kids-worldfun 2 years
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How to Develop Effective Study Habits in Students? Studying is hard if you don't have good study habits. Studying will become easier and more fun if you can develop your own study routine. Read more
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rachelpizzolato 4 years
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Extremely honored to be a member of The National Honor Society!! 馃摎 鉁忥笍 馃摎 @nationalhonor.society #scholar #scholarships #scholarship #studymotivation #study #schoolspirit #schoollife #studyhabits #effort #hardworkpaysoffs #perseverance #persistence #persist #motivation #motivated #rachelpizzolato #beautyandbrainswithatwist #goodstudyhabits #honors #honorsociety #honorstudent #honorstudent馃摎 #studyingtips #studyingisfun #planforthefuture #goodgradespayoff #goodgrades #lifegoals馃挴 #effort (at John Curtis Christian School) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8vW9RPBarT/?igshid=vm7kkc6nipb5
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elizabethbeggs 6 years
Why bother with study notes
Study notes have a specific purpose: to learn the content material. Until such time as the educational authorities聽come up with a way to test academic skills without setting content base questions, there is no choice: the stuff has to be memorized. It is a pain but worth the effort. At the very least marks will be scored for one word, multiple choice and short answer questions. Which makes a good start. But even the best student cannot write an essay about which he has learned nothing. So making the notes gives the chance to learn it, review it and remember it. And if you make organized and structured notes, you only do it once. Viola! Time and effort saved which is exactly what every student wants - and is why so many students don't do it in the first place. It is time-consuming in the beginning. but the more practice you get, as with everything else in life, the easier it gets.
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heidschae 9 years
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sleep... what even?! is it just me? there must be a better way... #goodstudyhabits #collegelife #teachme !!!
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uatode 12 years
fall 2012
this by far was my toughest quarter. general biology and chemistry aren't exactly the hardest class; but they both consist of 3 hour labs that meet twice a week, and lectures on top of that...definitely takes its toll. it's been a really lonely quarter because i rarely had time to see my friends. luckily i had Sparky, my puppy, well hes not a puppy anymore! he has so much character and i wish you can meet him! anyway for those who still have finals, study hard and ace them! and for those who are on break already have a wonderful time relaxing with your friends and family! happy holidays everyone!
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