#gotta make them quick to type alksdfa;lkj
Heyyy pax! 💖✨💖 for the ask game that i made; 6; 8; 9; 10 have a lovely day!
thank you for making it, isabella!! they’re some really nice choices!!!
6: Times New Roman or Georgia?
NEITHER i hate TNR from school and i havent ever used georgia as a font. It’s arial loving hours up in here
8: Writing at 12 pm or 12 am?
well 12 pm is the most common for me, but 12 am gets the funniest dialog/interactions/comics so theres that
9: Is your favorite writing buddy a person or a pet?
If we’re talking writing buddy as in ‘is the room while im writing’ it’s probably my dogs, Nugget and Duke. we do a thing every day called “napsies with paxies” and so they’re always on my bed when i wanna write :D
10: Keep my writing to myself until I die or show it to everyone vaguely interested?
My brain oscillates wildly between both of these, and at any given moment, I am both basking in the excitement of sharing, and regretting every bit of writing that I have ever put out into the world
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