#goring two vincents in as many days lets goooo
Goretober 12: Transparent
cn: self-harm
[Vincent belongs to @constantlytiredghost]
Of all the people Teo hadn’t killed before, Vincent was probably the one he was best at reading.
He saw it in the way the doctor held his pen, dropping it now and then, even though his fingers were perfectly steady when he examined something; saw it in how he was clutching the scalpel, absentmindedly tracing the edge without drawing blood. And he saw him make sure his sleeves covered his arms.
Usually, he wouldn’t even have noticed those details, but since he knew the opportunity they held, his mind seemed to zoom in on them, until he couldn’t restrain himself anymore, just like back then in Aberrant, when they had been holding watch.
Vincent was too focused on his work (or maybe the numbness also made his hearing worse) to notice Teo approaching him where he was standing hunched over his notes, until the axe was hooked around his neck.
A sigh from Vincent. “If you keep threatening me like that, I won’t let you bring your toy to medical examinations anymore.”
“Do you need help?” Teo asked.
Vincent turned around, carefully making sure the blade didn’t cut him, to look up at Teo. He seemed unimpressed. “I don’t know how cutting my throat would help me. Or you for that matter.”
Teo didn’t move Dex. “Do you have a Death Ward on you?”
A smirk. “Just a simple precaution. Which seems necessary when dealing with you. No offense.”
“Then what are you afraid of?”
“Losing my arms. Or legs. Damage to vital organs that I’ll have to deal with is also high on the list.”
Teo twisted Dex in his grip, swinging him around Vincent’s head without touching him, then brought the blade under his chin, moving it upwards slightly to force Vincent to tilt his head up farther.
“I can hold back,” Teo said.
Vincent reached up a hand, wiped his thumb across the underside of his chin. “You’re a terrible liar.” He looked at the bloody thumb, expression contemplative. Then he shrugged out of his vest, unbuttoned his shirt, revealing pale skin that held old scars and fresher cuts alike.
“I’m going to regret this,” he said, teeth bared in a smirk. “You know the rules: Keep my limbs attached, don’t – “ The rest of his words were interrupted by his own scream as Teo twisted Dex around again and dragged the blade down Vincent’s chest, leaving a large bloody gash there. Teo leaned forward, muttering close to Vincent’s ear: “Better?”
Vincent shot him a pain-filled smirk. “A bit.”
Teo pushed the axe grip into him, so he stumbled backwards against his desk. Another scream followed when Teo brought Dex down on him again, this time on his shoulder. Vincent inhaled sharply, then turned his head, looking down at puddle of blood on the desk. “I’ll have to redo a lot of notes,” he sighed, and then gasped again as a hand in his hair forced him to look up into Teo’s grin.
“You look a lot prettier when you’re covered in blood,” Teo said.
“I get that a lot.”
Teo moved his hand from Vincent’s hair over his chin and cheek and neck, smearing his blood everywhere, then laid it into the wound on his shoulder, digging his fingers into it. Vincent flinched. Teo ran his fingers down Vincent’s arm, over the self-inflicted cuts and scratches.
“This helps more, doesn’t it?” He dug his nails into a cut, tearing it open.
“I’m starting to think that isn’t worth having to put up with you.”
Teo picked up Dex again and ghosted the blade over Vincent’s arm. “You said limbs are off limit, but what about fingers? A skilled doctor like you should be able to make do with one or two missing, right?”
Even as he took the swing, he expected Vincent to move his hand in time, and he did, so Dex’ blade only split the wood of the desk. Vincent seemed a lot less composed now, though: “Why don’t you let me cut off your fingers, and then we’ll see how well you’ll be able to use your toy – sorry: partner.”
There was a shift in his voice as well, which Teo liked a lot. He wondered how far he could take this. He adjusted his grip on Dex so he could hold him one-handed, then grabbed Vincent’s throat with his other hand, pushing him back against the wooden surface and twisting his head back to bare his throat. Vincent’s eyes shot open. Teo laughed and lifted Dex. Just as he took aim, Vincent muttered something under his breath. There was a loud pop as air rushed in where Teo had been standing over him just a moment ago.
Vincent rose from the desk, rubbing his throat. He was still bleeding, but he could take care of that later, when he didn't have to worry about the effect of his Banishment ending. After casting a regretful glance at the blood-drenched papers on the desk, he took out a bag of salt from a drawer and scattered it in a circle around the desk.
“Always so transparent in your intentions,” he muttered.
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