#gosh. the performance of him in high school was amazing !! even though his haircut was less than fortunate
deprivedmusicaljunkie · 2 months
need someone to gush over baby andrew with after boba_brainrot’s new video :’))))))
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frederator-studios · 6 years
Julian de Perio: The Frederator Interview
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It isn’t everyday you meet an artist passionate about backgrounds - which makes chatting with unquenchably honest Houston-native Julian de Perio all the more refreshing. He got his first professional gig as a background designer on Costume Quest (Amazon, 2018) drawing some very spooky-cool settings, and has since brought his talents to Bee and Puppycat as well. Julian draws trees on the daily, and one might say that his own career sprouted in Frederator Forest; we’re glad to have had him. I caught up with Julian just a few weeks before his bittersweet wrap-up on Costume Quest.
Where did you go to school?
I majored in comics - the fancy name is Sequential Art - at Savannah College of Art and Design. I started out wanting to do storyboarding, but realized that I had a lot of fun doing backgrounds. And it was something that a lot of my classmates didn’t like doing. I started doing backgrounds for a bunch of my classmate’s student films, and people liked my work. So I stuck with it!
When did you go from wanting to storyboard to wanting to do BG art?
Junior year, I think. Because sophomore year was when my professor told me that I wasn’t putting enough attention into the backgrounds in my comics. So I started putting in more.
Hol’ up - you were actually less confident with backgrounds at first?
Yeah, it always seemed so hard! I was afraid that I wouldn’t be good at it. And when you’re a young artist, you avoid the things that you think you’re not going to be good at. That’s a generalization. But that is something in life, avoiding your weaknesses. Wanting to be good at things from the get-go.
Huh... and then it turned out your weakness was a strength?
With practice! I mean, no one’s great at something when they’re just starting out. It’s just that I enjoyed doing it. I can get totally lost in a background.
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In high school, did you know that you wanted to work in animation?
I had NO idea what I was doing in high school. No idea. I went to community college because I didn’t have a plan. I figured out there that I wanted to do something creative, and with drawing. I drew a lot as a kid and then stopped in middle and high school, because video games. But I took art classes after high school, and that’s how I decided I wanted to do storyboards.
Applying to SCAD, how’d you choose Sequential Art over Animation?
I was torn between them for a while. I based it on curriculums - I picked the one with more classes that I wanted to take. For Sequential Art, the classes listed online were things like Perspective for Environmentalists; Anatomy for Character Design; straight up, Storyboarding and Character Design for Animation. And then with the Animation major, there were a lot of classes listed where... basically, I didn’t understand what they meant. So I opted for the major with ‘storyboarding’ in the class titles. I did minor in Storyboarding, though, which allowed me to take animation courses.
What’d ya do after graduating?
I went home and did freelance work until I’d saved up enough to move out to LA. I got a little bit more freelance work out here before getting my first test - which was for Costume Quest.
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What did the test consist of? Multiple choice? Short response?
They gave me 2 storyboard panels. One was the kids standing in front of a store, and the other was an establishing shot of the inside of a mine. And I basically drew a complete (but colorless) background into those shots. It was a good fit for me, because the show took a lot of visual cues from Zac Gorman’s Costume Quest comic. And I majored in comics! So it felt like I was using a lot of the knowledge I got from my major. Especially with regards to inking, because the comic has so many spot blacks. And shadows, shading. I sketched it all in pencil, then when I was sure everything was lined up, and nothing was in a character’s way, I went over it in ink. I had 2 weeks to do it, then didn’t hear back for a month. I had figured that I didn’t get the job - then they called me!
What’s a typical day like for you?
Get in, sit down. I try to finish 1 to 2 backgrounds a day. Although the really intricate, detailed ones can go up to 2 days. Every now and then I’ll get notes back, a bunch all at once, in which case I’ll spend the day doctoring those backgrounds. Usually it’s things with continuity, covering bases - oh gosh, clocks. I’m always having to change the time that I put in.
Who are your favorite characters in the show?
I love the villain. Christopher McDonald gives such an amazing performance as Bob Dickerson. He’s so funny in his delivery. Bob might be my favorite character - him, or Everett. I’m totally a Reynold though. Reynold, I identify with painfully. I am definitely Reynold and Wren is DEFINITELY my sister. Oh, but don’t put that in! She’ll get mad!
How has it been working on Costume Quest?
It’s been pretty great. It’s been one of the most fulfilling half years of my life. Wait, no - that’s too corny! I just, didn’t know what to expect when I first came here. I still don’t really know what to expect from being part of a TV show crew, because I’ve only been part of the one. But Costume Quest is a really tight knit group. We go out to lunch together almost every day. My coworker gave me a haircut yesterday.
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D’aww! What are your favorite cartoons?
Is this where I’m s’posed to name Frederator cartoons? 
No lmao you don’t have to!
(A long thoughtful pause) This is... so personal. Let’s see. Growing up, I didn’t have cable. So I could only watch like The Simpsons, the shows everyone had access to. I watched Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon at my friend’s houses until we got cable, and even then I basically watched whatever my sister or my best friend wanted to watch. That was a lot of Ed, Edd n Eddy, Fairly Oddparents - OH, Frederator, there you go. My sister had a VHS where she recorded every episode she could find of The Wild Thornberrys and Invader Zim, so I ended up seeing those shows a lot. Those are good ones. I watched a lot of anime - as you do, growing up in the 90s.
Do you think your next job will be in background design too?
I hope so. I like it a lot. I actually had two professors be like, “Why?” (laughing) I think it seems so unglamorous to people who don’t care about it! But I enjoy it. So, you know, I want to keep doing it.
Do you have a dream show to work on?
Well this actually ties into what I like about Costume Quest - I’m so thankful that my first show is action-adventure. Cause those are my favorite shows, despite all that stuff I just said about Ed, Edd n Eddy and Fairly Oddparents. I really like that with adventure shows, you get to go to really interesting places and draw interesting locations. So any story with fantastic environments would be great. But, yeah. I’m sure no matter where I go or what I work on, I’ll find something to love about it.
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Follow Julian on Twitter and Tumblr: @jdeperio
Thanks for the interview Julian! I hope you survive the inevitable sister-whooping, because I'm excited to hear about your next gig :D
- Cooper
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1rmono · 8 years
100 Reasons to Love Kim Namjoon
today is my 3 year anniversary of loving namjoon and so here’s 100 reasons everyone should love him !!!!!!!
he gave up a stable future of studying and going to college (despite being so smart) to risk everything and pursue his dream of becoming a rapper
had to fight criticism for being an ‘idol’ rapper and struggled for years with his decision and identity
when he says he loves himself !!!!
never forget this cute tummy flash !!!!!!!!
he loves all his members so much sosososo much, he always puts them before himself 
that one time tae came to sleep next to namjoon and namjoon sleepily held tae’s hand and wouldn’t let go
his signature move when he takes his two index fingers and covers one of his eyes while looking deadass into the camera
professional self-dragger, literally willingly drags his own ass
his mixtape release in 2015, every song was so important and deep and okay, it’s largely forgotten because of yoongi’s mixtape but it has so much emotion and meaning behind every song
he loveloveloves dogs !
literally has looked like the best thing the world has to offer no matter what rainbow ass hair color bighit sticks him with
that golden age when his hair was black when will that look come back from the war ://////////
you know that thing he does when he’s been rapping and suddenly breaks out into a smile and scrunches his nose and winks with one eye mmmmmmmmokay !!!!
his angry rap when his neck veins show because he’s literally putting his all into it
the way he looks in beanies !!!!!!!!! with one ear tucked in and the other sticking out
the mole on the left side right under his jawline 
the fact that he literally read books on philosophy for hyyh
THE WAY !!!!!!!!! HE LOOKS !!!!!!!!!!!! IN A SUIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that time his speaker wasn’t working and he yelled at it and it started to work, Legends Only
the fact that he isn’t afraid to try out weird kinds of fashion and won’t hear shit about it
has been known to support LGBT since 2012
when he’s too lazy to wear contacts so he wears his thick black rimmed glasses :’(((((((((((
that time he had a wardrobe malfunction and had his whole shirt ripped off during that dance break and he did the whole performance holding up the sorry remains of his shirt 
the fact that kim namjoon invented dimples !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no really he did
how he is literally incapable of doing a fan sign without making it a display of how much aegyo he can fit in any given span of time and then immediately be shy and embarrassed about it
6 feet tall, he is 6 feet tall also don’t forget that he is literally the eiffel tower because nothing is taller than 6 feet just sayin
that amazing and blessed time he had silver hair and my heart literally exploded !!!!!!!!!!!
that time bts was doing rainism and he was the only one who didn’t know all the moves and messed up but pulled it off confidently in the end
he literally loves his mom so much i’m :’(((((((
the fact that every time someone tells him to do a freestyle dance, it’s literally the same awkward robotic jerky dance with the failing arms and legs since 2013
when he tries to sing even though the members laugh at him
his cute soft pretty pink knees :’))))))))))
in the fire era when he had that acorn haircut and pulled that shit off when will your fave ever
he reads, he has an IQ of 148, he was the nation’s top 1% in 5 subjects in high school, he -
his smile his beautiful glorious soft glowing stunning breathtaking smile that smile that you only have the privilege of seeing someone have one in a million times in your life, the kind of smile that could change the world
the way he looks in a choker the way he looks in a choker the way he looks in a chok-
okay !!!!!!!!!! but his cute squishy tiny nose so kissable n someone please bop it and pinch it and it’s soosososo cute 
the way he gets his hands inky and dirty every single fan sign every single darn one !!!!!!!!!!!! why are they dirty? what is he doing ?????
the way his arms look in sleeveless tops his arms !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the way he looks in snapbacks mmmmmmmmmmmm
that time on running man when everyone was supposed to have as many boxes as possible and he literally got his box snatched from his hands and he tripped over nothing he’s the dorkiest softest boy -
SAILORMON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that time he wore the army khakis and outfit and i just ://////// oh my god
his side profile his perfect gorgeous beautiful angelic side profile !!!!
his obsession with ryan and how happy he got when jimin got him a ryan cake for his birthday fkdsfhgfd
legs for days !!!!!!!!!!!!!
that time namjoon was a minion for halloween 
“I had to dance to survive in this cold, cruel world.”
his cute outfit in the baepsae dance practice video :((((((((((
he looks sosoososososo unbeliveably beautiful bare faced i just love him so much 
that time during the hyyh prologue shooting when all the members were piling onto him and he yelled ‘MY BALLS, MAN’
his fucnkgn !!!!!!!!!! puma photoshoot binch !!!!!!!!!!!
the fact that he sang expensive girl and took the fact that he didn’t get a grammy for it like a man :///
that time they won their first award in 2015 and he was cleARLY CRYING but denied it like “i’m not crying”
that one time !!!!!!!!!!!!!! bts had an outdoor performance and his white shirt got sososososooso sweaty it was basically stuck to him and see through if you don’t know what i’m talking about then goodbye
those RARE times when he smiles and sticks his tongue out at the same time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that time he was complaining about jungkook and the fruit flies and the weird as shit way he pronounced ‘vaccuum’
his messy friendship with jackson 
the fact that he apologized for the mistakes he has made in the past and made no excuses about them 
award for having the world’s cutest and flattest tushy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i don’t know if anyone noticed but the way he holds his fingers when he’s explaining something like he puts them in awkward bent angles and they’re really long and expressive i just looooovvveeeee
that time he was doing a duet with this female singer for a show and he picked her up from the airport and held a sign with her name and got shy around her he’s the biggest gentleman DDDD:
deep husky voice like shots of pure liquid gold sends shivers down my spine ://////////
that time he held a tiny itty bitty baby frog on his index finger i dont know why it was so cute of him i just !!!
sweaty namjoon when namjoon sweats the sweat namjoon produces 
that time he tried to twerk but ‘something keeps dangling’
when !!!!!!!!!! he wears tight pants and his thighs are almost bursting out of his pants jdfkkhkj
the way he says ‘baby’
that time he was asked to pick between solo and bts and didn’t hesitate for a microsecond before saying bts
taught himself english by listening to 10 english dvds 10 times over 3 years 
special thank you to every namjoon stylist who made him wear low cut shirts
‘and i’m sexy like a porn star’
accepts and settles for being the least popular bts member
the way he looks when he wears headbands 
when his sleeves are super long so he has sweater paws and his pretty fingers stick out slightly jdsfkshgkjfmncvb
sub par body rolls that can still make you squirm and cry :////////
once when he was the first in a lineup in a fan sign he told a fan ‘now you’ve practiced on me, you can do this in front of your real bias’
got to write in “힙합하다 1” (‘This is Hip Hop 1: South Korea, Hip Hop and Life’) which is a hip hop book for 42 top korean hip hop artists
the way he looks in a tie ohohohoohohoho my gosh !!!!!!!!!!!!!
that time in the ariport the cameraman said ‘the girls love you guys’ and namjoon was like ‘thanks, we love you too’
the way he wrote about the sunset in his diary when he went to dubai 
he once told a fan ‘sorry’ when she told him she got him photocard
he said that he wanted to know what it was like going to college and sometimes he feels like he missed out on that experience :///
can you believe namjoon invented having pretty hands??????? Amazing
he cares sosooso much about other people he’s always wondering how his fans are doing, what they feel like, always giving advice, always learning and growing, never stopping
“I’m still existing, still breathing. Even though I keep looking forward and run, sometimes I still look back. The path in front and behind are still far, but even so, if the people who look at me are still dreaming and picking up their strengths, that alone makes me feel good. It’s okay to live this way, breaking down, getting hurt and looking back at the past. I will live. I am living like this. Me. Us.”
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I warned y’all that I was going to write Julie’s Greenroom fanfiction
 “I can’t believe Ms. Wallace gave you the solo and not me.”
Years had passed since they were Greenies in Ms. Julie’s Greenroom. Hank, Spike, Riley and Peri were all in high school now, and Fizz was finishing up middle school. However, the five had all stayed close and remained very good friends to this day. Of course, it helped that all five of them now had interest in all factions of the dramatic arts, thanks to Gus and Ms. Julie, and they often found themselves at auditions and classes together.
It was the Wellspring High School’s Spring Choir concert, and Peri was back stage, helping Hank adjust the microphone that was now wired to his head. “It was a male solo, Peri.” The boy chuckled.
With a laugh, Peri added “I know, but I could be a tenor if I wanted to.”
“I know you could.” Hank promised “I’m surprised you didn’t get the soprano solo, honestly.”
“Well I couldn’t get all the solos,” Peri rolled her eyes dramatically, before taking a finger and gently bopping Hank’s nose “That would look like nepotism.”
“Nepotism?” Hank asked, raising an eyebrow “Awful big word, don’t ya think?”
“Thanks.” Peri smiled smugly “I got it from Spike’s word bank.”
“Figures.” The boy chuckled.
Back to adjusting her friend’s mic, Peri commented “Your hair is so scruffy.”
“I know, I know,” Hank laughed “I need a haircut.”
“No.” Peri countered, moving from the mic wire to run her fingers through the scruffy hair freely “I kinda like it. It suits you.”
“Thanks, I think.” Hank raised an eyebrow, thankful that she was currently leaning overtop of him, unable to see the pink flush of his cheeks due to the rising heat.
Peri let out a light hum before promising “Don’t worry. It was a compliment.” She went from stroking his hair to securing the mic once more, before pulling away and loudly clapping “Done! All you need to do now is turn it on!”
“Thanks, Peri.” The boy smiled genuinely.
With a light sigh, Peri tossed her hair “What can I say? I am ah-mazing…”
Hank had laughed along with his friend, but as the laughter ended, the newfound quiet of the backstage area made him a little uneasy. As he could hear the sounds of his choirmates performing on the stage, all of their wonderful voices blending together so perfectly... “Hey, Peri, can I ask you something?”
“You just did, silly.” She teased, giggling and shaking her head all the while.
Hank swallowed the lump forming in his throat, “S-seriously. It’s…kinda important. To me, anyway.” Sensing her friend’s discomfort, Peri immediately nodded, motioning for him to continue. “Do you think…do you think that maybe, the only reason I got the solo, is because….” He didn’t finish his sentence, as his eyes travelled down to this chair.
With a scandalized gasp, Peri cried “Of course not! Hank, you’re so so sooooo talented! You would’ve got the solo with or without the chair!”
“I’m not so sure…” he admitted, eyes still downcast.
“Haaannnkkk…” Peri’s voice sounded more like a whine as she moved to stand square in front of him, grabbing either side of his face with her hands, forcing him to tilt up and look at her. “You are the second best singer in the whole choir! After me, of course. And when I talk to you, and when you sing, I don’t even think about the fact that your legs don’t work. And neither does anyone else! You are…you are…” she paused, trying to remember the word of Spike’s word bank that she wanted use, before remembering “…immensely talented. And anyone in this choir would agree with me.”
“You’re just saying that cause you’re my friend.”
“So what if I am?!?” the girl cried, now throwing her hands above her head “Friends tell each other the truth, Hank. And you are one of the best singers I’ve ever heard. You deserve this solo.”
“You really think so?” he asked, voice dripping with both hope and uncertainty.
Peri nodded aggressively “Mmhmm. I know so. And in five minutes, you are going to knock everyone’s socks off.”
Hank smiled, once again expressing his gratitude “Thanks, Peri.”
“You’re welcome.” She replied, a little more genuinely, warmly, and humble this time around. She tilted her head to look out onto the stage, before turning to look back at her friend. She wanted to say…something…else, she just didn’t know how to word it. She was always great with other people’s words, but when it came to her own, well, sometimes things slipped out in ways differently than she had wanted them to. Like…“I heard Bethany Short asked you to the spring formal next weekend.”
Hank was a little confused by the sudden change of subject, but was also not wanting to pass up the opportunity to talk to Peri. They never really got to talk one-on-one like this anymore. “Yeah, that she did.”
“And I also heard you told her no.”
With an awkward laugh, Hank responded “That’s…that’s also true.”
“Was there any reason you said no? Are you not going to the dance?” Peri tried to sound casual as she pressed for this information, but Hank knew her better than that.
Hank shrugged, trying his best to sound casual, all while trying to figure out what wheels were turning in his friend’s head “She’s a nice girl, but not really my type.”
“You have a type?” Peri questioned. This was news to her.
Laughing and blushing, Hank replied “I, uh, suppose you could call it that. It’s more just…a…one girl, particularly.”
“Oh.” Peri’s tone was flat, and Hank wasn’t entirely sure what to make of that. “Do I…know, this girl?”
“Uh, yeah.” Hank nodded “Yeah, you do.”
Her tone coming off a little too urgent, Peri continued to inquire “What makes her special, then? What is she like? Why do you like her?”
“Woah, what’s with the interview, here?” Hank tried to joke, despite feeling very overwhelmed by all of Peri’s questions.
“I’m curious!” Was all he got as a reply.
Hank sighed, shaking his head, before confessing “She’s…she’s just…” he fought for a long time to find the right words, before eventually giving a little chuckle, and explaining “…well, she’s what you would call ‘ah-may-zing’. She’s very…intense, and passionate, about everything she does. But she’s also one of the sweetest people to talk to.”
“Hmm,” Peri shrugged “She does sound pretty amazing. If she’s so sweet, why haven’t you, you know, asked her out or anything?”
“She wouldn’t want to go out with me.” Hank replied, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. “She’s way out of my league. Besides, she’s the type of girl who’d want to slow dance at the formal…and…well…what girl would sit that out for a date in a wheelchair?”
“I would.” Peri replied, her voice small, and genuine. “And I bet, whoever this girl is would too, Hank. And there’s no way she could be out of your league, cause you’re really the best guy at this school.”
Hank was definitely blushing again, and he was also sure that Peri could see it. He had opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by their stage manager, and he was sort of glad that he was, he wasn’t entirely sure what he would say. “Hank? You’re on in less than a minute”
As Hank nodded towards the stage manager, Peri quickly crouched down next to him, her voice low, and yet full of sincerity as she told him “Break a leg” and swiftly laying a featherlight kiss on the boy’s cheek.
He didn’t have time to react, as he heard his cue and immediately made his way to center stage. The spotlight did no favors in getting the warmth on his cheek to die down, and he felt it throughout the rest of the night.
In fact, it even persisted as the curtain closed, and the teens made their way back into the school choir room, gathering their things, as Peri’s curious nature had her putting Hank through the third degree “So, this girl, you said I know her, does she go to this school?”
Hank’s eyes darted around, embarrassed that Peri was asking him so loudly. “Yes, yes she does.”
“Is she in any of our classes?” she asked. The pair, along with Spike, were in all the same classes. Riley was in their English class, but was in advanced science and math courses.
Hank nodded “Mhmm.”
“Well, which ones?” Peri pressed.
Hank sighed “Peri, why…”
“Why won’t you tell me?” she whined, until she had what Hank would call a lightbulb moment “Oh my gosh, she’s in choir, isn’t she? That’s why you won’t tell me!”
“Well…yes. She’s in choir, Peri.” With a sigh, he finally admitted defeat, there was no turning back now. Besides, after everything that happened backstage… “She’s the best singer in the whole choir, in my opinion.”
“But I’m the best singer.” Peri argued. “I thought we agreed on that!”
Hank couldn’t believe it. For someone who talked about herself so much, she was really missing out on the conversation. “Well…yeah.”
“She can’t be the best singer if I’m the best singer…” Peri continued, as the point completely flew over her head.
“You are the best singer, Peri.” Hank tried to explain.
Her tone as dramatic as ever, Peri inquired “So then why would you say she’s the best singer?”
“The girl I have a crush on is the best singer in the choir. You’re the best singer in the choir.” Hank explained plainly. He couldn’t spell it out for her much more than that. He remained staring at her, waiting for her to put the pieces together.
The brunette had opened her mouth to confusedly protest again, when suddenly, the realization hit her like a snowball to the back of the head. First, she let out a quiet sounding “Oh” letting the sound fill the room for a moment, before letting out a huff and angrily asking “Well then why couldn’t you just say that in the first place?!?”
“Because you were asking about yourself!” Hank replied, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world “It’s embarrassing! No one wants to talk about their crush to their crush! Besides, it’s like I said earlier…you’re way, way out of my league.”
“I am not!” she huffed. “I’ve had a crush on you since we were Greenies. What have you go to say about that?”
“Since…” Hank blinked at her, a few times. “…since way back then?”
“Of course!” Peri cried, throwing her head back dramatically. “Why else did you think I was always trying to stand next to you during warm up?”
Hank wasn’t entirely sure what to make of this. “So…if I like you…and you like me…then, does that mean, would you like to go to the formal with me, then?”
With a determined smile on her face and toss of her hair, Peri simply stated “Eat your heart out, Bethany Short.”
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