#got a tiktok today where the creator was gasping
ithinkimauggie · 16 days
Deleted tiktok, i am finally free lets go gamers
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s65ns · 6 months
Out of Time - Chapter One.
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Out of Time Masterlist
Previous Part: Prologue / Next Part: Six Months
⚠️ TW: Mentions of Cancer ⚠️
word count: 2k words
Chapter One: One Year
evelyn's pov.
"Harry," I said. I waited for his gaze to move from the TV to me before continuing, "I really have to get going."
"I heard you and I said okay." he replies.
I sigh shaking my head and remove myself from the couch. Clearly, he wasn't getting the message.
"That means get out."
Harry gasps. A mock look of hurt on his face as he places a hand over his heart.
"Evie...are you kicking me out?" he says, voice wavering to sell his facade.
"Yes, Harry, I am." I said rolling my eyes and heading to my room. I hear the couch springs bounce, signaling that Harry was following me.
It's been three months since Harry and I first met on that fateful September day. I avoided him and his vow to take me on a date as if it were the plague. I responded to his text messages and held conversation when necessary, but whenever he brought up the topic of going out, I would suddenly vanish.
Once a month had gone by and I saw he was still very persistent to take me on a date, I finally caved and said yes. I made sure to make it clear to him that it was just to commemorate our friendship just like he had said in the parking lot. I told him that I wasn't looking for anything romantic because they usually never ended well for me.
"You never know...things could end differently with me." Harry said shooting me a wink before proceeding to take a sip of his wine.
I remember blushing profusely and immediately changed the subject.
We got to learn a good bit about each other that night. I learned that he's a 29-year-old author with three highly acclaimed books—two of which I've read.
When he asked me what I thought of his books, I tried my best to downplay how in love with them I was, but I failed miserably. A slight rosy tint covered his cheeks as I complimented how well-written everything was from the characters to the scenery down to the death of the main character's dog. Everything about his books were beautiful.
"Thank you, thank you. Now enough about me, what about you? What do you do for a living?" he asked.
"Well, my name is Evelyn West. I am 22 years old, and I am an artist. I post some of my work on Instagram and TikTok. They get a decent number of views and likes. Sometimes with the weird algorithm they've got a random video of mine will blow-up and I get a lot of notice, but other than that I would say I'm just a small creator."
Harry nodded along to everything I said.
"I would love to see some of your work, Evelyn." he said with a small smile.
From there, I showed him some of my art and little videos showing how I created them. We went back and forth asking each other questions and sharing some slightly embarrassing moments we've had in our lives.
Fast forward to three months later and Harry and I's relationship is flourishing beautifully.
"Where are you going again?" Harry asks stopping in the doorway of my bedroom.
"I have a follow-up appointment with my oncologist today and I'm about to be late for it because of you." He rolled his eyes as he plopped on my bed.
"Can I come with you?" I pause for a moment.
"No, you cannot." I said proceeding to find some clothes to wear. I already have a hard time letting Harry see me as I am right now, I don't need him to be there when the doctor tells me I am only going to get worse.
"Why not?" he asks rolling over to face me.
"Because it would be weird if you came."
"How so?"
"It just would be." I say beginning to get annoyed.
"But why?" he asks teasingly. Harry knew he was working my nerves. I picked my bra up and chucked it at him. He lets out a deep laugh as he picks up my bra and places it over his eyes.
"Oh wow! This is a great sleeping mask!" I let out an exasperated gasp. I quickly ran over to the bed and pounced on him.
Harry laughed as I continued my assault. He grabbed my waist to steady me on his lap. Harry then flipped me over.
I giggled as his fingers tickled my sides. I writhe under him trying to get out. Harry grabs a hold of my wrists in one hand as the other continues to tickle me.
I can hear Harry's breathy laugh above me as the pace of his fingers begin to slow down.
I slowly stop moving, trying to calm myself down. Our eyes connect and it's not lost on me what position we are in. We stay there for a moment just taking each other in. I don't miss how Harry's eyes bounce back and forth between my eyes and my lips.
I clear my throat feeling my cheeks get hot as time passes by. I glance over at the clock on my nightstand to help calm myself down.
The time read 3:15 PM. I gasped and pushed Harry off me. My appointment is at 3:30 and I had gotten distracted.
"Crap, Harry. I'm going to be so late." I said as I began to strip, completely disregarding Harry still being in the room.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Harry look over at me, but immediately look away.
By the time I had finished getting dressed it was already 3:23. I grabbed my purse and keys and made my way to the door.
I felt a hand clasp my wrist. I locked eyes with Harry. He had a look of plea on his face, and I immediately knew what he was about to ask.
Too concerned about running late, I caved in and let Harry come to the appointment with me.
"Dr. Ansley will see you shortly." the nurse said, placing my file in the black pocket on the wall.
"Thank you." I said with a smile. As the nurse shut the door, my eyes immediately went over to Harry. I watched as his eyes took in the oncologist's office. His eyes scanned the room like they had never seen a doctor's office before.
Granted the oncologist's office looked a little fancier, I admired his fascination.
Cute. I thought to myself. Suddenly, Harry looked over at me. I began blushing profusely for being caught staring.
The door opened and in walked Dr. Ansley.
"Good afternoon, Ms. West. How are you today?" she asked while walking over to her desk.
"I'm doing alright, thank you."
"Good. Good. Any discomfort?" I shake my head 'no' as my leg begins to bounce. Once the appointment has officially begun, we go through the usual procedure. She asks me how I am, if I am feeling anxious, and if I have any concerns regarding my treatments or what is to come in the future.
Next, I have to have some blood drawn. Dr. Ansley shows me to the bloodwork section and tells me to wait there. Harry follows along quietly. He seems deep in thought, but also very attentive to every little detail Dr. Ansley says. After my blood is drawn, I am sent back to Dr. Ansley's office.
"Alright, Ms. West. The moment we've both been dreading." I sigh, sadness overtaking me as I know what we have to discuss next.
"Would you like your boyfriend to step out?" Getting ready to protest Harry being my boyfriend, I turn to see his eyes are already on me. I give him a small smile before telling Dr. Ansley she can continue.
Dr. Ansley begins by explaining the same old, heart-wrenching information that I already know. I guess she does it more for Harry's sake than my own.
"With that being said...since your breast cancer is no longer in the early stages of stage four, you may have chemotherapy sessions once every two to four weeks and then have a break. You'll need about eight cycles of chemo, before we can take our next steps. Though stage four breast cancer is not curable, we can try our best to prolong your lifespan."
I nod my head in understanding, willing back the tears that dare to fall from my eyes. I don't want to die. From my peripheral vision, I see Harry glance over at me. He places a reassuring hand on my knee and begins to rub soothing patterns. I look over and give him a weak smile as he gives me one in return. I let my eyes trail down to Harry's hand and place my hand over his.
"How long," Harry pauses to clear his throat before he continues to speak, "How long does she have?" Dr. Ansley gives Harry a sympathetic smile.
"Evelyn has anywhere between one to three years to live." A cold shiver runs down my spine. I'd never asked the doctors how long they think I'd have. I figured it would be better not to know so I wouldn't live everyday with the constant anxiety about what's to come.
"I know this can be a hard pill to swallow, especially with you guys being so young, but there are resources available to help you guys through this. We offer therapy to help you guys talk out how you're feeling through this trivial time, especially you, Evelyn. We highly encourage you out of everyone to speak. Without a doubt from the outside, we know it's difficult, however, you are the only one who is really dealing with it on the inside. You are the one that knows what is running rampage in your mind. So we highly encourage you to please visit one of our therapists. I'm more than happy to recommend you to one of my choosing." Dr. Ansley says.
She gives us a second to let the news sink in by excusing herself from the room. She tells us that once we are finished, we can check out and try to enjoy the rest of our day.
Harry and I sit in silence. It's so quiet we can hear the ticking of the clock and the rustling of the leaves outside. Harry doesn't move to say anything and neither do I. As time passes by, the silence begins to eat away at me. Harry's hand still rests on my thigh as I feel my head getting heavy and my eyelashes begin to flutter close. I lean my head on Harry's shoulder. I keep my eyes closed as he shifts in his seat. I can feel his eyes watching me. I can almost picture the curious look on his face.
"Come on, Evie. Let's get you home." Harry says softly. I shake my head 'no' and continue to snuggle up to him.
"I'm sure you would be more comfortable in your bed at home." he says shrugging his shoulder ever so slightly. I grunt in protest as a means to tell him to stop.
"I just wanna stay here like this. You're so comfortable and warm." I murmur. I hadn't notice how cold Dr. Ansley's office was until now. I still feel his eyes on me. Harry lets out a breathy laugh.
"In the doctor's office? Really?" he asks. I nod. A few minutes pass before Harry speaks up again.
"Tell you what. We get up now and start heading home, I'll give you all the cuddles in the world." he says. I can hear the grin in his voice.
"Promise?" I ask.
"I promise." Harry says. He begins to rub soothing circles onto my thigh again and places a chaste kiss to my head. I sigh in contentment before standing up and putting my jacket on.
Harry watches me with a slight smile on his face. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, and we head out of the office.
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gingeraleluke · 3 years
𝘁𝗮𝘀𝗸 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: vinnie hacker x influencer!fem!reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: you and vinnie try to keep your relationship under wraps throughout a wild game of real life among us.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: swearing, (it’s among us, so ✨murder✨) anxious reader, pure fluff
𝗔/𝗡: this was requested by @morganwilliams !! i hope i did this request justice!
THIS IS A LONG ONE!! really really hope you guys like it :)
this is based off of james charles’ among us in real life 2 video
whenever someone asked you about your career, you were never a hundred percent sure what to say. “i stand in front of a camera and make shitty jokes for a living” just didn’t have a nice ring to it.
you often found yourself settling on the term influencer, but it was hard to see yourself as someone who influenced people.
sure, you’d talk about things you enjoy doing and maybe sprinkle in some opinions or two, but the idea of you having the power to form someone’s day or perspective on life was draining. you never saw your content as a job, yet it was the only income of money in your life.
the bottom line was, you were grateful for living such a rare and unique lifestyle.
your boyfriend was too.
you weren’t close with a lot of content creators, but you did end up forming a bond with dixie d’amelio and her sister charli.
the three of you got along really well and would film tiktoks whenever you were together. while you already had a following, your view count skyrocketed after being featured on the sisters tiktoks. it was overwhelming, but they helped you through it.
dixie was always there for you whenever you needed a break and someone to lift your spirits, while charli was always there for you when you needed to rant or a shoulder to cry on. the two girls knew you better than most, and when they invited you to join them in a james charles video, you were extremely nervous. even more nervous when they told you that james insisted to have you join.
you wanted to say no, but after them promising you that it would be fun, you decided against it. you had never met james, despite him being close with the sisters, and you were really excited to finally meet him and whoever else would be there.
you were in a groupchat with dixie and charli, the three of you discussing the event. everyone was bringing dates, except james, meaning that there would be eleven people in total if y/n went.
dixie was bringing noah, her boyfriend who you had only talked to through facetime when he called her while you were with her. he seemed nice on the phone and you were sure you’d get along since you were close with dixie. charli told you that she was bringing larray, someone you had never met in real life either. you knew james would be there, obviously, but that was it.
you decided to reach out to james and let him know that you were nervous, but excited to meet him. the two of you chatted through dms and he informed you on who was scheduled to be there. he wanted you to bring a date too. anyone, as long as they were an influencer of some kind, and you immediately thought of your boyfriend. so you texted vinnie, who was down with the idea.
the only people you knew there were dixie, charli, and vinnie. you weren’t good with first impressions and vin knew that.
“i will be there with you the whole time! and it’s gonna be really fun, i know it.” he kisses your temple and rubbed your shoulders. he always had a way with reassuring you.
when you arrived, you were met with a grinning james. he gave you and vinnie hugs before opening the door and letting you in. he wanted the reveal to be a suprise so he lead the two of you to a guest room with suits and accessories laid out on a bed. james was already in gear, a white space suit on his body.
you and vinnie were the last ones to arrive, leaving three colors left to choose from. the rest of the crew mates were waiting in a living room.
“okay, so these are the options left, and we have little accessory thingys to choose from, so i will leave you guys here and you can pick between these and when you are done just meet me at the bottom of the stairs and i’ll introduce you to everyone. okay?” james rambled as you and vinnie looked over at the items left.
“okay, cool. sorry we were late!”
“no, no! don’t be, it’s okay!”
before walking out, he pulled you to the side. “i just wanted to say, dixie told me about you guys and i promise not to say anything about y’all’s relationship, i get it. and don’t worry if something gets caught on film, okay? i can edit it out, just have fun!” you whispered a quick thank you and he gave you another hug before closing the door, leaving you and vinnie to get changed.
“what color do you want?” you asked.
there was brown, black, and pink left.
“i call black!” you reached out and grabbed the suit, holding it up to your body.
“hey, i wanted black!”
“too bad, it’s mine.”
“fuck, i guess i’ll take pink then..”
you ripped off your shirt, leaving you in a bra before zipping up the suit. it was hot as fuck outside and you knew you’d melt if you wore something heavy underneath. you and vinnie made slight eye contact every few seconds, while jumping into your costumes.
“pink looks good on you, babe.” you giggle.
he smiles and picks up a headband with horns on it.
“ooo!” you zipped up the jacket before running over to look at the options. a gasp left your lips once you saw the fuzzy cat ears and you swiftly placed them on your head.
“lovey, look it!” you turn to vinnie with a smile on your face as you point to you cat ears.
“aww.” vinnie coos, wrapping his arms around your back.
“in all serious babe, we need to make sure we keep this under wraps.” you state.
“keep what?”
“oh..” his mouth lowers into a slight frown as he plays with your hair. “yeah, i know.”
“we don’t want to start any drama and i don’t want either of us to get hate, so just… i don’t know- keep your distance today.”
“oh.. okay. i see how it is.” he crosses his arms, a charming expression resting on his face.
“no- not like a big distance! just ya know… try and look platonic.” he simply nods at your words before you both walk down the stairs to meet james.
“ahh!! you look so good, oh my god!” he gushes before leading you two to meet the rest. as you step through the house, voices louder and louder. you were already overwhelmed by the amount of people you could here. you turned a corner and was met with eight people, all sitting around a couch, chatting. lights were set all around them, illuminating the bright colors they wore.
you gulped and felt vinnies hand interlock with yours. he lightly squeezed before letting go, his way of letting you know that he was there.
i hope no one saw that.
after meeting everyone, we all settled down and stood around a table, a black backdrop behind us. you tried to keep some space between you and vinnie and decided not to stand next to him, but to stand next to james and dixie instead. charli stood behind you while vinnie stood behind james. you turned your head to the right and was met with vinnie who was already looking at the back of your head. he was still close by, but far enough to go unnoticed. he smiled at you and you smiled back, before quickly turning around as james started his introduction.
you were too nervous to comprehend fully what he was saying, but snapped out of it once it was time to introduce yourself.
“quen, purple.”
“nas, cyan.”
“dixie, blue!”
“charli, green.”
“y/n, black!”
“james, white.”
“nai, orange.”
“vinnie, pink!”
“larray, red.”
“chase, lime.”
“noah, yellow.”
we cheered before gathering to the table. you and charli both picked the cat ears and gushed over how you guys matched. you tried to act natural, but you’ve never been in such a foreign setting and the fact that you had to keep your relationship with vinnie a secret, didn’t help. the only people who knew you two were dating was charli, dixie, noah and james. everyone else had no idea.
you stayed with charli, chase on the other side of you as you guys waited to get your cards. vinnie was talking to charli about something, so you decided to be brave and spark a conversation with chase.
“so.. was like your first choice?” he looked over at you, a phone in his hand ready to film.
“huh? oh, no, not really.. i didn’t mind though.” you just nodded.
“hey, you and charli match!” he smiled, pointing at your headband with cat ears on it.
“oh, yeah!”
“that’s so cute!” he giggled, looking down at his feet. he shifted forwards in the line.
“yeah.. what do you have?” you reached out to grab whatever was on his head.
“oh, it’s a leaf.” he bent his head down so his hair was on full display, showcasing the headpeice.
“how cute!” vinnie couldn’t help but overhear the conversation. he knew chase was single and that you were his type on paper. he wouldn’t have to worry about him hitting on you, if he knew y’all were dating, but he didn’t.
you nodded, looking down at the table in front of you. you found yourself wanting to continue the conversation with him.
“so, did you- where you in the last one?” he looked into her eyes, “the last james among us video, i mean.” you chuckle awkwardly.
“oh! yeah, no i wasn’t. this is my first time.” you both made eye contact before making your way to the other side of the table and grabbed your cards. you looked up to see vinnie across from you. you gave him a small smile and he looked at you with a straight face. for a quick second, you were sure he was upset with you, but then he sent a sly wink your way, causing you to suppress a chuckle.
charli placed her hand on your shoulder. “you’re gonna be alright, right?”
“yeah! yeah, i think i’ll be okay..” you nodded.
“okay, i’m gonna be here if you need me, just come and find me okay? if you get overwhelmed, let me know and we can talk to james about it.”
“thank you, charli.” you hugged her and she kissed your head.
“now go have fun!” charli made her way outside.
you held your camera before walking towards the back of the house where the asteroids were. you opened your card and showed it to the camera.
“im innocent, y’all!” you exclaimed before looking over your tasks.
1: fix the wires
2: bell grab
3: ball toss
4: puzzle
seems easy enough
“alright, y’all! i don’t know… where the fuck i am.” i walked out of the room and made my way into a hallway. i didn’t notice chase walking behind me until he spoke up.
“where you off to?”
“JESUS! oh my god, you scared the fuck outta me!” you playfully hit his arm before turning around and continuing your way through the house. “i don’t know, honestly. i have to fix the wires though..”
“oh, cool.” he nodded, his camera recording him and the girl walking.
noah started to approach them. “oh hey.”
“oh hey!” chase said.
“hey huddy.”
“hi noah..” you smiled and reached your hand out. noah high fives it before saying a small “hey y/n..” and walking by you and chase. you found the room with the wires and you and chase went your separate ways.
when you entered the room, you were met with a bright pink jumpsuit.
“hey, pretty girl.” he smirked. they were alone, the red light illuminated their faces.
“you are so lucky im holding the camera…”
“what?” he shot her a puzzled look, causing her to stare.
“yeah, ‘oh.’ vinnie, you need to be careful…”
“i know, i know… im sorry. from now on, we barely know eachother.” he placed his hand on his chest and you shot him an uncertain face before nodding and fixing the wires. you both kept your cameras out, making sure to edit this conversation out later.
all of a sudden, a body was reported.
“oh, shit..” vinnie stated. you both looked at eachother in suprise. “someone’s dead!” you walked quickly to the main room. “already??” you asked your camera.
when the couple entered the room, larray walked by and started talking to james who was playing dead on the floor.
“james is dead, you can’t talk to him.” vinnie stated.
“couldnt care less!” larray replied, causing y/n to laugh.
the group started conversing and chase admitted to finding the body.
“okay, you were at the puzzle.. y/n, where were you?”nas asked.
“i was fixing the wires with vinnie.”
stay cool, y/n. stay cool.
“where were you, nas?” you asked.
“i was outside by the vent thing.”
“BY THE VENT THING?!” charli yelled. you immediately started cracking up and grabbed charlis arm to keep yourself steady.
“WHY WERE YOU BY THE VENT?!” you two were cracking up and everyone else started yelling at nas.
“he came up to me, and was trying to kill me!” larray shouted over the noise.
while nas shared his defense, nai cut everyone off.
“should we skip!? should we skip? we have thirty seconds, should we skip or are we voting?” larray stood next to her, nodding his head as everyone decided to skip.
“okay guys…” y/n spoke into the lens, “i have to try not to die, because clearly, there is a murderer on the loose.”
you turned around at the sound of your name being called. charli waddled up behind you in her green suit.
“hi, i’m scared and don’t want to be alone.” she explained looking into her camera, causing you to laugh.
“no, because same! what task do you have?”
charli pulled out her card and you scanned it.
“i have the bell grab too! i think it’s over here.” you pointed as charli followed behind you.
“hi, charli!” noah greeted, walking by you two. you both said hello before finding the bell grab station.
“oo! okay, so i have to jump and try and grab the bell.”
charli went first, starting off in small bounces on the trampoline.
“you’ve got this!”
her hair blew in her face as she laughed breathlessly, reaching her arm out to hit the bell. she kept jumping until you heard a light ring.
“i did it!” she jumped off and wrapped her arms around you, causing you to almost drop your camera. “that was harder, than i thought it’d be!” she was out of breath as she watched you step on the trampoline.
you hit the bell in the first try, charli’s mouth agape. “no way!”
“i can’t believe i did that!” you angled your camera to show the two of you in shock.
charli moved into the house, while you walked to the other side of the backyard to the ball toss.
an emergency meeting was called before you could get there. you and noah entered the meeting last, you both stood to the side of the table. you looked up at your boyfriend who was trying his best to stay cool despite how cute you looked with your hair all messed up from jumping and your cat ears.
“what happened?” vinnie shrugged.
“you called this shit?” quen asked looking at charli.
charli explained that quen reached for her knife while they were alone doing asteroids. the group was now trying to figure out who was lying as the two girls yelled at eachother. dixie walked up to noah, now standing next to you. “do you think charli is lying?”
“i can’t tell..” you said, before slamming your hand on the table. “WAIT! guys, listen.” people continued to talk over you, making vinnie scream ‘shut up’ at the top of his lungs. everyone’s eyes were on vinnie.
“y/n has something to say.”
“thank you! okay, so i almost forgot, me and charli did the bell grab together, and she never tried to kill me, so i don’t think it’s her..”
“right, but you two are close, right? so she wouldn’t kill you.” nas explained.
before you could answer, quen added, “yeah, how do we know you aren’t the imposter? it’s probably you and charli!”
it was time to vote and it was a tie, meaning no one got ejected.
“okay, bitches.” you were out of breath from walking around the house, but you had to make your way to the basketball court. “i still have to do the stinkin ball toss…” your sneakers hitting the ground and the conversations from afar was the only thing you could hear. “so… i see nothing but trees and tiktokers… life is crazy!” you held the camera up and made a fuckboy face before doing the ball toss and making your way back to the house.
“hey guys!” you smiled as larray and nai walked by you, heading towards the station.
“hey, y/n! don’t mind me, just chilling with my bestie!” larray responded.
you looked at your camera with wide eyes before mouthing ‘sus’.
a few minutes later, while you were working on a task, an alarm ran off and it was declared that the round was over and that the imposters won. quen and larray admitted to being the imposters.
“no way!! did you kill nai when i went by you guys?”
“yes, i killed her. i was like ‘oh, fuck, y/n is gonna see us’ so i waited for you to leave!” you all erupted in laughter before being handed your second card.
“let’s see….” you opened the note with your fate on it and sighed contently. “thank god, i don’t want to be imposter!”
1: who’s the imposter challenge
2: ball toss
3: shooting asteroids
charli walked by you as you headed towards the first station. you both said hi before she claimed to be going to security upstairs. you filmed her walking up the stairs before moving the camera back to your face. “not sure if i trust that, but okay.”
you stayed in a fairly large group of people when the alarm went off. charli reported james dead body.
“poor james! he’s died first every time.” you frown at your camera. vinnie walked up behind you and instinctively put his hands on your waist before quickly removing them.
dixie had to leave, so mario replaced her and next to nas. vinnie tried his best to nonchalantly stand beside you.
“i’m skipping..” vinnie mutters, scratching his neck.
“me too.” you nod your head as the majority vote was revealed. most people skipped, meaning no one was ejected.
“hey, boo!” you spotted lil nas dribbling a basketball infront of his tripod.
“hey!” he greeted and gave you a hug. the two of you hit it off before the game started. you both did the ball toss together, his hands on his camera with yours laced in your hair.
“ugh, look at us!”
the light hit the two of you in a way that made you look godly. you both had your arms extended and filmed the lighting on your faces.
“love that!”
“yes… oh my god i would do me. i would do us, honestly.” you both laughed when the alarm went off.
“okay, girl, you can back me up here! i swear, i think it’s quen, because she was looking at me weird as fuck dude..”
“oh my god, make sure you say something during the meeting!”
“i will.” you both walked into the room to see everyone yelling. vinnie stood in the corner, his face soft like a lost puppy. she could tell he was confused.
the group voted out quen who turned out to be innocent and continued their tasks. you spent the next round doing asteroids and were alone the whole time when another meeting was called. nai and charli were exposed as imposters.
“okay, i don’t know what the fuck happened.” you felt someone lightly tap your side and turned to see your boyfriend.
“i have no fucking clue, i was banging my head on the bell.” you bursted out laughing and he shushed you while the group commerced.
“i got that on camera!”
what a weirdo. i love him so much.
“god, if you love me, please don’t give me imposter that is just too much work..” you placed your hands on your knees and took a deep breath before opening the card.
you smirked at the camera and pointed. “i’m a finesser, i swear…”
1: puzzle
2: fixing wires
3: shoveling snowballs
“time to go do the puzzle!” you singsonged before you felt something round knock you in the back. vinnie stood there with a finger to his lips.
“what are you doing? is that a snowball?”
“yeah, i took it from the station, don’t tell james.”
“what do you want?” you giggled. the two of you were alone without any cameras.
“you just look really cute with your cat ears and i wanted a kiss..”
“oh, my god no!”
“you are gonna try and kill me!” you shouted. “no i won’t!” you knew you would regret this if he killed you, but a kiss is a kiss.
“vin, i swear to god, if you kill me-“
“i won’t.” he pressed his lips to yours and you quickly wrapped your legs around him, your fingers pulling lightly on his locks. you broke away from the steamy kiss and picked your camera back up.
“pleasure doing business with ya..” you shook his hand, when an alarm went off.
james and nas found mario’s body and the group interrogated the two. charli handed you a bag of m&ms. “you doing okay?” you smiled and nodded.
what a sweetheart.
they skipped and continued completing their tasks. you popped an m&m into your mouth and began to talk to your camera. “i honestly am so proud of myself for not dying! like, damn… i did that.”
after completing the puzzle, noah’s body was discovered by nai. “okay, it’s definitely y/n and vinnie!” james yelled, everyone’s eyes were on the couple.
“what?! no, why me?”
“no, okay, it’s definitely james. there’s no way- james has died first every round and now that he’s imposter, he’s not dead and goes upstairs with noah, leaves and noah’s dead? that’s not a coincidence, and it’s not nai because i doubt she got it twice in a row, come on.” james started to call vinnie a liar.
“what- why- why, do you think its y/n?” vinnie asked.
“sister y/n was following me at the start of the round!”
james what the fuck.
the group ended up with 4 votes for james, 1 vote for quen, 1 vote for vinnie, and 1 vote for nas.
“it’s definitely vinnie, his girlfriend is just backing him up, i swear.” nas mutters.
did he just call me his girlfriend?
fuck… they are onto us
future james, please don’t use that footage.
“i’m fixing my wires! fixing my wires!” you sang, the tripod standing before you. “fixing these motherfucking wires- okay i’m done.” you walked downstairs and heard a meeting called.
nai was found dead and chase and vinnie were accusing nas and larray.
“i know it’s not me!”
“okay, it’s y/n!”
“what? i just said it’s not me nas, what the fuck!”
the group tied between chase and nas.
“guys this is so fucking stupid! stop tying..” you groaned and heard vinnie shout ‘i agree’ before making your way to the christmas tree to shovel the snowballs.
vinnie walked up behind you and started shoveling with you.
“are you going to kill me?”
“what? no, y/n.. i don’t even have this task.” he giggled, his face turning a crimson shade.
“why are you here than?” smiling up at him but keeping your distance, you felt your knees start to weaken at his smile.
“i just wanted to make sure you aren’t dead.”
as if on cue, an alarm was rung and everyone voted for larray, making nas and james win.
“imposters win!” james squealed.
nas walked up to you and gave you a hug. “bestie, what happened?!”
“sorry, i had to keep them off of me, i was starting to look sus!” everyone started making small talk and you decided to ask him what was on your mind.
“so, who told you about me and vinnie? was it james?”
“what? no, i could just tell. i get that it might be difficult, but you guys are really cute together- honestly.”
he walked away before you could answer and you could feel a smile work it’s way onto your face.
everyone got together to film the outro, y/n standing next to vinnie. while james was talking, she took a deep breath and grabbed the sides of vinnies face, pulling him in for a kiss. nai turned and saw, putting her hand over her mouth in shock. no one else noticed since they were in the back row. when she pulled away he smiled at her, before they regained their composure.
after the cameras turned off, y/n walked up to james who was eating m&ms.
“hey, you are gonna see something in the background of your outro..” james nodded.
“leave it in.”
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he’ll never see this ~ noen eubanks
word count: 1994
request?: yes!
“Hi can you do one imagine of Noen Eubanks, like, the reader is a tik toker or influencer something like that and they have a crush on each other,and they Fans are Shipping them.
description: in which she admits her feelings for a fellow creator during a stream thinking he’ll never see it
pairing: noen eubanks x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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The sound of a new donation message coming in pulled you away from your game for a split second. The automated voice read the message out to you: “are there any influencers that you are totally crushing on right now?”
You chuckle to yourself as you turn back to your game. “You guys really wanna start something, huh? You realize this will be trending within an hour if I say anything.”
You glanced over at your chat to see they were begging you to tell them who your influencer crush was. You had mentioned a few times that there was a fellow influencer that you had a crush on, but you refused to admit who it was (for obvious reasons). Your viewers, however, were determined to find out who this mystery man you liked was.
“We promise we’ll keep it a secret,” you read, managing to catch one message before it disappeared into the void of never ending messages. “I don’t believe you guys at all.”
You laughed as you watched the chat blow up again. You finally paused your game and made your face cam bigger for the audience. “Okay, you know what? Fuck it, there’s no way he’ll ever see this and I’m not big enough of a content creator to have articles written about me. My influencer crush is Noen Eubanks. If you don’t know who he is, look him up on TikTok and you’ll totally understand why I have such a crush on him.”
Your chat went absolutely wild at this. You went back to playing your game, smiling to yourself as you did so. It felt nice to get that off of your chest, and you knew you were about to get a kick out of your fan’s reactions to this.
Like you said, you had no fear of Noen actually finding out what you said. You had a bit of a following, but it was nothing too big. Just enough that you could be classified as “Internet famous”, but not enough that admitting you had a crush on someone else who had a much bigger following than you would be a big deal.
Or so you thought.
After your stream, you decided to go right to bed. You were feeling tired and had to get up early to edit the video you were planning on uploading. You weren’t awake to witness the internet absolutely explode over your comment, but lucky for you it was still happening when you woke up the next morning.
When you checked your phone for the first time that day, you noticed that your notifications had blown up over night. You figured it was just your fans teasing you over your crush on Noen, which it partly was, but you noticed that it was also YouTube news Twitter accounts and internet tabloid accounts tagging you in their articles about your crush on Noen.
“Oh no,” you said, your eyes widening as you read through article after article, tweet after tweet.
Before you knew it, you had spent nearly two hours sat on the floor, reading through everything that mentioned both you and Noen. All the articles were the same: an brief introduction to you and your small Twitch/YouTube following, talking about you admitting to having a crush on Noen the night before, and asking whether the reading audience believed that you and Noen would make a good couple or not.
The reactions from fans were as entertaining as you figured - with many of your fans trying to come up with ship names for you and Noen and tagging him in clips from your stream - but then there were the less than entertaining reactions. Many people, whether they were Noen’s fans or just people who wanted to hate on you you weren’t sure, were saying you had mentioned Noen’s name just for clout, or that your “crush” was nothing more than an infatuation over his looks.
It wasn’t until your phone rang that you were finally pulled out of your trance and back to the real world. Your friend’s name lit up on your screen, and it took you a moment to collect yourself before you answered.
“(Y/N), have you been online yet today?” she asked.
You sighed and nodded, then remembered she couldn’t actually see you. “Yeah, I’ve been scrolling for the past two hours on Twitter.”
“You haven’t checked your Twitch page, or YouTube account yet?”
Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “No? Should I?”
“You definitely should.”
You put her on speaker and switched to your Twitch app. You were shocked to see that you had skyrocketed in subs overnight, same with your YouTube page. You had gained a solid ten thousand subscribers on both platforms, and it was still rising by the second.
“So this situation has gained me more subscribers, who cares? That’s not why I talked about Noen on stream,” you said.
“Oh no, honey. It isn’t just the situation that has given you new subscribers. Go check Noen’s Twitter.”
You knew what she was implying, but you had to see it for your own eyes. You immediately opened the Twitter app again and typed in Noen’s name. You were brought to his Twitter page, where his most recent tweet was a link to the clip from your stream along with a caption that read, “When your internet crush calls you *their* internet crush”.
You covered your mouth in shock. You were sure you were about to start screaming, but you were so speechless that you couldn’t force any sounds from your mouth.
“I’m assuming by the silence that you’ve seen it,” your friend said after a prolonged moment of silence.
“D-Did he just c-call me his...?” you trailed off, unable to finish your sentence.
“He did,” your friend confirmed. “And both of your fans are going wild. They’ve already come up with a ship name for you, which isn’t the most clever name but I admire their spirit.”
You could barley hear what your friend was saying. You were still staring at the tweet in disbelief. Your mind could barley comprehend anything else besides the fact that your online crush thought the same as you. You were trying to tell yourself not to get too worked up, as it was most likely that nothing was going to come from this besides some gossip for a week or more, but your heart was still racing with excitement.
You gasped as a notification popped up on the top of your screen: “@/eubanks_noen is requesting to message you”.
“He’s trying to DM me,” you whisper, so silently that you could barley hear yourself.”
“He’s trying to DM me! On Twitter!”
“What are you doing talking to me?! Go answer his DM!”
You were too focused to laugh as you hung up the phone and went into your DMs. The familiar profile picture that you saw almost every day on your timeline was the first thing you saw in your message requests. Your whole body was shaking so much that you could barley see the screen as you pressed to open it.
“hi :)”
It was a very simple message, but it was enough to make your heart race even more.
You were debating on messaging back, wondering if maybe this was a fake account or something. But you knew there was only one way to find out for sure, so you took a deep breath and responded.
“hi! :)”
His response came near seconds later: “so...we’re the internet’s hottest power couple, huh?”
You chuckled to yourself. “i guess we are. sorry if i ruined your mentions last night. i didn’t think it would blow up the way it has. i’m not all that famous online.”
“are you kidding me? you’re like one of the best twitch streamers. i’ve watched every single one of your streams, including last night’s”
You felt your face heating up, but a slight groan of embarrassment came from your lips. You were thinking of all the embarrassing things you had said and done on stream, and now wished you could just melt into the floor or erase the entire internet.
“oh that’s embarrassing. i’d say i’m not that awkward and dumb in real life, but i’m actually more so”
“i wouldn’t say you’re awkward or dumb at all. i think you’re adorable”
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed to no one in particular. If your face got any hotter, it would be on fire.
“you really know how to talk to a girl”
“i really don’t, but i’m glad you’re enjoying my attempts to flirt”
“so you’re flirting? never would’ve known”
“i know, it’s hard to tell. i’m trying to be subtle”
You continued to message Noen for a while. It felt so natural, as if you weren’t talking to someone you had been crushing on for about a year now. You were extremely glad you weren’t coming off as awkward as you normally felt.
Finally, after having been sat on the floor for a good three hours, your back began to ache and your stomach was growling so loudly in attempts to get your attention. You realized then that you had put getting breakfast on hold in order to fall deep into the hole of internet gossip that had surrounded you overnight.
“love talking to you and all, but i’m gonna have to go for a little bit. i’ve been sat on the floor basically since i woke up and i haven’t eaten yet today so my stomach is very upset with me”
“why are you on the floor? 😂”
“when i’m stressed i tend to sit down no matter where i am, and i was very stressed to see my name plastered all over social media this morning”
“why were you stressed over that?”
“it’s not something i’m exactly used to. like i said, i’m not overly famous online. i just have a small following. i’m not someone who has an article written about every little thing she says. also like i said, i didn’t expect you to see me admit that i have a crush on you last night, so i was so worried about what your reaction was going to be”
“i guess i can understand that. i haven’t had a lot written about me. i’m not a big tiktoker like some of my friends are, but i guess that’s a blessing”
You started to type another message, but paused when you saw the three dots from Noen indicating that he was typing something else.
“for what it’s worth, i’ve had a internet crush on you since you first started streaming”
Your jaw dropped at this. You had started streaming months before you even knew about Noen, which meant he had known about you before you knew about him. Just when you thought this day couldn’t get any better.
“wow! that’s quite a while. you must be one of my first subscribers then”
“i’m up there i think. i’ll wear that badge with pride”
The three dots again. You waited anxiously to see what he was about to say.
“i liked getting to talk to you today, though. maybe we could talk offline sometime, like through text or phone call. maybe meet in person eventually”
Your smile was so wide that it hurt your cheeks. “yeah, i’d really like that”
You exchanged phone numbers and added his to your contacts. You finally pulled yourself off the floor and started making a super late breakfast while also starting to edit your next video since you had also gotten such a late start on that.
You were putting your food on a plate when your phone chimed, indicating a new text message.
“btw, it’s nice to finally get to meet you internet crush :)”
“it’s nice to get to meet you, too, internet crush”
You sat at the table, your heart feeling warm. And to think, it all came true thanks to one nosy donation.
Not sure how much I like this imagine, but I hope you enjoyed anyways!
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