#google pixel watch 2022
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Upgrade Your Google Pixel 2022 with Our Rugged V.R.HOPE Watch Band - Perfect for Active Men!
Welcome to our review of the V.R.HOPE Watch Band Compatible with Google Pixel 2022 for Men. As enthusiasts of both technology and style, we were intrigued by this nylon sport watch band that combines military tactical design with rugged durability. After personally testing out this wristband, we wanted to share our first-hand experience and thoughts with you. The V.R.HOPE Sports Style…
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「DID YOU SAVE THE FISH?(魚を救いましたか?)」と解読できる。
例えば「DID YOU SAVE THE FISH?」はランダム文字列なので、左の表で「random」と記したあらゆるオブジェクトの解析画面に、右の表に記したランダム文字列群の中から無作為に表示される可能性があるはず。固定に使われている文字列はランダムのオブジェクトには表示されない。 この表だけ見てもあんまり面白くないと思うので、今回の記事では
直接ゲーム内容に関係あるもの ↓ 比較的分かりやすいネタ ↓ 映画からの引用 ↓ 元ネタ不明なもの ↓ 開発の内輪話っぽいもの
と、独断でやんわりカテゴリー分けした順に紹介する(Tumblrのテキスト投稿は30枚しか画像を添付できないので、スクショをカテゴリーごとにまとめないと一件の投稿に収まらないという事情もある)。中には説明不要かもしれない有名な映画の台詞や有名なミームもあるが、一応解説する。 また、一部の文字列はいつだかのアップデートで変更されたらしい。今回使ったスクリーンショットは全て2022年後半~2023年前半に撮影したもので、アプデ前に存在したらしい例えば「HELLO. MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA.(俺の名前はイニゴ・モントーヤだ)」などは含まれていない。他にもあなたが知っている文字列がこの記事に出てこないかもしれない。 なお、製��のクアンティック・ドリームがフランスの会社なので、モールス信号にはフランス語の文字列も多く含まれる。フランス語にはé、è、ê、çのようなアクサン記号というものがあり、特有の符号も一応存在するのだが、それらはゲーム画面ではうまくモールスに変換されず、点線のトンに値する点にも満たない短いゴミとして表示されてしまう。こういった文字列に関しては、dragonbane氏が見つけた内部データを参照して正しいスペルを確認した。 フランス語はモールス解読の為にちょっと勉強しただけの初心者なので、おかしな記述があったらコメントしてほしい。残念なことに英語も自信ない。 あと、この記事は長い。
ジョンとキャロラインの文字列を繋げると、ジョージ・オーウェルの小説『1984年』のパロディになる。同じ写真に映っている娘のエマには毎回異なるランダム文字列が割り当てられる。 『1984年』の舞台である全体主義国家オセアニアでは、スターリン似の男の顔と共に「ビッグ・ブラザーがあなたを見ている」というスローガンの書かれたポスターが至る所に貼られ、それによって住民は常に監視されていることを意識して生活する。ポスターの目は「こちらがどう動いてもずっと目が追いかけてくるように��かれ」ていると描写される。小説の刊行以来「ビッグ・ブラザー」という用語自体が、市民的自由を制限しプライバシーを侵害する権力の濫用を指すものとして比喩的に用いられるようになった。
コナーが最初に話しかけた時に、アラン隊長がバルコニーの変異体とエマについて状況を説明する台詞。 英語版では基本的に人間側のキャラクターがアンドロイドを指す代名詞にitが用いられる。
僕は生き物じゃない 殺せないぞ
ダニエルの「そいつに触ったら殺すぞ!」という脅しを無視して、バルコニーに倒れている警官の止血処置を行う際にコナーが言う台詞。 ちなみに交渉中のコナーはダニエルに関してなら「kill」とか「die」とかいった言い回しを普通に適用している。
あと少し じっと耐えなさい
最終章「行進」のラストで[歌う]を選んだ場合にマーカス達が歌う黒人霊歌のタイトル。Cleophus Robinson Jr.によって書かれた。
映画の一般的な免責文言に「No Animals Were Harmed(危害を受けた動物はいません)」というものがある。映画制作の過程で、動物の取り扱いに関する特定の基準を満たした作品がこの文言を表示できる。TV Tropesによると、これをパロディして映画に登場した非実在の生き物を文言に当てはめるようなネタは割とよくあるクレジットギャグの一種らしい。あとは「動物に危害はなかったが人間にはあった」とか「動物に危害はなかったが魚が食べられた」とか、実在の生き物が危害をむしろ受けたという型もあるようなので、「危害を受けたアンドロイドはいません」に「ほぼ」を付け足すこのネタはこれらのハイブリッドと言える。或いはハイブリッドにしたこと自体、作中でアンドロイドが器物と人格の間にあったことを踏まえたブラックジョークっぽくもある。
他に有名なフィラーテキストで、「Lorem ipsum」から始まる一連の文字列があり、原稿がない段階でレイアウトを決める際によく流し込まれる。そのパロディで、ひたすら肉の部位や肉料理名を羅列していくBacon Ipsumというふざけたジェネレータが存在する。「pork loin(豚ロース)」もこのジェネレータで出てくる。モールス信号の「prok」のスペルミスは、この他にもスペルミスを含むモールス信号がいくつかあるのを見るに敢えてと思われる。
これは解説することによってこのモールスを仕込んだ趣旨を台無しにするだろうが、定番釣り動画の一種。日本でもこのネタでよくミーム動画を作ってるアカウントのツイートが伸びてるとこを見かけるので、聴いたことある人は多いかもしれない。元々4chanの管理人がeggをduckに置き換えるフィルタを実装したことがきっかけで、eggrollがduckrollになり、それを受けてあるユーザーが車輪のついた鴨に「duckroll」の文字を添えた画像を作成して投稿した。そして興味をそそられてURLをクリックした先でこの画像が表示されるという釣り「ダックロール」が流行し、その派生でリック・アストリーの「Never Gonna Give You Up」のミュージックビデオに飛ばされる釣り「リックロール」が生まれた。 正直デトロイトビカムヒューマンはオンラインマニュアルのURLを使った隠しページネタの前例があるから結構期待して開いたので、素でリックロールされた。モールス信号は大文字小文字の区別が付かないので、普通にプレイして解読する分には組み合わせのバリエーションを試さねばきちんと機能するURLを特定できず、相当��努力をした人だけが釣られることができる。
2007年のゲーム『Portal』からの引用及びそこから派生したミーム。ゲームが始まると、プレイヤーは訳も分からないまま管理AIによる自動音声の案内に従って、ワープ可能なポータルを用いての脱出ゲームのようなテストを受けさせられる。AIは時折怪しいことを口走りつつ被験者をおだて、テスト終了後のケーキを約束してくるが、部屋のギミックは徐々に危険なものとなる。いよいよ殺されそうになったプレイヤーが試験室から逃げて施設内のメンテナンスエリアに出ると、AIが被験者を欺こうとしていることを警告する「The cake is a lie」という文字が、事情を知る他の人物によって壁に書かれている。 このフレーズが流行ると、空虚で達成不能な目標を追いかけていること、努力が無駄であることなどを一般的に指したりするようになった。陳腐なほど流行ったらしく、とっくにデッドミームと見做す人もいれば、2020年の『アサシン クリード ヴァルハラ』が未だにこのワードを使っていたりもして、まあ息の長い古のミームという感じなのかもしれない。
多言語ちゃんぽん。全ての単語を英語に訳すと「niet」はロシア語で「no」、「ich」はドイツ語で「I」、「am」はそのまま、「ton」はフランス語で「your」、「vader」はオランダ語で「father」。『スター・ウォーズ エピソード5/帝国の逆襲』(1980年)のダース・ベイダーの台詞「No, I am your father」になる。「父」の部分にオランダ語を当てたかっただけでは......
フラッシュ! アアー
映画『フラッシュ・ゴードン』(1980年)のQueenによる主題歌「フラッシュのテーマ」の歌い出し。地球滅亡の危機をもたらす惑星モンゴとの和平交渉計画に巻き込まれて宇宙へ飛び立つことになってしまったアメフト選手フラッシュ・ゴードンが、結果的にモンゴの各民族と結束して独裁者と戦うスペースオペラ。全体的にバカバカしい映画なのだが、アクションシークエンスで静かにバスドラとベースラインが鳴り始めて、フラッシュ��こちらに向かっているカットに切り替わる瞬間「フラッシュ!」のフレーズを重ねるのは正直言ってカッコいい。 『フラッシュ・ゴードン』自体は1934年に連載が始まったSF冒険コミックが原作で、テレビシリーズも存在した。子供時代に放映を観ていたジョージ・ルーカスはこの作品を映画化したいと考えていたが権利を取得できず、代わりに『スター・ウォーズ』を撮ることになった。
『ゴッドファーザー』(1972年)のクレメンザの台詞からの引用。運転手の粛清を命じられたコルレオーネ・ファミリーの幹部クレメンザが、手下に運転手を殺させてその車を乗り捨てる際、銃を置いていくように命じる。カンノーリは「ケーキ」と訳されている字幕版もあるが、そういうシチリア発祥のお菓子の名前で、クレメンザが出がけに妻から頼まれていた。 記事の最初にも書いたように一部のモールス信号はアップデートで変更されたが、変更前の文字列にも「IM GOING TO MAKE HIM AN OFFER HE CANT REFUSE(文句は言わさん)」という同じく『ゴッドファーザー』からの引用があったらしい。
このスクリーンショット全てフランスのコメディ映画『La Classe Américaine』(1993年)からの引用。一枚の画像にまとめてしまったが、固定文字列とランダム文字列と両方ある。 この映画は、ワーナー・ブラザーズのアーカイブから既存映画のシーン映像にフランス語で新たな吹き替えをあてたものを細切れに再構築して、全く別の物語を組み立てるという手法を取っている。例えば主役のジョン・ウェインが、彼のフランスで最も定番な吹き替え声優レイモン・ロワイエの声でクソバカなことを喋るといったような悪ふざけとしての贅沢さもあってか、フランスではどうやらカルト的な人気があるらしく、数々の映画やアニメ、ゲームで引用されている。 監督のミシェル・アザナヴィシウスは日本でも多少知られてると思うが、『La Classe Américaine』は権利的にも難しい点の多いテレビ映画で邦訳も存在しない。この項目で紹介する引用は拙訳なので参考程度に読んでほしい。
『La Classe Américaine』冒頭の警告文言の引用。「film(映画)」を「flim」に、「cyclisme(自転車競技)」を「cyclimse」にわざとスペルミスしていて、誤字った発音のままナレーションが読み上げる。さらにこの映画はどう見ても自転車競技の映画ではないので、そもそも警告自体が全く無意味というクレジットギャグになっている、ということじゃないかと思う。 この映画についてファンが「この映画」と言及する時、たまに「フィルム」ではなく「フリム」と書かれている程度に有名なミーム。
アズディン・アライアの... / ヨウジヤマモトの
冒頭に出てくる主役の友人の台詞の一部。ジョルジュ・アビトボル(ジョン・ウェイン)が「世界一優雅な男 « l’homme le plus classe du monde »」に選ばれたことが気に入らないジョゼ(バート・ランカスター)は、彼を甲板に呼び出して罵倒する。ファッションに自信のあるジョゼは、ジョルジュを口汚く罵る中で「Rien de tel que d’aller chez Azzedine Alaïa... ou même de s’acheter des sous-pulls chez Yohji Yamamoto !(アズディン・アライアの店に行くことこそ至上なのだ...あるいはヨウジヤマモトのライトプルオーバーを買うこともな!)」と固有名詞を挙げてみせながら、自分の考える優雅さを主張する。
お前の侮辱の列車は私の無関心というレールを走っている 耳が遠くなるくらいなら去った方がマシだな
一方ジョルジュは、着飾ることが優雅さだというジョゼの考えを時代遅れと一蹴し、罵倒を軽く受け流す。元の台詞は「Mais le train de tes injures roule sur le rail de mon indifférence. Je préfère partir plutôt que d’entendre ça plutôt que d’être sourd.」なので、最終ゲームで見ることができるモールス信号では途中の「plutôt que d’entendre ça(それを聞くより)」が抜けている。plutôtが重ねて使われているのがよく分からないのだが、ジョゼの侮辱を聞くより去る方がいい、(そんな侮辱を聞いて)耳が遠くなるよりも、ということじゃないかと思う。 『La Classe Américaine』の中でもこの列車の比喩は気の利いた台詞として有名らしいが、Plastic Bertrandの1978年にリリースされた「Le Petit Tortillard」という曲に「Le train de mon enfance roule / Sur les rails de mon indifférence(子供時代の列車が走る/無関心のレールの上)」というとても似た歌詞があり、これが元ネタだとされる。
オーソン・ウェルズ『市民ケーン』(1941年)に出てくる物語の根幹と��るキーワードとして有名だが、『La Classe Américaine』が『市民ケーン』のパロディ映画である関係上「バラのつぼみ」という台詞が一回出てくるので、両方説明する。ちなみに古典についてこういう断りはいらないかもしれないが、今から『市民ケーン』のラストまでネタバレする。 『市民ケーン』は、年老いた新聞王ケーンが「バラのつぼみ」と呟いて息を引き取るところから始まる。ケーンの人生を映画にしようと考えたプロデューサーから「バラのつぼみ」の意味を突き止めるよう命じられた記者は、ケーンと関係の深かった人物に話を聞きに行き、その度に回想シーンが挿し込まれるという形で物語が進行する。しかし結局「バラのつぼみ」の秘密は分からずじまいで、ケーンの私物が焼却処分されていく中、彼が子供時代に使っていたソリに「バラのつぼみ」と印字されているのが炎越しに映し出される。 『La Classe Américaine』は、世界一優雅な男ジョルジュ・アビトボルが物語冒頭で死に、最期の言葉「クソみたいな世界 « Monde de merde »」の真相を巡って記者がジョルジュの関係者に話を聞きに行くという、『市民ケーン』の丸パクリとなっている。ワーナーのアーカイブからツギハギして映画を作るという企画アイデアが最初にあったので、統一感のない映像に一貫した物語を与える為に、回想で構成するこの形式は都合が良かった。『市民ケーン』物語序盤に記者達が「バラのつぼみ」は何なのか議論している際、ある男が「賭けたことがある馬かも」と言いプロデューサーが「どのレースだ?」と尋ねる台詞は、『La Classe Américaine』でパロディされる。「クソみたいな世界 « Monde de merde »」について新聞社の上司が「名前に違いない」「もし馬の名前ならどのレースか知りたい」と言うのに対して(勿論こんなワードが名前に聞こえるわけがないというギャグだ)、記者が「ソリかもしれないと思ったんです」と『市民ケーン』のオチを口にしたところで、突如画面が切り替わってオーソン・ウェルズ本人が映る。ウェルズが「これは盗作です」とカメラの前で抗議を始めると、何者かが彼を撃ってウェルズは「あ゛ー!バラのつぼみ!」と言いながら池に落ちて死に、何事もなかったかのように物語が進行する。 他のシーン同様、別にウェルズ本人が出演して抗議しているわけではなく、『004/アタック作戦(原題:Start the Revolution Without Me)』(1970年)に出演した際の映像に吹き替えをあてているだけ。
元の台詞は「J’ai connu un mec de droite une fois, il avait dix fois plus de classe.(昔右翼の知り合いがいたが、彼の方が10倍は品があった)」なので少し文は変わっており、最終ゲームで見ることができるモールス信号では途中の右翼のくだりも抜けているが、多分これへの言及だと思う。 記者の取材を受けたユーグ(ヘンリー・フォンダ)が、かつて友人と訪れたレストランでジョルジュと出くわした時のことを回想する。ジョルジュはユーグが彼の悪口を言ったことの腹いせか、ユーグ達が食べている料理に関する嫌がらせを始める。世界一優雅、品がある(classe)とされているにもかかわらず、「足の指の間のミートボール添えステーキ」だの「ソースは鼻水を乾燥させたもの」「店主は自分でおっぱいを切り落としてラビオリを作っている」だの捲し立てるジョルジュに、ユーグは右翼の知り合いの方が品があったと呆れる。 個人的にこれは少し捻った皮肉に思えて、例えばだが「野良犬の方が10倍品があった」など、一般的に上品でないとされる何かを代入する方が揶揄表現として自然になりそうなものを、一般的に品格にこだわるであろう右翼をここに代入している。つまり引き合いに出されることで、右翼は品がないという前提が暗に示されているように思える。
ジョルジュのことをファシストと呼び烈火の如く嫌うアメリカ・インディアン(チャールズ・ブロンソン)との会話をユーグが回想する。家屋に立ち寄ったものの遠慮がちなユーグに対し、彼はポテトチップスを食べることを提案して歓迎の意を表明する。 このシーンは検索するとgifが大量に出てくるので多分ミーム化している。映像はモードック戦争を描いた『太鼓の響き(原題:Drum Beat)』(1954年)で、和平交渉に訪れた主役に対し激しく異議を唱えるモードック族強硬派のキャプテン・ジャックのものが使われており、吹き替えもこのチャールズ・ブロンソンの演技に合わせた激昂するような口調でありながら、友好的な内容を喋っている、しかもポテチとか言ってるというのが奇妙でウケているのだと思う。
ユーグの友人でありジョルジュを知るジャック(ジェームズ・ステュアート)という人物の回想シーンで、彼の友人ディノ(ディーン・マーティン)があるバンドについて言及する台詞。ディノは生活する気力を失っており、ピンバッジコレクションも面白くなくなってしまったという。ディノが手に持っているピンバッジをジャックが見せてもらうと、歪な星形に下手な字で「SHERAF」という謎の単語が彫られている。SHERAFを知らないと言うジャックに対し、ディノは「C’est un groupe, ils étaient number one.(バンドだよ、彼らはナンバーワンだった)」���返す。 ピンバッジが大写しになるカットは『ファイヤークリークの決斗(原題:Firecreek)』(1968年)から使用されており、この元ネタでは町の子供達がブリキ板か何かで手作りした保安官バッジで、「SHERAF」は「SHERIFF(保安官)」の誤字。
ジョルジュとかつて交際していたクリステル(ローレン・バコール)が記者の取材を受ける回想シーンでのジョルジュの台詞。文字通りの意味だと「私のキャンディが紙にくっついている」だが、暑さで睾丸が下着にくっつくことを指すこういう俗語表現がある。 クリステルはジョルジュと自分の元恋人を引き合わせてお互いを紹介するが、元恋人はジョルジュに敵対的な態度を示す。それを受けて「世界一優雅な男」であるジョルジュは、自分のパンツを左右に引っ張る動作をしながらこの台詞を言ってナメた態度を取ってみせる。
『ドラゴンボールZ』で悟空の戦闘力を測ったベジータが「8000以上だ...!」と言う台詞が、アニメの英語吹き替え版で何故か「It's over 9000!」になっており、さらに「over 9000」が何故かミーム化した。モールス信号の「OVER 90000」はケタが一つ増やしてあるが、ともかく数えきれないほど何かが多いということかと思う。 「JIRAS」はもしかしたらプロジェクト管理ソフトのJIRAのことで、JIRAのチケット(課題)が複数ある状態をJIRAsという形で複数形にしているのかもしれない。QDはJIRAを導入しているだろうか? ということで「JIRAS: OVER 90000」は「仕事大杉栄」とかそんな感じじゃないかと思う。
コロン数字と組み合わせたシリーズは開発に関係する用語が多いので、ゲームの製作過程に詳しい人なら意味を推測できるものがあるかもしれない。 「L4D2」は『Left 4 Dead 2』と思われるので、他のモールス信号の『ハーフライフ』『Portal』ネタと合わせてバルブ・コーポレーションのゲームが3種類挙がったことになる。
全文字列81種類のうち、『La Classe Américaine』ネタが19を占めていて圧倒的だった。このネタを仕込みまくったスタッフが何を考えていたのか、熱烈にこの映画が好きなのか、或いは��ックロールを仕掛けるのと同じノリなのかさえ分からないが、『La Classe Américaine』の「クソみたいな世界」、もとい『市民ケーン』の「ROSEBUD(バラのつぼみ)」、そして『Detroit: Become Human』の「rA9」ともに、物語を牽引する要素になりながらもそれ自体は割とどうでもよい辺り、「RA9 IS A FAKE」には、プレイヤーキャラクターではなくプレイヤー宛の「THE CAKE IS A LIE」の趣がある。モールス全種を通して、例えばサイバーライフなりカムスキーなり作中存在がプレイヤーキャラクターに真面目に語りかけるような内容ではなかったので、「その提示された謎はこのゲームの目的としてはフェイクだ」という意味に取るのが個人的には自然に思えた。 ところで、アンドロイドがキスして人間の軍が撤退するこの世でアルクイスト建築士くらいしか泣いてくれなさそうなゲーム作りながら、90年代初頭当時ですらよく放映できたなと思うレベルの不適切ジョークを全方面に撒き散らしつつハリウッド神話をコケにするカルト映画の台詞を潜ませるのは、けっこう愉快かもしれない。
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Top 5 Video Game Foods
The recent Watcher Top 5 Beatdown had me racking my brain and googling lots of pixel food images, love the different aesthetic, experience, and curiosity factors that went in to their lists. Though I'd share my own & would love to hear yours!
5. Sweetroll (Skyrim)
4. Lantern Fruit (Subnautica)
3. Creamy Heart Soup (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
2. Peach Pie (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
1. Brewster's Coffee (Animal Crossing: Wild World)
Reasoning & honorable mentions below ^.^
5. I got into Skyrim late to the game, but my first character started as a Jean Valjean-inspired petty thief in the pursuit bread and cheese. Nothing looked quite as appetizing as those little sweetrolls. One of the many delightful discoveries I came across going in blind to an iconic game.
4. Red, plump, slightly bioluminescent - super versatile as either a food source or bioreactor fuel, but most of all a gorgeous addition to any base. Returning to base and taking a bite of a fresh lantern fruit was more just for roleplay than anything lol, but man do I want to have a taste in real life.
3. Figuring out recipes was one of my favorite parts of the unlimited exploration in the open-world Breath of the Wild, and nothing seemed tastier than the Creamy Heart Soup. I can just imagine how revitalizing it would be to slurp it down mid-battle. Something about video games making imaginary fruits just looks so tantalizing, and I'm always a slut for a good soup.
2. The craftable food update in New Horizons is what kept me around for nearly a 1,000-hour island. Something about how they would steam after you cooked and placed them just looked so good. The cute aesthetics of the food items could warrant its own top-10 list for me, and the Peach Pie was as good as it got. I got the Switch game in 2022 well after the pandemic peak. Neither me nor my friends had peaches on their islands, and I was not about to pay to trade with someone - I never actually attained this beauty. My island had lined fields of crops and a farmers market with baked breads and jarred goods, she would have been my star centerpiece.
1. This is mainly an experience-based choice for me, but I imagine the taste would be phenomenal as well. 10-year-old me was unaware of changing DS settings to play different dates, so the once-per-day cup of coffee was a cherished moment. At the time I did not even know what coffee tasted like lol. The thought of drinking a scalding hot beverage scared me but I did not want to disappoint Brewster by letting it cool past its peak flavor. And Saturday nights when KK Slider was there?? Highlight of my week. Honestly that whole atmosphere of having a tasty little drink and watching a local live performance is exactly the vibe a look for as 28-year-old still. I wish I could go back and see how many hours I put into Wild World, I literally COMPLETED that game before I had access to the internet to look up how to find things - it was my cozy place.
I had too much fun putting this together lol honorable mentions has no cap idc, also no proofreading we die like men!
Honorable mentions: Yeto's Soup (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess) - it took so long to make it must be the heartiest soup ever, Rare Candy (Pokemon) - if it can make my pokemon level up imagine ME, Lobster Thermador (Sims 2) - max level cooking meal I didn't think was real lol, Goopy Carbonara (Sims 3) - what's so goopy about it?, Crab and Egg Chinese Style (Cooking Mama) - a food I want to try and cook myself, Dubious Food (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) - what flavor is 'dubious' exactly?, Cheesy Meat Bowl (Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom) - food that could instantly cure a hangover, Golden Apple (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) - does it even taste different?, Perfect Cherry (Animal Crossing: New Horizons) - I am allergic to cherries but I would risk it, Pink Cake (Stardew Valley) - so cute I NEED a taste, Light Faerie Sundae (Neopets) - faerie food looked tasty af the light sundae looked the best, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans (HP & The Chamber of Secrets PS2) - Harry seemed so excited to find those beans I need to know why, 'Johnny Silverhand' Cocktail (Cyberpunk 2077) - beer + chili + tequila sounds awful I want a taste, Big Bang Burger (Persona 5 Royal) - I want to taste of Okumura's finest, NukaCola (Fallout) - if it doesn't taste like Diet Coke nuclear apocalypse isn't worth it, Klawf al Ajillo & Pickled Toedscool (Pokeomon Scarlet/Violet) - I want to taste the forbidden meat o.O
#watcher#top 5 beatdown#skyrim#animal crossing#subnautica#legend of zelda#this was probably the first beatdown i had strong opinions#always respect the list but mine is better sorry
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Google laid off hundreds of workers in several divisions Wednesday night, seeking to lower expenses as it focuses on artificial intelligence and joining a wave of other companies cutting tech jobs this year.
The Silicon Valley company laid off employees in its core engineering division, as well as those working on the Google Assistant, a voice-operated virtual assistant, and in the hardware division that makes the Pixel phone, Fitbit watches and Nest thermostat, three people with knowledge of the cuts said.
Several hundred employees from the company’s core engineering organization lost corporate access and received notices that their roles were eliminated, two of the people said. Google said that most of the hardware cuts affected a team working on augmented reality, technology that combines the real world with a digital overlay.
“We’ve had to make some difficult decisions about ongoing employment of some Google employees and we regret to inform you that your position is being eliminated,” the company told some workers in the division, according to the text of an email reviewed by The New York Times.
Google confirmed the Assistant cuts, earlier reported by Semafor, and the hardware layoffs, earlier reported by the blog 9to5Google.
“We’re responsibly investing in our company’s biggest priorities and the significant opportunities ahead,” a Google spokesman said in a statement. After cuts throughout the second half of 2023, “some teams are continuing to make these kinds of organizational changes, which include some role eliminations globally.”
The cuts continue a trend of tech layoffs, after large companies such as Google, Meta and Amazon laid off thousands of workers last year. Ten days into this year, more companies have announced job cuts. Earlier Wednesday, Amazon shed hundreds of workers from its Twitch streaming service, Prime Video and MGM studios. Xerox said this month that it would cut 15 percent of its 23,000-person staff, and the video game software provider Unity Software said it would eliminate 1,800 roles, or 25 percent of its work force.
At Google, Sundar Pichai, the chief executive, has pushed the company since July 2022 to sharpen its focus and to reduce expenses as global economic conditions deteriorated. In January 2023, Google shed 6 percent of its work force, or 12,000 people, in the largest layoffs that the company has conducted. Since then, executives at the company have said they would try to significantly reduce costs, as it focuses on the growing field of generative artificial intelligence.
Google, which had 182,000 employees as of Sept. 30, said the layoffs on Wednesday were part of a set of reorganizations that were made in the normal course of business.
The Alphabet Workers Union, a group representing more than 1,400 workers at Google’s parent company, Alphabet, described the layoffs as “needless.”
“Our members and teammates work hard every day to build great products for our users, and the company cannot continue to fire our co-workers while making billions every quarter,” the group said in a post on the social media site X.
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“Extraordinarily disappointed” users reckon with the Google-fication of Fitbit - Notice Today Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/extraordinarily-disappointed-users-reckon-with-the-google-fication-of-fitbit/?feed_id=135116&_unique_id=669889e573c7c Enlarge / The Charge 5 (pictured) has been a source of contention for Fitbit customers.Since the acquisition closed in 2021, the Google-fication of Fitbit has largely meant a reduction in features and a focus from Google on getting people onto the Fitbit app. Long-time users have flocked to Fitbit—sometimes upon Fitbit’s request—to share hundreds of complaints about recent changes. However, Google has been mostly unresponsive to customer feedback.Google News Web app discontinuation angers usersIn June, Google announced it was discontinuing Fitbit.com’s online dashboard. After July 8, users seeking similar features that the web app provided have to download the Fitbit mobile app. On Fitbit’s Community forum, a company representative confirmed that users’ “details and logging for activities, nutrition, sleep, and weight” would remain available via the app. However, the change inconvenienced users who preferred or needed to access such data on a bigger screen than a phone’s. Worse, the app lacks some of the features of the online dashboard, such as food logging.Despite these obvious user drawbacks, the need to Googlize Fitbit seemed to drive the change. Announcing the news on the Community forum, a Fitbit company rep said:Combined with Google’s decades of being the best at making sense of data, it’s our mission to be one combined Fitbit and Google team. Consolidating the Fitbit.com dashboard into the Fitbit app is a part of that mission, and will allow us to focus on features that provide even more valuable insights to our users.Google has invested in the Fitbit app, which includes plans to let premium subscribers test experimental generative AI Fitbit features soon. Google is also developing a large language model for new features for the Fitbit app that users are being forced onto. Google has been pushing users to the Fitbit app for a while; in 2022, Fitbit devices lost the ability to sync with computers.It’s worth mentioning that users disgruntled with Fitbit are more likely to complain online. However, it’s notable that Fitbit’s announcement has been met with 1,523 (as of this writing) mostly negative replies, with new responses still coming in. Another thread on Fitbit’s forum that requests to keep the web dashboard currently has 601 upvotes. You can find outraged users on Reddit, too.The most common complaints are around losing previously available features.“Change is fine. Removing key features is not,” Community member Seymourh86 wrote in June. “Unless you want people to go to competitors …”Comments from this week show that users are not over the change. DebL555, for example, said today that they’re “extremely disappointed and frustrated I cannot access my Dashboard on my PC.” Yesterday, NessWeb dubbed the change “an incredibly bad decision,” adding:It’s particularly awful for anyone with a visual disability or a finger dexterity issue. It’s still bad for everyone else because you just can’t see as much on a 3″ screen as you can see on a real computer …Bring back the web interface!!As has been the case every time there have been problems with Fitbit post-acquisition, theories that Google is making Fitbit worse to push people toward the Pixel Watch run rampant. Others on the Community forum were upset because they felt like Google was ignoring feedback from long-time Fitbit customers.In June, a user going by jessicabilasano wrote:I just hope Fitbit does not end up like any other Google purchase that turns into a nightmare product/company. Google, instead of removing things that users love about Fitbit features, why not improve them? Listen to your customers/consumers.However, a lack of response to public, negative customer feedback has become commonplace for the Fitbit brand lately. #GLOBAL - BLOGGER Enlarge / The Char... BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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“Extraordinarily disappointed” users reckon with the Google-fication of Fitbit - Notice Today Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/extraordinarily-disappointed-users-reckon-with-the-google-fication-of-fitbit/?feed_id=135113&_unique_id=669888c3dca87 Enlarge / The Charge 5 (pictured) has been a source of contention for Fitbit customers.Since the acquisition closed in 2021, the Google-fication of Fitbit has largely meant a reduction in features and a focus from Google on getting people onto the Fitbit app. Long-time users have flocked to Fitbit—sometimes upon Fitbit’s request—to share hundreds of complaints about recent changes. However, Google has been mostly unresponsive to customer feedback.Google News Web app discontinuation angers usersIn June, Google announced it was discontinuing Fitbit.com’s online dashboard. After July 8, users seeking similar features that the web app provided have to download the Fitbit mobile app. On Fitbit’s Community forum, a company representative confirmed that users’ “details and logging for activities, nutrition, sleep, and weight” would remain available via the app. However, the change inconvenienced users who preferred or needed to access such data on a bigger screen than a phone’s. Worse, the app lacks some of the features of the online dashboard, such as food logging.Despite these obvious user drawbacks, the need to Googlize Fitbit seemed to drive the change. Announcing the news on the Community forum, a Fitbit company rep said:Combined with Google’s decades of being the best at making sense of data, it’s our mission to be one combined Fitbit and Google team. Consolidating the Fitbit.com dashboard into the Fitbit app is a part of that mission, and will allow us to focus on features that provide even more valuable insights to our users.Google has invested in the Fitbit app, which includes plans to let premium subscribers test experimental generative AI Fitbit features soon. Google is also developing a large language model for new features for the Fitbit app that users are being forced onto. Google has been pushing users to the Fitbit app for a while; in 2022, Fitbit devices lost the ability to sync with computers.It’s worth mentioning that users disgruntled with Fitbit are more likely to complain online. However, it’s notable that Fitbit’s announcement has been met with 1,523 (as of this writing) mostly negative replies, with new responses still coming in. Another thread on Fitbit’s forum that requests to keep the web dashboard currently has 601 upvotes. You can find outraged users on Reddit, too.The most common complaints are around losing previously available features.“Change is fine. Removing key features is not,” Community member Seymourh86 wrote in June. “Unless you want people to go to competitors …”Comments from this week show that users are not over the change. DebL555, for example, said today that they’re “extremely disappointed and frustrated I cannot access my Dashboard on my PC.” Yesterday, NessWeb dubbed the change “an incredibly bad decision,” adding:It’s particularly awful for anyone with a visual disability or a finger dexterity issue. It’s still bad for everyone else because you just can’t see as much on a 3″ screen as you can see on a real computer …Bring back the web interface!!As has been the case every time there have been problems with Fitbit post-acquisition, theories that Google is making Fitbit worse to push people toward the Pixel Watch run rampant. Others on the Community forum were upset because they felt like Google was ignoring feedback from long-time Fitbit customers.In June, a user going by jessicabilasano wrote:I just hope Fitbit does not end up like any other Google purchase that turns into a nightmare product/company. Google, instead of removing things that users love about Fitbit features, why not improve them? Listen to your customers/consumers.However, a lack of response to public, negative customer feedback has become commonplace for the Fitbit brand lately. “Extraordinarily disappointed” users reckon with the Google-fication of Fitbit - Notice Today Internet - #GLOBAL BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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“Extraordinarily disappointed” users reckon with the Google-fication of Fitbit - Notice Today Internet https://www.merchant-business.com/extraordinarily-disappointed-users-reckon-with-the-google-fication-of-fitbit/?feed_id=135112&_unique_id=669888c31505f #GLOBAL - BLOGGER BLOGGER Enlarge / The Charge 5 (pictured) has been a source of contention for Fitbit customers.Since the acquisition closed in 2021, the Google-fication of Fitbit has largely meant a reduction in features and a focus from Google on getting people onto the Fitbit app. Long-time users have flocked to Fitbit—sometimes upon Fitbit’s request—to share hundreds of complaints about recent changes. However, Google has been mostly unresponsive to customer feedback.Google News Web app discontinuation angers usersIn June, Google announced it was discontinuing Fitbit.com’s online dashboard. After July 8, users seeking similar features that the web app provided have to download the Fitbit mobile app. On Fitbit’s Community forum, a company representative confirmed that users’ “details and logging for activities, nutrition, sleep, and weight” would remain available via the app. However, the change inconvenienced users who preferred or needed to access such data on a bigger screen than a phone’s. Worse, the app lacks some of the features of the online dashboard, such as food logging.Despite these obvious user drawbacks, the need to Googlize Fitbit seemed to drive the change. Announcing the news on the Community forum, a Fitbit company rep said:Combined with Google’s decades of being the best at making sense of data, it’s our mission to be one combined Fitbit and Google team. Consolidating the Fitbit.com dashboard into the Fitbit app is a part of that mission, and will allow us to focus on features that provide even more valuable insights to our users.Google has invested in the Fitbit app, which includes plans to let premium subscribers test experimental generative AI Fitbit features soon. Google is also developing a large language model for new features for the Fitbit app that users are being forced onto. Google has been pushing users to the Fitbit app for a while; in 2022, Fitbit devices lost the ability to sync with computers.It’s worth mentioning that users disgruntled with Fitbit are more likely to complain online. However, it’s notable that Fitbit’s announcement has been met with 1,523 (as of this writing) mostly negative replies, with new responses still coming in. Another thread on Fitbit’s forum that requests to keep the web dashboard currently has 601 upvotes. You can find outraged users on Reddit, too.The most common complaints are around losing previously available features.“Change is fine. Removing key features is not,” Community member Seymourh86 wrote in June. “Unless you want people to go to competitors …”Comments from this week show that users are not over the change. DebL555, for example, said today that they’re “extremely disappointed and frustrated I cannot access my Dashboard on my PC.” Yesterday, NessWeb dubbed the change “an incredibly bad decision,” adding:It’s particularly awful for anyone with a visual disability or a finger dexterity issue. It’s still bad for everyone else because you just can’t see as much on a 3″ screen as you can see on a real computer …Bring back the web interface!!As has been the case every time there have been problems with Fitbit post-acquisition, theories that Google is making Fitbit worse to push people toward the Pixel Watch run rampant. Others on the Community forum were upset because they felt like Google was ignoring feedback from long-time Fitbit customers.In June, a user going by jessicabilasano wrote:I just hope Fitbit does not end up like any other Google purchase that turns into a nightmare product/company. Google, instead of removing things that users love about Fitbit features, why not improve them? Listen to your customers/consumers.However, a lack of response to public, negative customer feedback has become commonplace for the Fitbit brand lately. Enlarge / The Charge 5 (pictured) has been a source of contention for Fitbit customers. Since the acquisition closed in 2021, the Google-fication of Fitbit has largely meant a reduction in features and a focus from Google on getting people onto the Fitbit app. Long-time users have flocked to Fitbit—sometimes upon Fitbit’s request—to share hundreds … Read More
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“Extraordinarily disappointed” users reckon with the Google-fication of Fitbit - Notice Today Internet - #GLOBAL https://www.merchant-business.com/extraordinarily-disappointed-users-reckon-with-the-google-fication-of-fitbit/?feed_id=135111&_unique_id=669888c23fb73 Enlarge / The Charge 5 (pictured) has been a source of contention for Fitbit customers.Since the acquisition closed in 2021, the Google-fication of Fitbit has largely meant a reduction in features and a focus from Google on getting people onto the Fitbit app. Long-time users have flocked to Fitbit—sometimes upon Fitbit’s request—to share hundreds of complaints about recent changes. However, Google has been mostly unresponsive to customer feedback.Google News Web app discontinuation angers usersIn June, Google announced it was discontinuing Fitbit.com’s online dashboard. After July 8, users seeking similar features that the web app provided have to download the Fitbit mobile app. On Fitbit’s Community forum, a company representative confirmed that users’ “details and logging for activities, nutrition, sleep, and weight” would remain available via the app. However, the change inconvenienced users who preferred or needed to access such data on a bigger screen than a phone’s. Worse, the app lacks some of the features of the online dashboard, such as food logging.Despite these obvious user drawbacks, the need to Googlize Fitbit seemed to drive the change. Announcing the news on the Community forum, a Fitbit company rep said:Combined with Google’s decades of being the best at making sense of data, it’s our mission to be one combined Fitbit and Google team. Consolidating the Fitbit.com dashboard into the Fitbit app is a part of that mission, and will allow us to focus on features that provide even more valuable insights to our users.Google has invested in the Fitbit app, which includes plans to let premium subscribers test experimental generative AI Fitbit features soon. Google is also developing a large language model for new features for the Fitbit app that users are being forced onto. Google has been pushing users to the Fitbit app for a while; in 2022, Fitbit devices lost the ability to sync with computers.It’s worth mentioning that users disgruntled with Fitbit are more likely to complain online. However, it’s notable that Fitbit’s announcement has been met with 1,523 (as of this writing) mostly negative replies, with new responses still coming in. Another thread on Fitbit’s forum that requests to keep the web dashboard currently has 601 upvotes. You can find outraged users on Reddit, too.The most common complaints are around losing previously available features.“Change is fine. Removing key features is not,” Community member Seymourh86 wrote in June. “Unless you want people to go to competitors …”Comments from this week show that users are not over the change. DebL555, for example, said today that they’re “extremely disappointed and frustrated I cannot access my Dashboard on my PC.” Yesterday, NessWeb dubbed the change “an incredibly bad decision,” adding:It’s particularly awful for anyone with a visual disability or a finger dexterity issue. It’s still bad for everyone else because you just can’t see as much on a 3″ screen as you can see on a real computer …Bring back the web interface!!As has been the case every time there have been problems with Fitbit post-acquisition, theories that Google is making Fitbit worse to push people toward the Pixel Watch run rampant. Others on the Community forum were upset because they felt like Google was ignoring feedback from long-time Fitbit customers.In June, a user going by jessicabilasano wrote:I just hope Fitbit does not end up like any other Google purchase that turns into a nightmare product/company. Google, instead of removing things that users love about Fitbit features, why not improve them? Listen to your customers/consumers.However, a lack of response to public, negative customer feedback has become commonplace for the Fitbit brand lately. BLOGGER - #GLOBAL
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Al to Pixel 8a Unveiled at Google I/O 2024 on May 14
Google I/O 2024 announced May 14: Plans for AI to Pixel 8a
Soon after the public solved the Break the Loop problem, the Google revealed the date of their next event, Google I/O 2024. Now that it’s become customary, I had a feeling the event would take place around May, and my suspicions were right. Go to Google I/O 2024 in person.
Google I/O 2024 will take place on May 14, and Google has released some specifics. There are few announcement rumors, but now is Google’s opportunity to shine.
The Sundar Pichai keynote will open Google I/O 2024. Mount View, California’s Shoreline Amphitheater hosts the event. In addition to on-demand technical seminars, there will be a developer keynote after the keynote. on those who cannot make it in person, Google is also planning a second day of live programming on May 15.
Regarding the schedule for I/O 2024, Google has not yet released any information. On the other hand, online registration is now open and is free. Google is expected to reveal a number of items during I/O 2024 in terms of announcements.
We can only speculate based on available information, but there are still little specifics on what to anticipate from Google I/O. With Gemini as its flagship model probably taking center stage, Google is notably set to reveal its ambitious aspirations for generative AI.
Anticipated Google I/O 2024 announcements
Al : Given that Google has already made a number of significant announcements about Al this year, including the release of its families of Large Language Models (LLMs), Gemini and Gemma, Al may once again take center stage at the conference. Recently, the corporation has been embroiled in controversy due to errors in Gemini’s picture production. Thus, it will be fascinating to watch the changes when the business negotiates these challenging conditions.
Android 15: Also, guests may expect to learn about new features that will be added to the platform, since Android 15 is still undergoing testing. Google I/O will probably happen before Android 15 is released, which will provide a better idea of what it can do.
Google Pixel 8a release date?
Pixel 8a : Given the event’s May date, the Google Pixel 8a launch may fall inside its schedule. Under such circumstances, announcements or information about the phone’s features may be given to guests. Additionally, even though hardware announcements usually take a backseat during Google I/O, there is optimism for updates on the Pixel Tablet or Pixel Fold successors. Yet, Google left potential for surprises in this area when it unveiled the Pixel 7a and hinted about the original Pixel Tablet at Google I/O 2022.
Additional announcements: Google may also have news on Gmail, Photos, Maps, Workspace, and other services. Please be aware that this is just conjecture, and Google may or may not make an announcement on any updates to the aforementioned services.
Essentially, puzzle-solving fun combined with insights into Google’s next projects related to AI, Android, and maybe hardware improvements can be expected from fans as the tech industry prepares for Google I/O 2024.
Google Pixel 7a vs 8a
The much-anticipated Pixel 8a may closely resemble the Pixel 8 series, released last year. The Tensor G3 processor from Google is expected to power it. Like the Pixel 7a, the display may refresh at 90Hz. Google uses the same picture sensors across generations, so camera department changes are unlikely.
Google Pixel 8a price
Recent leaks and rumors say the Google Pixel 8a will have 8GB RAM and 128GB or 256GB storage. Pixel 8a pricing are expected to be about EUR 570 (Rs 51,000) and EUR 630 (Rs 56,000). The Pixel 8a may also come in bay (light blue), mint (light green), obsidian (black), and porcelain (beige).
What will Google I/O 2024 be mostly focused on?
For industry leaders, tech aficionados, and developers, the tech giant organizes an exclusive conference dubbed I/O Connect, a day of networking and collaboration. A chance to network with like-minded individuals is given to attendees of this event. In addition, before to Google’s big 2024 event, they get to see the most recent technical innovations.
A unique opportunity to network with product managers, engineers, and other industry specialists will present itself to developers who attend I/O Connect. In this intimate setting, developers may share ideas, pose inquiries, and pick up valuable knowledge that will help them advance as professionals and remain at the forefront of technology. By going to I/O Connect, developers may also network and open doors for potential future collaboration and jobs.
What can we expect regarding Google’s AI advancements?
Although there are little details available, Google may present new features of the Gemini AI model or reveal whole new AI initiatives.
What potential new features may Android 15 offer?
Although specific features have not yet been disclosed, performance, security, and privacy enhancements are to be expected.
What are the Pixel 8a’s speculated specifications?
Although specifics are unknown, it probably improves on the Pixel 7a by adding some AI capabilities and maybe charging less.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab | SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S6 Lite 64GB Android
SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S6 Lite: A Budget-Friendly Powerhouse for Everyday Tasks and Entertainment.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite, released in 2022, is an Android tablet that combines performance, portability, and affordability.
That makes it suitable for students, creative professionals, and those seeking entertainment and browsing, making it a versatile choice.
This makes it one of the automatic results for purchases in the Amazon store, as shown in the picture, as the product ranks number 424 in the store.
This is the greatest evidence of the strength of the product and its very wonderful features.
It is also available in several colors, allowing you to choose your favorite color.
Click here to learn more about, SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A7
Not only that, but it is now available on Amazon at a 43% discount. This is of course a great and great discount that you can take advantage of and buy now.
Click here to buy and you will find the same product and discounts on it in other stores to buy what is best for you.
SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Highlights of the Tab S6 Lite
Vibrant 10.4-inch LCD
The tablet features a 2000 x 1200 pixel resolution screen for clear visuals, and an LCD panel for comfortable extended use, despite not being an OLED.
S Pen included
The Tab S6 Lite's unique feature is its S Pen stylus, a pressure-sensitive pen that enables natural note-taking, and drawing.
And annotation of documents, making it an invaluable tool for creative individuals.
Slim and stylish design
The Tab S6 Lite, weighing 467 grams and 7mm thick, is surprisingly lightweight and comfortable to hold for extended periods, making it easy to carry in a backpack or purse.
AKG dual speakers
The tablet features AKG-tuned dual speakers that provide clear, rich audio, making it ideal for watching videos, listening to music, or playing games.
Long-lasting battery
The Tab S6 Lite, powered by a 7040 mAh battery, can provide up to 13 hours of video playback on a single charge, making it an ideal travel companion.
Don't miss the amazing discount of more than 43%. Click here to buy.
Capable performance
The Tab S6 Lite, powered by the Exynos 9611 processor and 4GB of RAM, is capable of handling daily tasks like web browsing, social media, and light gaming.
Android 12
The tablet is equipped with Android 12, providing a user-friendly interface and extensive app library on the Google Play Store.
Affordable price tag
The Tab S6 Lite, priced at $350 for the 64GB Wi-Fi model, offers excellent value for money compared to other tablets in its category. But as we mentioned, there is a 43% discount on it now.
Buyers' opinions
Positive feedback
All of these features lead us to the opinions of customers who purchased the product.
Also, as shown in the picture, positive reviews from buyers are 80%, which gives the product 5 stars.
Click here to learn more about, SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A7
As for four stars, the rate was 13%. This is to assure everyone that SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S6 Lite 64GB AndroidIt is of very high quality and has won the admiration of many buyers.
Opinions of some device buyers SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S6 Lite 64GB Android
Some potential downsides to consider
Limited storage space
The 64GB base storage may be insufficient for users storing numerous media files or apps, suggesting a 128GB model for more storage. Click here to buy.
No cellular connectivity
The Wi-Fi-only model requires a Wi-Fi connection for internet access, while a cellular-enabled version is available at a higher cost.
Negative feedback
If you look at the following image, it is clear that only 1% of people gave the product two stars.
As for the people who gave the product one star, only 3%. This is a very small percentage compared to the number of people who rated the product 5 stars.
Some of the public's negative opinions
Click here to learn more about, SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab A7
The SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S6 Lite is a budget-friendly, versatile Android tablet with a vibrant display, S Pen support, slim design, long battery life, and affordable price.
That makes it an attractive choice for students, professionals, and those seeking everyday use and entertainment.
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the SAMSUNG Galaxy Tab S6 Lite.
If you have any specific questions about the tablet, feel free to ask!
Don't miss the amazing discount of more than 43%. Click here to buy.
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Samsung Q60C QLED TV Review, Specs, Price
The Samsung Q60C QLED TV, a 2023 entry-level model in the Quantum Dot LED lineup, replaces the 2022 Q60B QLED. Positioned below the Q70C QLED, it offers basic features, lacking local dimming, HDMI 2.1 bandwidth, and VRR support. It runs a simplified version of the Tizen smart platform but maintains user-friendliness and a wide range of apps. In mixed usage, the Q60C scores a 7.1. It excels in daytime viewing with high SDR peak brightness and decent reflection handling, making it great for shows and sports. While suitable for movie watching with a high native contrast ratio enhancing dark scenes, the absence of local dimming and limited HDR brightness diminishes highlight performance. The TV is responsive with low input lag, fitting for gaming or desktop use, but its slow response time makes it just average for gaming. Pros: - High native contrast offers deep blacks. - Exceptional black uniformity. - Adequate brightness for moderate lighting. Cons: - Limited viewing angles. - Poor smoothing of low-quality content.
Samsung Q60C Specs
The Samsung Q60C QLED TV, part of Samsung's 2023 lineup, comes with various specifications that reflect its position as an entry-level model in the QLED series. Here's a summary of its key specifications: - Display Technology: QLED (Quantum Dot LED). - Resolution: Varies based on size, typically 4K UHD (3840 x 2160 pixels). - Screen Size Options: Available in multiple sizes ranging from 32 inches to 85 inches. - Processor: Quantum Processor Lite, which is responsible for picture processing and upscaling. - HDR Support: Supports basic HDR formats like HDR10 and HLG, but not Dolby Vision. - Contrast & Brightness: High native contrast ratio, but without local dimming. The peak brightness is good for SDR content but limited in HDR. - Color Performance: Quantum Dot technology ensures vibrant and wide color gamut. - Viewing Angles: Narrow viewing angles, typical for VA panels. - Motion Technology: May have a slower response time, affecting fast-moving scenes and gaming. - Gaming Features: Lacks HDMI 2.1 bandwidth and Variable Refresh Rate (VRR) support. Low input lag is a plus. - Smart TV Platform: Runs a simplified version of Samsung's Tizen OS, offering a range of streaming apps and services. - Audio: Standard audio setup, typically without advanced features like Dolby Atmos. - Connectivity: Includes HDMI 2.0 ports, USB ports, Ethernet, and S/PDIF optical audio out. Lacks HDMI 2.1 features. - Design: Slim and simple design, with a thin profile. It comes with a two-piece plastic stand and is wall-mountable using VESA standards. - Remote Control: Comes with a solar-powered remote, minimizing battery use. - Additional Features: Might include Samsung-specific features like Ambient Mode, but lacks some premium features found in higher-end models. Remember, the specific features can vary slightly depending on the screen size and model within the Q60C series.
Samsung Q60C Design
The Samsung Q60C TV, as an entry-level model, features a simple yet appealing design. Its standout characteristic is the thin screen, less than half an inch at its thinnest point. It offers flexible placement options, with 200x200mm VESA holes for wall mounting and an easy-to-assemble, screw-free, two-piece plastic stand for setting it on an entertainment center. Connectivity options on the Q60C are basic, comprising S/PDIF optical audio out, Ethernet, two USB ports, and three HDMI ports (two on the right edge and one on the back). These ports are HDMI 2.0 standard, not the more advanced HDMI 2.1, limiting access to the latest display and gaming features. The TV uses a slightly streamlined version of Samsung's Tizen smart interface. Although user-friendly for navigating the main screen and finding content, its need to switch between different apps for TV or gaming functions feels outdated compared to more polished interfaces like Google TV or LG's webOS. A notable feature of the Q60C is its remote control, which includes a miniature solar panel for recharging, eliminating the need for battery replacements. The remote has a minimalistic design with just 14 buttons, which may slow down menu navigation compared to remotes from other brands. Nonetheless, the solar panel feature is an innovative addition that could be a trendsetter in TV remote design.
Samsung Q60C Pricing
The Samsung Q60C series offers a diverse range of sizes to fit various living spaces and budgets. The available sizes and their pricing are as follows: - 32 inches (Samsung QN32Q60CAF): Priced at $499.99, with a sale price of $399.99. - 43 inches (Samsung QN43Q60CAF): Priced at $549.99, with a sale price of $449.99. - 50 inches (Samsung QN50Q60CAF): Priced at $649.99, with a sale price of $529.99. - 55 inches (Samsung QN55Q60CAF): Priced at $799.99, with a sale price of $599.99. - 65 inches (Samsung QN65Q60CAF): Priced at $999.99, with a sale price of $749.99. - 70 inches (Samsung QN70Q60CAF): Priced at $1,199.99, with a sale price of $899.99. - 75 inches (Samsung QN75Q60CAF): Priced at $1,399.99, with a sale price of $999.99. - 85 inches (Samsung QN85Q60CAF): Priced at $2,299.99, with a sale price of $1,499.99. While our evaluation focused on the 55-inch model, it is expected that all models in the series will deliver similar performance. However, it's important to note that the 32-inch Q60C differs slightly in design and has fewer additional features compared to the larger models.
Samsung Q60C Performance and test results
In this review of the Samsung Q60C, its performance in various tests highlights its strengths and weaknesses. The TV's quantum dots technology enables it to excellently cover 99.5648% of the Rec. 709 color gamut, achieving a low Delta-E color accuracy score of 1.6547, positioning it as a top performer in its category. However, its performance in the UHDA-P3 HDR gamut coverage is less remarkable at 92.62%, and it falls short in the broader Rec. 2020 gamut coverage, particularly when compared to the Hisense U6K. Here's a comparison of the Q60C with other models: Samsung Q60CHisense U6KSamsung CU8000Sony Bravia X75KSDR Brightness233 nits334 nits197 nits157 nitsDelta-E1.65473.57832.13232.0027Rec. 709 Coverage99.5648.4728.6503.5566%HDR Brightness356 nits525 nits233 nits295 nitsUHDA-P3 Coverage92. 2020 Coverage70. Lag9.0 ms10.2 ms10.2 ms9.7 ms The Q60C's brightness levels, both in SDR and HDR, are modest. The Filmmaker mode, which offers the most accurate picture, is also the darkest at 233 nits, and HDR doesn't significantly boost brightness (356 nits). This limitation, along with the absence of local dimming, means that movies don't "pop" as they might on brighter sets. In terms of gaming, the Q60C has its pros and cons. The absence of HDMI 2.1 and a 60Hz panel limits some advanced gaming features, but its low input lag of 9ms ensures responsiveness. The TV also features Auto Low-Latency Mode (ALLM) and a built-in Gaming Hub on the Tizen platform, although it lacks the sophistication of some other TV interfaces. The sound quality is decent, with minimal distortion at higher volumes, but it lacks significant bass. Overall, the Samsung Q60C performs well in certain areas, especially color accuracy, but its limitations in brightness and gaming features make it a mixed option depending on the user's priorities.
How we test Samsung Q60C
In the review process for the Samsung Q60C, a comprehensive set of technical and subjective tests are employed to assess the TV's performance. The technical tests involve high-end equipment: an X-Rite i1 Pro spectrophotometer for color accuracy, a SpectraCal VideoForge Pro pattern generator for producing test patterns, Portrait Displays’ Calman software for TV calibration, and a Leo Bodnar 4K Input Lag Tester specifically for evaluating the TV's gaming performance. The subjective part of the testing is somewhat variable and depends on the reviewer. It typically includes watching a wide variety of content such as movies, TV shows, and other programming that potential buyers might be interested in viewing on the TV. This approach ensures a well-rounded evaluation that reflects real-world usage. For those interested in the specifics of the testing methodology, the "How We Test TVs" page provides a more in-depth explanation of the procedures and criteria used in the review process. This resource is particularly useful for understanding the standards and benchmarks Tom's Guide applies to their TV reviews. The Samsung Q60C embodies both the strengths typical of Samsung TVs and the limitations often found in lower-priced models. It lacks certain features like HDMI 2.1 support, a fast refresh panel, and high brightness levels, which could influence its suitability for specific uses. However, the TV excels in color accuracy for both Standard Dynamic Range (SDR) and High Dynamic Range (HDR) content, and its impressively low input lag makes it a strong contender in its category. These positive aspects allow the Q60C to hold its own against competitors like the Hisense U6K, which offers superior brightness and HDR performance. The Samsung Q60C positions itself as a viable option for scenarios where a high-end TV isn't a necessity. Particularly when discounted, it represents a reasonable choice, especially for casual viewers, younger users, or gamers who may not require the most advanced features. Read the full article
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Here's All the Ways It's Better
The original Pixel Watch finally showed up in 2022 after years of rumors and speculation about a potential launch. When we did get one on the wrist and learned all of its specs and features, I think it was pretty obvious that we were getting a first-generation type of product, one with flaws and also surprising strengths. It was a product that showed where Google could take its smartwatch (and…
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The Ongoing Effort to Counter Zero-Day Threats This Summer
The summer season has not slowed down the release of software updates, with tech behemoths Apple, Google, and Microsoft launching numerous patches to address vulnerabilities that are being exploited in actual attacks. In July, significant bugs were also addressed by enterprise software companies SAP, Citrix, and Oracle. Here is a comprehensive rundown of the major patches rolled out during the month.
Apple’s iOS and iPadOS 16.6 In July, Apple was quite busy, releasing two separate security updates. The first update from the iPhone manufacturer was a security-only Rapid Security Response patch. This marked only the second instance of Apple issuing a Rapid Security Response, and the process was not as seamless as the first one. On July 10, Apple rolled out iOS 16.5.1 9 (a) to address a single WebKit vulnerability that was already being exploited, but the patch was quickly withdrawn after it was found to disrupt several websites for users. A few days later, Apple re-released the update as iOS 16.5.1 (c), finally resolving the WebKit issue without causing any other problems.
Later in July, Apple’s major point upgrade, iOS 16.6, was released with 25 security fixes, including the previously exploited WebKit bug that was addressed in iOS 16.5.1 (c), identified as CVE-2023-37450. Among the other bugs addressed in iOS 16.6 were 11 in the Kernel, the heart of the iOS operating system, one of which Apple said is already being exploited. The Kernel flaw is the third iOS issue identified by security firm Kaspersky as part of the zero-click “Triangulation spyware” attacks.
Apple also rolled out iOS 15.7.8 for users of older devices, along with iPadOS 16.6, Safari 16.6, macOS Ventura 13.5, macOS Monterey 12.6.8, macOS Big Sur 11.7.9, tvOS 16.6, and watchOS 9.6.
Microsoft Microsoft’s July Patch Tuesday is a crucial update to watch for, as it addresses 132 vulnerabilities, including several zero-day flaws. To begin with, one of the bugs outlined in the patch update, identified as CVE-2023-36884, has yet to be addressed. In the meantime, the technology giant has provided steps to mitigate the already exploited flaw, which is reportedly being used in attacks by a Russian cybercrime group.
Other zero-day flaws included in Microsoft’s Patch Tuesday are CVE-2023-32046, a platform elevation of privilege bug in the MSHTML core Windows component, and CVE-2023-36874, a vulnerability in the Windows Error Reporting service that could let an attacker gain admin rights. Meanwhile, CVE-2023-32049 is an already exploited vulnerability in the Windows SmartScreen feature.
It is needless to say that you should update as soon as possible while keeping an eye out for the fix for CVE-2023-36884.
Google Android Google has rolled out an update for its Android operating system, addressing numerous security vulnerabilities, including three that it says “may be under limited, targeted exploitation.”
The first of the already exploited vulnerabilities is CVE-2023-2136, a remote code execution (RCE) bug in the System with a CVSS score of 9.6. The critical security vulnerability could lead to RCE with no additional privileges needed, according to the tech firm. “User interaction is not needed for exploitation,” Google warned.
CVE-2023-26083 is an issue in Arm Mali GPU driver for Bifrost, Avalon, and Valhall chips, rated as having a moderate impact. The vulnerability was used to deliver spyware to Samsung devices in December 2022.
CVE-2021-29256 is a high-severity flaw that also impacts Bifrost and Midgard Arm Mali GPU kernel drivers.
The Android updates have already reached Google’s Pixel devices and some of Samsung’s Galaxy range. Given the severity of this month’s bugs, it’s a good idea to check whether the update is available and install it now.
Google Chrome 115 Google has released the Chrome 115 update for its popular browser, addressing 20 security vulnerabilities, four of which are rated as having a high impact. CVE-2023-3727 and CVE-2023-3728 are use-after-free bugs in WebRTC. The third flaw rated as having a high severity is CVE-2023-3730, a use-after-free. Chunk 2: A vulnerability in Tab Groups has been identified as CVE-2023-3732, which is an out-of-bounds memory access issue in Mojo. Despite none of the vulnerabilities being exploited in real-world attacks, six have been classified as medium severity. Given that Chrome is a commonly targeted platform, it’s advisable to keep your system updated.
Mozilla’s Firefox 115 was released shortly after Chrome 115, addressing several high severity flaws. Notable among these are two use-after-free bugs, identified as CVE-2023-37201 and CVE-2023-37202. Mozilla also rectified two memory safety bugs, CVE-2023-37212 and CVE-2023-37211, which were found in Firefox 114, Firefox ESR 102.12, and Thunderbird 102.12. Mozilla’s advisory noted that these bugs demonstrated evidence of memory corruption, which could potentially be exploited to run arbitrary code with sufficient effort.
Enterprise software corporation Citrix has also issued an update warning, following the rectification of multiple flaws in its NetScaler ADC (now known as Citrix ADC) and NetScaler Gateway (now Citrix Gateway) tools. One of these flaws, CVE-2023-3519, is an unauthenticated remote code execution vulnerability that has been exploited and has a CVSS score of 9.8. Citrix has observed exploits of CVE-2023-3519 on unmitigated appliances and strongly urges affected customers to install the updated versions as soon as possible. The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) also issued an advisory about this bug, noting its use in attacks on a critical infrastructure organization in June.
Enterprise software company SAP has released its July Security Patch Day, which includes 16 security fixes. The most severe of these is CVE-2023-36922, an OS command injection vulnerability with a CVSS score of 9.1. Onapsis, a security firm, stated that an authenticated attacker could “inject an arbitrary operating system command into a vulnerable transaction and program.” Therefore, patching is highly recommended due to the high impact on the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the affected SAP system.
In addition, CVE-2023-33989 is a directory traversal vulnerability in SAP NetWeaver with a CVSS score of 8.7, and CVE-2023-33987 is a request smuggling and request concatenation vulnerability in SAP Web Dispatcher with a CVSS score of 8.6.
Software firm Oracle has also released its July Critical Patch Update Advisory, which addresses 508 vulnerabilities across its products. This includes 77 new security patches for Oracle Communications, with 57 of these vulnerabilities being exploitable remotely over a network without user credentials. One of the most severe flaws is CVE-2023-20862, which has a CVSS score of 9.8. Oracle has also released 147 patches for Financial Services and 60 fixes for Fusion Middleware. The company stressed the importance of customers applying Critical Patch Update security patches promptly and remaining on actively supported versions, as it continues to receive reports of attempts to exploit vulnerabilities it has already patched. In some instances, attackers were successful because targeted customers had not applied available Oracle patches.
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Google Pixel Watch 2: Google lastly launched its first Pixel smartwatch in 2022, impressing us with its usability and options. Now, what has the search large bought up its quite ample sleeves because the sequel is due? We sped up all of the information and rumours we've seen thus far concerning the Google Pixel Watch 2. Kamila Wojciechowska has revealed new particulars concerning the Pixel Watch 2, Google's subsequent and second-generation smartwatch. Anticipated to launch this autumn with the Pixel 8 sequence, the Pixel Watch 2 tackle many of its predecessor's limitations, battery life, and efficiency. Kamila Wojciechowska has provided extra particulars concerning the Pixel Watch 2, roughly two months earlier than the smartwatch's launch. For reference, only some days have handed because the similar leaker shared new first-party watch faces, which can be anticipated to be Pixel Watch 2 exclusives at launch. This time, Wojciechowska has centred on extra technical particulars and the smartwatch's battery capability. Reportedly, the Pixel Watch 2 has a 4% bigger battery than its predecessor, with Google changing the 294 mAh cell discovered within the present mannequin with a 306 mAh one as a substitute. Whereas that's not a notable enhancement, Google's alleged change to Snapdragon W5 Gen 1 ought to convey appreciable effectivity enhancements on the Exynos 9110 that underpins the unique Pixel Watch. Wojciechowska provides that Google will incorporate an NXP-derived customized coprocessor, a model of which options within the Pixel Watch. Utilizing a customized coprocessor successfully negates the necessity to construct the Pixel Watch 2 across the Snapdragon W5 Plus Gen 1, a variant that solely provides a QCC5100 coprocessor over its standard counterpart. Furthermore, the Pixel Watch 2 will include an ultra-wideband (UWB) chip (NXP SR100T), the precise utilization of which stays unknown at this stage. This yr's Pixel Watch will also return with a 1.2-inch OLED show, working at 384 x 384 pixels. For now, Google is predicted to unveil the Pixel Watch 2 this autumn through the Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro's launch occasion.
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#3: Technophilia
It's been a long week, so here's an easy post. I recently realized how similar my dad and I are with our gadgets - he's owned many cars over the years, like I have with phones. How about a list of every smart-device I've ever owned?
* marks my favorite devices that were unique, felt the best, were well designed, or had great software.
- Motorola V220 (flip phone) (2004)
- * LG CU-500 (flip phone) (2006)
- * HTC Tilt / Tytn 2 (Windows Mobile slider) (2008)
- Samsung Magnet (QWERTY candybar) (2009)
- * Palm Pre Plus (WebOS slider) (2010)
- Samsung Focus (Windows Phone) (2010)
- * Google Nexus 4 (white) (2012)
- Google Nexus 5X (2015)
- * OnePlus X (2016)
- Google Pixel (black) (2016)
- ZTE Tempo Go (Android Go) (2018)
- * Unihertz Atom (2018)
- * Google Pixel 3 (pink) (2018)
- OnePlus 7T (2019)
- Unihertz Atom XL (2020)
- Unihertz Titan (2020)
- Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5G (black) (2020)
- Lenovo Legion Phone Duel 2 (2021)
- * Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3 (purple) (2021)
- Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 (silver) (2021)
- Google Pixel 6a (green) (2022)
- * Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 (white + gold) (2022)
- Oppo Find N2 (black) (2023)
- * Google Pixel Fold (porcelain) (2023)
- Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 (white) (2023)
- HTC Flyer (2011)
- Google Nexus 7 (2012)
- * Google Pixel Slate (Chrome OS) (2018)
- LG Watch (white) (2014)
- Huawei Watch (leather) (2015)
- * Fossil Gen 5 Carlyle (leather) (2019)
- Google Pixel Watch LTE (white) (2023)
Acquired from work
- Google Nexus 6P (silver) (2015)
- Samsung Galaxy S23 (black) (2023)
Typed from my Pixel Fold! 🤓
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