#gotta fucking remember the au tagline
Prefects learning the history of bird man statue in Headmistress Darling au
- in Cafeteria -
Isabelle: yeah. And that statue though.
Ace: what about it?
Estella: who’s he?
Deuce: ….. uhhh…?
Haru: you don’t know, do you?
Ace: oh we know. It’s just….. a very huge topic…..
Deuce: yeah, it was over the news over years ago….
Drew: what happened?
Ace: uhhh….. we don’t have the proper details…. But uh, talk to Mr. Trein. He’s old to know it up close. It was a huge deal back then.
Ophelia: how so?
Deuce: just ask the professor….. wow, you guys don’t even know that.
Freya: know what?
Ace: it’s- *hears someone* oh, Deuce let’s go!
Deuce: r-right! *leaves with Ace*
Minako: okay…. That was suspicious as fuck, right?
Freya: oh definitely.
Tsukii: mhmm!
- to Trein class -
Trein: *grading papers*
Minako: *kicks door*
Trein: *spooked grandpa noises*
Freya: okay maybe not scare the only person who has the answers to what we have to ask.
Trein: I suppose it’s about the statue?
Estella: okay, I’m leaving….. after the explanation.
Trein: *sighs* that statue. Is the supposed. You say…. Corpse of the previous headmaster.
All Prefect’s: what?!
Trein: it happened about thirty years ago. Before Headmistress Crowley taken over. The last headmage was her father, a caring single man who rose this girl to the ideal image of the perfect daughter. But, tragedy struck. In the form of a lunatic man who lead a cult known as the Mages of Light attacked the school grounds. However, to this. It costed the previous headmage his life. His daughter, didn’t thought straight as a young fletching. You see, Headmistress Crowley cold demeanor and emptiness is the result of this tragedy. From a young age, she became headmistress. Graduating her classes few years early, and taken over. Of course, the last staff pleaded her to reconsider. But, how can we? When she can only think of grief and despair. As caring she is to students and her family. She can be quite a calloused woman when upset. She is truly kind, but, the more you see her eyes. You wonder, is she still alive inside. Or did she too died along side her father years ago?
Freya: and…. The cultist? What happened to him?
Trein: ….. it was found a student thirty years ago was his son, and he was expelled permanently but. His father….. he never saw another light of day after a few weeks.
Estella: holy sh-
Trein: however, no one could say she had any involvement. Because they can never find a trace of her near. To her, she just said “divine punishment” but what others say. “It was justified revenge.” There is no answer for the case. And it remained closed for the time being. And she chose to keep her father remains, making it a total of eight statues of the most respected. Eight statues for the eight dorms.
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @achy-boo @abyssthing198
- Darling isn’t heartless to the Yuu’s/shows a motherly interaction with them
- the staffs are deeply scared of Darling lifeless eyes, which they cannot face her without thinking she is going to maim them
- Darling respects Trein a lot and vice versa, mainly because Trein was a guardian figure to help her be a full headmage with wisdom and acknowledgment of her own decisions (Darling: my dad died but I still got a human one to substitute my depression for a bit.)
- massive better change with no one overblotting in this au, but someone is slowly losing it.
- this is probably a come back, aka more Darling angst
- everyone knows about the attack because it was hella fucking public and Ambrose still checks on this dead inside lady to see if she’s still alive with a pulse. (Grandpa Ambrose to Darling)
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Sharing my very long (super long) final comment on @butter--peanut‘s story kamui blues (which ended today). Idk why I’m posting it here too, maybe because the fic means just that much to me, or because I met Kris & @foebito through it, but yeah.
Under cut because its very very long....(plus it contains fic spoilers)
So it ended. We knew it would eventually. It seems a little unreal to think that there won't be a chapter anymore, mayb you feel similar here. I've told you that I have thought of what to comment for the past few weeks (yes weeks!) to summerise all my feeling of this fic and what it means to me, what it brought to me, so I'm typing this down before bed. I wanted to do it tomorrow, but I can't wait. Maybe you'll read this in the airport before your big flight or sometimes in San Franscisco in a hotelroom when you have time to breathe, whenever it is, I'm sorry, I have not pre-written this, but I can tell it's going to be long and full of sappy thoughts. Apologies ahead.
When I found this fic in July last year, I had just finished my Naruto read through, the first time to the end. I went into the kkob tag not because I was a hardcore shipper (thats henry's doing!), but just out of interest. Kamui Blues was the top fic and I got hooked on the tagline alone. It was just chapter 1. I remember clearly how hot it was that day, such a hot polish summer, and I sat on my bed phone in hand and reading. I lost the fic again because I closed it, but accidentally found it again maybe a week later at Chapter 2. As you know I wrote my first comment then too (I cant believe its been so long!) That day I was laying next to my boyfriend in the heat, gesturing my ass off about this fic I had found and what premise it had and even he said he thought is a great set up (and he does not like Obito so thats a wow!).
I loved the early chapters, and while the rest of the story is also very very dear to me the early story is my favourite part. I think it is good to have Kakashi at least a little happy, enjoying himself and Obito a bit unnerved and pissed off. I think the dynamic works well when Obito is just a nobody. Scenes in my head are ofc the one henry drew (in the hospital!) and the time kakashi says "Im fucking you apparently." Amazing.
You know I did not know that you could sub to fics because I'm an idiot, so from time to time I checked in to make sure there wasn't a new chapter. IN august I was finally able to go back to Germany again, so I opened it olny when I was in a very long line for a rollercoaster (Phantasialand Bonn btw, Tauron is the coaster- its.. very good), my best friends hand on my shoulder to guide me forward when necessary I read 3 chapters at once and when I was done it was like falling out of a trance, I had completely forgotten where I was. I told him that thats just my favourite fic, he shouldn't worry too much. My head was like WOA. I know I commented that, not to brag, just because I was like WOW. I'm pretty sure that was the chapter in which KAKashi recognises that Tobi was in Akatsuki all along.
I was so sad to hear Kakashi was framed as a bad person, a collaborator during the pain attack. I do not hate AU's in which Kakashi turns his back on konoha for all the shit they've done to him, but being framed? It was an important point of course, Obito taking charge not only of their lives but his own emotions and I loved the Kage summit a lot when they - how did henry say that- "make out while watching television". Memorable is especially the scene in which Kakashi says "I love you" to show the kage that he is under genjutsu. Ah, I want to read that again now.
I checked again week by week, it became such a normal behaviour on a friday that my friend whom I watch esports with on fridays knew that I was absent during game breaks because I was reading. He doesn'T know naruto apart from the general knowledge most people have but he sure knows kamui blues! :D I gotta admit, that was the time Obito died and didnt die and then Kakashi freaked out and while NOW i understand why that all happened, at the time I wondered if the fic had gotten a bit out of hand, if you had a plan. YOu know it happens in fic writing that the author does a plot twist just for the sake of a plottwist and it gets resolved instantly. THis was obviously not the case her at all, but I couldn't know this at the time.
Then the break. I remember feeling like I would have loved to offer you help on the writing process, but I had just recently watched the anime myself so how could I help? So instead i followed you on tumblr. I followed henry on tumblr and I know we talked about this just earlier today, but both of you followed me back and I was like WOO. I was so small then still, back before the groupchat existed. Then I met Henry through a stupid meme and we talked kamui blues until we realised we were both native speaker germans- what a coincidence!! And they were just the most annoying and lovely little person on my heal "read the other stories, read pitch black" I read Kiri through in the break and loved it and I gave in and read pitch black. I got this little community of ours on discord, I got closer with henry and we were wiating for the return.
When KB came back Henry spoiled me (a little! They screamed like a madperson on tumblr!) and thats when we started talking about chapters after the landed in private messages. It was like discussing your favourite episode of a tv show with each other and I enjoyed that time very much. I wanna shortly mention in the story shit started getting real and Sakura took Kakashi's eye and I gotta say, as much as I hated Sasuke, more than not I liked Sakura. I'm glad you gave her the arc she got, because she really deserved that. Oh and that you dressed Obito in jonin clothing! Perfect.
And then you and I started talking in pm's and I remember you mentioned something about a character being re-animated in kb (later id find out its shisui) and I told henry and henry went like "YOU GET KAMUI BLUES SPOILERS" as if I was included in insider trading or something. I was terribly nervous because I liked talking to you, but I didn't want to overwhelm or annoy you because by then you'D become an idol of some sort (which is crazy i know) and I wanted you to like me. I tried hard to balance between talking to you and leaving you alone and it too me all my courage to ask you if you have discord. And you did! And we started talking more. Woop.
(I know ive said it a lot but) AND THEN we made the groupchat thing for my fanfic dumbs and Henry and me were worried TOGETHER we might overwhelm you with constant chatting and oc talk, but I think you actually enjoyed it. I love getting babysit by either one of you and while I love our discord server a lot, our groupchat is just a bit more familiar. We got to hear your editing process through the final chapters while Henry and me live blogged each time a new one came out. That was nerve wrecking because I had to read it all fast, but it was so much fun too (and must have been terribly fun for you anyway). I cant believe you brought rin back (but not sakumo, come on). And obito got to be a badass and Kakashi and TENZO, god, I - still have feelings on that, i know you know, but urgh the poor boy, at least he wasnt captured all war long.
Here we are are now, the final chapter (After that wonderful smut we got to read early, yummy, dead animal kakashi and all). I think the fact that we decided to read it together on voice chat was the best decision ever and I'm so glad you were the one reading it to us. I did cry, a couple of times actually, i just ate it up so you guys wouldnt laugh at me. Its utterly perfect this ending, full of warmth and love and sunshine and the way here has been utterly perfect. Henry said it best when they compared it to Song of Archilles (read it and weep!)- a happy end, but what a tear jerker one.
So much has changed since and because this story caught my eye. I think part of why I cried today reading this was because I was reading it there with you and henry and how we will be friends well over this stories end. It seems so rather random that we met this way, I wouldnt know how to explain it to my mom. I'm so endlessly grateful to you and the universe because it brought this together. This was a fantastic novel and I want to congratulate you again on finishing all of it. I can't even say I'm proud, because I didnt know you back then, but I feel like it anyway. Kamui blues means a big deal to me not only because its a great fic (And it is!) but also because I now have you guys in my life and thats just such a gift to have. I will be forever thankful and ugh im teary again
I'm running out of characters (really true!) so I just want to again wish you a great flight, cant wait fo you to be back so we can watch some JJK so you can fall in love with the next friends to enemies to lovers ship there is (one has white hair and one has black hair even oops!) and maybe, in summer, we can all meet somewhere and just hang out. An Austrian an australian and a german going into a bar -there is a joke there somewhere I bet. I send you many many hugs, tiny tiny forehead kisses and wish you all the best. I cherish you a lot, Kris, I'm glad I met you. Congrats on finishing the masterpiece. I think its going to be around for a long time.
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