fairun · 1 year
Currency Exchange Trends with Google Finance: Master In-Cell Charts in Google Sheets
✨ Master in-cell currency exchange trend charts in Google Sheets with Google Finance! 📈
Looking for a game-changing way to analyze currency trends over the past 30 days? You're in luck! My latest Reel and blog post show you how to create dynamic in-cell charts using Google Finance. 🚀
Why try this? 🌟 Make data-driven decisions with ease 🌟 Stay on top of currency fluctuations 🌟 Save time with automated insights
🚀 Supercharge your financial analysis with in-cell currency exchange trend charts in Google Sheets! 📊
Looking for a simple yet powerful way to analyze currency exchange trends over the past 30 days? I've got you covered! My latest blog post and video tutorial walk you through the process of creating dynamic in-cell charts using Google Finance.
Why should you try this? 🔹 Enhance your decision-making with data-driven insights 🔹 Keep track of currency fluctuations effortlessly 🔹 Save time with automated data retrieval
Ready to level up your Google Sheets game? Check out the blog post and video tutorial here: https://lnkd.in/enz2Ys2C https://lnkd.in/e5SJPjmj
Don't forget to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Let's learn and grow together! 💡
Share your thoughts and experiences below! Let's learn and grow together! 🌱
#GoogleSheets #GoogleFinance #CurrencyExchange #FinancialAnalysis #DataVisualization #Reel
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orbesargentina · 1 year
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Google Finance para administrar tu cartera de inversión https://bit.ly/46xqPS4
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tumnikkeimatome · 15 hours
GOOGLEFINANCE関数の基本 GOOGLEFINANCE関数は、Google スプレッドシートで米国株や為替レートのデータをリアルタイムで取得できる強力なツールです。 この関数を使用することで、株価、為替レート、その他の金融データを自動的に更新し、投資ポートフォリオを効率的に管理できます。 基本的な構文は以下の通りです: =GOOGLEFINANCE(銘柄コード, [属性], [開始日], [終了日], [間隔]) 株価データの取得 米国株の現在の株価を取得するには、以下のように関数を使用します: =GOOGLEFINANCE("NASDAQ:AAPL",…
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passto123 · 30 days
How to Use Google Finance API to Get Real-Time Stock Data
If you have years of experience in quantitative trading, you’re probably familiar with the Google Finance API. It was once a very popular tool in the financial trading industry. Compared to other stock data APIs, Google Finance API had several advantages. Not only did it provide real-time stock market API data, but it also allowed users to create and manage their own portfolios. Users could monitor the market performance of their investment portfolios and track the movement of each asset using Google Finance API.
During the infamous "Flash Crash" of 2010 in the U.S. stock market, many data services experienced interruptions due to the extreme market volatility. However, the Google Finance API continued to provide consistent and stable data, earning its reputation in the industry.
Unfortunately, on October 20, 2012, Google announced the discontinuation of this service. It was later integrated into Google Sheets, where users could only query stock and forex data through built-in formulas, rather than using code as before. If you're a lightweight user, the built-in method in Google Sheets might still meet some of your needs. Below are some basic tutorials on using the Google Finance API:
Retrieve historical market data
Formula: GOOGLEFINANCE(ticker, [attribute], [start_date], [end_date|num_days], [interval]) The GOOGLEFINANCE at the beginning is the command to call the formula, and the parameters are input within the parentheses:
•  ticker: The stock code. For more accurate results, it’s recommended to include the exchange name before the code, such as NASDAQ:GOOG for Google’s stock.
•  attribute: The default is price; this is optional.
•  start_date: The starting date.
•  end_date: The ending date.
•  interval: The time interval.
As a demonstration, let's query Google’s historical stock prices using the formula: =GOOGLEFINANCE("NASDAQ:GOOG", "price", DATE(2023,1,1), DATE(2023,12,31), "DAILY")
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You can see that the sheet returns the closing prices for each trading day from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.
Querying Stock P/E Ratio 
Formula: GOOGLEFINANCE(ticker, "pe") 
This formula is simpler, with only two parameters: ticker (the stock code mentioned above) and “pe” (which does not need to be changed). The following formula queries Amazon's P/E ratio: =GOOGLEFINANCE("NASDAQ:AMZN", "pe")
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Querying Earnings Per Share (EPS) 
Formula: =GOOGLEFINANCE(ticker, "eps") This formula is also straightforward, similar to the P/E ratio formula. Here’s a demonstration of how to query Apple’s EPS: =GOOGLEFINANCE("NASDAQ:AAPL", "eps")
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Limitations of Google Finance API
Google Finance API can only be accessed through formulas in Google Sheets, which may not be helpful for programs that require deep customization. Moreover, Google’s official documentation explicitly states that the data is not real-time; there is a 20-minute delay in market data. If you require more precise data, you might need to look for alternative solutions.
For real-time and stable data on Hong Kong stocks, U.S. stocks, and A-shares, you can consider procuring a third-party market data source that offers real-time trading quote APIs.
Request Method: Get (You can simply open it in your browser to view the returned data)
Data Format: Standard JSON format
Data Timeliness: Real-time updates
API Documentation: [Click to View]
Token Registration: [Click to View]
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frkt83-blog · 7 months
I am a Multimillionaire Again
I use Google Sheets to track my net worth in real time. This means that at any moment I am able to see what my net worth is. Google Sheets has a GOOGLEFINANCE function that allows you to track the prices of certain assets such as ETFs, shares or crypto. The net worth update is not perfectly accurate because I need to manually update my margin loan debt as well as how much I have in certain bank…
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View On WordPress
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purplechaosballoon · 2 years
GOOGLEFINANCE: Using Sheets for historic exchange rates
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its-palam-blog · 4 years
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sectorreports · 5 years
Novita Explodes On Impressive Annual Report
Novita Healthcare Ltd (ASX: NHL) rallied by more than 50% as the company affirmed it had a productive FY2019 on achieving key milestones. Commercialization and market validation of TALi platform are some of the developments that set the stage for another impressive year.
The company receiving determination for reimbursement of TALI Detection marks an important milestone as it moves to generate significant value from its breakthrough technology. The company also received class 3 medical device certification of the platform from the Food and Drug Administration
In addition, the company capped yet another exciting year as net loss nearly halved to $2.9 million from $4.1 million reported a year earlier.  During the year, the company achieved key milestones, among them being the raising of $2.8 million for the commercialization of the TALi platform.
According to the chair of the board, Sue MacLeman, the focus going forward will be on three core areas of healthcare, education, and direct to consumer. Novita also intends to focus on the execution of the ‘go-to-market phase in a bid to generate optimum returns from the TALi platform.
Serko Rallies on $56 Million Capital Raise
Serko Ltd (ASX: SKO) stock was up by more than 30% on the confirmation of a successful placement that resulted in the raising of $56 million. The placement included NZ$40 million in primary issuance and NZ$16 million as a sell down to certain directors and employees.   Serko intends to raise an additional NZ$5 million through a Share Purchase Plan.
One of the biggest investors was Booking Holdings that acquired 4.3 million shares valued at NZ$17.5 million. The offering attracted bids from 25 institutional investors across New Zeeland and Australia, underscoring strong investor confidence about the company’s long-term prospects.
The capital raising drive leaves the online travel booking and expense Management Company in a prime position to pursue strategic initiatives. For starters, the company intends to accelerate the global rollout of Serko Zeno and to expand its marketplace content.
Spring FG Rallies on Impressive Financial Results
Spring FG Ltd (ASX: SFL) was up by more than 20%, days after reporting impressive audited financial results for FY2019. The results affirm the company is restructuring drive that continues to deliver significant turnaround in operational efficiency as well as financial results.
The restructuring drive has since triggered improvements in revenue as well as reductions in operational costs. The company expects the turnaround to continue heading into yearend as focus shifts beyond business-to-business activities.
Revenue for the full year was up 42% to $10.45 million, representing a 42% increase. The cost of sales, on the other hand, was up 57%, reflecting a significant increase in revenues. Operational expenses, on the other hand, were down 28% to $6.03 million, setting the stage for the company to return to sustainable profitability.
Operating profit before depreciation amortization interest and tax was $0.295 million, however, the company posted a full-year operating loss of $0.525 million an improvement from a net loss of $2.43 million reported a year earlier.
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dailybodh · 2 years
Link:- https://dailybodh.com/finance/what-is-google-finance-know-10-important-thi/
Table Contents  hide 
1 Google Finance 
2 How do I make investments on Google Finance 
3 How do I remove funds from Google Finance? 
4 Google Finance’s features 
5 Syntax Google Finance
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gonomax · 3 years
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The company has also struck a non-binding term sheet with Orion Mine Finance for up to $140 million of acquisition and development
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todaysarticle · 1 year
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FUTURE OF CRYPTOCURRENCY Alright, folks, buckle up for a wild ride into the digital wonderland of Cryptocurrency! We're talking about those magical internet coins that have shaken up the financial world since the legendary Bitcoin showed up in 2009. Now, don't worry if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed – we'll break it down for you, step by step.
What is Cryptocurrency
Imagine virtual currencies zooming around the digital universe, and that's what cryptocurrency is! No big boss or central authority controls them; it's like a party where everyone's invited to play nice. These nifty coins use blockchain tech, which makes transactions super transparent, secure, and as unchangeable as a grumpy cat's attitude. The Risks Involved  Now, folks, before you throw your life savings into this crypto-craze, let's be real about the risks. The crypto world can be as crazy as a squirrel on espresso. Prices go up and down faster than a yo-yo on steroids. Yeah, you could make a fortune, but you might also end up crying in your coffee. Research and Due Diligence  Listen, my friends, if you're gonna dip your toes into the crypto pool, do your homework! Dig deep, and I mean deeper than a mole hunting for treasure. Know what a cryptocurrency does, who's behind it, and why it even exists. Knowledge is power, my friend. Identifying Reliable Exchanges  Picking the right exchange is like choosing your dance partner. You want someone trustworthy, secure, and with a good selection of dance moves – I mean, cryptocurrencies. Coinbase, Binance, and Kraken are like the cool kids in the crypto party. They've got a good reputation, and that's gold in this wild west. Scams and Frauds  Be smart, people! Don't fall for the snake oil salesmen promising you Lambos overnight. Things that look too wonderful to be true usually are! Keep your personal info to yourself, and don't let those shady characters trick you out of your hard-earned cash. Diversify Your Portfolio  Alright, imagine you're at an all-you-can-eat buffet, and instead of loading up on one dish, you grab a bit of everything. That's diversification! In the crypto world, spreading your investments can be like having an armor against the crazy price swings. Investing in the Long Term  Patience, young Padawan! Quick gains are tempting, but remember, the crypto rollercoaster can be wild. Some coins take time to reach their full potential. So think long-term, like planning a road trip with lots of crypto pit stops. Stay Updated with Market Trends  Newsflash, folks! The crypto world moves faster than a caffeinated cheetah. Stay in the loop, read up on the latest gossip, uh, I mean news, from reliable sources. It's like keeping tabs on your favorite soap opera – except the drama affects your money. The Role of Regulation  Oh, regulation, the party pooper! Different countries have different rules for cryptocurrencies. Know the law of the land, so you don't end up in hot water with the authorities. Nobody wants that, right? Secure Your Cryptocurrencies  Keep your digital loot safe, people! It's like guarding a treasure chest from pirates. Hardware wallets and secure software wallets are your bodyguards against those sneaky hackers and snoopy snoops. Recognize Market Manipulation  Picture this: big whales swimming around, making waves in the crypto ocean. Yeah, that's market manipulation! Be on the lookout for those pump-and-dump schemes. Don't get caught in their net like a clueless fish. Avoid Emotional Trading  No room for emotions in this crypto rodeo, partner! Fear and greed are like quicksand – they'll swallow you whole. Stay calm and collected, trade with a clear mind, and don't let your heart do the talking. Embrace the Blockchain Revolution  It's not just about making moolah, folks! Blockchain technology is reshaping the world, from supply chains to fancy decentralized finance stuff. Embrace the revolution, and who knows, you might end up changing the world too!
Cryptocurrency World: Your Ticket to Thrilling Rewards!
  Hey there, fellow adventurer in the realm of wealth-building! Have you ever wondered how to grow your money exponentially? Like, turn it into something bigger and better without having to wear a cape and fight crime? Well, look no further because I've got some exciting news that might just tickle your fancy! Now, you must have heard your parents and pals jabbering about investing your hard-earned cash. The "how," "where," and "why" of it all can be a head-scratcher, right? But guess what? I've got a simple answer that'll knock your socks off: Cryptocurrencies! I know what you're thinking, "Cryptowhaaat?" But hold your horses, that sounds like a scene from a science fiction movie! Cryptocurrencies are the real deal, and they come with incredible risk/reward ratios.  Picture this: the upside could skyrocket to 100 times your investment or even more! And the best part? Only the amount you invest can be lost. No nasty surprises there! But wait, it gets better! There's no VIP line you have to queue up for to get in on this action. You can start with a mere ten bucks! Yep, you read that right. A 10-dollar bill could be your ticket to the crypto rollercoaster! Now, I get it. Crypto might seem as confusing as deciphering ancient hieroglyphs, or as scary as the ghost stories your grandma tells you. When I first stepped foot into this crypto wonderland, I was just as lost as a penguin in the desert. However, rest assured that I got your back. Let me introduce you to the Cryptocurrency Jedi Master, Dirk de Bruin, and his brilliant team of experts. They've been on a tireless mission to help you avoid the blunders that many folks make when they dive into the crypto sea. And boy, oh boy, have they got something special for you! Dirk de Bruin has packed all his unique and invaluable knowledge into a mind-blowing masterclass. Brace yourself; it's like getting a backstage pass to the crypto concert of a lifetime! Not only will you learn the basics of crypto, but Dirk will also spill the beans on the next three coins he's personally putting his moolah into. Now, I recognize that you may be asking, "What's the catch? How much will this mind-expanding journey cost me?" Fear not, my friend! For a limited time only, this cosmic crypto experience is 100% FREE! Yes, you heard that right – a trip to the moon without spending a single dime! Now, if I were you, I'd drop everything and click that link below faster than a jackrabbit on roller skates. It may very well determine your financial future! And who knows, you might just stumble upon the secret to unlocking more riches than a leprechaun's pot of gold. Sponsored... Simple 3-Step Strategy To Make HUGE Gains In 2023/2024 Crypto Bull Market (Up To 150x) >>> Click Here to embark on the FREE Masterclass and uncover the three upcoming coins that could pave the way to your financial success! >>> CLICK HERE to Make HUGE Gains In Crypto Bull Market (Up To 150x)   So, what are you waiting for? Let's dive headfirst into this exhilarating crypto adventure! But remember, no buying crypto until you've experienced Dirk's eye-opening masterclass. It's like the holy grail of crypto knowledge, without the knights and the quest.  Go on, seize this golden opportunity, and let's ride the waves of financial success together! Until we meet again, happy crypto hunting, my savvy friend! May the blockchain be with you!   What Crypto to Buy Now: Make $100 a Day Trading Cryptocurrency
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Hey there, fellow crypto adventurers! Today, we're diving deep into the digital treasure trove of cryptocurrency to uncover the hottest picks worth considering. But fear not, as your trusty crypto guide, I'll make sure to keep things simple and clear, so even your grandma can understand what's going on! - Bitcoin (BTC): The Crown Jewel Ah, Bitcoin, the big boss of the crypto realm! They call it BTC, and it's the OG of digital currencies. This bad boy brought us the blockchain, a nifty technology making money moves safer and transparent. Why does everyone love Bitcoin? Well, besides being the coolest kid on the crypto block, it's scarce like a needle in a haystack, with only 21 million coins ever available. So, it's like having a limited edition collectible, except way more valuable! - Ethereum (ETH): The Smart Cookie Now, let's talk about Ethereum, represented by the token ETH. It's more than just a crypto; it's like a digital playground where super-smart folks can create cool apps using smart contracts. No middlemen are involved – it's like cutting out the nosy neighbors from your business! Hold on tight because Ethereum's getting an upgrade! Version 2.0 is coming, and it's going green! Proof-of-stake is the name of the game, making transactions faster and greener than a trendy eco-friendly smoothie. - Cardano (ADA): The Brainy Blockchain Say hello to Cardano, my friend! ADA is the crypto that loves brainy stuff. It's all about the academics and peer reviews, making sure everything's top-notch. With its fancy layered structure, Cardano can handle business like a boss, and it's super secure. Plus, Cardano's got some community love going on, so you know it's the real deal. Trust me, you'll want this brainy blockchain in your crypto portfolio! - Binance Coin (BNB): The VIP Access Pass Picture Binance Coin, or BNB, as the golden ticket to the crypto carnival! It's the native currency of one of the wildest and most popular exchanges in town – Binance. And hey, not only do you get to trade with style, but BNB's got other tricks up its sleeve. Ever heard of Binance Smart Chain? It's like a speedy race car track for transactions and dApps. And you thought you could only have fun at amusement parks! - Solana (SOL): The Speed Demon Ready for some crypto turbo boost? Meet Solana, the speed demon of blockchains! With its Proof-of-History trick, transactions are time-stamped before you can say "crypto-cookies," making things faster than instant noodles. And with Solana's appetite for tons of transactions, it's becoming the go-to spot for app developers and art lovers – NFT marketplaces, anyone? This one's zooming to the moon! - Polkadot (DOT): The Blockchain Bridge Builder Picture Polkadot, or DOT, as the crypto matchmaker of the century! It's all about bringing different blockchains together for a blockchain party. Why limit yourself to one chain when you can mix and match like a fashion guru? With Polkadot's magic touch, DeFi apps can hang out and play nice, boosting the whole crypto family's performance. It's a beautiful digital harmony! - Chainlink (LINK): The Oracle Master Now, Chainlink, or LINK, is like the wise old sage of crypto. It's the bridge between the crypto realm and the real world, delivering trusted data to smart contracts. It's like having your very own crypto genie granting wishes! So, when your smart contracts need a dose of reality, LINK is the one to summon. It's like having a personal assistant, except cooler! - Terra (LUNA): The Steady Ship Lastly, let's sail with Terra, the captain of stability! LUNA is the crypto that keeps things steady with its smart stablecoin, UST. It adjusts its supply like a pro, keeping the volatility monsters at bay. Terra's gaining a crew of investors and users who love its stability. It's like having a reliable ship to weather the crypto storm!  
Online Success Made Easy: How to Make Money Online for Beginners
  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) What is cryptocurrency?  Cryptography is used to safeguard financial transactions, regulate the production of new units, and verify the transfer of assets in the case of cryptocurrency, which is a digital or virtual version of money. How do I buy cryptocurrencies?  You can buy cryptocurrencies through cryptocurrency exchanges, which act as platforms for buying, selling, and trading digital assets. To get started, you'll need to create an account on a reputable exchange, complete the necessary verification process, and then fund your account using fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies. Which cryptocurrency should I invest in?  The cryptocurrency market offers a wide range of options, and the choice of investment depends on various factors such as your risk tolerance, investment goals, and research. Popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are often considered safer investments, but newer projects like Cardano and Solana also show promise. Before making an investment, it is crucial to carry out extensive studies and get expert counsel. Is cryptocurrency investing risky?  Yes, cryptocurrency investing comes with inherent risks due to the market's high volatility and regulatory uncertainties. Prices of cryptocurrencies can experience significant fluctuations within short periods, which can result in both substantial gains and losses. It's crucial to invest only what you can afford to lose and practice risk management strategies. How do I store my cryptocurrencies safely?  Cryptocurrencies are stored in digital wallets, categorized as hot wallets (connected to the internet) or cold wallets (offline storage). Hardware wallets and paper wallets are examples of cold wallets, providing an extra layer of security against potential hacks or online threats. What is blockchain technology?  Blockchain is a distributed ledger system that uses a decentralized network of computers to record transactions. The chain of blocks is made up of individual transactions, each of which is referred to as a block. The blockchain's immutability and transparency make it ideal for various applications beyond cryptocurrencies, such as supply chain management and voting systems. Are cryptocurrencies legal?  Cryptocurrencies' legal status differs from country to country. While some countries embrace cryptocurrencies and regulate them, others have imposed restrictions or outright bans. It's essential to be aware of your country's regulations and compliance requirements regarding cryptocurrency usage and investments. Can I use cryptocurrencies for everyday transactions?  Yes, more and more shops and companies are accepting cryptocurrency as payment. Major companies, online retailers, and even local businesses in some areas have integrated cryptocurrency payment options. However, keep in mind that the adoption of cryptocurrencies for everyday transactions is still in its early stages. How do I protect myself from crypto scams?  To protect yourself from crypto scams, be cautious of unsolicited investment offers or get-rich-quick schemes. Use only trusted and safe crypto exchanges and wallets. Avoid sharing your private keys or sensitive information with anyone, and be vigilant about phishing attempts and fraudulent websites. Can I mine cryptocurrencies?  Yes, mining is the process of validating transactions and adding them to the blockchain. However, the mining process has become highly competitive and resource-intensive for major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Some newer cryptocurrencies may still be mineable with consumer-grade hardware. The Final Words There you have it, amigos! You've been initiated into the mysterious realm of Cryptocurrency. But remember, it's not all rainbows and unicorns – there are risks out there.  So, do your research, stay cautious, and if you're feeling a bit lost, don't be shy to ask for some financial advice. Now go forth and conquer the crypto cosmos! The Crypto Quest Ahead Now that we've explored these shiny crypto gems, remember, the Cryptocurrency world can be a wild ride. So, do your research, and don't throw all your doubloons into one chest! Be smart, stay curious, and be ready to sail through the high tides and low tides of the crypto seas. Happy investing, my fellow adventurers! May your crypto dreams come true, and may you find the treasure of a lifetime! Arrr, matey!   Read the full article
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mrsdewlar-blog · 5 years
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I have a crush on Google Sheets, keep reading at mrsdewlar.blogspot.com . . #mrsdewlar #mrsdewlarblogspotcom #googlesheets #googlefinance #spreadsheets #passiveincome #passiveincomeinvestor #passiveincomestocks #dividendstocks #dividends #highyield #moneytree #moneyfactory #theywillmessituptomorrow #itwontlastlong #federalreserve https://www.instagram.com/p/B3c15sGANDM/?igshid=2oijckswnmwy
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ovaltheglobal · 4 years
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Is all "fine" with Google? Belgium’s data protection authority fined Google €600,000, for not complying with European rules on a person’s "right to be forgotten" online. The search engine was fined as it failed to remove links to articles which the authority described as "obsolete" and harmful for the reputation of a person with a public profile in Belgium. **Tell me more about about the 'Right to be Forgotten'** The rule was enshrined by European Union's top court in 2014 in it's ruling that people could ask search engines to remove irrelevant info from it's search results which appear when searched for their name. FUN FACT: The following penalty imposed on Google is the highest sum ever imposed by the Belgian authority. It is over 10 times the authority’s previous record penalty. #googlefined #google #belgium🇧🇪 #privacy #googleplay #googlepodcasts #googleit #righttobeforgotten #belgiumphotographer #searchengine #seo #worldnews #News #newsgram #newsletter #readingtime #peopleintech #technews #techworld #techie #belgianblogger #latestupdates #technologynews #euro (at Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCp7Sr3JlQw/?igshid=1s4mdcrwb0db9
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premayogan · 6 years
Google fined $57 million!!
Google has never been transparent and clear in the way it informs users about it's handling of personal data. Alphabet’s Google was fined on 50 million euros ($57 million) on Monday by France’s data protection watchdog for breaching European Union online privacy rules. And it is the biggest penalty charged against a US tech giant.
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The French regulator said the world’s biggest search engine lacked transparency and clarity in the way it informs users about its handling of personal data and failed to properly obtain their consent for personalized ads. The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the biggest shake-up of data privacy laws in more than two decades, came into force in May. It allows users to better control their personal data and gives regulators the power to impose fines of up to 4 percent of global revenue for violations. The CNIL said in a statement that “The amount decided, and the publicity of the fine is justified by the severity of the infringements observed regarding the essential principles of the GDPR: transparency, information, and consent,” Google issued a statement saying that people “expect high standards of transparency and control from us”.
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“We’re deeply committed to meeting those expectations and the consent requirements of the GDPR,” it said, adding that it was examining its next steps. The CNIL decision follows complaints by two non-governmental organizations, None Of Your Business (noyb) and La Quadrature du Net (LQDN), which the regulator said had been mandated by 10,000 people to present the case.
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The French authority, known for its stringent interpretation of privacy rules and for favoring a tough approach toward US Internet companies, sets a record with this penalty, which could reverberate in Silicon Valley. “More than just a significant amount of money, this sanction is particularly detrimental to Google as it directly challenges its business model and will, in all likelihood, require them to deeply modify their provision of services,” Sonia Cissé, Managing Associate at Linklaters, said. Read the full article
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estimize · 7 years
Four Hot Stocks to Watch
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Ford Motor Co. (F):
Consumer Discretionary - Automobiles | Reports July 26th, BMO.
The Estimize consensus calls for EPS of $.45, one cent higher than the Wall Street consensus and a decrease of 15% YoY. Currently, the Estimize community is looking for sales of $38.09B, which is slightly higher than the Street’s, $37.9B.
Last quarter the American car company posted a beat for both their revenue and EPS, but does this mean a turnaround for a company sitting near its 52-week low? When the company releases investors will be listening closely to the new CEO on how he will improve their bottom-line as well as staying ahead of the technology curve. Last month Ford saw a 9.8% increase in their F-Series trucks, and this could continue to be a bright spot with oil prices staying relatively low. Finally, investors will be interested in how Ford will market their vehicles to consumers overseas, specifically China.
Gilead Sciences Inc. (GILD):
Healthcare - Biotechnology | Reports July 26th, AMC.
The Estimize consensus calls for EPS of $2.21, three cents higher than the Wall Street consensus, however a decrease of 29% YoY. Currently, the Estimize community is looking at revenue of $6.45B, which is slightly more optimistic than the Street ($6.36B). Check out the Estimize website to see our prediction for Arrival Sales.  
Gilead has been underperforming in comparison to the broader market and the reason is not a mystery. Gilead’s revenue from their Hepatitis C drug has been falling, in 2016 they were down 22.5% YoY and accounted for 50% of their total product sales. However, the positive is that Gilead recently received FDA approval for their chronic Hepatitis C drug, Vosevi. This new drug will help them gain a larger portion of the Hep C market, with patients who did not respond to other drugs.
The Coca-Cola Company (KO):
Consumer Staples - Beverages | Reports July 26th, BMO.
The Estimize consensus calls for EPS of $.58, one cent higher than the Wall Street consensus and a decrease of 5% YoY. Currently, the Estimize community is looking for sales of $9.8B which is roughly in line with the street.
Coca-Cola is working to change and diversify their brands in order to meet the tastes of their consumers and increase their revenues. Over the past four quarters revenue has been falling, but the stock price is sitting at a 52-week high. It seems that KO is shifting their focus away from Diet Coke, Sprite, Fanta  and expanding their Dasani and Powerade business. Also, if you want to look towards their major rival PepsiCo for guidance, their Q2 may look gloomy.
Boeing Co. (BA):
Industrials - Aerospace & Defense | Reports July 26th, BMO.
The Estimize consensus calls for EPS of $2.38, six cents higher than the Wall Street consensus and a decrease of 17% YoY. Currently, the Estimize community is looking for sales of $23.01B which is a tick higher than the Street’s $22.97B.
Boeing looks to crush their EPS, which has become somewhat of a trend for BA. This is why investors are not too optimistic a big surprise will directly result in a large increase in stock price. On the revenue side, the past four quarters have shown a steady decrease which is due to their lagging commercial airplane sales. Boeing has seen increases in their global business service segment, which can be associated to Trump and his focus on the military and increasing the budget.
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felix-hauser-blog · 8 years
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#Infographic: #GoogleFinance Facts #fintech http://bit.ly/2nzDQ8U
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