#gorgeous ML
pearlietomb · 2 years
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Day umpteen: still no update and I’m in pain
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Hello again, it's been a while! So, we managed to find another big find! What looks to be a screenshot of the synopsis of the series, as well as designs for the main characters and the miracuclass! We recognize some old faces here, but we see at least two new faces in the crowd!
We also found a season 1 sheet of all the characters, with their names too! Including superhero forms and the villain of the series!!
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We'll keep you updated if we find more! Especially if there may be some season 2 designs ;)
(Inbox is open if you have any questions about our au!)
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lucydoodlessometimes · 6 months
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yknow what? i like you. *loveys my bug*
origin post for the concept of loveybug is here by @blur0se @pisoprano and @asukiess !!!i am bewitched. Her bad mental health swag and therapist-less charms have swayed me. all possible love to every loveybug creator known to man you all are inspiring
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emzurl · 2 years
Please enjoy the full Separation Arc of the Miraculous Office AU (part 6) - a Felinette story!
🚫 DO NOT re-upload or re-post this video anywhere, thank you. 🚫
This is a pre-reveal, undercover AU where Felix is Gabriel’s son and Chat Noir. In their university years, both Marinette and Felix are still working to take down Hawk Moth. They both find separate evidence linking Gabriel’s fashion company to Hawk Moth’s operation and decide to secretly go undercover in his company. Marinette lands a Production Assistant job while Felix asks his father for a position. Suspicious of Felix’s newfound interest in his company, Gabriel decides to hire a documentary crew to as a way to keep his son in check. This is the story as told through the documentary crew’s lens.
Intro Arc (Part 1) | Butterfly Garden Arc (Part 2) | Enemy Arc (Part 3) | Allegra Arc (Part 4) | Reunion Arc (Part 5)
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daily-kagami · 1 year
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Day #78: Movie-goers
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taldigi · 2 years
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There we go. All of the pre-canon/LB Classic/fashion club characters and their designs, as well as their concept art counterparts/inspirations
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saturnniidae · 1 year
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hufflepotato-18 · 1 year
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the way the person they love is reflected in their eyes
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sassymiraculous · 1 year
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celestiall0tus · 10 months
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He is just gorgeous 🥰
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yourfavvgal · 2 months
hello!! i went to an art museum today, and i had the idea to send my mutuals a piece of art that reminded me of them/their blogs. so here you go!
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this one is so pretty, and i think it matches your blog theme pretty well!! i hope you like it! :)
aaaa i really hope you enjoyed the art museum!!! oooohhh WHAHAHAT ITS SO PRETTY AAA??
aaa thank you??? its honestly such a pretty painting and im honoured for you to think it matches my blog theme well :DD
SO THANK YOU SOSOSO MUCH!!! (making a mental note to do this for you if i go to an art museum ‼️)
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kittychat-ladybug · 1 year
Dude I did not expect Marinette to burst out in song
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rosiesared · 1 year
everything ive seen abt the ml movie makes me so hyped to see it 
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twin-books · 2 years
Can you draw redraw with this cuties!?
This concept art features Gorgeous Nathan from the gym club (AKA Pre Felix) and Marietta (Or Marinette)!
You have very nice drawings,I like it,Dude!!Very beautiful and creativity.Your drawings are just a masterpiece!!!
Firstly, I must thank you for helping me identify that the dude in this concept is Gorgeous Nathan. I always thought he couldn't be Felix because he seemed different, and it's not just because of the outfit, though that's a heavy reason. I never thought about it being Gorgeous Nathan but that does make the most sense. Also, I must say I very much appreciate you referring to him by his full title. Beautiful. We always appreciate Gorgeous Nathan from the Gym Club. (I will bully this man relentlessly for this title, I swear). For those who don't like using links that they can't be sure where they lead, this is the image anon is talking about:
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Anyway, I'm not sure if you were actually asking me to draw them separately or redraw this image. I went with redrawing it. I do have this image and I very much love it more compared to the final product. So I decided to redraw it based on what ended up being the final product and on this sketch version. The final product involves the weird combination of Marinette and "Bridgette" and Felix. There was not much else in the scene besides two people and a car and while I liked the focus on Felix and "Bri" it looked so barren and lifeless somehow compared to all other concept images. That isn't to say the art is bad, of course. The art was very, very good. It just didn't have quite the same life I loved about the other concepts so it's one of my least favorites. Here's them compared side by side:
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I quite liked the sketch because of life it had and I wanted to somehow mimic that without people so I decided to add a lot more plant life and hopefully bring more "energy" you could say. I'm not sure I did it justice. I also did some very sloppy coloring because I thought it would be fun. I don't really love the outfit Marietta have so I did my best with what I was provided. That's one of the things I preferred about the final image. I will say I couldn't help myself and added Marietta's necklace even though this isn't quite the Marietta we know because she seemed to have the more Marinette-like bangs.
But here it is... I did my best. I much prefer the original products myself but this was fun. I recommend clicking on it. This image is big so Tumblr makes it look worse. XD
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I really had to deconstruct this image. I went through tracing the very basic shapes of it to get the basic idea of the energy then I went to making my own building blocks so I could draw my own style over top of that then it was redrawing it all over again and so forth and so on... I basically drew this image multiple times. Can't say I'm all that thrilled with this one. I actually don't quite like it. But I do try to be honest about my art journey. I am one of those artists who believes it's the fun that's important and I had a whole lot of fun making it. Except Gorgeous Nathan's head. That wasn't fun. Very unfun. You think I would hate his hands but no it was his freaking head. Ironic since that's the stuff I draw the most; heads and faces. I hope you at least like it, even just a little bit. Maybe one day I can draw them again without trying to measure up to someone else's work, I suppose. That's probably what threw me off a lot, that I really wanted to do it justice even though I knew this would be a very simple drawing. Thanks for the request! It was very fun to draw this version of the characters! I also very much like the story this one tells! Also anon, I gotta ask... are you the same anon sending me all the wonderful asks in my inbox? I, of course, appreciate them but it did get me curious! I hope you're having a wonderful day, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever time it is where you are! <3
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sfigatino · 2 years
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Chapter 1 - Pinky Promise
Pinky promised I was quitting, pinky promised that I wouldn't love somebody if they didn’t. I'm a girl with big ambitions, but did I listen? No, no, no, no. They're tortured and I wouldn't understand it. Plus they got a lot of unexamined father-son baggage. They don't wanna talk about it, is that a challenge?
“Girl, why do you always fall for guys who are way out of your league?” Alina raised an eyebrow as they walked to school.
“I don’t know, it’s not my fault Nathan exists, and he’s gorgeous, and there’s nothing I can do about it.” Marinette groaned.
“Come on, you pinky promised you were quitting.” Alina raised an eyebrow.
“Emotions are freaking hard to control, Lina.” Marinette grumbled. “And actually, I pinky promised I wouldn’t love somebody if they didn’t. Technically, this is just a crush. He doesn’t love me back anyway.”
“Go ahead and tell yourself whatever makes you feel better, but girl, he’s so out of your league.”
“I know.” Marinette grinned. “This sucks.”
“Good morning, ladies.” Nathan came up from right behind them and Marinette had to keep from jumping out of her skin. How much had he heard? “How are the loveliest ladies on this side of the street doing?” It was a nice compliment, they were the only students on that side of the street so it was a safe one, but Marinette couldn’t help the blush that rose to her cheeks at that second.
“Uh… I’m g-good, Nathan! T-Thanks!” Marinette smiled helplessly before noticing the fact that his gorgeous jaw that could cut paper was abnormally tense. “Are you o-okay?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He looked back at her with a smile on his face, classic model style. 
“Oh, uh… I-I thought you looked s-stressed, so I thought I’d ask…”
“I’m just stressed. Y’know the deal, good old father-son baggage I lug around everywhere, you wouldn’t understand.”
“W-well, I’d be glad to listen if y-you wanted to vent to a s-stranger.” Marinette offered, still trying to get the blood to drain from her face.
“I don’t wanna talk about it, but thanks. See you lovely ladies in class, ‘kay?” He smiled and passed them, running off to say hi to some of the other guys he hung around with a lot.
“Girl, what was that?” Alina smirked, eyebrows raised.
“I don’t know, he just came out of nowhere and he looked stressed and I just messed things up again!” She screeched, burying her face in her hands as they got to the edge of the curb.
“Mari, that sounded like a flirt. He’s totally into you.” Alina smiled satisfactorily.
“Wait… what?”
Oh, oh, oh, oh, funny I could pick 'em in a line up, line up. Pretty certain I could do it with my eyes shut, eyes shut. A little self-obsessive and I sign up, sign up.
“Marinette!” Alina whisper-shouted. “Stop staring at Nathan and finish your test.” Mari turned and looked at Alina, and the corner of her eye caught Felix rolling his eyes as he turned the page in his book. 
“Sorry, sorry.” She muttered back, turning back to her test. In fairness, Nathan was distracting. He had already finished his test, and now he was whispering quite animatedly to his desk partner, Claude, about the latest in sports news or something, Mari wasn’t really paying attention to the conversation. “How do you do this?”
“You want me to answer your questions for you? Not a chance.” Alina raised an eyebrow.
“No! Survive in a room where he is right there and actually finish your test?”
“Oh, easy. He’s not my type.” Alina shrugged with a smile, turning back to the magazine she’d brought with for quiet time.
Marinette groaned and answered the next two questions before letting her eyes go right back to Nathan’s perfect haircut, perfect biceps, perfect… shut up, bad brain. She was pretty sure her brain would short-circuit if she were in Claude’s spot. 
Thinking about it, Claude was pretty tall, taller than Felix at least, and sitting next to Nathan, he looked small enough for Nathan to bench press. Probably because he could. Nathan was impressive like that– Focus on your test, bad brain.
Thankfully, Marinette survived the test. Which was good, because then she could doodle in her sketchbook without having to feel bad about ignoring the test. Every time Nathan laughed at something Claude said, every time he turned and flexed a muscle, Marinette found herself staring again. How could a person be so amazing?
“Mari. Mari. Marinette Cheng.” Alina giggled. “Girl, class ended, stop staring at him.”
“I was not!” Marinette protested. “I was just staring into space!”
“Uh-huh, sure.” She smiled conspiratorially. “Come on, girl, let’s go to lunch.”
Marinette’s eyes had traveled back to the boys in the row in front of her. “Uh, yeah, I’ll catch up.”
“Suit yourself, simp.” Alina giggled again, hugging her friend goodbye. “I’ll save you a seat!”
“–But I just don’t understand it, because like, I still had the right answer, I just took a different approach. I don’t know why Mendeliev’s so picky about it, I still got it.” Nathan stood and grabbed his books as he grinned down at Claude, who was still seated.
“Right, it’s weird. I’d say to just ‘fuck it, we ball’, but that’s not gonna help since you need to keep your grades up to stay on the gym club.” Claude responded, standing and leaning on the seat as he shoved his papers into his bag. “We’re almost done with this unit, but I swear, the whole course sucks so bad.”
“Right, man.” Nathan agreed, coming around the seat to join Claude as they started out of the room. “You good?” He raised an obnoxiously gorgeous eyebrow as he noticed Claude hesitating.
“Rolled my ankle on the way in, I’m fine.” Claude shrugged it off, making his way towards Nathan. “Come on, lunch is already, like, five minutes over.”
“Yeah, I’ll catch up, bud, there’s something I want to take care of first.”
“Have it your way.” And with that, Nathan was left alone in the room with Marinette. 
“Hey, Marinette! What’s going on?” Nathan beamed.
“Uh, not much! Just cleaning up!” She didn’t bother to say that she had hung back to just listen to him talk longer.
“Need help? I think I’m pretty qualified to help the pretty lady if I do say so myself, Prince Charming and all.” He flexed for effect and she had to keep herself from swooning.
“A little self-obsessed, too.” She joked with a grin as their hands touched above one of her pens. “Oh, s-sorry…”
“Don’t be.” Nathan smiled, his silvery eyes looking so warm and inviting. “I don’t mind the chance to get closer.”
What did that even mean? Marinette couldn’t really dwell on the thought with the issues at hand, namely my pens are all over my desk and there’s a very pretty boy in front of her and she doesn’t know what to do about it.
“Well, I wouldn’t want you to b-be mistaking me for s-someone cool and s-smart and, y’know, better.” She fumbled, honestly just trying to find a way out. Something about the beautiful person in front of her made her uncomfortable. But maybe her gut was wrong.
“I could pick you out with my eyes closed, Mari, even if you were lined up next to every model in Paris. You’re special like that.”
“You… You really think so?” She looked up at him with wide eyes.
“I know so. You’re amazing, Marinette.” His smile looked so genuine. “Pinky promise.”
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natstarbuck · 1 year
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