#got this idea while listening to ice nine kills “hip to be scared”
dead-dog-dont-eat · 17 days
Soooo since everyone in the HH fandom likes to compare Alastor to Hannibal Lecter from "Silence of the Lambs," may I propose to the fandom about Vox being like Patrick Bateman from "American Psycho"?
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headfulloffantasies · 4 years
The Mandalorian- 2146 words
Read it on Ao3
Something was stalking Skywalker’s Jedi Academy. Din saw its lanky shape from the sky as he brought his ship to land beside the garden patch. It lumbered away, a huge shadow vanishing beyond the tomato plants into the trees.
Din inquired about it immediately to Skywalker.
Skywalker sighed. He held Kat, his newest recruit, on his lap. She played with the edges of his cape. “Yes, I’ve seen the creature for the last few weeks. It killed some of our animals.”
“What have you done about it?” Din demanded. It looked like a massive mountain lion. If the creature was bold enough to attack penned animals next to a settlement, it wouldn’t hesitate to kill a child.
“It knows me,” Skywalker answered. “It runs when I get close.”
Well, it didn’t know Din. “I’ll handle it,” he promised.
The creature proved wily. It moved silently on padded feet over the dry leaves between the trees. It hid in the treetops when Din finally got a bead on its footprints. Din came to the end of its trail and pulled up short. He could see the Jedi school through the gaps in the foliage. The kids were playing a game in the grass. If the creature had gotten this close in broad daylight then Din needed to eliminate it fast.
A huge weight dropped onto Din’s back. He slammed into the ground. His teeth clacked together. Claws screeched over his beskar backplate, shredding his cloak. The creature growled, frustrated at the shell its prey had encased itself in. The stench of its foul breath penetrated Din’s helmet.
Din couldn’t roll over with the creature’s paws pinning him to the ground. He activated his flamethrower. The creature leaped away from the fire Din threw over his shoulder. Din pulled himself to his knees. He reached for his holster. A massive paw swiped at his chest. Din tumbled backwards, crashing out of the trees into the blinding sunlight. For a second he lay still on his back while his lungs remembered how to inhale.
A shrill scream sent Din into overdrive. He stumbled to his feet. He stood between the creature and the children. He would not let the monster get past him. Din freed his blaster. The creature prowled the edge of the trees. Its poisonous yellow eyes narrowed at Din. Its haunches bunched, prepared to pounce.
Din set his feet. The monster leaped. Din shot. One two three. The blaster bolts caught the creature in its soft underbelly. It smashed into the ground; all the power leeched from its muscles. Din advanced warily. It looked dead; its fur singed where Din had shot it. He put another blaster bolt through its head just to make sure.
The voice startled Din. He hadn’t heard the huddle of kids approach. They clung to each other and stared at the creature’s body. The smallest one turned her wide eyes on Din. Fear filled her tiny face.
Din held his breath. He’d never used his weapons in front of the children before. He’d never hurt anything in front of them. Were they afraid he’d hurt them next?
“That was so cool!” Holden, the oldest child pumped his fist. “You were like blam, blam!” Holden mimed shooting a gun and making blaster noises. “And the thing was like- ugh.” He flopped on the ground with his tongue hanging out. The other kids giggled.
Din watched this dramatic re-enactment in bewilderment. They weren’t scared. The kids crowded closer. Din had to stop them from poking the dead monster.
“It might have parasites,” he explained lamely.
“Can I try your blaster?” Holden asked.
Din’s mind went blank. How young was too young for a blaster? His own education held no answers. He’d been years behind his fellow clanmates as a child. His earliest memories of the covert blurred with indistinct impressions of struggling to learn Mando’a and spending most of his training with children younger than himself. His buir hadn’t meant to isolate him from his peers, but Din couldn’t be expected to hold his own against kids he couldn’t speak to and who’d known how to kill a man by age six. Instead, Din’s buir had spent long hours training Din himself to make up the lost time. Din shot his first blaster at age nine, but he knew his peers of the same age could sharpshoot at fifty paces.
Din looked Holden up and down. He was one of the older Jedi trainees. Twelve? Ten? Old enough, Din decided.
Tatiana piped up. “I want to learn too.”
Absolutely not. Thank the stars for sending this child to remind him what a horrible idea a kid with a blaster was. Tatiana could not be counted to carry a tray of food across the room without spilling it. She could not handle a weapon. And if she couldn’t, then it wasn’t fair to let any other kids try.
So how to appease a gaggle of children? Din lied through his teeth.
“I promised Grogu I’d teach him before anyone else.”
Everyone collectively groaned. The blaster weighed more than Grogu did. They all knew it would probably be another fifty years before the youngling could even hold the weapon without toppling over.
“Why don’t you ask Master Skywalker to teach you his lightsword?” Din suggested. That would keep the kids off his back for a while.
Din shooed the kids back to their classes and spent the afternoon dragging the corpse into the forest to bury it.
He came back at sunset, sweaty, exhausted, and hungry. Skywalker intercepted him at the ramp of his ship.
“Thank you for handling the beast,” Luke said. “The kids are all buzzing about it.”
Din shrugged. He’d only protected his son. It was nothing to get excited about.
“The kids keep asking for you,” Luke continued. “Will you join us for dinner?”
Din had planned on showering and having his own meal before fetching Grogu for a quiet night. But he supposed he owed the kids for scaring them in the first place.
“Alright,” Din nodded.
“I have to warn you,” Skywalker said. “Ivy has started asking Why.”
“Why what?”
Skywalker sighed. “Why everything.”
Din did not know which slimy child was named Ivy. If he had, he might have avoided the headache.
“Why do you have armour at dinner?” The little one with curly hair sitting beside Grogu asked.
Din startled a little bit. The kids normally didn’t bother him during their evening meal. They ate quickly so they could go out and play before bedtime. The rows of tables for the communal meal were loud, but mostly focused on scarfing down the rice and vegetables.
This child held her spoon clutched in her fist and smeared sauce all over her face. She stared up at Din, waiting for his answer.
“I always wear my armour,” Din explained.
She nodded and went back to moving her rice into piles on her plate.
Grogu babbled and held out a piece of vegetable for Din. He took it politely and waited until Grogu wasn’t looking to sneak it back onto his plate.
“Why do you have buttons on your clothes?” The girl asked.
Din looked down at his vambraces. “They’re controls.”
Something clicked. “Are you Ivy?”
She nodded.
Din sighed in the privacy of his helmet. “The buttons control lots of things. Weapons, my ship, Grogu’s basinet.”
Grogu cooed at his name.
“I don’t understand,” Din admitted. “What are you asking?”
“Why are the buttons on your arms?” Ivy demanded.
“That’s where it goes.” Din answered.
“Why what? You can see this is where it is. There is no why.”
She cocked her head. Got you there, kiddo.
“Why not?”
Dank ferrick.
Luke swooped to the rescue. “Ivy, you haven’t finished eating. Save your questions for after dinner, okay?”
“Okay.” Ivy scooped up some rice and spilled half of it in her lap on the way to her mouth.
Din retired to his ship after the meal. Grogu went straight into his hammock above Din’s berth. The kid snuggled into his blanket and fell fast asleep. Din spent some time going over a few minor repairs. Din finally gave in to the call of his bunk.
Din removed his cloak first. He hung it on the hook on the wall. He wiggled his hands out his gloves. He unstrapped his vambraces and the pauldrons followed quickly. Din kicked off his boots. He reached to free his blaster holster from his belt. He checked over the weapon and laid it on top of the growing pile of beskar. Din reached for the Darksaber dangling from the other side of his belt.
It wasn’t there.
Din froze. The clip where the Darksaber usually hung was empty. No ancient Jedi sword presented itself. Din turned a confused circle, searching to see if he’d dropped it. Nothing.
Ice ran down Din’s spine. He checked under the bunk, and on all the shelves. No Darksaber. He opened the berth door and checked where he’d been working.
Din tore the ship apart. He stood in the middle of the carnage with his hands on his hips.
Dank ferrick. Din had to admit the Darksaber was not aboard his ship. He sighed to the heavens.
Din grumbled as he tugged his half-removed armour back on. He stomped out of the ship and headed back to the Jedi Academy.
Din moved silently through the slumbering school. He knocked softly on a door at the end of the hall.
The door slid back. A disheveled Luke Skywalker blinked up at Din.
“What’s wrong?” The Jedi asked.
“I lost the Darksaber,” Din confessed.
“Congratulations,” Luke yawned.
“No, I lost it. I can’t find it,” Din explained.
“Oh kriff.” Luke shook himself awake. “Where?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, let’s start looking.” Luke grabbed a cape to cover his soft sleeping robes. “Kriff only knows what will happen if one of the kids finds it.”
They searched all night. Luke used his magic powers to listen for its frequency or whatever the kriff Jedi did. To no avail. Din retraced his steps all the way to the dead beast’s final resting place. He drew the line at digging the creature up.
The sun pinked the horizon by the time Din stumbled back to the school. The kids would wake for their morning meditation soon. Din needed to head back to his ship and fetch Grogu.
Din lifted his head. He startled. Grogu moved across the school yard in the pale light. He dragged a screwdriver along the ground behind him. It was such a bizarre sight that Din didn’t immediately call out to his son. Grogu moved intently to the side of the building. He stopped and peeked his fuzzy head around the corner. Satisfied, Grogu shuffled out of sight. The screwdriver left a furrow in the dirt behind him.
Din followed Grogu at a distance. The kid waddled out back to the vegetable patch. He passed into the squash plants and vanished.
Din experienced a mini heart attack, thinking Grogu had fallen in a hole. He hurried forward. Din pulled back one of the massive green leaves. Din let out a surprised laugh.
“Luke,” Din shouted. “I found it.”
“What in the stars is a lightsaber doing in the pumpkins?” Luke came trundling up beside him. He peered over Din’s shoulder.
Grogu squeaked at being discovered. He sat on a pile of pilfered items half covered in dirt. The hilt of the Darksaber poked out of the ground. A single boot Din assumed belonged to Luke flopped on top of an empty box of crackers. Other bits and bobs stacked on top of each other in some kid of nest Grogu had assembled. Grogu gripped the screwdriver like a weapon. His wrinkled face scowled at his father and teacher.
Din and Luke laughed.
“Come here, womp rat,” Din lifted Grogu. He squealed, wriggling to free himself and get back to his treasure trove.
“Is that my boot?” Luke poked at the collection. Grogu whined.
Din held his son at eye level. “This is stealing. We don’t steal.” He faced Luke. “I’m sorry. He knows better.”
Luke tugged the Darksaber out of the mess. “Well, I suppose there’s no harm done. So long as it doesn’t happen again.” The Jedi held eye contact with Grogu. The child huffed a grumble.
“Hey,” Din admonished.
Grogu pinned his ears back, but he relented and gave Luke a nod.
Luke beamed. “Good. All better.”
Luke extended the Darksaber to Din. “I believe this belongs to you.”
“Nope.” Din backed away. “I lost it. It’s yours now.”
Luke squawked. “That’s not how it works. Take it.”
“No, thank you.” Din spun on his heel and walked away.  He heard Luke chasing. Din broke into a run.
“Hey!” Luke shouted. “Get back here!”
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animefan299110 · 5 years
LHAW Chapter 3: A Talk Between Blondes
RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Oum
Jaune wiped the sweat off his forehead as he finished shoveling the walk-way. Though they were nearing the end of February towards the spring months, there was still a decent amount of snow on the ground. And since it had rained last night and covered said snow in a sheet of ice, it was even more difficult to get it off the walk-way.
As Jaune glanced back at the Xiao Long house, he sighed sadly. It had been nearly five days since he had attacked Tai unintentionally. Though Tai had forgiven him the day after, Jaune still felt horrible about what he had done. 'The man can't seem to hold a grudge unless it's warranted.' Jaune thought before he smiled a bit and added, 'Just like Ruby.' His thoughts then shifted to the crimson reaper and his teammates and he felt sad again. He hadn't heard from them for almost a week and he hoped they were okay.
After a few minutes lost in thought, he made his way into the warm house. He then took off his snow boots, winter coat, gloves, and hat and placed them over the kitchen chairs to let them dry. Afterwards, he proceeded to make his way upstairs.
"Hang on Jaune." A familiar voice said, causing Jaune to stop halfway up the stairs. He turned to see Tai looking up at him. "Before you go, mind if we talk for a bit?"
"Um….okay." Jaune said hesitantly, making his way back down until he sat next to Tai on the couch. "So," he said, unsure of what he would expect, "what did you want to talk about?"
Taking a deep breath, Tai began by saying "You know, Yang told me that you're the leader of your own team. Is that right?"
"Y-Yeah." Jaune said, confused as to what Tai was asking him.
"Out of curiousity, what are they like?" Tai asked.
"Well," Jaune said as he thought about his fellow teammates, "Ren is very humble and not really talkative. Though when he does decide to speak, he can be pretty insightful. I've always been able to count on him whenever I lose my cool or just need someone to calm me down. Now Nora, on the other hand," he paused to chuckle a bit at the memory of the bombastic red-head, "She like the complete opposite of Ren. She's energetic and a bit of a chatterbox, which can be a bit of an annoyance at times. But she's also the most upbeat person I know and would do anything to make her friends happy."
Tai chuckled a bit as he heard about Nora's personality; the girl's kind nature reminded him of someone he used to know. "And what about your fourth member?" He asked, his face turning serious.
"Oh," Jaune said, his expression saddening, "We had a fourth member, but…not anymore." He paused and took a deep breath before continuing. "Her name was Pyrrha Nikos and she was perhaps one of the best fighters I had ever seen. She was also both a great partner and friend." He smiled a bit at the memory of his fallen teammate. "She helped me train, kept me up on my studies, and was always there for me whenever I needed to talk to someone."
"Wow." Tai said. "Sounds like she was a really great person."
"She was." Jaune said before his expression reverted back to sadness. "On the day Beacon fell, we came across this strange woman with these weird powers attacking Ozpin and a few others. Pyrrha said that she had to stop her. When I tried to argue with her that it was a bad idea, she…she kissed me." Jaune paused again as the memory came back to him. Though it had been over a couple months since that day, he could still remember how soft and gentle her lips had felt against his. "After that, she then shoved me into a locker and sent me flying to the city. I…I was scared. She was going to get herself killed." He said as he inhaled deeply, trying to compose himself. "When I landed, I called Weiss and begged her and Ruby to try and save her. But by the time Weiss came back with Qrow and Ruby…she was gone."
Jaune clenched his hands on his knees and he cast his gaze downward. "I…I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. The first person who believed I could be a Huntsman, the first girl who had ever shown any interest in me, my partner…was dead. And I couldn't do anything to save her." It was then that he finally broke down and cried. Zwei only bent his ears as he bowed his head and whimpered as he saw Jaune. Tai didn't say anything, but instead handed Jaune some tissues and then placed a hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Jaune." Tai said as he squeezed it.
Unbeknownst to both the blonde males and the dog, Yang was standing against the wall near the guest bedroom door. When she had initially heard the conversation between her dad and Jaune, she wanted to close the door to shut them out.
"To tell you the truth, Jaune, I've been where you are now."
Her father's words prevent Yang from completing her task. Instead of closing the door, she leaned her body against the wall as she listened in on the conversation.
Back downstairs, Jaune was looking Tai in bewilderment as the older blonde's words sank in. "You…you have?" He asked.
"Yeah." Tai said simply before holding up two fingers. "Twice."
Tai then pulled something out of his pants pocket and handed it to Jaune. As he took it, Jaune saw that it was a photo of four people standing around a few trees. He was able to recognize the two men in the photo as younger versions of Tai and Qrow, but it was the women that really caught his attention.
The one leaning against the tree wore a hooded white cloak and what looked like a black combat skirt. She also had black, neck-length, choppy hair that gradated to dark red at the tips. But her most notable feature were her silver eyes. She looked hauntingly similar to a certain reaper Jaune knew.
The woman between Tai and Qrow wore what looked like ancient warrior armor covering her torso, chest, upper and forearms. She also had a sheathed sword attached to her hip with a Dust clip on it. For features, she had pale skin, shaggy black hair that extended past her shoulders, and red eyes that Jaune had seen before in combat training. "Is…is this your…?" He asked as he looked away from the picture.
"Yep." Tai said with a smile. "This was my old team back at Beacon when I was your age. We were known as Team STRQ. And I don't mean to brag, but we were one of the best teams to ever come out of that school." He added with a smirk. Jaune could only nod in acknowledgment while Yang rolled her eyes at hearing her dad's boasting. "Now you know those guys there as me and Qrow, but it's the two girls in this picture that I want to tell you about." Tai continued before pointing to them individually. "The girl with the cloak was our team leader Summer Rose, while the other was Raven Branwen."He paused as he smiled at both of them.
"When I was your age, Jaune, I was just some guy who wanted to become a great Huntsman. When my team was formed up, we were a unique bunch. Qrow and I immediately may have been good friends, but he had his faults. He was abrasive, reckless, and wasn't great at taking orders. Summer was a sweet person who was always a team player and wanted everyone to be happy. But it was Raven who really struck a chord with me. She was fearless, an incredible fighter, determined, and was incredibly beautiful."
"I tried any way I could to get her attention, but every attempt failed. Unlike Qrow, who was always social and a bit of a lady killer, Raven mostly kept to herself and never really got attached to anyone or anything. After we graduated, however, she started to take an interest in me. Naturally, I didn't mind it. After a while, we started dating and soon found out that she was pregnant. Nine months after we found out, Yang was born. I was so excited; I was about to spend the rest of my life with the woman I loved."
It was then that Jaune knew something was up with Tai's story. "What happened?" He asked. "If that was the case, why isn't Raven here?"
"Well," Tai said, frowning a bit, "she seemed like she liked the idea of starting a family. But as soon as she had recovered from giving birth...she left."
Jaune couldn't help but hang his mouth open in shock as he heard Tai's words. Being part of a large family, he was taught that family should always stick together and look out for each other. So when he heard about Raven abandoning her family, he couldn't believe what he had heard. "Why?" He asked. "Why would she just abandon her own daughter and leave you to take care of her?"
"I don't honestly know." Tai said, shaking his head. "As I said, Raven was a complicated person. She had her faults. Whether it was the fear of motherhood or something else entirely, she just left. I may never know why she did it."
Upstairs, Yang was clenching a fist with her lone hand as she heard the tale of her mother. It had been told to her a thousand times, but she still had trouble hearing about it.
"Anyway," Tai said as he continued with his story, "I didn't know what to do after Raven left. There I was, a young Huntsman who had barely graduated tasked with raising a kid on my own. I tried balancing it out for a month, but I was almost at my wit's end. I was running low on money, I hadn't been on a mission since Yang was born, and I wasn't sure if I was raising Yang the right way." He paused as he took a deep breath before he smiled. "And then she came."
"Summer?" Jaune asked.
Tai kept his smile as he nodded his head and closed his eyes. "As I said before," Tai said, "Summer was always a kindhearted person who wanted to help people in any way she could. When she had heard about what happened, she immediately came to help me out. And she was phenomenal; she knew how to cook, was there to comfort me in my time of need, and for Yang...she got someone she could call 'mom'. After a while, it became evident to me that maybe Summer was the one person for me. She and I hit it off and nine months later, Ruby was born."
"We had a pretty good sense of our duties." Tai continued. "I would teach at Patch and Summer would go on missions. But whenever she was home, I was happy; I loved her and she loved me. Though she adored Yang and Ruby. She would get them ready for the day, play with them, bake cookies, comforted them when they needed it. To them, she was practically a Super-Mom." Jaune smiled at how motherly Summer seemed to be while Yang was upstairs, smiling at the memory of the woman who loved her as a mother should.
The atmosphere downstairs changed, however, when Tai's smile faltered. "One day, she went off on this important mission about a pack of Ursa near Vale. She said that she was only going to be gone for two weeks. Two weeks went by and she didn't return. I wasn't one to complain; sometimes it would take her longer to complete a mission. But after another two weeks, I was beginning to worry about her. I left the girls in Qrow's care and began wandering around asking fellow Huntsman if anyone had seen her. After a week of asking and searching for Summer, I could only come to the conclusion...that she was gone." At this, Tai paused and took a deep breath as he tried to compose himself.
Jaune couldn't believe what he was hearing; Tai had lost not one but two loves. He, himself, was already struggling to cope with the loss of one love. To go through that twice was something he couldn't fathom. Meanwhile, Yang cast her gaze downward as the memory of her father came home without Summer came flooding back into her mind.
"I returned after a few weeks and I immediately shut down. I wouldn't leave the house, Qrow had to look after the girls, and I basically closed out everyone around me." Tai said as he tried to hold back any tears. He then turned to the other blonde and placed a hand on his shoulder. "The reason I'm telling you this is because I know what you're going through, Jaune. I've been in your position and I know how you're feeling at the moment."
There was a long silence in the living room as the story set in for them. It was Jaune who finally broke the silence when he asked, "Does it ever get better?" He then turned to look at Tai with watery eyes. "Does that pain ever go away?"
Tai removed his hand from Jaune's shoulder, sighed, and said, "I can't give you an honest answer to that, Jaune. It all depends on how you cope with that pain."
"How did you do it?" Jaune asked.
"Well, it wasn't easy," Tai said. "After a week or two of shutting myself out from everyone...and a rude wakeup call from Qrow, I realized something. I knew I wasn't ready to move on like nothing happened, but my girls needed a father. They needed someone to comfort them, to take care of them, and to help teach them how to be great Huntresses. And do you know what I learned as I started to rebuild my life?" He asked as a small smile came upon his lips. "I learned that even though they weren't physically there, both Raven and Summer were still there with me...and I saw them in both Yang and Ruby. Their personalities, their desires to help those in need, and the will to fight for what they believe in. The fact that they both share the best qualities of those two women makes me smile every day and helps me cope with their losses." Unbeknownst to Tai, Yang smiled warmly as she heard her father's words.
Tai once again placed his hand on Jaune's shoulder and said, "And your friend Pyrrha is never gone, Jaune...sorry, didn't mean to rhyme." He added as he and Jaune chuckled at his mistake. "But she's never gone as long as her will and beliefs live on in both you and your teammates. I know you'll find a way to cope with her death, Jaune. You just need some time."
Jaune smiled at Tai as they both stood and shook hands. "Thanks, Tai." He said with gratitude.
"No problem, Jaune," Tai said as he returned the smile. "Why don't you head upstairs and relax for a bit? Dinner will be ready in about an hour.
Jaune nodded and headed upstairs. He soon passed by the guest bedroom and saw Yang still in her bed and looking out the window. "Hey Yang," he said, "your dad says that dinner will be ready in an hour."
"Okay," Yang said simply. Before Jaune left, she called out "Hey Jaune?"
"Yeah; what's up?" Jaune asked curiously.
"I..." Yang began as she thought of the right words to say. Finally, she turned to Jaune and said, "I'm glad you stayed. It's been lonely here without Ruby."
"Yeah, me too." Jaune said with a small smile, to which Yang returned. Seeing Yang's smile caused Jaune to feel warm inside; it had almost felt like an eternity since she had smiled at anyone. "Well," he said, "see you at dinner."
"You too." Yang said as she watched him leave.
Downstairs, Tai couldn't help but overhear the brief conversation between the two young adults. He then looked down at Zwei and asked, "what do you think, buddy?" The little corgi only barked enthusiastically. Tai only scratched his ears and chuckled before saying "Yeah, me too. With any luck, they might help each other out. Though that doesn't mean we can't help." He added with a smirk.
And with that, another chapter of Love Heals All Wounds concludes. Giving you guys the heads up that the next update wouldn't be for another month or two since I have to update my My Hero Academia fic (the fandom can be pretty demanding). And it probably wouldn't be as angst as these last chapters.
Kudos, as always, to Kerlongsj Evert Orlejov for beta reading this story.
Don't forget to favorite, comment, and follow.
Until then, this is AnimeFan299110 encouraging you all to go out with a Yang...GODDAMMIT BARB!
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fizzyren · 5 years
NSFW prompt (Lance/Possessed/Angst) from way long ago for @usagi-monet, :,) sorry I’m late, I didn’t forget you. This is on AO3!
Hunk/Lance, possession, alien sex, overstimulation, in heat, multiple orgasms, dry orgasms, pwp, the whole nine yards yall just...read it. 
“Oh god, oh god, quiznak I- guys, guys- ” Lance gasped, frantically patting his hands over his armor, trying to touch for cracks, for some entry point.
“I-I think something just went inside of me, oh my god. I’m going to die . I’m-”
“Lance! Calm down.”
Hunk sighed out beside him, looking at the blue paladin as if this was another joke of his. Lance looked at Hunk pleadingly when he pulled his foot up out of the sticky goop or sap or whatever was coming out of these trees and coating the planet’s surface.
“Hunk, did you not see that-that thing go inside of me!?”
“I didn’t see anything at all other than you shooting at random shadows. Stop playing around, man.”
Hunk shook his head before turning back around, his bayard activated in it’s larger gun form, resting with the end towards the ground.
Lance made a small noise of apprehension, still looking down at himself and then behind as if he might see the figure once again.
Just as quiet as the forest they were in, so too was the...apparition. Lance had no idea what to call it. It had no definite shape and had seemed to float listlessly towards him. Had he been paying more attention to the trees around him and not getting sap off his boots, he could have probably easily dodged the thing. But as it was, Lance looked up right as the opaque fog-like being ran into him with barely a cold touch. It had startled Lance’s bayard to activate and his clenching hand shot a ball of hot plasma into the ground. Hunk’s echoing scream as he whipped around matched Lance’s when he too turned to try and find the source of the fog.
And now it left a sour taste in both their mouths. Hunk upset with Lance scaring him, and Lance upset that there was some whisper-y motherfucker that just waltzed right through him.
They didn’t have long to bicker about it. Lance suddenly felt like a fire had been lit inside his armor. When he looked up to Hunk, ready to ask him if he felt any different too, he paused.
Hunk was staring at him, or more accurately, Lance was staring down the barrel of Hunk’s activated bayard cannon. Confused, Lance took a half step back and held a hand up.
“Woah, hey. What the heck?” he tried to say, but instead what came out was a monotone, “don’t shoot.”
Hunk’s grip on his bayard tightened and Lance could see the narrow of his eyes behind his helmet’s visor. Lance’s voice came out again, devoid of any emotion and fluctuation.
“I will not hurt you. Please put away your weapon.”
“I’m not doing anything you say.” Hunk all but growls, and the yellow gold light of his bayard goes brighter like he’s preparing to shoot. Lance feels himself panic, or is it whatever has suddenly taken over him that is startled?
“You will not shoot your friend. He is precious to you.” He says, or... it says. Like it knows how deep his and Hunk’s bond runs.
Hunk stays quiet and doesn’t move. The...entity takes that as signal to continue or get to its point. Lance, meanwhile, is freaking out at his lack of control on his own body. It feels strange. As if there are blankets wrapped around each of his limbs and holding him close like a swaddled up baby. It doesn’t help to calm him down as his inability to move creates more problems than comfort.
“I will explain more when you take me to your leader,” Lance wants to rolls his eyes at the cheesy line, “all I wish is to seek council with your authority. We are in trouble.”
“And who is we?” Hunk asks carefully.
Lance’s eyes do roll this time, though more on the entity's part.
“Were you listening? I said I will explain only with your leader present.”
“How do I know you’re not just trying to kill us all?”
“Were we in any position of desire to harm you and your team, it would have happened as soon as you entered the forest.”
There’s silence before Hunk finally sighs and lowers his bayard. Lance’s fluttering heartbeat returns to normal as he sighs.
“What did you do to Lance?”
“Your friend is still here. We are simply borrowing his form. Our species is unable to communicate with others without a medium.”
Hunk still looks wary. Lance inappropriately thinks he looks quite handsome like this, a half glare-scowl on his face and his shoulders squared up to make him look straighter. He looks big, strong, worthy, the little voice rooming in his head purrs.
Hunk turns around before speaking, “Hey, Keith? Got something on our end. Mute Lance’s com when you respond though.”
Lance makes to complain but he knows that it’s probably for the better. They don’t know what this thing is. They don’t know if it’s really a friend and not a foe. And right now, Lance is completely compromised. He just wishes it was a little more comfortable.
He expected to still be cold, for that entity’s chill to settle in now that he was….possessed? Inhabited? But there’s been an ever growing heat inside, starting at his toes and fingertips and crawling up.
The entity must sense his unease because it relinquishes control and suddenly Lance can move and speak. He stumbles back when he has to focus on his weight on his knees and feet.
“W-Woah-“ he mumbles, blinking away the sudden dizziness. Hunk turns around in alarm only to see Lance almost fall back again.
He’s saved by the hand on his forearm, holding him upright and Lance’s heartbeat washes the heat over him in stronger, faster pulses. It rises and rises and Lance groans from feeling suddenly lightheaded.
“Lance? Hey, what’s wrong? What’s happening?”
His view of Hunk suddenly blurs into two, and somehow that’s the funniest thing he’s ever seen in his life at the moment and he catches the back end of his own chuckle before he passes out.
Waking back up is, in every sense of the word, hell. Before he can even open his eyes heat swallows him. It burns a headache behind his sinuses and his joints grow stiff. His chest is burning but his stomach and pelvis are boiling.
He doesn’t want to open his eyes, too scared that he’ll see charred skin and bone where his body should be. That thought becomes a fever dream when a chilled hand lays across his forehead. Lance groans and turns into it, not caring who it is, just hoping they stay a little longer.
Cold pressure rubs across his brows and down the bridge of his nose and Lance mumbles Hunk’s name, recognizing the touch.
When he blinks, trying to make sure it really is Hunk, he’s met with a dark room and Hunk’s shadow hovering over him. He looks worried and Lance has an apology on the tip of his tongue ready to make that worry go away.
Heat suddenly pulses through his veins, interrupting that line of thought. It comes again, stronger with the gasp he takes. Hunk’s hands draw away and Lance sobs because that’s so much worse. It makes the heat so much worse. He can hardly see anymore, vision fuzzy and caving in. There’s nothing for him to hold onto as his body feels like he’s been spun around, rotating on one point like an empty bottle.
Hunk’s hands come back on his shoulders and chest when he rolls, trying to stand up. A stupid idea, probably, but it’s too hot to stay laying down anymore. The sheets and mattress under his back were trapping too much heat.
There’s something squirming inside his head. He can feel it pressing between his brain and his skull, slipping through tissue and vessels. He’s suddenly so nauseous he can’t breathe. Words are being spoken to him but he doesn’t understand their meaning. Up becomes down and left becomes right.
Hunk eases him to the floor from where he’d stumbled forward and then he can’t tell where the rest of his surroundings are. Every point of contact between him and Hunk burns ice cold and it’s a drug Lance wants more of. The world falls away.
Hunk however...Hunk is very much freaking out. Not only does his best friend get possessed by a creepy planet alien ghost, but now he’s acting weird. Well, weird doesn’t come close to it. Hunk is just glad Lance is still breathing and not spouting that ‘take me to your leader’ crap.
The situation he’s facing now, might be in the running for being worse, though. Lance is feverish, mumbling in some strange language that Hunk can’t put a name to, and trying to walk away to quiznak knows where. He’s also, somehow, become incredibly strong. Every time Hunk tries to sit Lance down, he’s pushed away.
It’s all fine and controllable until Lance gets Hunk on the floor, flat on his back and hovering with this dazed sway that makes him look like he’s a breath away from passing out again.
“Hurts- ” he whines, breathless when he straddles Hunk’s hips, “it burns. Do something. Please, do something-”
Hunk’s tongue turns to stone in the back of his throat when Lance pushes down without warning, pert bottom rubbing circles on top of Hunk. He has a firm grasp of Hunk’s shirt hem, pressing against his stomach like it’d keep him down while he grinds into him again.
Whatever heat Lance is feeling blends up Hunk’s cheeks.
Now that Lance has gotten a good rhythm for himself, he doesn’t look like he’ll stop any time soon. His head rolls back on his shoulders as he sighs, moans on his next thrust forward and again when his hips swing back. Hunk chokes on the pleasure.
“Th-this is like... the least best way to handle this-” he pipes up, not loud enough it seems. That, or Lance is definitely ignoring him.
“It’s so hot,” Lance moans, filthy and airy and oh quiznak are his eyes glowing?!
Lance’s head rolls again like he’s only upright because of a single string. His eyes are barely open but Hunk can still see the white glow pouring from behind his pupils. The color of his irises bleeds out, turning the glow a baby blue shade that falls on his cheeks.
Hunk finds himself sweating under that gaze. Or maybe he’s sweating because Lance feels like he’s been sitting in an oven for five hours. He’s sweltering hot in his lap and Hunk might actually melt. He’s too scared to touch Lance. Worried he would literally burn himself.
The layers of clothes between him and Lance are suddenly a blessing. Deliriously he thinks, there’s a reason you wear oven mitts when taking something out of the oven.
Hunk remembers that they’re actually in the middle of some negotiations with these alien entities. Whatever is inside of Lance is also somehow inside of Shiro and they are holding a meeting with Allura and the rest of the paladins.
Lance was unable to join, seeing how he’d been unconscious on their return. And with his steady rising temperature, Hunk didn’t want to leave him alone. The problem at hand is….still manageable.
Lance suddenly begins to pull on Hunk’s pants and that “still manageable” runs in the other direction.
“Woah woah woah, what are you doing?” Hunk goes to grab Lance’s hands and gets swatted for his effort. Hunk makes a stressed noise and hovers his hands, not wanting to get slapped again.
“We shouldn’t be doing this. Like really really. You need to be laying down.”
“It’s hot. Don’t wanna lay down. Wanna-” Lance trails off, words slurring to incomprehensible mumbling and murmuring as his heated fingers pull Hunk’s cock free from his boxers. “Burns inside” he gasps.
Hunk meets Lance’s eyes again, and even though the glow is starting to hurt to stare into, it dims when something passes over the light source inside. That something being, what looks to Hunk to be a ball of circles and cubes. The shape is almost crystalline and oh so very tiny. He loses track of it when Lance blinks sluggishly.
It was enough of a distraction that now Lance is completely naked on top of him, and his pants and boxers are bunch up under his knees.
“Oh man- Lance we really shouldn’t be doing this. This is such a bad idea.” he mutters more to himself than anything because Lance isn’t listening to him anymore.
Lance is sweating, body finally unable to handle the dangerous temperatures that his fever is working up. Lance is also trying to seat himself down on Hunk’s half hard cock like it’s nothing.
In a blind panic Hunk grabs Lance under the knees and lifts. They go toppling off to the side and Lance sobs like he’s been shot. He thrashes to try and get free, screaming like Hunk has done something wrong.
“Lance! Lance, stop! You’re going to hurt yourself!”
“A-aaah- I-I can’t-“ Lance��s voice wavers between that monotone pitch and his own frenzied voice. He’s fighting it. Hunk can tell that Lance is trying to be good but whatever is inside him isn’t budging.
Lance moans again before his eyes drop down, looking at Hunk with a burning sort of hunger he knows that he won’t be able to get away from.
“If I give you want you want you have to leave him alone,” he says suddenly. Lance doesn't seem to hear him until his head rolls back and a laugh comes free.
Hunk is busy watching the way Lance’s skin pulls across his collarbones and ribs as he tips back. They’ve not has any way to get UV light but Lance still looks like he’s been on the beach for the weekend. There’s almost this glow to his skin or maybe it’s the sweat, maybe it’s the alien inside him doing something.
When their eyes meet Lance has that backlit look to his eyes again and the monotone voice from the entity inside him actually sounds amused .
“You’re smarter than you look, Paladin.” it purrs. Hunk isn’t amused.
“You didn’t come here to talk with us, did you?”
That laugh comes again, more frantic when Lance squirms and pushes his hips into Hunk’s.
“Your friends have not lasted as long as you in resisting the temptation. Will you allow your Lance friend here to burn himself out? This really is a painful way to go,” Lance’s eyes glow brighter as a sharp grin curves his mouth. It looks eerily out of place on him.
Hunk takes Lance by the jaw and presses in frustration. He can’t hurt this alien without also hurting Lance.
The entity seems to have thin patience the longer Hunk tries to stall.
“The longer your friends fornicate with me the longer your lover here suffers,” Hunk wants to make a comment about them being lovers but the alien continues, “we’re waiting for you. Complete the link.”
It’s cryptic. It makes no sense, and Hunk has a growing feeling that whatever this alien is getting at means that the other paladins are in a similar state as Lance. Probably already fucking each other. Hunk doesn’t know what this thing means by completing the link but he knows now that if he doesn’t Lance will die. Will this affect spread to the other paladins?
He doesn’t dwell anymore on it. He’d made his decision and as a Paladin of Voltron, he has a duty to save people. His fellow teammates included.
Hunk and Lance end up back on the bed again where he can reach the lube he has stashed.
He spends the time prepping Lance despite his protests. And he’s glad for it once he starts to press inside because Lance is almost too tight.
Lance reaches down to grab at the top of Hunk’s thighs, nails biting in as he gasps. The glow in his eyes flickers before fading away and Lance looks Hunk over with clear blue eyes for the first time since this started before shivering. His bottom lip gets caught between his teeth when he stares lower at where Hunk is still inside him, holding still, waiting for a go ahead or for Lance to stop wincing.
It takes a whole awkward three seconds for Lance to finally start making little movements with his hips, up and down to test the feeling. He pushes towards Hunk’s hips and his eyelashes flutter and Hunk has to squeeze his eyes shut to stop looking.
His crush on Lance is nothing new. They practically grew up together. Lance has been with him through everything. And as annoying as Lance is, Hunk has always found himself drawn to the other. Hunk prides himself in being the person Lance is most comfortable with and he takes every casually tossed arm over his shoulder and hug and bump with pride.
They’ve talked about it before too. Lance is very aware of Hunk’s crush. Not because he could see it, course not he’s dense on that romance stuff, but because Hunk had made a mistake of confessing one night at the Garrison as they snuck out to look at the stars and talk about their futures.
Somehow with all of that, they didn’t date. Hunk kept his crush and Lance conveniently didn’t bring it up or voice any feelings that would suggest he felt the same. He just made sure that Hunk knew he wasn’t bothered with it. It made things like this a little tougher.
“Oh god … you’re so big- ” Lance whined, leaning in to slip his hands to the back of Hunk’s thighs and pull. His legs rest up on Hunk’s hips and he grinds down.
Hunk’s chest hurts watching Lance’s head fall back and a moan tumble free. It feels more than good when Lance clenches around him with that noise.
His eagerness is a little unexpected but Hunk could have it worse. He guesses Lance could be actually dead by now. Or trying to hop on someone else’s dick. It’s a though Hunk doesn’t want to linger on.
“Ngh - yeah, yeah right there Hunk I-” Lance gasps, pulling at the back of his thighs harder when Hunk rocks forward with power behind his hips, “fuck yes that feels good!”
The words keep falling past Lance’s lips like he hardly has any control over it and Hunk is almost embarrassed to admit that it’s getting him turned on. But he’s come to accept that Lance sets all sorts of fires in him a long time ago. He’s had plenty a fantasy of having Lance under him like this, whining and begging for his cock.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, deeper. Go deeper Hunk,” Lance babbles again, starting to squirm in his lap. Hunk is stumped for the first time.
He’s quite literally as deep as he can be. Balls pressed up firmly against Lance’s spread open hole, wet and dripping with lube.  He can’t go any further than this despite Lance’s pleading. But damn if he doesn’t try.
He leans over Lance with one arm, other curling under his waist to keep him at a good angle before pulling his hips closer. They slot together a little better this way and it almost feels like he’s deeper even though he knows there’s not much of a difference.
It’s what Lance apparently wanted. He moans, croons to himself while he scrambles against Hunk’s broad back until he’s squeezing his shoulders and biting.
The pain makes Hunk wince, starting to fuck into Lance in hopes it will get him to let go with gasps and noises; It partially works. Lance moves away from biting and scratching to screaming. His eyes are gathering up that glowing charge again as he stares blankly off at the ceiling.
The change almost makes him worried if Lance is about to pass out on him but he keeps mumbling Hunk’s name between pleas for more, deeper, faster. He doesn’t sound different other than his voice being tighter.  
But then he’s clenching around Hunk’s cock and gasping, no actual noise coming from his parted lips. His skin stretches against his throat when he shoves his head back, arch of his neck a mirror to the one in his back.
Hunk pulls Lance closer, kisses under his jaw and chin until he’s shivering and finding his voice again.
“Hunk, keep moving,” he whines, “don’t stop, don’t- oh fuck- fuck, fuck, fuck right there, yes, yeah, right there just like- nnggh-“
Hunk leans back a little, hands finally settling on Lance’s hips when he asks, “are you okay?”
He’s not expecting the full body shudder, Lance’s eyes squeezing shut and head falling back. Hunk doesn’t think it’s in reply to the question, but maybe to the small and shallow thrusts he’s keeping. Even that he’s having doubts about, Lance just came, right?
After a few shaking breaths, Lance tenses up again, toes curling and this time a moan pressing out past his lips, “ah- Hunk-”
The breathing under him picks up again, whining growing tighter the more Lance squirms. He calls out for Hunk again, lips trembling and eyelashes wet. Hunk tries to comfort him through whatever is happening.
He rubs his hands over Lance’s sides, up over his chest and shoulders to gently cup his face, thumbs swiping away the tears that start falling. He hates seeing Lance cry, but it’s a strange situation and Hunk has a hard time coming to terms with the fact he’s still hard inside of Lance.
“Cum in me,” Lance slurs, head lolling off to the side and then back in the other direction as he tries to open his eyes and focus on the face hovering above him, “gotta- I need it inside!”
Lance’s head bobs once more before the glowing comes back and his voice changes, but even now, the voice sounds out of breath and well-fucked, “complete the link, Paladin.”
Completing whatever stupid link this thing wants isn’t something Hunk think he knows how to actually do, but completing inside of Lance is. That’s easy to do. He’s already wound up so much from Lance squirming on his cock and squeezing around him every time he shifts around on the bed.
There has to be something wrong with him too to have cum so fast, and on command like that, but Hunk doesn’t care anymore. His mind goes peacefully blank for a few seconds, softly lulled through with Lance’s sighing and hands rubbing his shoulders and chest to encourage him or just show his appreciation.
When he comes back to reality, Lance is quiet and unmoving, arms by his sides now rather than trying to touch anything he can reach. His chest is moving slow in time with his breathing and Hunk assumes this is it.
As he pulls out slowly, he wonders if he should be more panicked than he is. This whole thing feels surreal.
The last thing he sees is Lance’s gaping entrance, wet and leaking pearly white onto the sheets. The last thing he hears is that monotone voice in his own head, purring gratitude against every nerve and driving the world black.
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meshugana1 · 6 years
Could you turn me into an attractive maid? My friends keep making fun of me about how I'm single because of my looks, my shy and timid personality. Plus, I need a job to pay off a bunch of debts.
   My breath grew cold and heavy in my lungs like I had inhaled a block of ice. The center of the room felt like it was dangerous all of a sudden and every cell in my body screamed for me to avoid it. I couldn’t though, this was about personal growth. I wanted to slap myself but that would look really weird. Come on, come on, you can do this Jack. You’re the man, this is easy as pie. The scene played out before me. I had unconsciously crossed my arms as a woman asked a seated man about airfare to the Bermuda triangle. “What do ya want air rates for? We don’t even know if there’s no airports there anyway,” the travel agent said.“Well yes but ships always go missing in there,” she said.“Yeah, but we at least know there’s a couple docks so it’s probably safer.”“Probably? How often do ships go missing there?”“All the time. Every ship we send never comes back.” Come on Jack, jump in.“If no ships ever come back how does your company have such positive reviews?”“Well, no one’s come back to give us a bad one.” The crowd surrounding the pair chuckle and laugh, all but me. I’m still too nervous, a million lines and ideas are all competing in my head and it’s all too much. I’m sure a vein is throbbing somewhere in my head.
   “Hey man, I thought you said you’d get up there tonight? I’m bummed I didn’t get to see you freeze up in front of everybody,” Alan said. He was the lovable asshole that first suggested I come with him to his improve class to ‘break out of my shell’. I was perfectly fine in it, but it still got lonely. It was over nine years since my last girlfriend, and I’m not even sure how that one happened. “Sorry, I just got a little sidetracked thinking of what to say,” I said as I popped two Tylenol to squash the headache I gave myself. “That’s the fuckin problem dude, you don’t have to think in improve. You just do, ya know?” I didn’t know in fact. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t take a weekend off to plan out all the conversations I was going to have the following week. I was always just so scared of saying the wrong thing. “I’ll try better next time, I need to get to my night job or that dick boss of mine is gonna fire me.”“Ya know, I’ve heard you call him dick, asshole, fuckhead, motherfucker, cocksucker, pissant, and douce, but I don’t think I heard his name yet.”“Yeah, I may not like it but I really need the money. I have those student loans I took out remember?” This made Alan laugh, way harder than I thought was necessary. “Oh yeah, you were all set for a law degree and you got kicked out like the first day cause you called some woman ‘the most fuckable MILF you ever saw’.”“Yeah.”“And who did she turn out to be, again?”“The dean, alright? She was the dean.” Alan laughed so hard I thought he was actually choking. Part of me wished he would.
   I waited for Alan to recompose himself, he was the only one of us who could afford a car. I scanned the dimly lit hallway of the rec center. Looking for anything that could take my mind off my friend’s enjoyment of my situation. I saw a worn out cork board on the opposite wall lined with various ads. Better than listening to him choke on my misery. One said there was a snowmobile trailer in like new condition for sale, only $8500. Another advertised an old woman’s piano class, three times a week for only ten dollars a lesson. That was actually pretty good. A bright pink one hidden beneath a wanted poster from 1993 proclaimed the need for a groundskeeper at a country estate and offered to pay a hundred dollars an hour plus room and board. “What!?”
    A hundred friggin dollars an hour? I work a total eighteen hours a day between both my jobs and I barely bring home three hundred a week! “What’s wrong?” Alan said.“This lady want’s to pay someone a hundred dollars an hour to mow her lawn and stuff!”“No way, let me see,” Alan said grabbing the flyer from me. “Oh dude, that’s that old Haderly place like five miles outside town.”“So?”“Dude, she like a shut-in. But from what I hear she’s a total babe and makes all her money from doing cam shows online. No way you can work for a woman like that.”“Wow, I’m not used to hearing you so mature Alan.”“What? No, you can’t work for her cause you’re shy, short, and um, a homely guy. She’s not gonna want to hire you. She probably wants some super stud around to ogle at and get her in the mood. Sounds like a job for me!” Now it was my turn to laugh. He might have had a little nugget of a point, but he wasn’t exactly much better looking than me.“Don’t you dare. If anyone needs this job I do. You make plenty of money at your job.”“Not a hundred fucking dollars an hour. Don’t worry, when I’m loaded and she and I start dating we’ll let you live in the attic or something,” he said with a smile.
   It was an expensive Uber ride out to the property, but one hours wages from this lady would pay it back and more. It was early, the sunrise only just began to blind me as I walked down the path to the house. My fingers traced along the flyer as I walk, I would have called but there was no phone number on it, just this address. The air was so clean and filled with moisture I could hardly believe it. And the yard was nothing less than colossal. I had no idea there were even yards like this in the area. It looked like you had to measure it in acres. It took me nearly thirty minutes to walk it straight down the middle, no wonder the salary was so high, this was a full-time job. I was finally close enough to make out the detail on the ornate wooden doors when I saw another door at the side of the house open wide and a man stepped out. He was huge, built like a brick house and wore a really tight white shirt and jeans combo. He raised a Panama hat to his head and looked over the property with a steely gaze. Was this guy the lady’s husband? Not a second later did he reach back and grab a shovel and rake from the same doorway. Oh shit, was he a groundskeeper? Am I too late? Fuck, no wait. This place is huge, maybe she needs two? Oh please god need two, the ride back is gonna kill my wallet.
   The closer I get the more beautiful the house looks. This might actually be an old plantation home. That would make sense given the size of the yard. I can tell it’s solidly built as I step on the porch. Not a single creak or grown from the wood at all. I take a second before I knock on the door to check my appearance. My shirt is tucked, my shoes are clean, and my hair feels good. Ok, you’ve reversed this a hundred times since last night. Knock on the door, she answers. I say hello and offer a handshake, not too firm. We exchange names, I ask about the job. She asks my qualifications, can’t be too complicated for yard work. She either says yes or no, shake hands again and say thank you. Then I go home and wait for the call. Easy. I turn to knock on the door only find it already open, with a very beautiful woman laying against the doorframe.
   “And how can I help you young man?” she said. Her hair was a light brown color, accented with thin streaks of white. Her face looked beautiful despite light evidence of aging. He skin was still tight, but there was the odd wrinkle here and there. She wore a burgundy silk robe that failed completely at masking her impressive figure. Her hips made waves in her robe as they rested on the bawdy flesh. She looked like an ex-playboy bunny. “Young man? How can I help you?” she said. I hadn’t realized but her sudden appearance had thrown me off. “Oh, um, well,” I said. I fumbled with my hands trying to produce the slip for her. “I, well I was hoping that you could maybe hire me as a gardener. I mean the groundskeeper job,” oh god. I totally fucked this up. She had a questioning look on her face as she grabbed the flyer. “Well first off if you’re begging for a job you should probably lead with your name.”“Right, it’s Jack. I mean I’m Jack,” goddamnit Jack, you totally fucked up.“Thank you, Jack, my name is Irene Haderly. Secondly, I’m sorry to say that I filled that position over two years ago. This is just an old flyer, you probably already saw my groundskeeper, Samson, this morning. He’s more than enough for the property. What I really need right now is a maid. My last one quit about a month ago and it kills my knees cleaning this place by myself. So unless you want that job I can’t really help you.”
   I knew it was too good to be true. I never catch any breaks, I’m gonna be in debt for the rest of my goddamn life. But as she turned her back to me I felt this little ball of white-hot anger in my stomach grow. I was pissed at everything. My shitty apartment, my negative bank account, my stupid shyness, and it just sort of exploded. “Does the maid job pay just as well?!” I said. God, even angry I’m pathetic. But my whiny ejaculation seemed to peak her interest. “It does, actually. Even better, one-fifty an hour plus room and board. You would be expected to live here while you’re employed by me, and there is an appearance code that needs to be followed, are you up for that?” It was even better than I hoped, except for the appearance code. “Um, you’re not going to make me crossdress, are you?” Hell for that much money I wouldn’t even mind. “No, no. Nothing like that. You would, of course, need to sign an agreement, I lose maids so often I would just feel better if you made a commitment to working and living here. Would six months be alright with you?” Six months? At one-fifty an hour? With no expenses? “Could we make it a year? That sounds great!”
   I followed her inside and boy it looked awesome. It was the first time in my life I had an occasion to use the word opulence. I followed her down a naturally lit hallway, the sunlight blinding me on more than one occasion until we reached her office. She removed a simple looking brass key from her robe, it looked kinda heavy but I don’t remember seeing its outline in her clothing. “Now, other than tending to your duties, the only rule of the house is that you are never allowed in this office unless accompanied by me. Is that clear?”“Yes, ma’am.” That’s a pretty easy rule to follow. She handed me a fairly wordy looking piece of paper and told him where to sign. I had finally dotted the last I and crossed the last T, “Alright, ma’am, I think I’m done.” She smiled in a very loving way. “Perfect, now we just need to get your appearance up to snuff, follow me,” she said. This was the most nerve-wracking part. Was she actually going to make me crossdress? She said no but the thought was still chipping away at me.
   I was both happy and confused when she lead me instead of her closet to a side room in her office. It looked like a pantry filled with mason jars. It looked like they were filled with various spices, maybe she made her money with some artisanal spice company. But why bring me here? She looked like she carefully considered each jar, then she reached up and grabbed a small one and dumped the contents into her hand. She brought her hands together and rubbed the spice into her hands repeatedly. She brought her hands close to her mouth as she rubbed and it seemed like she was whispering into it. “Now, this is going to feel a little weird but don’t worry, it won’t hurt a bit.”
   What? She lifted her palm to my face and blew the dusty spice in my face before I could ask what she meant. I coughed violently as the powder flew down my throat and into my eyes. “What the hell was that!?” I said trying to rub the powder from my face, oddly enough though, she was right in that it didn’t hurt at all. “Sorry, I thought you read the contract? This was all explicitly stated.” I was about to tell her that nothing in there said anything about getting sand blown in my face, but all that came out was slurred speech. My knees were getting weak too. I didn’t feel any pain at all. But it was like I could feel the little bits of powder burrowing into my body. My vision got really fuzzy but I could feel everything so much clearer. I could feel really big, powerful hands grab my shoulder and cradle me in even more powerful arms. I knew we were walking but I didn’t know where until I was placed on a bed. It felt like little tacks all over my body just scratching the surface of my skin. It was heavenly.
   My whole body felt like the head of my dick when I masturbated. I tried to reach down for my cock but my whole body felt like jelly. Then after what felt like an eternity, it started to die down. I could finally feel how heavy I was breathing and it was like a had weights on my chest. My back was arched somewhat awkwardly too, but overall I just felt a bit out of sorts. My vision was still cloudy, like my contact lenses had fallen out. Without them, I could barely see a foot in front of my face, but I could make out the shapes of two people on the opposite side of the room. One was Ms. Haderly, but the other one took a little thinking before I could recognize Samson’s broad shoulders. “Finally awake I see, well good. You woke up a lot faster than some of the others.”“Woke up? Did you drug me or something? This isn’t some kinda kinky snuff thing you have right? Please tell me it’s not.”“Don’t be silly, you just had to be altered to fit the appearance requirement, and you turned out pretty great too If I do say so myself.” What was she talking about, turned out great? Oh shit, this was totally like the human centipede. In a moment of cinema-induced paranoia, I reached a hand behind me and, for a brief moment, fully expected to feel the face of some other poor guy who got caught in her trap. I did end up grabbing a lot more flesh than I usually did, but it wasn’t someone else’s face.
   It was my own ass, but it felt gigantic. My bottom was, at its apex, a boney little thing that only by the most generous definitions could be called an ass. This thing I had my hand digging into though, this was a real ass. It was curved, meaty, springy and pretty responsive to touch. I could feel the blood rushing all sorts of places as I fondled my way to understanding. Unconsciously my thighs rubbed together, and when they did I noticed a distinct lack of testicular pressure when I did that though. I wasn’t alone in the room but I really had to be sure. With my free hand I reach to my crotch I closed my eyes and uttered one last prayer and tried to grab my dick. Instead, my palm slaps into a flat, slick, cleft.
   I’m not some super macho guy, so being emasculated wasn’t exactly earth-shattering to me but who wouldn’t start freaking out after losing something so important? Other than my ass and my chest my body felt so light and wispy. I felt a rising nervous energy in my toes and I started bouncing on my heels. Ms. Haderly moved to my side quickly. “Now I know this is a shock, I would be pretty flustered too. But let me just explain what’s going on, okay? Samson, why don’t you leave us to some girl time?” He didn’t say anything as he turned around and left. I still teetered on the edge of a meltdown, but if she did this to me she was the only one who could undo it. So I just listened.
   “You have probably guessed already but I’m something like a witch. And you may not believe me but this was all spelled out in that contract, and I wasn’t kidding about the pay scale. Every hour you live here you’ll make one-hundred and fifty dollars, now a young guy like you probably needs cash like that. And this is only for a year. Now do the math, 24 hours a day at one-fifty an hour, you’ll be a millionaire by then.” That stopped me in my tracks. That was so much money it was crazy. “Why do I have to be a girl though?” “That’s just the way the magic works. Aside from the looks, which are much improved by the way, it also comes with the knowledge of how to execute your duties. That and, well let’s just say the job comes with some really great benefits,” she said. Her nails glided along my thigh, and her hand reached and grabbed what I assumed to be one of my breasts. I hope that’s what it was because I still couldn’t see well, and they felt amazing to be held. She moved in closer and kissed me. Her much larger chest pressed into mine and her tongue darted around my mouth. When she separated I didn’t need my glasses to make out the sultry face she was giving me as she licked her lips. “So, what do you think?”
   She led me to my room a half an hour later, it was towards the front of the house on its left side. The room was directly beside Samson’s it seemed. When I stepped in, from what little I could make out, it was huge. It looked bigger than my crappy studio by three times. She guided me over to a bed and for a second I thought we were going to resume what she started upstairs, but instead, she told me to get dressed and start going through the list of chores. I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised by the uniform she wanted me to wear. It looked like a sexy french maid’s costume, but the thing I was excited about was the glasses on top of the pile of silky clothes. I wasted no time or thought in putting them on, and oddly enough they were my exact prescription. The room instantly became clear and I took in its full rustic splendor. A room like this in the city would cost no less than six thousand a month, and it was mine for just the cost of my cock and balls.
   I was nervous as I crept into the hallway in my new uniform, but not nearly as much as I expected or was accustomed to. This was the most flesh I had ever had exposed while still being dressed. My legs were encased in the thinnest white fabric stockings I could have imagined. The air passed right through and stroked my legs as if they were naked. My heels actually confused me in his easy I took to walking in them. They were over five inches tall, and at first glance, I had no idea how I could walk in them without undergoing training. But as my feet slipped into them it felt just like riding a bicycle, and not once did I even buckle in the slightest. The bra and panties went on in much the same way, but the feel of the silk underwear still caused a blush across my body. They were tight and the panties clung to my new sex, creating a slight camel toe. The bra seemed like it was intended to make my, really rather impressive, chest pop and call attention to itself. There I stood, dressed only in my new underwear and heels, like a lot of porn I had watched, with a chest that begged to be touched. I really wanted to, like really really. But Ms. Haderly had given me a list of chores to get to, and if she could do this to me to help my work go easier, then I really didn’t want to picture what she could do when she was mad.
   My incredibly short skirt bounced as I walked the halls and cleaned the rooms, with a feather duster no less. The house was kept mostly immaculate and only required light upkeep. Still, the house was large and the sun was setting by the time I had finished. I had been required to make Ms. Haderly both lunch and dinner, now I hadn’t made much more than Kraft mac n’ cheese for the last few years, but as I entered the kitchen I flitted about like a master chef. Before I knew it I had made her a hearty seafood salad for lunch, and that evening I made her a two-course meal, a simple Caprese salad and a roast beef for the main course. She even praised the meal, saying it was simply delicious. I had no idea magic could make someone so effective at something so complicated.
   Not only the cooking was different, but I seemed to have an intimate knowledge of the layout of the house, and my own timetable, and well…I seemed to just do everything in the sexiest possible way. I don’t think I ever bent my knees once the whole day, always at the waist and displaying my round ass to whoever was lucky enough to be behind me. My walk was punctuated with a side to side thrust of my hips with every step. Whenever I was in Ms. Haderly’s presence I always had my hands clasped in front of my stomach, which squeezed my breasts together making them look even larger. Honestly, I didn’t mind as much as I would’ve as a guy. I wasn’t good looking, not hardly, but now I was hot. Like really hot, and I kinda loved flaunting it. The sun was finally gone and as I returned to my sizable room, I ran into the groundskeeper Samson as he returned to his.
   I had never actually been introduced to him. A few times I saw him through the windows as I cleaned them, he mostly didn’t wear a shirt all day. That was concerning me. Normally I would be jealous of his intense physical fitness, he was as big as Schwarzenegger and as toned as Bruce Lee. I was jealous that I didn’t have his body, just not in the way I normally would be. He still didn’t have a shirt on and his body glistened with sweat and his tanned chest and face were planted with small, light patches of dirt and dust. “Oh, nice to see you awake. I’m Samson. So I guess you’re staying then?” he says. His rock solid arm reaches up and rubs the back of his neck. His body is so toned I can see each individual muscle move when he shifts his weight. “Y..yeah, it’s really good money, ya know?” My thighs rubbed together absentmindedly, feeling much hotter than I thought they should. “Yeah, that’s what drew me here a few years ago. What was your name again?” he said.“It’s Jack, but you can call me Jaclyn if you think it sounds better,” I said, blushing harder than I had for a long time. “That’s a pretty name, suits you much better now. It’ll take some getting used to though believe me,” he said.“Wait, did she…?” I said.“Yup, two years ago. My name was Samantha, if you can believe it,” he said. I very easily could. I moved my hands behind my back and took a few steps forward, hips rolling with each step. “So, did she change everything on you too?”
   Not five minutes later I was thrown on my bed as he used his powerful muscles to strip me bare. I undid his denim jeans with my teeth and his hard cock slapped against my face, the heat of his solid manhood made my glasses fog up. We were just about to get into it when we heard a that clear near the door. It was Ms. Haderly, dressed in the same robe from this morning. I was horny as hell but nervous, terrified I had broken some unknown rule. “You naughty, little servants should know better. You need to wait for your mistress before getting started.” She stepped forward and her robe slid off revealing her still tight and erotic naked body. She joined me on the bed and began to lick and tease Samson’s cock. Her hand was pawing at my supple ass. It was then that I had made up my mind, this was the best job ever.
The end. Hope Y’all like it!
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