what if the oldest kits mentored the youngest?
we already established that Protea mentored Maplefang
maybe Doe mentored Tritonia
Froststorm mentored Pasque
Ashmint mentored Chukar
and Molechive  mentored Chough
it would also fit with how Gorse and Ember mentored their own kits before. They’re trusting more and more, but still prefer to have their family mentor their family.
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Ello! First off, thank you SO MUCH for the work on the kits and mates list, it is Such a great help! You somehow seemed to remember more things than I myself have, lol.
I was wondering if you wanted to add Ex-mates as a part? I'm not sure if there's many, just Snakefern-Sparrowfall and Hiverose-Sandfoot, and they were both small flings I think.
Oh! and since I'm already sending you a message, I don't want to send you more, so here's some updates for the list!
--GorseheartXEmberdawn is now GorseheartXEmberdawnXBirchflightXFoxfire
--Blackdawn and Hillminnow are now mates!
--Mousekit and Thistlekit are now Mousehollow and Thistlehollow; Starling, Aspen, Dust, and Buzzard are now Starlingstrike, Aspenlight, Dustsong, and Buzzardblaze
--Turtlekit and Otterkit (or Turtlebreeze and Otterbounce) are kits adopted by Poppyhill.
I think that's it! It's honestly impressive how much you already had though, dude. I was expecting to also add the new stuff like GorseEmber's new litter, but you already had that. I also saw that Claridaekit's suffix is goose and I just love that
thank you! I’ll add them when my wifi fixes itself (gotta love living in the middle of nowhere, a snowstorm hit and our wifis down… again)
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Total kits of the poly is 21! (-2 dead)
Gorseheart’s = 11 (8 Ember’s, 3 Birch’s)
Fox’s = 6 (4 Birch’s, 2 Ember’s)
Ember’s = 10 (8 Gorse’s, 2 Fox’s)
Birch’s = 7 (4 Fox’s, 3 Gorse’s)
+the four adoptive kits!
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GorseEmber second litter kits! All are female, Tritonia trans
Tritonia is especially special ‘cause I used to draw animals with my grandma, and this was the design she always used for cats!
ref by Cryptidclaws
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I never really thought about it before, but MyrtleAlder and GorseEmber, the two couples with the highest kill/victim count, and one half doesn’t regret what they did at all while the other half does VERY much
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still working on the others, but here are the designs for these two:
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Pasquelull (female)
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Tritoniafinch (trans female)
just ignore T’s scars, forgot to delete them
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alright so
GorseEmberBirchFox kit order (starting with G and E):
--Lightswan (adoptive) 
--Molechive, Froststorm (adoptive)
--Ashmint (adoptive)
--Proteafang, Doefire, Jaykit, Fressiakit (bio)
They then become a poly with Foxfire and Birchflight.
Then Gorseheart has these kits with Birch:
--Adderclaw, Larksnow, Haretuft
only a moon before Ember has these kits with Fox:
--Cloudstep, Sootshade
Later, Birch and Fox have their own kits together:
--Maplefang, Feathergale, Toadjay, Shellminx
Finally, Gorse and Ember have a second bio litter:
--Chukarvole, Pasquelull, Tritoniafinch, Choughwolf
Age Differences For The Kits:
1) Lightswan was adopted when she was roughly four moons old (this age could change as it is an estimation).
2) Molechive and Froststorm died five moons after Lightswan at age five moons, making her five moons older than them.
3) Ashmint died at two moons old twenty-three moons after Molechive and Froststorm died, making them twenty-six moons older than him.
4) Proteafang, Doefir, Fressiakit, and Jaykit were born one moon after Ashmint died and are three moons younger than him. Protea and Doe were adults when their parents became a poly and when both their younger siblings were born (Jay and Fressia died). Possibly around twenty moons, making them that much older.
5) Adderclaw, Larksnow, and Haretuft are one moon older than Cloudstep and Sootshade (their mothers being pregnant at almost the same time).
6) Maplefang, Feathergale, Toadjay, and Shellminx were born when 5 became apprentices, making their age gap about six-and-a-half.
7) Chukarvole, Pasquelull, Tritoniafinch, and Choughwolf were born when 6 were older apprentices, about two or so moons away from gaining their full names. Also possible they were born after 3 earned their names. This makes them about ten to thirteen moons younger.
Going with a big timespan for Ashmint because it’s odd to have so many kits go to the DF at around the same time, so want to spread it out a bit.
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Chukar, Pasque, Tritonia, Chough possible suffixes:
Coughwolf, Tritoniafinch, Chukarvole, Pasquelull
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colour again by @ambitiousauthor
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Doefire’s kit design was heavily taken by this coloured base by @ambitiousauthor​ btw!
I like to think her colours gradually became lighter as she grew
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changed her suffix, I wasn’t really happy with it
ref by Turukhan
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Dark Kit order:
1) FadingFlea’s first litter (initially kept secret). -- Amaranthtuft Rosewoodspring, Poppyperch, and Raspberrythorn
2) LilyWeb’s litter, a few days younger than 1. -- Lilyclaw, Silktangle, Webfang, Petalstripe
3) GorseEmber’s litter. Conceived before they knew Dark Kits were a thing, born after, about a moon younger than 2. -- Proteafang, Doefire, Jaykit, Fressiakit
4) BegoniaWeb’s litter. Born three moons after GorseEmber’s, four moons after LilyWeb’s.
5) JackdawFern’s litter, born long after 4′s were grown.
6) AlderHoot’s litter, born roughly four moons after JackdawFern’s
7) BasilJump (and Spark)’s litter, born when AlderHoot’s were roughly three.
correct inaccuracies and feel free to add more kits. I think this is what I got from the answers? Just need to add FadingFlea’s second litter and all of Webstripe’s, and then some. Didn’t add anything that I wasn’t 100% confident in, which is why some names aren’t mentioned
(also rip Lilyclaw, no longer the first Dark Kit-- but the first kit they really knew about)
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Gorseember kits: who is oldest or biggest?
Proteafang is the oldest! She’s also really tall like her mom
Doefire is the second oldest and is more her dad’s size (aka just slightly above average), the other two were the young runts
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I am now in love with Protea’s neck mane
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Proteafang should get a girlfriend, I think
she’s chill but is freaked out about just what she is, and maybe she doesn’t even realize that until she talks to someone who is also a Dark Kit and she realizes oh shit and they bond over being ‘abominations’
plus in cat terms, she’s probably like a hot biker chick, and I think she deserves to make someone swoon
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if Jaykit and Fressiakit lived, what do you think their warrior names would have been?
good question! I imagine their parents would suggest tough-sounding names to help in protecting them, so
Jaystone aaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnd..... Fressiaclaw
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