#gotta just send him out into the world yaknow???
chatonlaveur · 2 months
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starcourtsteves · 2 years
as the world caves in ~ steve harrington
summary: you and steve are stuck in the upside down and find a moment to plan for a future that you aren’t sure will even happen
warnings: SEASON 4 SPOILERS, established relationship, lots of angst, protective!steve, injuries/blood, fluff, food mention, kids mention, a proposal of sorts, two lovers against the world 💔
yes, based off this song. give it a listen before/during/after, it’ll hurt so good
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Running. It’s been so much running. Running and ducking and dodging and hurling rocks at those godforsaken bats. 
You stay a step ahead, trying your best not to let your feet snag on any tentacle-branches. Steve hisses now and again from behind you, gripping the bloody bandages on his abdomen and staying alert to make sure nothing — or no one — else is following you. 
A tug on your beltloop is startling but Steve whispers, “hey, this way,” and you follow him backward into a thick, tangled mass of underbrush against a tree. The middle is hollowed out with just enough room for the two of you to sit huddled side by side. The bats quickly lose your scent and fly off. 
Finally, some peace and quiet. As much as you can find in a horrible, dangerous underworld like the Upside Down. 
“Dustin made me watch The Birds last year,” Steve grumbles. “Seemed stupid at the time. Now I never wanna see anything with wings again.”
But you don’t answer — not even a laugh or tease about how much he actually enjoys hanging with Dustin. The terror keeps you quiet. 
And Steve can’t have that. 
“Hey. Except you, angel, right?” He nudges your side, lifting his arm for you to lean against him. “You’ll sprout wings one day if you get any prettier.”
You finally crack a smile, looking over at Steve and gingerly wiping at another smear of blood on his cheek. “You first.”
He scoffs. “Right. I’m wearing Eddie freaking Munson’s vest right now, in case you haven’t noticed. Not my best look.”
Your eyes flick down and up his bare chest under the cut of denim. “I think it works.” Knowing what was coming, you lean back against his muscled arm and look up into the trees. 
“Wow, not even mortal danger can get you to keep it in your pants?”
“It’s a welcome distraction, that’s all.”
Steve chuckles, giving your ribs a quick squeeze and relishing in how you sink further into him. He presses a kiss to your hair before resting his head on yours, sighing deeply. 
Thunder cracks in the distance, sending red lightning shooting across the sky. A flock of demon-bats screeches overhead and you and Steve cower closer together. When they pass, he keeps his voice low. 
“Sorry I couldn’t get you out.”
“Steve, no—”
“No, I should’ve gone faster.” He drags his free hand dejectedly over his face to tangle in his hair. “Should’ve hurried Eddie and Robin and Nance and gotten you up that goddamn sheet-rope thing before it all went wrong.”
You could cry at the pain in his voice. “It’s not your fault. Vecna sensed us.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just...here.” He fiddles with one of his bracelets, a simple string of leather, and pulls it off his wrist. “I’ve been meaning to give this to you anyway. Take it, yaknow, for just in case I don’t make it out.”
“In case we don’t make it out.”
Steve laughs dryly. “No, you’re getting out. I’ll make sure of that.”
You slip it on your own wrist, admiring it sadly. Then you furrow your brows at Steve. “I’ll be giving this back to you because you will make it out.”
“Okay, okay, roger that.”
To quell the tension — the “we’d probably have an argument about this if our lives weren’t in danger” tension — Steve speaks up again. 
“What’s the first thing you’re gonna eat when we get out? I feel like we haven’t had food in days.”
You hum thoughtfully, happy to play along. Steve and his hypotheticals were how you first started dating, and it’s his favorite conversation starter to keep the spark alive. 
“Gotta be fries. A whole plate of ‘em from that diner next to the video shop.”
“Good answer, I’ll take it,” he croons, sneaking a kiss to your shoulder. “Personally, I’ll be arriving unannounced at Casa Henderson. Dustin’s mom makes a mean lasagna and with a little Harrington charm, she’ll make it any time I want.”
You nudge his chest, careful to avoid the bandaged bite wounds and earning a small grunt from Steve. “Not even mortal danger can get in the way of your ego.”
“Or my lasagna.”
The two of you share a giggle and then quiet down again, listening to the dulcet sounds of otherworldly monsters roaring in the distance. A nervous wring of your hands brings your gaze back down to where Steve’s bracelet sits on your left wrist, and you stare longingly at it again. 
Steve reaches for your hand, lifting it in front of you both and ghosting his touch over your ring finger. It stirs something in you and you both try to speak. 
“So would you—”
“You know, I—”
Steve chuckles and you bicker briefly on who should talk first. You finally mime locking your lips and throwing away the key, leaving Steve to bashfully make his point. 
“I was just thinking. You know, long-term planning because we’ll definitely get out of here.” He shrugs, gesturing, shaking his head, and finally convinces himself to spit it out. “Marriage. Like, we could get married. Eventually, of course, if you wanted. You’ve never specified if you’re into the whole marriage and kids and white picket fence thing, but—”
“But I am,” you cut him off, chest flooding with warmth. You tangle your fingers with his and squeeze, melting at the happy relief in Steve’s eyes. It’s fanciful and ridiculous to consider in your current circumstance but the spark of hope is what you need. “And I accept your proposal. For some day.”
“When we’re ready.” After a beat, you add with a sly smile, “The marriage and kids thing?”
He bites back a grin. “Well with the natural progression of how these things work, yaknow, I think it’s on the table.”
“I think it’s on the table, too,” you hum contentedly. “What about Max?”
“What about her?” Tendrils of his hair flounce as he snaps his head to you in bewilderment. “Please don’t tell me she and Lucas have made up and are planning to get married, like, now.”
You clap a hand over your mouth to stifle a laugh. “No! No, god no, a million miles from that. I think they’ve made up but no. I meant, what about naming our maybe-someday-kid Max? Since it works for a boy or girl.”
He’s already shaking his head. “Nah, we can’t name our kid after any of those little shits we know. Even though Max is the least little shit of ‘em all.”
“Steve Jr.?”
You’re only met with a gagging noise, and you smack Steve’s knee. “Okay! Okay. Fine then, what do you want for a name?”
He leans his head back to think, drumming his fingers against your leg for emphasis. “Something classic. No grandpa names, nothing flowery. Something like George. Or George...ina.”
“Georgina? Georgina Harrington, that’s somehow better?”
“I don’t know, maybe!” Steve sputters, tongue peeking through his teeth as he laughs. You dissolve into equal laughter and it’s the most lighthearted you’ve felt in days. 
But the feeling is fleeting and a heaviness sets in your chest again. Steve’s smile fades, too, and he pulls you closer with a sad sigh. The wishful thinking is just that — wishful, and your reality in the Upside Down is much worse. This hiding pause feels like a temporary salve, one that could disappear in an instant and leave the world to crash down around you. 
The quiet picket-fence life is a dangerous daydream. 
The demon-bats cry out again, but the sound is the farthest it’s been. The rest of the monstrous woods are also relatively quiet and you feel Steve brace against the ground. 
“Probably should get on the move again,” he murmurs, “find a new place to hide.”
You nod solemnly and stand with him, carefully clawing out of your tangled hiding space. He seems to have gathered a little strength and puts himself in front, clasping your hand to his side to keep you close. 
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yunisverse · 5 years
Bendy Digimon AU “Maybe I’m better off alone.”
It’s just as the rest are queuing up to head home that Henry feels a tug at his sleeve. He looks down to Bendimon, the little demon’s expression more thoughtful than Henry’s ever seen.
“Before you go, can we talk?”
He has homework that’s overdue, but it can wait another day probably. Waving the others to go on ahead for the night, Henry buries his hands in the pockets of his shorts. “What’s up?”
Bendimon waits a moment, a little too long, until finally Norman has vanished out into the real world with the rest of the team. Then, the little digimon takes a deep breath, and looks off into the bushes. “Do you ever…” He stops, scuffing a foot against the ground, and tries again. “I mean… you should… probably stop coming here.”
Henry stares at him. Whatever he’d thought this conversation might be about, he hadn’t been braced for that. “Why?”
“Just–it’s a lotta work for a thing you don’t gotta do. The other kids, they can… they can take care of it all from here, yaknow?”
Henry blinks. “Did… Sammy tell you to say all that?”
“No, I just–”
“Was it Wally?”
“No!” Bendimon draws himself up, chest puffing indignantly. “No one told me to say it! I think you oughta just go home and stop worrying about all this stuff!”
Henry’s brow furrows. He’s been expecting to get into this argument with one of the other kids eventually, but coming from Bendimon just has him confused. “I can’t stop until I know Joey’s safe.”
“Sure you can!” Bendimon crosses his arms, looking away. “You helped out a bunch, getting everyone together like you did. And I’m real glad you helped out. But you can’t do anything more than that, so. There’s no point in you coming along anymore.”
“I don’t care if there’s a point.” Henry’s head cocks to the side. “Are you mad at me?” There’s silence, for a moment. Henry straightens up a little. His confusion has given away to annoyance. “What did I do? Why are you acting weird?”
“You’re the one who’s weird!” Bendimon’s shoulders hunch up, arms still crossed and eyes pointed firmly away. “You’re not my partner, you know! That digivice you got isn’t yours! So you’re just butting in where you don’t gotta and getting in the way of everybody!”
“So–so you just want me to forget about my friend?! Why are you the only one who gets to be worried?”
“’Cos I’m his partner! I was supposed to look after him, and be there for him, and instead I–” Bendimon stops suddenly. He grits his teeth. “I let him down. And, and I don’t need your help to fix it. I oughta do it myself.”
For a moment, Henry wants to agree just to get away from him, to yell that he really should do it alone if he’s going to be a jerk. Just the thought of saying it stings. Henry blinks hard a few times, rubbing at his nose. “I don’t care about that partner stuff. All that destiny or whatever you guys are supposed to have, I’m not part of it, and I don’t care. He’s my friend. And–” Henry sniffs, and lifts his chin. “And you are, too. So, so I’m gonna keep coming back, because friends help each other out, even when they don’t have to.”
Squaring his shoulders, Henry puts his hands on his hips and scowls down at Bendimon. “So, you’re just gonna have to deal with me getting in the way, okay?”
In contrast, Bendimon deflates under Henry’s gaze. His big dark eyes flicker over Henry’s stern expression, then to the floor. “What if I can’t?”
Henry’s confidence wanes. “Huh?”
Bendimon scuffs at the ground again, drawing lines in the dirt with his claws. “If you get in the way when I’m… when I digivolve, then…” He shrugs one shoulder. “It’s like Sammy keeps saying. I’m dangerous. I wouldn’t even think about it.”
“You figured it out, right? What really happened to Joey? It doesn’t take a genius.” Bendimon hunches in on himself, glowering at the clumps of dirt beneath him. “You don’t gotta keep acting stupid. You’re not dumb. And I’m not either.“
Henry takes a step forward. “Bendimon, quit it. We don’t know what happened.”
There’s a pulse in Henry’s pocket. He doesn’t need to check to know that uncanny, insubstantial light is flickering out of the digivice. Bendimon balls his fists in defiance.
“We don’t gotta know to know!” The air around Bendimon crackles, static sending the hair on Henry’s arms on end. “I went nutso, and he went missing, and you’re seriously gonna act like it ain’t obvious what happened?” Pixels of light flicker in and out of space around the digital demon, the ground under his feet popping to lower resolutions as reality crackles. “You can’t keep coming back here, or you’re gonna end up like he did, and it’s all gonna be my fault again!”
Goosebumps erupt across Henry’s skin under the static assault as he closes the gap between them and grabs onto Bendimon’s shoulders. “Listen to me, would you?! I’m said I don’t care about all that, and I meant it! You’re my friend, and I’m here to help you out, and I’m willing to get hurt if that’s what it takes!”
Bendimon’s blue-tinted skin buzzes against Henry’s hands. “I ain’t willing to hurt you, though.”
“I know. That’s why I’m not scared.” Ignoring the pulsing in his pocket, the stuttering reality around him, and the burn of warning static in the air, Henry pulls Bendimon into a close hug. “You’re not that big thing that shows up. You’d never hurt me, or Joey. I trust you.”
After a moment, Henry feels claws at his back–short, dull ones, sheathed under gloves. Henry squeezes tighter, and Bendimon returns in kind. 
Slowly, the thrum of energy around them slows, lessens, then dies away, until the only thing surrounding Bendimon is Henry’s own embrace.
“You should go.” Bendimon’s voice is faint and rough. His grasping claws don’t loosen until Henry finally straightens up.
“Mhmm.” Henry squeezes Bendimon’s shoulder, and gives a shaky smile. “I’ll be back tomorrow.”
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lunarrpmemes · 6 years
Adventure Time: Elements Starters
“That was definitely the longest adventure we’ve ever done.” “Let’s go take hot showers!” “Look at this fish. It’s... gummy?” “We’ve gotta get to the bottom of this hot shower.” “Home always looks different after a long trip.” “Everything being pink is probably not a big deal, and also I’m tired.” “Why do you worry so much, worry baby?” “Don’t worry, we’re only teasing you because you’re a baby.” “Hey! You look like me!” “Welcome, stranger! It’s so cool that you’re inside our house!” “We’ve obviously stumbled into an alternate dimension where everyone’s a different version of themselves. Yawn.” “I’m in control of my emotions.” “Drink up, babies!” “I used to have a LOT of fear and sadness - but now I’m FINE!” “No! That is body juice.” “What’s that? Do you spurn my fluids?” “Looks like someone’s feeling a little SOUR.” “Stop striding! It just keeps you agitated!” “Hey! You’re meat!” “They look so happy. Like dogs.” “Something smells nice. Nice and toasty.” “She’s everywhere.” “You fixed ‘em? But they’re your friends!”  “Goodbye, boys! It’s better this way!” “They’ll be back. They have nowhere else to go.” 
Bespoken For
“Why does it look like a four-way pizza?!” “Everyone is not dead. It’s much worse.” “What am I gonna do without my besties around?” “Bird watching sounds cool.” “I’m going out to get some magic ingredients.” “Cool. Bring me a snackie.” “You a toucan?” “I’ve tried so hard to help you.” “It’s saddening, it’s maddening, I’m rapping, and- and--” “No, I don’t remember who she is. But I know how to find out.” “It’s okay. I know you don’t remember me.” “Hey, wanna go on a date with me tonight?” “I think she might be an exotic bird.” “You need to get a nice bespoked suit.” “No, that’s just the muumuu, dawg. I’m jacked.” “Pretty fly for an ice guy.” “I’m really into skulls and old teeth in jars, too.” “Well, that was terrifying.” “Maybe you’re going after someone who doesn’t exist anymore.” “Why not take him as he is? After all, you’ve been through a lot of changes yourself.” “It sounds depressing when you say it that way. Think of a different way to say it.” “I don’t wanna be that guy who just hangs out with his girlfriend all the time and doesn’t see his friends... Man, I wanna be that guy so bad.” “These are some low-grade fairies.” “Where did the weird lady go?” “I wonder if my roomie has any more of these soothing donuts.” 
Winter Light
“We’ll enter via the sewer line.” “This is a place mat from a seafood restaurant - and this word search is way too hard!”” “I made these sweaters and ear muffs for you guys. They’re bespoke.” “It’s a lot colder now, too.” “Oh, I get it. The top one’s fake.” “This is crazy. It’s like being at the bottom of an ocean.” “Ice to meet you.” “You betta believe it, bucko.” “Do you wanna come with us? We’re on a secret mission.” “She’s, like, ruined the whole world and all our friends.” “Yes, I draw elves. It’s what I like to do!” “It’s not a sewer, but it’ll have to do.” “Oh no, you have an icicle. You look like your kids!” “Back in my old basement, where it all began.” “Cool boy say what?” “They denied their precious birthright.” “Instead of embracing their powers, they were overrun by them.” “Monstrous. Like life itself.” “If you’re so upset about this, you should fix it.” “The universe is an abyss of suffering.” “Best Friends Gang, retreat!” “Everyone leaves, except me. I remember Father made me stay at the table until all the eggs were eaten.” “Well, that sucks and I hate it.” “The goose... Is loose.” “My mystic soup is great for combating Ice Magic.” “I feel drained like a dirty bath tub.” “Ancient magic was actually my major.”
“Woah, neat-o.” “Graduate student? What the heck is that? You graduated, but you’re still a student? Doesn’t make any sense.” “Can the Dog do anything about this?” “What are you doing? Swaddling me?” “Look what happens when you go to sleep!” “Turn around! I can’t go when you’re looking at me.” “Yes sir. I sure like cuttin’ hair.” “All this stuff happened because I acted selfishly.” “I was talking about important stuff!” “I’ve been trying to distract you from all this, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy with the way things are going!” “You know what I’ve been thinking? What if we’re dead?” “I try to keep my worries hidden, but where does that send ‘em? To my kidneys? That can’t be good.” “I can get into that. Maybe when I’m thirty-five.” “I don’t care, don’t look in this direction. It makes me feel like you can hear my most private business.” “Since when is it such a hassle just to take a whiz?” “Are you being digested in there?” “Thanks for not digesting me.” “Nothing happened to us, so now we get to fix it.” 
Slime Central
“Here’s some trail mix for the road.”  “They’re two wack-a-doodle peas in a wack-a-doodle pod.”  “Something about it makes me feel weird in the ethics.” “You don’t wanna stare at happiness too hard, yaknow? Cuz it stares back, man...” “This smells like a locker room for a dead fish.”  “Okay, you look dope.”  “You guys on a team, yet?”  “No, you can’t be on my team!”  “You got something to say?”  “As always, the prize is absorption into the body of our bumpin’ leader.”  “Skate to assimilate!” “Isn’t assimilation amazing?”  “It might be comfy, like a hug that turns you into a hug.” “She can’t absorb us if we’re self-absorbed.” “You need a three person team to compete, and I’m taken.”  “But I’m the plucky underdog!”  “No, you’re just terrible.”  “No, wait! Discontinue the beat!” “They love me! I’m a true Cinderella story!”  “Today’s losers will now be punished with shameful absorption.”  “It’s like being in a warm bath full of snot.”  “It’ll work out somehow.”  “May as well give in to it...”  “This isn’t an uplifting underdog ending.”  “I’m not assimilating!”  “She’s gonna be rejecteeeed.”  “No, I totally faked it.”  “Even though I shoplifted this super cool outfit, I still didn’t fit in...”  “I guess I don’t fit in anywhere.”  “Whatever happened, he was always like... ‘it’ll work out.’“ “Stop being so selfish, I’m the one hurting here!” Happy Warrior“He’s probably having fun, and doing way better without you.”  “Your laugh is really annoying.” “Don’t talk that way about the skyhooks!” “Please keep your hands and bags away from the cloud’s edge.” “Don’t torture yourself! And don’t drop your phone into Fire Kingdom, dummy.” “If I don’t, you’ll die. Hah!”  “So... You guys wanna do something? Got any music?”  “You guys aren’t just, like, boring and old, right?”  “This doesn’t look so bad.”  “You see that bird? Gross.” “No, I’m just super cool.” “I got RAGE!”  “You cannot defeat me!” “Let’s take his armor.”  “I’m going, but I swear vengeance, okay?”  “Your cooking stinks!” “Man, this place used to be nice... er.” “I can’t, she’s like family!” “My flame shield protected me from the Change. The rest of the kingdom... Is lost.”  “She is spicy with anger.”  “We used to really bond over music, and.... Stuff.”  “This is as far as I go.”  “She said some... Hurtful things.”  “I’ll give her a good talking to. I’ll talk her into next week.”  “My wolf is also a loner.”  “When did he get cool? Everyone slept on that.”  “Die in a ditch!” “You used to be about the laughs!” “You can’t run the saw, then stay outta my woodshed.”  “The duck found a secret tunnel!”  “We’re just friends, and I’m proud of that friendship. Getting there took a lot of trust building and emotional growth.”  “... Do you do squats?”  “That big, gross dragon is your ex?!”  “This place is a toxic, aggro-macho-scape.” “That was messed up, and not who you really are!” “The only friend I have is violence, and the only thing we do when we hang is FIGHT!”  “I’m gonna ruin your universe.”  “Honestly, I could still see those two working out.”  “This is terrible, nobody’s paying attention to me!” “That’s a huge extrapolation from what I said.” “Surely, this is the end of all things.”
Hero Heart
“Is this about your ex?” “This is about the purity of battle.”  “Just listen to the beat of your hero heart!” “I only hear the drums of war.” “You’re hurting me physically and emotionally.” “Becoming a crazy, fiery bad boy has made you even more of a babe.”  “It’s a real magic flying carpet!”  “We lost him to the flames of war!” “You got any lotion? Your skin is so... Hydrated.”  “Aw man, I don’t think you should play this game ever again.”  “Look at all these thirsty customers!” “Ice cream pies for all our hot new friends.”  “Jeez, who sneezed in your cornflakes?”  “Look, weird lady - I don’t know you, and you don’t know me, but we’re the only sane people left in this crazy, mixed-up world.” “Lets get in there and mash their potatoes!”  “My children have come home.”  “Oh, a dragon, how fun!” “I see you’ve been playing with matches.” “Fight me, nerd!”  “Ooh! Are we wrastlin’? Fun!”  “Everyone I know is spazzing out on each other.” “Is this the end? Will I be the last witness to the glory of this world that I chose above all others?” “I don’t think I can save the world on my own.”  “Curse these superior genes.”  “Your face tastes like my happy place.”  “My little Sugarplum - you’ve returned to accept your sweet fate!” “This charade has run it’s course.” “In your hearts, you are all sweet!”
Skyhooks II
“You left my friend down there.” “Don’t worry, I’ve got a new plan - a plan where nothing that happens here matters.” “He sees me like a handsome older brother.”  “Its me! I’m saving your tight butt!” “Maybe you’re not made of the same stuff as us.” “No more learning!” “Huh, musta dozed off. And bound myself.” “People say ‘you shouldn’t live in the past.’ But I say ‘why not?’“ “This book is strange, but when you puzzle it out, it’s mostly all charges and frequencies.” “My wonderful ___ will never become this sad, pathetic creature strewn before me.” “I thought I could do it, but I can’t. Being with you is like looking at my old life through a funhouse mirror.”  “I think you need to be the most ‘you’ that you’ve ever been.”  “I do believe in myself. I’m a blossoming debutante on the war path.” “Just relax, you’ll be obliterated soon.” “I - I guess I’m a special person, and I am worthy of respect!” “Can you turn this off and we can talk, maybe?”  “Boy, did I fail deep.” “Maybe I’ll try again in another thousand years.” “I’m not sticking around to see how this ends.” “I didn’t like being ditched earlier.” “I already saved your life, so quit telling me what to DO!”  “You mean these jewels love me more than they love those dum dums?”  “You bossed him back to normal!”  “The jelly is out of the tube!” “Oh, blessings. What a trip.” “Uh... Did you recently get a haircut?”  “Please be careful with yourself.” “I’m... A hero.”  “You really donked up.” “You and I can fix whatever this is, together. Whenever.”  “I was really scared when you left.” “I love you.”
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ginchowgoestomarket · 7 years
Main plot will be Emina coming to reconcile the differences between her modern life and the history of her ancestors learning new and useful things from Fudo, and tanuki… I’m thinking Tanuki is always a Tanuki, as folklore states that they are an animal that shape shifts in to humans so when he eats the ramen he isn’t ‘turned into’ a tanuki he’s just stuck in his natural state and that’s how Maris keeps him hooked in he wanted to be with Emina but in the end, he remains a tanuki and they defeat Maris together she dies, never breaking the spell on him
so he’s just tanuki forever
they develop a cute relationship/friendship
maybe we’ll just add a bowie i nthere as one of the ghosts okay, so maybe Tanuki and Maris already know each other like when you’re at a certain level of sleaze, or in a certain field yaknow whose who
and Tanuki meets/sees Emina as written when she arrives and is escorted away by Goro but then he goes to Maris intentionally for like a love potion or something but then she just renders him magicless and forces him to do her bidding I think that’s the most logical premise so far on that scene Emina and Tanuki could have a small interaction that causes him to fall in love or maybe even just a smile from Emina as Tanuki shyly hides in a bush
yeah I’m in to that maybe like it’s classic rom com bs she doesn’t see him but he sees her slo-mo shot of her like flipping her hair as she turns but only instead of it being a budding romance tanuki begins reciting poetry it’s just a reality check from Maris he’s reciting it while he’s talking to Maris and she’s not havin it so is there still a relation between Maris and Fudo?
yes I think that’s important okay so small villages and regions, just like the land around the labyrinth, everyone knows who is who :I think they’ve gotta have a solid history though like siblings or schoolmates or something
she retreated to the woods and he stayed in village with society he sees the greed and the excess of society and he leaves gah I don’t know i think that fudo stays with society bc he values people despite their short comings even though he lives in a village surrounded by people less giving or intelligent as him, he stays and watches over them because they are people and he cares for them where as maris does not she goes out to some shanty in the woods and cuts off a finger and brews up a companion which is really just herself a little metaphor for insanity and delusion and never accepts or understands why fudo stayed with the other humans and of course her hob-goblin will always agree with her because it’s her maybe it’s gonna be like a big event celebrating Fudo in the village for all his years of service or something and she comes to crash the party and wreaks havoc and of course it’ll be a ramen celebration with chef rp balloons and an announcer in a giant chef rp hot air balloon for comic relief who pops in now and then, and at least once commentates on the best taste crew
yes! the hot air balloon circles the event at low altitude
maybe grandma died awhile back
and Emina is coming for the celebration and to stay for the summer? I think we could get a little more real with it and have mom and dad get divorced or something and they don’t have 'time’ for her over  the summer so they send her away [11:38:03 PM] zachary ledbetter: perfect
instead of her being an orphan but then we’re sorta gettin a little Hook esque I want it to be relatable to the modern mutt ah the poor kid yeah, we could have a little scene in the beginning with them arguing but not too deep I think in to their problems just enough so you get a feeling maybe a scene where they ask her to choose who she’ll stay with for the summer and she’s all “later foolz, I’m going to Grandpa’s”
she looks out the window to see a train passing by in the background and suggests traveling to the countryside to stay with gramps
Tomoko and Momoko are siblings then?
“why would you want to stay out there? Tokyo has everything you need, he doesn’t even have wifi” they could be Goro’s kids? I’m thinking that Emina is an only child
I sorta like the idea of Goro as a neutral no bonerz kinda guy ah okay hmm maybe they’re the orphans or magic little beings that live on the farm? yeah, Fudo took them in and Goro helps out Fudo and Goro find them wrapped up in the woods [11:43:12 PM] zachary ledbetter: add to their wild child element
So far we have Emina leaving her divorcing parents to stay with Fudo, arrives and is fawned over by Tanuki. Tanuki goes to Maris, Maris sees her in to finally settle things with Fudo.
She takes Fudo’s celebration as her opportunity to gather all the villagers in one place and make her presence known Terrible things happen, but Maris is banished for a period by the flabbergasted Fudo Fudo is reluctant to show this world of magic so opposite of modern society to Emina, his somewhat estranged granddaughter
Eventually Emina begins to learn and build her abilities and her relationship with Tanuki
Gotta work in the feeding of the hungry ghosts I think maybe just a little re-arrangement of that and we have our entire plot so taking up from Fudo’s celebration
maybe it’s like his golden jubilee of Ramen coinciding with Obon
and Maris takes this moment to destroy all their shit yeah I think maybe people just think it’s a custom
but it’s actually real
and all this time Fudo’s been taking care of shit
and then that idea we talked about before of having tanuki eat all the ramen like crying while he eats it and then the ghosts go hungry and Maris commands them to destroy the town and starts to harvest a soul army maybe we do keep the cauldron in play the ghouls dragging people in to a dungeon or lair of Maris and throwing them in pits
the ramen sacrifice is put out at the beginning of the celebration, tanuki sneaks his way to it and eats it all(unwillingly). then as the celebration progressing, hungry ghosts start to appear?
yeah I’m not sure about the order yet I think we need to get insight from someone with first hand knowledge on that point maybe the cauldron keeps producing maybe it’s like “eat to the bottom of the cauldron” competition but it never ends but Maris figures out like the gem or something that gets plugged in to it to make it go and has tanuki steal it while she waylays Fudo He’s getting ready to die so he’s like downloading himself in to a physical object, of knowledge and power to literally pass on so when it gets nabbed he’s useless then I can use my Fudo line I’ve been rolling around in my head “I’m an old tired dog, I have no more tricks, new or otherwise.” yes! and get knowledge blasted with the stone/amulet/spoon or whatever we decide on maybe a chef hat! fudo dies at the celebration? turn that mofo into a ghost chef hat definitely keeps it fun yeah, Fudo puts it in a place he thinks no one will find it i love the level it gets to with fudo dying at his own celebration, the whole village having to see it happen and Tanuki steals a bunch of the wrong stuff from their house god, yeah, that’s heavy like killing someones god the hat is casually resting in the kitchen when emina returns to see it ransacked yeah totally yeah, it’s like the only thing left then it talks to her 'hey whats up’
Tanuki and the hob goblin ransack it together but Tanuki gets caught and hobgoblin grabs the bag of loot and ditches him and Emina saves Tanuki from Fudo
I like the idea of the hobgoblin having no lines and basically being greed incarnate Fudo comes home and does some quick thinkin wizardry and Tanuki has the bag of loot and hobgoblin runs up like he’s going to help lift the trap off of him but only lifts it hight enough to snatch the bag out of his paws and then runs out the window zachary ledbetter: maris could leave a mark on fudo that gives him a ticking clock and he knows that he will die very very soon still caught on the watching their god die part though
For many souls have I been the gatekeeper. Now, I hope you will see that there are no greater riches on this earth, than your own pure heart.
#For many years I have been the gate keeper. Now I hope you will see that there are no riches greater than a pure soul.
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