#gotta finish that mark Millar effortpost
artbyblastweave · 2 years
In terms of assumptions...I'm going to guess that you have a favourite piece of media locked away somewhere which you would badly like to share but it's either way too complex/tied up in continuity to easily talk about or the kind of shit which clashes with your brand so thoroughly you're not sure how to bring it up.
The absolute closest I get to this in practice is The Reckoners trilogy by Brandon Sanderson, which was 100 percent a proto-Worm in terms of its influence on my artistic sensibilities, but which has basically a dead fandom on here due to being riddled with more holes than a participant in the St. Valentines Day Massacre. I’ve got several half-finished effortposts on the series. A runner up would be the overall Garth Ennis catalogue, which I think is better than a lot of people give it credit for, but which I’ve also found elicits a Pavlovian Beserk response in a high enough percentage of comic fans that it’s generally not worth it to broach the topic unprompted. Similar situation with Mark Millar’s work.
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