowdy, dirty boy. Scrappy puppy. Jackal at heart, even if he doesn’t know what one is. - No attractiveness rating for this guy, he’s too young! Still a little baby. (But from a young standpoint? Probably 8/10, maybe a nine if I knew what looked like.)
I got kind of off track trying to reason about their heights. They just struck me as fitting at the time.
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exowolf-reactions · 7 years
i hope you don't mind getting a few of these type of asks but who do you think will most likely settle down first then start a family & how many kids do you think each member would have? ik they're all pretty young atm except for xiumin really so it probably wouldn't be for quite some time (you can go into detail w/ this ask if you like)
From what some of the guys are doing, it looks like they’ve got a long life of idol life still, I don’t think the majority of them would settle down while still being an idol because they couldn’t give their significant other the attention they deserve and need.
Like I can see Chanyeol and Lay being producers after EXO, and Kyungsoo being an actor, I swear Chen will go into theater, and of course the boys’ enlisting and stuff. 
I think Chanyeol would probably be the first to settle down, he’s such a dad, he loves kids so much and he’s such a dad/husband material kind of guy. I definitely think he’ll have at least two, since he’s said that he wants kids like he and his noona, so a girl first and then a boy. So at least two, but how maternal daddy chan is, I could definitely see him having more than two.
Kris has mentioned things about his ‘future daughter’ for a while now, and now that he’s not actually under a label or anything, his idol life is more of his choice in being in movies and such, I can see him being an idol/actor while having a kid/wife as well, and he’s one of the oldest and not Korean so he doesn’t have to worry about enlisting and all that. I can see Kris having just one, at least planned on only having one. 
Lay is so entranced by kids, and he’s such an angel towards girls and people in general, and if his past of romantic things for his past GF, he’s such a loving guy so I can imagine him getting married sooner than the others. I can lowkey imagine him opening his own dance studio for kids in China and shiz, maybe even teach his kids there too. I think with how adoring he is with kids, and now that the Child Ban in China has been raised to two, I can see him having two, adding the kids at his dance studio as his ‘claimed children’ as well. Mama Hen Xing, gotta love it.
Kai has a shiz ton of dogs so he’s definitely capable of having multiple kids, and he adores his niece so much he’ll most likely definitely want a daughter, to the point of trying multiple times and ending up with at least three kids, or maybe even adopting a girl. He referenced wanting to be able to actually help his wife cook and with house stuff when he was on Yummy Yummy with Sehun, so he’s definitely trying to work out the idea of being a husband, so I can imagine him settling down sooner than the other guys
Baekhyun, as my nana says, is ‘more bf material than husband’ because he’s so playful and childish. But I can definitely see him settling down earlier than some of EXO. From return of superman, he’s definitely the mom in the household, he’s definitely the more gentle and nurturing one, I can imagine him being on return of superman too, being the house dad and stuff. He’s got a big family, he’s the baby of a bunch of sisters so I can imagine him having multiple kids as well, 3+ or so, and being the stay at home dad. 
Xiumin got a cat, and my nana and I make jokes like ‘people that get a dog, want someone to love them. people that get a cat, want to love something’ so I can imagine him being in the forefront of settling down because, yeah he’s the oldest but he’s also such a lovey baby and he was so cute on return of superman with the chen’s look alike and his sister. He’s definitely good with kids, but I don’t see him having a lot, maybe one or two at the most. 
Chen just seems way to playful still to be considering settling down, a girlfriend maybe, but married and kids, I don’t see for a very long time. Plus he’s Xiumin’s buddy, can’t leave his hyung all alone again, can he? But I oddly see Chen with a lot of kids? Being one of the older members, he kinda is a mom, or at least a weird aunt in EXO, I can definitely see him being like an idol dad on return of superman with like triplets or something XD
Luhan would probably be one of the lasts, and it made me lowkey laugh thinking about this. He’s definitely in no rush to get a girlfriend or anything, seeing as his butt, even after being free from SM, got two cats because he was lonely, instead of just getting a girlfriend.....He was going to go to college before he got into EXO, so I imagine he’d go get his degrees before he settled down, and again with the new law in China, I imagine he’d have two as well, along with his kitty sons.
Suho is definitely a mom and husband worthy, but he’s had to practically raise EXO since training, I think he’d be one of the last to settle down, or at least have kids, just so he finally has a break from taking care of people. But he will definitely have kids, no doubt. I think he’d only have one or two, no more than two though. He would definitely be one of the lasts if he’s an idol, considering he broke up with his gf when he was a trainee because he couldn’t give her the proper attention a bf should give, so I find it hard to imagine him being an idol with a wife and kids?
Sehun’s an actual child and he can’t even cook ramen, I think he’d be one of the members to live a normal life after EXO, not continue on too much with being an idol so I imagine he’d want to get some degrees and enlist before settling down. I can see him maybe only having one kid, seeing as he’s practically an infant and being the maknae, he hasn’t really had to take care of a human. Or he’ll just stick to Vivi for quite a few years.
Kyungsoo, I highkey think was really fucked up from that girl breaking up with him because he was ‘too clingy’ and never getting candy of valentines day and stuff, so I think he’s kind of thrown himself into work and won’t let himself get involved with romance and stuff? Idk, but either way, he seems to be setting up a lot of stuff so he can continue to be an actor after EXO, and remain in the idol life, and because he’s so focused on his work I don’t see him mixing a wife and kids into that. HOWEVER, he will definitely be the best husband and father ever, no doubt about that. I can imagine him with a few kids, he has an older brother so I image he’ll have 2 or 3.
Tao is the last to settle down in my mind. He just seems way too childish still to even be considering settling down let alone get married and have kids? And idk, watching that show he was on with kids, he doesn’t look like he has any idea how to take care of himself, let alone a child, so I think he’d be way way after the others. I think if it did happen, he’d only have one kid, though.
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