by Jon Payne | To mind the things of the Spirit (Romans 8:5) and to possess the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5), we must be vigilant about what enters our minds, absorbs our thoughts, and dominates our conversation. How can Christians set their minds on the things of the Spirit if we are always setting our minds on the...
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by George Grant | Grief gripped the entire Nashville community. In shock, as pundits and politicians attempted to make sense of the senseless, across our presbytery men and women gathered in their homes, schools, and churches to pray. We did not need to ask, “Why did this have to happen? Why did this have to happen to us?” We...
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by Jacob Gerber | It is by prayer, then, that we fight the good fight with absolute humility. In prayer, God trains us to leave behind our personal vendettas, and he realigns our hearts to treasure Christ and his kingdom. Through prayer, God assures us that “he is able and willing to help us, so we by faith are...
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by Jon Payne | It’s astonishing what we often find ourselves thinking and talking about these days. Informal conversations at work, chatter in church hallways, and discussions around the dinner table explore subjects that, in former days, made people blush with embarrassment or...
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by Jon Payne | Is gathered (in-person) worship optional for Christians? The question is a profoundly relevant one, especially in our day of endless online services and superficial views of public worship. The Bible’s answer is unmistakably clear: No, gathered worship is not optional. In fact, it’s a divine requirement for every follower of Christ. Indeed, unless...
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by Brian Cosby | Proverbs 4:14–15 tells us, “Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of the evil. Avoid it; do not go on it; turn away from it and pass on.” As if to be more specific, Solomon explains...
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by Jon Payne | The golden image was as tall as a nine-story building. It was built by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, the most powerful man in the world (Dan. 3:1). He constructed the blasphemous monstrosity to cement his political power, exalt his glory, and superstitiously...
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by Charles Barrett | A minister of the gospel engages in a wide variety of responsibilities. Chief among them is the call to preach Christ in all His fullness. When Paul arrived in Corinth, he resolved to know nothing while among them except Christ crucified. The church in Corinth—as is true of the church in all places—was built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ and Him crucified...
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by Nate Shurden | Admittedly, preaching doesn’t look like much on the surface. A man standing behind a pulpit talking about the Bible? Is this really God’s way of building up the church…
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by Nicholas T. Batzig | In Pleading for a Reformation Vision, David Calhoun recounts a story about the late Dr. William Childs Robinson’s high esteem for the Westminster Standards. “Occasionally,” writes Calhoun, “a student was bold enough to ask Dr Robinson if he thought the Westminster Standards were perfect. He would reply, ‘No, but their exposition of the faith is better than yours...
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by Charles Barrett | A minister of the gospel engages in a wide variety of responsibilities. Chief among them is the call to preach Christ in all His fullness. When Paul arrived in Corinth, he resolved to know nothing while among them except Christ crucified. The church in Corinth—as is true of the church in all places—was built upon the foundation of Jesus Christ and...
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by Brian Cosby | God doesn’t need us. God didn’t create the world, the oceans, the tigers, or people because he was desperately lonely or lacking. He didn’t create us to make up for a deficiency in his character or attributes. Rather, God is self-existent and self-sufficient...
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by Lauren Webber | There are certain passages of Scripture that I struggle to teach our children. Laments are one of those. They are raw, uncomfortable, and sometimes awkward, like a dissonant note in a symphony. However, like that note of dissonance...
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by Nicholas T. Batzig | In Pleading for a Reformation Vision, David Calhoun recounts a story about the late Dr. William Childs Robinson’s high esteem for the Westminster Standards. “Occasionally,” writes Calhoun, “a student…
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by Adam Parker | When you think of church discipline, what comes to mind? Those with more colorful imaginations may think of the Spanish Inquisition. Others may think of a pastor with...
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by Lauren Webber | There are certain passages of Scripture that I struggle to teach our children. Laments are one of those. They are raw, uncomfortable, and sometimes awkward, like a dissonant note in a symphony. However, like that note of dissonance...
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