#got my own vibe goin as always
livingof-love · 2 years
Ready for another fun night featuring my babe and some live music. And good friends of course. Glad I found someone who not only puts the glimmer back in my eyes, but appreciates it even more himself 💞
Yinz have a groovy fuckin Thursday, okay?
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Could I request a Valentino x Fem! Reader? I know not a lot of people like him because of yk ಥ_ಥ
But basically the hazbin hotel crew are looking for ways to break Angel out of his contract with Valentino and ended up going to the reader because Angel said she was the most tolerable vee-
So reader is one of the vees and is a dance choreographer and owns the souls of her dancer
Anyways the hazbin hotel crew arrived at her studio not knowing the other vees were there. Angel dust noticed them and the crew tried to become unnoticed and eventually saw the reader dancing and dancers watching her steps
The crew get closer to the vees and overhears their conversation, basically Valentino worshipping the reader and the crew is shocked of Valentino's relationship with the reader
Little note; The reader and Valentino are in a relationship ;p
Thank you! 😊
So, first can I say I loved this prompt idea and it was so interesting! Like seriously love this idea.
I can understand why people are wary to write for him and why there’s not a lot of Valentino stuff out there. To be quite honest, I probably won’t write for Val on like my own posting, like the fics/headcannons I create just because and post, but I know there are people who do like him and want to see content so I keep Val as a writing option open in the requests.
All that said, I do LOVE the dynamic you gave here though, so i made the reader a little bit more assertive and definitely gives the vibes she wears the pants in the relationship kinda thing. I think for a healthy relationship, or at least as close to one as possible, who ever is involved with Val has to push back and he has to allow it. Is that respect on his part to allow it or love idk.
This was definitely a challenge for me, but we got it done! I do apologize for this long intro and response, I do really hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!
rating: PG
genre: fluffy/slight angst
characters: Valentino x reader (Val is somewhat OOC)
warnings: talk of how Val treats people, soul owning
“Okay, so, we need a plan!” Charlie said, looking determined standing in front of Angel, Vaggie, Husk, Nifty, Cherri and Alastor. After learning that Sir Pentious was redeemed, Angel wanted to turn over a new leaf and was more serious about redemption. The only thing holding him back, was that Val owned his soul.
“I don’t know if ya goin’ ta be able to pull this off Charlie.” Angel said, looking skeptical.
“That is not the spirit we need! We can do this, we just have to think of a way.” Charlie looked at the group and her eyes fell on Alastor. “Alastor, you’re an overlord. How do we get Angel’s soul back?”
“I could go eat Valentino.” Alastor said, his smile widening.
“No. I don’t want turf war or any war involving us and the Vees.” Vaggie said. Charlie nodded.
“That’s true.” Charlie agreed.
“It would have been more fun.” Alastor said with a shrug.
“For who?” Husk asked, looking at Alastor.
“For me, of course Husker!” Alastor laughed. “Though there is something you can try…” Alastor trailed off.
Everyone looked at him expectantly. “Oh, I figured you all had thought about this already. The moth has a special little toy that does all the media dance choreography, she also owns a studio too. Sweet little thing. Met her in cannibal town a few times as she was passing through.” Alastor mentioned.
“That’s right.” Angel murmured. “I had heard rumors that she was the fourth Vee. She’s an overlord and owns all her dancers souls. She’s crazy powerful.” Angel added.
“Then let’s go talk to her!” Charlie said!
“You talking to people doesn’t always go well.” Nifty popped into the conversation before running off.
“She has a point.” Husk said as Charlie deflated.
“Why don’t we infiltrate one of her classes? Can anyone pull up the schedule, they have to have a class schedule right?” Vaggie looked around as Angel grabbed his phone.
“There’s a class tonight in just a few hours. And she’s leading it.” Angel whispered.
“Okay, so we get in the class. We stay after and we talk to her.” Vaggie planned out. Everyone nodded.
“Okay, let’s get changed and ready for a dance class!” Charlie exclaimed.
It was soon decided after, that Charlie, Vaggie and Angel would be going. Alastor would be close by in case anything was needed, leaving Nifty and Husk at the hotel.
Getting into the dance class was easy. No one recognized them, until they all three stepped into the class and realized that all the Vees were there. Val, Vox and Velvette, all present for this class and Y/N, the fourth Vee, was just standing there chatting away, saying something that the Vees genuinely laughed at. Thankfully, Vox and Velvette left, stating they were going shopping and then would save a seat at some restaurant. Valentino on the other hand sat down near the back, just watching.
You commanded the dancers and the presence of the room effortlessly as she taught new choreography. By the end, even Charlie was impressed as she had learned a lot. Angel on the other hand had never looked happier. This was all he ever wanted to do. Dance and sing, perform. He sighed as class wrapped up and he drank some water, trying to blend in. He happened to hear Valentino and you talking, so he motioned Charlie and Vaggie over to listen.
“You were so fluid baby, and the way that you commanded the room. You showed all those little sluts exactly who’s in charge.” He praised you, and you smiled at him.
“Val, what did we say about not calling my dancers sluts or whores?” You said.
“Uh, not to?” Val asked. You nodded.
“Just because I own their souls or will own their souls doesn’t mean it can’t be respectful.” You responded cleaning up, and picking up on three figures still lingering and doing a pretty shitty job at hiding they were.
“But you own their souls baby. You have to show them who’s boss! And look sexy while doing it!” Val exclaimed.
“Didn’t I show them whose boss, pretty?” You ask Val and cross over to him. “Didn’t you see the way they listened and followed every step of mine?”
“I-uh-yes.” Val stammered out his cheeks aflame.
“Then don’t worry.” You said and cupped his cheek.
“I know, mi amor. I’m just-“ Val starts.
“I know. You’re scared of one of them loosing it on me? Like what happened to you?” You ask and watch Val nod, his eyes closed. “I’ve told you that I think you pushed them too far. Your mind comes up with some of the most interesting yet perverse ideas.” You sigh and grab his hand. “I’m fine. I’ve been an overlord longer than I’ve been with the Vees.” Val nods and kisses your forehead.
“Go on and catch up with Vel and Vox, I’ll be right there.” You say cleaning up.
“But amor, I want to spend more time with you-“ Val protests.
“No, go on, I know you’re hungry and I need to make sure the space is ready for tomorrow. Vel wants to practice that main number.” You say pushing him out. “I won’t be long darlin’. Then we can spend all night together.” You grin at Val.
“You always know just the right thing to say, beautiful. I’ll be timing how long you’re gone.” Val jokes and you roll your eyes.
“Mmmhmmm, go on lover boy.” You wave and watch him leave and wait until he’s out of eye sight.
“You three are bold to come here.” You say still cleaning up. You see the three people stiffen who were waiting around. “You didn’t think I’d notice you?” You ask, flicking your wrist and dropping the curtains and making the video feed loop so Vox couldn’t watch.
“What are you doing here Angel?” You ask walking up to them. His eyes widen and you see two other women with him.
“How do you know who I am?” Angel asks, suspicious.
“Because, you have caused the most fights in mine and Val’s relationship. We almost broke up over you one time.” You say, leaning against the mirrors in the back, all three of their eyes widening. “Not because of his connection to you either doll. Because I don’t like the way he treats you.” Angel looked at you, eyes still wide, almost like he wasn’t believing.
“We’re trying to get Angel’s soul back.” Charlie mentioned.
“And you want that contract from Valentio?” You ask, laughing. “It would take almost prying it out of his cold, dead hands. I don’t know what you’ve done, but you are his favorite.” You shake your head and look at Angel who looks ready to cry. Your eyebrows raise.
“I know. I know I am and I don’t know why. I’ve tried-I’ve tried not to be. When I started this he said I could perform and I wanted to perform. Not like now but sing, ya know. Dance?” Angel’s tears fall over and you nod.
“Is there anything you can do?” Vaggie asks.
“Well I was watching you during class, you’re naturally talented. I could start breaking down Val’s resolve and have him transfer the contract to me, so you could be one of my dancers. My performers. If you worked at it, I could easily put you in my elite group.” You offered. Angel’s eyes widened with hope.
“But it will take some time and you must NOT say a word unless I direct you to. I mean it. Otherwise it will end badly for both of us.” Angel nods and you start walking them out. Alastor appearing in front of you at the door.
“Oh my goodness! Alastor! What are you doing here? Are you finally going to take a class to learn some more modern moves?” You joke and he laughs.
“No, my dancing is just fine dear. I see you found our little infiltrators.” He chuckles.
“I did. You were not kidding when you said Angel was a natural.” You smiled.
“You contacted her before?” Charlie asked.
“Of course! I wanted her to see Angel and how he performs. He’s quite the natural?” Alastor asks.
“Smiles, you didn’t have ta…” Angel trails off.
“I know I don’t have to do anything. I was paying back a favor to a friend of mine who needs some good talent in her group.” Alastor said looking at you. You sigh and half nod.
“The numbers dwindle each year and the talent get halved each year. At try outs I’m lucky if I can get 5 talented new people.” Alastor hums in sympathy as you look outside.
“You all need to get back though. Alastor can you shadow travel them at least out of the area? I fear Vox will be watching to see where I’m at.” You explain and magically draw the curtains getting everything ready for lock up.
“Of course.” Alastor says, looking at the three. They step closer and before anyone can do anything Angel runs to you and hugs you. You stiffen for a moment and the laugh.
“It’s all right honey. We’ll figure it out, just be strong until then all right? I’ll harp on Val to be nicer.” Angel nods and then goes back to the group.
“Pleasure meeting you Princess, Vaggie! I’ll see you around Angel and always good talking to you Alastor!” They wave and are submerged in darkness and gone from your shop. You walk out and lock the front door, seeing the security camera turn to you. You wave and send a text telling the crew you’re on your way. Helping Angel would certainly be a benefit to your dancers when he joined you, and join you he would.
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tainted-liquor · 10 months
'Kick The Radio!
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Hobie Brown x BlackFem!Reader Ingredients: Sugar, kisses, and a lil bit of smiles! TWs: Chaotic Hobie, Cockney slang LMFAOO, cussin' W/C: 1.3k A/N: British ppl please correct the slang tyvm
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"For the last time, I'm a good driver! Swear it!" Hobie reassured as he threw a smaller size suitcase in the backseat of his van. You had reluctantly agreed to go on a road trip with him across the country just a few days prior, but you weren't sure if you wanted Hobie to drive on account of him not having an actual license. "Babes, I can drive. I jus' don't 'ave an official card that says so!" he giggled, grinning ear to ear as if he wasn't just confessing to putting both your lives at risk. "'M not so sure I want you driving, Hobie..." You muttered, throwing your small suitcase in the back alongside his as you climbed into the passenger seat. "Relax, dollface! We'll be alright, jus' need'ta find my daisy roots..." he said, diving in the back seat for his extra pair of chunky black boots and blue laces.
He emerged a couple seconds later, a small grin on his face as he showed you his 'nature boots', the ones he only used for trails or hiking. "Baby, why are all your laces blue?" You asked, tilting your head to the side as Hobie started up the car. "Why do you think I don't have a license?" he 'answered', patting the side of your face gently as he backed out of his parking spot just a few feet away from the dock. You hummed to yourself as you got out on the road, mumbling song lyrics occasionally as you tapped away on your phone. "...I get my kicks on and I wanna start a rager..." you murmured, quickly shutting up when you heard an "Oi! No green day nonsense in my jam jar!" from Hobie.
"Damn nigga, well then turn on the radio!" You giggled, attempting to change the station and turn up the volume. "Y'gotta kick it" Hobie stated as normally as ever. "Huh?" you asked, eyes widening as a confused smile grew on your face. Hobie laughed, shaking his head as he gave the firmest kick to the car radio you'd ever seen him give. The car shook with the force of his boot, eyes widening as music suddenly began to play out of the speakers.
You both erupted in giggles, fighting for your life as you both realized just how bad Hobie's car was. He could always fix it anytime he wanted, he just chose not to. Spewing something along the lines of how it 'gives the car personality' and he doesn't feel like spending time on fixing something when it still...'works'. You let the music invade your ears, feeling your body vibrate slightly with each bass thump. Hobie used one hand to guide himself through the road, and another to drum his finger against your thigh as he found his natural comfort with the music.
"Chain-gang chainmail, I DON'T THINK AT ALL!" he sang, clearly in his own little world as you giggled at his cute self. You nodded your head to the music, staring at the cars and trees passing by through the window. "Hey, Hobie?" You began, slowly facing him as you realized you had no idea where he was going. "Yea, luv?" He answered, keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him as he turned down the radio to hear you better. "Where we goin'?" You asked as you reached back awkwardly into the backseat, snatching the fuzzy blanket Hobie purposefully kept back there for you and throwing it across your body.'
"No idea." He laughed, clearly driving around with no real goal. "We'll find out when we get there!" He smiled, turning up the heat in the car slightly as you nodded in disbelief. You both vibed to the music flowing from the radio, talking about various topics that appeared in your head. "Think 'm just a cat person, luvvie. Dogs get acclimated to a schedule, cats do whatever they fuckin' want, yea?" he explained while he made a sharp right, finding himself parking next to a random city you'd never even seen in your life. "Hobie...how the fuck did you know this was here" you gawked, becoming utterly confused as you cautiously climbed out of the car. "Didn't!" he shrugged, gently grabbing your hand and pretending to help you out of a carriage.
You set off down the unfamiliar city, purchasing various sweets and snacks from small businesses and thrift stores. "Hobie, look!" You squealed as you held up the rabbit plushie, a massive grin on your face as you displayed one of its floppy ears. "Look at tha'! Put it in the trolley n we'll get it, right?" he said as you handed him the small bunny, skipping off to hopefully find more of its variants in a further section. Unfortunately, you didn't find another version. So you made your way over to the counter, paid for your items, and left the store clutching a stitched and stuffed bunny. "Y'gonna name him?" Hobie asked, raising his shoulder as a form of pointing to the stuffed animal.
"Like a baby?" you giggled, rolling your eyes jokingly. "Yeah sure, I'll name our son. Hoppart Jr." You laughed, in danger of losing your footing as you stumbled due to your violent giggles. Hobie gave you a small look of disapproval before bursting out into laughter beside you. "Alright, alright. Your son, you can name him whatever" he shrugged with a toothy grin. "OUR son" you corrected as Hobie opened your car door, chuckling and snorting as he shook his head. "OUR son" he echoed as he dove into the driver seat.
You set off on the road again, conversing and joking about everything under the sun while holding your 'son' on your lap, examining the new plush you'd add to your collection. "I think we should give him piercings" Hobie commented as he drove with...one hand yet again. "WHAAAT!? You wanna give your baby piercings!" You joked, pretending to gasp and cover Hoppart Jr's ears. "People do it all the time! Plus, you can't tell me it wouldn't look cool on that plush" he explained as a smile crept up onto his features. "Yeah, you're right I think I'll put some on him when we get home" You nodded, turning the plush to face you as you mapped out what areas you'd pierce. You rested the plush back on your lap, covering the both of you with the fluffy blanket as you stared out the window.
The sky was turning a sugary shade of pink, the sun hanging low to your left, tucked in between fluffy clouds as you felt yourself mellow out. "Y'alright, luvvie?' Hobie asked, glancing over to see you leaning on the car window, staring at seemingly nothing as you got quiet. "Hmm? Oh, yeah, babe. Just a lil tired..." you answered, voice sounding softer and lower than usual. "Ah, Okay. Can you stay up for me a lil longer? Wanna show you something later" He cooed, gently rubbing your shoulder as you nodded. "Y'can sleep all you want after, dove I swear" he added as he sped up slightly.
You battled sleep for roughly 30 minutes, watching as the sky transformed from pink and orange to dark and blue. "C'mon, luv let's go" Hobie whispered as he scooped you up from the passenger side, parking the car in a random field. You instinctively wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning your head against his shoulder as he raised himself out of the van's sunroof. He found purchase on the roof of his car, turning you around on his lap so you could see the breathtaking view of the night sky with little to no light pollution. You watched in awe as the stars illuminated the night sky, finding refuge perfectly in every speck of empty space around the moon.
"Damn...'s fuckin' amazing, Bee. Can't tell me this wasn't planned" You smiled, staring up at the speckled inky black sky, grinning tiredly as Hobie wrapped both arms around your waist and rested his chin on your head. "This bit was, yeah. I wanted to show you since I know you love staring at the moon...for whatever reason" he sniggered. "Wow! Such a gentleman" you joked, pushing back on his chest to shove him without moving your arms.
"Thank you, my love."
"Ya welcome, lil Dove"
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©Talia's Ish! Pls don't be a trifling thief !
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bby-blu-swirll · 9 months
hairdressing | hawks x reader
little short where a long term customer recommends her stylist (you) to a coworker of hers <3
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soft rock filled the small space as you swept across the salon floor, making a small pile of your last client's blue hair. you smiled to nobody in particular, taking a deep breath. you really did love your job. it was an art to you, and every person who passed under your hands for a cut or dye felt like a small masterpiece.
you worked out of a small salon in downtown kyushu, on the cutest street corner across from a bakery. it had three stylist chairs in their respective stations, each decorated to their owners' liking. yours had small (f/c) prints along the wall, little butterflies scattered around, and your mirror was lined with some miscellaneous polaroids and string lights. at first they were just for the vibes, but you quickly noticed the majority of your clients finding a significant amount of joy in taking their instagram photos with it.
the other stations had been filled with personality of their own, belonging to your salon co-owners, two lovely people you became quick friends with in cosmetology school. however, one had clocked out for the day hours earlier and the other had no appointments, so the shop was yours to enjoy while you waited out the clock. of the three of you, you were the only one who didn't leave after the last client. you hardly made appointments before 10 am, so if you had some extra time before 6 pm, you would tidy the salon and see if you got any walk ins. if not, you closed at your 8 hour mark. every once in a while though, someone would wander in asking for a quick cut and you were always more than happy to comply.
so now was one of those evenings. your last client, coming in for a fresh trim, had walked out at 5:20. and here you were, just humming along with the music and bobbing your head.
a soft buzzing from the counter tore your attention away from the pile of blue hair you were sweeping and brought it to your phone, with an incoming call. you smiled softly at the icon, a picture of you and rumi from the last time you two had been able to go out together. at this point, it must have been months ago. she was always so busy with hero work now, which you completely understood, it just made you miss the days before she was number 5.
you had gone to the same middle school and stayed connected since. of course she went to a high school to get her hero license, (before you, too, since you met in her last year, and your first) but you wouldn't let that stop you from seeing her on weekends, or stop her from forcing you to help with the classes she didn't understand. in exchange, she let you practice on her hair to help your chances of getting into a better cosmetology school. hell, she even let you dye it once or twice. ever since, you were the only person who's cut her hair, ever.
you put the phone to your ear with a smile. "heyy, hunny bun! what's goin on?"
you heard her playfully scoff through the phone, as if you haven't been calling her that since you were 15.
"hey babes, just had a question for ya." her cheerful tone was unwavering as usual, you could practically hear her confident smile through the phone.
"mkay, shoot."
"are you with a client right now?"
you tucked your phone under your ear with your shoulder, picking up your broom and starting to sweep the pile towards the automatic vacuum in the corner. "mmm, no, my last one left just a few minutes ago, actually." you heard her say something you didn't quite catch, like she was talking to someone she was with. "why? what's up?"
"do you still take walk-ins until 6??" her tone was more eager now. you smiled a bit, wondering what for.
"oooo! okay perfect, then i have someone who desperately needs your help." you could hear annoyed and offended protests come from her line and you couldn't help but stifle a laugh. "oh shut up, you've let it grow too long and you know it! stop acting like a stubborn child." she chuckled slightly before turning her attention back to you. "think you've got time for a quick trim for my friend?"
with a small smile, you turned to the clock on the wall. "yeah, plenty actually. how far away are you guys? should i put up the closed sign in the window in case someone else comes in?"
"nah, don't worry about that. we just got off patrol like four blocks from you. should be five minutes, tops."
you stopped your sweeping and froze, just a bit. "patrol? you mean i'm doing one of your pro hero friends' hair?"
"well you've been doing mine since we were 13, i figured it wouldn't be a big deal." she sounded so casual, which was in character for her, yet still astonishing to you, considering the circumstances.
"i mean yeah, but i know how to do your iconic haircut because i've been doing it for, i don't know, almost 10 years?? not to brag, but i'm probably the only one who can do it just the way you like. but if you bring me some big shot hero and i screw up his 'do, then it's all my fault." you chuckled slightly.
"ahh, don't sweat it y/n. i know you'll do a great job. besides, it's not like i'm bringing you chris hemsworth or something, it's just someone i work with every once in a while. feel free to screw up his 'do as much as you like." her end of the call was suddenly filled with miscellaneous protests and insistent "NO, DON'T DO THAT-"'s, followed by her cackling furiously.
you couldn't help but laugh yourself. "alright, well i'm gonna finish cleaning up from my last appointment. i'll see you in a few, yeah?"
"alright see you then babes."
"buh-bye hunny bun." you hung up, smiling softly, a bit excited for whatever was coming your way.
when the golden bell above your door rang just a few minutes earlier, you were reorganizing your hair colors. as soon as you turned around, you smiled and threw yourself at rumi in a big hug, laughing as she scooped you up and spun you around. it's a habit she'd picked up way back when she first started heavy lifting.
she squealed as she squeezed you, finally setting you down. "agh, i feel like it's been so long since i've seen you!"
you chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of your neck. "yeah, it's almost like that's because it has."
your smile changed into a curious look as you remembered why she was here, looking behind her at the eye-catching scarlet pair of wings on her friend. realization dawned upon you as your eyes met his, golden and piercing, even through his tinted glasses. you huffed a laugh and smirked, cocking your head to the side. he held out a gloved hand for a shake before stopping.
"oh-" he chuckled and bit the middle finger, pulling out his hand and offering it again, flesh and bone this time, for a friendly shake. "hey, i'm-"
"hawks. i'm familiar." you smiled and laughed softly. "call me y/n."
"pleasure to meet you, y/n." the way your name rolled off his tongue made you hesitate for just a moment, biting the inside of your cheek in thought.
"likewise... hey rumi?"
"remember when you called me earlier?"
she smiled playfully. "yeah, i think so."
"yeah, and you said, 'iT's nOt LiKe i'M bRiNgiNg ChRiS hEmSwOrTh'?"
"mhm mhm i think i remember that."
"so.. wanna tell me what the number two hero is doing in my salon, oh my God?"
she laughed loudly and patted you on the back. "y/n don't worry, i promise you have nothing to stress about. now i'm gonna pop into the bakey across the street and see if i can get anything before they close, why don't you go ahead and get started?" without waiting for an answer, she was already back in your doorway. "screw him up, yeah?" she winked playfully before closing the door and making her way to the crosswalk outside.
a moment of silence passed as you watched her make her way across the street before hawks spoke up.
"sooo.... please don't screw me up, too badly."
you laughed as you prepped the rinse station for him. "oh no don't worry, you're in perfectly adequate hands."
he let out an amused hum. "i don't know, adequate has to be an understatement, if you're the one doing rumi's hair. she told me you were the one who did her hair and makeup for that magazine she was in a few months back, said you style her for every event too." he shrugged off his jacket and slipped off his glasses, dropping them in one of your lounge chairs.
his easy going tone and relaxed smile had already made you feel more at ease. "yeah... well i mean, i guess i just know her, what looks good and what she likes, you know? we go pretty far back." you chuckled, motioning for him to come take a seat.
"well whatever you end up doing to me, i'm sure it'll look great." his relaxed, almost cocky smirk rested on his face comfortably. though you thought you saw it falter for just a moment when you pressed a hand to his chest to guide him back, neck resting on the edge of the bowl, head leaning into the sink.
"well let's hope so..." you smiled softly as you lowered your voice just a bit. "let me know if the water's too hot..."
he hummed as the warm water poured over his scalp, visibly relaxing. as easy going as he always seemed, it must have been exhausting to always be on guard, looking for trouble. "mm... 's perfect."
you bit the inside of your cheek again, smiling still. he exhaled softly as you massaged the shampoo into his scalp, looking like he was sinking into the chair even more.
he opened one eye, looking up at you. "hm?"
"you okay?"
"oh, yeah... sorry," he chuckles faintly. "just, feels good... sorry if that's weird."
"oh! no, ha, not at all."
as you go along with the rest of the wash, conditioning and rinsing, you couldn't help but wonder if he ever got attention like this. as far as the media could tell, he didn't have many personal relationships, and he reacted so easily to your touch, it was like he hadn't relaxed, had personal attention like this in a while.
you moved him to the chair without many words. as you comb through his hair, you look up for just a moment and catch his eyes on yours in the mirror. you continued what you were doing, holding his gaze.
his smile returned with an amused exhale. "nothing, just watching you work."
you returned the expression before turning your attention back to his hair. "okay.. so rumi said you needed a trim, how much exactly am i lopping off?"
"ah, probably an inch, hardly more. it's been getting in my eyes when i'm fighting, which is like skating on thin ice, so..."
you nodded, picking up your sheers. "okay, i get you."
"i usually get it cut every few weeks to keep it manageable, but the guy who was doing that before quit on me."
you tilted your head curiously as you began trimming around his neck. "really? why's that?"
"ah, i ended up having to see him pretty often, guess he kinda got fed up." he laughed lightly.
"every few weeks is already pretty often, why would you need to see him more often than that?"
"i solve issues before they can happen. but i also assist other heroes pretty often, walking into battles that have already started. and sometimes my own situations can still get out of hand. if i get banged up, chances are so does my hair. it's been burnt, ripped out, shaved around head injuries, pretty much anything you can think of."
as he talked, you pulled strands of hair to snip. every once in a while, you would notice small-ish scars buried under his overlapping layers.
"yeah, i think i see what you mean..." you gently run your fingers over one of them, watching carefully as his eyebrows quirk up slightly.
"yeah... anyway, guess the old stylist got tired of fixing me, and ended up quitting a few weeks ago. of course, i'm basically the commission's 'golden boy'," you didn't even have to look up to know his eyes were rolling. "so i guess he was the best in the area. that's why they're looking for someone new now, and why i've been looking just a bit overgrown." he chuckled lightly.
his eyes followed as you picked out your sheers and comb, making your way in front of him. his classic smirk stayed on his face as you leaned in closer.
your voice was low as you bent over just slightly, raising his chair. "sorry, just need to do your front parts quickly..."
"no worries..."
"so... if your image is such an important part of the job, why'd they higherups trust you to someone like me?" you smiled faintly. his eyes fluttered closed as you began to trim the hair falling around them.
"actually, that was mirko's idea. she speaks pretty highly of you, ya know. besides, she thought maybe, if you did a good job, she could convince the commission to hire you to take care of me." he winked playfully. though it was perfectly in line with his personality and was likely a regular habit for him, it still made your stomach drop for a moment. "if you're interested that is. she thought you might be. no pressure, of course."
you moved back behind him as you felt your cheeks heat up, putting down your tools before facing away. "uh huh..."
"wooow, i can see why she's got so much faith in you." his smile was obvious in his voice. when you turned back to face the mirror, you saw him admiring his reflection, hair still slightly damp and falling into his eyes. "i look sexy~"
you laughed and put your hands on his shoulders. "yeah yeah, i haven't even styled it yet."
he chuckled softly turning his head from side to side with a sly grin. "i'm not even sure you need to, sweetheart. you do know best, though."
it was hard to miss the flirty tone in his voice, and harder to ignore now that he was throwing in nicknames, but you were sure it was just his personality. he was a reputation charmer, after all. his ever-lingering smile made you grip your hairdryer just a bit tighter every time you caught his gaze on yours in the mirror.
as you were adjusting his fluffy hair, you noticed the texture was slightly lacking. "hey, your hair is kinda dry..."
he quirked up an eyebrow. "really? that's weird, i take great care of my hair."
"i mean it's not too strange, high winds will definitely do that." you looked around your shelf for a moment before picking up a few products. "i can fix it though."
he watched curiously as you pumped some leave-in conditioner into your palm, rubbing your hands together. as your fingers found their way into his hair, you first saw him relax before you felt him slightly lean into your touch. he sighed contently as you took your time massaging the product into his scalp, not wanting to interrupt how relaxed he looked.
"okay..." you spoke softly, voice low. "you're all done."
you smiled and unbuttoned the cape, watching as his smile grew. "honestly? bang up job, princess. i see why you get such glowing reviews."
you laughed lightly and shrugged. "thank you, but it's really not a big deal." you turned your attention to the shelf of product again. "oh, before i forget-" you picked up a small pink tub and handed it to him. "just use this in place of your conditioner and leave it for like 5 minutes, whenever you shower. should help with the dryness a ton."
he picked up his coat and took the container from you, his fingers lingering on top of yours for just a moment. "thanks... i owe you one." he winked again, and again you felt your stomach drop.
in a matter of perfect timing, rumi finally pushed open the door of your salon again, three little bags and a coffee in hand. "hey, sorry i took so long! i ended up getting something for both of you though!"
she handed you a small bag with your favorite pastry inside, still warm. you thanked her with a warm smile, turning to hawks, who looked less amused.
"poppy seed muffin?" he scoffed, his playful smirk returning. "you're hilarious."
"ahh, i know i am." rumi laughed lightly and threw her arm around you, still looking at hawks. "nice cut, by the way. told you she could restore your sight." the three of you shared a laugh as she took a swig of her coffee. "anyway, why don't you get out of here? i'll walk y/n home and catch you later, yeah?"
he nodded. "sounds good. hey, y/n, what do i owe you for the fresh cut?"
"oh, don't worry about it. it was just a trim and last month you totally saved my block from getting blown sky high, so we'll call it even." you smiled softly as he pulled out his phone.
"aww c'mon, at lease let me tip you."
you rolled your eyes playfully, deciding to not fight him. "i have a venmo qr code on my mirror if you really feel so inclined, but really, don't worry about it."
he sauntered over to your mirror and scanned it, tapping on his phone as he made his way to your door. "thanks again! i'll get your number from rumi so i can call you up next time i need your help." his flashed his pearly whites one last time as he closed the door behind him.
you turned back to rumi, who had begun to tell you all about everything that's happened since you last sat down together, when a knock sounded from your front window. you looked out to see hawks motioning to his phone and winking one last time before he finally took off.
you smiled and knit your brows in playful confusion until you felt your phone buzz. it was a venmo from hawks, with nothing but a small heart as the note. rumi almost spit out her coffee when she saw it, and your jaw was already on the floor.
this man had just tipped you $200.
as it turns out, the next time hawks would "need your help" was sooner rather than later. it was hardly 5 days later when you were walking from the coffee shop across the street to your own salon when your phone rang with an unknown number. you picked it up, expecting one of your clients maybe calling to reschedule or cancel. instead, you were met with the whistling of wind and a familiar smooth talking voice.
"heyyy y/n! it's hawks, i went ahead and got your number from rumi."
"oh-" you almost stopped in the middle of the crosswalk due to your surprise. "hey, what's up? did something come up?"
"nothing bad, no. are you at work yet?"
you smirked as you pulled out the keys from your pocket, trying to find the right one as you got to your door. "just arrived, actually. why?" no response. "hawks?"
as you slipped the key into the slot, you looked down at your phone and saw the call had disconnected. "okay.."
when a sudden rush of scarlet filled your vision, you yelped and almost dropped your coffee. hawks had practically fallen from the sky and landed right next to you, standing close, his cocky grin unwavering.
"oh my God, you scared the hell out of me!" you clutched your chest, laughing and waiting for your soul to come back to your body at the same time.
he chuckled and pulled something from under his coat. "sorry 'bout that sweetheart... would these make up for it?"
he held out a small bouquet of flowers in your favorite color.
"wh- what? why..."
"when you did my hair, i noticed the ones you had on your front counter were dying. i saw these on my way in this morning and they reminded me of you and your shop, thought they would look nice in the place." he smiled as you took them gingerly. "consider it a thank you!"
you opened the salon door with an exasperated smile, feeling it grow wider when he followed you in. "well they're beautiful and i appreciate them, but believe me, the VERY generous tip was more than enough."
you put the flowers in the now empty vase, adjusting them when he got close behind you. your eyes widened as his hand found your lower back, pressing slightly, his breath close to your neck.
"c'mon princess, just let me express my gratitude~"
you didn't realize you were holding your breath until he stepped back and you suddenly let it go. when you turned to face him again, his playful fun smile was back and he looked so casual, you almost wondered if you had imagined whatever the hell that just was.
"anyway, i've gotta be in soon, and i imagine you've gotta get your shop opened up, yeah?"
"then i'll catch you later. have a good one!" he left with a signature wink before taking off.
whatever that morning was, became a regular thing. every few days he would drop by for a visit for whatever reason- replacing your flowers, bringing you a pastry in the morning, offering to walk you home after work, even though you only lived a half a dozen blocks away.
and with every little reason to see you, came some "harmless" flirting that made your stomach do somersaults.
finally after almost three weeks he had actually come to you for the smallest clean up. while you lightly snipped his ends, he asked if you had considered the position of being his personal groomer. you told him you wanted to think about it more and he told you not to worry about it, but he did have a favor to ask.
in a few days time, he needed to be at an important event. just a hero dinner of sorts, it was meant to be all over the media though, so he needed to dress to impress. after seeing your work with rumi, the commission approved of you making hawks camera ready (upon his request, of course). it just standard hair and makeup, but it was an important job nonetheless.
against the better judgement you'd gained over the last few weeks of dealing with him, you agreed swiftly.
so here you were, outside his door with your cosmetology bag, ready to make up him and rumi.
rumi would take longer for both hair and makeup, so you decided to start with hawks. so she would be coming over later, which left just you. and him. alone. in his penthouse apartment. what could possibly go wrong.
aside front that he answered the door shirtless in sweatpants, nothing. so far.
he stood with one hand on the doorframe, the other on the door itself, towering over you with a sly grin. you had to force your eyes to stay on his face instead of wandering down to his incredibly cut core. you felt your stomach flood with butterflies as the softest flush covered your face, and he didn't take long to notice.
"you've got some good eye contact, sweetheart, i'll give you that."
his smile relaxed a bit as he stepped out of your way, opening the doorway of his apartment to you. you stepped in without mentioning any of whatever the hell just happened, biting the inside of your cheek with a soft smile.
you held up your bag, looking around. "where should i..?"
"ah," he began to move towards his living area, just a couple couches with a chair gathered around a coffee table. he plopped himself down on the soft rug of all places, in front of the table. "figured this might be a good place since, you know, you've got plenty of natural light to work with."
he was right, the entire wall across from his front door was basically made entirely of glass. it left a beautiful view of kyushu outside, with a terrace you imagined would be perfect to watch the sunrise from.
you smiled as you sat across from him, both of you cross-legged. "yeah, it's perfect actually..."
"perfect..." he mumbled to himself. his gaze lingered on you as you pulled out your makeup bag.
"so." you turned to him and scooted a bit closer, reaching a hand towards his face. "do you mind if i..." you hesitated, halting your hand just before your fingers grazed his skin.
he gulped and nodded, confident smirk faded as his pulse picked up. you lightly cradled his jaw and carefully turned his head from side to side.
"well you've got great skin... smooth, not oily, i doubt i'll have to do any base..." your voice was low as you spoke, talking more to yourself than him. he just hardly nodded as you inspected him closely. "i'll give you some highlight and contour though, just for the camera... your eyelashes are stunning..."
he cracked a small smile. "thanks.."
you returned the look and met his eyes. "you're welcome..."
time seemed to still between you for a moment. his eyes flicked to your lips for the shortest instant, you almost missed it. he inhaled deeply before clearing his throat and looking to the side. you sucked in a quick breath as you turned your attention back to your makeup bag, digging out a brush and a couple of small product bottles. you handed him a headband, still not looking at him.
"ah, so..." you took a deep breath before finally facing him. "here, i'll just go in with a thin base just in case. flash photography isn't the most flattering lighting,"
he chuckled softly, deep in his chest, and your heart skipped a beat.
the next few minutes went by with minimal conversation, mostly just you letting him know what you were doing now, and him nodding along or making small sounds of approval. silence otherwise filled the room as you tried to focus on your work, though his eyes constantly wandering over all of you made it slightly difficult.
when you finally made it to his classic eyeliner, you accidentally let your gaze wander to his lips. you pushed aside all your thoughts and impulses and channeled your inner makeup artist.
"hey hawks..."
he opened his eyes as you moved the eyeliner pen away. "hmm?"
"your lips are kinda pale, would it be okay if i put a little stain on them?"
"oh," he bit his lip and furrowed his brow. "yeah for sure, i'm probably a bit dehydrated." his smirk was back, resting on his lips comfortably.
"yeah.." you took another deep breath, trying to keep your face from getting too pink. "the lipstick i've got now should actually work fine, its somewhere in my purse..." you picked up your highlight stick and put your fingers under his chin to turn his head to the side. "i'll get it in a second..."
he hums softly in response. you carefully applied the highlights to all the right places, emphasizing his cheekbones and the tip of his already curved nose. you heard his breath falter, just slightly, when you cupped his face in your hand, using your thumb to blend it out on his cheek. to your surprise, he closed his eyes and leaning into your touch. it was your turn to have trouble breathing, even more so when he placed his hand over your own and looked at you with a piercing gaze. you stopped what you had been doing all together, frozen as he turned his head. he pressed a small kiss to your wrist, then another, his lips lingering for just a second longer this time.
at this point your heart was in your throat trying to process what was happening. when he turned his gaze back to you, everything stopped. his friendly smile was gone, replaced with a fierce look, demanding and intense. neither of you moved for a moment, just stared. your stomach jumped as his eyes moved to take a long look at your lips. the second his gaze met yours again, he pulled on your wrist, practically yanking you into his lap. his hands moved quickly, one pressing against your lower back (a touch you'd actually grown used to form him) and the other cradling the base of your neck.
you could feel his breath on your lips. all you had to do was tilt your chin and you would feel them against yours. his hand on your neck moved up into your hair, looking at you through half lidded eyes.
"can i kiss you?" he practically breathed out his words, softer than a whisper.
you took a deep inhale and closed your eyes. "yes."
you'd hardly gotten the word out before he pressed his lips against yours forcefully, hungrily. his kiss was demanding, like he had been waiting for the longest time to finally get this from you. you tangled your hands in his hair, smirking just a bit. it was soft.
he finally pulled away, keeping close to you. both your faces were flushed deeply, and yours only got worse when you remembered he wasn't wearing a top.
"y/n..." the way your name rolled off his tongue made you shiver. or maybe it was his hand on your back, creeping beneath your shirt.
your eyes widened as he pressed his lips to your jaw, feathering kisses all the way down towards your neck.
"you... i want you call me kiego."
lil extra &lt;3
rumi showed up just after you had finally started on kiego's hair. as expected, her makeover ended up taking significantly longer, but the three of you didn't mind. by the time you finished curling her gorgeous (but VERY long) hair, it was time for them to go. they both looked spectacular in their dresswear, and you had to struggle to keep your composure helping kiego with his tie. his sly little grin never left his face as you messed with the fabric, trying to remember how, instead of thinking about his lips.
when you had packed up all your stuff and started to get ready to leave, kiego stopped you.
"its already dark out! why don't you just kick back and stay here for a while, yeah? i'll only be gone a few hours. make yourself at home." he had leaned close to your ear, his breath tickling your neck. "besides, we've gotta... talk more, when i get back~"
you agreed quickly, not wanting to seem suspicious in front of rumi. as much as you wanted to tell her, and knew you would soon, you needed to get a few things settled first.
so here you were, sitting in his apartment. even though he was insistent on you making yourself at home, the most you had really done was play some music, use one of his water glasses, and kick back on his couch.
you checked the time again. as far as you could tell, the event had ended just a bit ago. you had checked a few news outlets, seeing some clips already uploaded from the beginning of the evening. almost every one of hawks was him refusing to shut up about the new stylist who had gotten him looking so nice, and furthermore insisting whoever it was, was a secret (for now).
those were your favorites.
in the middle of a clip you were watching of rumi going over her latest fight, you heard keys in the door. you sat up on the couch and watched hawks walk in, a tired smile decorating his face. his jacket was thrown over his arm and his tie was undone, hanging around his neck loosely. the sleeves of his shirt had been rolled up his forearms, exposing a few cord bracelets.
"hey, sweetheart." he kept his gaze on yours as he tossed his jacket to the side, along with his tie. he slowly sauntered towards the couch, unbuttoning the first few buttons on his shirt. "glad you stuck around~"
his tone was flirty, but tired, and it was so attractive.
he settled on the couch almost on top of you, one of his legs between yours as a hand on your chest guided you to lie back.
"hey kiego..." you blushed and smiled as one of his hands found your waist. "how was the dinner?"
he pressed his body against yours, sighing as he relaxed into you. "exhausting... let's talk about it tomorrow."
you chuckled and tangled your hand in his hair, playing with it and massaging his scalp. he pressed lazy kisses to your neck, making you blush harder.
"be my girlfriend... stay over tonight... stay forever..." he said between kisses.
you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, melting into his gentle touch.
"okay.. <3"
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5619 words, which is almost 13 full pages in google docs omg-
sorry and you're welcome <33
idk if any of my future writing will be this long but ig we'll see ! at least i can say i'm starting out strong lol
i haven't the foggiest where this idea came from and as of rn i have scarcely any others, so if anybody wants me to write something short or long or whatever to any specific idea my inbox is open for requests !!
sm love 💗💗
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hamofjustice · 2 months
Julinemo Week, Day 1: First Meeting "So uh… is he always like that?"
"Ugh, no. Well… I mean, he's usually a prick-- Uh, prickly guy, but… pero bueno, he's not usually not quite that--"
Nemona rattled her head, sending her ponytail swinging, and dismissively pawed at the air between her and her new neighbor as if tossing the unfinished thought out of her mind.
"Ah, whatever! Don't you worry about those weird vibes, Juliana! You've got enough on your plate, signing up to a new school in a new place with your new Pokemon-- You don't need to get sucked into whatever dumb drama the rest of us have goin' on. This is your big day! Sorry about all that."
"Nah, nah, it's fine, you didn't do anything wrong. It's, uh... definitely been an exciting day so far, that's for sure! Hehehe..."
"Ah, haha, yeah, for sure! Heh… man..."
Juliana turned to Nemona with a reassuring smile... and noticed her friend's hand seemed to be hovering over her shoulder. Nemona glanced away and quickly jerked her arm away to scratch her own scalp instead.
"… You okay?"
Nemona froze mid-scratch, eyes wide. "Huh?"
"I, uh… I guess I'm not the only one feeling kinda jittery this morning, huh? I promise I won't fall off any more cliffs for a while." Juliana said with a slightly forced-looking smile.
The taller girl remained frozen for a second as they walked, before snorting and visibly releasing a bit of her own tension. "Ha! Haha! Yeah, you better not, 'cause you know what happens when you scare somebody half to death twice?"
"They… get scared three-quarters to death?"
"… Heh! You've got a quick wit to go with that sharp eye, bud! No wonder you've been such a fast learner!"
"Hehehe. Thanks."
There was a pleasant lull in the conversation as they both grinned down at the road...
Soon, though, Nemona cleared her throat and stopped in her tracks. Juliana stopped too and turned to face her curiously.
"Speaking of fast learning, I should probably get out of your hair and let you have fun doing, uh, Trainer-y stuff without me hovering over your shoulder." Nemona suddenly decided. "Do what you want for a bit and I'll see you up ahead at the Pokemon Center, all right?" she proposed, pointing her thumb at the red-roofed, ad-covered outpost off in the distance.
"Oh, um… wait…" Juliana softly protested when Nemona started to leave, raising a limp hand as if she had a question in class and wished she didn't.
"Huh? What's up? Think you'll need more Poke Balls? I've got a bunch..." Nemona began, already digging noisily through her bag.
"No… well, I mean, maybe later, but, I just, um-- You're not bugging me, you can stay."
Once again, Nemona seemed to not expect that. "Oh... really? You'd... rather I stick around and keep an eye on ya, huh? All right then! You got it, boss!"
Juliana smiled brightly up at her. The morning light seemed to sparkle in the new student's eyes. "Well, yeah. We're friends now, right?"
Nemona smiled back as she zipped her bag shut, then rubbed the back of her neck and suddenly seemed very interested in the grassy field nearby. "… Yeah, but, y'know, sometimes friends might need… a little space and quiet and stuff. Gotta be considerate."
"No, I'm glad you're here! I mean... if you have some business you need to get to right now, that's fine..."
"Nope! No, all my attention's on you, bud! Well, I mean, unless you don't want--"
"Okay, okay! Just making sure." Juliana mercifully interrupted. "So uhhh… you said Normal Pokemon are pretty good against everything, yeah?" she asked casually, starting to walk down the road again.
Nemona's eyes brightened with renewed energy at the topic change. "Oh, uh, yeah! I mean, they've got a FEW issues, there's a few types that-- Uh, I'll warn ya if you're gonna run into 'em, but that Lechonk should be consistently solid against mooost things with some training, which is good if you're not sure what to expect yet! Now, you might end up not keeping it on your team forever, though, 'cause it's not really gonna have the advantage against much of anything, either. Well, unless you give it--" she rambled, then glanced down at her companion's attentive gaze. "Uh, never mind, I can nerd out about all that later. Yeah, Normal-types are nice and reliable, yep!"
Juliana nodded a few times. "Hmm… I dunno… I don't think I'd replace the first Pokemon we caught together. That's gonna be a great memory someday, right?"
Nemona blinked. "Wh-- Oh, yeah, true, can't be, uh, what's the word… too pragmatic about it, heh. Stuff like that matters for sure! Sorry, there's that competitive brain again…" she responded, looking away once more. "I'll make sure to train up that Pawmi I caught with you too, then."
"Nice! More little rivals, just like the Pokemon the Director gave us, hehehe!"
"Heh! Yeah… little rivals…"
"… Ooh, what's that?" Juliana soon asked, pointing ahead at what appeared to be a green-haired baby plodding around in a long white dress that would be a better fit for a green-haired toddler.
Nemona rattled her head again like she'd been caught zoning out. "Huh, wha-- Oh, that's a Ralts! They're pretty rare! Psychic and Fairy type, pretty good with special moves. It's a little flimsy at first and takes a while to train, but it's totally worth it in the end."
"Whoa, Psychic? And Fairy?"
"Yeah, there's a buncha Fairies around here, actually..."
"Well, I'm already sold on this one from how cute it is! I'm definitely gonna try and catch it."
The little Ralts seemed to immediately take notice of Juliana when she said that, and turned to face her.
"Oh, uh, Ralts can sense folks' feelings! It probably knows what you're thinkin' right now. Heh, wish I had that power…"
Juliana, meanwhile, was grinning confidently with a Poke Ball in hand. "Well, I've got nothing to hide from it. Let's make another new friend, Lechonk!"
Nemona beamed as she watched Juliana's battle unfold. The new Trainer was having too much fun in the wide world she'd been welcomed into, despite the bumpty start, to notice that the unrivaled Champion watching over her was wiping something out of her eye.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 3 months
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~ CHART OF THE SOUL ~ $25 10.99
What are you here to do? What is your path?  What is blocking your soul from truly expressing what it is here to do?
I’ll cover gifts and talents and what your soul contract is in this lifetime!
I focus on connecting to your ancestor team, showing you the way they would like for you to go. Also just helping you communicate with them is key here. Whatever they want to let you know at this time is the focus of this reading.
~PAST LIFE READING~  $25 10.99
I love this one. Our past lives shows us what karma, gifts, strengthens and weaknesses we have. I bring insight into these old lives and show you the keys to how to utilize the power of our past lives! 
~ MONEY READING ~ $ 25 10.99
Reading your energy around money, seeing what's in store for you and also anything that needs to be worked on. Any blockages, any gifts you may have in making money will be focused on this reading! Figuring out what you must do to shift the energy of money in your life, so on and so forth.
~THE SHADOW~  $25 10.99
What is hiding deep beneath the surface within you?
Our shadow is always trying to speak, but yet we hide from who we truly are.
The shadow is nothing to be afraid of, which is why bring awareness to what lies inside those eyes of yours?
A general love reading where I focus on when you will receive love and also tap into your energy field and see what issues or any blockages tainting your connects with love. 
What lessons, trials and tribulations have you gone through, cycles you have been repeating in the acts of love if necessary? 
There is so much in store and its my most favored readings from people so yeah check it out &lt;3
We'll tap into so much, how to tap into your sensuality, romantic energy and much more. Just send me a dm and we'll get into it.
 If you have a specific question we can also go for that as well. 
Are you ready to change your story? If you're ready to take that leap, spirit will give me just the answer. It's time to make a way when it feels like it isn't one. If you gotta lose something just to do something then this is where I come in to give you guidance.
Risks you need to take
Luck, how it comes thru you and where you should apply this knowledge
How your vibration moves to get what it wants. Being yourself is the key to getting all the answers
Moving out of your own way : What is it that needs a lift in your life? What needs to change?
For the closing piece , sometimes we tend to control our destiny when it isn't necessary. So be calm with yourself and learn to allow things to be. You can't control the answers you seek. You'll have to force yourself into driving steady and get on cruise control. Get it?
Where is your consciousness ? $ 20 $10.99
This is for people who need a conscious re-boost. To deliver yourself from behavioral patterns or ways of thinking that have shaped your reality in a way that might not be favored. Our consciousness is the energy fuel for our desires. So when its not used correctly life can be a little daunting. So whoever needs a pick me up on where they need to be moving their body & brains, this is for you. I want to see what it is you guys got goin on, what talents and abilities are waiting to be used and making this reality something special. That's all.
To rebirth, shift your consciousness to the way your life is suppose to be. where it is meant to be.
capture the shadowy thoughts that are hidden.
fear of the unknown, what lingers in your mind? what thoughts are bothering you and haunting you from seeing the light?
Where does your energy need to be applied?
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celestie0 · 3 months
btw, is reader considered pretty in their university ? she keeps a pretty low profile there and doesnt really join frat parties so theres not much opinions from other students about her. would love to hear your opinion on this! sending love<3
ooo yes yes !! i mean she’s attracted a lot of men thru kickoff so far 😭🤧 n she’s got the school’s star soccer player wrapped around her finger 🙈
hmm yea i think she just doesnt rly get out that much since she’s busy w school, works, and stressing about her future 💀 but if she was in a sorority or something i think she’d be popular haha
as for other students opinions, i headcanon (in my own au lol) that a lot of the film major men have massive crushes on her bc she’s always super helpful in the school’s photo lab whenever they need it 😭🧚‍♀️✨
but also photog girlies are always fineee ive never met a girl who does photography or always has a camera slung around their neck 24/7 that wasn’t hot asf 🤣 they got that cute artist vibe goin for them haha
hope this answersss lol ty for the ask lovely it was fun to think about <33
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Okay I'm back and this time its not with a song but another au. Listen, Ballet dancer Steve, I literally cannot stop thinking about it. Like, his father made him do sports like a real man, following in his footsteps etc (hence the basketball and swimming). But his mother insists he do ballet from a young age (maybe she always wanted a daughter?) And this is something she is not backing down on - as much as his dad hates it. And Steve is loathe to admit it to anyone - especially his parents - but he actually really enjoys it?
He goes to all the lessons, takes extra classes, not telling anyone and working it around his sports that he's got that season. Clears out his living room and practices at home, folds his laundry while casually stretching and doing the splits.
The first people to know are Dustin and Robin, and it's nice having someone know and not insult him the way he knows Tommy and Carol would have. Spitting slurs and calling him a pussy. Hes super self conscious about this thing he loves, but isn't goin to admit that either. Eventually Dustin doesn't bat an eye when he tells him he can't hang out that day, he's got ballet. Just complains like a normal teen that they haven't hung out in ages, God Steve. Robin will occasionally ask him to try and teach her ballet positions at their sleepovers. She doesn't tease him for this, and he doesn't tease her when she stumbles or trips over her own feet.
And then he meets Eddie, and he befriends Eddie, and he's crushing on Eddie. And I absolutely want Eddie to be someone who walks in on him and finds out, rather than being told. Mostly because Eddie would have a heart attack seeing Steve in his ballet tights, muscles on show, strong and graceful as fuck.
I’m banging my knife and fork on the table MORE PLEASE MORE!!!!
I’m getting billy Elliot vibes??? A little???? Maybe in a different life (or this one, who knows with him) Murray is a ballet teacher and is the one that taught Steve, cue comedic relief ‘you’ve got to be the swan Steve. No not like that, Swans don’t look like they are constipated and experiencing violent diarrhoea at same time steve come ON! From the top!’
How about Eddie catches him when he’s cooling down one day. Steve is in his living room with his headphones on, listen to billy Joel and just trying to relax his muscles out while zoning out to his music. Eddie just walks into the house because of course he does and Steve’s music is so loud he doesn’t hear a thing so when he opens his eyes he makes eye contact with Eddie who’s been standing in the doorway for god knows how long. Both of them speechless, both of them flushed but maybe for different reasons. Cue Dustin barrelling in after Eddie, ‘hey Steve, eddie drove me over, I knew you’d be busy. I’ve got this lasagna from mom, she said make sure you freeze some. Hey do you think you could kick somebody in the head? I’m just saying, I think it would be a good idea to try, self defence yknow?’
Neither Steve nor Eddie has said a word or moved. Both too scared to incase the other bolts. Dustin prompts them ‘don’t you think so eddie?’
‘What Henderson? What did you say?’
‘That Steve should practice kicking people in the head! Would be great for surprise attacks’
Eddie is on the verge of brain static again before saying louder than he meant to ‘can I be the target?’ They make eye contact and steve gives Eddie the most tentative smile, suddenly bashful but something must switch in his brain because then he’s looking directly at Eddie and fucking winks
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all444miles · 1 year
songs that remind me of atsv characters! (series)
summary: just me saying what artists atsv characters would listen to, songs by said artists that js scream "(character)", albums, and lyrics that just make it make sense, yk?
warnings: pretty small spoilers, i suggest you watch the movie before reading this, of course!
a/n: i'm not proofreading this, so there might be some spelling mistakes. sorry if you see any, but enjoy! i also don't expect this to blow up, but reblogs r appreciated! (i will make a pt.2 if this gets enough attention, btw)
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miles morales (1610)
miles to me seems like a future, frank ocean, kendrick lamar, steve lacy, PARTYNEXTDOOR, brent faiyaz/sonder and a lil sza, cuz lets be fr, its sza, kinda guy. he's the kinda guy to love music for the meaning, as long as its got a good beat to it. now, song wise?
solo by future, for sure. you can just listen to it and be like "yeah, thats miles." especially the lyrics, "i been solo now, i've been goin solo now". reminds me when he says "nah, ima do my own thing" in the movie.
her way by partynextdoor. this song feels like a song he'd play while he's drawing (coughs, drawing gwen for the 70th time) the lyrics, "She wasn't on a roll, now she roll with a winner" reminds me of gwen n miles cuz at first, when they met, it was kind of just the two of em, but now she's out with the spider society (well, she was) with hobie and patvir, "rollin with winners."
miles + brent faiyaz = perfection. needed portrays miles when he finds out about his friends' betrayal perfectly. "you and your friends, rammed my name to the ground." makes you think about the scene where he realises they knew what would happen to his father all along.
infrunami by steve lacy. ive seen this on tiktok too many dayum times not to include it lmaoo gwen and miles. every word of that song screams gwen and miles, but esp "can you come back to me? cuz I was blind to see that you were right infront of me." just remember that scene where miles was upside down infront of gwen and moved closer to kiss her but didnt cuz he was invisible? yeah, those exact lyrics match that exact moment and we ALL know it!
Let 'em know by bryson tiller. Ian even gonna go into the details but we all know why. "mf im him" (miles is him and always will be fr)
long time - intro by playboi carti. i also will try not to go tm into details but "i aint felt like this in a long time, i aint had shit in a long time" cuz miles hasn't had that "its me, myself and i (corny ik)" kind of vibe in a while. and "i'd rather die before i come in last" but think of it in a sense than he'd rather die than stand back and let his dad pass.
this is how it feels by d4vd and laufey. no explanation needed (ive js been talking tm), gwen and miles and their relationship
open arms by sza! i also think this song really reminds me of gwen and miles but miles' character overall, yk? gwen and miles primarily because "i gotta let you go i must, you're the only one that's holding me down." that "goodbye gwen", the look on his face while he says it and those lyrics make alot of sense together.
and yk what? loveeeeee song by rihanna, cuz why not.
i'm not gonna go too much into details with this so album wise:
sonder son by brent faiyaz
sos (slightly) by sza
starboy and after hours by the weeknd
DAMN. by kendrick lamar
petals to thorns by d4vd
call me if you get lost by tyler, the creator
her loss (coughs, spin bout U) by drake
a/n 2: and, thats all! i hope y'all enjoyed these hcs and found them accurate, as i said ill make a pt2 if this gets enough recognition! see ya'll soon <3
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©all444miles 2023
- likes, comments, asks, n reblogs are rlly appreciated ! <3
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mackmp3 · 3 months
tell me about christopher ecclestons doctor vs david tennats doctor
or explain what the hell is goin on with the daleks
or you could tell me about (insert musician)’s influence on music
just some options for you to lore dump to :)
RAHHHHHHH OKAY THANK YOUUUU this will be um. super spoilery for doccy whomst.
okayyyy so christopher eccleston plays the ninth doctor who tragically only gets one season AND HE'S SO FABULOUS he's really funny and sarcastic and he says 'fantastic! :D' a lot and is also a massive dork and yayyyy i love him - the interesting thing with nine is that we dont see his regeneration. like we don't see him come into being but its implied that the incarnation before him was horribly injured in The Time War and then became nine, who wanders around alone for a bit racked with guilt and lonely and full of regret and all that fun stuff until he meets ROSE :DDD who pretty much says you're super weird & offputting but also the most interesting thing that's ever happened to me and he's like cool uhm. maybe i do need friends after all so then he takes her on a date to the destruction of her planet to show off that he wasnt kidding about the time machine bit. he also has a really cool leather jacket. and a northern english accent and a sliiiiightly butch lesbian buzzcut. anyways he's very fabulous and also kinda tragic but yeah!! i love him.
BUT THEN universe under massive threat from daleks etc the only way to save the world will be massively catastrophic etc etc so he sends rose home to save her. and she is understandably super upset by this so she ABSORBS THE HEART OF THE TARDIS (pro tip : usually people dont survive that) so she can get back to him, resurrect this other guy who kissed them both and rewrite time so that this will definitely always happen & also destroys a whole lot of daleks. this is called BAD WOLF (<- the capital letters are important. to me.) and its killing her so nine kisses her to pull it out of her (she doesnt remember this) so it kills him instead. then *magicical girl transformation* he explodes into golden light and becomes david tennant!!!!!
david tennant is the tenth doctor and I LOBVE HIM FORVER ADN EVER my specialest little scrunkly girlboy pathetic wet cat terrifying alien guy-shaped-being <33333. rose is understandably like wtf who're you (because the doctor Never does timelord 101 and tells them about regeneration and the two hearts thing) and he is sad about it. so he takes her home. then passes out in front of her mother and sort-of-boyfriend who're also like wtf. anyways he's fine and rose pretty immediately is like wow this guy is actually beautiful & way less grumpy now and they go n do a whole bunch of stuff and they very clearly love each other A Lot (like she loves him when he's nine too of course but it changes) and in my head it's teenage lesbian undefined relationship mutual obsession b/c those be the vibes. a Thing happens and she end up trapped in an alternate universe from which she can never return and the doctor manages to hologram himself in there for a minute to say goodbye and HE ALMOST SAYS I LOVE YOU TO HER but the connection runs out. a lot of other stuff happens and ten is actually pretty scary at points in a way that nine never gets to and A Lot happens to him. my beautiful babygirl she has Every Problem.
see cos the doctor is actually massively emotionally repressed and while nine was a lot closer time-wise to destroying his own planet, ten was coping a whole lot less. ten is often described as the most emotional and most human of the doctors and thats probably true but he's also the most afraid of that vulnerability - he just cant help showing it. he's full of love but he's also full of a desperate sadness and guilt. a lot of guilt. nine has this guilt and the love he just has found a way to not be so raw with it. he is far more measured with his emotions. i reallllllllyyyyyyyy wish we could have seen what would have been done with his character had we got more time with him but alas t'was not to be.
like a good example of that is when we meet nine he's been alone for some time and appears to be more or less okay with that, maybe not super happy but more or less adjusted and functioning. when ten is alone for a while he sort of loses it a bit until he find someone..... like after he and rose get separated, and i mean IMMEDIATLY AFTER, he meets donna who I LOVE :D but he's still so racked with grief that he kills a whole race of spider things and canonically would've destroyed himself along with them if she hadn't been there to tell him to stop. (like legitimately there's an episode, Turn Left, about what would've happened if the doctor died and it's uhm. its unnerving to say the least). ten can't deal with being alone but Also can't deal with loving someone. especially when he is so very aware that he has to lose them.
ten has three seasons & then a year of specials, and he has and then loses the most companions of the doctor and the way he deals with this is Fascinating. he is separated from rose, martha leaves of her own volition b/c she realises that she cant spend her whole life living For Him and that she deserves her own life too, and then he has to wipe donna's memory to save her (she gets it back like. fifteen years for her and ~1000 years for the doctor later but thats a whole thing). like nine does the whole 'no one can get close to me because i will always end up hurting when they die/leave and that will usually be my fault' thing BUT TEN. TEN feels the same way he just can't help himself from making friends and falling in love (grayaroace) with everyone he meets and still being emotionally destroyed when they die. nine's way of coping with the guilt of the time war is to push people away in the first place and ten's is Never Stop To Think Never Stop To Examine Feelings. so yeah. lots of fun.
ALSO the daleks!! theres a ton of lore to them as well, but in short they're genetically modified creatures who have been selectively bred by this guy davros (who has major darth vader vibes. down to the voice and the mechanically supported body) to only feel hate and want to destroy everyone who is not a dalek. they're these weird little things that kinda look like rubbery octopuses inside the metal thing (they're not robots they are actually alive) and they suck. also they're really hard to get rid of like. i swear at least five times the doctor says 'this is the last of the daleks' like bestie just you wait about half a season. the daleks and the timelords (the doctor's species) fought The Time War which really really sucked and they're mortal enemies. so yeah!
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simp999 · 4 months
A New Home Ch. 32
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
Wc: 1.1k
A/N: Wattpad readers are much bolder. You guys just don't have the guts to comment how you "hope both sides of my pillow are warm" or "when I get you, wolf. When I get you". /silly
Leo Playlist!
Back to the start! Previous Next
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Before you could register the score, you were tackled to the floor. You gently nudged Leo away from you as much as you could- but given his reaction, you already knew the answer.
You'd be battling Emperor.
You wheezed out to Leo that he was squeezing too tight, and so he let go to go hug- Goggles?? And Goggled hugged back just as excitedly? Eh, whatever floats their boat.
Next came a soft hug from Milo. Almost relieved, you thought. He gently pet your tentacles and gave them a tiny kiss, saying how proud he was of the family. Aww.
It felt all too quick- the congratulations, the meeting between the S4, team Yellow-green, and the teams that had just battled.
To be honest, you just wanted to get home and relax, maybe you went on autopilot for a bit. In a good way.
That night, you all went to sleep early, completely exhausted by your battle, along with thinking about your next one. Luckily, you were given three days for preparation before facing the King, not including today.
"So, what now, Boss?"
You thought for a moment, muscles sore.
"...We rest."
Leo does a small fist in the air while Milo relaxes his shoulders. Tasha's eyebrows appear to be less furrowed as well.
You all relax together by watching movies for the first bit, you and Leo snuggling if you're comfortable with it- he always was a sucker for physical affection. Milo plays with his hair as it's in reach while Tasha leans on the arm of the chair, cleaning her weapon in the dark. Milo pauses to turn the movie's volume up because Leo's crunching is a bit too loud. He offers you some and you decline, figuring candy doesn't sound the best after such a big battle. Milo has some chocolate milk at the ready, he claims it's great after exercising, just not before.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The next day, You, Milo and Tasha were sitting in the living room when Leo barged in, accounting that there was a SquidRacer tourney starting soon and drop-ins were allowed. He already had half his arm in his hoodie sleeve when Milo spoke up, saying he needed to be home while he made the family's meals for the day, saying they'd take a long time because they were intricate.
"I'm fine goin' on my own!! I'll kick ass, don't you worry!"
Milo offered you a slightly concerned look, and you asked Leo if you could go with, to which he surprisingly seemed excited about your offer. You slowly put on some proper clothes while Leo impatiently waited in the doorway. Before you could leave, Milo handed you a bag with drinks and snacks, paired with a smile and wink.
Leo did well in his first round, but there were a surprising number of people that wanted to join. Which meant lots of downtime between games, which led to you two chit-chatting and snacking while watching and "analyzing' (as Leo called it-he really just sat with a smile on his face) the other players.
"Sooo what's your favorite game?"
You thought for a moment- you didn't really have an answer since- y'know, you were kind of... in it.
"I don't exactly have one, what's yours?"
Now that got him talking. He went on and on about this game called Super Squid Bros 3. Gesturing with his hands often.
"Yeah! I had lots of time to play toooons of games as a kid! It was pretty nice!"
Oh? Did he grow up rich or something? Not to sound rude but... he didn't really give off those vibes. Or maybe you just couldn't get emperor out of your head. Prince in nothing like him either.
"We kept all our gaming consoles from family members, and dad's consoles were always my favorite! Mostly Nintendo stuff. I miss the days where I'd sit and get a buncha one-ups for him while he'd go make himself a coffee."
He toyed with the buttons of the controller that he brought himself.
"Dad wasn't around lots, but he sure was fun when he was! He taught me how to play, and I took his skills and multiplied em' by twenty!"
Hah, that seemed excessive. But that makes some more sense now.
"You don't have any siblings?" He really did cross you as a younger sibling type.
"Nahh- wouldn't've had any time to play if I had any older siblings I figure, y'know? But I did have this real close friend who was like a brother to me! His name was Zack, miss the guy. He stayed back home."
It was soon his time to battle again, and you cheered him on. His 'backstory' wasn't all that surprising for how he seemed- his personality and all. You're glad he grew up being able to find a favorite hobby so easily. He's also great at bringing people together and making friends, which is quite a skill.
You look over to him, who's chatting it up with his opponent. It seems friendly- the both of them are giggling at something he said. The opponent points at his controller and you see their lips move, and he gets all starry-eyed. It's cute, really.
As expected, he gets into first place. You two fistbump as you walk by each other, you heading to take his seat to play your following match. A well- aimed green shell at the last second lands you in first as well on the third lap, making you let out a short sigh of relief. Of course you'd love to battle Leo- it's only right.
You hear Leo on the phone, and he's giving you a not-very-patient look. He swiftly hands you the phone as Milo says hello. He was just calling to say that dinner was almost ready, and he was wondering if you guys would be back soon. If not, he could put your guys' stuff in the oven a bit later. He wasn't expecting you guys to be this long, but this is "much more important" Leo claims. It doesn't take long before you're facing off in the finals against Leo and two others.
The first two rounds he's much ahead of the other racers, you on his tail the whole time to give him a false sense of confidence. On the third lap, green shell in hand, you hesitate for a moment. You quickly glance over at how excited Leo seems, and that childlike enthusiasm convinces you to miss the shot on purpose, allowing him a close win.
You sigh with a shake of your head and smile on your face as you lift his hand up to proclaim the winner.
Next Part
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bloggingboutburgers · 11 months
Hi! Hope you're doing well. I've got a coupla questions (sorry if they've been asked before and/or are dumb)
Can I be aroace if I daydream about The One but like most of the time it's paired with a fictional version of me not me actually? Or am I just tryna be something I'm not?
Cause like I'm married rn (arranged marriage! Huzzah for culture roles amirite) and it's. Not. Goin well. I act so toxic with the guy and everything he does is like taken as a threat. Everyone says he's a nice guy and he is, probably. But every time I see his face I'm tired. When I have to talk to him, I don't want to. I don't want to spend time with him. I don't wanna hug him or touch him or look at him. He's like super bummed out cause I don't wanna do any of those things or even just be friendly with him. In my monkey brain I think I've got it figured that if I do get friendly then it'll just keep goin and goin and then I'll have to marry-marry him (biblically, if you will). I'm confused if this is just cause I don't like this guy in particular or if I just don't vibe with the whole idea of this in general. Cause I've always dreamt of a soulmate I guess. So maybe I'm just tryna use this to excuse my toxic behaviour? (The toxic behaviour in question is a lack of initiative, failure to communicate and no reciprocity of affection and even instances of revulsion btw) (everyone also keeps pointin out that I get along well with all of his family and that it's just him that I have a problem with, so it's not like I have trouble communicating it's like I choose not to)
It's only been a month and everyone says I'm bein too hasty and dumb but I've been feelin awful for so long now because of this haha. Idek why I'm sending this to you I should just get over myself and be happy with what I got
Thanks either way yo
Hey! So sorry I replied so late... I wasn't sure how to approach this, because I don't want to pass judgement on another culture when I'm not part of that culture while seeing things from the paradigm of my own culture only like it's so easy. I see too many people do it and it rubs me the wrong way so to speak. But I'll say this... As an aroace I am definitely grateful myself that I live in a culture that doesn't force me to get married (knock on wood), because I'd definitely feel similarly to you, I'm pretty sure.
I don't think you're being hasty and dumb for not feeling comfortable in a situation you didn't have a say in. I don't think it's as simple as a "get over yourself" matter like everyone in your surroundings seems to be implying. With that said, I don't know if any of what I'm saying is helping because I have no idea how much area of manoeuver you actually have in this situation, really. Maybe "get over yourself and be happy with what you've got" is all you can afford at that point. Still... You're valid for feeling the way you do.
That being said, unless he's the one who personally originated the arranged marriage, I doubt it's entirely the guy's fault either – as much as this is something anyone should reasonably prepare for, he probably wasn't expecting anything different than the stereotypical way most people say these things go. Not that it justifies expecting things to fall into this stereotypical place without considering the possible variables, but... Yeah. I don't want to tell you to do something that would potentially put you in danger, so please definitely disregard what I'm about to say if that doesn't feel like a safe option to you, but I hope you can talk things out with him on the long run so that he understands why you're this way with him. Of course in an ideal scenario he should understand on his own, but... Yeah it's not necessarily as simple, right? And I know even my whole thing of "talking things out is key" is idealistic thinking and doesn't always work. But in this case I wish it could TwT
Either way, to answer your first question... Deeefinitely nothing wrong with that. If it's anything that helps you get by on a day-to-day basis, by all means, hold on to it. If all else fails that's still the best thing. I hope you can stay as safe as you can T^T
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biscuitbakerbecca · 6 months
Jared Kleinman for the character asks :)
Favorite Thing About Them
Jared is so bad at communicating he reminds me a lot of myself. I have ODD so it’s a little different, but the man is an asshole in the best way possible. He is petty and gives off angry cat energy in both fandom aspects and canon. Also I appreciate that he never acted against Evan even when he had the opportunity and reason to do so, he threatened it but he kept his mouth shut. Real friend right there <3 (I could tell everyone everything! Okay great! You go ahead! Do that! Tell everyone how you helped write emails pretending to be a kid who killed himself! Fuck you Evan!)
Least Favorite Thing About Them
He doesn’t have enough screen time/show time. People mischaracterize him because his entire character is shoved into as little time as possible. I know I just said that I love how he’s an asshole but he’s more than an asshole. He’s so clearly lonely and more than just an angry kid. At least in the book they made him “hot” in the end but the show and movie pretty much get rid of him come act two
Favorite Line
Just kidding
Okay okay for real this time
Yeah I hate to tell you this Evan, but you may have already perjured yourself.
Isn’t that only when you’re under oath? Like in a courtroom?
Well weren’t you under oath? In a way?
Or from the movie (since I view them as different canons)
Connor took a letter from me. It was an assignment for my therapist.
(I’d offer a different line but Jared doesn’t have that many)
Jared and Zoe friendship!!! They hate each other they’re best friends they get drunk and cry together!!
Another excerpt of my own writing that explains this. Again my writing quality has gone up since this but oh well:
Connor rolled his eyes, "I'm saying that Evan will always be there, okay? You are so fucking stubborn, and I'm trying to be nice and make you feel better, just say thank you like a decent human being."
"You just made me feel shitty."
Connor threw his hands up, "Fuck! You're impossible!"
Zoe's voice screeched from below, "FUCK OFF! HE IS MY BEST FRIEND!"
— I don’t know what I want, but I need you. Chapter 12
Either kleinsen or kleinphy. They both have potential. All my kleinsen fics are really fluffy (soulmates, hurt/comfort, etc) and my kleinphy fics are like…rough and angsty (teen parenthood, child abuse, etc) I like both equally, but what I want to read depends on the content I’m looking for as shown by my own writing style
Nothing icky like the parents being involved obviously, otherwise Jared/Zoe fics just don’t feel right. Jared is gay. Like he has to be. The book tried telling me he liked boobs and I know Val Emmich lied. Evan was simping at the end for a reason. Jared doesn’t even have to like Evan the man is still gay. Best part of the movie but dear god at what cost? (I did like the movie I swear)
Random Headcannon
Jared has two moms, or his mother is bisexual. I tried writing him with straight parents and every single time it feels kind of wrong
Also he has a cat. Her name is Mayonnaise. Mayo for short.
Unpopular Opinion
Idk if this is unpopular or not but I’m glad they cut Goin’ Viral. It only pushes the he’s an asshole idea and even though I love the song it wouldn’t have helped his characterization. I would have liked for them to properly record the song when they released the deluxe album but apparently Disappear Pt. 2: the duet version was more important.
Also Jared Goldsmith was my favorite Jared actor other than Will Roland. Nothing can beat the Will Roland vibes
Book Jared shouldn’t have ditched his glasses and got buff, they made him too powerful. Evan couldn’t help but fall for him. Let him stay as he is don’t make him conventionally attractive!
Song I Associate With Them
Jared is such a complicated guy. His feelings are deep. He’s cringy but free. I haven’t thought about this in a while hang on…
I imagine that Jared is a pop girlie and this gives the desperate for attention vibes that I usually associate with him
And as for his inherently cringey vibes that I usually give him…
I’m not sorry
Favorite Picture Of Them
Again, we have options…
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dragondemoness · 2 years
HII!! Thank you for the Cutthroat post my friend!! I hope todays going good :D i couldn’t thank you enough for doing my requests really, feel free to send me any requests & i can do them for you😭, but anyways I’ll get started :D
Can you do Sayaka, Kaede, Miu, Celeste, Kyoko and Sonia with a S/O who has a Asuka Langley Personality from Neon Genesis Evangelion??
Thanks a ton!!
Hey hey! How's it goin?
No problem! I'm always happy to do your requests :3
As for me, I'm pretty shy about submitting requests rather than writing them, but I'll keep that in mind 🙈
Hope you enjoy!
Sayaka, Kaede, Miu, Celeste, Kyoko and Sonia With an S/O Who's Like Asuka Langley (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Sayaka Maizono 
She finds you very interesting
And kind of intense at times
You were a very proud person, especially in your talent and your appearance
Some people may have viewed you as arrogant, but Sayaka didn't
She got along with you pretty well
She noticed that you hated being bossed around or looked down on, so she was careful not to talk to you that way
You wanted to be treated as an adult, and she made sure to do so
She also enjoys your skills as a pilot, and she'll let you know
But she also doesn't inflate your ego too much
With her intuition, she can kind of guess that your personality is just a front for a much more vulnerable and insecure side of you
She can tell what you're thinking, and she's quick to comfort you in any way you need
Even if you're independent and refuse her help, she'll still do whatever she can to help you feel better
She doesn't mind that you're aggressive and opinionated, but she'll  make sure you don't get violent with anyone
Sayaka is very easy to get along with, and also very patient with you
Kaede Akamatsu 
She also found you to be very interesting
A little intense, but interesting
She also gets along with you really well
She doesn't look or talk down to you in any way
Your aggressiveness can be startling sometimes, but she can handle it
She doesn't mind if you're independent, but she makes sure to check on you and help out if she can
And she doesn't want you to suppress your emotions
She'll want you to talk about it, but she won't force you
Even so, she'll always let you know that she's there for you
She'll do her best to keep your violent tendencies in line, as well as making sure you don't get too aggressive with others
Sweet piano girl is very kind and patient with you
Miu Iruma 
The first thing she noticed about you was hearing talking about your body
If you're a female, she laughed in your face
"Hah! You think your body is busty?? You ain't shit compared to the gorgeous girl genius, Miu fuckin Iruma!"
But she's definitely got caught looking-
Or if you're a dude, she just scoffed at you
"Oh please. You're like a 5/10, don't flatter yourself."
Don't believe her, she does think you're hot
She doesn't look down on you, but she can be quite loud
Although if you match her aggressiveness with your own, she'll act all submissive and apologize
But she does a pretty good job at treating you like an adult
Her talent is also pretty helpful for you
She'll fix up a plane engine if you need her to
Just ring her up, and she'll come running
Underneath her bold persona, she's pretty insecure as well
Maybe not on the same level as you, but she can understand
She won't force you talk, but she'll listen if you want to
She's also pretty independent, so she can understand that as well
Miu may be loud, but she cares
She can even sympathize with you sometimes
Celestia Ludenburg 
She's not a big fan of outwardly aggressive people
She thinks they're not very smart
So she kind of got that vibe from you as well
You wanna be treated like an adult?
Not in her house castle
She talks down to you, and watches in amusement as you get angry with her
She loves toying with you
But she tones this behavior down once she gets to know you
And boom! You're ✨dating✨
Now she does normally treat you like an adult, but she'll still playfully treat you like a child, to tease you
She has some insecurities of her own, so she won't judge you for it
She's also quite independent, so she can't blame you for that either
 But she'll encourage you to talk to her if you need to
She'll act completely serious during these times
No teasing, no jokes, just completely silent and serious
Even though Celeste loves to tease you, she'll be serious when you need her to be
You can rely on her, and she'll be sure to let you know
Kyoko Kirigiri 
She doesn't have any issues with your aggression or your pride
As long as you're not hurting anyone, she's chill with you
You two get along surprisingly well
She talks to and treats everyone like an adult, or at least around her age
So that won't be a problem for you
She's a very mature person, and she acts that way around others too
If you're doing or saying anything out of line, she'll shut it down real quick
She can detect when you're feeling insecure, and she'll be there to talk if you need to
She was taught from a young age to suppress her emotions, and she doesn't want the same for you
So she won't force you to talk, but she will listen and do her best to help
Overall, Kyoko is basically the perfect girl for you
She doesn't judge you, or look down on you in any way
We stan detective gf 🥺
Sonia Nevermind
She also found you very interesting
Your aggression was startling at times, but she was fascinated by you
And your skills as a pilot
She thinks you're really cool
When you express how proud you are of your body, she will agree with you, no shame
She may actually fluster you sometimes
If you want to be treated as an adult, no problem!
Sonia will talk to you and treat you normally, just like she wants to be
She's grateful to you for treating her as something more than just royalty
So she'll treat you the same way
She probably wouldn't immediately notice that you were insecure, but once she finds out, she gets super concerned
She just wants her love to be happy
She can be a bit overwhelming about these things, but she'll do her best to help however she can
If you need to talk, she's there
If not, that's totally fine
She tries not to hang over you too much
She'll let you approach you when she's comfortable
Sonia may be a little oblivious, but she really does love you <3
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lordkingsmith · 6 months
January lyric prompts 2024
1. When the grey wolf howls outside my door/I wake to nothing but this swaying house and creaking floors-miles by Bobby lens
2. Leaving through the door without a word/You won't even notice, little bird/Better off dead so I reckon I'm headed to hell instead-bells in Santa Fe by Halsey
3. I’ve hid in isolation to have a conversation/with my own thoughts/so sing a duet with me till the sun sets/beyond the mountains/woah this life ain’t long/woah like silhouettes/of mountains I drink from/don’t you leave me just yet/just sing this melody- silhouettes of mountains by Timbre Shore
4. All in all I think I'm fallin' into love with afterlife/She's the ghost of Chicago/She got lost somehow/She gets married tomorrow/Oh and I'm goin' down-ghost of Chicago by Noah Floersch
5. This is a life (every possibility)/Free from destiny (I choose you, and you choose me)/Not only what we sow /(every space and every time)/Not only what we show, we (we, ooh)-this is a life by son lux
6. From lost sights/Have lilacs frozen over/Have all the trees outgrown her/Were we clean when the morning came/Cause darling the sunrise has gone slower-paper teeth by Elias Hix
7. Welcome to the party, I know it's kinda funny/That everyone is acting like they know you personally/Just play along, be nice and all/You won't get far being on your own-gladiator by Jann
8. Whip me slap me, punk funk/New York clubbers, bump drunk/Dark like liquorice, bar slam/Move it, this is your jam-heavy metal lover by lady Gaga
9. Skin is a word, love is not a sin/People are bad, people are good/Just like the moon is a stone/But it's a star when it's dark/And now she's hiding-apple tree by Aurora
10. You once made this promise /To stay by my side/But after some time you just pushed me aside/You never thought that a girl could be strong/Now I'll show you how to go on-bad boy by cascada
11. Baby after just one touch/you can never get enough/You should know I like it rough/But you'll get used to me/Baby you can count me dead/Sleep by all the things you said/But baby you look good in red, so just keep killing me-you might be the killer by harlo
12. I feel an ache where my mind was/I try to think but it's no use/Tumbleweed, bloody knees/I would crawl through broken glass to get home-possession of a weapon by ashnikko
13. And the sky was the limit/Now, the stars where we're livin'/It's the vibe when we're in it/It'll blow your mind-perfect from Trolls 3
14. I want to inhale your disease/I would do anything for you/I am guilty/I get goosebumps when you're near me/You're just like the movies/I am guilty for your love-Guilty (for your love) by Yonaka
15. Holes in your pockets watch you lose/Anything you thought was meant for you/Daddy asks you if you'll stay/Doesn't know he's the one who made you feel this way-blame the moon by Hazlett
16. Tiptoe round the circus as everyone cheers for nothing/The maddest and the broken hide behind/The thinning of the veil/I wander down the road as my friends/Are slamming doors behind me/I ponder at my own feet scrambling on without me-Tomorrow by Harrison Storm
17. But love I know if I stayed/I wouldn't live long in this cage/It's just the growing pains-growing pains by Crystal Skies & SOUNDR
18. I did send you a note/On the wind for to read/Our names there together/Must have fallen like a seed-in this shirt by the irrepressibles
19. Green where my red love lies, was it all? /Don’t wear your winning prize, let it fool/Oh, what a waste, I’ll be locked in your heaven, always /and oh, what a way, to be living with all of your pain/and oh, what a way, to be locking your heaven away /and oh, what a wave you have made-Colourway by Novo Amor
20. It's glowing/Embers barely showing/Proof of life in the shadows/Dancing on my plans-leave the city by twenty one pilots
21. I'm so tired of hiding what I feel/So here I am, not gonna disappear/Because I cannot fake it-bad girl by aviva
22. All my life, all my life/I've been chasing shiny things/Blind my face, blind my face/Save me from this suffering/Oh, can you blame my sin?/Touch me like a lover-believer by syml
23. Did you reminisce signing my death certificate?/You almost got away with it/But the reaper snitched, now you got to admit to/Your crimes, your lies/So slick, so sly, yeah-body bag by neoni
24. Nothing makes me confused/No wonder why/I'm still in hell/This is the moment, come/Now, it's time to choose-true by yoari
25. If we just wanna be free/Maybe we're better off as part-time/lovers/So sad you didn't notice/So sad you didn't notice that/"Paris hurt more for me"-part time lovers by hazlett
26. The salt on your skin when you're kissing me/We build a fire on the beach/Sometimes moments like these/Are all that we need/You lean your head against mine/And tonight everything's alright-lost by the sea by Fabian Kuhn
27. Am I a villain or a saint? Let me lead the way/Resting bitch face on the move, fuck you have to say/I know (I know, I know, I know), I am tough as a stone/I've lived a lot of life that not a lot will understand/The type of life that gives you scars before you take command-villain by Missio
28. You paved your Hades/With precious stone/Made an heirloom to patricians/And the rich alone/And the toll for crossing/I'd owe Charon/Would atrophy a half of me/The heart of gold, ah-ooh-cold by the oh hello’s
29. Lonesome roads/And the same old clothes/Radio for company/Home, my home/And these dreams of you/Are all that comfort me-Home by Max Jury
30. City's breaking down on a camel's back/They just have to go, 'cause they don't know wack/So while you fill the streets, it's appealing to see/You won't get out the county, 'cause you're bad and free-feel good inc by gorillaz
31. Right now, I'm shameless/Screamin' my lungs out for ya/Not afraid to face it/I need you more than I want to/Need you more than I want to/Show me you're shameless-shameless by camila cabello
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rimouskis · 2 years
okay inspired by @yabagofmalk I'm going to attempt to take the pens' numbers on my Spotify Wrapped and find a way to connect the song to the player.
we open with:
#87: Admit Defeat by Bastille
the universe has decided to make a mockery of sid with this song choice. ostensibly this song is about the futility of resisting your feelings for someone and needing to accept them, strong and inevitable as they are.
I admit defeat Won't be thinking 'bout anything at all tonight but...
that lyric ends with "you." but sidney crosby, oh no, he knows the real way the lyrics end. the way they SHOULD end: Won't be thinking 'bout anything at all tonight but... the crushing bitter taste of defeat. you think a song will get him to admit defeat? no. he bends the world to his will. he will swallow nothing. he will bend the very fabric of time to change the lyrics of this song. as we speak he's accosting dan smith in his recording studio and demanding he learns a more effective way to engineer sucess.
#71: СВБТ (Сатана всегда будет с тобой) by ЛЮТИК
once again the universe intervenes and gifts geno with a russian song. good. you think he's going to pay attention to english lyrics? as if.
this song is, however, about how satan is always watching you and you're doomed no matter what you do, so... much like geno, we get a nice peppy beat but he's only going to speak to the media when they team is playing like shit and someone needs to take the fall. go on, call him lucifer, he likes the drama of it all.
#58: GOD COMPLEX by Pkch
well. here. no lyrics, but a booming bass sensation that tickles the ears with plucky fun sounds. much like kris, this song spends most of its career shirking anything too serious and prefers a "no thanks" communication style, but it's charming and pretty-sounding so you'll let it slide. also it's called god complex; for a guy who's got a sense of pride, I think that's rather fitting.
#59: Kalahari Down by Orville Peck
You’ve been gone away, I’ve been riding around Running out the days, writing out a song On my daddy’s guitar Did you find your way? Skip another town? Said I couldn’t stay but it’s different now
correct, jake. your father, sidney crosby, let you borrow his "guitar" (puck, once, at practice) and then you unknowingly signed a contract to stay in pittsburgh for eternity to be sid's bestest, favoritest winger. congrats. you aren't skipping town. you signed your soul away and now you're sid's favorite child. welcome.
#8: Good As It Gets by Little Hurt
the first two lines of this song are as follows:
I'm not who I used to be I wouldn't know that guy if he was standing in front of me
need I say more? I needn't. sorry, dumo. tough luck but the crystal ball (spotify) doesn't lie.
#17: Dangerous by Set It Off
This is really my night, gonna take it right now Yeah, I'm feelin' like a Mack truck goin' downhill The people on the sidelines screaming "Slow down" But you can't kill my vibe
yeah, rusty, we're asking you to slow down because despite your enthusiasm, you are horrifyingly streaky and are also kind of compromising geno's line right now. if embodying a truck will get you your mojo back, then, please, by all means, go forth and drive, buster.
#16: Line Of Sight by ODESZA
jason's curse of being perpetually flung about the ice like a rag doll (due to his style of play, his incessant need to be a pest, and his OVERWHELMINGLY "ferda" personality) is Known to the almight Spotify:
I turn full circle round and round So will you help me down (help me down) Come grab my hand for solid ground
he does need a hand to help him off the ice every time he's been flung to it by his own enthusiasm and another player. someone help him out, please, he can't keep getting injured.
#35: About Love by MARINA
"I don't really know a lot about love", this song proclaims.
for dear tristan, we can shorten it:
"I don't really know a lot," period. or, if you desire: "I don't really know a lot about icing." maybe one day he'll figure it out. he's loved regardless.
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