#gossiper energy abounds in these folks
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Somebody: Man, I wanna hear about some Magic Knight gossip.
Vanessa, Kirsch, Puli, and David: (kick down a door and enter the room) You called?
#black clover#black clover incorrect quote#vanessa enoteca#kirsch vermillion#puli angel#david swallow#gossiper energy abounds in these folks
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Not in the romantic fashion - 4
Story So Far (HERE)
Cogsworth was perturbed. He would even go as far as to describe himself disgruntled, although he had always considered that a rather crass sounding word. Since Mr Gold had wed and brought Mrs Gold into the household nothing had run to schedule. Not a single thing! Dinner was frequently late, because the Master and Mistress had become distracted in the library. He still shuddered when thinking of the request that came several nights ago. Mr Gold had requested sandwiches to be served in the library rather than a sit-down meal in the dining room. The irregularity of it all!
He had hoped that Mrs Potts would stand with him in gently reminding to the Master that a meal had already been prepared. Unfortunately, Mrs Potts was apparently enjoying the spontaneity that abounded in the house now and had simple carved the roast and served it as the requested sandwiches. Laughing about honeymooners while she did it!
And it wasn’t only dinner that had been affected by Mrs Gold. Mr Gold had discarded one of his cravats, a handsome black and white checked silk, simply because Mrs Gold had declared it the most hideous thing she had ever laid eyes upon. He had untied it, there at the breakfast table, and tossed it into the fire! Cogsworth had not been able to believe the report from Lumiere, who had been called to fetch another less offensive cravat. To think of a gentleman of Mr Gold’s standing disrobing himself at breakfast!
Pictures had been moved; furniture rearranged; try as he might Cogsworth could not keep up with where trinkets were currently displayed. Mr Gold had ordered that any alterations Mrs Gold requested were to be accommodated as if he himself had issued the request.
Chaos! The whole house had become a hotbed for chaos.
Loath as he was to admit it Cogsworth would happily return to the bedlam that followed Mrs Gold’s arrival. The household was once again running to a schedule, but it was a sorrowful one. Since their early return from their engagement at Lady de Vil’s Mr and Mrs Gold had not spoken a word to each other. Mr Gold spend his days and nights shut away in his study, only emerging to sit alone at the breakfast table each morning. Mrs Gold took her meals in her rooms, and only ventured out to take a book or two from the library.
Peace and regularity reigned in the house, but it was hollow and somber.
After three days Cogsworth was beginning to fret. Mrs Gold had not divulged any reason for the sudden change to Merida. Mr Gold barely spoke at all. In desperation to discover the cause Cogsworth had dispatched Lumiere to Lady de Vil’s to visit with his friend Babette, who served as a maid in that household.
It was after dinner when Lumiere returned. With a despondent look on his normally jolly face he spoke a simple five words.
“Mr Killian Jones was there.”
Cogsworth groaned. Mrs Potts swore under her breath. Merida looked confused. Ashley, who was young and had only been with the household this past year said; “Oh, Mr Jones is supposed to be a very dashing fellow.”
The hard looks she received from Mr Cogsworth, Mrs Potts and Lumiere made her frown.
“Well, that’s what I’ve heard.”
Mrs Potts clucked her tongue and shook her head; “The only thing you need to know about Mr Killian Jones is that he is a scoundrel. Now, about your chores, girl. The fireplace in the library won’t lay itself.”
Ashley left the kitchen with bad grace, muttering all the way about how she was never allowed to hear the toffs gossip. Cogsworth was beginning to harbour a few doubts about the girl’s suitability to service. She displayed an insatiable desire for gossip and had no care about whom she repeated subjects too.
Merida tapped the table; “I can see there is more to tell Lumiere, so start talking.”
Lumiere poured himself a cup of tea a dropped into his seat with a sigh; “Unfortunately you are right. Jones accosted Mrs Gold while she was briefly alone. They had not been formally introduced. None of the staff were close enough to hear what he said to her, but Babette says the look of repulsion on Mrs Gold’s face was clear from across the room.”
Mrs Potts snorted; “No surprised. That scoundrel never says anything worth hearing.”
If Merida was surprised at Mrs Potts interruption, she didn’t show it. Instead she shook her head; “There must be more. Mrs Belle can hold her own against foolish comments.”
Lumiere glanced around and took a deep breath; “Jones attempted to touch Mrs Gold.”
He paused, ready for the outraged comments of his fellow staff.
“The audacity of the man!”
“The cad!”
“Cheek of him!”
Lumiere nodded his agreement and continued; “That was when Mr Gold stepped in and dragged Jones away from Mrs Gold, by throat. Babette says everyone froze, except for Mrs Gold who rushed to tell Mr Gold to stop.”
Cogsworth mopped his brow with his handkerchief; “We must be thankful she did. We don’t want a repeat of the…”
He glanced at Merida and trailed off. Merida gave him a shrewd look; “There’s a history between Mr Gold and this Jones isn’t there? A nasty one judging by the way you all react to the mention of his name. And Mr Gold must had been in a fierce mood to unsettle Mrs Belle so.”
Butler, housekeeper and valet shared a look. Lumiere shrugged. Mrs Potts gave a curt nod. Cogsworth sighed.
“Mr Gold is not a violent man. He does not raise his voice or fists to anyone, with the exception of Killian Jones. Many years ago, Jones caused the death of someone close to Mr Gold. He showed no remorse for his actions, in fact bragged about it at large. Mr Gold called him out. The resulting duel was fought with pistols. Jones missed his shot. Mr Gold’s shot caught Jones in the hand, the surgeon had to remove three fingers. Jones left for parts overseas and Mr Gold considered the matter settled. That he has returned now, and has already targeted Mrs Gold, is most troubling.”
Merida sat back in her chair and blew out a breath. In her month in this house she had never heard Mr Cogsworth speak so concisely. His words were all the more unsettling for the plain fashion of delivery. She was debating whether to tell Mrs Belle of this history when Mrs Potts patted her on the hand.
“It’s the sort of thing that would be best coming from the Master. Do you think Mrs Gold might be willing to speak with him, soon?”
A tense silence enveloped the room as Merida considered. Finally, she said; “This all makes more sense now. Mrs Belle, she’s been deceived by folks before, and I’m thinking that’s what she feels has happened here. Mr Gold’s been all manners and sweetness, then to see him in a rage would have been a shock to her. I reckon she’s done as much considering as she can in her own head.”
Merida looked at each of the hopeful faces staring at her; “I may have to give her a wee nudge, but I reckon she’ll join the Master for breakfast in the morning.”
Cogsworth and Mrs Potts sagged with relief, while Lumiere punched the air.
“I shall make sure he is well turned out, and not a checkered cravat in sight.”
The matter between husband and wife was a long way from being resolved, but for the first time in three days the staff had hope.
Gold gazed unseeing at the fire crackling in the hearth. Three days since Belle had spoken with him. No, he must think of her as Mrs Gold, he had no right to assume the intimacy of her given name, even within his own mind. He had lost any goodwill, or tender feeling she had developed towards him. All because he could not contain his temper when he saw Jones speaking to her. After all this time Jones still made his blood boil, and he had been so close to Mrs Gold.
In his moment of madness, he had fancied he could see Jones’ poison emanating from him and reaching out in sinuous tendrils towards Mrs Gold. He would not let that Jones destroy another person dear to him
He raked his hands through his hair and groaned. Once again his mind tortured him with the myriad of other ways he could have handled the encounter. If only he had maintained an aloof bearing, he could have stepped in and removed Mrs Gold from the situation calmly. If he’d been in control, he could have affected indifference at Jones’ presence and may have stood a chance of convincing the damned man that he was not worth a thought. Now Jones knew for sure that he could still provoke Gold and do so with ease.
He prayed to any wandering gods that might look kindly on his pleas, that Jones believed it was festering resentment over old wounds that had caused his violent reaction. If Jones suspected for one second that the larger root was his tender feelings towards Mrs Gold, then he would set his sights on her downfall without remorse.
There was much he should be focusing his energies on. His business dealing need attention, and he needed to discover why Jones was back from overseas and what he was planning and with whom. He had the motivation for none of it, all he desired was for Mrs Gold to speak with him.
Each morning he bathed and dressed hoping that she would join him for breakfast. From the moment they had returned from Lady de Vil’s he had wanted to beg her forgiveness, but her manner in the carriage had been one of fear and revulsion towards his person. He resolved not to force his company upon her. He could march up to her room, bang on the door and demand entrance, demand that she hear him out. The idea made him feel sick to his stomach. He never wanted to see that look of terror in her eyes, knowing that he had been the cause of it, ever again.
So, he waited, and hoped that once she felt ready, she would speak with him. The very first thing he was going to do was offer his deepest apology for terrorizing her. If she was willing to listen further, he would lay his whole sorry history with Jones out for her, every damning detail. Beyond that he had no idea how their conversation would progress. Would Mrs Gold forgive him? Would she wish to leave him? It was possible, their marriage was not consummated, it could be dissolved. In preparation for his wedding he had looked into how such an annulment could be achieved. He could make it happen with no detriment to Mrs Gold’s character or social standing. The thought of doing so made him want to weep, but he would grant it to her without complaint if doing so would made her happy.
Gods above how he missed the sight of her happiness. With a simple smile Mrs Gold could light up a room, she had brought joy to the cold barren waste of his soul. And now, thorough his beastly and base temper he had lost that light and was in bleak darkness once more.
His eyes fell upon his pocket watch. He lifted it with care from the side table where he had placed it when his discarded his waistcoat. His thumb stroked around the dent in the case and a sad smile tugged at his lips. The catch gave easily under the pressure of his fingers, and the lid opened to reveal a face, long lost, but never forgotten.
“I will not let Belle fall foul of Jones. I will not fail her as I did you. I swear to you Balefire.”
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