#google display network
levyconindia001 · 5 months
Understanding the Differences: Google Display Network vs Search Network
The Understanding between the Difference of Google Display Network vs Search Network product is a comprehensive guide that aims to provide users with a clear understanding of the distinctions between the Google Display Network (GDN) and the Google Search Network (GSN). This informative resource delves into the intricacies of these two advertising platforms, highlighting their unique features, advantages, and best practices for effective utilization.
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cool-xtremeads · 1 year
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finsteel · 2 years
Full Guide on Google Display Network (GDN)
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Efficiency of GDN
Every day, millions of dollars are spent on Google Display Network (GDN). What is the reason?
Google offers unlimited options for marketers to promote their products, so what is the difference between this one and the other?
This is short because of its efficiency.
When competitors get into search engine, GDN can be an alternative. Thus, the competition to succeed in the bid keyword becomes easier, so you will also be easier to reach users who actively search your products and services.
Here, we will learn why you should use Google Display Network (GDN), how GDN differs from search ads, and how you can target GDN ads to reach the right person in the right place and time.
What is Google Display Network?
When hearing the word Google Ads, most likely the first thing that falls in your mind is search ads. This is because the ads that appear on the Google search result are easier to recognize as Google ads.
On the other hand, the ads published through GDN are not clearly connected to Google, given GDN ads appear on other sites that are on the internet.
Your consumers visit these sites every day. Gmail and Youtube are the most popular GDN advertising sites.
One of the advantages of GDN is that you can set the target audience so your advertising can be more accurate target. In addition, the advertising format in visual form can also be more powerful in attracting the attention of future consumers compared to text-based advertising.
Why use Google Display Network (GDN)?
Continuity and resilience, become two main points that are the reason why GDN is widely used. Prospecting, brand awareness, and remarketing efforts will require huge costs if done using traditional search ads.
GDN, as a comparison, can cut off the costs you spend to compete in other networks. In addition, you can also set the target audience of your ads.
Google Display Network allows you to define the audience you want to target. GDN also allows you to target a website based on the affinity of the audience, in-market segment, and keywords. You can even choose a location on a website that fits the target audience.
What formats of ads are available on Display Ads?
With search ads, advertisers don’t have a lot of options to choose the type of advertising that consumers see. However, it’s not the same with Google Display Network, which provides some options to choose the type of advertising that advertisers can adapt to their needs.
1.) Text Ads
It is the simplest advertising format, consisting only of a few lines of text, title, and URL links. This advertising form is similar to the advertising form offered by search ads.
2.) Image Ads
This ad is present in a variety of shapes and sizes, starting from simple banner, square, and even big pillar ads. You can even use HTML to create some animations on the ads.
3.) Video Ads
Advertising with video format is an interesting option and can also pack a lot of information in a short time. The increased popularity of Youtube also makes video format advertising more effective.
4.) Dynamic Search Ads
Using the content taken from your website, dynamic search ads can customize your ads from every impression that appears.
5.) The Rich Media Ads
It is an advertising format with a combination of animation, text and image.
6.) Responsive Display Ads
This format is a default format of the display network. Responsive Display Ads will use the assets you have submitted (photos, headlines, logos, etc.) to be published.
7.) The Engagement Ads
It is an ad format that allows advertisers to bid and pay only when users interact with their ads.
8.) The Gmail Ads
It is an advertisement that appears on the tab top of the user inbox in Gmail.
Is Google Display Network only useful for brand awareness?
Campaign on the Display Network is commonly used for the purpose of brand awareness due to its visual appearance. Without having to interact with your ads, users will continue to see the ads so that they can know and remember your brand or product.
However, this does not mean that display ads can only benefit brand awareness. GDN can also help you to your conversion target.
As shown earlier, there are many advertising formats that can be selected from the display network.
Some formats are actually very effective in improving brand awareness. While some other formats such as Gmail ads, and video ads, can directly affect your conversion.
How to set up Google Display Network Campaign
Creating the first campaign on the Google Display Network is not complicated as you think. Google will simplify your campaign creation process by giving recommendations based on the information you have provided.
But if there are still less understood steps, you can follow the steps below to start making your first campaign in GDN.
1.) Starting Google Display Campaign
To start creating your first Google Display Campaign, then you must first log in to your Google Ads account.
From the main Google Ads dashboard, press the blue “+” icon and then press “New Campaign”. This step will start the process of setting your campaign.
2.) Defining the goal
Once you start creating a new campaign, Google will need information about the objectives of your advertising.There are a few options you can choose, namely:
Sales: If your advertising is directly related to sales.
Leads: If you need new leads or clients.
Website Traffic: If you want to add audience size from your website.
Product and Brand Consideration: If you want to inform users about the products your brand offers.
Brand Awareness and Reach: If you want your brand to be more familiar.
App promotion: If you want to promote your App.
Google will recommend a specific setting option at the next stage based on your advertising target selection at this stage.
3.) Select the Campaign Subtype
It is important for you to determine the subtype campaign at the beginning. However, this setting can later be changed after the ad is running. You will have three subtype campaign:
Standard Display Campaign: It is a regular campaign that gives advertisers full control and the minimum automation option. This option is recommended for new accounts that do not have access to the Smart Display campaign.
Smart Display Campaign: If you want to have full control over your campaign and ad performance settings, then this campaign is not the right choice. On the smart display campaign, many optimization settings, bidding, and targeting are done automatically.
Gmail Ads: If your prospects are people who frequently access Gmail, then you can choose this option.
4.) Name your campaign
Avoid giving generic names like “Display 1” because it will make it difficult to remember the objectives of the campaign.
5.) Determine the location
You can choose whether your ads will appear in a specific area or even global.
Defining the language
By default, your ads will appear on users whose Google settings speak English. However, if your business operates globally, you can convert it to English.
7.) Choose the Bidding option
The bidding options you choose will greatly affect the campaign you make. But don’t worry, Google will recommend the choice of bidding strategies based on your campaign objectives. However, it’s good that you also consider other options before stable choosing.
8.) Establish Budget
It will be very difficult to set a campaign budget even when the campaign is not completed. However, you can revise the campaign budget plan at any time.
9.) The Rotation of Advertising
The ad rotation you choose will determine how often different ads appear on the same user. The most commonly used option is “Optimize: Prefer best performing ads.” The option will use a specific algorithm to analyze your ad performance and determine which ads are most effective on each ad impression.
10.) Advertising
This setting will determine when your ads will appear in one day. By default, your ads will continue to run throughout the day (as long as the budget is still available). However, you can also set to launch your ads only at the time of activation, or the time when your consumers are active on the internet.
Choose the type of device
On GDN, you can choose the type of device according to your target audience. For example, you can choose to launch your ads only on a mobile device, or just on a desktop.
The URL Tracking
This setting is designed to monitor your advertising performance for subsequent analysis.There are three options in tracking URLs:
Tracking template
The URL Suffix
Custom parameters
To learn more about the settings of this section you can visit the official Google guide page.
You should be aware that tracking planting is very important, as you can measure the performance of each of your ads with this tracking. If there are difficulties in running this, contact Meson team for help.
The Dynamic Ads ?
If you have a different product, you can use Dynamic Ads by entering data about your product that Google will later use to customize the product advertising appearance according to a particular user.
Defining the exclusion of content
There may be websites that have the same type of audience as your target audience, but the content therein is not in accordance with your brand image. Thus, you do not want your advertising to appear on that website. After this setting, you can exclude those websites so that your advertising does not appear in it.
Setting and naming Ad Groups
Ad groups are a feature designed to allow advertisers to separate or group their campaigns based on a particular theme.
Make your ad groups names as specific as possible. Find names that give an image of the purpose of your campaign so that your ad groups are properly structured.
The targeting settings will help you reach the right audience, at the right place and time as well. Therefore, it is important for you to carefully set your advertising targeting.
Google will recommend that you automatize your targeting because thus your ads will be displayed to the right audience by minimizing your chances of wrong targeting.
However, if you are really sure you can set targeting ads manually.
Audience search: This option allows you to determine the categories or features that describe your ideal audience.
Audience Idea: Next, you can tell Google about the interests of your audience. For example, the brand of sports equipment will target the audience interested or interested in health and fitness.
Browse Audience: In addition to the audience’s interest, you can also target the audience based on the search they do.
Next, Google will ask you to enter demographic information from your audience (gender, age, status, income)
Content Keyword Targeting
As an alternative strategy, Display Campaign allows you to target the audience based on the content of the website. With content targeting, you will be asked to enter the keywords that represent your brand and products. Then, Google will find a website that uses similar keywords on the content in it.
Topic targeting
Topic targeting can complement your keyword targeting in achieving a specific audience. Topic targeting is very useful if you have a flexible budget and want to improve your brand awareness on the relevant audience segment.
The Placement Targeting
Placement targeting allows you to place ads on a specific website in the Google Display Network. you only need to enter information about your business type. In that way, Google will trigger a web page sequence relevant to the category you enter.
Create your first ad on Google Display Network
Once you successfully pass the setting and targeting stages, then it means you’re ready to create your first Display Network ad.
You can learn different formats of advertising here.
Display Ads
There are some components that should be available on your advertising.
Image: You can add at least two images containing information about your brand or product.
Video: Some ad display formats allow advertisers to display videos on their ads.
Headline: Headline is useful as the title of your advertisement, with a maximum of 30 characters.
Long headline: Long headline with a maximum of 90 characters.
Description: The description section is a useful text to attract the audience to interact with the advertising.
Business Name: is your business name or brand.
Advanced URL Options: The section where you place tracking information.
More Options: Provides the option to set the heading, call to actions, or other colors.
Once you have specified some of the components above, then you can continue to select the type of advertising format to be used.
Image Ads
Visual ads can be very effective to attract the attention of consumers. The audience will be easier to observe visual ads than with text ads. Therefore, if your goal is to improve brand awareness, image ads can be the right choice.
Text Ads
Although not interesting image ads, text ads have their own advantages that are simpler in terms of design. Seeing text ads is also more not disturbing, if compared to image ads. It can help keep your brand reputation and consumer perception against it.
The Native Ads
Advertising can be the right marketing tool to encourage prospects to make transactions or conversions.
However, advertising fraud can also be considered as a spam that will disrupt if its size is too big or block the activity of the user. This can kill a relationship with someone even before it starts.
Native ads aims to correct the nature of ads that sometimes disrupt by adapting them to look and feel like the website where the ads are placed.
Once you’re satisfied with the advertising message you’ve made, then don’t forget to check your campaign details again before pressing ‘OK’.
If it’s fixed, then it means you’ve successfully created your first campaign on Google Display Network !
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Not people saying ‘but why did musk buy Twitter? It’s free to use!’
If a product or service is free to use…YOU, and the details you share with a product or service, are the product. YOU are the one ads get targeted at, those ads are what makes money and you are part of an audience that like the product ergo you’ll click on the ad to buy the thing.
Very little about social media like Twitter or Meta products is truly free.
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sociallmediaheritage · 7 months
Redefining Digital Marketing with Display Advertising Platforms
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Digital marketing has undergone a significant transformation over the years, especially with the advent of display ad platforms. These platforms have revolutionized how businesses reach their target audience, offering a powerful way to showcase products and services through visually appealing banner ads. In this article, we'll explore the impact of display advertising platforms on digital marketing and discuss best practices for creating effective display ad campaigns.
The Evolution of Display Advertisement Platforms
Display banner advertising platforms have evolved from basic banner ads to sophisticated ad networks that leverage advanced targeting options and real-time bidding. One of the key advantages of display advertising is its ability to reach a large audience across various websites and apps, increasing brand visibility and driving traffic to your website.
Benefits of Display Ads Platforms
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Targeted Advertising: Display ads best platforms allow you to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This means you can ensure that your ads are seen by people who are likely to be interested in your products or services. By targeting the right audience, you can increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns and improve your return on investment (ROI).
Brand Awareness: Display ads are visually engaging and can help you build brand awareness and recognition among your target audience. By displaying your ads on relevant websites and apps, you can increase the visibility of your brand and make it more memorable to potential customers.
Cost-Effective: Display advertising can be more cost-effective than other forms of advertising, such as TV or print ads. With display advertising bookmark the best ads, you can reach a large audience at a relatively low cost, especially when you consider the potential reach and targeting options available. This makes display advertising a cost-effective option for businesses looking to maximize their advertising budget.
Measurable Outcomes: Platforms for display advertisements offer thorough analytics and reporting, enabling you to monitor the effectiveness of your ads in real-time. You can see metrics such as impressions, clicks, and conversions, which can help you understand how your ads are performing and make adjustments as needed to improve their effectiveness. By measuring the results of your display advertising campaigns, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your advertising budget and achieving your marketing goals.
Display Ads Best Practices
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Compelling Visuals: Using high-quality images and graphics is important because visual elements can grab the viewer's attention more effectively than text alone. Compelling visuals can help your ad stand out from the competition and make a lasting impression on your audience. They also play a crucial role in conveying your message and making it more memorable.
Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): A clear and concise CTA is essential for driving action from your audience. Your CTA should be prominently displayed in your advertising platforms and clearly state what action you want the viewer to take, such as "Shop Now," "Sign Up," or "Learn More." A strong CTA can help increase the click-through rate (CTR) of your ad and improve the overall effectiveness of your campaign.
Relevant Messaging: Tailoring your ad copy to resonate with your target audience is key to capturing their attention and persuading them to take action. Your messaging should highlight the benefits of your products or services and address the needs and interests of your audience. By creating relevant messaging, you can make your ads more engaging and increase the likelihood of conversion.
Mobile Optimization: With a significant portion of internet users accessing content through mobile devices, it's crucial to ensure that your display ads are optimized for mobile. This means designing ads that are visually appealing and easy to read on smaller screens, as well as ensuring fast loading times and a seamless user experience. Mobile optimization can help you reach a larger audience and improve the performance of your display advertising campaigns.
Google Ads Spy Tool and Ad Spy Tools
Tools like the Google Ads Spy Tool and other ad spy tools can provide valuable insights into your competitors' display ad strategies. By analyzing their ad creatives, messaging, and targeting, you can gain a competitive edge and refine your own display advertising campaigns.
The display advertising platforms have redefined digital marketing, offering businesses a powerful way to reach their target audience with visually engaging ads. By following best practices and leveraging tools like the Google Ads Spy Tool, you can create effective display ad campaigns that drive results and help you achieve your marketing goals.
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seocompany969 · 11 months
Demystifying Google Display Network Costs: What You Need to Know
Understanding the dynamics of the Google Display Network cost (GDN) is crucial for successful online advertising. Break down GDN costs, including the CPC and CPM models, the impact of targeting and ad quality, and the influence of ad formats.
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shaadiband-blog · 1 year
Google Display Network Targeting is a platform that allows advertisers to display their ads on websites that are part of Google's ad network. GDN targeting is an important aspect of the platform, and understanding how it works is crucial to running successful display campaigns.
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gothicprep · 2 years
i've been meaning to write something for a while now about how misinformation is not a partisan issue, it's just an issue in general. i was mulling over writing something about how infowars waterboards statistics into saying whatever alex jones wants – i'll still probably do that in the future – but it's not something that exactly supports my thesis here.
but, lucky me, i had a perfect example fall into my lap this week.
so, was andrew tate taken into custody over twitter beef with greta thunberg? the short answer is "no" but i'll elaborate.
here's the primary romanian news report about the cops taking the tate brothers into custody. the way that this has been reported in US news media has basically been that a pizza box in andrew tate's video response to thunberg helped romanian authorities confirm his location. here's a daily beast article that insinuates this:
In a video rant he uploaded to Twitter, in which he smoked a cigar and tried to brush off the online spat, he unwittingly displayed a pizza box from a local pizza chain—alerting authorities looking for him to his presence in the country.
here's the problem with that, though – none of the romanian journalists who reported on this story said anything about the pizza box thing. there's also a huge problem with these stories just... citing each other.
if you dig through the citation loop long enough, you end on this daily star article that cites tweets (jurnelism!) from, of course, alejandra caraballo
According to Alejandra Caraballo, a writer and clinical instructor posting on Twitter: “Romanian authorities needed proof that Andrew Tate was in the country so they reportedly used his social media posts.
(as an aside, if you follow her on twt, i'd heavily recommend against doing that. she spews bullshit like her life depends on it and i think this is inexcusable.)
these are caraballo's tweets in question:
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the source for this is the romanian article i linked to earlier in this post. it doesn't say any of this. at least, the english translated version of it doesn't. for what it's worth, i'm not a romanian speaker, and i don't have any benchmark for judging if google's translation service is missing linguistic nuances. here's what it actually says:
Sources close to the investigation stated, for Gândul , that shortly after the completion of the computer expertise, the authorities waited for the right moment to catch the Tate brothers, who were always out of the country.
After seeing, including on social networks, that they were together in Romania, the DIICOT prosecutors mobilized the special troops of the Gendarmerie and descended, by force, on their villa in Pipera, but also on other addresses.
it's also probably worth pointing out that tate's villa was previously searched in april. while the article does say that social media was used to help confirm their location, it doesn't say anything about pizza boxes. and, like, given that tate is a prolific social media poster and was tweeting out videos of romania on sunday, i think it's safe to assume they had a wealth of other information to go off.
and if you don't want to take my word for it, nyt and wapo both reported that the spokesperson for the romanian prosecutor presiding over the case denied the pizza box thing:
Speculation online centered on whether a distinctive pizza box featured in one of Mr. Tate’s tweets to Ms. Thunberg had helped lead the authorities to him, but Ramona Bolla, a spokeswoman for the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism, told The New York Times on Friday that that was not the case.
anyway, ain't it funny how caraballo's made the fuck up pizza tweet got 76 million views, 97k retweets, and 525k likes, while her appended correction got 78k views, 100 retweets, and 820 likes. her initial "source: my mind" tweet is still up. ain't. it. funny.
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the-changeling-manor · 2 months
2024. Yes, it’s 2024. It’s only 2024. The future of humanity will be greatly influenced by this decade, both politically and culturally. But a subject that splits the opinions of all, transcending politics and culture, is defined in two words: artificial intelligence.
Artificial intelligence is currently in its infancy.
The ia coupled with chronivac technology could offer infinite possibilities to the users of the software, which is so known to transformation lovers, but yet so impossible to reach. Imagine the chronivac capable of thinking on its own to interpret a prompt, imagine the chronivac capable of analyzing the world around it simply by wandering on the networks, and imagine the chronivac capable of satisfying your desires just with a photo.
It’s just a Dream. Imagination. Unreal.
Isn’t that right? Well.... Don’t be so sure.
Think about this guy. He’s like you and me. I even think he's one of you who reads these words. Brown hair, thirty years old, young gay, it’s a kind of "mister everyone" in this community of male transformations, which besides will not even be named or represented by a photo, since I know that this guy is you. 
Indeed, every night, he connects on tumblr and reads these stories where people change to become the ones they dream of being, whether they are serious or only in the context of fantasy.
He reads stories, more or less exciting, sometimes redundant because full of clichés, the story you read is also a mountain of clichés, I guess. This ordinary guy is enjoying this moment. He is happy, even though he knows he will never be able to live it.
He is deeply sad.
He receives a notification. Someone who sends him a message on tumblr precisely. He thought it was still one of those bots that redirected to adult sites. Yeah you know, those same fake accounts that pollute youtube with their nude women photos. A real hell.
But this one was different. It had a profile picture of a Greek statue and a curiously long name. His message was accompanied only by a link, a link that immediately caught the attention of our young man since he could read the term “chronivac”.
There was little hope that it was not a dream, or his imagination, or unreal. But reality dominated his thinking. He opened the link 
“Chronivac, Latest Edition” was displayed in the middle of his screen. There was a drop-down menu with different pages on the website. One of them was called “Targets”. Clicking on it, he came across a world map, similar to Google Map but more sober. The site zoomed in on her house before displaying her name at its exact location. Not just her name. The names of her family members were there. Also those of the neighbors. And even of the inhabitants of the neighborhood!
Hope overcame reason. He wanted to believe it. He believed in one of those stories he could read on Tumblr. He pressed his name, and then— This is what he has always dreamed of. An extremely complete interface displaying all its physical or mental characteristics… There were even different options such as the ability to change reality or even use prompts instead of checking elements for transformations.
It was fantastic. He discovered the different menus and saw the image reader option as what the gpt chat could do. Suddenly, he had an idea. He recorded an image of a sexy guy that he followed on twitter and instagram. He added a prompt «Give me the identical physique of the man in the photo, and ONLY his physique». For the rest, he wanted something different. He did not want to become this man, he only wanted his body to serve as the basis for his new life.
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For his mind, he deliberately clicked on the «Stupid jock» option, not wanting to  click on ten thousand different options to forge a new personality. Finally, to better change the reality, he launched a second prompt: "I will become a heterosexual Hispanic sportsman, completely dominated by primitive and conservative thoughts. The chronivac will disappear from my life and I will never have access to it again, no matter what.”
This last part could have been replaced by the possibility of making the transformation permanent, but he did not want it. He liked these cliche stories where the protagonist was forced to stay in this new life, a real victim.
His excitement made him want to get through this. He voluntarily locked himself in there. He fell victim to his fantasies. And he loved it. Not clicking on the permanent option would torture him for the rest of his life, leaving him the hope of one day being able to return, even if the prompt made it impossible.
He wanted to explode with joy. He clicked on one last “Adapt Reality” option before pressing "save".
A flash of light blinded him for a few moments. When his body stabilized, he found himself in a basement with sports equipment. "Felipe" he whispered with a Spanish accent. The little voice in his head had just been replaced, he no longer spoke his original language. An uncontrollable desire led him to live his new life as Felipe.
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He now had the body of a god. He was incredibly well carved... neither too big nor fat. He measured 1.80m for 85kg. His beautiful pecs bounced, making him laugh. A long stupid laugh that let his intellect disappear, replaced by knowledge about bodybuilding, women and alcohol.
He had little hairs, apparently this gymbro body liked to shave... except under the armpits. He raised his arm to feel this tuft of black and musky hairs... sweat. Yes, it was normal, Felipe was doing his exercises. His whole body was covered in sweat.
Because of the sweat, his underwear was even tighter against his cock. His new penis was now circumcised, just a religious tradition. This cock had met many women in bed.
He also remembered that two friends had to join him for his bodybuilding session, and after that they were going to watch a football match. A good life well stereotyped for an athlete as stupid as Felipe.
He was now a gymbro like the others.
His mind was trapped inside Felipe, inside him, but he was so happy to have fulfilled his fantasy.
It was a dream, the imagination, the unreal come true.
Please forgive me for the mistakes, I am not fluent in English!
It was a first story, based on the most common clichés in order to do something a little different.
The next stories will be shorter, it was only for the beginning.
I am open to all requests, do not hesitate to offer me images with the source if possible!
The images of the new Felipe come from this X account: @Mariosalvadr
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sweetbbyshion · 7 months
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-> Toji Fushiguro x Reader (gender neutral)
characters: Toji Fushiguro
genre: fluff
summary: uni has been stressing you out and your boyfriend is as tired
warnings: established relationship, age gap, this was written while i was stressing over assessments and i just needed a big strong sexy man to make me take a break, might be ooc
network: @eveningatthemoviesnetwork
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Toji thinks he might smash his head against the wall if he hears you sigh loudly one more time. He turns his body on the couch to peek at you, hunching over a bunch of papers at the kitchen table. He can see two word documents opened on your laptop, one full of words and the other still blank. Next to it, his laptop that you begged to use has google opened and he can vaguely see the numerous windows in the tab. You sigh again, like you have been in the past hour, and drop your head on your arms.
Toji has no idea what you’re doing. He guesses it must be some university project but the calendar displayed on the fridge doesn't have an exam coming up soon. He gets up from the couch and makes his way to you. He puts his hand on the back of the chair, leaning down a bit and squinting his eyes to look at the tiny words on the laptop. Toji feels a bit too dumb when he doesn't understand all of the fancy words you used but your boyfriend can tell you're writing your interpretation of a poem.
“You need to start wearing your glasses.” you murmur, looking at the older man, your head lazily resting on your hand, as he keeps squinting. He scoffs, Toji would never wear those ugly glasses he got. It makes him look stupid, even after the amount of times you denied it and no matter how many times you sloppily made out with him wherever he wore those horrible glasses, a fire suddenly lighting you up when you saw the frames on his face. “Don't come complaining when your head starts hurting again.”
“What you got there that got you stressing out so much?” He decides to ignore your comment, changing the subject to the reason for your stress.
You sigh once more, resting your head on his forearm. “Gotta start writing one of my assessments for one of my classes. The professor is making us write about everything we’ve learned in class with our opinions and academic research to support it. It absolutely sucks and I wanna drop out.” you ramble. Toji’s chuckle has you frowning, “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, nothing. How about you take a break?” As good as that sounds, you shake your head denying his proposal. “Take a break. Not asking. Sit on the couch with me and relax for a bit.” His tone suggests that you would probably regret your decision if you choose to go against him.
Reluctantly, you get up from the uncomfortable chair and stretch your arms above your head. You feel your back crack from being in the same position for so long and you just want to lay in bed and sleep. Toji places his hands on your hips where the shirt isn't covering, squeezing the flesh as he pulls you a bit closer to him and you throw your arms around his shoulders as you sway a bit from side to side. Toji smiles a little when he hears you giggling, happy that you stopped sighing and stressing for a little bit. “ Should I be an old man’s sugar baby? I’ll share the money with you.” You tease, planting a kiss on his cheek. Toji rolls his eyes at your teasing tone. You lean back a little to look at the man, his big hands placed on your back to support your weight. “I'm starting to think you have a type. Like old men that much, doll?”
“Only one.” You reply, playing with the soft ends of his hair that are almost reaching his shoulders. “Unfortunately my old man isn't a billionaire that will give me a yatch for my birthday.” You press a small kiss to his lips. “I can't complain much though, my boyfriend is really sexy.”
Your boyfriend arches a brow, smirking at your remarks. “Yeah? What can I do to steal you away from that grandpa?” You pretend to think for a bit, a small pout appearing on your lips that Toji wants to kiss away more than anything. “Cuddle with me on the couch and watch a few episodes of a crappy reality show before I start feeling bad and go back to my assessment?”
Toji thinks for a bit. He wants you to relax for a while before you (and himself) go crazy with the constant sighing but you have a gift for choosing horrible shows that have Toji wanting nothing more than to punch the TV. Your boyfriend knows he can’t deny your request when he looks at you and you’re staring right back at him. Even if he had it in him to refuse your proposal, your tired eyes and the way you’re looking at him with so much adoration is enough for Toji to pull you to the couch.
You sit as close to him as you can and pull his arm to wrap around your shoulders. You snuggle comfortably on his side while pressing a few kisses on his jaw and neck that make Toji get goosebumps. This time, he doesn't act all dramatic like he usually does when you’re this close to him. He doesn't tease you or calls you clingy while playfully pushing you away just to watch you crawl back to him. This time, Toji lets you push and pull him until you’re comfortable. He doesn't even complain when he sees you open netflix and select a reality show with a weird name and an obnoxious couple on the cover.
Toji thinks all of this is worth it when you place a small kiss on his cheek and whisper “I love you” before falling asleep five minutes after in his arms.
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ladybyakuya · 20 days
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+cw. — fem!reader, fluff, comfort, domesticity,pinning.
+wc. — 1k 
+syn.—  Sugishita Kyotaro was always the first target for every impromptu plan that Umemiya made while you were Kotoha's. Naturally, when they both made plans you and Sugishita had to face each other again.
+notes. — this is for the flufftober ‘fond moments’ collab event for prompt: date night hosted by @spookuna. m\dni cuz me iz eighteen plus blog. this is part of a mini drabble series that can be read as stand alone. |  redirect to blog navigation. 
The shop that was suggested by both Haji-kun and Koto-chan is the same shop that popped up in Google Maps when you searched for “grocery stores near me.” but now that you are finally here you can tell why it was so hard to locate the shop, even for google. The town guide, Sugishita, who is accompanying you was not much of a help. Besides, talking with him is still a boat you had yet to set foot on let alone sail on it. Never in the worst nightmares you had expected to run into him, again, after that embarrassing date night. 
The shop is almost empty except for the staff at the cash counter who is practically dozing off. It is already quite late at night so you do not see a reason to blame him especially because Makochi is a forlorn town. No shop is ever too crowded to come back home empty-handed. Haji-kun wanted to have a barbeque night; naturally, Hiragi was busy helping him, more like cleaning the mess he left behind after he was done with something, as always. Kotoha, Sakura, Nirei, and Suo are helping with the setup while Kaji and Tsubaki have gone to invite others, especially the members of Shishitoren and the people at show pub Ougi bar. As a result of these patiently concocted coincidences You and Sugishita were the only two people left with nothing to do but one of the most important responsibilities: “grocery shopping.”
A heavy sigh escapes from your chest as you lay your eyes on the entire display of products while standing in front of the fridge. Vibrant in color compared to the other parts of this dull silent shop, it piqued your interest first even though it is the utmost corner. The ground shelf of the fridge, which extends from one end of the shop to the nook of the staircase which would possibly lead to the second floor, is filled with dairy products. The shelf above it is filled with frozen foods and various types of treats with different tastes like salty, spicy, sweets, and alcoholic; the last, the uppermost shelf is filled with a wide variety of chocolates. Your concern is the middle section but the level above it is the most tempting. You pick a bunch of packets from the frozen foods section and look by your right side. 
Oh god! Where did this boy run off to now? He was following you like a stray puppy just a while ago. With the shopping cart in between the two of you, it felt like he was light years apart every time you turned back to keep anything inside it. You look around unable to spot him, slowly sinking into a rabbit hole of distraught since without him you would be lost in Makochi. You would not be able to go back without him. Relying on the phone? That’s pretty useless here. The network is bad besides you do not have anyone’s number except Kotoha and even if you did make a call she would be busy in the preparations of barbeque mostly probably unable to take the call . . . Oh God! Why did Haji-kun have to send you in the middle of nowhere. . . ?
A metallic screech sucks you out of your puddle of thoughts. You look in the direction of the source and a nonchalant Sugishita appears emerging from another section of the rack that has a lot of mangas, magazines, and books, by standing on the bar of the shopping cart while hunching his upper body to balance his weight, skidding it till he comes to a halt in front of you. His head turns up towards you, eyes blinking: one, twice, thrice before he straightens himself up to stand properly. He stands looking at the fridge, the cart in between you two as you inspect him for a few seconds. He is not hunching like he usually does around Umme! The inner flesh of your bottom lip faces a rough distortion against your teeth while you empty your hands into the cart. It already had drinks, soda cans, and different types of sauces neatly kept. It felt illegal to dump those packets messily into that apple pie setup but when there was a slow appearance of a visible crease along his eyebrows the pit guilt was now filled with surprise and  . . . joy perhaps.
“Alright fine,” You chime with an ear-to-ear smile jocking down to keep those packets of frozen foods in a well-ordered manner. The dull buzz of the air conditioner, the sharp ‘clicks’ when the rotating fans switch its direction, the crinkle of plastic packets inside the cart as you organize it, the low even syncing breaths of you two; then a gruff unfiltered voice turns up in a weak whisper, “This almost feels like a date night, wouldn’t you agree? ” and then, his hand on yours.  Don’t panic. Don’t panic. Don’t panic. You knew this was coming. You were . . . supposed to be prepared for this. It was you who avoided him at first. It was you who created an awkward situation like this. The fact that you saw him under those dim yellow lights in such an intimate manner does not help either. Those moments so unadulterated keep coming back to you in situations like this in flashes. It makes you close your eyes, and blink rashly to be back in all sorts of coherence. 
You look up slowly. His face is close, too close not to do anything—kiss or touch— your forehead against his, rub your cheeks against his. By now your fingers have found a home in between his fingers. He shoves his right hand into his pocket pulling out a half-eaten chocolate out of it and keeping it inside the cart. You feel a strong urge to smile but instead, wet your bottom lip rubbing the back of his palm with your lonely thumb that was not interlaced with his yet.
“Would you like to start over?”
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starillusion13 · 8 months
Hello! Can I make a request? About Baekhyun's jealousy. His wife is a kdrama fan and has been a fan of Park Bogum for some time. The reader found Baekhyun's attitude sweet and funny. She was also surprised. He was never jealous of such things. (Maybe he needs some attention)
"He is really cute, what should I do?"
"They look beautiful together"
"Bogummy did a good job"
"Hey, I'm here and you'd rather watch TV for 500 hours than spend time together?"
The smile disappeared from his face when the reader noticed his jokingly angry tone.
The rest is up to you!!
Please some fluff things!! ❣❣
Are you jealous?
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Pairing: Baekhyun x f!reader
Genre: Fluff, slice of life
W.C: 1.4k
Warnings: none ( but mention of actor Park Bogum)
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated . Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
You were giggling and munching on the snacks that were all displayed in front of you. Not even glancing at the things that you were eating, but eyes still fixed on the T.V screen where one of the most exciting dramas from your watch-list was playing.
The way you were cooing and making faces while watching the main lead as if you were talking about your high-school crush to your best-friend.
Something blocked your way of vision and annoyingly you tried to push away the person. But the person didn’t budge and stood at the place, hands resting on his hip.
“Hey, move. I’m watching T.V. I don’t want to miss a single scene.”
 You were trying to watch the screen from the person’s side but he was again blocking the view. Getting enough of the bullshit, you somehow paused the drama and looked up to see him standing, furrowed eyes and pout on his face.
You rolled your eyes and leaned back into the sofa and he sat beside you.
“What are you watching?”
You glanced at him and at the big screen. Can’t he see himself? But you were not feeling to talk back to him as you were already annoyed with him for interrupting your drama.
“K-Drama.” You said in a tone as if it was very obvious and you offered the chips towards him. He huffed his cheeks but grabbed some from the packet. He was trying his best to look intimidating and angry but you were finding his attitude cute and funny.
“Last night, you finished a K-drama and again you are watching this. Is it the same one?”
He looked confused at the screen and back at you when you were scrolling on your phone. Before he could speak anything, you held up your phone in front of him.
“Isn’t he cute, Baek?” You titled your head to side and peeked from behind your phone to look at him. He glanced between you and the person you were showing on your screen.
“Who is he?”
You smiled and scooted closer to him, “His name is Park Bogum. He is the cutest actor to me. Last night I finished watching ‘Encounter’ and now I’m watching his other k-drama, its named ‘Record of Youth’. I can’t get enough of his acting.”
He ‘tsk’ and hugged you to pull you on his lap, resting his chin on your shoulder to look down at your phone, where you were typing something.
“You are literally obsessed with him, Y/n.”
"He is really cute, what should I do?" you replied and cooed to the picture displaying on your phone screen without noticing the pout on his face.
You were scrolling through some images in google and tapped open one to show your boyfriend. He pretended to look away but you gripped his cheeks, pressing your fingers lightly to make him focus on what you were trying to show.
"They look beautiful together" you smiled, but to whom. Were you smiling at the couple you were showing from your last k-drama or your smile was for your boyfriend?
You leaned back into your boyfriend’s embrace and tried to grab the remote but he was quick to take it back from you.
"What? Are you going to watch with me? Bogummy did a good job and I know you will love his acting." Your cheerful tone was not setting right with him even when you were literally speaking about this another man in front of him. But he was atleast happy that you were smiling while sitting on his lap.
“Bogummy?...You are now calling him with a nickname. How come this person suddenly replacing me?”
You ignored his childish comments and pecked his cheek, it got him taken aback and you found it the chance for sneaking the remote from his hands. Just two seconds into the drama and it got turned off. You let out a groan and turned back to him and watched him smiling down at you.
You waited for him to reply and you raised your brows.
"Hey, I'm here and you'd rather watch TV for 500 hours than spend time together?"
The smile disappeared from his face when you noticed his jokingly angry tone.
Licking your lips, you scanned his face and felt hurt. He was sitting in front of you, so close to your body. You could feel the heat radiating from his body and still here you were ignoring him for the k-drama. Maybe, you love to watch them but nothing is more important or lovable to you than him, your boyfriend, Baekhyun. You turned around, now facing him to his side.
“Don’t tell me you are jealous with this actor.” He stared at you for a while before you continued. “If you are…then I don’t think you are much older than five years old.”
You stifled a laugh and he puffed your cheeks.
“Yes I am jealous. Look I came here yesterday but you were not even speaking with me and watching this man on repeat. Why is he so important?”
Oh. Your big baby needs some attention. But it’s your fault too as he came back after 1 week of exchange student project but without greeting him properly, you were watching your new crush. Well, celebrity crush. Your real crush is always Baekhyun.
“Aww my baby missed me. Come here, give me a hug.” You spoke to him in baby language and honestly you were cringing on your own tone but you were having fun in teasing him. But he held your extended hand and pinned them down while leaning forward.
“I see you got something or someone to spend your time with when am not around. It’s definitely I have missed you for one whole week but it seems like you didn’t even think about me for once because of this Bogummy guy.” His irritated tone was not harsh but it was funny to you.
You laughed lightly at the way he pronounced the name, even the nickname you said earlier.
“Now for whom are you being so smiley-smiley?” he narrowed his eyes and stared down at you. You were almost lying on the sofa and he was hovering on top of you.
“For….him.” It's fun to tase him.
“YAH!” He started tickling you and the room filled with both of your laughs. After a while when both of you were tired from tickling each other and laughing, you laid down and he rested his head on top of your chest. Your hands automatically started playing with his hairs.
“I missed you, Baek.” You told him softly.
He hummed to you and raised his head up to look at you. His hand caressed your face and head and combed your hairs. You closed your eyes and leaned to his touch. Damn, how you missed his touch so much.
He smiled at you and before your lips could curl up, he connected his lips with you. You smiled in the kiss and there was a desperation in the kiss. From both the sides. You both have missed each other for one week and you both are childish for each other. It’s okay as in the end it’s only you both for each other. Your hands moved around his neck to keep him close to you and he held your jaw and head.
Breaking from the kiss, he rested his forehead against yours. A glint of happiness flickering in his eyes.
“Did I make you forget him now?”
“Baek, you are still onto it. Come on. I love you. He is just a celebrity crush.”
He laughed and nodded.
"I love you too, Y/n." you pecked him.
“But next time, before leaving I will make sure that you don’t fall in love with another celebrity.”
“And what are you even going to do?”
“All the things you are watching and loving, I’m going to reenact them in reality.” He had that mischievous look with the teasing smirk on his face but you smirked back at him.
“I would love to see them. Afterall its you who would be doing those things to me.”
Again the room got filled with laughter.
Literally whenever I imagine Baekhyun, it feels like he is my real boyfriend. He is my first love in k-pop and no one can ever replace him.
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades [open!]
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izicodes · 8 months
Hello! Do you have any advice on getting into freelance coding or remote jobs in the field? I'm having trouble with my current endeavors of applications and my current customer service job isn't doing me well enough to want to stay, so I'm hoping for progress sooner rather than later. Anything helps, thank you!!
Hiya 🖤
Thanks for reaching out with your question about getting into freelance coding or remote jobs. Making a transition can be challenging, but with dedication and strategic steps, you can definitely progress in your career.
Firstly, consider specializing in a specific field of computer science rather than trying to learn everything. This will help you become an expert in a niche, making you more attractive to potential clients or employers.
The big thing to look at is (1) what specific job do you want? Don't know yet? That's the first thing you need to find out. (2) Found the job you want? Go to this website "roadmap.sh" and click the job title you want and look at the roadmap to become it. (3) Have an idea of what you need to learn? Now study :)
Here are some extra key pieces of advice:
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Public Code Repositories
Showcase your coding skills by contributing to public repositories on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or others. This allows potential employers to see your projects and assess your coding abilities.
Online Certifications
Earn certifications from reputable online courses like Freecodecamp, Codecademy, or SheCodes (if you're a woman). Displaying these certifications on your LinkedIn profile adds credibility for remote work or even freelance work because then clients will trust your skills more if it's back up with evidence (projects and/or certificates).
Links: "Massive List of Thousands of Free Certificates" / "The Udemy courses I use" / "FreeCodeCamp" / "Codecedemy" / "SheCodes" / "Udacity" / "Coursera" / "Google"
LinkedIn Profile
Revamp your LinkedIn profile to reflect your job title. Use a title that aligns with your dream job, and highlight your skills, certifications, and projects. You don't even need work experience OR do what a lot of my developer mates do have no work experience and set your "job" as a self-employed freelance developer... little cheat there~!
Links: "LinkedIn Career Explorer" / "Tips for speaking to/reaching out to Recruiter" / "Tips for Landing Your First Entry-Level Developer Job" / "Career Services for Web Development" / "The Talent Cloud Community: Careers Workshop"
Help someone out with a project for their business or whatever. For example, I helped a guy I met in a programming discord server build his portfolio page for free, but I care more about the experience. Search online for volunteer jobs with your dream job title e.g. Volunteer App Develope, but in your country would be better. The experience you can you can add to your LinkedIn. the project you work on you can add to your resume/experience.
Link: "SkilledUp Life"
Connect with professionals in your field on LinkedIn, even if you don't know them personally. Growing your network can open up opportunities and expose you to valuable insights. Events in person or online, servers (I found volunteer opportunities here), forums, Twitter (I found some mates on there), Instagram (another place I found developer friends). Networking can even help with building group projects~!
Link: "Tips for speaking to/reaching out to Recruiter"
Project Building
Work on both small and big projects to demonstrate your capabilities. Highlight these projects on your resume and portfolio.
Links: "Building projects after learning a new concept advice" / "Tips from learning using multiple resources" / "Tips on learning programming with ChatGPT" / "Harvard University Free IT Courses" / "The Udemy courses I use" / "Free Programming Books" / "Coding Advice for beginners" / "800 free Computer Science classes"
Online Presence
Share your learning progress and projects on various platforms like Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube. Employers often appreciate candidates who actively showcase their work and commitment to learning. I made a post for Tumblr coding blogs:
Link: "Codeblr Blog Advice: 8 Blog Coding Post Ideas"
Good luck!!
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foone · 2 years
After pulling my hair out getting a VM of Win95 running, only to forget to install the graphics drivers and wonder why the colours of my game were all wrong, i can only marvel at your soft-hardware necromancy. How do you learn this stuff? What do you do when you encounter a filetype you've never seen before? (What do i even do with the file CD_AUDIO.kpx?) Can you download all your knowledge into my brain?
I mainly learned this stuff by just fucking around with computers for a long time (I think I got my first computer in 1993, so I'm coming up on my 30th anniversary of being a Big Nerd). You pick up stuff eventually.
Also yes. Setting up Win95 VMs is hard (real hardware is also hard, for the record) . The bearsoftware VBE drivers seem to have some glitches but they work well enough, and the scitech display doctor drivers work better... If they work. Sometimes they are a nightmare to get working. My advice is start your win95 VM setup, immediately work on getting everything working (graphics/sound/networking drivers), then clone or savestate that shit. Then you have a working base to build on. Don't dirty your clean base, just clone it when you need to start fresh because you've messed it up somehow.
As for an unknown file, my first approach is usually a hex editor. Look for signature info towards the top of the file, Google that. I find that's more useful than searching on the extension, because extensions are reused too often. Sometimes you can search the full filename or game name plus extension and hit gold, but sometimes you just get nothing, and then it's up to you to figure it out.
So the first step is make sure you have a hex editor that can do integer decoding. I usually use HxD. See the data inspector on the right?
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It's decoding the value of the number at the position of the cursor. This is very handy. File formats tend to have commonalities, like a count of how many sub-files there are, either right up front or at the end. (up front is more common these days, but in the Old Times it was easier to put them at the end, because of RAM limitations. That's why Zip has the index at the end)
That's a good place to start, because once you know how many subfiles are in there, you can figure out where they are, and deal with them separately. Often you only care about one part, so this lets you ignore most of the bits.
The other big tip I can give you for figuring out files is to be hands on. You don't have to just stare at a file and go WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!
Change the file. Make a backup and then edit parts of it. See what changes in the program when you do that. Or if it's something the program writes out, save a basic file, than change something minor, then save it out again to a different file. Now you can compare the two and see what changed!
The next step up for figuring out an unknown file format is to reverse engineer the program that reads/writes them. Use a tool like Ghidra/Ida Pro, and disassemble the EXE. Figure out where it reads and writes the datafiles. This is often easy to find, you can look for imports on CreateFile/OpenFile or search for strings like the filename.
Another option is to hybridize your tools: use a debugger (I use OllyDbg usually, but it is getting long in the tooth sadly) and set a breakpoint on file opening. Run the program and step through all the files it opens and then you'll find the time it opens the file you care about. Now that you know where it is, you can locate that same function in the disassembler/decompiler.
Anyway. There's a bunch of tools and they all can help with different parts of this sort of reverse engineering, and it's often just about collecting as much info as you can, and then trying to compile it together. I usually have a text editor open on another monitor, and just keep a sort of running journal of anything I learn, so I can easily refer back and cross-reference things.
Also keep in mind that even if you can't solve the whole problem, you can learn some things, and it's useful to share that with the world. Sometimes just getting part of the solution means it'll inspire others to help finish the work, or point out stuff you missed.
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seocompany969 · 1 year
Understanding Google Display Network Costs: What You Need To Know
Delve into the intricacies of Google Display Network costs to optimize your advertising budget. The factors influencing GDN pricing, offers tips for cost-effective campaigns, and explores strategies to maximize your ROI while reaching a broader audience through visual and banner ads.
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gender-trash · 4 months
every single ubuntu laptop i have ever used, and i have used many, has been 99% totally functional and normal except for one bizarre and usually intermittent problem (different one every time), which i halfheartedly attempt to fix with no success every so often but mostly just resign myself to experiencing. my current work laptop occasionally freezes (display won't update, but if i ssh in everything seems normal; so far i haven't discovered anything that fixes it, including attempting to restart the display manager over ssh, short of a hard reboot) when connected to a particular breed of usb-c hub my work buys for everyone. at one internship, my work laptop would shut down instead of waking from sleep about one time in 20. with the laptop i had at my google internship occasionally the login lock screen would just fucking not let me log in and i'd have to ssh in from another computer and restart nautilus, which was annoying bc they were quite strict abt locking the screen if you stepped away for 0.5 seconds and i was spending a lot of time hiding in the bathroom that summer for unrelated reasons. the laptop i had at one of my random undergrad research jobs was some stupid gamer bullshit with a beefy gpu (for ML stuff) and a tiny-ass display resolution that i had to manually change every time i rebooted it so text would be readable, because the settings for some reason didn't persist. meanwhile every ubuntu DESKTOP i've ever used has been normal and fine
(dns is broken on my current personal laptop if i'm not connected to protonvpn unless i additionally use nmcli to disconnect a particular network interface every time it wakes from sleep, but this is 1. probably something i did by accident while iterating through every wrong way to set up the vpn and 2. technically it's pop!os so it shouldn't count towards Wack Ubuntu Problems.)
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