#gotta learn how to be a functional human (well half-elf) now
thespacelizard · 10 months
ahhh i did it!! we kicked orin's ass and by we i mean rune, on his own
no more murder-monster time now though, because through the power of friendship and having a hot vampire boyfriend he wants to live for, he told daddy dearest to go fuck himself
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deadromance619 · 6 years
Time At Sea
Something happened, I don't know what to say.
I am a girl, and for the most part of my life I've acted like one, but I must say my perspective on sexuality has become a little masculine over the year. I've adopted certain methods of birth control since I've been back, some are a little extreme, some aren't, I've always thought that sexuality was something you choose, something about it that you liked. There are things some people like and there are things some people don't like, like food.
Lately though, I've been feeling like I'm being pressured into castration, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I've been kicked out of my guild. You see, The Silvermoon Senate the guild I was with, didn't like that I was attempting to scrape some bedmates from the guild, but I never was actually with any of them, I faced insults like, "Get away from me, you smelly pirate hooker." A few times since I've been back. My pirate sisters say that you're going to hear that term a lot when you get on shore, especially when you get to a city with a functioning church.
When the pirates found out I was a paladin, things got a little edgy. I mean at first when they saw what I could do with a blade, how I could pull my own weight, and even learn some tricks of the trade, they were on their best behavior. The crew started acting a little more aggressive and the captain would assign alone time to some of the mates, but there was a lot of them. I was what seemed at the time, was the epiphany of Chasity, I got a lot of attitude for reasons I didn't know at the time.
It was confusing and complicated, and I really just thought it was the normal, I'm a human, you're a blood elf, or some of an opposing faction politics that have been my life, but as it turns out no one was having sex because of me. Because I was a paladin.
There was a munity and they wanted me off the ship. I asked what I had done wrong, I had been doing things they wanted, and was even getting good at it, and they said, "It's not what you do, it's what you are."
Naïve at the time, I said, "But there are sin'dorei in this crew, and I've even mended a lot of your wounds."
He put his head down, lifted his hand and waved it, "We know, but we don't want to corrupt you, and the Burning Legion is here, any day could be our last, and we want to live like it is."
"I don't care if you guys drink and be merry." I stated.
The captain lightly took a hold of my arm and whispered in my ear, "He means sex."
"Sex?!" I said out loud, that was followed by a gasp.
Now there were half as many women as there were men, but the first mate, an orc female named Lane came up to me and said, "Yes lassie, sex, and these superstitious pirates hadn't knocked boots with anyone since you came on board." She looked over at the captain like she offended him, "Accept you of course, Captain Blackgrave." Blackgrave the captain, a tall sulky human, with dark skin, and wore a black sleeveless trench coat. She smiled and curtsied even though she was wearing pants, "But these men think your healing spells will stop working if they establish their cannons. Frankly it's got me hot and bothered too."
"Try not to use those words with Perfectia, please." Captain Blackgrave said as he put his hand over his face.
"I think I got the picture." I intervened.
First mate Lane the orc lady that has been talking, crossed her arms, and looked at the crew, "These men think you'll lose your Paladin power if someone dwarves your beard."
Captain Blackgrave let out a deep sigh, put his hand on his head, and shook it.
I looked at both of them questionably and shrugged my shoulders.
Lane took a step forward at me and smiled. "Shank your jewelry." She said, the crew laughed. "Loosen your Light." She continued, "Caddis your katie. If you tank the trout. Pudding your peach, dampen your druid, shock your shaman, float your frigate, groping your grinder." She looked at me questionably, shook her head, and shrugged, "Um, widen your Consecration?" She asked.
I side smiled, "Oh, that's just a spell that leaves aaaahhh… No!" I suddenly realized what she was saying, "I won't lose my powers if I have sex, jeeze."
"How do you know?" One of the crew asked.
"Because," I gritted through my teeth, "I've already… "I mumbled off and recalled the thought, putting my hand over my chest as I remembered the painful memory.
Lane looked at me with concern, "Nobody forced themselves on you, did they?" she asked.
I shook my head, "He died… not too long after." I explained.
Lane could tell I was upset, she padded me on the shoulder, and looked at Captain Blackgrave, "Yeah captain, she's gotta go. I mean look at her, she's still to pure."
"No," I yelled, "I won't be a bother to anyone I swear! Don't you see, this is what we wanted, to forget all the bloodshed we've been through our whole lives. On this ship, you have Horde and Alliance races working together." I explained. Looking out to the crew
Blackgrave crossed his arms, looked at me with rage in his eye, and shook his head, "Those racial tensions are beginning to resurface! We are running out of supplies and we haven't pillaged a single boat since you came on board."
"We've already missed the last blood hunt because of you." Lane added.
"What's a blood hunt?" I asked.
Lane looked over at the captain, he nodded his head, "The reason why there's not that many women on this ship, it's because we die on the blood hunt." She explained, "We are taken to an island with dangerous wildlife and pass our blood for a few days, during that time the animals, the fish, even birds are drawn to us. It is a fruitful hunt regardless of the situation, but a dangerous one nonetheless."
I looked at her questionably, "Do men ever join on a blood hunt."
The women in the crew laughed, "They have before, but there usually the first to die." Lane explained, "The smell of their piss kind of defeats the purpose of the hunt, also the rare one that do survive don't come back the same."
I looked at Captain Blackgrave in his eyes, he just nodded. "Have you?" I asked.
Blackgrave looked away as he recalled the thought, "There's something about the sounds of screams as you watch the women die, every single casually hits you like a battering ram, and it stays on you. Men will eventually do something reckless, try to be the hero, and die for it. I just kept fishing, facing the ocean, kept my ears closed, realize that I'm needed to take command of my ship when we got on board, and Lane had everything under control."
"These loins of mine have been aching just of late, Captain, do you have a course for an island we can set for?" Lane asked.
"I do, lots of big cats and a few monkeys, but we have to drop the paladin off first." The Captain explained.
"No, I wanna go in the blood hunt. I can fight." I argued.
"Nobody doubts that, but I need a roll in the hay before I go, and…" Lane paused.
I took off my red crown, and my heavy plated chest piece, "What are you doing?" she asked.
"I'll prove it to you." I said as I undid my greaves, took off my gloves.
I continued to disrobe removing my bra and underwear, but leaving my boots, I lifted both of my arms in the air and shot out a blast of light at the whole crew, "Chastity does not strengthen my resolve to the Light!" I yelled, "Only my will!" And put my arms down.
Everyone regained their eyesight and I saw someone step forward and I subconsciously looked away and covered myself with my hands. I heard Captain Blackgrave take off his coat and wrap it around me. He was still wearing a sleeveless white shirt, "Well you heard her men." He ordered. "Have at it."
"Will she?" one of the crew asked.
"When she's ready." The captain answered.
The sailors and pirates all gave a salute and ran down under deck, Lane smiled at me, gave a mocking salute to Blackgrave and headed down as well. I held the coat tightly as I felt the ocean air blow against my skin. I looked out to the ocean as the sun started to go down. I saw the captain put a small piece of wood in his mouth and look out to sea. He placed his hand on my shoulder, but I pushed it away with my hand. "Sorry." He said.
Captain Blackgrave leaned forward on the wooden railing and looked at me. "Why do you want to be a pirate so badly anyways, you haven't even seen what we really do." He looked outward, "We could drop you off near Light's Hope and you can take back the mantel of Highlord."
I looked down in self-pity like I usually did, but the ocean was so beautiful that it held my gaze keeping my eye's forward, "It's what he would have wanted." I hit the side of the wooden railing angrily, "I thought I was so close. Those order halls held Horde and Alliance members, but we still only stuck with our own people. So many of my blood elf people wished to join the order when they found out I was the Highlord, but I was still extremely suspicious of members of the Alliance. Then a dwarf took over the mantel, he thought it would be a good idea to start thinning our numbers."
Blackgrave put his back to the railing and crossed his arms and laughed, "Sounds like politics to me." He gestured at my whole body, "But aren't you the Ashbringer? The legendary 'Mograine Soul' Perfectia?" He asked.
I looked at him questionably.
"It's what the Dark Irons were calling you." He claimed and laughed, "I never thought she would strip down naked in front of my crew." He spit out the piece of wood into the ocean.
The sound of moaning was getting louder from under the deck and it was making me feel bothered and disturbed. Blackgrave touch me on my shoulder again, "Perfectia, would you join me in my chambers tonight?"
I shot him an angry glare and pulled his hand away again. I looked up at him and thought of how a fight with him and his crew might go, but they were busy. No one would have known if he died until the next morning, but it was a question, he was giving me a chance to say no. He looked at me strangely and shook his head, "Is that normal for a blood elf's eyes to do that?" he asked.
"Do what?" I asked still angry.
"There gold." He claimed.
I never seen the glow before but there were a few people that said it happened to me a few times. I put my hand over my eyes and checked the glow, they were glowing gold. I closed my eyes tightly, shook my head a few times, and blinked my eyes. I checked the glow again with my hand and they were green again. "Is that better?" I asked and looked up at him.
Blackgrave shook his head, "I liked the way they were before."
I rolled my eyes and half smiled.
Blackgrave shrugged, "Alright, at least I know what happens when you get pissed off." He claimed. He walked into his personal room on the upper deck, put his hand on the door, but looked back at me. "As a member of my crew Perfectia, I will give you this order: go under the deck and greet your crew members, right now."
I looked at him disgustedly and could still hear them moaning from below.
Blackgrave shook his head, "Don't worry, you can take your armor, no one is going to touch you unless you want them to." He explained, and he closed the door behind him.
I shuttered at the thought, but it was what I said I was going to do. I wouldn't bother them intentionally or make them feel guilty or uncomfortable about what they did. If I could show them that I could tolerate this sort of thing, maybe I wouldn't be met with so much aggression and guilt from the crew. I put on my armor and walked across the sexually repressed members of the crew and I didn't say anything. I just nodded and smiled and looked at the displays that made my heart beat fast and my stomach turn in knots. Some of them gave me a double take as they were in each other's embrace, but I thought it was that they were surprised to see me.
I walked outside when I had seen enough, as calmly as I could. When I got outside I thought I would puke over the deck. It wasn't just women with men. It was men on men, women on women, combinations of interracial species that I didn't even know could happen. By the time I pulled my head up because I couldn't really puke, the sun was completely down, and the glow in my eyes were the only things that lit up the deck. They were gold again. I closed my eyes in frustration and shook my head, and they turned green but then they were gold again. "Come on, stay green." I said to myself.
The moaning calmed down from under the ship, I laid on the hard wood floor and looked up at the stars, putting my hands over my eyes a few times to check the glow and most of the time it was green, but when the thoughts of what I saw from under the deck entered my mind they changed back to gold. I thought out loud, "Were my eye's that color the whole time I was down there? Is that why they were looking at me like that?"
I put my hands behind my head and closed my eyes, feeling the turn of the ocean and the sound of the waves.
I was awoken by a seagull that was pecking on my hair. It was morning, my back was hurting from the hard ground I chose to sleep on, and that morning chill went right through my armor. I checked the glow in my eyes and it was green and bright. Sails were up and tied and the sun wasn't completely up yet, but Blackgrave and one of his crew were talking by his room and I overheard him say, "Are you sure it wasn't her?" Blackgrave asked.
The other crew member explained, "I don't know, it didn't look like her."
I stormed over there, where they were, hands balled into fist.
"Oh yeah that's her." The crew member said.
"Uh oh." Blackgrave said, realizing he was in trouble.
"Yeah, 'uh oh' is right." I said and decked Blackgrave across the jaw making him fall over, catching himself on his hand.
The crew member drew his sword and pointed the tip at my face. "You will NOT strike the Captain like that again, do you understand?" he demanded.
Blackgrave put his hand on the crewmember's sword lightly and putting it down, "It's fine, it's fine, put your sword down." He stood up, "I take it you didn't enjoy the sites." He looked down on me as he stood up.
I put my hands on my head as I recalled the thought, just screamed for about five second, "You bastard!" I yelled, they were about to say more but, "Shut your festering hole you prick." I interrupted, "Your type makes me sick. You snotty nosed, hemp of bird droppings. You vacuous, coffee nosed, malodorous, pervert!" I just stood there breathing heavy.
"Are you done?" Blackgrave asked calmly.
They both looked at my face, "You people are savage sea peasants!" I continued.
Blackgrave rolled his eyes, leaned back on the ship railing, stuck a small piece of wood in his mouth, and crossed his arms, "Well I'm against people that vent against our eleganticity, by extraneous bombastic circumlocutions." He half smiled and tilted his head.
I gave him a look of shock, "I, um." I was afraid to ask him what that meant.
"Hey, her eyes turned green again." The crew member stated.
I pulled out a hair brush out and fling it downward, it made them flinch, but they laughed it off when nothing happened. I looked down and it was still a hair brush. I fling it down again and it was still a hair brush, "Come on!" I wined. I tried two hands and nothing, "Come on, I am so pissed right now, just come out!" I continued.
The crewmen whispered over to Blackgrave's ear, "You know I've never heard of a paladin losing their powers from just watching people have sex." He looked over at me, "Hey, her eyes are gold again."
Blackgrave laughed, "I don't think it has anything to do with that." He paused and looked at me aggressively swinging away a hair brush, screaming 'COME OUT YOU STUPID STUPID SWORD!' "I like her better like that." He said.
The crew member looked over at him, "With golden eyes or overly aggressive?"
Blackgrave laughed to himself, "Both."
Lane came upward on the top of the deck, "Hey, can we get Perfectia down here? We had a few accidents last night."
"I can't," I said on my knees, crying, with a hairbrush in my hand, "You smelly pirates took away my paladin powers, now I have to be a tavern wench." I cried into my hands.
Blackgrave stood up and yelled, "Perfectia, just go over there and heal them, your powers are fine!"
Lane picked me up, "Come on Perfectia, just head down stairs. Don't ask them what happen, just fix them." She asked.
"Okay." I said and leaned against her.
So, I started on the first crew member laying on his stomach, he looked up at me, "Perfectia, is that you?"
I wiped my face, "Yeah, I know, the eye's, I can change them back if I concentrate."
He reached over to me, "No, no, this is better, you look like an angel."
I smiled and looked him over, breathed, calmingly called to the Light, a ray of singing Light flowed through me and into the crew member, just like it always had. I smiled and looked at my hands, Lane slapped me on the back and said, "See your powers are fine. A few eyefuls aren't going to stop you."
I went by crewmember to crewmember all with suspicious injuries, none of them I asked about, and then I went to one lady and healed her with the Light, she looked down and touched herself and asked, "I thought you said you were going to stop the infection."
I looked at her and smiled, "I did." I explained, "But that kind of blood needs to flow."
"Shit." Lane said out loud. "Shit, shit, shit." She repeated. She stormed to the top of the deck and yelled for Blackgrave, "Captain we need to set a course to Keta Island!"
He got on the wheel and started giving orders to his men. The sails came down and flowed in the wind and the men came to work the sails as they set a course. Lane grabbed me by the arm, "Perfectia, are you sure you're ready to do this?"
I nodded.
"Because the men can still use you up here to heal wounds." Lane explained.
"What's more important?" I asked.
"The hunt, but it's dangerous." She answered.
I pulled my arm away from her. "Then I'll hunt with you."
Lane looked away.
I know I was supposed to write about what happen before I was kicked out of the guild, but I just went on this writing tangent thinking about my time at sea. I think it's more interesting that way. The sun starting to come up and I haven't gotten any sleep. I'll proofread it when I wake up and I'll talk about my former friend and guild leader Arwen, but there is a lot to talk about when it came to the first blood hunt. The point being she called me a whore and threaten to tell the Paladin Order if I kept acting like a whore in her guild. If I wasn't in her guild then she wouldn't say anything. Said, it was my choice to leave, and think of the children, but yeah, I describe it more in detail later, but I think this is better.
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Reflections - Session 2
In which there are a lot of goblins, one of which is adorable.
Preface: I was not present for this session, as I had not yet been invited to join the game. The below account is my best interpretation of events based on stories I’ve heard, and the summary that the DM wrote (from his perspective).
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Before Lah and Breaker Morthal get going on this whole Blue Goblin thing, Saren has some words of sage advice:
He cautions them against bring the fight to the Goblin, since it’s likely to be in its den, where the odds will be stacked in its favor
Goblins can see in the darkness of caves, after all, and Morthal has Low-Light vision, at best.
If they try to lure it out of the cave, it might bring its buddies with it
And that’ll be a problem, to say the least.
Suggests they try to set a trap for it just outside of its den, and catch it that way
Yeah okay sure, we’ll figure something out
Can’t really devise a full plan until we know exactly what we’re dealing with
Saren guides them back to the mirror and prepares to send them on their way
Gives them a small hand mirror
“When the phrase ‘Mirror Rim’ is spoken to the mirror, it will allow you to communicate with me.”
Ha. Mirror Rim. A palindrome.
Get it?
Cause he’s a mirror person?
A n d   m i r r o r s   r e f l e c t   t h i n g s   h a h a h a h a
He tells Lah and Morthal to use the walkie talkie mirror to let him know when they’re ready to come back through to the Mirror Realm
“You’ll need to return through the same means you used to arrive, so be sure not to lose track of your escape route.”
Roger Roger, see you in a bit, buddy
Saren makes some arcane hand gestures
Some of the runes on the edges of the mirror start to glow
The image in the mirror shifts from a reflection, to sort of looking like a window
A wooden room with a closed door on the opposite end, and a small window to the side
Lah and Morthal step through
Emerge in…
… A bathroom
Cautiously open the door
Seems like the house is pretty run down
Appears abandoned
Well good
Leave the house, discover a small village
Putz around town for a while, gathering information about the town and the goblins
Town is called Lorthas Village
It sits on a river feeding from the mountains
Quickly discover that mountains are home to several warring goblin tribes
Each tribe is a different color:
Red, Green, Grey, Brown, and Yellow
Who woulda guessed that goblins would be racist?
Lah and Morthal split up to cover more ground
Lah learns the following
Lorthas Village is sort of in an economic crisis right now
The goblin wars have cut off most of the village’s supply lines to other neighboring settlements
They can still get food by fishing from the river…
… But the lack of other food means that overfishing the river is becoming a real concern
The Mayor - a pudgy human man named Weville Norris, who lives in a nice mansion nearby - is trying to resolve the issue
Or rather, he’s trying to get other people to resolve it for him
He’s paying 10g per right goblin ear, hoping that the resulting goblin culling will eventually help the supply lines open back up
10g per goblin ear, you say?
You had Lah’s curiosity, but now you have her attention.
Meanwhile, Morthal speaks to some other people, and learns:
The Blue Goblin has recently been spotted with the Green-skinned tribe near the river a ways outside of town
The townsfolk have noticed that it seems to stay away from the rest of its kin for some reason
Also, it sounds like the goblin raids on the town have been increasing in frequency as of late
One tribe’s weapons seem to be quite a bit better than those of the others
That probably doesn’t bode well.
Eventually, Lah and Morthal meet back up and exchange information
Decide to charter a raft and its captain to take them up the river toward the last known location of the Blue Goblin
[ Insert Traveling Montage ]
Arrive at the spot, disembark, start searching by foot
Soon start to hear shrill screaming and the sounds of battle
They approach the noises cautiously and peer over the ridge to investigate
Discover the Green and Grey goblin tribes in the process of beating the snot out of each other
There are a couple dozen Greens, who appear to have much better weapons than the Greys
They’re also being led by what appears to be a Hobgoblin
The Greys have a fucking Ettin on their side, though
So that sort of evens things out.
Just a little.
It’s swinging around a pair of clubs and destroying mostly Greens, but not really noticing when a Grey gets caught in the mix
The Greens are outnumbered, suffering heavy losses, and about to fucking lose
Lah and Morthal notice a small figure in… strangely nice black robes behind the Greens
It raises its hand to its forehead
A fucking shockwave of fire rockets through the air
Strikes the Ettin, sends it reeling
W h a t   t h e   s h i t
Let’s not fuck with him
Lah and Morthal immediately spring to action
Decide to join the Greens, start mopping up the Greys
The Blue concentrates his efforts on the Ettin
Manages to explode one of its two heads
It’s not dead, but it’s having trouble compensating for the loss of half of its body’s functionality
Lah and Morthal use the opportunity to clean up the rest of the Greys
And the Blue dispatches the Ettin with another blast of psionic energy
Despite their efforts, only one Green managed to survive
It fucks off into the woods instantly
It’s smart enough to not wanna fuck with an obviously competent human and elf, especially without backup
The Blue remains, looking a little shocked at Lah and Morthal’s assistance
Watches them cautiously
Morthal steps up
Decides that this guy is too badass to be deserving of death, if at all possible
Starts talking to him in conversational Goblin
Eventually manages to calm him down
Explains that he and Lah have been searching for the Blue, because their benefactor wants to study him
Tries to convince the Blue to come with them willingly
(The first of many moments when the players did something the DM was not expecting)
Meanwhile, Lah goes around and starts looting the Goblin bodies
Discretely collects a bag of right ears
Gotta cash in on that reward, yo!
The Blue doesn’t notice
Tells Morthal that his coloration and abilities made him useful to the Green tribe, but that he was still regarded as an outcast
He was a tool, at best. They didn’t actually want him around, and didn’t care about him.
Morthal assures the Blue that if he comes with them to be studied, he’ll be safe, and well-fed
That’s better than what he’d get if he went back to the remaining Greens
The Blue considers his options, and eventually decides to go back with Lah and Morthal
He’s understandably nervous about it, but is still fairly optimistic
He introduces himself as Azure
Alright, this is all well and good, but like
Saren said we had to go back to the Mirror Realm the same way we came in
That means getting back to that bathroom in the abandoned house…
… In the middle of Lorthas.
The villagers hate goblins, and won’t be keen on one waltzing through town
Even if he IS accompanied by Morthal and Lah
Concoct a Plan to End All Plans
Lah splits up from Morthal and Azure
Takes the raft back into town, while the other two walk back
Lah arrives ahead of them, as planned, with her bag of ears in tow
Displays the bloody sack to the guards at the front gate
They are McImpressed!
Begin a veritable parade in her honor as she hikes through town
Picks up several dozen people on the way
She promises to fund a celebration to her success with the funds from her reward
Goes to the mayor
Cashes in on the reward money - gets like a bazillion platinum
He even gives her a bonus for the Ettin ears!
Time for Phase 2
Marches her ass down to the local tavern - the Midnight’s Breeze - gathering even more people
Goes up to the tavern owner behind the counter
“What’s your name?”
“... Grace?”
“Well, Grace.”
Slams money on the counter
“I’d like to buy drinks for the entire town. I’m buying out the bar.”
Instigates a town-wide party
Everyone proceeds to get COMPLETELY shit-faced
E v e r y o n e.
There’s no way this could go horribly wrong!
Meanwhile, on the road, Azure talks to Morthal for a little while longer
Reveals that he’s the reason why the Greens have better weapons than the other tribes
He’s been reading the minds of the villagers in Lorthas
Learned how to make better weapons from them
Tried to use that knowledge to buy the favor of his kin
It didn’t work :c
That’s okay, buddy. We appreciate you.
As they near town, they can start to hear the sounds of Lah’s party
Like, they’re still miles out
But they can fucking hear it
Good. Phase 2 appears to be working
“Get the town so drunk that they won’t notice a goblin sneaking through toward an abandoned house.”
Very few guards are on duty at the gates
Morthal and Azure wait for an opportunity to sneak in
Morthal detects movement out of the corner of his eye, off in the forest
“… Oh my GOD.”
Goblins of all colors.
Hundreds of them.
All drawn by the sound of celebration.
They know an opportune time to strike when they see one.
Grabs Azure, sprints into town
Spots a VERY drunk Lah hanging out with some good-looking sailors
She’s so plastered that she doesn’t even really recognize Morthal’s voice
He grabs her, too, and starts dragging her toward the abandoned house
Plow directly through several human villagers
And one… dwarf?
Sprint inside the house, slam the door behind them
Grab the hand mirror
Saren’s face appears in the mirror, a la Beauty and the Beast
“Ah, are you on your way b--”
Saren obliges and opens the mirror portal in the bathroom
And not a moment too soon!
From the sound of it outside, the goblins have started to invade
And something has just busted down the front door
Everyone sprints through the mirror
Huff puff for a while
… Oh shit, it’s not over yet, is it?
Dopplegangers appear out of the mirror
One of Azure appears, too
Lah and Morthal destroy all three with relative ease
Azure is a little perturbed at the sight of his new friends killing his copy
Saren approaches, assures Azure that everything is fine
Explains the dopplegangers to him
Immediately begins studying Azure
He wasn’t expecting Lah and Morthal to actually bring him back alive!
This is great!
Tells the pair to go get some rest while he begins his research
Look around
… This place is… still just one hallway, Saren.
Where are we supposed to go?
“Oh. Right.”
He starts to stoneshape the corridor
Makes some additional rooms, including a few bedrooms.
Before he can get back to studying Azure, Morthal pulls him aside
Asks if his offer of the serum that made Lah into a Soulknife still stands
Saren affirms, injects Morthal with the serum as well
He pukes all over the floor
Wizards aren't exactly known for their high Fortitude Saves
For that matter, neither are Psions
Which is what Morthal has now Gestalted with
Lah and Morthal rest for a bit, try not to think about the fact that they just fucked over Lorthas village
End Session 2
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