#gopro like cameras
oceanwithouthermoon · 5 months
aiura def has a photo wall with hundreds of pics of her and her friends..
everyone is in a few but its mostly the psychickers and chiyo...
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
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They got tired of getting pushed over the edge because the bed was made for one and not 3 big adult men, so they dismantled the frame and put two mattresses together on the ground.
So now instead of the one on the side falling, it's the one in the middle getting swallowed when the mattresses inevitably part. They're not that smart. But at least they don't hurt themselves by falling now.
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mostly-tame · 5 months
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Nothing crazy for mileage tonight (just 2.5 lol), but got the harness back out and did some canicross tonight!
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graciousdragon · 3 months
there's some. religious protester in the main square of my college campus rn? he's got a sign with a list of different types of people who are apparently going to hell and he's yelling something about sinners and repenting i think (couldn't really hear him over my music). i couldn't read the sign too well either since i was far away and also walking but i've deadass never seen one of these people in person before. if he's still there after my class is over i'll try and see if i can read his sign
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flamingpudding · 6 months
Glitterbombs for rogues
A/N: I got sick over the holidays. So I did not do any of the writing I originally wanted to do. So instead of that Christmas Story you get this Mark Rober inspired little tidbit.
Tim had a new favorite Engineer Youtube. The boy was a bit younger than him but a genius Engineer judging by the hand full of videos Tim had marathoned through. According to the listed self-introduction part of the video, Danny was currently an engineering student in Gotham with the goal to work one day for NASA. (Tim held out some hopes that he maybe could snag the kid for WE if possible. He had already sent out an internship offer after the third video he had watched)
Either way, Danny had potential and ideas that borderlined on mad science. But made his videos of his little projects even more entertaining and interesting to watch. Tim's favorite so far was Danny's explanation on how he reconstructed his toaster so that it would launch itself into space after the third his roommate burned toast with it. He did buy his roommate a new toaster at the end of the video though.
Still Tim liked this guy and his videos. So with anticipation he clicked on one of the newer videos. The title having caught his attention: 'Why Glitter'.
Instead of the usual introduction bit with little highlights of Danny's previous project the video started out with a big fat warning in red letter to not attempt to replicate anything in the video. That had Tim very curious already, but then a little video clip following that had Tim spitting out the coffee he was just sipping from.
Thankfully he missed spitting on his phone, still he jumped out of his cozy bed where he had been watching YouTube on his phone and hurried over to his laptop. The video, meanwhile, was continuing playing. He could hear the usual music from the introduction part as well as Danny's voice explaining his reasosn -which were valid, Tim had to agree with some of them- once that part was done.
By now he had fired up his laptop and was researching. The video in the background was explaining how Danny had build his Glitterbombs similar to the once another youtuber had but slightly modified them since he was not going to use fart-spray. Tim eyes widened as he found the first correlating news articles, wondering how they hadn't seen them sooner, but a glance at the date revealed that they were only posted a couple of hours ago.
Danny in the video was no explaining about his fist chooses victim and Tim dived onto his bed from his desk to get his phone back in his hands. Wide eyed, he watched as Danny obviously with a GoPro strapped to his head, crawled through what looked like an air vent. Once he reached an opening he looked through the slits into what appeared to be Riddlers hide out. Danny took the Camara of his head so that he could grin into it making the sign for silence as he barely contained his own chuckles. The other then waited for a moment, the camera work now getting wonky and the video even glitching out but a second later Danny was back in focuse before pointing down and then directing the Camara to his view. There in Riddlers hideout now sat Danny's self engineered glitterbomb.
"No he didn't..." Tim muttered as the video cut to a different scene. Danny was now walking through the sewers, humming cheerfully while explaining why he chose who he choose.
Another cut and... Tim spluttered. How the hell did Danny manage to just walk into Arkam?! So he hadn't seen wrong at the beginning of the video.
Growing paller with every cut on how Danny delivered his self-engineered Glitter bombs, Tim started to fear for his new favorite youtubers safety. Thankfully he had already done his work on Danny's person when he sent the internship offer. Now he just needed to get Danny to freaking safty.
He dragged himself to his laptop still in disbelieve as various clips of the rogues getting glitterbombed from the bombs perspective started playing. And yep, he definitely didn't see wrong now in the beginning. The Joker was one of Danny's chooses victums. Aside from the fact that he was so going to download and save that video for eternity as well as share it with his brothers and friends, (because as funny as it was that most of them were Gotham rogues, Luther and another millionaire by the name of Masters had also been made victims.), he still had to figure out how to ensure this definitely insane youtubers safer from the warmth of 90% of their rogues now.
Great newly discovered favorite youtuber has just painted a big fat red target on himself.
Tim was just about to call everyone in when a bonus at the end of Danny's video started to play.
He recognized that safe house.
He recognizes the weapons displayed on the walls also.
Oh... that's...
Still laughing Tim still sent out a message to everyone. When asked why all he did was sent them the link to the video with to timestamps.
The first one of the Joker getting glitterbombed
The second one being Red Hood getting glitterbombed.
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burntficus · 2 months
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Ain't No Rest For The V1cked
00111010 00100000 00101001
Happy FULL ARSENAL update ultrafans! ::)
[Image Description: fanart of V1, a blue robot with a GoPro-like head-camera from the Ultrakill FPS game, standing in front of a red background. Splatters of blood are flying from the left side of the image. Behind him are a set of yellow glowing wings. The artist's signature "Burnt Ficus" is written at the top of the image. / END ID]
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b0tster · 24 days
im loving nightmare cart sm!!! i encountered a weird bug though that happened when i used a visceral on father geoffrey that, after the cutscene, kept my camera pov stuck at the right side of the cart like a gopro
this bug will be fixed in the next update, which should launch in a few hours if testing goes well!
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specialagentartemis · 6 months
Citizen Science and Contributing To Scientific Endeavor When You're Not "A Scientist"
Comments on some of my posts about science and misinformation express frustration with scientific establishments, and want to see more accessibility and attention given to amateurs participating in the scientific process and having their scientific voices heard.
If being involved in the creation of knowledge and discovery is something important to you, that's something I strongly encourage! It's absolutely possible. Amateur researchers with a passion and an eye for detail have made some fantastic discoveries - but what is often glossed over in stories like these are the years of work, the patient dedication, and the collaboration with university researchers that often underlie such discoveries.
The search for truth and information and the passion for science is present in a lot of people who aren't official "scientists" - curiosity is natural! And if participation in scientific observation, hypothesizing, experimentation, and discovering new things about the world is important to you, there are lots of ways to go about contributing - and the new year is a great time to start.
What are you interested in?
Observing the world around you is for everybody. Getting invested in the environment of your hometown is for everybody. And, as the Mythbusters famously said,
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Some ideas for a local ecology project:
Record the temperature outside every day at the same time - at sunrise, or noon, or sunset, or midnight. Depending on where you are, the local weather recording station may be miles away or on top of a mountain - measure the temperature yourself and compare it each day to what your app says. When is it accurate? When isn't it?
Record the weather every day. How much precipitation? What time of day? What kind?
Record what animals you see every day, where, when, and how many. Or choose a specific animal, like birds, or bees on flowers, or turtles or frogs in a local pond, or whiptail lizards vs. invasive house geckos, and record the numbers you see each day.
Record when in the year you see the first, or last, of a plant or animal. When the crocuses sprout, when the buds appear on the maple trees, when you see the first clover flowers or prickly pear flowers, when the first robin comes out or the first lizards come out of hibernation.
If you have an outdoor cat or a free-roaming dog, attach a GoPro or similar small camera to its collar to see where it goes and what it does.
Identify the plants growing in your neighborhood, and check in on it regularly to keep track of how each one fares in different weather conditions, or if any animals particularly like or don't like to eat it.
Bulk order some test strips, then take a small sample of soil from a local park or water from a local waterway each weekend and test them for PH, lead, chemicals, or whatever. See if it changes over the year, or after a heavy rainfall, or during drought.
Take a photo of the same spot every day for a year.
The study of how people use language! Everybody uses language in some capacity.
Do you have any small children near you? Talk to them! Record how they pronounce things and what they call new (or even familiar) concepts. Look for patterns.
Ask people you know if "dog" and "blog" rhyme, or if "Alohop" is a good pun for a pineapple beer. My family gets ENDLESS amounts of mileage out of this one with each other. Ask people you know questions about how they pronounce things, or what they call things. Make maps of dialectical differences between generations, neighborhoods, etc. Track linguistic shifts in the modern world.
Everyone and everywhere has a history, and accurate history is pressingly relevant always.
See if you have a local historical society, library archive, or history museum that is looking for volunteers to transcribe or translate collections.
Get elbow-deep in local archives. You likely have some sort of local archive near you that has not been fully digitized. Go in with a topic you want to learn about - Black families, Jewish communities, how your hometown transferred from Indigenous hands to settler ones, women who owned their own businesses, immigration, inter-racial relationships, sports, ice harvesting, farming practices, contemporary opinions on a major world history event that now seems so inevitable, sports and people's reactions to sports - and read everything in newspapers, wills, deeds, photographs, or other available records about your topic of choice. See if you can find connections that you haven't seen anyone else talking about.
These are just some things that occur to me immediately as something that anyone can do, if you're sufficiently interested in a question and want to discover more about it. The more local your topic, the less likely anyone has a solid answer to whatever you're wondering - and the more immediately relevant to the people around you your discoveries may be!
Combining it with a New Year's Resolution can also get you more motivated to do the things you want to do. Is your resolution to get more exercise? Take a brisk walk each morning and take a picture of the same area every day for a year. Take a walk every weekend down to the lake and count the turtles and frogs you see. Is your resolution to keep a daily diary For Real This Time? If nothing else, resolve to write down the weather and precipitation each day! Do you want to volunteer more or meet new people? Look for citizen science or local history groups! Feeling like you're working toward something Real is a great motivator.
Henry David Thoreau's detailed descriptions of the nature each day around Walden Pond in the 1840s provides a valuable benchmark for modern ecologists to compare environmental and climatic changes since then on a granular level. Silly rhyming poems and idiosyncratic spellings in letters and diaries help linguists track dialectical and pronunciation changes across time. Amateur science is great and valuable! We all can have a part in understanding and paying deeper attention to the world around us, if we want to.
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
I am horrified by how often I see people writing, "Well, we shouldn't take Holocaust into account when talking about Israel-Palestine war." Of course we SHOULD, and that's why:
"October 7 is getting rewritten and certain social media users are an active of the campaign to erase the atrocities.
I was barely awake on October 7th when news of the atrocities that were committed by Hamas began to trinkle in, horror by horror. With sleep still in my eyes, I had hoped it was a nightmare I could erase by burying my face in pillows and returning to slumber, but alas, reality was insistent. Hamas had butchered over 1,200 people, amongst them infants, pregnant women, the handicapped, and the elderly. Even dogs were not spared.
But Hamas didn’t just murder them in cold blood, they had tortured, raped, desecrated their bodies, and took hostages. Their depravity was limitless. And they were so proud of their crimes that they used GoPro cameras to record them, later releasing the sickening spectacles to the public as a form of psychological terror. Add to that the live streams, cell phone recordings, and CCTV camera footage, and you’ll probably have the most documented massacre in history—with a reported 60,000 video clips collected.
I’ve seen some of these videos, including those not circulating quite so widely in public. They will haunt me for the rest of my life—and that falls far short than the 47 minute “film” shown to select journalists and diplomats worldwide, a number of whom broke down and/or fell ill during the screening.
But as shocking as all of this deranged butchery was — which was entirely the intention — what stunned me in the aftermath is the world’s reaction.
Putting aside disputes of land and politics, it was jarring to hear such a blatant reframing of narrative. It started with calling Hamas the “resistance” and justifying the unjustifiable. A number of BLM chapters had put out “heroic” images of Hamas terrorists descending on parachutes. I half-expected them to release action figures of Hamas fighters too. Maybe they did?
And then came the "BUTs." Sure, some folks condemned Hamas, but it was always followed by a "BUT," justifying the unjustifiable. I've been asked, ad nauseam, "What would you do in their situation?" Well, my response remains steadfast: not commit random acts of murder, torture, and kidnapping. Call me old-fashioned. (For the record I’ve called many colorful words for my stance, but oddly that was never one of them).
It was a wake-up call for many, especially those of us in the global Jewish community. Overnight, the illusion of safety shattered, much like the dreams of anyone who's binge-watched a horror series alone at night. But now we were all collectively trapped in that nightmare, and couldn’t wake up no matter how hard with pitched.
The history of the Holocaust is taught in many schools around the world. “Never forget” and “never again” are sentiments that are echoed within that curriculum. Yet, while some might scoff at the persistent advocacy for Holocaust education, insisting that it’s hitting them over the head, a nationwide survey in 2020 reveals that the under-40 crowd seems to have missed the memo. Shockingly, one in ten respondents haven’t even heard of the word “Holocaust,” let alone being aware that as many as 6 million Jews perished in it.
Further, nearly a quarter of those questioned said they believed the Holocaust was a myth, had been exaggerated or that they weren’t sure. Meanwhile in Canada, one in five young people (under 34) either hasn't heard of the Holocaust or isn't sure what it is. And in Britain, one in twenty adults flat-out deny that it ever took place. Ah, the privilege of blissful ignorance.
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Most who underestimate the number of Jews killed in Holocaust have neutral or warm feelings toward Jews.
But it's not just ignorance; there's an entire industry that has been propped up and dedicated to Holocaust denial, complete with books, “movies,” and groups. To make matters worse, alarmingly, fewer Holocaust survivors are around to share their firsthand accounts and counteract the flames of denialism.
Nearly half of the 1000 people surveyed had stated that they’ve seen Holocaust denial or distortion posts on social media or elsewhere online.
I’ve always thought that denials of genocide—such as the Holocaust —were something that happened over time, with history slipping away and being re-written.
However, I never expected to be observing this in real time.
While initially the so-called “resistance” was celebrated by a subset of society, this soon turned into full-fledged denials of Hamas’ actions on Oct 7. Despite overwhelming evidence in the form of videos captured and shared by Hamas themselves and shared on Telegram channels and elsewhere, I would read and hear people claiming that they had only targeted Israeli military. Absurd claims emerged using supposedly ‘leaked’ footage where an Israeli helicopter shoots at Nova music festival goers. That video was viewed over 30 million times on X alone. The video, which was actually originally shared by the IDF on Oct 9, was showing their attacks on specific Gazan targets—certainly NOT indiscriminate bombings of music festival attendees in Israel. (Here’s a great thread that details how this piece of disinformation spread and geolocation information that further confirms that the claim is fake).
I’ve heard countless denials of the rapes of women (and men), despite overwhelming evidence in the form of physical evidence, forensics, and a number of witness testimonies. Women’s rights groups, meanwhile, remained silent—thus offering a vacuum for denialists to fill. Proponents of “me too” also stayed silent. Worse, the University of Alberta Sexual Assault Centre’s director signed an open letter calling Hamas perpetrating “sexual violence” an “unverified accusation.” It took UN Women nearly two months to issue a lukewarm condemnation of the brutal attacks. “We are alarmed by the numerous accounts of gender-based atrocities and sexual violence during those attacks,” they wrote, following a letter writing campaign urging them to speak up. Better late than never though, right?
The roughly 40 dead babies claim was debunked as a lie. At least that’s what people on social media now declare as fact, citing a Haaretz investigation.
“Haaretz investigation EXPOSES all the ISRAELI LIES from October 7th just like I predicated (sic),” reads the post of one particularly large disinformation account.
These claims persisted despite Haaretz directly addressing that post and calling it “blatant lies” and insisting that it “absolutely no basis in Haaretz’s reporting.”
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The denials continued regardless of the fact that a group of 200 forensic pathologists from all over the world had confirmed that babies were indeed murdered and that some babies were found decapitated, though it was unclear whether this was done before or after death. First responders also corroborated that they witnessed beheaded infants. Regardless of decapitation, these were babies, murdered.
The forensic pathologists also confirmed that humans were executed, bound and burned alive. Israeli police have over 1,000 statements related to the attack.
When some of the hostages were released, Hamas supporters claimed that the hostages enjoyed being held by them, that they hardly wanted to leave. That this was like a pleasant vacation for them, that’s all. Like sipping piña coladas by the beach. In fact, they would state that they were more concerned about their safety in Israeli hands. They even concocted stories of love affairs between a hostage who was shot in the leg and a Hamas captor. A sick and twisted take on reality where up is down, cats are dogs, and denial is truth. They dismissed the reality that many of these hostages watched their loved ones get murdered in front of them, and still had relatives being held in captivity. The hostages were also administered Clonazepam by Hamas, a mood-enhancing tranquilizing drug, before handing them over to the Red Cross, so that they would appear “happy.”
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Meanwhile, the Yale Daily News published a correction of an opinion column stating that the “allegations had not been substantiated.”
The denials go on and on, and I can’t help but feel like I’m watching a version of Holocaust denial, except this time it’s happening in real time—not years after the fact. And this time, it has a Wi-Fi connection and a social media account.
The conditions for this were ripe. Moral relativism is why just several weeks ago, Gen Z embraced Bin Laden's 'Letter to America.' It has been building up for years across college campuses, a breeding ground for ideologies that support violent means to achieve political gains.
The perceived power dynamics play a role here too. In the eyes of many, the Israelis are seen as a superpower whereas the Palestinians, and by extension Hamas, are seen as underdogs. In their view, the underdog is always right because it is the victim, and the “power” is the oppressor. So how can the oppressor be a victim?
Israelis, despite the majority of the population being Mizrahi Jews, as well as 20% Arabs (who were also victims on Oct 7), have been framed as “white colonizers,” vs the Palestinians who are seen as “POC” in the context of this conflict. Never mind that Jews, including Ashkenazi Jews, can be traced back to the land through DNA, archaeological evidence, and historical documents.
An overall distrust for media is another factor, which has resulted in individuals taking the word of random influencer accounts as gospel over traditional media outlets. According to Gallup polls, Americans’ trust in media is near a record low. Only 34% of US adults have a “great deal” or “fair amount” of confidence as of 2022. This is a major hindrance to our sensemaking abilities.
And then, of course, there’s cognitive dissonance. When a group identifies so closely with the perpetrator and they commit heinous acts, confronting that fact happens to be uncomfortable. So, in an attempt to reduce that discomfort, they rationalize or deny the evidence. This means that they accept only evidence that supports their existing beliefs, while placing unreasonable demands on the other side.
But none of these factors would have gained as much traction if it weren’t for something that didn’t exist during the Holocaust: social media. This is the engine that helps drives this real-time historical revisionism and denialism. According to 2021 data from Pew Research, over 70% of Americans get their news via social platforms. A Reuters Institute report from 2023 found that 30% of respondents use social media as the main way to get their news.
We have a society that consumes sound-bites of information, both truth and lies (as well as lies based on grains of truth).
Social media algorithms—combined with human nature—tend to amplify outrageous untruths, which spread widely. Corrections, never make it as far as the original lie. They are just a faint hum.
Throughout the Israeli-Gaza war, we’ve seen AI generated images and bots used to paint a specific narrative—for evocative, emotional effect. But technologically sophisticatication isn’t a prerequisite for painting false narratives. Many “influencers” have taken to using existing images or videos and attaching misleading headlines to them—including sharing content that captures events in Syria while presenting it as taking place in Gaza. These networks of influencers have large reach, and can turn even the most blatant lie into a revisionist truth.
Researchers for Freedom House, a non-profit human right advocacy group, found that generally at least 47 governments have used commentators to manipulate online discussions in their favor, either via humans or bots. They’ve also recruited influencers to help spread false and misleading content, and have created fake websites that mimic actual media publications. Then there’s always Russia’s propaganda arm RT, and various other publications like Al Jazeera and Quds who have direct ties to Hamas and/or other Islamic regimes.
All of this has contributed to narrative confusion, and the erasure of unspeakable acts of brutality, and the denial of the facts of October 7, right before our very eyes.
If we cannot even share a common reality, how can have any hope of resolving anything?
“Never again” is happening now."
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adventuringblind · 11 months
Could you write something with max dating a MotoGP rider
Four is better then two
Max Verstappen x reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: reader takes Max for a rider on her bike
Warnings: none (for once)
Notes: written in second person. I’m expanding my horizons with these fluffy things. I’m cringing at my own writing because my imagination is to vivid. Also this is short sorry T_T
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You had known Max liked bikes. He owns a Harley himself. It makes sense that he would be into what you do. Actually getting to race on a motorcycle around a track. Different then formula 1 sure, but still racing nonetheless.
Normally, Max hates marketing and the videos they make him do. But he’s making an exception this once since his girlfriend is taking him around the track on a bike. Not her bike because that one is for racing only, but something similar.
Max introduces you and him to the camera and sets himself behind you. A GoPro strapped to his helmet. She to having to wear pull helmets, it’s not going to get face reactions, but you have a feeling it’s going to catch a lot of swear words.
“You wanna ease into this?”
“Absolutely not.”
You rev the engine and pull out onto the track. Swerving a bit to warm yourself up. You start speeding up as soon as you hit the grid. Max’s grip around your torso tightening.
Your yelling for the fun of it as you brake late into turn one. The bike leaning farther into the ground then Max was expecting.
“You alright?”
“Simply lovely.”
You take that as a challenge. In turn two you hug the inside corner, almost hitting the chicane at an unrelenting speed.
Bikes are different then f1 cars. It’s easier to see and feel the speed because you’re more exposed even if you’re not going as fast. Something Max was not as prepared for as you continue taking the corners with amazing speed.
“I think- I don’t like this anymore.”
“Do you want me to slow down?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Your call!”
Then your speeding up into the last few corners. Max is holding on for dear life and you can’t stop laughing.
As you pull in to the pits and park the bike, Max falls to the ground with a thud.
“I love you and your sport. But I think I’ll stick to four wheel from now on.”
You lean down and kiss his forehead. “It’s okay Maxy. Next time you can drive.” You send him a wink as you walk back towards to camera.
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going pro
Lando gets that look on his face the second he sees Oscar strapped into the GoPro.
“What’s that?” he says, voice dripping, like melted cheese sauce on nachos, creeping all over Oscar till he’s soaked. “Is that a camera?”
oscar/lando | 5.7k | explicit | sequel to pressing buttons
here on ao3
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seat-safety-switch · 11 months
Not sure if you've been watching these streamers. There's all these shows where people just live, normally, except there's a camera pointed at them. Real authenticity. If you're tired of the fakeness of reality TV, the perfect antidote is someone dressed up in a motion-capture suit pretending to be a 53-foot-tall anime girl trying to learn how to drive a forklift.
Last week, though, I got watching this very interesting stream. Turns out it was about this dude who was all about living off the land. He'd gotten a property somewhere out in Washington State, like the real deep parts that nobody wants to visit and only dead people have ever seen. He was going to set up an entire household from scratch, refuse the comforts of modern life, and then take a bunch of donations from his wife's eternally-connected, satellite-linked 3D handheld camera array.
Thing was, he wasn't recording 24/7. And a keen viewer spotted him at a nearby coffee shop in someone else's stream. Remember what I said up above about authenticity? The viewership revolted. They'd been tricked, they'd been betrayed, by someone that some defective part of the human psyche had convinced them was virtually socially equivalent to their best childhood friend. It was time for revenge.
When I watched it, there were a bunch of other streamers there, all around him, in a kind of judgment circle. Every so often, one of them would look around in a sort of panic. It didn't take long for me to realize that all of them had been condemned by the internet community for their own crimes, and forced to come here under threat of non-payment. Their entire economic way of life was dependent on listening to this stream of moneyed whackos observing them from afar, and now those whackos were taking control of things.
For hours, I worked on my shit-box Plymouth and would occasionally glance up at the screen. Outdoorsy Mike, sweat pouring down his face, worked to dig his own grave using a shovel he had made himself on the previous week's stream. Everyone around him watched, stoically, through their own head-mounted GoPros, occasionally reciting the name of someone who had donated $20 to the stream in frightened monotone.
You can't get that on NBC.
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pupyr0arz · 3 months
keepsakes. Ghost: Polaroids. He’s a classical kind of guy, and he likes writing on the other side of it. He wouldn’t put them all over his walls though, he has a neat folder that sometimes he sleeps with. He’d show you a handful if you asked, but he has a private folder that will probably be buried in the yard. He’d laugh if you mention how serial killer like it is.
Gaz: audio. He loves loves loves your voice and he records you all the damn time. He spends way too much on microphones and sleeps with headphones on. USB after usb after usb. He’s saved every voicemail you’ve sent him and edges on being hard to reach just so you’ll send more. He wouldn’t have a hint of his collection until he asks you for a special recording.
price: he has more than a couple of tapes of you. Cameras in the corners, in the stuffie he hands to you, clipped to his shirt. He talks shop with you about cameras, the GoPro he uses on his bike and he thinks it’s funny you don’t know how acquainted you are with them. Would never tell you. dreams about wedding tapes. Also a big fan of solid media, vhs tapes and whatnot.
soap: he draws you. For a while you’re his only muse and his sketchbook is filled with your face, your hands. He steals photos when he gets the chance so he can put them to paper. He keeps his best drawings, and the ones he doesn’t want you to see, locked away. He’d draw you happily if you ever implied you wanted him to.
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thesunhatesme · 4 months
⛷️The ghouls on a ski trip - HC⛷️
Copia took his ghouls on a ski trip because they hadn’t been on one in a long time and Phantom and Aurora hadn’t tried it before, and who was he to say no to their puppy eyes. So he rented a little house in a ski resort and packed his ghouls up in the car drove off to the mountains.
Took ages to decide on skis or snowboard (ended up with skis because that’s what Swiss and Mountain had)
Gave up because it was too much with a ski on each foot and a pole in each hand and he couldn’t walk properly in the ski boots
Tried snowboarding with Dew and Rain
Was surprisingly good at snowboarding
Had a good time at the after ski party
Showed Copia how high he could jump (scared the living shit out of the poor old man)
Tried out his new chest strap for his gopro
Filmed some of his and Dew’s tricks
Quietly cursed at people for almost hitting him and not knowing how to act in a trick park
Came up with the idea of getting helmet covers to encourage phantom to keep going
Taught Phantom how to jump and go on the rails.
Got very drunk at the after ski
Went directly to the fun park with Rain to go on the jumps and rails
Bought matching helmet covers for him self, Rain and Phantom
Went to meet up with Phantom and Swiss to introduce him to the snowboard
Taught him the basics and didn’t know what to do next because he shouldn’t be that good the first time
Loudly cursed at people for for almost hitting him and not knowing how to act in a trick park
Also got very drunk at the after ski
Tried teaching Phantom how to ski with Mountain
Bought phantom and Mountain a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows
Went to meet up with Aether and Copia with Mountain
Had a great time and took loads of pictures of the others (and even more of them when they fell)
Pushed someone so they fell
Met up with Cirrus to try the steeper slopes
Got drunk at the after ski
Helped Phantom and Aurora put their boots on
Comforted phantom after he fell and gave up
Skied down the rest of the slope with Phantom between his skis with his poles as a handle because phantom was done
Called Rain to make him and Dew get him to try a snowboard
Drank a hot chocolate with Phantom and Swiss
Pushed Swiss back so he also fell
Didn’t get drunk at the after ski (he knows how to drink without getting drunk)
Helped Aurora and Phantom pick out helmets and goggles
Went with the Girls and Copia to get Aurora started
Went to the slopes with the best views with Copia to take pictures for the Christmas cards
Met up with Mountain and Swiss
Did not get drunk at the after ski
Picked out a helmet, a pair of goggles, boots and a snowboard that all matched her outfit
Got a bit scared in the lift, it was so high up
Took loads of pictures and videos
Had a great time and loved every part of snowboarding
Thought she was freezing to death and went to get hot chocolate and warm up a bit with the girls
Got a bit tipsy at the after ski
Teached Aurora how to snowboard
Took loads of pictures of the girls and her in the lift
Drank hot chocolate with the girls
Went to try out the steeper slopes with Swiss
Didn’t get very drunk at the after ski (just a little tipsy)
Took way to many pictures and videos of her two snowboarding girls like a proud mom
Bought hot chocolate for the girls
Went back to the hired cottage with Aurora because it was a bit cold
Chilled in the bubble pool
Didn’t get drunk at the after ski party
Made sure everyone had a map and sunscreen
Made sure everyone got started
Took out his camera for the Christmas cards
Tried to stop some ghouls from making each other fall
Thought Phantom was going to die when he jumped and slid on the rails
Didn’t get that drunk, he just tasted a couple of beers
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hotmessmaxpress · 3 months
Rosquez OnlyFans AU part 7/?
Alexa play "mastermind"
oh also there's a little porn
Valentino Rossi started following you. 
Marc stares at the notification for the fiftieth time since it appeared on his phone. He has no idea what to do with that. His DM is marked ‘seen,’ a fact that makes him want to punch Valentino directly in the mouth. Seen?
Still, following him on Instagram feels like a good start. Marc doesn’t post any onlyfans content on his Instagram because he mostly uses it for motorbike content, but he has occasionally posted a promo. 
He decides he only has one option– if Vale is determined to not talk to him, Marc is going to persuade him.
He’s got to be a slut on Instagram. 
It’s no secret that he works out, and he has occasionally posted pictures of his workouts. He doubles down on that, posting a reel the next day of himself working out, sweaty and shirtless.
“This is ridiculous,” Alex says, as Marc makes him delete a clip of him doing bicycle crunches and reshoot it.
“He followed me for a reason,” Marc insists. “I’m going to remind him what he is missing.”
Alex rolls his eyes. 
That afternoon, Marc and Alex go for a trail ride and Marc makes a point of taking a selfie with him on his story. He makes sure to show the way his skintight riding top clings to his chest. When he checks later, he sees that Vale viewed the story. Success. 
He posts a motorbike video the next day. It feels significant, posting a video of himself on the bike fully clothed but knowing Vale will be watching it. 
It’s a video that he would normally post, pre-Vale. He and Alex have GoPros that they mount to their bikes, and they make clips of themselves riding along the roads of Madrid. This video is a short clip of himself climbing onto the bike and giving the camera a thumbs up, and then various shots of scenery from the front of his bike and a few shots facing him as he rides. 
He’s fully covered, with his riding gear and helmet, but when he posts it it feels sexually charged. 
Vale likes the video only minutes after it’s posted, and it feels like such relief and gratification that Marc can’t help but harden in his shorts. He makes sure his door is closed and pulls his cock out, stroking himself to full hardness for the first time alone since Vale blocked him. He’s obviously still managed to make content, but he hasn’t jerked off for himself in what feels like entirely too long. 
He sets his phone down, closing his eyes and focusing on the feeling of his hand on his cock. He spits in his palm and grips himself. 
He pictures Vale, and the way he touches himself. He wonders what it would be like if Vale were next to him. They wouldn’t even need to touch; he’d be fine just watching as Vale touches himself. He wants to know what the older man sounds like when he’s jerking off. Does he groan, or grunt, or keen? Does his breathing get ragged? 
Marc wonders what it would like if Vale were fucking him. He pumps his cock hard, picturing Vale railing him from behind. He moans at the idea of Vale fucking into him, stretching him out. He contemplates taking out a toy to fuck himself on, but he doesn’t want to take his hand off his cock. 
Instead he thinks about Vale again. He thinks about getting his mouth on Vale’s cock. He’d let Vale fuck his face, choking him. He’d beg Vale to let him taste his cum. He’d beg Vale to let him worship his cock, and he’d suck it long beyond when his jaw started to hurt. 
His fantasy shifts, and he thinks about Vale sucking his cock. 
That mental image throws him over the edge, and he comes hard, shooting up to his chest with a moan. 
He contemplates sending a picture of his cum-covered abs to Vale, but doesn’t want his Instagram to get suspended. He’s got to play it cool. He doesn’t acknowledge Vale liking his post, and instead makes plans for how he can draw Vale out in other ways. 
He posts a shirtless pool photo, where he’s wet and tan and smiling. In that post he also includes a few photos of the dogs, simply because he loves them and he sort of wants Vale to learn more about his life. He and Vale haven’t really talked much about their personal lives, which in hindsight is explained by Vale not wanting him to know his identity. His Instagram is a new opportunity to show Vale who he is aside from just a pornstar who is foaming at the mouth to suck his dick. 
He posts a story of Shira snoozing on his chest later that afternoon, and he Vale likes the story. His heart pounds so hard at the sight of it that she gets up and moves. 
The following day he posts something that he hopes will force Vale into making a move. It’s him, shirtless, working out in the ugliest shorts he’s ever owned. They’re too tight because he bought them as a teenager, and he’s surprised he even managed to dig them out of storage. They’re short, bright yellow, and have THE DOCTOR printed along the butt in Vale’s signature font. 
He doesn’t acknowledge the shorts at all, simply posts the video as if it’s a regular workout video. 
Vale likes it within seconds, and Marc can feel his heart in his chest. 
Please talk to me, he messages. I just want to know what I did wrong.
Vale reads it and doesn’t respond. Marc’s heart sinks in his chest, and he can feel tears well in his eyes. He just wants Valentino to acknowledge him. 
I’m sorry you were removed from the paddock, is the message that lands in his DM’s in the middle of the night. 
He sees it when he wakes up and his heart jumps into his throat.
Then why did you have us kicked out? I just wanted to see you, he adds. I didn’t know what else to do.
He sees as the message switches to “seen”, and he has to put his phone down and take several deep breaths. 
I didn’t know Uccio was doing that. He thought you were stalking me. 
Marc snorts. He sort of was. Fuck whoever Uccio is, though. And how did he even know who Marc was?
Why did you block me?
He takes several more deep breaths as he waits for Vale to respond. He forces himself to get up and walk downstairs. Alex and the sausage dogs are already up, so he plops himself on the couch and shoves himself into Alex’s personal space.
“Vale is messaging me,” he croaks, and Alex peers over his shoulder.
Marc shows him the messages, and manhandles Shira onto his lap so he can kiss and pet her to alleviate his anxiety.
Uccio did. I had to. It’s not good for you to know who I am.
Marc frowns.
Why, because I do OF? That’s not fair. 
“That’s bullshit,” Alex says, over his shoulder. 
“He followed me on OnlyFans,” Marc says unhappily. “He can’t use that as a reason to act like I’m a bad person.”
I sent you pictures of my cock, Marc. What if you shared them? 
Marc stares at the message.
“Oh,” he says, flatly. 
I wouldn’t do that.
I couldn’t know that for sure, Vale says. 
You know that now, Marc shoots back. 
Vale types, then stops, then starts again.
I want to trust you. 
Marc honest-to-god squeals. Alex shoves him, and Shira startles on his lap. 
“He’s in love with me,” Marc announces. 
“No, he’s not,” Alex replies immediately. “He just saw the outline of your dick in those tiny shorts and missed seeing it.”
Marc turns to glare at him. “Fuck off.”
“I’m just saying,” Alex says. “Claiming he’s in love with you may be moving a little fast. I don’t want you to be disappointed again.”
Marc sighs. 
“Just talking to him is good enough.”
Now that the door has been opened, Marc and Vale talk constantly. They talk about bikes, and when Vale asks him how he knows so much, Marc sheepishly tells him about how he was nearly professional before he destroyed his arm. He tells him how it still hurts sometimes but it’s not enough to make him not ride. 
He talks about riding with Alex and how if he can’t ride professionally getting to ride with his brother is the next best thing. 
Vale talks about his own brother, and how proud he is of the boys that he trains at his ranch. He talks about retiring one day, and how he wants to sit back and watch his academy boys win. 
Send me pictures, Marc requests, one day when Vale mentions riding at the ranch. I want to know what it’s like. It sounds like a dream.
He is startled by Vale’s response. 
You should come. 
To Tavullia. Come ride with me.
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girlactionfigure · 8 months
Hamas terror knows no boundaries. 
Like ISIS, Hamas does not differentiate between Jews, Christians, or even fellow Muslims. On 7/10, at least 23 Israeli-Arab Muslims were killed by Hamas in southern Israel, while another seven were taken to Gaza as hostages. 
In the coming moments we will expose new GoPro footage that shows how Hamas deliberately targeted Israeli-Arab Muslims for torture and slaughter.
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This is the story of Suheib Abu Amer Al Razem, from the East Jerusalem town of A-Ram, and an Israeli Resident (Blue ID card holder). 
Suheib was working as a bus driver at the Nova Music Festival in southern Israel on the day of the Hamas attack.
This footage, taken from a GoPro camera worn by one of the Hamas terrorists, show a terrified Suheib being escorted through the carnage of the Nova Massacre. The terrorists immediately identify him as an Arab from Jerusalem, and then interrogate him to extract intelligence while slapping him around. 
At 00:34, we can also see another foreigner taken away (who was later executed, according to other public footage which may be published here later).
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That day, Saheb went missing.
His family made desperate appeals on social media to understand his whereabouts. For 10 days they held out hope that he was still alive, until finally, on October 18, they recieved confirmation that Suheib's body was found executed at the scene of the music festival. This image is from the social media post regarding his mourning.
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This is the last footage of Suheib seen alive. 
May his memory be a blessing.
South First Responders
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