#google Reality Winner and why she went to prison
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13thpythagoras · 6 months ago
what is the cost of voting?... to get an early action ballot and mail it in?
In Georgia they make black people wait 8 hours in line to vote and it's "illegal" to give them water while they wait (Free country right?? *For white conservatives), that's a poll tax if I've ever heard of one. A day's wage is a hefty ass poll tax and they force it on us in the south, in populated / segregated areas of color.
Block any account that tells you not to vote.
You don’t need to waste your time investigating whether they are a bot or a psy-op or a misinformed rube. It doesn’t matter. Either way, they add no value to your dashboard. Block and move on.
Then make a plan for Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Register, confirm you’re still registered, check your voting location or register to vote absentee or by mail.
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13thpythagoras · 5 months ago
Tumblr media
me to donkey: does tumblr even stan a girl boss?
nope, "splitting the vote" did not get trump the white house in 2016, lmao US history class is now in session
Reality Winner, a person, not anything but a young lady from Georgia, a millennial even, working in Florida, working for the federal government, leaked that the Russians hacked everything in the election up to and including actual voting machines and the tallies they created, how much more specific can I be, they cooked up the votes to get Trump in if that makes sense. You can google any of this, it's all out there publicly available info that I find so few people are aware of...
Reality Winner went to prison for 4 years over leaking this, which is interesting considering they don't send you to prison for mis-information, slander, or libel (unless you're the governor of Mississippi and you're going after a journalist who nailed you for corruption but won't reveal their source so you're jailing her over not revealing her source, but that's another story)
is it any mistake that Oregon, the whitest state in the USA, is the only state with total vote-by-mail voting? Every other state, y'know, where there are more black people, makes people wait in line like a soviet bread line, because they want that poll tax, they want it to cost a day's wage to vote if you're black, they want those illegal poll taxes so bad it's illegal to give people water in Georgia, but you don't wanna bring up how those poll taxes are incredibly unconstitutional and how it's unconscionable that we don't have total 100% vote by mail access in this country, but you wanna blame that darn Bernie or Jill. Open your eyes maybe
there are 46 million registered Democrats, and 38 million registered generally oppressive people, why the fuck are we allowing them to fully always and forever control the house and senate, and steal every other election dating back to that Gore v Bush scotus coup in 2000, but no let's not talk about how scotus committed a coup why not just blame ralph nader? (lol this was me, I remember writing an article for the high school paper blasting Ralph Nader with this exact same point, and even then, my high school paper editor was like, "eh, ok no. Not printing that. Thanks though." And he was right!
if you take away third party candidates, the russians will still steal the vote count you're still going to lose
I'm not saying don't vote blue, I will be, but this issue isn't about those pesky far-left-wingers letting their votes get split, it's about literal coups stealing the elections that are always landslides for progressives, 46-38 million registered dems to GOP remember, we should be winning every election in a fucking landslide but the playing field is so goddamn slanted we're lucky to have what we have now
let's focus on election security, eliminating poll taxes, and admit we can't blam-the-far-left our way out of this... I agree, vote blue this election, I will be, but I'm 10trillion times more concerned about Russians hacking the voting totals than I am about people voting 3rd party, I'm 10trillion times more worried unconstitutional poll taxes, the lack of vote by mail access, and evil bosses who know what they're doing and try to deny PTO on voting day will keep working class people / Democrats away from the polls
further noting you can be fired for voting on voting day in these states, yes bosses can still disenfranchise working class voters at will in these states, and fire workers who disobey and decide to vote anyway and that's fully legal.
"States that don’t mandate any time off to vote
New Hampshire
New Jersey
North Carolina
North Dakota, which has a law “encouraging” companies to give employees time to vote, but doesn’t actually require them to do so
Rhode Island
South Carolina
Whatever happens, two things remain true: 1. Trump might be distancing himself from Project 2025, but his Agenda 47, which is on his website, is basically the same thing. 2. Third party voting is useless without ranked choice voting; it's mathematically impossible to elect a third party candidate. DO NOT SPLIT THE VOTE.
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