#gosh what a rollercoaster set of panels
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“The Grim Hunt: Chapter 2,” Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1963), #635.
Writer: Joe Kelly; Penciler: Michael Lark; Inkers: Stefano Gaudiano and Matt Southworth; Colorist: Matt Hollingsworth; Letterer: Joe Caramagna
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thatnattyice · 2 months
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Natalia Dyer attending the Stranger Things panel for Hollywood Fame's Comic Con
1.) Who do you play?
"I play Nancy Wheeler!"
2.) If you could be anyone else in Stranger Things, who would you be and why?
"I always thought it'd be really fun to play Hopper. His action scenes and rollercoaster ride of storylines just look exciting to tackle as an actor."
3.) How has being part of the Stanger Things changed your life?
"Oh, gosh. In every way. I am who I am, and I've gotten to experience so many extraordinary things because of this show."
4.) Is there anything about your character you wish you had more control over?
"Um, yes and no. I'm lucky in that I've been able to go up to Matt and Ross before to question certain things they've written for her, and oftentimes they'd listen and change something just a little bit. But at the end of the day, I really do trust that they have the full story pictured in their minds and I'm happy to go with whatever they plan. I may not have made some of the decisions Nancy has, but that's what I love about her."
5.) Is there anyone who you would love to be a guest star in the final season?
"My boring answer would probably be my husband just because it'd make his little fan heart happy. But I'd love to have more horror icons. Working with Robert Englund for season four was unreal, so I would want someone like Jamie Lee Curtis to join us in Hawkins."
6.) Where do you hope your character ends up at the end of the series?
"As cliché as it sounds, I want Nancy to be happy. She's spent the majority of her teen years terrified for her friends and family, caught in dangerous situations, feeling like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. She deserves the chance to go find herself in college and do things that bring her joy without the fear of something lurking in the shadows."
7.) What is one thing you are hoping to take from set once it wraps?
"Nancy has had a lot of cute things over the season. Especially her wardrobe. So I would love to steal more of her clothes. But she also has a cork board in her room with little mementos and photographs that I think would be really special to take home with me."
8.) How do you feel about Stranger Things ending?
"Almost feels like every emotion at once. I've spent all of my 20s working on this show, everything in my life has changed from the beginning to now, with Hawkins always being the home I went back to. That one constant throughout the years. It's going to be bittersweet when we all go our separate ways. I'm also trying to be excited and hopeful for the future. I'm looking forward to diving into new projects, spending more time with my family. I think that no matter where I go and what I do, Nancy and the people of Hawkins will always stay with me."
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I have had a rollercoaster of thoughts today... from being stressed about being able afford to travel in July, to needing to buy a house instantly, to needing to save the planet from global warming (the CORAL IS DYING!!!).  As i do most saturdays i try to only watch things on netflix that will educate me about a topic. I have been following one project where the dutch guy has designed a sort of contraption to collect and remove plastic from the worlds ocean ( plastic ocean on netflix). They have done all the testing and got the money and are currently assembling the “thing” ( for lack of an actual word) and it should be launched into the sea off the west coast of LA in the coming months. I’m actually very excited to watch it all happen. It is really sad that there is literally 1000 and 1000′s of tonnes of plastic in the ocean. It is such a beautiful part of our world and people have such disrespect for it. One of the main things they find out there is fishing nets. Fishing boats either toss them or lose control and basically no one is watching and no way to trace it back to the ship - so what do they care. I would think that fisherman who rely on it for an income would have more respect for their livelihood. Anyways so yes i am excited to see that first stage of the project be launched and if it is successful they will launch more of the “things” to speed up the collection of plastics. 
The first doco i watched today was ‘before the flood’ which has Leo DiCaprio as the main person. It literally baffles me that USA still has politicians saying its all bullshit... global warming is a hoax... Here i am in Colombia where it is known that the government and police etc take bribes. You would think that in a country that is “the leader of the free world” would be above that. I actually hate when they call themselves that... it is literally one of the worst countries to live in...each for their own and they don’t care about the damage their success does. They can’t sort out their gun issues because the gun people own the government and they wont accept or acknowledge global warming offically because the fossil fuel companies pay millions and millions to the high up politicians to pay scientists to say its all false. Trump is such a moron “ Global warming??!? its freezing today” like can he be more dumb!... but he is the leader of the “free world” god help us if that is who is running one of the most influential countries in the world. This doco brought up a good point... like there are so many developing countries - take india.. where 300 million people dont even have power yet... the equilivent to the population of USA. Like my thought would be to just put a solar panel on each house and then that stops the need to start them on fossil fuels and then move them to a green tech... but the indian lady was like why should we when 1 american creates more of a footprint than 10 indians put together. Leo was pretty honest and was like well Americans won’t change their ways... and she is like exactly.. so why should we? it is the american Right! to use as much power as they want. ALways their right. *eye roll* ... it will also be their right to relocate Florida in 30 years or so when the ocean takes over the city. 
The 2nd one was about how the coral is bleaching every year during “el nino”. Soon the coral wont be able to recover before it happens the following year and it will die completely giving no homes to millions of fish ... and then what will happen to all the communities who rely on fishing for food and income? They basically explained it like the human body... if our core temp rises even a few degrees it is dangerous for us. Its the same in the ocean.. the coral can not survive when the water is to hot.. and that can be by 1 or 2 degrees. So althought trump may not feel it because he is cold *eye roll* the ocean does and it is suffering silently. The Great Barrier reef lost 30% of its coral in 2016 and it is just going to increase every “el nino”. 
Merge this with my stress that i need a buy a house as soon as i get back to Australia.. but will have zero money .. and then deciding my house will have solar power... to do my little part.. I did even look up hybrid cars..but that is a bit beyond my reach financially lol..I shall have to wait until they come down in cost. Also ... I may also have 2 or more jobs when i get back just so i can save money quickly so i can get into the housing market. 
I remember a convo i had with Rach.. or a convo she told me she had with the mother of the kids she auparied for in France the other year ( gosh that is nearly 3 years ago RACH!!). Anyways Rach said she had a convo with the mum about what she was going to do next and rach had said the she might move to another country and have another year abroad and the mum had said stop putting your life on hold. I feel like i am having feelings of that... i have put my life on hold... i am obviously living my life and growing as a person ( i hope) but like.. i am not going forwards towards the life goals i had set out for myself in my early 20′s ( or to be honest when i was 12). I wanted to own a lot of house by the time i was 30.... that age has gone and i literally have like $2000 to my name.. and nothing that is actually an asset to my life. That does stress me. I want to be able to have my own income free of a job... and the time is ripe to enter the real estate market and begin taking hold of my portion. For now i literally can do nothing lol. I will think on it and see what i can do so i return to Australia with a little bit of savings.. enough to jump start me into some what of a positive life moving forward. 
Many thoughts.. many mini stresses... but for now all i am going to do  is focus on my trip to aruba / peru and walking the trail to Macchu piccu...
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