#got penny three times in a row. game is rigged
bluedprints · 22 days
@vitalphenomena sc.
"if you're going to just stand there, you might as well come inside."
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mosylufanfic · 3 years
Step Right Up
Another @dailyau prompt, this one submitted by @shesinyourhair.
Step Right Up
Cisco strolled up to the carnival booth with the blinking lights saying STAR PITCHER!!! The girl behind the counter, with the gorgeous red-gold ponytail, looked up and raised her brows. "Back again?"
"Yup." Cisco slapped a five dollar bill on the counter. "I just can't stay away."
Shaking her head, she took the money and handed him three baseballs. "You know the drill. Any hit gets you a prize. A direct hit gets you a grand prize." 
"Hey," he said. "You're shorting me - " he calculated. "Twelve baseballs." The throws were fifty cents each, three for a dollar. 
"I don't have fifteen baseballs to give you at once." She slapped a piece of paper down and made three tick marks. "Trust me, I'm keeping track."
He made a production of eyeballing the target before winding up and letting fly. The ball soared past the target. "Dang." Two, three, and strike, he was out.
He held out his hand.
Shaking her head, she reached to the net behind the target and retrieved the baseballs. 
The time around, he hit the outside edge of the target, making all the lights on the outermost ring light up at one. "Winner winner chicken dinner," he crowed.
"Wow," she deadpanned. "You can pick from a plastic snake or a kazoo."
"Hmmmmm," he pondered. "You know, I got the kazoo last time. I think it's gotta be the snake." He pointed. "The yellow and green one, please."
She rolled her eyes and handed it over. He tucked it in his hoodie pocket. "I believe I have nine more balls?"
She handed him three again. "You know this is rigged," she said. 
"I thought you weren't supposed to admit that."
"Like you didn't know?"
"Sure, but isn't there a carny code where you insist that anyone can win anything up to and including the giant purple teddy bear?"
She looked over their heads to where the bear loomed like an Elder god. "That thing is as old as I am," she said. "It's ninety-eight percent dust mites by now. And I don't usually run games."
"Oh no?"
"I usually run the medical tent," she said. "But the regular girl is out sick. Laryngitis."
"And you're filling in? No wonder you let the secret out."
She snorted and handed him the fourth set of balls.
"You know," he said, squinting at the target, licking a finger to test the breeze. "For a carny, you don't seem to know what these games are really about."
"They're about fleecing townies out of every penny in their pocket."
He tsked. "Cynic. No, the point of these games is to flex and posture and promise some cutie that you will go to any lengths to win that ridiculous, dust-mite infested purple teddy bear. And even if you don't, they'll know you tried, just to get their attention."
She raised a brow. "Hmmmm. You have a point."
"Of course I do."
"But there's a flaw in your logic."
"Is there?"
"You don't have a date," she said. "You've played this four different times tonight, alone every time."
He grinned the grin of a hunter whose bird had flown straight into the trap. "Did I say a date? No, I just said a cutie."
She frowned for a moment, then went the pink of strawberry ice cream.
Man, that was adorable.
He had the last ball in his hand. This was it. Cards on the table. One last try. He wound up, prayed to the god of lovelorn idiots everywhere, and whiffed it right past the target.
He stared at it, forlorn.
"Aw," she said. "Here. You can pick off the second row."
"I didn't hit the target."
"No, but you spent twenty-five dollars at this stall tonight. That's worth a hacky sack, don't you think?"
He shrugged and picked one out. This one he might actually keep, instead of giving it away as he'd given away all the other bits of plastic junk he'd acquired on his previous tries.
She got it down and handed it over, leaning over the counter. "So, my dinner break is in half an hour. Meet me at the corndog stand?"
Ding-ding-ding! Grand Prize. Lights and bells and sirens going off. Ding-ding-ding!
"I'd love to," he said. "But you might have to treat me. That was my last five dollars."
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vengfulfate · 4 years
Both of Them, and Only Them, Ch. 11
Story Summary -   Melanie and Miltiades Malachite have trouble with love. They share everything, and this has either scared people away or made them think their relationship was more open than the twins would wish. Then along came Ruby Rose… could she be the one the sisters have searched for?
Chapters: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Once again, another age-long wait for the next chapter. But lately I’ve been on a tear with my writing, so even thought I’m not ‘between projects’, I found time to finish this! And speaking of finish... as I contemplate how far into RWBY I want to take this story, I realize... we’re probably nearing the end. One, maybe two more chapters after this one to reach the end of Vol. 3, and I’ll probably call the story closed...
Well until then, we still have story left, so please enjoy!
The second time the twins beheld Beacon up close was very different from the first. First of all, the sun was still up, reflecting off the high towers like divine halos. Additionally, they were dressed in their usual daywear as opposed to the fancy dresses from the ball. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, their destination was not the school itself, but the massive floating arena and the fairgrounds surrounding it.
The Vytal Festival. That celebration of worldwide unity and peace accompanied by a friendly competition between the up and coming fighters of the four great academies. A competition that team RWBY would be partaking in. A competition that Ruby’s girlfriends are eager to watch.
A competition that the Malachite twins were running late for.
Melanie and Miltiades were doing their best to look like they weren’t rushing as they rushed to Amity Arena. “We’ll never hear the end of this...” Miltiades lamented.
“We’ll be fine,” Melanie assured, “Look, there’s still a transport!”
In the coliseum locker room, Ruby peeked out the door at the stands nervously. “Where are they?”
“Stop fussing, they’ll be here,” Weiss assured, “They know how much this means to you.”
“They should be here already...” Ruby pointed out.
“They probably got held up at the club,” Yang theorized, “Or stuck in the traffic, there are a ton of tourists here for the festival.”
“They’ll be here,” Weiss repeated, taking Ruby’s shoulder. “C’mon, we have to get ready. You want to give them a show, right?”
Ruby shook her head and stepped back inside to ready her gear. “Head in the game, Rose...” she told herself, “you know they won’t miss this on purpose.”
Weiss walked over to where Yang and Blake were getting ready. “I hope the twins get here soon,” Weiss told them, “I’m afraid Ruby won’t be in the right headspace for the fight otherwise...”
“They’ll be here,” Blake was confident, “but will they be here for the start of the match…?”
“If Rubes doesn’t see them in the stands...” Yang shared her teammates concern.
A red light by the door lit up, indicated it was time to step onto the arena.
“They’ve given us more than enough time to prepare,” Weiss pointed out, “we can’t stall down here.”
“We’ll just have to go out there, and hope the twins made it,” Blake solemnly agreed.
Team RWBY stepped out together onto the arena, scanning the crowded stands as they walked. Ruby’s spirits began to fall, until Weiss nudged her shoulder and pointed. The redhead shot her gaze the direction her partner indicated to see a pair of out of breath twins dashing down the steps to the front row of seats. She breathed a sigh of relief.
“I told you so,” Weiss reminded her smugly.
“Now we have to win,” Yang smiled at her sister, “wouldn’t want to disappoint them, would you?”
“Of course not!” Ruby grinned. “Team RWBY, Banzai on three! One! Two! Three!”
“Mel! Miltia!”
The young leader and her twin girlfriends quickly found each other after the match. Ruby jumped and threw an arm each around each twin. The twins, plenty practiced with Ruby’s tackle-hugs, caught her effortlessly.
“You did great!” Miltiades complimented.
“Of course she did,” Melanie affirmed, “looks like we picked a winner, Miltia.”
“Now, please tell me you two are hungry...” Ruby pleaded, “because I am staaaaaarving...”
“Let’s all eat!” Yang offered.
“All of us?” Miltiades asked.
“You three will have plenty of time together the rest of the festival,” Weiss assured, “and I feel, as the team just achieved a victory, the team should celebrate together.”
“You’re just excited we voted you for doubles,” Blake teased at the heiress.
“It can be both!” Weiss immediately defended.
“Who’s moving on?” Melanie asked, “Weiss and…?”
“Aaaand me!” Yang announced, flexing her arms.
“Aw...” Melanie voiced, “I was looking forward to seeing our Gem fight more.”
Ruby blushed at the pet name. “W-well, we decided Weiss had the best forward planning and Yang was our best backup plan to Weiss.”
“I’m pretty good at the ‘beat the thing up until the thing isn’t there anymore’ strategy,” Yang elaborated.
“We’re aware,” Miltiades reminded her.
“Oh yeah...” Ruby remembered as well, “I forgot about that.”
“And we will not be talking about it. Ever,” Melanie laid down the law.
“Anyways,” Blake cut in, “I think we should get to eating-”
“… soon.”
“Was that…?” Miltiades asked Blake.
“Your stomach?” Melanie finished.
“C’mon,” Yang motioned everyone to follow her, “I know a place.”
Yang had led them to a noodle stand. They were shortly joined by team JNPR and the group shared a joyous meal.
“So good...” Ruby rubbed her stomach with a smile.
“I’m stuffed...” Yang agreed.
“I’m gunna puke...” Jaune disagreed.
“Was it really wise to eat before your match?” Weiss asked.
“It will give us energy!” Pyrrha announced confidently.
“And you could aim it at the enemy!” Nora suggested.
“Ew,” the twins reacted in unison.
“Nora, that’s disgusting,” Ren agreed with the twins. Then he looked Jaune, “though, if you must...”
“Ew,” Ruby’s voiced joined her girlfriends’ this time.
“Speaking of,” Yang asked, “when do you-?”
“Would Team JNPR please report to the battlegrounds immediately!”
“Yes! Like they were scheduled to, several minutes ago!”
“...Never mind!”
“I suppose that is our cue,” Pyrrha stood. “Shall we walk together? You are watching the fight, correct?”
“Sure,” Blake shrugged.
“Of course!” Weiss agreed.
“Why not?” Yang rationalized.
Everyone looked to Ruby in surprise.
“What?” Ruby responded, “between training for the tournament and going home for break, I feel like I haven’t seen the twins in forever. Would it offend you if I spent time with them around the fairgrounds instead?” She suddenly looked to the twins, slightly panicked, “U-unless you two want to watch the fight, of course!”
“We wouldn’t mind spending time on the fairgrounds,” Miltiades spoke first.
“Besides the obvious, we really don’t want to sit on a meal like that,” Melanie revealed. “Not that it wasn’t delicious, but, well… we don’t get nearly the same level of exercise that you all do.”
“You both only ate half-a-bowl each,” Weiss pointed out. Her hand then found its way to her own gut, “though I guess you may still have a point.”
“Go ahead,” Pyrrha smiled, “Spending time with who you love is a true treasure.”
“You would know, Pyrrha...” Ruby muttered under her breath at the others walked toward the arena.
“What does that mean?” Melanie asked.
“Well, you see, her and Jaune-” Ruby began.
“Are together, right?” Melanie interrupted.
“Nope!” Ruby shook her head.
“Seriously?” the twins were stunned.
“They’re the only ones who don’t see how into each other they are,” Ruby told them. “Oh well!” she carried on, jumping down from her seat and bowing to the twins, “are you ready for our adventure, my ladies?”
The twins giggled. “You’re so adorable,” Miltiades remarked.
“It makes me want to eat. You. Up,” Melanie teased.
Ruby had had enough practice by now to tease right back without missing a beat, “well, maybe if we were all alone, I’d let you.”
Melanie, however, saw right through Ruby’s poor attempt at a sultry voice. “Liar,” she called out, “I bet you’d get all embarrassed if we so much as had a sleeve slip.”
“A sleeve? Psshh” Ruby tried to sound offended, “I can handle a sleeve.”
“Oh really?” Miltiades reached for hers.
“Anyway!” Ruby spun around, putting her back to the twins. Her face burned as bright as her hood. “We should get going! We want to see the whole fairground, right!?”
The twins smirked in triumph. “Lead on, Gem,” they offered in unison.
Melanie eyed down the milk-jugs stacked on a table inside a booth, a ball in hand. Her arm wound tight, she felt the balance of the ball in her hand, and she let loose.
She hit the corner of the stack and sent all of the bottles tumbling to the ground. “Yes!”
“You did it!” Ruby congratulated, “I always thought these games were rigged!”
“You have good aim,” Miltiades assured the sniper, “but, maybe not the best arm.”
Melanie picked out a large stuffed Ursa and handed it to the redhead. “For you, Gem.”
Ruby smiled and accepted the doll. “Thank you.”
They continued walking the fairgrounds, talking, eating snacks, and generally enjoying each other’s company. For the most part. The twins did feel slightly jealous at how tight Ruby cuddled the stuffed Ursa as they walked, but they supposed she would just have to make up for that later. After being so long since seeing the young leader, the twins were having the best day.
“Hm?” Ruby spun around to see the voice. “Pen- OOF!”
… a mysterious orange-haired girl hug-tackled the redhead to the ground.
“Whyyy…” Ruby groaned from the ground.
“Hello, Ruby my friend! How are you!?” the girl asked, still holding Ruby on the ground.
“I’m good…” Ruby’s voice sounded dazed. “But… maybe you could let me breath…?”
“Oh! I am very sorry!” Penny cried, finally loosening her grip and sitting up.
The twins were quick to help the pair to their feet. “So, who is this?” Melanie asked. Ruby didn’t catch the suspicion behind her eyes.
“Oh!” Ruby straightened herself out. “This is Penny! Penny, this is Melanie and Miltiades Malachite! They’re my girlfriends!”
Penny seemed to take a moment to process this. “Both of them? Is that possible?”
The twins’ guard immediately rose as they were offended. Ruby, conversely, laughed as though Penny’s words were only humorous. “Of course it is! I love them, and they love me!”
“Interesting!” Penny smiled wide. “I was never… told… such a thing could happen. You know, back in Atlas.”
“Well, now you do!” Ruby brushed over that comment. The twins wondered if their Gem knew something they didn’t that allowed this conversation to sound so casual.
“Indeed!” Penny nodded.
“So how are you?” Ruby asked her friend.
“I am doing wonderful, thank you for asking!” Penny gestured around them, “there is so much to do here, the fairgrounds are quite a sight!”
“Hey, if they’re letting you roam around, we should hang out!” Ruby planned excitedly.
“Yes… about them ‘letting me’…” Penny leaned to the side.
A dark-skinned girl in a beret appeared behind her. She pointed rather viciously to her watch. “If we don’t move along, we’re going to be late!”
“This is my teammate Ceil Soleil!” Penny introduced her. “Time-keeping is very important to her.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” Ruby chuckled nervously. “It’s, um… nice to meet you!”
“Likewise,” Ciel deadpanned. She didn’t sound happy to meet Ruby at all. “Ma’am, we really should be going.”
“I’ll be right behind you!” Penny assured. Ciel rolled her eyes, but began to walk away. Once the time-keeper’s back was turned, Penny leaned closer to Ruby. “I’ll find a moment to slip away so we can hang out. Promise!” With that, the strange girl waved goodbye.
“She’s…” Miltiades started.
“Unique,” Melanie finished.
“Yeah,” Ruby nodded, “she’s a cute little clueless dork. Gasp, cotton candy!”
“Speaking of cute, clueless dorks…” Miltaides shook her head. She was surprised to notice her sister didn’t share her smile. “Mel?”
Melanie didn’t answer vocally, using her head to gesture the direction Penny had left. Miltiades frowned and nodded, the two coming to a silent agreement.
It turned out Penny wasn’t that hard to track down. There weren’t a lot of people with hair that… orange. Other than perhaps Nora Valkyrie, but the twins knew enough to not mix the two up. They were lucky enough to find the strange new girl only a few minutes after breaking off from Ruby. They had plenty of time for what they had to do, or so they hoped.
Penny greeted them the moment she noticed them. “Oh! Hello! Melanie and Miltiades, correct? I don’t believe Ruby pointed out who is who, however…”
The twins said nothing as they dragged the poor girl to an out-of-the-way corner. Penny knew she wasn’t good with social cues, but just what was going on? She was sure this was one of the few times even a ‘normal’ girl would share her confusion. “What is going on?”
“That’s what we want to know,” Melanie accused.
“I don’t understand,” Penny told them.
“What do you want from Ruby?” Miltiades interrogated.
“I don’t-”
“We saw you holding her,” Melanie reminded the girl.
“How excited you were to see her,” Miltiades continued.
“And you want to ditch your team to see her some more,” Melanie added.
“But know nothing will happen,” Miltiades warned.
“We won’t stand back and let you get between the three of us,” Melanie pressed.
Penny looked hopelessly lost. “Whaa… I don’t… What?”
During this exchange, Ruby had been scouring the fairgrounds for her girlfriends. She finally spotted them behind the corner of one of the larger stalls by the fairground’s edge. “There you are!” she called out, getting their attention. She began walking hurriedly toward them, “I have been looking all over for…”
Her steps slowed as an extremely panicked Penny came into view from around the stall’s corner. Ruby stopped short just in front of the group, her brow rising. “What is going on here?”
“Ruby!” Melanie was finally snapped out of her stupor.
“I… we…” Miltiades tried to say something, but couldn’t find words.
“Ruby?” Penny finally found her voice, “did I do something wrong?”
“Why would you think that?” Ruby asked her friend.
“Well, your girlfriends dragged me over here and began to shout at me,” Penny explained. “Apparently, I’m not allowed to position myself in between the three of you?”
Ruby crossed her arms and glared at the twins with a look that they had never seen before but were inherently terrified of. Despite being a few inches taller, Ruby’s newfound power made them feel several feet shorter. And very, very guilty.
“I mean I could just take a step sideways in that situation, right?” Penny quickly tried to mend things.
That thing that the Malachite twins would only ever describe the ‘The Glare™’ vanished from Ruby’s face as she turned to the other redhead. “You did nothing wrong at all, Penny. Don’t worry about this, okay?” she assured Penny with a smile. “However,” Ruby fixed The Glare™ right back onto the twins, “I do need a private word with these two.”
Both Malachite’s found they were only able to look at their shoes.
“O-okay… you’re sure I did nothing wrong?” Penny asked, “I still feel responsible somehow.”
“You’ve nothing to worry about,” Ruby’s voice was sweet once again, but neither twin dared to raise their head. “I’ll catch up with you later, okay?”
“Alright,” Penny still seemed unsure as she left.
The air was still while both twins refused to look up.
“Well?” Ruby called, The Glare™ present even in her voice. “Do you care to explain yourselves?”
“We’re sorry,” Miltiades’s offered meekly.
“We saw how you two interacted,” Melanie began to explain.
“And we,” Miltiades looked up carefully to gauge Ruby’s reaction, “may have overreacted?”
Ruby’s furious frown deepened.
“Definitely,” Miltiades corrected. “We… definitely overreacted…”
The silence returned. The twins guilt only grew heavier as Ruby continued to say nothing. After what felt like hours but was probably only thirty seconds, Ruby finally sighed. “Look, Penny is a little… socially unlearned. But she is not trying to steal me from you, and she is not trying to become part of what we already are. Even if she was… If anyone were to try either of those things, I wouldn’t let them.”
“We’re sorry…” Miltiades repeated.
“We’ve just… been through this kind of thing before. I guess we were scared it would happen again…” Melanie admitted.
“I get that, I do. But… it takes two to do that kind of thing, y’know?” Ruby reminded them, “So, when I realized you had cornered Penny for those reasons… it makes me feel like you don’t trust me.”
Horror and realization filled the twins simultaneously. Their head snapped back up, eyes wide with panic and fear.
“Ruby!” Melanie shouted.
“We do trust you!” Miltiades assured.
“We know you would never hurt us like that!” Melanie added.
“Yeah, well,” Ruby’s glare had long since been replaced with sorrow, “you weren’t acting like it.”
The twins’ gaze dropped guiltily again.
“I love Penny,” Ruby told them. “And Weiss. And Blake and Yang. I love a lot of people. But the only two people I am in love with are you. No more. No less. And that’s not changing.”
The twins’ eyes met, and they nodded. Carefully, they approached Ruby and drew her into a big, three-way hug.
“We are so sorry we made you feel like we don’t trust you,” Miltiades spoke sincerely.
“And while we can’t promise we won’t ever get jealous again,” Melanie confessed.
“We can promise that next time, we’ll come to you first,” Miltiades solidified.
“We love you, too.”
“So much.”
Ruby took a deep, shuddering breath as she buried herself into the hug. The trio embraced each other for nearly a full minute before Ruby finally broke away. “Okay… wow… that was some… heavy stuff.”
“We meant everything we said,” Melanie assured their girlfriend.
“Thank you,” Ruby smiled.
“And we are still so sorry,” Miltiades told her.
“Well…” Ruby smirked. “You can make it up to me by winning me another giant stuffed Ursa?”
The twins found smiles of their own. “As you wish, Gem.”
The three lovers finally returned to the fairground with a bond that, although roughly tested, felt stronger than ever.
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samwinlover-blog · 7 years
Penny For a Cup- Part 7
Masterlist Here! Part One Here Part Two Here Part Three Here Part Four Here Part Five Here Part Six Here
Pairing: Sam x Reader Characters: Sam, Reader, Dean Warnings: fluff, light swearing, businessman!Sam, barista!reader, coffee shop AU, carnival AU Summary: The reader owns a little coffee shop in New York city called, The Manhattan Mocha, and Sam Winchester is a frequent costumer of hers. She’s always had a slight crush on the sharp business man who comes in for coffee everyday, and has even memorized his order: black coffee, double shot of expresso- intriguing and mysterious just as he is. A/N: Feedback is appreciated:)  Tag List: @amanda-teaches @myplaceofthingsilove @evyiione @mogaruke@aliensdeservebetter @spnfanficpond @27bmm @craving-cas @spectaculicious @bambinovak @writingthingsisdifficult @padackles2010@mamaredd123 @milkymilky-cocopuff @iwantthedean @zeppo-in-a-trenchcoat@spntrista @d-s-winchester @just-another-busy-fangirl@winchesterprincessbride @waywardjoy @supernaturalyobsessed@whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname@sandlee44 @fangirl1802@kittenofdoomage@evyiione@winchestersmut@purgatoan@mogaruke@therewillbeblood@megansescape@taste-of-dean@leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @scarlet-soldier-in-an-impala@deathtonormalcy56@wildfirewinchester@notnaturalanahi@jensen-jarpad@impalaimagining@fangirlextraordinaire@itseverythingilike@jesspfly@lovekittykat21@mysteriouslyme81@mrswhozeewhatsis@aiaranradnay@supernatural-jackles@girl-next-door-writes@spnsasha@27bmm@spnfanficpond @amanda-teaches@myplaceofthingsilove@spectaculicious@bambinovak@writingthingsisdifficult@spn-imagines-to-feel@spn-ficfanatic@cleverdame@saxxxology@jensen-jarpad @keepcalmandcarryondean dancingpanda137
*Leave Feedback HERE*
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When the two of you approached the booth, a sign that read Ring Toss! started flashing in bright red. Looking down at the game itself, you saw that it was pretty simple- all you had to do was get a ring around a bottleneck to win the grand prize. 
“Hi there! I’m Kailee, wanna play? 20 rings are 5$ and 40 rings are 8!” A blonde haired girl that looked to be around your age perked up from inside the booth. 
Sam smiled and handed her a 5, “20 please,” Before turning to you and whispering, “This looks easy enough,” 
“Getting cocky?” You joked and wiggled your brow at him, earning an equally as goofy look from Sam in return. 
The first 10 or so rings he threw were duds, even though some of them got pretty close. They would rattle around the top of the bottles, look like they were about to go in, and then go flying in the opposite direction at the last minute. Neither of you were idiots, you knew the game was probably rigged, but it was still pretty fun to watch Sam try to win it. 
“Okay so maybe this is harder than it looks,” Sam turned to you and laughed as he held up his second to last ring, “Wanna help me?” 
“I was waiting for you to ask!” You took the plastic ring from his hand and started eyeing the bottles lined up in front of you. 
“On three?” He asked, tossing the ring up and down in his hand as you nodded in response. 
“Okay, one... two.... three!” Both of you threw the rings into the sea of bottles below and watched as they bounced from top to top. You kept your eyes trained on your own as it missed and clattered to the ground. Letting out a defeated sigh, you turned to look at Sam’s, and found that it had actually made it. 
“Sam!!” You gasped, pointing to the far end of the game where his ring hung around the neck of a bottle. 
“Congratulations!” Kailee appeared from some corner of the booth, “You’ve won the grande prize!” 
She pointed to a row of hanging stuffed animals which all looked bigger than you, “You can pick from any of these six! We have a monkey, panda, giraffe, elephant, bear, or unicorn!” 
Sam turned to you, “Which one?” 
“Hmmm,” You looked up from prize to prize, deciding between the monkey or the unicorn. After another few seconds you’d made up your mind, and turned to Sam with a grin, “I’m thinking monkey!” 
“Alright then!” Kailee reached up and plucked the monkey from the air, before handing it to you from across the booth. 
Turns out your first assessment was right, it was almost bigger than you were. When you took it with open arms, you actually had trouble seeing over the thing’s head- that’s how huge it was. 
Peeking over the monkey’s enormous ears, you said to Sam, “This is the biggest prize I’ve ever gotten, oh my god!” 
“I know,” He laughed and rose his brow, “It’s like bigger than you,” 
“As much as I’d love to parade this thing around the carnival, wanna go put it in my car?” You asked and saw him nod yes before the two of you started walking in the direction of the parking lot. 
When you got back, and your arms were free of that enormous monkey, you turned to Sam and asked, “Want to do some more rides?” 
“Hell yeah,” He responded, grabbing your hand and walking back into the rollercoaster section of the fair, “I saw a few that I wanted to do- how do you feel about Zero Gravity??” 
“Yes let’s do it!” You grabbed his hand back and picked up the pace, to which he only laughed and started jogging along with you. 
You’d only been on Zero Gravity once before, but you’d loved it the first time around. It was this enormous wheel that spun, in fact it whirled around so fast that you stuck to your seat from the motion. Normally you would have been worried about getting sick on the ride, but you’d eaten a while ago so you put the thought out of your head. 
When you got to the ride, it was even more glorious than you first remembered. Pink, purple and neon blue lights flashed just about everywhere you looked, and you found yourself entranced as you got into place for the ride to begin. 
There weren’t actual seats on the ride, just smaller pockets where you stood that were roped off. A small chain that wasn’t even touching you was all that was holding you back from going flying, and to be honest it exhilarated you. 
Looking to your left, you saw Sam through a chain linked fence that was separating the two of you, “Excited?” 
“Definitely, I’ve never been on one of these rides before,” He responded and linked his hand through the fence, to which you did the same. 
“I’ve only been once, but it’s super fun!” You assured him. 
When the ride started to spin, it was slow at first. Slow, bluesy carnival music played over speakers, and you felt really relaxed. Not until about a minute into the ride, did everything pick up. It spun faster, the music switched from blues to rock, and you felt yourself being pressed back into the wall- the sheer force of how fast you were spinning actually pinning you in place. 
You wanted to turn your head to Sam, but you were so stuck in place you couldn’t even do that, so you settled on staring at the flashing lights above. Pink, purple and blue shone brightly in the late afternoon light, and looking around the ride you saw that most other people were staring at them as well. 
About 5 minutes later, the ride slowed and then eventually came to a stop. The music turned off and you felt yourself free from the wall, so you turned to Sam with a laugh, “What’d you think!?” 
“I liked it!” He responded, “Gotta say I liked The Thriller a lot better though,” 
“I kind of did too,” You agreed, “Let’s do something more like that next, yeah?” 
He nodded and you continued, “Actually I saw a few near here,” 
“You’ve been paying attention, huh?” He let out a small chuckle and smiled as the two of you exited the ride. 
“Haven’t you?” You reached for his hand and then pointed your other in the direction you wanted to go. 
But in response he just smirked and turned to you, “I’ve been a little distracted,”
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-05 00 SPORTS now
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