#got kanade at 50 pulls
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unlikelyapricot · 23 days ago
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project-sekai-facts · 7 months ago
Could you explain how the new gacha works? It seems to include old lims but can you pick which are rate up?
Sorry for the late reply on this, basically no information on the gacha was given until today.
The Recollection Fes gacha is indeed free but you can also use paid crystals, and pity system works the exact same as regular gacha, with the exception that it extends to 200, so you need 400 regular pulls for the highest pity bonus.
You also get to select some cards, like dream pick or select list gachas. They're not guaranteed to be obtained, but they come into play on the pity system... At 300 and 400 pulls.
You do get rewards for every 10 bonus on the pity system, which is better than regular gacha. Aside from bonus 50/100/150/200, you will get 50 wish pieces for every 10 gacha bonus. On 50 bonus (100 regular pulls) you get a permanent 4* you do not already have. On 100 bonus (200 regular pulls) you will get an unobtained limited or colofes 4*, on 150 bonus you get a selected permanent 4*, and on 200 bonus you get a selected limited or colofes 4*. Limited cards are not only guaranteed by pity though, and are in the gacha pool normally, it's just random as to what cards if any you get, like any other gacha.
The cards that will be available are perm cards from a year or more before this gacha, colofes cards from 2 or more years before this gacha, and limited cards that have been rerun twice or more over 3 months before this gacha. No birthday, collab or WLE cards. I.e:
Perm 4*s up until Our Happy Ending
Colofes cards up until Honami/Shiho (aka the first half of the MC ones)
And the following limited sets:
Smile of Dreamer (Emu/Nene)
Song of Vows for You (Toya/Rui)
Absolute BEST Summer (Honami/Saki)
The Two Moon Rabbits (Shizuku/Shiho)
Scramble Fan FESTA (Minori/Kohane/Tsukasa)
My Footprints Your Destination (Mizuki/Ena)
The Tomorrow We Hope For (Haruka/Honami/Kohane)
Operation Secret Valentine (Airi/Saki/Emu)
Thrilling White Day (Tsukasa/Akito/Mizuki)
Sakura Across SEKAI (N25!Miku/Ln!Luka/VBS!Len/WxS!KAITO)
Connecting Painful Hope (Haruka/Minori/MMJ!Rin)
Wishing For Your Happiness (An/Shizuku/VBS!MEIKO)
Spojoy Park (Kanade/Minori/Ena)
Additionally, the limited gachas listed above will NOT be rerun again, and this applies to any other future limited gachas. Second rerun is the last. The only way to obtain these cards now will be through Recollection Fes or other (usually paid) gachas featuring limited cards. Not to worry though, RecoFes WILL be held again much like Select List and Fes gachas etc, though we don't have a schedule yet. My guess is not too frequently, maybe like every 6 months.
Lastly, 4* drop rate on this gacha will be doubled (like fes)!! Honestly it's a pretty good deal if you're not worried about throwing away all your gems 1 month before the anniversary dream pick gacha, but if you're an EN player you've got a year to prep and make your decision so it's not as bad. Also the gacha only lasts from tomorrow until September 1st so keep that in mind.
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pjsk-headcanons · 7 months ago
inspired by genshin anon here are my zenless zone zero hcs
ichika really enjoys the game but she cannot get perf.dodge/perf.assist/anything timing based because she is constantly listening to miku music while playing and the dissonance between the combat timing and the music timing messes with her. she is definitely a qingyi main, solely because the pigtails remind her of miku. she wants to install some skin editor mods but is terrified of being banned because of it and losing her c6 u5 qingyi
saki started playing at launch but lost interest quickly because it's not the same style of game as genshin
honami plays and is spookily good at the game. she usually just dissociates into the void. she is a soldier 11 main, the "right timing" mechanic scratches her brain.
shiho does not play but is obsessed with jane doe. she stole shizuku's login to stare at jane ingame for hours.
all of mmj "play" zzz because of a brand deal, but of the four, only shizuku and minori actually play.
minori is a bit of a klutz and like ichika, sucks at quickswap mechanics, and she mains nekomata. she has lost the 50/50 every single time she pulled, and has nekomata c6.
shizuku is a hardcore player, has been playing every day since launch, has spent all her battery charge every single day, has a timer so her charge doesn't cap & she doesn't miss out on any. her ign is something like "mr.chop luvr". she mains whoever's on banner, it changes every banner. at the moment she's a jane main, but will switch when the newest character is up.
kohane plays and mains piper because she likes her playstyle, but she doesn't actually know how to use her. she sometimes asks toya for help on stuff and he ends up going on a 3-hour-long autism infodump. she is too scared to interrupt and tell him that she just wants to know which wengine is best for piper.
toya is a hoyonerd. he's been playing since flyme2themoon and remembers the days when kiana was still "voiced by" hatsune miku (hoyo just didn't have the money to pay VA's and used a vsynth to solve the problem). is a firm believer that zzz is somehow tied to the honkaiverse despite dawei saying it is not. he is an anby main and pulled for u5 ice jade teapot for his anby.
emu plays, but not really. she likes the little games godfinger arcade has and only logs in once a week to defend her honor in top 1% of snake battle. when she does actually play tho, she mains corin.
nene plays and has horrible rng. she goes to hard pity every single time and always loses the 50/50. atp she mainly just pulls on standard banner to get closer to the 300 pull character selector - she desperately wants grace. is an anton main in the mean time.
kanade plays and really enjoys the mechanics, she didn't like genshin because of how awkward the combos always felt to her. she likes hi3 & zzz because of the character collab combos in fights, and feels great joy when she triggers chain attacks. she doesn't have a dedicated "main" because she mains koleda&ben combo.
mafuyu does not play but she would if she could - she thinks the character designs are mildly intruiging. is an ellen enjoyer, relates to ellen's uncaring meticulous methods of "cleaning". also shork gorl.
ena plays. after the mmj/zzz brand deal she got airi's discarded account that had been given c6 u5 soldier 11. does not play 11 very well, and sometimes pesters honami for tips.
— 🔆 anon (if that's not taken)
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ssruis · 9 months ago
31, 33, 34, 49, and 50 for the pjsk ask game :3
31. Favorite event?
Oh man this changes All The Time… for non mixed events it’s probably a tie btwn it’s on wonder halloween/smile of a dreamer/OHE but I feel like once I get more caught up or have to reread an event for analysis my mind will change again
33. Favorite mixed unit event?
Let’s Study Hard is so peak... Incredible mizuki and an moments. Mizuki/Rui enjoying themselves at school. Akito is in hell (always funny). Toya consistently being hysterical. All the card stories are fantastic. Tsukasa fail moment. Nene is even there for a little bit. Kamiyama crew my beloveds.
Special shout-out to doll festival (tenmas my beloveds) & pandemonium (self explanatory) which are also favorites
34.Mixed event lineup you want?
+ I want an emu/tsukasa/minori/saki/kanade event so badly… I think putting kanade in an event with 4 people who genuinely do not have an off switch is the funniest idea ever.
+ I also really want an event with the leaders.
+ an emu/airi/mizuki/Luka/saki event (pink gang)
+ or a toya/shiho/nene/kanade/niigo kaito event where there’s like. 3 words said. They all just Vibe.
+ an event with tsukasa/shizuku/an/akito (+ any other character who is competent just not like. Academically.) where they have to do a trivia competition or some other intellectual event & it’s shaking up to be a huge flop but they all pull through with their different areas of knowledge
+ event with a bunch of random characters but NOT tsukasa. and they all meet amami seiichi but have zero idea who he is. Tsukasa hears about this and dies inside.
+ siblings event…
49. a hc that came out of nowhere and has no basis in canon but it's ingrained into your understanding/portrayal of the character?
Mostly inconsequential hcs here & if any of them are contradicted in canon uhh no they aren’t </3
+ Rui on ssris is both incredibly inconsequential and also canon. To me.
+ Emu and Tsukasa both have adhd but Emu is unmedicated (& doesn’t really need to be she has systems that work)
+ rui sleeps curled up like a cat, Tsukasa sleeps sprawled out like a star fish, emu clings onto whatever’s closest when she sleeps, and nene sleeps on her back with her arms folded over her chest like a corpse.
+ I saw someone say they had the hc that tsukasa chose his room because he likes to see/hear that other people are home and that stuck with me
+ emu is scary capable of starting a long conversation with anyone like she’s incredibly good at figuring out what you’re interested in/can ramble about and asking you questions about it. This actually has basis in canon but I like to remind people.
+ I think I’ve talked abt it on here before but I think tsukasa having a fictional character crush on the normal virtual singer kaito when he was younger & not realizing it is an incredibly funny idea. He’s like “yeah idk why I just used to really like the character. Whatever (doesn’t analyze this further even when the wxs sekai manifests).” Wxs Kaito knows this but he’s not saying shit because it’s not relevant anymore but it DOES make him side eye tsukasa incredibly hard whenever tsukasa is like “these must be normal best friend feelings I’m feeling towards rui.”
+ technically rin and len being twins is a head canon but I’m sorry that’s so stupid they’re twins to me
+ nene experiences gamer rage. Wxs operate under the assumption that she doesn’t really get Super Angry until they’re at her house and see her die to a boss in a fromsoft game/fail a platforming section for the 30th time and she’s Seething.
+ mmj could survive if they got stranded in the wilderness. Would they make it back to civilization though? Only if they don’t trust shizuku with directions.
+ emu & mizuki fashion buddies… gestures at area convo where mizuki is like she seems like she has good taste. I also just want them to be closer friends.
+ rui listens to video essays/informational podcasts/documentaries while he works and this is (partially) how he’s gained so much knowledge about random topics
+ saki is capable of making the most intricate woven string bracelets of all time & will make them for her loved ones based on their interests.
+ shizuku can play “old people” games (mahjong, mancala, etc) scarily well… don’t play against her or you’ll lose…
50. A hot take?
I think I say my hot takes often & without any restraint so it’s hard to throw one out that I haven’t mentioned before uhh
+ fanbase has a misogyny problem. Who’s shocked (no one). Not even a hot take but I see a lot of people get mad when this is said like. please look up what an implicit bias is.
+ I don’t trust people who only talk about tsukasa with any character takes (including ones about tsukasa they straight up Do Not Get Him) because they’re incapable of viewing other characters outside of their relationship to him. I also don’t trust them in general & find them irritating. & this is coming from someone who talks abt him a lot.
+ you Need To Interact With The Canon Text because if you rely solely on how the fanbase portrays characters you’re going to walk away with the completely wrong characterization. Also the stories are good so you should really be doing that anyways.
+ actually very unhelpful and irritating to reduce female characters down to like one trait and then pretend you’re a fan of them bc 90% of the time the trait is wrong. Nene for example I see so many bad takes on because people think she’s a girl boss (???) 24/7 hater (??????) who never says anything nice about her friends (??????????)
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kerizaret · 1 year ago
Ive just done my 100th pull and still no kanader or enanan. i got some random 4* akito for my guarantee bonus ←i havent read vbs
life is cruel but we persist (joke)
Man that sucks that so mucchhhh,,, a hundred pulls too! It's always the cards we dont care about... the gacha in this game is truly the worst 😔
I'm rooting for you, hopefully one of them will manage to come home until the banner ends 🙏 let us persist together (<- did 150 pulls on wd2 and now tried like 50 on wd1 and got nothing on either)
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an-inspired-eternity · 2 years ago
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they feel slightly emotionally hollow because despite really loving this card and it’s outfit they have spent over 50 pulls hoping to get the banner hona and kanade or off-banner fes rui and when they got an off-banner fes card it wasn’t him
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prefixsstars · 2 years ago
100 pulls and no Rui count your fucking days. I got fucked over twice by Kanade and Mafuyu. 49.5 and then 50.
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aiher · 11 months ago
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(she/her, 15!!) i'm aiher, an infp + aquarius. currently into light novels, games and quick snacks. people say that i'm usually so out of it every time they speak to me, but i'm actually just making sure I don't end up pulling a weird face.
LIKE: kanade focus comms/events, brooklyn 99, cinnamon rolls, kanade yoisaki covers, galaxy cookie crunch, rom-coms, twice, a cool breeze in the summer heat, iyowa, meltdown akikoha cover (u will be missed <\3), wrong number irene and seulgi cover, living millennium luka ver.
DISLIKE: low/no storage, not being able to play the things i like, old devices, losing a 50/50, getting an off rate character, peanut butter, caramel, being too warm, waking up too cold, waking up sweaty, waking up, feeling hungry, arms hurting, dance monkey, lower one's eyes master chart.
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LUCY + ANJO NALA + 6 + YENISEI, "lets be limited and not tell 6&yenisei" "lets be 6* and not tell yenisei" i finally got the hang of building characters and OMG. this team is so satisfying... i end every battle with 4 turns or under... i love it, but im sad i never get to see the true extent of lucy's power
CAPRICCIO + SCIRE + LOST LULLABY, all of them are actually built!!!..... with the exception of karen&selenas sigs... i dont have that kind of money ok?? 😭😭😭 anyway dark teams r and will always be my go-to
HIMEKO + RUAN MEI + LUOCHA + HTB, alright, alright, i gave in and built tb... TBH i love playing break with himeko, it's so satisfying~~~ that isn't to say i don't use xueyi!!! she's an amazing qua unit (at least, for me) but himeko will always be no.1 in my heart...
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CHAINSAWMAN PART2, can someone please save my girl asa from that wretched demon's bs???? give her a break...
GIRL MEETS ROCK, currently in the early chapters, don't know where exactly because they have it in volumes... peak manga doe
NO GYARU IN THIS CLASS, this is sosososoSOOOOOOO cute. like. actually adorable
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mothbaaalls · 23 days ago
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fyodoro · 2 years ago
Project Sekai Characters I can take in a fight
This post has no underlying meaning I just needed to do this
Ichika - absolutely, she could probably get one good hit in but not a good one.
Saki - Yes. No comment.
Honami - she’d start crying and I’d feel kinda bad so 50/50
Shiho - She’s all bark and no bite, but probably has strong punches. I’d win though
Minori - Yes.
Haruka - definitely pulls hair, gets a slap across the face in but otherwise i still win
Airi - First mf on this list that can definitely fight, it’s be a tough one ngl but i’d hold through until she inevitably wins
Shizuku - yes, she cannot fight for shit but she might call her sister
Kohane - Yes. But would call An after
An - i call this one a draw
Akito - Tell him his singing is ass and kick him in the shin and he’s done
Toya - yes.
Tsukasa - Yes no comment
Emu - this girl definitely pulls hair as well, but that’s all she’s got so yes.
Nene - No.
Rui - Throw a vegetable at him and he’s done
Kanade - Yeah.
Mafuyu - NO.
Ena - Another draw, she got real close though
Mizuki - another close one, they stopped trying half way through
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transmascyuki · 3 years ago
more gacha posting because I barely ever do gachas kxskdkskkdks
the first one is to show the 3★ (star) 25ji Rin I got bc I didn't have time to screenshot but I love her sm
my biggest flex is getting 3/5 of the featured 4★ (stars) of this gacha in only 50 pulls
also Kanade and W×S Miku 3★ (star) bc I love them
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stargazer-balladeer · 2 years ago
I THINK IT'S FUNNY HOW I GOT MAYOI'S SANRIO CARD BEFORE I GOT NIKI'S- (and on my 16th pull too!!! I got Mayoi pretty early AND I got Haruka's bday card on ProSekaEN without too much trouble too o.o My gacha luck is going to everyone EXCEPT Cyno qwq)
NICEE CONGRATS 👏👏👏 LMAO NIKI WAS PLAYING HARD-TO-GET — i can relate with mika 🥹🥹 bb’s 4* in midori’s dollhouse gacha came home after 50 pulls help-
Prosekai keeps giving me kanade >:(( like yeah i like her but do i really need THREE separate 4* cards of KANADE??? PLS- KASNSHSGS
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a-student-out-of-time · 4 years ago
Let’s kick Mavedick!
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You see? There it is. Violence: the universal language.
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The only way your beliefs can stand up is by denying the real world: someone wants you gone.
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...Look, if you brought me here to kill me-
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And make you a martyr? Don’t be ridiculous.
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...This...This doesn’t prove anything. You could be lying to me, just trying to gauge my reaction.
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Just like I know you’ve been gaslighting Kana.
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Oh? You still won’t accept she’s your sister?
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That I can accept. What I won’t accept is you saying my Dad cheated on my Mom. 
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What makes you want to believe in them so strongly? I thought they were hardly ever around for you.
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That might be true, but I know them. My parents love each other. They’re good people, and I know they care about me. There’s no way my Dad would ever cheat on her, and there’s no way he’d abandon Kana.
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So where did Kana come from then? Hm?
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Why do you even care so much about her? You didn’t even know she existed a week ago.
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I believe in them because I want to believe in them.
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*He sits back in his chair*
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Just out of curiosity, what are you intending? I don’t imagine you have it all planned out yet, but are you going to introduce Kana to your parents? Ask how she’s related to you?
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You’re putting a lot of faith into something you have no proof of. For all you know, you’d be the one destroying your parents’ marriage by introducing them to Kana. Wouldn’t be the first time you and your friends screwed something up with your “good” intentions.
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I didn’t brainwash them or hypnotize them, you know. Kanon, Damian, Yuki, Kana, Kizuna, they all came to this island because I offered them the chance. Your actions gave them that little nudge toward it.
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And be real, Nanami-san. They were the ones you came for. You don’t really care much for the other people on this island, do you?
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That’s...o-of course I do!
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Do you know anyone else’s name?
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It’s funny too, you know? You and Kasugano made that big spiel about how you were going to change all of Japan, but what have you done, really? You’ve saved maybe a handful of people, put a serial killer away and got another one killed.
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Or did you quietly dispose of Genocider Syo alongside Otonokoji Kanade?
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Ah. I see.
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But be honest, now. Did you know them in a past life or something? Is that why you got rid of them quietly? Didn’t wanna make it a big deal?
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Syo’s not part of this anymore. You don’t need to worry about it.
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…So, this person slices up a bunch of guys, crucifies them and writes “Bloodbath fever” in their blood and you’re protecting their identity. But when someone like me or Otonokoji Kanade comes along, we’re irredeemable?
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It’s not the same thing!
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Jeez, no need to get angry. I’m just asking simple questions.
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Maybe it’s just that you want to protect your friends?
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…Why are you doing this?
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What? It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I mean, realistically, the human brain can only handle a certain amount of information at a time.
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Truth is, we all care about our own communities and our own groups more than we do the rest of the world. People will talk about what’s good for the world, but they can’t comprehend how big it is or what every single person out there needs or wants. Nor should they, really.
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You wanna know what’s been happening out there in the world at large? Just earlier this month, people all over the world started protesting an Islamophobic movie. There were protest, riots, arson and even murders. I think the death toll’s over 50 and almost 700 people were injured.
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And back in July, there was that guy in America who shot a movie theater, calling himself “The Joker.” Did you hear about that?
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There was a plane crash in Pakistan that killed almost 300, the largest power outage in human history, the last member of a species of Tortoise died, a whole bunch of countries severing diplomatic ties with each other...
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Not to mention the ongoing problems in so much of the world, like poverty, disease, war, corruption, oppression, crime and who knows what else. Yet here you all are, trying to be the big heroes for saving these people. These people you know just enough about for them to matter.
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I assure you, these people are already safe. The end is coming soon, and this island’s gonna be one of the few safe places on the planet.
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With you in charge?
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Naturally. Who else?
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Unlike most people out there, I actually understand how people operate. What they really need is a guiding voice, a handsome face and a gun to keep them in line. To keep them from killing each other.
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Do you really think you’ll be saving anybody? Dragging them off this island when they clearly don’t want you to and throwing them into a furnace that’s about to be lit?
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So what about their families?
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Well, I’ve made arrangements for them as well. As long as certain conditions are met.
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What conditions?
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Let’s not worry about that. This isn’t about me, this is about you.
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Do you really think you have what it takes to stop the end? You really think you can save anybody?
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You’re not gonna trick me! I know what I’m doing is right!
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Jeez, I ask simple questions and you flip out on me.
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I’m sick of talking to you. I’m sick of hearing about all the pain you’ve caused these people. And I’m sick of this island.
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Did you forget? They’re only here because of what you and your friends did.
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I mean, did you give any thought to this before you joined up? Was this always about the world or just your friends?
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Hajime, there’s no way you can solve this all by yourself, and I can’t let you knowing what I know now, especially not when you have a twisted ankle.
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And there’s no way I can just let any of this happen to our friends. Not when there’s something I can do.
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So I’m in. I’m gonna help you.
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Did you ever think you were in a position when you could make any kind of choices you wanted?
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Oh, are you flirting with my boyfriend, Nijiue-san?
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N-Nanami-san! Umm, I…I- uh…n-no, not at all!
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Aww, no need to get so embarrassed. I think it’s cute.
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You all point the finger at me for breaking the law, but what about all the laws you’ve broken? All the other people whose lives you’ve impacted for your own plans?
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Is everything clear on your end?
*In the Mall’s public announcement room, where both doors are held shut with chairs*
*Chiaki pulls her bluetooth away from the mic and puts it back on*
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It all went through. I think everyone heard it.
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Now I gotta hurry before security shows up!
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No. Please just…don’t, okay?
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We all made our choices, and if this is what you all think is the best option, then okay, we’ll go through with it. I’m just really tired of talking about at this point.
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What’s important is we still have a bunch of criminals running around on the streets that we need to catch. We need to get to that right away, and being angry and petty about this isn’t going to fix anything.
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And even with your “good” intentions, haven’t you seen some terrible things?
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I could’ve had so much, and I was so close this time! All I had to do was wait for Kotoko to hit puberty! Can you imagine what some people will pay for a sexy little bitch like that?! They offered 50,000 yen just for the pictures I sent them!
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You sent them pictures of your own daughter…
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Why not? I’m her father, I can decide what I want to do with her. She’s my responsibility.
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What about all the horrible things happening in the world? You know they’re up in arms over my announcement, and some of them are calling for your heads. But it goes beyond just that: what about all the horrible things people have said and done to you?
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I-I didn’t mean to cause any trouble, I just-
“Nobody wants you here, rich girl.”
“Aww look, it’s muffintop!”
“Pick up a real game for once.”
“Stop acting like you’re a real gamer, bitch.”
“What, you won’t look me in the eye? You think you’re better than us?”
“All you do is sit there playing that stupid game. You’re useless.”
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You see now, don’t you?
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There’s nothing worth saving, and you’re hardly the kind of person who could make a difference. Stop this pointless struggle, and just let the world die.
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