#goods and then left for the park again and began making our ways to the gardens .. we both specifically wanted to go to the japanese garden
duhnova · 6 months
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Cry-Baby | Choi Seungcheol
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synopsis. decked out in leather and riding a harley davidson like he’s got business with the devil, choi seungcheol was the talk of your small town. everyone looked down on him and when you come home for the first time since starting uni you find it hard to believe that the pouty lipped kid you tossed off the merry-go-round when you were six was some slick haired delinquent. 
pairing. biker!choi seungcheol x fem!reader 
word count: 4.9k
genre. fluff, angst, opposites attract, drama?, kind of college au
warning(s): mentions of parent death, mentions of parent illness, alcohol, let me know if i forgot anything!
this is apart of a 90's collab! you should check out everyone elses fics! - there might be a smutty & more angsty part 2 to this if there’s enough interest! also huge shoutout to @onlyhuis and @onlymingyus for proofreading for me, ily guys <3
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When you left for university three years ago you never wanted to return home, the small town always made you feel claustrophobic. But now you’re sitting on a train, about an hour away from your childhood, the sony walkman you got as a graduation present from high school sat in your lap as you listened to the same nirvana cassette on repeat. 
The nerves of being home began to get to you as the familiar views of the old trailer park that sat outside your town came into view. An old pickup truck that adorns the same white and blue paint of your best friend's truck drives down the road that travels along the train tracks and it makes you wonder if it’s him coming to meet you at the station.  
“We’ll be arriving at the station within the next five minutes.” The worker smiled at you as she continued down the aisle of seats to tell the other patrons of the cart that the train will be stopping for a couple minutes at your stop before embarking to the next station. 
You put your walkman in your pocket so that you aren’t scrambling to gather your things when the train stops. Just as you got your backpack situated the train jolted a little as its breaks screech to a stop. 
“Ladies and gentlemen we have reached our next stop.” The worker's voice is drowned out by your music as you stand up and grab your suitcase before hopping out the door with the worker's help in lifting your bag down. 
“Thank you!” You call out and wave as the door closes and the train takes off again, no one else got on or off. 
“Y/N!” You hear a familiar voice call from behind you, the roar of a diesel engine brings a certain comfort to you that you haven’t felt since you left. 
“Gyu!” You call out with a smile on your face, the change in his appearance being more shocking in person than you thought it would be, having only seen him in pictures he sent from the crappy disposable cameras he and his friends like to use. All the work he’s been doing on his family's ranch has paid off as his muscles glisten with dirt and sweat. 
“I’ve missed you cherry pop.” He hugs you tightly as you laugh at the nickname he gave you years ago because you always had cherry lollipops on you. 
“I’ve.. missed you too.” You choke between laughs and the way he was squeezing you a little too tightly. 
“Sorry,” He laughs as he lets you go to grab your suitcase instead. “Are you hungry? It was a long travel day for you.” 
“I could eat.” You smile as you take your headphones off to let them rest around your neck as you follow your best friend to his truck that was still running and emitting a gross smell of diesel. 
“Great, let’s go to pops diner.” He lifts your suitcase over the side of the truck bed like it was nothing before he opens the door for you to get in. The leather of his seats were warm from his heater that left the cabin toasty unlike the train car you had been sitting in almost all day. 
“How are you?” You ask about the owner of the diner who was well into his 70’s at this point, his restaurant having been open for almost five decades at this point.
“He’s doing good, got his hip replaced last summer,” Mingyu shifts the car into drive after he reversed out of the spot he parked at. “Still kickin, Cheols mom still works there too.” The mention of your old childhood playmate makes you smile bittersweetly. The last time you two had talked was before you left for college and he seemed angry about everything in life and he took it out on you leaving a sour taste in your mouth and the lack of communication between the two of you over the past few years.  
“That’s nice, how is she doing? I remember last you told me she was in the hospital for something.” Mingyu sighs a little from beside you.
“Yeah she was, took me forever to get anything out of Cheol about it but she’s doing good now. Or so I’ve been told.” Seungcheol had always been hard headed and he’d rather talk about other people's problems than his own so it didn’t surprise you that Mingyu had to dig for some type of answer from him. 
“Is she working today? I’d love to see her…” Your voice trailed off as you thought about the lady’s son, who you desperately wanted to see as well but how you left things made you hesitant.
“Not today, she’s off for the weekend.” You nod, mumbling that it’s nice that she takes the weekend for herself. 
“I know you and Cheol had some blowout when you left but I’m going to see him later after I drop you off, if you wanna come with you’re more than welcome too.”
“What’re you two doing?” Mingyu was surprised you didn’t immediately shoot down his offer, he thought it would take more convincing.
“We’re going to the river for a bonfire with Jeonghan and Wonwoo.”
“They’re home too?” They had both left for college around the same time you had.
“Yeah, they come home every break they can.. Unlike someone I know.” He laughs lightheartedly. You huff quietly, unsure of how to respond. How do you respond anyways? You never wanted to come back, memories weighed heavy on your heart and the only thing keeping you to your hometown was the friends that resided in it.
“Hey,” Mingyu's voice softens. “I get it, you got out when you saw the chance and I’m proud of you.” 
“Thank you.” Your voice was just as soft as you watched the familiar scenery zip by. A nice silence fell between the two of you as he focused on driving, the train station sitting a couple miles out from the town you used to live in. 
“The bank sold the house by the way.” Mingyu broke the silence, a nervous sweat settled on his forehead as he broke the news to you. 
“About time.” You sigh, another weight you didn’t realize you were holding lifted off your shoulders. “Less for me to deal with now.” 
“You’re not upset?” Mingyu looks at you out of the corner of his eye. 
“No,” You sit up straighter and begin picking at the hem of your jacket. “My father was a drunk with thousands of dollars of debt he owed the bank so I’m not even surprised they sold it to make back what they lost and then some I’m sure.” 
“At least an actual family bought it instead of some corporation.” Mingyu tried to lighten the mood. “They just moved in and they have a newborn and a cute dog that I think you’d like.” 
“What kind of dog is it?” You side eye Mingyu, appreciative of the fact he moved on from the sensitive topic so quickly. 
“A corgi, they said it’s a black tricolor… Whatever that means.”
“It’s the fur color, it’s mainly black with a little bit of brown and white?”
“Yes! See this is why you went to college, you’re smart as hell.” You shake your head with a smile on your face. 
“You’re smart too, Gyu, and not going to college doesn’t affect that.” He shrugs as he slows his speed down after approaching the edge of town. 
“If you say so cherry pop.” Just as he pulled up to the first stoplight the roar of a loud engine could be heard from a distance. 
“I bet that’s Cheol.” You look at Mingyu confused before your question gets lost once you see the helmet less Seungcheol sped by on a motorcycle you had never seen before, his once dark hair was bleached blonde.
“That’s Cheol?” You asked as you watched him disappear down the opposite street you and Mingyu turned down. 
“Yeah, he changed quite a bit since you left.” That was an understatement as Seungcheol looked as big as Mingyu, maybe bigger if you dared to think.
“I can see that, can’t believe he bleached his hair.” 
“He did that pretty recently actually, said he needed a change and decided the worst that could happen is his hair would fall out.” 
“He’d look good with a buzz cut.” Mingyu laughs at the thought causing you to laugh too. 
“You should tell him that tonight when we hang out, I guarantee he’ll either blow a gasket or take you seriously and actually cut his hair off.” 
“He would drown me in the river first before he’d listen to me.” 
“I don’t know cherry pop, you were very influential to him for a long time. Remember how he did your bidding all throughout elementary school?” 
“Yeah cause I tossed him off the merry-go-round at recess and he decided he was scared of me until junior high.” 
“I think we were all scared of you after that,” Mingyu puts the car in park after pulling up to the diner. “The older kids wouldn’t mess with me either because you scared them too.” The fact Mingyu is younger than you by two years makes you question reality as he’s much bigger then you now and has been since junior high. 
“Still wild to think about.” You laugh as Mingyu hops out the truck to run over and open the door for you, he’s never allowed you to open your own door since he started driving. 
“Oh, I guess Cheol’s mom is working today.” Mingyu closes the door behind you and puts the key in the handle to lock it as he stares at the familiar woman through the window that was taking someone’s order. “Someone must’ve called out of work today.” 
The two of you walk to the front door together, making small talk about anything and everything. Seungcheol’s mother greeted the two of you with a smile and handed you two menus once you sat down. 
“It’s good to see you sweetheart.” She smiles widely at you, she was always like a second mother to you growing up especially after you mothers untimely passing. 
“It’s good to see you too, you look great.” You smile warmly, despite any animosity you might feel for her son right now you will never be able to hate this woman. 
“I’ll start you two off with some water?” You both nod, prompting her to walk away. 
“So how’s the ranch?” You scan the menu, already knowing what you want but wanting to check to see if anything new was added. 
“It’s good, Cheol doesn’t work there anymore.” Mingyu doesn’t look up from his menu to see your surprised expression. “Mr. Johnson offered him a job as a mechanic after seeing the work he would do on the farm equipment.” 
“Mechanics suit him.” You smile at his mother when she comes back with your waters. 
“Do you two know what you want?” You both nod, letting Mingyu order first despite the look he gave you after you shrug and take a big gulp of your water. “Are you getting your usual sweetheart?” She turns to you.
“How do you remember what I used to order?” Your eyes widen.
“You’d order the same thing almost every time you’d come here since you were a kid and I’ve been working here longer than you’ve been alive so I have it practically engraved into my memory.” She laughs quietly as she takes your menus. “You and my son are the same in your consistency in ordering the same thing.” 
“Oh.” You could feel your face heating up at the thought. You’re happy she didn’t bother to push a conversation as she went to help more people that came in. 
“You and Cheol are as opposite as opposite can be.” 
“You don’t say.” You roll your eyes playfully. 
The banter between you and Mingyu continued on, even after your food came you both found something to poke — and trust me there was a lot to poke at that has happened over the past three years that couldn’t be conveyed over letters and the occasional call here and there. 
“We should head out now, get you to the ranch so you can clean up and rest before tonight.” Mingyu paid for your guy's food like the gentleman he is and held the door open for you as you walked out into the warm summer air. 
“Am I obligated to go swimming tonight?” Mingyu shakes his head. 
“You’re not but we’ll all be swimming so,” He hops into the truck after opening the door for you. “Just to be safe you might wanna wear your swimsuit.” 
“Got it.” You nod your head before watching out the window again, committing your old hometown to memory again. The drive to the ranch was peaceful and long, sitting a few miles out of town on the opposite side of where the diner was. 
Once you got to Mingyu's house and greeted his family and caught up, you went to the spare room upstairs to unload your bags and lay on the bed to unwind. A quick nap was sure to help the oncoming headache you got so after changing your clothes to be a little more comfortable you crawl under the freshly cleaned blanket and almost instantly knock out. 
A couple hours pass by before Mingyu is knocking on the door to wake you up, telling you the guys are heading to the river now and that you two need to get going soon.
Groaning quietly as you sit up in bed and stretch, it felt nice to not have to worry about anything as this is the first summer you decided to not take summer classes as you'd be graduating early after this upcoming fall semester. Getting up and taking your walkman out of your bag again you took out the nirvana cassette and put in green day instead, the music more uplifting and giving you an ounce of energy to put your swimsuit on and a pair of shorts and jacket to cover yourself. 
“How was your nap dear?” Mingyu's mother greeted you as you walked down the stairs, your friend standing by the door waiting (im)patiently for you. 
“Amazing, sitting all day in those train seats takes a toll on your back.” You take your walkman headphones off and half hazardously shove them into your jacket pocket. 
“Tell me about it, I can’t sit for too long now without going stiff.” She smiles warmly as she wishes you two well as you b-line to the door after Mingyu told you to hurry up. 
 “Couldn’t even give me time to say bye.” You grumble as you shuffle up to the truck where Mingyu was holding the door for you. 
“Sorry cherry pop, the guys are waiting for us and we still gotta get drinks.” 
“Why are we getting the drinks?” You buckle up and put your headphones back on, both of your tastes in music are dramatically different as he puts in a country cassette into the radio. 
“You’re home, they want you to get what you want instead of drinking what they like.” 
“They still drink that shitty dollar beer right?” Mingyu nods. “Then we drink the same thing, not much has changed as I still couldn’t afford the expensive stuff being at college.” 
“Great, that makes this run cheap.” The ride to the corner store was quick, the street lights lining the road leading from the ranch to town making the trees look ominous. 
Once you guys had secured the alcohol you made your way to the river. The long body of water stretched for miles outside of town in both directions, and the one spot you guys have always met up at since junior high was hidden away. You had thick bushes to climb through and poison ivy to look out for as it wasn’t a regular site on the river to be at. 
“Mingyu! Y/N!” Jeonghan called happily when he saw the two of you emerge from the bushes. The bonfire was already large and roaring while Cheol and Wonwoo were already in the water swimming. 
“Hannie!” You smile and hug him happily, he was always the least affectionate person so when he offered you a hug you always took it. 
“How have you been? It’s been years!” He pulls away from the hug to greet Mingyu while sitting down in his chair and pats the one next to him that looked to have been occupied by Seungcheol at one point based on the jacket hanging on it. 
“I’ve been good, college has been tough but I'm graduating a semester early.” You smile at Mingyu who hands you a beer before he sets the box down and makes quick work to strip down to his swim trunks so he can join the other two in the water. “How have you been?” 
“I’ve been great, graduating a semester later than I should've, but I took a light load last semester because I was back and forth to be here for Cheol while his mom was in the hospital.” you nod your head while taking a drink of your beer. You never realized that his mom being in the hospital was that bad. 
“Mingyu didn’t tell me much about her being in the hospital so I didn’t realize it was that bad.” You look out at the three guys who are currently climbing the rock in the middle of the river so they can jump into the water.
“He wanted to write to you, ever since you left it’s all he had been beside himself about but when his mother got sick he wanted to write to you even more.” Jeonghans voice was soft, nervous that the said male would hear your two's conversation and start hounding him for spilling the secret. 
“I wanted to write him too, but-“
“But you couldn’t, I’m not as hard headed as Seungcheol so I get why but I don’t get why you couldn’t have let him down sooner.” You sigh, this was a conversation you knew you’d have eventually as Jeonghan was Seungcheols best friend outside of you and he was the only one that knew about you two. 
“I wanted to, believe me it was never my plan to break things off the day I was leaving but I was selfish and didn’t want to let him go yet.”
“You are selfish,” You laugh quietly, thanking him. “But he’s selfish too, this town holds too many bad memories for you and he wanted to tie you to it when you finally had the chance to escape it.”
“You know, I asked him to come with me.” You took another sip of your beer, your eyes back on the blonde who seemed to feel you staring as he tilted his head back and gave you a bitter smirk. “When I first got the acceptance letter and I was on the fence about going, he wanted me to go but he also wanted me to stay and so I told him to come with me so I didn’t have to choose.”
“He never told me that.” Jeonghan opens up another beer and gingerly takes a sip of it. 
“I’m not surprised, I think he thought it was a joke.” You finally tear your eyes off of Seungcheol to look at Jeonghan. “After that I didn’t tell him I committed and just continued to relish our time together.”
“Y’know, he wanted you to go because this was your dream but he wanted to be a part of that dream and you keeping that from him and then cutting ties with him when you left is what broke him.” 
“I didn’t mean to.” You mumbled and looked down at your half empty beer can. “He was the one that told me that if I wasn’t willing to make things work then he didn’t want to hear from me.”
“Well he’s dumb,” Jeonghan takes another sip. “But so are you.”
“I know.” You close your eyes and sigh, letting your head lull back on the chair. 
“Are you going to talk to him while you’re home? It is the first time you’ve been home since leaving after all.” 
“This isn’t my home anymore.” You don’t bother to open your eyes as you take in the warm night air. This hasn’t been your home since you left and it hasn’t felt like home for far longer, the only thing (or person) that made you feel remotely anchored here was Seungcheol. 
“It was your home at one point, and I'd argue it still is because Seungcheol and the rest of us are here.” 
“Corny loser.” You mumble, a small smile cracking at your lips before you sit up straight. “I’ll talk to him, I promise. I had been prepping myself all week to mend things between us while I was here.” 
“Good.” Jeonghan smiles and downs the rest of his beer. “Now hurry up and finish drinking so we can go join them in the water before it gets colder.” 
“You’re going to die in that water, it’s too cold for you already.” You laugh before downing the rest of your beer so you can strip down to your swimsuit, making sure not to toss your walkman around too much. 
“I’ll manage.” He shrugs after taking his clothes off too before walking cautiously up to the edge of the water. He barely touches it with his big toe and he curses. 
“Told you,” You stand beside him and watch his reaction. “You just gotta go in as quick as you can.” You show him how it’s done as you take a deep breath in and hold it as you quickly walk into the water before you’re deep enough to dive under. 
“Show off.” He huffs before he follows in your footsteps, cursing the whole way up to his shoulders. 
“You did it han,” Wonwoo pats him on the shoulder. “You’re shivering already.” 
“It’s fucking cold and you’re all insane.” He huffs and starts to swim around a little, letting the cold water soothe his warm skin. 
“I think it feels good.” You had popped back up next to Mingyu who was standing with Seungcheol who was watching Jeonghan worried. 
“It does feel good.” Mingyu lets the water support his body as he starts to swim backwards, no longer being a wall between you and the ire of your freshman year of college. 
“It’s good to see you Y/N.” Wonwoo gives you a small smile before he also swims away, leaving you and Seungcheol alone and seeing the look on Jeonghan's face in the distance makes you believe that this was planned. He clears his throat when he seems to realize you two are alone.
“Um,” Is all he manages to say before you’re taking a deep breath and turning to look at him. 
“Hi Seungcheol.” He flinches at the use of his full name.
“Ouch, hi litt-“ He catches himself using the old nickname he had for you. “Hi Y/N.”
“God I hate this.” You can’t be bothered to hide the fact that the whole situation makes you sad and angry already, you missed him and he was right there in front of you and you were both acting like you wanted nothing to do with each other, which might’ve been true right after you had left but as time went on it faded into longing and anger at oneself.
“You hate this? How do you think I feel?” He crosses his arms and looks down at you. 
“Cheol I-“
“I don’t want to hear excuses.”
“Ok asshole I was going to apologize but not anymore.” You roll your eyes and turn away from him so you could swim away, the conversation you had with Jeonghan felt like complete bullshit now. 
“Wait,” he grabbed your arm to spin you back around, the water splashing violently at the fast movement. “I’m sorry, for everything.” It was rare that he’d ever apologize and right now it felt out of place as he had no reason to apologize at the moment. 
“I practiced how this conversation would go for weeks and this was not one of the ways I accounted for. You weren’t supposed to apologize first.” You look up at Seungcheol who was just staring at you silently now, his hand still holding tightly on your arm. “Seungcheol I-“
“Stop calling me that.”
“Stop interrupting,” You huff, the smallest smile forming on his face “I’m sorry for how I left things and for everything leading up to when I left.” 
“Y’know, I spent most of the first year you were gone blaming you, and then I started blaming myself until my mother made me realize that neither of us were to blame and then I spent the remainder of the time just numb.”
“If you stopped blaming me, how come you didn’t write to me?”
“You never wrote to me.” He sounded hurt and you were hurt too but you hated the pain in his voice and it caused you to move closer to him, hoping you could erase even just a hint of it.
“I’m sorry, there was never a time where I didn’t think about writing to you but your words kept playing in my head about how you never wanted to hear from me if I left our relationship behind.”
“It wasn’t much of a relationship then was it, we were just friends exploring each other,” That’s what you liked to tell eachother when you were in denial about your feelings. “I wrote letters, most of them are stamped and sitting in my desk drawer because I couldn’t bring myself to send them.”
“Yet you bought stamps for them?” You raise an eyebrow curiously. 
“Yes,” He huffs, trying to hide the ounce of embarrassment he’s feeling. “I’d get these bouts of feelings where I’d want to send them and I’d get all the way to the post office with a stamp on the envelope and the second I’d park I’d back out and go back home only to hide it away with the others.” 
“I know it’s probably stupid and I’ll just burn them all now since you’re home and-“
“I’m not staying,” You cut him off for some reason. “I mean I’m staying for the summer but I’m going back home to finish my last semester of college so I can get a job at a vet clinic there.” 
“That’s ok, this time I promise I will write.”
“You should come with me.” You blurt out like you did all those years ago.
“I can’t leave my mother, she won’t leave this town and with her health fluctuating I just can’t.” He gave you an actual answer this time unlike he did when you were younger. 
“I get it, she needs you.. But one day you have to leave this place, don’t you think?” Your hand gently touches his arm as you drift even closer to him. 
“I never thought of leaving until you left.” He mumbled as his hands moved to ghost over your sides that were under the water. 
“One day?” You sounded hopeful. “Even if we’re old and married to other people do you think you’d still leave?” 
“I..” His voice trailed off as your breath got closer to his face. “I’d never marry… unless it was you.” He whispered before he finally kissed you, the weight of what he said disappearing as you both got lost in the taste of each other. After what felt like an eternity you finally pulled away out of breath, a quiet whistle could be heard from behind Seungcheol somewhere and you assumed it had to be Jeonghan since Mingyu would’ve quite literally jumped the two of you. 
“Cheol- '' He cuts you off.
“Let's enjoy the night, yeah?” He didn’t want to talk about what he just said, or what the future would hold anymore. It’ll take time, you both realized, for things to go back to normal but for now you were content with how things were because this time he knew what to expect when summer ends, he just hoped that you’d change your mind about long distance relationships. And you hoped he’d change his mind about rotting away in this small town.
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feedback + reblogs greatly appreciated! let me know what you guys thought!
538 notes · View notes
billsbabydoll · 1 month
“𝒸𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒾𝓃 ℴ𝓃 𝓂𝓎 𝒷𝒿 𝓁𝒾𝓅𝓈.”
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summary:while on my walk home, a very familiar cadillac pulls up beside me.rolling down the window calling out for me, my ex-boyfriend convinces me into his car for a quick “chat”.
WARNINGS:softdom!tom, sub!reader, light nipple play, pet-names, praising, blowjob, throat-fucking, make-out session, cat-calling, quickie, dry-humping, ex-sex.
notes:guys please excuse my last post im ovulating and i got horny in the middle of the night :3
ugh today has been such a long and stressful day at work, finally im making my way back home, with music blasting in my ipod head-phones as i take in my surroundings, the orange sky and the sound of the city.
i was about 5-ish blocks away from my apartment before i randomly get the feeling of someone watching me and i was correct, i slowly turn my head over to the side of the road taking a head-phone out of my ear and of course i see that stupid, ugly, pathetic cadillac I knew so annoyingly well and i instantly knew very well who eyes were watching me inside.
to no surprise he rolls the window down and stops the car, our eyes meet for the first time in 4 months.
“hii gorgeous, what are you doing baby?”he chuckles with that smug smile that i once absolutely adored, now only brutally hated.
i scoffed disgusted at his flirting, i decided to continue walking, putting my head-phone back in my ear.over my loud music i still managed hear his car driving slowly beside me and his long string of cat-calls.
“cmon doll, i’ll give you a ride!”
“schatzi, i know you hear me!”
“cmere, baby!”
“whats a pretty girl like you doing walking alone, it’s getting dark out y’know!”
i mean it was pushing 6:30 and the sun was already beginning to set, and i most definitely didn’t wanna walk the rest of 5 blocks i had left on top of the 10 i already had walked.i sighed stopping right in my tracks taking my head-phones out of my ears and placing them in my tote-bag with my ipod, before turning fully to the vehicle, signaling for him to unlock the door.
he smirked ignorantly, the door quickly unlocking with a switch of a button allowing me inside.i settle in the passenger’s seat, refusing to make eye-contact with him.
“how you been, i haven’t seen you since-well you know..”he questioned trying to make conversation as he began to drive again, his tone now more serious and gentle, taking note of my annoyed face and my refusal to meet his eyes.
“ive been okay just been busy with work, and you tom?” i replied obviously not interested in making small talk, especially with someone who dumped me.
“thats good, uh ive just been busy too with touring and promoting the new album, been thinkin’ about you a lot lately though schatz.”
“oh yeahh righttt.”i chuckle sarcastically, i know he had hundreds of girls throwing themselves at him everyday and night, heck they were even while we were together, there was absolutely no way he being honest.
“im serious, sometimes i ask myself why i let you go and, i mean really who would forget such a pretty girl like you hm?”he teased looking over to me, placing a hand on my thigh before looking back to the road ahead.
my heart begins to pump and race at the sudden contact of his large hand rubbing and softly gripping on my flesh, i could almost hear my heartbeat ringing in my ears.
i know i know what your thinking, and i was really struggling trying to maintain some sort of strength, i mean the guy dumped me!i also know hes just sweet-talking me like he always did but with someone so charming and handsome as THE tom kaulitz, it was like handing a child a huge lollipop and asking them not to eat it, absolutely impossible.
we sit in silence for another few minutes, still he continues to caress my thigh before he looks over to me again searching in my face for any sign of uncertainty or discomfort , to which he only finds willingness and desire.he nods, then proceeds to pull into an empty, quiet, hidden alleyway, parking the car before shutting off the ignition.
i waste no second more to quickly climb over to tom, straddling his lap my thighs resting on the sides of his own, capturing his lips into a hungry kiss.he kisses back immediately toms hands finding their way effortlessly to my hips, helping me grind my clothed cunt against his urging length, creating a delicious friction.
we continue passionately making-out, our tongues swirling and intertwining perfectly into one another.
as hes savoring the sweet taste of my lips, he removes his hands away from hips now using his left hand to lift up my skirt squeezing and slapping my delicate skin, his right hand finding its way inside my shirt, the tips of his fingers now rubbing fast circles on the buds of my tender breasts.
i moan lightly into his mouth, my eyes shutting as i take in the amazing sensation, my teeth biting down softly on his wet lips, my hips bucking recklessly against his seeking any further friction.
he pulls away from the kiss moaning and groaning with me, his cock begging to be released right at that instant.
“steig hinten ein, engel (get in the back, angel).”
i immediately comply, hopping off of his lap and climbing into the back seat, he follows shortly behind sitting down before going back to meeting his lips with mine.
he takes my hand in his and places it upon his groin, helping me begin to palm him through his baggy jeans, he groans into my mouth, his eye-brows furrowing together.
i take the lead now and pull away from his lips, looking into his eyes then looking down to his lap, i then lean over and quickly unbuckle his belt pulling his jeans down enough for his hardened length to be visible in his blue checkered boxers, begging to be pleased.i slip my hand in his underwear and pull his cock out, it swings out hitting his stomach before bouncing back up.
“your killing me here, c-cmon baby..”he whines impatiently.
i softly chuckle before i lowered my head down, my lips now not even an inch away from his leaky tip.i teasingly lick a few rings around his tip and lick up and down the sides of his shaft before i slowly take his length into my mouth.he scoots up and relaxes his legs as he makes a make-shift pony tail out of my loose hair.i begin to glide up and and down his cock, his tip once in a while kissing the back of throat.
“ohh f-fuckk keep sucking it that mmh-prinzessin (princess).”he praises, his head tilting backwards and hitting the headrest of the seat, his grip on hair becoming tighter.
i keep up a steady, quick, consistent pace throughout, using my left hand to stroke the extra inches i couldn’t fit inside my mouth, i moan as i suck him off, sending high vibrations straight through his cock.
hes a completely groaning and whining mess, gripping my hair with one hand gripping the seat with the other.
“look ughh-into my eyes..”
“g-god i missed your fucking lips on my mmh-dick so much, doll.”
my watery eyes quickly looked up into his maintaining long eye-contact before looking back down.
he bucks his hips into my mouth seeking further relief, his orgasm coming in any moment now.his mouth hanging open mumbling desperate swears from his lips.he then grabs the sides of face with both of his hands and starts harshly fucking his cock into my throat.
i whimper as his tip rapidly stabs into the back of throat, my hands squeezing the leather of the seats, my eyes now crying from the brutality.
“f-fuck fuck im gonna cum!”
he announced before taking his length quickly out of my mouth and placing it on my blood-like-red lips.he pumps his length urgently, squeezing his eyes shut and with a primal grunt soon busts a fat load on my lips, covering my lips with his cum like lipgloss.
i lick the salty white substance from my lips, looking deeply into his eyes as i swallow, before an idea pops into my head.
“wanna finish this at my place, babe?”
“fuck yeah.”
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redflagshipwriter · 4 months
Halfa Cass
Chapter 6 Preview
(The night Cass came home)
Tim rounded on Bruce as soon as Cass went up the stairs. “Something happened,” he said firmly.
Bruce nodded, brows furrowed up. “I agree. She was shaken. I observed that she was reticent and avoided eye contact at a conversational juncture where she normally does not.”
Tim agreed with a grim, sister-analyzing nod. “Her typing speed was significantly reduced. She was carefully choosing her wording.” Tim scanned over her brief report again and frowned. “There's not an electrical shock that would short out her suit without killing her.”
“So it wasn't electricity, or there was another factor.” Bruce frowned at his screen so hard it was probably cowering inside the code. “Neither Black Bat nor Marvel have any particular scientific competence. I would suggest-”
“Yeah.” Tim cut him off. He rolled his neck and thought it over. They sat quietly for a few minutes as Tim typed up his initial proposal. He broke the silence. “I'll hit up Young Justice and see who has time tomorrow to have a redux of all our creepy lab tours. There's something really weird about that place.” He paused. He side eyed Bruce. “Captain Marvel was right, huh?” He kept his tone deliberately innocent. “What a good catch on his part. I wonder how many people on monitor duty saw the town was dark and didn't think anything about it.”
Bruce grunted. He rolled a few inches back from his computer and picked up a stapled stack of reports. He began reading them intensely.
Tim interlaced his fingers and gave a stretch. Something popped in his back. “If only you'd believed him and let me go along with Black Bat when she said she was leaving,” Tim said wistfully. He was mostly just being a dick. They needed to find out what happened, but everyone was fine. This was a prime opportunity to needle at Bruce's weird reflexive hateration towards his most cheerful Justice League teammates.
Bruce lifted the reports just a little higher to block off his face.
Tim left it at that and shut down for the night. Tim had really just been killing time until Cass got back for the night. He hit up the group chat with his mission proposal before he went to bed.
He belly flopped on top of his mattress without bothering to pull the covers over top and powered off easily for his clockwork 7.5 hours. He had weird dreams about Cass getting electrocuted. He woke up feeling unsettled.
“I know she said she got electrocuted,” Tim muttered. He sat up in bed. “But this seems dramatic. She's fine. She walked home and typed up a report.” He rubbed at his breastbone. He didn't know why he was so unsettled.
…Alright, that was a lie. Tim reframed his perspective a little more honestly.
No, no. He did. It was anxiety. He needed to feel he had control over the safety of his family. The way everyone had gone horrified and silent on comms when Cass’s suit reported a flatline to the main computer-
Tim’s stomach lurched. He took a minute to go through some breathing exercises.
It was just a false alarm. It was fine. Except that it had been truly terrifying and it proved that there was something seriously wrong with either their current tech or something extraordinary going on in some decommissioned mad scientist lair.
Fuck. He didn't like unknowns. He was eager to get to the bottom of this Amity Park incident.
Tim fished his phone off the charger and checked the group for responses, heart beat still pounding in his ears. So far, he'd heard yesses from Kon and Bart. Unfortunately, Cassie hadn't viewed the message yet.
He typed up meeting coordinates for the guys and sent it in the same chat. Hopefully Cassie would see it in time, but if not, three was probably enough for the trip.
Making specific plans settled his anxiety enough for him to find some appetite. He ended up very glad that he'd gone to breakfast.
He got an unexpected assist from both Cass and Damian on his point re Bruce's hateration at breakfast the next morning. Tim watched gleefully as they psychologically manipulated their father with opposite approaches.
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beanmachine69 · 1 year
Backseat | Carlos Sainz x Reader.
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Content Warning: SMUT!!! PURE SMUT, MINORS DNI!!
(blurb, because i couldn't control myself)
"Oh, you're taking it soo well." He cooed, fingers still pumping in and out at a relentless pace. Your wet sounds filling the confined space you were in.
It was hot, it was so hot you could feel his sweat mix with yours as it dripped onto you. You could feel the sweat between you and the leather seat. You didn't really care, the pleasure being too distracting for you to even attempt to care.
You could feel it again, the desire climbing higher in you, the need bubbling in your stomach. Your legs were going to give in soon, you knew it, his fingers felt too good, pumping in and our and in and out and in and out and in and out- till he abruptly stopped, earning a whine from you as your back involuntarily arched up.
"Enjoying this a bit too much, hm?"
He brought his fingers to your mouth, hooded brown eyes locking contact with yours. He did this so often, it was practically second nature to him, almost odd when he didn't do it. But he was earlier this time, he didn't let you finish before he made you taste yourself.
The heat and darkness of the car, the proximity at which you two were at, the heavy breathing, the sweat, the pants, the abrupt pause of pleasure was all too much. You took his fingers in, moaning as he thrust them in your mouth like he would thrust his dick.
"Carlos, please." You begged, his fingers still in your mouth when you'd finish sucking them.
A smirk was his reply, his lips crashing on to yours, replacing his fingers. His hands grabbed on to your waist as he deepened the kiss, letting his tongue invade your mouth. He needed to taste you in your own mouth.
Your hips thrusted upwards, needing some contact. Despite being crammed with him in the backseat, you still felt like you needed more of him, every inch of him practically. You could feel his hands move from your hips, thrusting on to your upward jutting hips with his own, practically dry humping you.
You could feel it, what you wanted so desperately, you could feel it through his jeans, each aggressive thrust making him hiss a little at the contact. His hands were on your thighs now, peeling them open as he let his right hand find it's way back in you, making you moan even louder.
His lips crashed back into yours, tugging at your lower lip when he pulled away. He let out a few shushing noises, reminding you that you both were fucking in the back of a car in a slightly busy parking lot.
His ring and middle finger returned to the original pumping pace, while you felt the pad of his thumb press circles on your clit.
You couldn't contain the moans you were letting out, they sounded practically pornographic. His face was so close to yours, you could see, in the dim light of the car, how his eyes sparkled as you moaned his name.
"Good girl, just like that." He whispered, not attempting to muffle your moans with his own mouth anymore. He liked hearing how good he made you feel. The car was tinted and wasn't his signature car, so why care if anyone from outside heard what was happening, not like they'd care. Plus, he was too engulfed in making you feel good, he had lost sight of rationality. Your moans deafening him to any sense or logic.
It was building up again, that familiar feeling, bubbling in your gut. He leaned lower to kiss your sweaty neck, sucking and nibbling on it as you came closer and closer to your high. He nudged your head with his own so he could gain access to the spot between your ear and jaw, clamped his mouth on it, and began sucking.
It didn't take much long after that till you felt your high wash over, eyes rolling back, legs shaking under his, hips thrusting upwards, mouth left agape and whimpering his name like a sinful prayer.
He moved his mouth from your neck, slowly pulling away slightly as he let his fingers slip out of you. His eyes on your face, watching as the pleasure dazed over your face. He watched as your plump lips mumbled his name, how your eyes looked over at him through half shut eyelids. He could feel your chest heave against his, in an attempt to catch your breath.
He loved watching you cum. He loved it, he loved how fucked out you looked, how your brain would be empty of all thoughts, your mouth full of his name. He loved the way the sweat on your forehead would keep your hair messily in place, he loved how your hands would wander over to his chest, to his back, pulling him for a kiss. You looked so sexy to him, he could barely restrain himself.
His wet fingers made their way to your mouth again, gently slipping in as you sucked them clean, swirling your tongue around his fingers like you would his dick.
He pulled away, pulling your dress back in place and squirming his way back to the drivers seat.
"Come on cariño, we have to go home." He chuckled, turning back to you, "I have things I want to do to you."
A/N: I'm sorry if it was bad or abrupt, just a thought that popped in my head lol, this man makes me feel things.
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holylulusworld · 11 months
Triad (1) - Kinktober 20
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Summary: You are everything to them.
Pairing: Omega!Stucky x Alpha!(fem)Reader
Rating: Mature
Square filled for @stuckybingo (Round 5): Square O5: AU: A/B/O
Square filled for stuckybingo (Round 4): I4: AU: A/B/O
Warnings: future mmf relationship, established mm relationship, meet cute, a/b/o, a/b/o dynamics, scenting, needy Bucky & Steve, dominant reader, dom/sub undertones
Kink: Dom / Sub
A/N: I decided to turn this request into a mini-series. It will consist of drabbles telling us more about their story.
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
Triad masterlist
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It was an ordinary autumn day when you met Steve and Bucky for the first time. They went for a stroll in the park, holding hands as you passed them by.
Until then, they were lost in their love and bond.
That was until a whiff of their mixed scents hit you out of nowhere. Your head snapped toward the pair, and your eyes began to glow.
The omegas immediately turned their attention toward you and your scent. It had been ages since they scented a female alpha. The last one was Peggy Carter; the one that got away.
Bucky and Steve tried to find their missing piece in male alphas too. But male alphas only tried to dominate them in the wrong way in the past.
While being super soldiers, your omegas were looking for a soft dominant helping them to give up control.
Bucky was a little bold in the beginning. He purred in your direction and flashed you a cocky grin. Steve was a little shyer but followed his mate when Bucky almost pounced on you.
The needy omega tried to scent you without your allowance, and you had to stop him. A confident “stop” left your lips and Bucky stopped in his tracks.
He whimpered and rubbed his hand over his growing erection. Steve only looked at you and whined as you turned to leave.
You didn’t want to get involved with two bonded omegas. Polyamory wasn’t in your plans.
“Wait,” Bucky pleaded. “Alph-“ He bit his tongue as he looked at you.
“I’m not your alpha,” you replied and gave him an apologetic look. “It’s only your instinct, sweetie.”
He dipped his head to glance at your untouched mating gland.
Bucky licked his lips, already forming a plan to get you to talk to them some more.
“Hi,” Steve tried to make you stay a little longer. “I’m Steve, and that’s my mate, Bucky.”
“Bucky. Hmm…that’s an odd name,” you teased, making Steve chuckle. “A nickname I assume.”
“His name is James.”
“He is here,” Bucky grumbled as you talked to his mate, not him. “Now, uh-alpha…”
“Buck—” Steve gasped audibly. Not once did his mate call someone alpha. “You can’t call her that. We don’t even know her.”
The blonde tried to stop his mate from pouncing at you, still, he took a step toward you and sniffed in your direction.
“Stevie, she’s our alpha,” the brunette insisted. He puckered his lips and batted his long lashes. Bucky had the power to make you weak from the beginning. And he still has this power over you. “You can feel it too, right?”
“I’m not sure yet.”
Steve took another step toward you. He tried to sniff in your direction again, but you raised your hand and stopped him. “I did not allow you to scent me.”
“Uh-sorry. You just smell so good, alph-“ Steve cleared his throat and wrung his hands.
For an omega, he was a glorious sight. Tall, with broad shoulders, and a thick beard framing his face he was all you want in an omega. Still, he had to earn his place next to you.
This time, you took a step toward the blonde. You sized him up and huffed. “I see no alpha ever tamed you, and your mate. You need an alpha making sure you don’t lose control all the time.”
“I’m not some puppy you can train,” Bucky complained, but stepped closer to you again.
“Sweetness, I didn’t talk about training you to become my puppy. But you almost pounced on me. A stranger. What if I had ulterior motives and hurt you or your mate? You cannot get lost in your instinct.”
“We are sorry,” Steve said, gaze dropping to his shoes.
“Hmm…” you turned your head toward Bucky to get a better look at him. He was a tall and attractive omega too. His blue eyes searched your face as he struggled to hold your gaze. “You need an alpha taking care of you. A good alpha knows how to handle two bratty omegas…and I'm a good alpha...”
Part 2
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Tags in reblog.
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cottonlemonade · 4 months
Hello, can I get a large mocha latte for Ushijima?
Celebrating An Anniversary
word count: 791 || avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: post-time skip husband!Ushijima x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff with some suggestiveness
warnings: spoilers, mdni, mild swearing
request: fluffy-spicy, celebrating an anniversary with husband Ushijima
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“To a wonderful evening.“
Wakatoshi raised his glass. You beamed as you did the same and gently clinked it against his.
The champagne prickled on your tongue and you watched him cut a generous first bite off his steak to then carefully place it on the side of your plate.
“Thank you, honey.“
He smiled, looking satisfied as he began to cut a piece for himself.
“You‘re welcome, sweetheart. And please make sure to order dessert later. You will need your energy as I intend to make love to you often and thoroughly tonight.“
You choked on your next sip of the sparkling wine. The coughing made some other guests turn around in annoyance but you stared incredulously at your husband who, completely unfazed, poured you a glass of water and handed it across the table.
“Uhm, Toshi?”
“Yes, my love?”
Your cheeks were burning and you were glad for the cold water, the glass slightly trembling in your fingers.
“What- I mean. What?”
He furrowed his brow in confusion.
“I mean… you usually don’t uhm… announce something like that.”
“Oh.”, he shrugged and went back to his steak, “I wanted to try something different.”
He nodded and didn’t elaborate.
“So, I'm not complaining - and I will get that dessert later - but what brought this on?”
“I called Satori for advice and he said I should be more open with my intentions towards you. He said that… hm, one moment, sweetheart.”
You watched open mouthed as he reached into the breast pocket of his suit jacket that hung over the back of the chair and produced a neatly folded piece of paper. Opening it for reference as it seemed, he read, “Let her know she is desirable by flirting - such as: telling her she looks/smells nice, kissing her in public, letting her know that you can’t wait to be alone with her or - more advanced - let her know you want to sleep with her later that day.” He folded the note again and tucked it away.
Your cheeks were burning and the pasta you had been so eagerly anticipating a few minutes ago, still steamed expectantly but untouched on the plate before you.
Toshi had done all of these things today. Before you left for the restaurant he had complimented both how your dress fit beautifully around your chubby figure and your perfume, had caught you very off guard by kissing you deeply in the parking lot on your way to the door and now this.
“Uhm, could I see that paper for a second, please?“
“Of course.“
He reached back into the pocket and handed it to you.
Clearing your throat you opened it and were stunned by the amount of notes. At the very top were what seemed to be suggestions for date locations for your anniversary.
Toshi had circled “dinner at a fancy restaurant you know she likes“.
Underneath was a myriad of things to do after the date. Some of them sweet, like going for a stroll in the park, but the other 95 percent detailed things to do in the bedroom. All of them circled - some with extra notes next to it explaining what they meant exactly.
“I see.“, you croaked, returning the note. You felt very warm all of the sudden.
Voice shaking a little in your flustered state, you asked, “What brought this on?“
“Do you remember when I went out to have a drink with the team a few weeks ago?“
You nodded.
“At first we talked about volleyball and eventually Hoshiumi-kun moved the conversation to our spouses.“
You nodded again.
“At that point a group of strangers joined the table because nothing else was free. As we talked, they noted that Tobio and I didn't seem to have a lot to offer besides good looks and they wondered how we were even married, since we are so boring.“
You scoffed loudly.
“Oh, just point me in their direction, babe. It‘s on sight.“ How dare these pathetic losers! Your shoulders shook with anger.
“You are not boring, Toshi!“, you said firmly and he looked genuinely surprised at your sudden outburst, “You are loving and wonderful and dependable, you make me laugh and feel safe and if that‘s boring to those jerks then they can just go f- fly a kite!“ Suddenly remembering your surroundings you opted for milder words.
Toshi‘s large warm hand laid itself soothingly over your clenched fist next to your plate, rubbing his thumb gently over your skin.
“Thank you for saying that, sweetheart. I love you.“
“I love you, too.“
“Would you prefer if I‘d dismiss the list?“
“Well… maybe not all of it.“, you winked and he nodded, signaling over a waiter to order extra dessert.
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a/n: thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to write something for him! Love him ^^ I hope you enjoyed it 🌟
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sturniololoco · 8 months
i LOVEDDD the pregnancy one!! can you do more like that like maybe when she has the baby and how they help her?
Pregnant pt 2
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: baby spit up, tiredness, cuteness overload, etc.?
Note: This is so perfect bc I'm ab to get another little sibling tomorrow! (Don't mind the age gap lol)
Chris's POV
Why does giving birth to a child take so damn long?
SLS/N was finally giving birth to her little girl today, so Matt, Nick, and I were sitting in the waiting room, bouncing our legs and biting our nails, waiting.
Soon, a nurse came out into the room, asking for the Sturniolo family. The three of us immediately stood and followed her to a room.
"Which one of you is the husband?" the nurse asked, making small talk as we walked down the hallways.
all of our faces burned bright red at her question.
"O-Oh, no! She's our sister!" I said, giving a light laugh along with my brothers.
She stopped in front of a room and opened the door. Putting a finger to her lips, she motioned us inside, then left us there, closing the door again behind her.
We nervously walked around the corner to see SLS/N sitting up against the pillows of her hospital bed, holding a freshly bathed baby girl.
We smiled at her, quietly coming next to her and giving her a side hug.
"Hey, kiddo. How ya feelin'?" I asked my little sister, kissing her on top of her head. I knew it hurt her, but she was tough. She was gonna love this kid with her whole heart.
"I'm doing pretty good actually." She said. She had the biggest of smiles on her face, and it never stopped shining.
"You guys wanna meet Charleigh?" She asked motioning to the baby in her arms. We all smiled, leaning down to say hello.
"Hello, little Charleigh! It's your favorite, Uncle Chris!" I said, rubbing my finger over her soft smooth hand. I internally cringed at my baby voice, but at this point, I didn't even care.
SLS/N giggled, lifting her up to get me a better look at her face.
"Here, why don't you hold her." She asked, getting up out of bed gently so as not to wake her sleeping baby.
"I-Uh...Ok," I said.
I was kind of scared to hold her.
What if I drop her? What if she wakes up? What if she cries? What if-
My thoughts were cut off by SLS/N placing her in my arms, and showing me how to hold her. She sat me down on the couch and put a pillow under my arm.
Charleigh only moved a little, but then went right back to sleep. I let out a nervous breath I had been holding in, relieved as I realized that this was not as scary as I thought.
"She's so perfect," I say, looking down at her and smiling.
"Now that's a good picture!" Nick says, holding up his phone to snap a shot.
Matt's POV
The next day, SLS/N and the baby were discharged from the hospital and ready to get home.
SLS/N was carrying the baby in her car seat, the one that took Chris and me 2 and a half hours to get the base in the car.
She put Charleigh into the car and then climbed in next to her, Nick in the way back, Chris in the front next to me.
Then It hit me.
I'm driving a newborn baby. What if we crash? What if I run off a bridge? what if-
"Matt? You okay?" I hear SLS/N ask me.
"I-Uh...No. what if something goes wrong? It'll be all my fault! And then-" I start rambling, my anxiety flooding through my veins.
"Hey, hey. Listen to me. I trust you more than anyone in the world to drive my baby and me home. If I didn't, then I wouldn't put her in the car. But you're the only person I would want to drive in this situation, okay?"
Her words instantly calmed me. I began to feel braver, happy that she felt like she could put so much trust in me. I back out of the parking lot and make our way home.
Nick's POV
We pull into the driveway and my sister gets the baby out of the car. she then walks to the back to get her stuff.
But I beat her to it.
"Don't be silly SLS/N! You just had a fucking baby, go sit down and I'll get the stuff." I order her.
I really want to help my sister as much as I can, she's already been through so much. I want to support her through all her decisions, showing her that I love and support her.
"Aw, thanks, Nick!" She says, walking into the house after Matt, who had just unlocked the door.
I grab her and the baby's bags, then walk into the house after her.
"Hey Sis, I made you a surprise!" I say to my sister, walking into the living room with a plate behind my back.
She had just gotten Charleigh asleep in Matt's room since it was the closest to the living room. She was now lounging on the couch with Matt and Chris.
She sits up and claps her hands, closing her eyes. I place the plate in front of her.
"Oh fuck yeah!" she says, digging into the quesidllia I made her. I laugh as she sighs in delight. I have no ide why she even likes these that much, I can't cook worth a shit.
as she sets her plate down on the table, she scoots closer to the three of us, wrapping her arms around our necks in a big group hug.
"I love you guys," She says, squeezing us tight.
Just as I was about to respond, I heard a cry on the baby monitor.
"I'll get her!" Chris shouts, jumping up to retrieve our new favorite niece.
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq
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htpssgavi · 1 month
The weeks after that final meeting with Y/N were some of the hardest of my life. I threw myself into football like never before, trying to drown out the pain with exhaustion. But no matter how hard I trained, no matter how many goals I scored, nothing could fill the void she had left behind.
I tried to move on, to focus on my career, but every time I saw her in my mind, with someone else, it was like a dagger to the heart. I wondered what he was like, if he treated her better than I did, if he made her laugh the way I used to. The thought of her being happy with someone else was bittersweet—I wanted her to be happy, but I had always hoped that happiness would be with me.
Days turned into months, and the pain slowly began to dull. It never fully went away, but I learned to live with it, to accept that Y/N was no longer mine. I started spending more time with my teammates, trying to fill the emptiness with friendships and new experiences. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had lost something irreplaceable.
One day, about six months after that meeting, I ran into her by chance. I was walking through the park near the stadium, headphones in, lost in my thoughts, when I saw her sitting on a bench. She was alone, reading a book, and for a moment, I debated whether or not to approach her.
Before I could decide, she looked up and spotted me. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she smiled, a genuine smile that made my heart ache with nostalgia.
“Pablo,” she said, standing up as I walked over. “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah,” I replied, pulling out my headphones. “How have you been?”
“I’ve been good,” she said, her smile never wavering. “And you?”
“Better,” I said honestly. “It’s been hard, but I’m getting there.”
She nodded, her eyes softening with understanding. “I’m glad to hear that. I’ve been thinking about you.”
“Really?” I asked, surprised.
She nodded again, a little shyly this time. “I wanted to see how you were doing, but I didn’t know if it would be too painful to reach out.”
I hesitated, then asked the question that had been gnawing at me since our last meeting. “Are you still with him?”
She looked down, then back up at me, her expression unreadable. “No. It didn’t work out. We realized we were better off as friends.”
I wasn’t sure how to feel. Part of me wanted to jump at the chance to win her back, but another part of me knew that rushing things would only lead to more pain. We both needed time to heal, to figure out who we were without each other.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” I said, meaning it.
She smiled, a little sadly. “It’s okay. I’ve had a lot of time to think, and I realized that I need to focus on myself for a while. But I also realized that I miss you, Pablo.”
My heart skipped a beat. “I miss you too, Y/N. More than you know.”
The months that followed were some of the most challenging of my life, but they were also some of the most rewarding. Y/N and I took things slow, just as she had asked. We started meeting up more often, sometimes for coffee, sometimes for a walk in the park, each time a little less awkward, a little more like the way we used to be.
But it wasn’t easy. There were moments when I could see the doubt in her eyes, moments when I knew she was holding back because of the pain I’d caused. I had to be patient, had to prove to her with every word, every action, that I was serious about winning back her trust.
One night, about six months after we had reconnected, we were walking along the beach, the sun setting in the distance. We had spent the day together, and for the first time in a long while, it felt almost like old times. We were laughing, joking, the tension that had hung between us finally starting to lift.
As we reached the end of the beach, where the sand met the rocks, Y/N suddenly stopped. She turned to me, her eyes searching mine in the fading light.
“Pablo,” she began, her voice soft but steady, “do you really think we can make this work?”
I looked at her, my heart pounding. “I know we can. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.”
She hesitated, then reached out and took my hand, her fingers lacing through mine. “I believe you,” she said quietly. “But I need to know that you’re in this for the long haul. No more pranks, no more games. I need to know that you’ll always be honest with me.”
“I swear,” I said, holding her gaze. “No more games. No more lies. Just us, building something real.”
She smiled then, a real, genuine smile that made my heart soar. “I want that too.”
In that moment, I knew that we had finally turned a corner. It wouldn’t be easy, and we still had a lot of work to do, but we were finally on the same page. We were ready to move forward, together.
Two years later
The church was filled with the soft hum of whispered conversations, the air thick with anticipation. I stood at the altar, my heart pounding with a mixture of nerves and excitement. The past two years had been a journey, full of highs and lows, but they had led us here—our wedding day.
As the music started, signaling Y/N’s arrival, I felt a wave of emotion crash over me. The doors opened, and there she was, walking down the aisle with a smile that took my breath away. She looked stunning, her eyes locked on mine, and in that moment, I knew that every struggle, every tear, had been worth it.
When she reached me, I took her hands in mine, feeling the warmth of her touch. The officiant began to speak, but I barely heard the words. All I could focus on was her—my love, my future, my everything.
We exchanged vows, promising to love and cherish each other for the rest of our lives. When the officiant finally said, “You may kiss the bride,” I didn’t hesitate. I pulled her close, our lips meeting in a kiss that sealed our promise to each other.
As we turned to face our friends and family, who were cheering and clapping, I knew that we had made it. We had overcome the past, rebuilt our trust, and now, we were starting a new chapter together.
As we walked back down the aisle, hand in hand, I couldn’t stop smiling. We had been through so much, but in the end, love had won. And I knew that, whatever the future held, we would face it together.
@spidybaby @gavisfanta @gadriezmannsgirl @pablitogavii @lucy90712
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hellishjoel · 20 days
Delicate - Chapter Three: I Wish You Would
2.5k / pairing: joel miller x f!reader
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summary: After making a bad impression on his first date, Joel nearly gives up - until fate in the form of his daughter Sarah intervenes; Joel and Petal come to a deal.
A/N: truth be told, @thetriumphantpanda and I completely forgot this series existed and got caught up in other projects BUT we're continuing it! because we still love our little baby!
warnings: joel and reader are single parents, rom-com vibes, foul language, Joel being terrible at dating in general, a lil angst
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“It’s okay,” she said so reassuringly, looming by the cab as dark clouds began to form over the city. “It takes some time to get used to this again. I was the same.” He didn’t even have the nerve to look her in the eye anymore, brown droopy eyes finding solace in staring at the concrete. “It’ll get easier each time you do it, I promise.” 
His heart felt ripped from his chest, let down by his actions. 
Part of him wonders if he did it on purpose, leaned into ruining the date so he could give Sarah the excuses he’s been making up in his head. That it didn’t work out, that they weren’t a match, that dating just wasn’t his thing, and that he should just be left alone. 
But then he met you. And his heart beat so fast in his chest, he worried it might give him a damn heart attack. 
He’d never seen someone so pretty, with such a bright smile and warm energy that melted the cold exterior shell he had built up over the years. He had no excuses to give, and he didn’t mind. But then nerves took over. 
Joel sighs quietly, staring blankly ahead at his closed garage door. He sits in his parked truck, radio coming in and out of signal as the storm worsens overhead. He flips his wrist and tears the keys from the ignition. 
He’s back home now. Has been for maybe twenty minutes. He just can’t stop thinking about how fucking stupid he felt. Rain pitter-patters on his windshield, and he supposes it’s time to start going inside. Maybe then, Sarah would stop spying on him from the front windows in the living room. 
With a large huff, Joel steps out and makes his way up the porch, rain dotting his disheveled hair and half-decent ensemble. 
Upon pushing the front door open, he sees Sarah run back to the couch with Uncle Tommy just in time. 
“Hey,” she greets casually, fiddling with the remote and pretending to surf for something to watch, “Soooooo,” she coos, “How was your date?” 
Joel watches as Sarah’s face slowly sinks at the sight of him, large rounded-off eyes reading dismissively as he glances from her to Uncle Tommy. 
By now, Tommy is making a worried face, hiding behind a hand over his mouth, panic blaring across his eyes. Sarah’s a smart girl; it doesn’t take her long to look between the two. 
“Oh god, what happened, dad?” She asks with a strained tone, following Joel into the kitchen, where he fishes out a beer and sets his phone absently on the counter along with his keys. He lines the bottle cap to the lip of the counter and pops it open with ease, hearing the bottle hiss with the release of pressure before he takes a long drink. 
Sarah’s glaring eyes slowly turn to her Uncle Tommy. “What did you do?” 
“I-well-no, see, I tried- uh-” Tommy stutters haphazardly. 
“Ain’t Tommy’s fault,” Joel grumbles, the first words he’s spoken in an hour that couldn’t be farther from the truth. There’s a moment of silence as Tommy and Sarah share an empathetic look to Joel. “S’my fault.” 
After some begging and dragging, Sarah manages to get her dad to sit in the living room, the television’s volume set to mute. She rolls Joel’s phone around in her hand, swiping it open and finding the dating app he met his date on. 
Her pictures were beautiful. She was her dad’s type, too. Confident looking, with a sweet smile and a love for adventure. Even with a kid of her own. She understood now why they both found it important to make good first impressions. 
So, what the hell happened? 
“Jus’ tell’er what I said, Joel. I gave ya bad advice.” 
“Horrible advice, Tommy.”
“What advice? I thought this dating operation was a trio effort, and you left the Captain out of a very important dating advice conversation?” Sarah accuses, Tommy shrugs casually beside her on the couch. 
Condensation from Joel’s beer bottle makes a dark ring on the upper thigh of his jeans. He stares long and hard before continuing.  
“I was gettin’ ready for my date, tryin’ to find somethin’ to wear. Tommy helped an’-”
“And?” Sarah pressed, watching Tommy sink further into the couch, hoping to disappear between the cushions.
Joel grumbles quietly and continues, "Told him how nervous I was. Been forever since I had been on a proper date. So he gave me some advice that worked for him.”
“You took advice from your player of a brother? Who can’t find a wife to save his life?”
Tommy playfully scoffs, rolling his eyes. “I could find a wife if I wanted to-”
“Anyway,” Joel butts in, “He said I should try to sound uninterested. Play hard t’get, or whatever. Not ask too many questions. And uh… what did you call it Tommy? A twisted compliment?”
Sarah harshly gasps, turning to her Uncle Tommy as he drops his jaw, looking helpless at Sarah’s genuine anger. 
“You never do that! Ne-ver! Never ever!” She said, starting to swat angrily at his arm and shoulder. 
“Alright, alright, mercy! Mercy!” Tommy looks apologetically at Joel, shaking his head in dismay. “M’sorry, big brother. I thought it would work for you, as it works for me. The type of women I try it on works pretty well.” 
Joel shook his head, eyes drooping again. 
“She wasn’t like other women. She was…” He trails off, unable to articulate how wonderful of a woman he met tonight. And how fucking horribly he screwed it up. 
Joel closes his eyes and puts his palm to his forehead, fingers tugging at his untamed dark waves. 
A frown tugs at the corners of Sarah’s lips, a sinking feeling cascading over her chest. He could try again, find someone else, but now that Sarah has seen her profile and knows how perfect of a match they would be, she knows she has to do something to fix it. 
She casually clears her throat and uses the voice memo option in her dad’s messages. 
“So… what was she like? Your date?” Sarah posed, watching out of the corner of her eye as the recording picked up her question. 
Joel’s had a terrible night, and he’s not sure how much more vulnerability he can spare, especially after how badly he embarrassed himself. 
“Not tonight, Sarah.” He says dismissively. Joel lets out a heavy breath, and for the first time tonight, a little smile tangles on his lips. His eyes lose focus as he relays the moment his eyes set on you.  
“She was… everything. You should’ve seen her, Sarah. She’s got real pretty eyes and a gorgeous smile. When she smiled, it was hard not to smile with her. But she was more than just physically beautiful. She had this energy about her, uplifting and optimistic. Funny, too,” Joel pauses to shake his head, a fond smile on his lips like he was reliving a lost memory. 
His amber eyes slowly begin to droop in disappointment at what he had lost. 
“It felt like seeing a shooting star. She was rare. And I screwed it up. S’my fault.” Joel bites down on his lower lip and tastes the salt of his own wounds. “Just hadn’t had a date in so long. Tried to act cool. I don’t even know what cool is. I don’t know what I was thinkin’. Wish I would’ve just been myself.  Too worried about makin’ a fool of myself that I gave her a bad first impression, y’know? But she was everything. She really was.” 
Joel could hear everyone’s heartbeat, all in sync, all listening. They sat together unmoving, breathing in gentle lulls. No one moved, not even when the room became dark and the gentle rain outside turned into a heavy downpour. 
After Tommy had left for the night with a solemn hug to his older brother and Joel disappeared to sulk in his bedroom, Sarah replayed the sound bite she had captured. 
Her father was being himself, kind and honest. He was a good man, just a bit misled. Sarah wanted his date to know the truth, even if she didn’t give Joel a second chance. She didn’t need some poor woman thinking he was a sleazy jerk. Sure, Uncle Tommy, yeah, but not her father. 
Sarah stares longingly at the woman’s profile once more. This could have been his person, and it breaks her heart to think how remorseful her father was tonight. Like he lost something he should have never let go of. 
Her plan was hatched. This woman would hear how her dad truly speaks of her. The true Joel Miller. She types with ferocity into their existing chat on Hinge. 
Hello, mystery woman. Please don’t give up on him. Believe it or not, my dad deep down is a really shy and sensitive guy. I’m sorry he screwed up. Please know this is what he really thought of you tonight. I know this is a delicate situation, but I thought you should know the man you really went on a date with tonight. -Joel’s favorite daughter, Sarah
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You’re not sure how many times you relistened to the Hinge message. 
You’d imagine yourself waking up early and throwing yourself into the endless housework that needs to be done. The laundry piles up, and you should meal-prep for the rest of the week. But you received this message so late last night, long after you had passed out, hoping to forget the terrible first date that you had been on. The last thing you expected was to wake up to another message seemingly from Joel. 
Hearing his deep voice echo his mistakes makes you rethink everything about your date with Joel last night. He sounds sincere, so incredibly nervous behind his seemingly confident bravado. How wrong was your first impression? 
After a bit of pacing and rehearsed dialogue, you get up the nerve to send Joel your number, which he calls not long after. You tell him the truth: that his daughter has sent you a voice note of his apology. 
He seemed quite embarrassed that what he wanted to say was truly heard. 
You reminded yourself that not so long ago, you were making the same mistakes. Dating again was difficult, but you would want Joel to succeed with whomever he finds in the future. Just because things didn’t work out between you and Joel doesn’t mean you couldn’t help him. 
“I think we should have a proper conversation about last night. Would you wanna stop by for a cup of coffee or something?” 
Strangled, deafening silence. “I like coffee,” Joel finally musters up. 
After a short drive in his pickup truck, he’s pulling into your driveway within twenty minutes. You can hear his engine rumbling before turning off on the pavement outside. 
“So, about last night-”
“You don’t-” he starts, but you both pause as the coffee machine stutters. 
Seeing him in daylight evokes the familiar fluttering sensation in your stomach that you first experienced when messaging Joel for the first time. Despite the autumn setting, the dark green flannel he wears shows signs of frequent wear and seems to be a staple in his wardrobe—suitable for any season, any day. It fits his figure, like it’s nearly grown around him. 
You force your eyes to drag their attention away from his broad shoulders and tan skin, clearing your throat and turning on your faucet. It barely trickles, which leaves you huffing. 
Joel takes an interest, rising from where you sat him at the breakfast bar with his empty mug. 
“Low pressure?”  He asks, voice low and honeyed. 
“The plumber came last week and swore it was fixed. It’s fine, I’ll figure it out.”
Joel purses his lips, and before you can stop him, his heavy boots are already backpedaling out of the kitchen. “I’ve got tools in my truck,” he juts his thumb behind him, “wouldn’t take me more than a few minutes.”
“You don’t have to, really, Joel. I don’t want you to work on your day off.”
“S’not a problem. Sit tight.”
He returns with a Milwaukee toolbox, cherry red with a white logo highlighted by lightning strike-looking font. 
You don’t realize you’re still wide-eyed until he looks between you and the lower sink cabinets. 
“Sorry.” You mutter with embarrassment as you move out of the way. He grunts softly as he moves to the linoleum, his knees digging into the tile as he starts moving aside the cleaning supplies stowed below. He squints his eyes, the skin around wrinkling with focus. 
Just start talking about why you asked him here. 
“So—” you start as you pace the kitchen, watching him move onto his back to eye over your sink’s anatomy. “I know our date last night didn’t go as well as we both had hoped and—” your eyes stray to see the hem of his flannel nudge up his front as his hands go to work with a wrench, hearing him mutter something about how he was still listening to you.  But all you can see is the bare skin of his waist, dark hairs stippled down the center of his belly. 
“Right, well, I think what I’m trying to say, or rather failing to say, is that I think I could help you.” The wrench’s clicking comes to a stop. Joel pauses and slowly ducks his head out from the shadows. 
“Help me?” He questions. His tone only inflects slight offense taken. 
“Or- help each other.” You take a moment and kneel on the floor beside where he’s working, watching him sit up on his elbows as his greying eyebrows knit together with curiosity. “It’s hard dating as an adult. Believe me, I know. The apps, and-and the having kids,” your eyes soften as Joel’s gaze falls. “You don’t need me to explain how hard it is. I was horrible at first. There was so much fear surrounding it for me, and I just know that after those voice notes your daughter sent me, you have a lot of potential.”
Joel chuckles dryly before he continues to look up at your sink, slowly loosening a fitting on a pipe. “You think there’s hope?” He says, sarcasm-laced. 
“I’m not going to lie and say it’ll be easy. But love isn’t just for teenagers. We both deserve to experience it again. Maybe it’s not with me, but you’re a real catch, Joel Miller. You’re smart, and you’re handsome,”
Joel chuckles again, but this time it’s more whimsical. The sound is joyful and echoes through around the wooden cabinet he’s working in.  
“So, you’re tryin’ t’offer me datin’ lessons? Is that it?”
You will yourself not to roll your eyes. “Yes, dating lessons. What do you think?”
With a long and forced sigh, Joel ducks out from under the sink and stands to his full, looming height. You scrabble off the floor, taking in how his eyes glimmer like honey in the sunlight. 
He ponders before flipping your tap on, watching the water flow with nothing holding it back. You grin with ease, your eyes flicking to his own.
“Little miss fixer-upper, aren’t ya?” Joel says snidely, taking a moment to offer your proposition. 
A shrug and a sweet smile later have him convinced. 
“Alright. I’m in.” 
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mustainegf · 13 days
Can you pretty please write something for the young parent James hetfield AU where Lucy is the biggest daddy's girl and they do everything together but reader feels kinda left out and it's just fluff🙏🏻🙏🏻
—➤ 𝐀𝐔’𝐬
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I had always dreamed of being a mother, but nothing could have prepared me for Lucy. Our daughter, golden curls and bright blue eyes, the spitting image of her father, was my perfect girl, my everything. Lately though, she seemed to think different.
Every morning's the same. I wake up to tiny feet tapping down the hallway, her high pitched voice calling out, "Daddy! Daddy!" She never looks for me first. It's always James she wants, James she runs to. Every time she bypasses our bedroom, not even glancing in my sleepy direction.
It's what I'm used to, but that doesn't make it hurt less.
This morning, I watched them from the kitchen as I was making breakfast. Lucy was sitting on James's lap, her chubby little hands tugging at his hair, giggles everywhere. James was fully devoted to her, and I don't blame him.
"Good morning, sweetie," I called to Lucy, hoping she'd look my way. But she didn't. She was too busy showing James her new stuffed animal, a gift I'd picked out for her just yesterday.
"Lucy," I tried again, a bit louder this time, "Did you sleep well, baby?"
She kept ignoring me, looking at her dad, who was in his own little world, with her. My chest ticked. All I wanted to do was shrug it off and say that it didn't matter, but it did. It mattered a fucking lot.
I went over to the table with a plate of pancakes and set them down in front of the two. "Lucy, look your favorite," I said, smiling as I attempted, and failed, to catch her eye.
At last, she raised her eyes to mine, and they didn't show interest.
"Lucy, don't you want to say thank you to Mommy?" James urged gently, having felt that something was clearyly wrong.
She looked at me for just a moment, muttering a forced "thank you" before hiding her head in James's shoulder. It hurt.
For the day, I kept busy cleaning, organizing, anything to get my mind off Lucy's uninterest, but it didn't matter what I did, it just didn't take away from the fact that I was losing my daughter to her own father.
I did try to help out the best I could, so I took Lucy out to the park in the afternoon with the hope that spending quality time just with her would bring us closer. "Lucy, honey, do you want to go to park with Mommy? We can play on the swings, your favorite."
She hesitated, looking up at James as if for permission. He smiled back, encouraging, but she wasn't enthused by the prospect. "Um, okay…" she said, her small hand slipping into mine without enthusiasm.
At the park, I did try everything. I pushed her on the swings, played on the jungle gym, I even tried offering her food. Every response or sentence offered always came so sullen, her mood was disinterested. Every time I tried to get her to talk or change her frown to a smile, she'd say, "When are we going home to daddy?"
My heart shattered.
An hour later I gave up and brought her back in. James was in the living room working on his guitar. The moment Lucy glanced at him, her face lit up, and she ran right into his arms. She didn't even glance back at me.
That night, after tucking Lucy in bed, I dropped onto the bed, and I felt the tears rising.
But James knew. He always did.
"You've been quiet today," James commented softly, taking a seat beside me. "Everything okay?"
I nodded, trying to force a smile. "Yeah, I'm just tired."
He looked at me hard, and I knew he didn't believe me. "It's Lucy isn't it?
All I could do was break. "I just... I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, James," I said fearfully. "She doesn't even want to be around me. It's like. it's like she doesn't love me."
James hugged me closer as I began to cry into his chest. "Hey, don't say that," he whispered. "Lucy loves you more than you know. She's just… she's just really attached to me right now. It's not about you."
"But it feels like it is," I sobbed. "It feels like she doesn't even see me."
"shhh, shh,' he comforted, holding me tight until my sobs lessened. He pulled away from me and looked into my watery eyes. "I'm gonna talk to her. She needs to understand she can't treat you like this, even if she doesn't mean to."
The next morning, James kept his promise. He sat down with her again and tried to explain as gently as possible that she was hurting Mommy's feelings. I watched from the doorway, heart still breaking while his words soaked into her brain.
"Mommy loves you so very much, Lucy. When you do these things to her, it makes her sad because you don't show her you love her too. Do you understand?"
Lucy looked at him with wide eyes, clearly confused and just a bit frightened. "I didn't mean to make Mommy sad," she said, her voice sounding so small and guilty.
"I know, sweetheart," James returned, pulling the little girl onto his lap. "But you need to remember that Lucy. Mommy has feelings too. She needs your love just as much as I do."
Lucy looked up at me, her big blue eyes starting to realize the weight of it all. "Mama... I'm sorry," she whispered through a cracking voice, holding out her little arms.
I knelt beside them, pulling her into a tight hug. "It's okay, baby," I said into her forehead, pressing a kiss between her eyes. "Mommy loves you so much.
"I love you too, Mommy," she said with her head buried in my shoulder. I knew she meant it. I felt it.
I rocked her in my arms as James encircled us both. The love I always wanted was right here in this small, beautiful, messy family that we had made.
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dianawinchester03 · 6 months
Season 1, Episode 3 - Dead In Water
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
Flashback to after the Wendigo hunt:
Y/N is driving Baby back to the motel to pick her bike up after the hunt and her mind runs on her dad. They could really use the help looking for John. Sighing y/n breaks the ice. "You know fellas.....the hunt for you Dad. It's getting colder. We could use some extra help" Y/N says, turning to the boys.
"You thinking what I think you're saying?" Dean says surprised. Y/N shrugs "Yeah, I could use the father-daughter bonding session" She says dryly. Sam is in the backseat processing. He brought it up to his brother earlier, there really was a fat chance of y/n saying it but never say never.
"Are you sure y/n? We know you guys haven't been on the best of terms" Sam says concerned. Y/N hasn't seen her dad in two years. Hearing is one thing but seeing him after all that time is another. Sam would know. He hasn't seen or heard from his since he left for college.
Y/N just waves it off. "Have we ever been since I gained thinking of my own?" She says laughing but there's no humor behind it. The boys exchange a look and decide to just go with with. "You fellas in?" She asks as she turns into the motel parking lot, unclipping her seatbelt. "Yeah. All in" Sam and Dean say in unison.
"Alright, I'll call him and let him know we're on our way" Y/N nods, jumping out of Baby and Sam goes to the drivers seat. F/N inherited a bunch of safehouses scattered all over the US from his family. Coming from a long line of hunters, it made sense they had a place to stay when hunting. They were quite well off surprisingly. Last they talked, he was in the Texas safehouse.
They already packed their stuff, they just needed to come back for Quinn. She fishes her phone out to call her dad but no answer.
"That's weird" She mutters to herself. She calls again five times but it goes "This is F/N L/N, I can't reach the phone right now so you can call my daughter. Y/N at (your phone number). Have a good day". The personalized voice message says each time. The boys can see y/n panicking outside and Dean steps out.
"Everything okay, Princess?" He asks her concerned and she turns to him, worry etched over her face. "He's not answering. He never does that. Even if daddy is mad at me, he always answers" She hyperventilates holding up her phone. Dean wraps his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug.
Sam sees this and now gets concerned,
stepping out. Y/N's back is to him. Dean puts his hand up in a "I've got this" motion while nodding.
"Hey shhhh, it's okay sweetheart. We'll go find him" He comforts her gently, shushing her. His tone is soft and gentle, patting her head as he holds her. "Do you know the last safehouse he was at?" Dean asks, his hands still on her face, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "Yeah, Fredericksburg, Texas. It's a 12 hour drive" she says, nodding quickly. Dean doesn't hesitate. They hop onto their respective vehicles and make way to the safehouse.
Fredericksburg, Texas.
I pull into the safehouse's drive way in a rush, parking Quinn and running over to the porch. Dean pulls in same time in Baby, Sam holding on for dear life as his brother drives like a madman.
I knock on the door harshly screaming "Dad!?!". No answer. I pull my keys out of my pocket, hoping he didn't change the locks. I feel Sam and Dean coming up behind me. Unlocking the door and stepping in, the house is quiet. Too quiet.
We all make way to the kitchen that is empty, I rush up the stairs to my dads room. Bursting in there's no one. "Daddy!? Come on old man this ain't funny!" I scream hysterical. Praying nothing happened to him. "Y/N!" I hear Dean scream from the living room and I run the stairs. He has a note in his hand and I freeze.
"You should read this" He says softly. I take the note from him, sat on the couch and began reading.
Dear y/n/n,
I found John. I'm sorry but I can't tell you where he is, where we're headed or anything at this point in time. Do what you do best and kill as many evil bastards that go bump in the night. I am safe, John is safe so you don't need to worry, stick with Sam and Dean. You guys will protect each other.
To Dean I'm sure you're reading this too. Look out for Y/N. I can't tell you where me and your father are at the moment but soon we will meet again.
To Sammy. Please accept my deepest condolences, son. I understand the pain you must feel losing your girlfriend like that. Justice will be served, you can count on that.
Take care kids. Take care of each other.
Sincerely, F/N L/N
I finish reading the letter. Not knowing what I'm feeling. Fear? I think. Sad? Yes. Anger? Yep, that's the one. Crumpling the sorry excuse of a letter. I grab the vase that was next to me on the couch. "That SONUVABITCH!" I scream in a pure fury of rage. Throwing it at the wall causing it to smash into pieces. "Woah easy!" Sam and Dean try to hold me down from destroying to place.
Dean holds me into place, "We'll find them! I promise! We will!" He tries to calm me down but I just break down. Crying into Dean's shoulder. God I hate this. Sam looks at me, concerned and pity etched on his face. I finally get how they feel, not knowing where their dad is.
Sam walks over to us and wraps his arms around me and Dean. Now in a group hug. They comfort me the best they could but I can tell they're also pissed at the fact that my dads withholding information on where their dad is.
Third Person POV
Sam, Dean and Y/N are at The Lynwood Inn Hotel. In its restaurant, Dean and Y/N are sitting at table after eating breakfast, looking over the newspaper for possible hits on cases.
A sexy waitress dressed in a rather revealing top and shorts comes up to them, leaning over infront of Dean. "Can I get you anything else?" She asks sultry. Dean looks up and Y/N look. Dean has his pen in his mouth tugging on his bottom lip, smiling.
Y/N's eyes trail up the girls toned body, checking her out but more subtly, not really in the mood to gawk. Noticing the way Dean is looking at the waitress, she clears her throat saying, "Just the check please" smiling tightly. "Okay" The waitress' smile at Dean drops and she awkwardly walks away.
"You know Y/N, we are allowed to have fun a little every once in a while." Dean grumbles, turning to Y/N. Pointing to the waitress walking away he says, "That's fun" and Y/N rolls her eyes annoyed. "I know how to have fun" She says scoffing, in an offended tone. "Really?" He smirks, intrigued. "When was the last time you had a hookup?" He asks probingly. "Little on the nose don't ya think?" She says cocking her eyebrow.
He puts up his hands in surrender. "Hey we're all friends here" He says chuckling. "Alright" She shrugs, sitting up properly. "Last time I had a hook up was.....the night you called me to and told me your dad was missing. Funny enough, I forgot his name and right as I was about to leave for the road to meet you. He woke up. He told me it was nice to meet me and I said 'You too, Mark'.... His name was Max" She says honestly and Deans mouth is agape.
Dean did not expect her to be that honest. He was teasing mostly, he knows Y/N is a very sex-positive confident woman who's comfortable in her own skin with every damn right to be. But thinking of another person with Y/N intimately, for some reason it makes his skin crawl and his chest hurt.
Y/N snorts at his facial expression, putting up finger on his chin to push his jaw back up into place. "Pick your mouth up from the ground there before you catch flies, Winchester" She says and Dean snaps out of it. He covers it up with a smirk.
"Damn princess, I didn't know you got on like that" he teases, his voice husky and her breath hitches in her throat. "Wanna find out, charming?" She retorts back, winking at him and biting her lips. Dean feels a heat growing in his stomach, his eyebrows shooting up. His heart is going crazy. God the things I would do to this woman. He thinks to himself.
Even if Dean could respond to that, Sam approaches the table, coffee in his hand and sits down next to Y/N. Unintentionally interrupting their "conversation".
"You two okay?" He asks, feeling like he just walked-in on something. Dean and Y/N were inches from each others faces. They turn their heads simultaneously when they hear his voice. Pulling back, Y/N clears her throat nodding, "Yeah, just looking out for some cases." She says, picking up back the newspaper, scanning it with her eyes.
Sam chuckles, hiding his smirk at their discomfort of him interrupting their little moment, shaking the sugar packet, tearing it open and pouring it into his coffee. "Here, take a look at this. Think I got one" Dean also clears his throat, trying to get rid of all his lustful thoughts, resting down the newspaper on the table.
Y/N's POV (excuse all the POV changes)
Holy fuck I should not be this turnt on right now. Why am I turnt on? Focus y/n focus! We need to find dad. I mean fuck, you're here turnt on by flirting with Dean and our fathers are missing. Real classy L/N.
"Here, take a look at this. Think I got one" Dean says, clearing his throat. He rests down the newspaper on the table and I pick it up scanning it. "Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin?" I ask questionably. Never heard of it.
"Last week, Sophie Carlton, 18. Walks into the lake, doesn't walk out. Authorities dragged the water. Nothing. Sophie Carlton is the third Lake Mantitoc drowning this year. None of the other bodies were founded. Had a funeral two days ago" Dean explained and Sam chirped in. "A funeral?" He asks confused. "Yeah it's weird. They buried empty coffin" Dean says also confused.
"Could be for closure" I say shrugging and they look at me. "Closure? What closure?" Sam asks, amused. "People don't just disappear guys. Other people just stop looking for them" Sam shoots back shadily.
"Is there something you wanna say to us?" I ask ruggedly, crossing my arms over my chest. His face softens a bit, seeming to just remember that my dad is missing also. "I'm sorry y/n/n. But the trail for our dads....it's getting colder everyday. And your dad telling us he can't say where they are. It's all just- odd" He says softly and I bite my tongue because he's not wrong.
"Exactly, so what are we supposed to do?" Dean says. "I don't know. Something. Anything." He says annoyed. "You know what. I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think we wanna find Dad and Mr. L/N as much as you?" Dean says irritated. "Yeah I know you do. I-" Sam goes to say but Dean cuts him off.
"I'm the one that's been with him every single day for the past two years while you've been off to college, going to pep rallies. Y/N and her dad fell out but still talked more than you and dad did. We will find dad and Mr. L/N!" Dean snaps at Sam,  authority in his voice and Sam's face drops. Ouch, that was harsh. "But until then, we're gonna kill everything bad between here and there. Just like Okay?" Dean finishes and Sam sighs sadly.
Okay...awkward. The waitress from earlier walks past again and Dean's eyes roam her. I stew a bit and try to cut the tension. "Alright fellas, Lake Manitoc" I cheerfully with a fake smile and they both chuckle at my attempt to break the ice.
"How far" Sam asks.
The Impala and Harley drive past a sign saying 'Welcome to Lake Manitoc WI.' Headed for what evil awaits us.
We pull up to Sophie Carlton's house, making our way to the porch of the rustic house. I knock on the door and a young man answers. "Will Carlton?" Dean asks. "Yeah, that's right" Will confirms.
"I'm Agent Fisher. This is Agent Ford and Hamill. We're with the U.S. Wildlife Service" I introduce ourselves, pointing to Dean then Sam and I flash him my fake badge.
Will leads us out to the pier. An older man was sitting on the edge, looking out into the water. I assume that's his dad. "She was about 100 yards out" Will begins to explain, looking out at the lake sadly. "That's where she got dragged down" He points to the lake.
"And you're sure she didn't just drown?" Dean questions. "Yeah, she was a varsity swimmer. She practically grew up in that lake. She's ask safe out there as in her own bathtub" Will says.
"So no splashing? No signs of distress?" Sam asks. "No, that's what I'm telling you." Will says rigidly.
"Did you see any shadows in the water? Maybe some dark shape breach the surface?" I interject. "No I- Again, she was really far out there" Will crosses his arms. "You ever see any strange tracks by the shoreline?" Dean asks. "No, never. Why? What do you think's out there?" Will asks, now curious.
"We'll let you know as soon as we do" I say nicely, smiling at him. Me and Dean go to head back to our vehicles till we hear Sam ask Will, "What about your father? Can we talk to him?" Causing us to holt in our tracks and turn to him. "Look, if you don't mind— I mean, he didn't see anything. And he's kind of been through a lot" Will said, looking back at his father on the pier sadly. "We understand" Sam says understandingly and we all head back.
Now at the station, the boys and I try to dig deeper into the case. So we request to talk to the sheriff who isn't very compliant. "Now, I'm sorry. But why does the Wildlife Service care about an accidental drowning?" The sheriff asks us, skeptical.
"You sure it's accidental sir?" I ask him nicely. "Will Carlton saw something grab his sister" I insist. "Like what?" Jake, the sheriff, asks annoyed. "Here, sit, please. There are no indigenous carnivores in that lake" Jakes reassures us, offering the three of us a seat. I sit in between Sam and Dean.
"There's nothing even big enough to pull down a person, unless it was the Loch Ness monster" he says sarcastically and Dean chuckles. "Yeah. Right." Before looking at me and Sam with an exhaustive look. "Will Carlton was traumatized, and sometimes the mind plays tricks. Still we dragged that entire lake. We even ran a sonar sweep, just to be sure. And there was nothing there" Jake insists.
"That's weird though. I mean, that's the third missing body this year" Dean says, leaning forward in his seat. "I know. These are people from my town. These are people I care about" Jake says, sorrowly. "I know" Dean says understanding, nodding. Jake sighs, "Anyway...all this, it won't be a problem much longer" leaning back in his chair, shaking his head.
"What do you mean?" Dean asks. "Well, the dam, of course" Jake says, as if we should've known. Right...wildlife service. The boys and I nod in fake realization. "Of course. The dam" Dean says, looking over to Sam and I. "It has...yeah...sprung a leak" Dean says. "It's falling apart. And the feds won't give us the grant to repair it. So they've opened the spillway" Jake explains, leaning forward in his seat, resting his elbows on the table.
"In another six months, there won't be much of a lake. Won't be much of a town either. But as Federal Wildlife, you already knew that" Jake says, narrowing his eyes at us and I say "Yes sir, of course we did" smiling sweetly. We hear a knock at his office door causing all of us to turn our heads and in walks a beautiful woman in a white dress and brunette hair. "Sorry, am I interrupting? I can come back later" She says smiling.
We all get up and instantly I notice Dean checking her out. Ohhh boy, here we go. "Agents, this is my daughter" Jake introduces the woman as his daughter. Of course, Dean is the first to introduce himself. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Dean" He says, giving her his classic shit-eating grin and his hand to shake. "Andrea Barr, Hi" She says kindly, taking his hand. "Hi" He says charmingly and I internally roll my eyes.
"They're from the Wildlife Service, about the lake" Jake says. "Oh" she says and I see a little boy come out from behind her. "Oh, well, hey there sweetie. What's your name" I ask the little boy smiling. He doesn't answer or even look me in the eye and just turns, walking away. "His name is Lucas" Jake says and the boys and I look at each other in confusion.
"Is he okay?" Sam asks. "My grandson has been through a lot. We all have" Jake says somberly. "Well, if there's anything else I can do for you, please let me know." He says, patting Dean on his back as we walk out. "Now that you mentioned it, could you point us in the direction of a reasonably priced motel?" Dean asks Andrea. Me and Sam look at each other like, "this dude ugh".
"Lakefront Motel. Go around the corner, it's two blocks up." She says, me and Sam turn to leave but Dean being Dean, acts clueless. "Two..? Would you mind showing us?? He says and Andrea chuckles while me and Sam roll our eyes simultaneously. "You want me to walk you two blocks?" She asks. "Not if it's any trouble" Dean smiles. "I'm headed that way anyways" She says and we all nod. "I'll be back to pick up Lucas at 3. We'll go to the park, okay, sweetie?" She tells her dad and then turns to Lucas kissing his head. We thank Jake again and we leave.
Now walking down the street, Dean perks up conversation. "So, cute kid" He says. "Thanks" She smiles as we cross the road to the motel. "Kids are the best huh" He says and I cringe at this, holding back my snicker. I look over at Sam who's doing the same as me. Andrea doesn't answer and just says. "There it is" Gesturing to the motel. "Like I said. Two blocks" She says sarcastically. "Thanks" Sam says.
"Must be hard, with you sense of direction. Never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line" She adds and I burst out laughing while Dean glares at me. Andrea smiles at my reaction while Sam puts his hand over his mouth. Holding his laughter back. She crosses the road yelling out "Enjoy your stay!".
"Dude, she just owned you" I say to Dean, laughing. " 'Kids are the best' " Sam mimics Deans statement from earlier, giving him his classic bitch face. "You don't even like kids" Sam says, matter of factly. "I love kids" Dean tries to convinces us. I snort, "Name three kids that you even know" I retort, pushing my hands in my pocket.
Dean puts his fingers up, trying to think but fails. I roll my eyes, Sam waves it off annoyed and we walk into the motel. He scratches his head, stumped. "I'm thinking" He lamely says, me and Sam just ignore him and go to book a room.
Now in the motel room. Sam's researching on his laptop, Dean's sorting out his clothes and I'm by the window smoking a cigarette trying to call my dad again. 'This is F/N L/N, I can't reach the phone right n-'
I cut the phone off, huffing in annoyance. I toss my phone on the bed almost hitting Dean. He looks at me with a concerned expression as I out my cigarette and put it in the ashtray the motel had on the nightstand. "We'll fi-" He goes to say and I cut him off. "Yeahyeah I know, we'll find them" I sigh, slouching on my bed.
He just frowns at me and I feel bad for snapping at him. "Dean I'm sorry I'm just- I just don't know why they would do this" I put my head in my hands, running them through my hair. I feel the bed next to me sink, I look up to see Dean next to me. I just look at him frowning then he rests his arms around my shoulder from the side and starts singing.
"Hey Jude, don't make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better."
I start laughing, groaning in mock annoyance.
I smile thinking about the memories of Dean singing that song to me and Sam when we were little. Whenever John and dad were on long hunts, me and Sam used to get grouchy, asking all sorts of questions and Dean would calm us down by singing it. Honestly I think singing it for calmed him down also.
"Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better."
"You're such a dork!" I exclaim, pushing his hand off my shoulder laughing. "I got you to smile, didn't I?" he winks at me, a wide grin on his face and my heart melts for some reason. "Thanks for that, charming" I say gratefully, looking into his eyes. "Anytime, princess" He says sweetly, chuckling. Staring back at me, I could've sworn his eyes glanced down to my lips.
"So, there's the three drowning victims this year" Sam interrupts us. "And before that?" I ask, clearing my throat and snapping out of the trance I was in. "Uh...yeah...six more spread out over the past 35 years. Those bodies were never recovered either" He tells us. "If there is something out there...it's picking up its pace" I say, crossing my legs as I lean back on the bed, bracing on my arms behind me.
Dean eyes me up and down subtly before clearing his throat. "So what? We got a lake monster on a binge?" He says. "This whole lake monster theory, it just bugs me. I say as I get up from the bed and walk over to the desk Sam's sitting at, taking a spare chair to sit on. I turn it around and straddle it next to Sam.
"Why?" Dean questions as he leans between me and Sam's chairs, looking at the laptop. "I agree" Sam says before he continues. "Loch Ness. Lake Champlain. There are literally hundreds of eyewitness accounts. But here...almost nothing. Whatever it is out there, no one's living to talk about it" Sam explains but Dean notices something in the article and points to it.
"Wait. Barr. Christopher Barr. Where have I heard that name before?" He says. "Christopher Barr, the victim in May." Sam says, clicking on the article. "Oh. Christopher Barr was Andreas husband. Lucas' father" Sam says, turning to Dean and I continue reading the article. "Apparently he took Lucas out swimming . Lucas was on a floating wooden platform when Chris drowned...two hours before the kid got rescued" I read.
I click on the picture of Lucas wrapped in a towel being held by a deputy. "Goddamn, poor kid. No wonder he won't talk" I say, my tone filled with sorrow, my heart starting to hurt for the kid. "Maybe we do have an eyewitness after all" Sam says, scratching his head sadly. "No wonder he was freaked out. Watching one of your parents die isn't something you just get over" Dean says in a benevolent tone, a flash of pain in his eyes. I rest my hand on his that's still on my chair comfortingly, sighing.
Later we're at the park taking a stroll, kids playing, swinging on monkey bars, sliding down the swirly side. The works. We needed a little breather after reading that heavy article.
I see Andrea sitting on a bench looking out at Lucas, coloring and drawing with his crayons on a brick bench.
I nudge Sam and Dean to show them she's here, Sam nods at me and we approach her. "Can we join you?" He asks and she smiles at us. Hesitantly saying, "I'm here with my son". Dean looks over, smiling he says, "Oh. Mind if I say hi?" And he walks over to Lucas while me and Sam stay behind.
"Tell your friend this whole Jerry McGuire thing is not gonna work on me" Andrea says to me and Sam as we take a seat next to her. "I don't think that's what this is about hun" I tell her. I look over intently at Dean trying to talk to Lucas.
He picks up one of the action figures next to him that looks awfully like what he played with when we were young and starts playing with it. After about 5 minutes he comes back after talking with Lucas.
"Lucas hasn't said a word, not even to me" Andrea starts explaining to me and Sam as Dean walks back to us. "Not since his dad's accident" she says sadly. "Yeah, we heard. Sorry" Dean says, empathy in his voice. "What do the doctors say?" I ask softly and she sighs.
"That it's a kind of post traumatic stress" She says and I feel bad for her. Losing her husband and her son disappearing emotionally infront of her could never be easy. "That can't be easy for either of you" Sam says. "We moved in with my dad. He helps out alot. It's just....when I think about what Lucas went through....what he says..." She says trailing off.
"Kids are strong. You'd be surprised what they can deal with" Dean reassures her. "You know, he used to have such life" Andrea says, smiling nostalgically. "He was hard to keep up with, to tell you the truth. Now he just sits there....drawing those pictures, playing with those Army men. I just wish—Hey sweetie" She opens up but stops when Lucas comes over with a picture in his hand.
He doesn't look at any of us and just hands it to Dean. "Thanks. Thanks Lucas" Dean says smiling and I peer over to see what it is. It's a picture of a house with a red roof and a grassy yard. Lucas walks back to his bench.
Later, me and Dean are in the motel room on our beds when Sam bursts in. "So, we can safely rule out Nessie" Sam says. "What do you mean?" I ask him, confused. He sits on the bed next to us and starts explaining "I just drove past the Carlton house. There was an ambulance there. Will Carlton is dead" He says, agitation in his tone.
"He drowned?" Dean asks. "Yep, in the sink" Sam says. "What the hell?!" I say in confusion, Dean shakes his head at this. "You two were right, this isn't a creature, we're dealing with something else" Dean says. "Yeah, but what?" I ask.
"I don't know" Dean says. "Water Wraith, maybe? Some kind of demon? I mean something that controls water." He says and something clicks in my head. "Water that comes from the same sources...." I say. "The lake" Sam finishes. "Yeah" Dean agrees
"Which would explain why it's upping its body count. The lake is draining, it'll be dry in a few months. Whatever this thing is, whatever it wants, it's running out of time" Sam says. "And I'd it can get through the pipes...it can get to anyone, almost anywhere. This is gonna happen again, soon." Dean says, getting up from the bed.
"And we know one other thing for sure. We know that this has got something to do with Bill Carlton" I say. "Yeah it took both his kids" Dean says. "And I been asking around, Lucas' dad, Chris? Bill Carlton's godson" Sam rests the new information on us and Dean says. "Let's go pay Mr. Carlton a visit".
We walk down the short pier and see Mr. Carlton on the edge, sitting on a stool. "Mr. Carlton?" I ask as me and the boys approach him, speaking softly. "We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind" I say. "We're from the Department—" Dean starts but Bill cuts him off.
"I don't care who you're with. I've answered enough questions today" Bill says, his voice absolutely broken. "Your son said he saw something in that lake. What about you? You ever see anything out there?" Sam asks. "Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Wills death, we think there might be a connection to you or your family" Sam tries to explain but Bill isn't having it.
"My children are gone" Bill says, his voice breaking. I can't imagine how this poor man is probably feeling. "It's.....it's worse than dying" He croaks, looking up at us, tears in his eyes. My heart grieves for him. "Go away. Please" he pleads and we comply.
"What do you think?" Sam asks us as we walk back to Baby. I left Quinn back at the motel. "I think the poor guys been through hell" I say. "But it also seems like he's not telling us something" Dean adds and I nod. "So now what?" Sam asks us and Dean has this look on his face. "What is it?" I ask Dean. "Huh" He says looking over at a house that oddly looks like the one in the picture Lucas drew. "Well I'll be damned" I say, chuckling, shoving my hands in my jacket pocket.
Dean takes the picture out of his jacket, "Maybe Bill's not the only one who knows something" He says, opening the picture, looking over at me and Sam.
We go to Andrea's house in hopes of Dean getting a word of two out of Lucas. "I'm sorry but i don't think it's a good idea" Andrea says. "I just need to talk to him, just for a few minutes" Dean insists. "He won't say anything. What good is it gonna do?" She asks.
"Andrea, we think more people might get hurt" Sam tries to reason with her and her face changes, worried. "We think somethings happening out there" I add. "My husband, the others, they just drowned. That's all" She tries to convince herself.
"If that's what you really believe, then we'll go" Dean says. "But if there's even a possibility something else could be going on here...please let me talk to your son" He pleads and she obliges.
We all walk up to Lucas' room, the door wide open. He's sitting on the ground, cross legged. Playing with his Army men, drawings sprawled out over the ground. Dean walks up to him and stoops at eye level. "Hey Lucas, remember me?" He asks softly, and I smile at his interaction with him. He wasn't lying when he said he loves kids.
Dean moves one of the drawing of a red bicycle and sits on the ground with him. "You know, I, uh...I wanted to thank you for that last drawing" Dean says gratefully before adding. "But the thing is, I need your help again" He says but Lucas continues drawing. Dean pulls out the drawing he gave him earlier, placing it down in-front of him and asks him. "How did you know to draw this?"
"Did you know something bad was gonna happen?...maybe you could nod yes or no for me" Dean tries to get an answer somehow, but Lucas doesn't answer, he starts breathing faster and harder. I think he's scared. Dean notices this. "You're scared....It's okay. I understand" He says gently.
"See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom" Dean starts to explain and my heart sinks. He never talks about Mary unless it's 'finding the thing that killed mom'.
"And I was scared too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see my mom...I know she wanted me to be brave and I think about that everyday" He pauses, taking a breath. "And I do my best to be brave. And maybe your dad...wants you to be brave too" He finishes and Lucas looks up at him.
This shocks all of us, including Andrea. Lucas picks up a drawing and gives it to Dean. He says "Thanks Lucas"
Sam, Dean and I are in the Impala after leaving. Sam is looking at the drawing that Lucas drew and gave to Dean. It was a house with a church in the background, a yellow bricked two story to be exact. In-front of the house is a gate with a little boy in a blue ball cap standing next to a red bicycle. "Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died" Dean says.
"There are cases where after going through a traumatic experience could make certain people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies" I explain, I remember my dad telling me that he and my mom dealt with a case like that yearsss back.
"Whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow?" Dean questions and Sam shakes his head disagreeing. "It's only a matter of time before someone else drowns. So if you got a better lead please" Dean argues but I agree with him. "We still got another house to find. And I think you've got a point" I say. "Only problem is there's about a thought yellow two stories in this county alone"
"See this church?" Sam says, pointing to the church in the drawing and I lean over, looking at the photo. "I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here" Sam says. "Ohhh, college boy. Thinks he's so smart" I tease Sam and he chuckles before mumbling "Shut it" and I smile.
He turns to Dean, a heavy look on his face. "You know, um...what you said about mom...you never told me that before" Sam says genuinely but Dean brushes it off. "It's no big deal" He says but me and Sam look at him, genuinely worried. He catches us staring and cringes.
"Oh, god. We're not gonna have to group hug or anything, are we?" And we chuckle. "Oh shut it, Winchester. I give the best hugs" I tease Dean, leaning over from the backseat. I hug Sam from behind his neck.
"Don't I, Sammy?" Sam laughs and returns the hug, holding onto my forearms with his hands. "She sure does, Dean" Sam says in a suggestive voice, going along with it, smiling. Dean just looks at us, rolling his eyes.
Next thing I knew, we were at the church that Lucas drew for Dean. Across from the house is a yellow bricked house, just like the picture. We all make way to the house.
"We're sorry to bother you ma'am. But does a little boy live here, by chance." I ask kindly ask the sweet old lady by the name of Mrs. Sweeney who answered the door for us. "He might wear a blue ball cap, has a red bicycle" Dean adds. "No, I'm sorry. Not for a very long time." She says sadly, looking at an old picture of a young boy and I couldn't help but feel bad for her.
"Peter's been gone 35 years now" Mrs. Sweeney sighs and continues to explain. "The police never....I never had any idea what happened....He just disappeared. Losing him....You know, it.... it's worse than dying" she concludes and the bells in my head ring. Me and the boys exchange a look and turn back to the woman.
"Did he disappear from here? I mean, from this house?" Dean swallows, gently asking her. "He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school...and he never showed up" She's on the verge of tears at this point. I noticed something on the mirror across the room, a picture of two young boys. Peter and one looking very familiar.
I pull it from the mirror, examining. And I turn it around. Written on the back of it was...holy shit. "Peter Sweeney and Billy Carlton, 1970" I read it out loud. Me and the boys basically haul ass out of there and back to the Carlton's house. "Thank you for time Mr. Sweeney" I smile softly at her before the three of us leave.
"Okay, this little boy Peter Sweeney vanishes and this is all connected to Bill Carlton somehow" Sam starts. "Yeah, Bill sure seems to be hiding something huh?" Dean says and I nod in agreement. "And Bill, the people he loves are getting punished" I says.
"So what if Bill did something to Peter?" Dean says. "What if Bill killed him" Sam instigates. "Yeah, Peter's spirit would be furious. It'd want revenge. It's possible" I say as we pull into Mr. Carlton's house. We all jump out of Baby and call out for him. "Mr. Carlton!" Sam calls out for him but no answer.
"Hey, check it out" Dean draws our attention to the lake. In the lake is Bill going out on his boat. Oh no. We all run towards the pier in a hurry. "Mr. Carlton! Come back!" We all begin yelling when we reach the edge of the pier but he keeps going further. "Please! Don't do this!" I scream, waving my hands in the air but he doesn't listen.
"Turn the boat around!" Dean yells. "Mr. Carlton!" Sam yells. Bill looks back at us and keeps going fast. In a split seconds, his boat is thrown into the air. Toppling over, causing the three of us the flinch. The boat falls top first and sinks into the lake. Son of a bitch.
We call in the "accident" and all head back to the station. Jake just behind us. Entering the station, Andrea sees us. "Sam, Dean, Y/N. I didn't expect to see you here" She says surprised. Jake looks shocked at her friendly demeanor.
"So now you're on a first name basis? What're you doing here?" He says, slightly annoyed. "I brought you dinner" Andrea says and Jake sighs. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. I don't really have the time" He says, taking his jacket off and her face drops. She looks over at us and notices the look on our faces.
"I heard about Bill Carlton. Is it true? Is something going on with the lake?" She asks, crossing her arms. "Right now, we don't know what the truth is. But I think it might be better if you and Lucas went on home" Jake says to his daughter and we look over at Lucas. And uneasy look on his face. Lucas runs and grabs onto me and Dean's arm. Pulling him frantically, panicking.
"Lucas! Wait, what it is?" He asks him, concerned at his erratic behavior. "Lucas!" Andrea says, pulling Lucas off of Dean. I kneel down and say, "Lucas it's okay. Hey sweetie. It's okay." I rest my hand on his head comfortingly, calming him down. Andrea ushers him out of the station and he looks back at me and Dean. A worried look on his face.
Jake dashes his coat in anger on the chair and goes into his office as Dean and I look back at Lucas. We all file in after and Jake begins chewing us out "Okay, just so I'm clear...you see something....attack Bills boat....Sending Bill, who is a very good swimmer.....by the way. Into the drink and you never see him again?" Jake asks suspiciously.
"Yeah. That about sums it up" Dean says as we all nod. "And I'm supposed to believe this? Even though I've already sonar-swept that entire lake. And what you're describing is impossible??" He says, getting agitated. "And you're not really Wildlife Service" he adds and our faces drop. Oh shit. "That's right, I checked. The Departments never heard of you three" He says, his tone accusatory.
"See, now we can explain that—" I try to explain, lying my way out but he cuts me off. "Enough. Please." Jake says fed up. He's not even yelling. "The only reason you're breathing free air is one of Bills neighbors say him steering your that boat just before you did" He says. "So, we have a couple of options here. I can arrest you for impersonating government officials and hold you as material witnesses to Bill Carlton's disappearance or we can chalk this all up to a bad day. You get into your car, you put this town in your rear-view mirror and you don't ever darken my doorstep again" He points his finger at us angrily, giving us an ultimatum.
"Door number two sounds good" Sam says, cheekily. "That's the one I'd pick" Jake growls and we all leave. Something doesn't feel right however. This is going to happen again and Jakes failure to compliance will cause many deaths.
We all left for the motel to pick up my bike and are now at the turn off into Milwaukee waiting for the light to change. I'm next to The Impala on Quinn, the windows rolled down.
The light changes and I see Dean doesn't move. Flipping the visor of my helmet up, I hear Sam sarcastically. "Green" to his brother. "What?" He asks, clearly deep in thought. "Lights green" I say and they turn their heads to me, outside on my bike.
Dean looks at me and waves his finger in the air in a circular motion, indicating for us to turn back around and go back to Lake Manitoc. I couldnt just left just like that either. I sigh, nodding and flipping my visor down. Following behind him.
We're now back at Andrea's house. Me, Sam and Dean are at her front door when Sam begins to get skeptical. "You sure about this? It's pretty late, guys" Sam says impatiently. Neither of us answer and I ring the door bell. Almost immediately after I do this, the door flies open. A panicked and scared Lucas opening it.
He's gasping for air and this alerts us all. "Lucas? Lucas?!" Dean grabs a hold of him but he runs off into the house, we all follow behind quickly. He runs up the stairs and as we follow behind it, we notice it's flooded with mucky water coming out of what seems to be the bathroom.
Lucas tries knocking the door down but I pull him aside and kick it down. Inside is Andrea, drowning, being pulled down in the tub. Me and Sam run in, trying to pull her out but she's being held down tightly. Dean stays outside with Lucas, shielding him from the sight.
Me and Sam groan and scream from the pressure that's pulling her down but eventually get her up, falling over onto the ground with her onto of us with her gasping for air.
The next morning, Andrea is all dried up. Me and Sam are in her living room trying to comfort her. Dean went to look for some kind of clues on what's going on. "Can you tell us hun?" I ask her calmly, resting my hand on her comfortingly. "No....It doesn't make saying sense. I'm going crazy" She sobs, looking up and putting her face in her hands.
"No, you're not" Sam reassures her. "Tell us what happened. Everything" He says. She takes a deep breath, recollecting her self and thoughts of the events prior. "I heard....I thought I heard...There was this voice" She breathes out, trailing off. "What did it say" I ask gently. "It said... 'Come play with me' " She says, fearfully, starting to sob again at the thought. "What's happening?" She asks, panicked.
Not too long after, Dean rushes downstairs with a photo album labeled 'Jake, 12 years old'. Resting it opened on the table, on the page is a picture of a group of Boy Scouts. He turns to Andrea and queries her, "You recognize the kids in these pictures", pointing at the group picture as he leans on the table. "What" Andrea asks confused.
"Oh, hmmm...No. I mean, except that's my dad right there. He must've been about 12 in these pictures" She says, pointing at the young boy, standing next to Peter Sweeney, our vengeful spirit. "Chris Bart's drowning, the connection wasn't to Bill Carlton. It was the sheriff" Dean says, turning to us. "Bill and Sheriff. They were both involved with Peter" I clarify, referring to the picture of Peter and Bill.
"What about Chris? My dad? What are you talking about?" Andrea asks us, panicked and confused. "Lucas?" Dean says worriedly, looking at Lucas who's staring out the window."Lucas, sweetie, what is it?" I ask gently but he stares ahead, opening the door and we all follow out into the yard.
"Lucas? Honey?" Andrea's voice is shaky, trying to break through to her son. Lucas stops at a random spot in the yard, looking down it and back up to Dean. I get an eery feeling from it. "Why don't you and Lucas get back to the house and stay there, okay?" I say softly to Andrea, she looks at me then at Dean who nods his head and then she grabs her son. Dragging him back to the house.
The boys and I get some shovels that were in Baby and begin digging. After a couple minutes we hit something solid, now using our hands to dig it it out. I grabbed onto what felt like a handle and with the help of the boys we pulled it out. Buried is a red bicycle like what Lucas drew. Holy shit. "Peters bike" Sam says.
We then hear a familiar voice and the cocking of a gun behind us. "Who are you?" Jake, the sheriff, has his gun pointed at me and the boys. "Put the gun down Jake" I said firmly. Jakes trembling with anger. "How did you know that was there" He asks, terrified. "What happened? You and Bill killed Peter? Drowned him in the lake and then buried the bike?" Dean says accusatory.
"You can't bury the truth Jake. Nothing stays buried" I say harshly. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about." Jake denies it and I shake my head. "You and Bill killed Peter Sweeney thirty-five years ago. That's what the hell we're talking about" Dean says, not letting him up.
"Dad!" Andrea yells, seeing her father pointing a gun at us. "And now you've got one seriously pissed of spirit." I interject. "It's gonna take Andrew, Lucas, everyone you love. It's gonna drown them and it's gonna drag their bodies to God knows where. So you can feel the Sam pain Peters mom felt" Sam says lowly while Jake glares at us and Andrea looks terrified.
"And then, after that, it's gonna take you. And it's not gonna stop until it does" Sam finishes. "Yeah? And how do you know that?" Jake presses. "Because that's exactly what it did to Bill Carlton" Sam says. Jake shakes his head in denial. "Listen to yourself. Both of you, you're insane" Jake says. "I don't really give a rats ass what you think of us, but if we're gonna bring down this spirit, we need to find the remains, salt them and burn them into dust" Dean explains to him harshly and Jake has this look on his face of guilt.
"Tell me you buried Peter somewhere and tell me you didn't just let him go into the lake" I say suspiciously and he doesn't look me in the eye which only confirms my suspicions. "God dammit Jake" I growl. "Dad, is any of this true" Andrea pipes up. "No. Don't listen to them. They're liars and they're dangerous" Jake still denies the fact, still pointing the gun at us.
"Something tried to drown me. Chris died on that lake. Dad look at me!" She demands. "Tell me you didn't kill anyone" But just like before, he couldn't look his daughter in the eye. Her face drops, "Oh my god" she gasps.
"Billy and I were at the lake. Peter was the smallest one, we always bullied him. But this time it got rough.." Jake begins to confess. "We were holding his head under the water. We didn't mean to....but we held him under too long, and he drowned" Jake confesses sorrowfully and Andrea looks horrified.
Now turning to us, "We let the body go..and it sank" Jake says, turning back to his daughter. "Oh, Andrea. We were kids. We were so scared. It was a mistake. But, Andrea, to say that I have anything to do with these drownings, with Chris...Because of some ghost? It's not rational." He tries to justify their actions and to be honest, it sickened me.
"Alright, listen to me, all of you. We need to get you away from this lake. As far as we can, right now." Dean starts to instruct them but Andrea looks over and gasps. We all look in the direction she is and notice Lucas is out by the water. "Lucas!" Jake yells and we all burst into the direction he's in.
"Lucas!" Me and Dean yell as Lucas is sticking his hand in the water. "Baby, stay where you are!" Andrea calls out to her son but he can't heard us. Just before we reach the edge of the pier, Lucas is pulled into the water, I see the head of a little boy, pale, poking out of the water, looking at Jake. Jake notices this too and gasps. It has to be the ghost of Peter Sweeney.
Sam, Dean and I waste no time and dive headfirst into the lake. Searching for Lucas. I see Andrea taking off her jacket to jump it in but I stop her cuz the ghost could drag her down too. "Andrea! Stay there!" I call out to her. "No! Lucas!" She screams for her son. "We'll get him, just stay on the dock!" Sam instructs her as we look for Lucas.
"Sam? Y/N?" Dean calls out to us but we shake our heads. No sign of him. "Lucas, where are you?" Andrea sobs and we dive back down into the water to look for him. I hear Jakes voice on the surface, calling out to Peter pleadingly. "Peter, if you can hear me, please. I'm sorry" I resurface and see Jake getting into the water. "Jake get back! He'll take you too!" I warn him as Andrea pleads, "Daddy. Daddy, no!"
"Im so sorry. Let me- Lucas, he's just a little boy" Jake pleads, getting further into the water . "Please, it's not his fault, it's mine. Please take me!"
"Jake! No!" Dean yells out to him and Jake starts to struggle, being dragged down. "Just let it be over!" he screams. "Daddy! Daddy!!" Andrea screams for her father. Me and the boys dive back down. Me and Sam resurface back after not finding anything, looking over to Andrea shaking our heads.
Soon after, Dean resurfaces also, Lucas in his hands. I breathe out the breath I was holding back. If that little boy died, I didn't know if I could handle that.
The next day. Sam, Dean and I are getting ready to leave the motel. Though we did save Lucas. I can't help but feel bad that Jake died doing it. We toss our bags in baby and I go to hop on my bike. But I notice Dean is awfully quiet, I turn to him.
"Look, we're not gonna save everyone Dean" I say calmly and Sam nods in agreement. "I know" He sighs. "Sam, Dean, Y/N" we hear a familiar voice call out to us, it's Andrea with Lucas. "Hey" Dean says smiling as Lucas runs up to us with a plate filled with what looks like sandwiches.
"We're glad we caught you. We just, um...We made you lunch for the road. Lucas insisted on making the sandwiches himself" She says smiling and Lucas looks up at his mom. "Can I give it to them now?" He says and a smile breaks across my face, it's so good to hear him talk, my heart bursts with joy.
"Of course" Andrea says, kissing Lucas on his head. "Come on Lucas. Let's load this in the car" Dean says smiling, talking Lucas to carry the sandwiches to the car. We watch smiling as they walk off and me and Sam look at her. He crosses his arms and I ask her softly "How're you holding up hun?"
She sighs before answering, "It's just gonna take a long time to sort through everything, you know?" She says and we nod understandably. Sam sighs and says "Andrea, I'm sorry". She smiles at us regardless and says, gratefully "You guys saved my son. I can't ask for more than that. Dad loved me. He loved Lucas. No matter what he did, I just have to....hold onto that".
I understand where she's coming from. I'd hate to admit it, but regardless anything, my dad raised me the best he could. For a man who had no idea what he was doing, he taught me how to make it out there as a hunter. I love him through everything and the fact that he's missing with John who's also like a father to me. I'm worried to my core that somethings wrong.
We walk back to the car and see Dean high-fiving Lucas after he thought him the phrase, "Zeppelin Rules!" And I smile at this gesture. The smile leaves my face when I see Andrea lean over and kiss Dean. I feel an aching in my chest when she does it for some reason, like my stomach and chest is on fire.
Turning my head away so I don't have to look, Sam look at me with a twinge of pity. "Thank you" She says gratefully. Dean give a a small back, scratching his head, he looks at me and I don't meet his eyes. Clearing his throat he says, "Sam, Y/N move your asses. We're gonna run out of daylight before we hit the road" He walks over to the driver seat.
I head on over to my bike, starting her and revving my engine. And we're off.
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vxlkirayaxo · 4 months
Character: wanderer (referred to as Kuni)
Tags ig? : angst with comfort, mention of suicidal thoughts, slight cursing, reader needs therapy fr
First fic on here ^^
Enjoy ~
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To say that you had a phobia of losing someone you love was almost an understatement...
So when your boyfriend Kuni started drifting away due to the stress of school [which you didn't know]you began to overthink things a bit, like you are now as you sit on your bed staring at the ceiling and desperately grabbing your chest at an attempt to fill the empty feeling in your heart.
You glanced at your phone anxiously as it alerted a new message. It was from your boyfriend, your hands slightly trembled with a feeling of anxiety and excitement.
"we need to speak. Do u have a moment?" You read quickly. You were about to reply when your thumbs wouldn't move, you were frozen. Last time that one of your partners tried to talk to you they broke it off with you.
After multiple heart breaks you started developing a never ending feeling of Thantophobia.
Oh how exhausting it was overthinking over the slightest sentence or action, your mind always went back to what your parents taught you.
And just like now, you were overthinking. Your teeth chewed on your bottom lip as your eyes scanned the message for a hidden meaning, you tried to imagine his voice saying it to see if it was in a good or bad tone.
Actions speak louder than words.
Your mind was overtaken by the thought of him breaking up with you, being lost in thought you didn't notice that he double texted you after a minute of him being left on read.
"babe? Everything alright?" He sent. You glanced at the phone slightly taken out of overthinking when he called you 'babe', your hands tightened their grip on your phone as you typed out a message.
"Yup :3"
"what do ya need?" You stared at the typing icon, it was like it was the only thing in the universe, you needed to know what he was going to say, if he was going to break up with you...you wouldn't survive. Maybe it was your fault for being so attached and clingy, no one would love you as deep as you love them right? Maybe you should just end it all so that no one would have to deal with you? You slightly grimaced at the thought
The typing icon disappeared for a second before popping up again. Did he just delete the message? Is he trying to make the break up text nicer? Your mind spiraled as you found yourself slowly sinking in your bed, oh how you wished it was water so you could finally drown out these thoughts of abandonment.
Thantophobia sucked, you wished you never had it. Fuck, you had problems no wonder he was trying to break up with you.
"Psychotic bitch.." you mumbled to yourself as you curled up slightly in a ball, your hand went to your hair and slightly tugged on it as if it would take away these thoughts. When you heard the 'ding!' you immediately sat up over your phone. You tugged at your hair as you started to read.
"We need to talk about our anniversary plans, do you want to meet up at the park or should I ride my bike over to your home? Either is fine my luv." You glanced at your attire. Would he care if you weren't exactly glammed up right now?
"Can you please come and get me?" You typed before tossing your phone across your bed and hugging your pillow, scared that he'll change his mind about it being fine, after all he lived a few miles away, would he really be fine with biking all the way here?
"Alright, be there in ten :)" you slightly smiled, the thoughts weren't as bad when you knew he'd be around you soon, you still couldn't find the strength to get out of bed though. You felt too disgusting to move, you hadn't taken care of yourself in days since Kuni has been growing distant.
About ten minutes later there was a knock on your door and you heard one of your parents open it. Light laughter and chatter was heard from downstairs before your door opened.
"Babe, I'm here. Your parent is worried for you they said-" he stopped speaking when you turned in bed and looked at him. A small sigh left his lips as he walked over and hugged you.
"What are you overthinking now?" He asked in a gentle voice. You immediately snuggled your face into his shoulder.
"I thought you were going to break up with me because you were being distant and I'm sorry...it's just a fear of mine.." you mumbled as he gently patted your hair.
"I promise I didn't mean to be distant, school has been stressful lately since it's the end I've just kind of been tunnel visioned on it. I'm sorry, I love you and I'm not breaking up with you ever. You're stuck with me." He slightly smirked at the last part as he spoke. His hand brushing your tangled hair.
"I'm sorry too, I jump to conclusions too quickly." You sat up and looked him in the eyes. He then peppered kisses all over your face.
"I know, Thantophobia is very valid. I wouldn't judge you over something you can't control. I have it too." He smiled at you before giving you a kiss.
Let me know if you want to be tagged in the next one! Requests open!
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joelswritingmistress · 8 months
You Scare Me, Professor: Chapter 41
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible.
Pairing: Professor Joel Miller x f!reader
James parked his car right at the spot where he’d last been able to see the figure walking on the security footage from the night of the last murder. He'd sat there for a moment trying to put himself into the person’s shoes.
Would he have parked his car close? Was his residence within walking distance? Did he go out for a late night pizza at the lone store that stayed open after hours for the drunken, munchie-driven calls from college kids? Maybe a drink at the bar?
A drink. Someone would certainly need a drink to calm their nerves after murdering someone. Wouldn't they?
James got out of his vehicle and began to walk the sidewalk. He put his hands into the pockets of his jacket and mirrored the posture of the stranger.
O’Malley’s was first. It would make sense. And so James entered the establishment, starting there.
A short, aging man with alcohol miles plaguing the saggy skin under his bright blue eyes turned and ran a hand over his stark-white beard. He noted James’s attire and made a face, asking blandly. “What can I do for ya officer?”
“Good afternoon,” James started with a nod. He glanced over at the row of regulars, all carbon copies of the bartender, who were staring at him as if to say, ���what the hell do you want’?
“Do you have security cameras that view the street?” He asked after a brief pause.
The row of old men turned to the bartender in unison, awaiting his answer. He huffed a little laugh and began wiping down the top of the bar.
“That all depends on what you're lookin’ for.”
“Looking to catch the Lady Killer,” James said honesty, prompting everyone to stop and look back in his direction.
“That bastard killing all them college girls?” The frailest of the men asked, extending a wrinkled finger.
James nodded. “That's right. On the night of the last murder I have reason to believe he left campus and rounded onto Bank Street. Lost sight of him on our cameras after that.”
The bartender put his hands flat on the bar and stared at him directly. “Well if ya already got him on camera, what do you need ours for?”
The heads all turned again, a willing audience to the conversation at hand.
“I couldn't make out who he was,” James explained. “Just a dark silhouette.” He whipped out his phone and extended his arm across the way to show the man the picture he'd taken of the figure beneath the light. “That's all I got. I figured if he rounded that corner,” James motioned to the small screen, “That O’Malley’s is next. Maybe he even stopped in for a drink.”
The bartender looked back up with more interest.
“You remember anyone in here the night of February 18th that doesn't normally come here? Some time late into the night, probably near closing time.” James glanced around at everyone present. He assumed they were probably there most nights.
“Always some odds and ends,” the bartender explained. “Lots of regulars, lots of college kids, lots of in betweeners.”
James nodded. “If anyone comes to mind,” he slid a card across the table with his name and number on it, “Let me know.”
“You know,” the same frail old man spoke, “There was a fella who dropped in that night. Sat alone. Shaky hands.” He gently hit the man next to him, “Wilbur you remember? We thought he was balancing out some caffeine kick with a little bit of grandpa’s cough medicine.”
“What did he look like?” James asked.
“Had a ball cap on,” Wilbur explained.
“Yankees,” the first man added. “And a hood. It zipped up. Had some words across the front.”
“What did the words say?”
“I can't even remember what I had for lunch,” he gave a laugh.
“Old? Young?”
“Younger than us but older than you.”
“What did he order?”
“Damned if I know,” he said raising his arms, “I said I noticed him, I wasn't trying to take him home.”
The row of men laughed in unison.
“Thanks.” James nodded again and then looked back across the bar. “So.. about those security tapes..”
I walked back down the hallway after the incredible spa day. There were only a few hours until the rehearsal dinner and I felt perfectly content. My body was relaxed, my toes were freshly painted and laughing with a bunch of women all day was like chicken soup for the soul.
When I entered the hotel room, finding it vacant, I took a few moments to myself. I wandered onto the balcony and glanced out at the slopes. Being on a ski resort, in what typically felt like the gloom and doom of winter, made the month of February feel all the more brighter. The dead, cold world felt alive here.
I huffed a smokey breath and went back inside and turned on the water to the shower. Almost immediately u got lost in the steam and my thoughts. Like the weekend before, I didn't want to return home. I wanted to stay in that lively place until spring thawed everything out.
It's not so bad back at the castle, I reminded myself. Being with Dr. Miller was such a treat in itself. That made me smile to myself.
Joel Miller. My professor. The man I fell for without even realizing it until the feeling swallowed me whole. I couldn't imagine my life without him now that he was the focal point of it. It felt like it had been years since I had been in my old bedroom in the little house with Tori - but in reality it hadn't been that long.
I closed my eyes and pictured him. His smile. His voice. The feel of his lips against mine. The warmth of his body. The squeeze of his fingers when our hands were entwined.
Right when I really started wishing him back to our room, I heard the bathroom door creak and then the shower door opened. I jumped only for a second before I recognized it was Dr. Miller. My wish had come true. It was my only wish, really. To be with him.
He pulled me by the hand to him and our lips locked without saying a word as the shower door closed. With my eyes closed I could hear Dr. Miller breathing steadily through his nose above the sound of the water.
“I missed you all day,” he whispered before diving in to kiss me again.
My arms wrapped around his broad shoulders. “I missed you too.” I had. I knew the early phase of a relationship had the ability to feel intense and clingy, but it was magnified for us. And I could use the phrase us with confidence. Dr. Miller was as possessive as I was.
Dr. Miller’s lips parted from mine and then he pecked them again as he reached for the soap. “Turn around,” he said quietly.
I swallowed hard and did as he asked, closing my eyes as he began to draw sudsy circles across my shoulder blades. I let out a deep exhale.
Dr. Miller snaked the bar of soap around, penetrating my breasts before trailing down my midsection. I reached a hand up behind me, gently pulling at the back of his head as he dipped his lips down to neck.
I allowed him to lather up my entire body and watch the soap stream off me into white, bubbly pools by the drain. And then I held a hand out, prompting Dr. Miller to hand over the bar of soap. He gave a barely-there smirk before I eagerly began to return the favor, gently soaping up the top of his chest.
I could tell when he didn't have it in him to hold back anymore after touching him for so long. Dr. Miller topped my hand with his and removed the soap, placing it back on one of the ledges and then pulled me back into a smoldering kiss.
I took the lead and reached a hand down to touch him. Dr. Miller moaned into my mouth and kissed me harder.
He let his hand drop to my hip and pulled up at the back of my thigh. I instinctively let me knee raise high up toward his hip as he lined up at my entrance.
“Mmm..” Dr. Miller still held the back of my leg up and kneaded my breast with the other hand as we continued to kiss. I felt my back hit the cool tiles and I let out a gasping breath.
“I love you,” I said quietly against his lips. Part of me kind of hated saying it at such a cliche time but I couldn't help myself.
Dr. Miller ran his hand up my chest, past my neck to the side of my face. “I love you, too,” he let out a deep breath, “And for the rest of this weekend you're all mine.”
@untamedheart81 @suttonspuds @cesspitoflove @michilandcof @grogusmum @morallyinept @akah565 @brittmb115 @magpiepills @poodlebae @gobaaby-blog-blog @mermaidgirl30 @mandijo17 @shotgun-shelby @itscatrodriguez-thepearl @macaroni676 @smolbeanzzz @sarcasm-theotherwhitemeat @bandluvr97
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thatgoblin · 10 months
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Summary: You thought you were taking a vacation to a ranch that would teach you how to ride horses and have a fun family trip. Instead, you were duped by your parents into being basically sold to a pair of Alphas.
Warnings: It's not as nefarious as it seems. Mostly. No sex or graphic anything. YET. Some abandonment by parents of arranged marriage without consent style shenanigans.
My parents and I had been planning a family vacation for nearly a month with them asking me for help in picking a place to stay. Searching through a few brochures they gave me, I saw this horse ranch and thought it would be fun learning how to ride with my parents. I had just turned 26 and while my parents were getting older, I was taking more and more charge of our own ranch full of cattle. I was hoping that we could talk about maybe getting horses to help with the cattle and enjoy ourselves with down time we had never had before. Usually we’d just walk around or take an ATV, but with horses it would be so much easier in getting around. The whole drive I was excited and talked about what was going to happen on the trip, all the while my parents nodded and encouraged my interest, but they were oddly quiet on the nearly five hour trip.
Once there, we were welcome with a small note asking us to pick one of the spare rooms and make ourselves comfortable. My dad helped me with my bags first, taking my bigger bag to the room, while my mom went to look around the outside of the house. As I began to unpack, at my dad’s suggestion, I gave them a bit of time to bring their items in and pick a room before I heard a car pull away. Confused, I walked outside to see their trail of dirt from the car as they left, already hidden by the clouds of dust. I was frozen in panic, trying to rationalize what had just happened. Maybe Dad was going to go park somewhere or that they had forgotten something or really anything other than my parents leaving me behind.
They wouldn’t desert me. There was no reason to. We were on a family vacation and were just talking and enjoying ourselves. As my chest tightened, my head became fuzzy as my eyes refused to leave the trail of dust that was slowly settling to leave behind faint tire tracks. This had to be an accident. It had to be. Pulling out my phone, my hands shook as I pressed the call button.
They didn’t answer, letting it go straight to voicemail. I tried again and again and again till the phone said the mailbox was full. Swallowing hard, I went back to the porch to sit and wait to see if they would call back or come back. On a table on the front porch there was an envelope addressed to me. Picking it up, I hurriedly ripped it open in hopes to have clarification that this was all a joke or they were surprising me.
As I read over my Mom’s careful handwriting, I sat while resisting the urge to cry and scream and curse.
‘I know this is going to be hard, but we want what’s best for you. We love you so much and want you to be happy and thriving in your life. You can’t do that from home, living with us.
You’re an adult and should be finding your pack and mates. Again, we love you and have loved having you stay with us to help on the farm for so long, but it’s time you moved on. The last thing we want is for you to be a lone Omega on a farm when we pass.
Since you couldn’t or wouldn’t find suitable Alphas, people started to talk and make it hard on us to do business and have our lives, even going as far as offering to play matchmaker. It wouldn’t end well that way, we all know that, so your father and I found two for you. We’ve talked to them for the past few months now and they have proved themselves to be good people. They can provide for you and take care of you easily.
The Alphas are nice men, we made sure they understood that you were the stubborn type and may take some time to warm up to them, that helped with this decision. If we hadn’t done things this way you wouldn’t have given them a chance. It’s time to make a new life. No one back home could interest you and we thought you’d grow out of it.
These two Alphas will make you happy, we just know it. It’s not the ideal way to do things, but we had to do this for you. We’ll send the rest of your things in the next few weeks. You may be angry with us right now, but please understand that we want what’s best for you. We love you.
Mom and Dad’
Not having a mate at my age was odd, but it wasn’t so unheard of that I was an anomaly. Usually an Omega found a mate or mates at about 18 or so that were in their age range between 3-4 years on average, they’d move out, and then start their own family. I was 26 and even though there had been a few interested Betas and Alphas, I hadn’t wanted to be with them. I wasn’t really interested in finding a mate, considering I was from a small town and most of the available partners were not someone I wanted to be with. My life plan was to just live with my parents to take over the cattle farm we had after they retired, MAYBE find a mate, and they knew this. They just didn’t tell me they didn’t like it. Mom had left all the paperwork from the website that she found the Alphas on as well, showing me who they were and what they were listing.
The two strangers that I had just moved in with unwittingly were two Alphas that had contacted my parents over a website made for courting Omegas. It was usually done with the Omega’s permission though. When my parents reached out looking for Alphas willing to court an ‘extremely stubborn Omega,’ the two men saw the profile then began to message my parents.
Their profile from the website was also printed out. I recognized it as part of the brochure they had me look at to pick the ‘vacation.’ They had me pick my new pack without me realizing it, all based on the damn house. The information had their price for the dowry, their names, their ages, occupation, basically everything that prospective Omega parents would want to know.
Seeing the price made it sink in more. My parents had sold me to two strangers because they couldn’t bear the thought of the town knowing they had an Omega child who refused to be mated. After years of dealing with backwoods bullshit growing up, the two people I thought were on my side had lied to me.
What drove the knife in my back deeper was when they left, the two Alphas weren’t even there. I was dumped in a strange place, alone, and with no reliable phone connection. I wanted to go back inside to scream and cry, throw things and wreck the entire house to show them they fucked up in saying yes to my parents.
I didn’t though. The sudden energy brought on by my anxiety and grief was squashed when despite trying to call at least 20 times and sendings twice as many text messages, my parents didn’t pick up and didn’t turn around, let alone even try to call back or text me. Instead, I sat on the front steps to try to get some semblance of control over myself. I wasn’t going to cry, even as tears made my vision hazy and stung my eyes, I refused to. Taking a few deep breaths, I stood up to wander to the stables to see if there were indeed horses or if that had been a lie as well.
The barn where the stables were wasn’t that big, one side having equipment and hay while the other had a few empty stalls between the two horses there, a buckskin and a palomino. Both were eager for the pets that I was ready and willing to give. Since there was no one else to console me in my time of need, they would have to do. Neither seemed to mind though, enjoying the company and the soft touches as I stroked their face and finger combed their manes to give small braids.
“I hope the guys here aren’t bags of dicks,” I sighed, as I pressed my face to the buckskin’s neck. “This isn’t the ideal situation for me and I’m sure you two don’t really care so long as you get attention, but at least you don’t mind the attention coming from me.” The palomino huffed before shaking his head at me, moving away to eat hay in his stall while the buckskin just grunted and pressed against the door to expose his neck to me. “Such a good boy,” I cooed, stroking his neck.
I had a dog back home named Shelby, an Australian Setter, that I adored and loved more than anything. My parents adored her just as much, which meant she probably wouldn’t be joining me. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to her properly, just some tummy rubs and kisses while promising to be home soon before heading out that morning. Swallowing a sob at the thought of my dog not understanding why I was just gone, I didn’t hear anyone come into the barn behind me.
“You know, Ollie doesn't like new people usually.”
Startled, I jumped at the voice, spinning around to see a tall, bearded Alpha with bright blue eyes. He looked at me with a bemused smile as I moved behind Ollie’s head to create a barrier of sorts. This was a stranger and I had been deceived already by my parents. There was no way I was trusting the Alphas there. I stood there tense as he walked over, hands in his front pockets of his jeans with an easy stride.
“You must be our Omega,” he said in a deep, gruff voice that had a British accent, stepping forward to hold out a hand. It wasn’t the stereotypical accent from movies or the ‘cockney’ of Dick Van Dyke either. Which left where he was from originally in the dark. “I’m John Price. Apologies that we weren’t here to meet you and your parents. My mate and I were on our way back from town with supplies for the cattle.” I flicked my eyes between his hand and his face, narrowing them, but not taking the hand. “Okay, seems we are getting off to a bit of a rough start.”
“A bit,” I said, my tone sour.
“I know that you’re probably not used to the idea of two Alphas, as well, we’re a bit older and it’s an odd pairing, but your parents think it’s a good match and so do we,” he said, moving to stand on the other side of Ollie. “We were told you were happy about the arrangement, excited even.”
“That’s what they told you?” I asked with a scoff. Shaking my head, I sighed to keep my voice from catching and betraying how truly devastated I was. “My parents didn’t tell me a thing about you or the other Alpha. I was told we were going on vacation. So, color me surprised when I’m putting my baggage in a room and suddenly my parents are driving off like the devil himself is chasing them,” I said.
“Fuckin’ hell,” John said with a sigh. “I’m so sorry about that. Every time we spoke with your parents over the phone or email, your parents said you were happy and that you were the one that picked us out of other offers.” I rolled my eyes at him, anxiously petting the horse, keeping my hands busy. “This isn’t ideal, I understand that, but-”
“Just save it. You’re not going to convince me this is for the best or that it’ll turn out like some romance movie or novel. It won’t. I’m here against my will and even if I got back home, my parents would bring me right back because you paid for me. I know that it’s perfectly legal and that I have no choice but to be here. So, let me make this perfectly clear,” I hissed. “I want nothing to do with you or your mate, so let’s just keep to ourselves, okay?”
“You live here now, so it’s going to be hard to do that,” he said, leaning against
Ollie’s stall.
“It’s actually really easy. Don’t talk to me unless you have to, don’t look at me unless you have to, don’t even acknowledge me being here unless you absolutely have to,” I said, the immediate area starting to stink from my distress. The Alphas would want to come closer and comfort me when they got a whiff. That was the last thing I wanted. But in the enclosed area a sour, tangy scent was quickly filling the area.
“Love,” John said with a sigh. “As much as I know that’s what you want, we can’t do that. You can’t go home, you have nowhere else to go, and as much as you hate it, you were a part of a deal made by your pack and we took you in. Legally and biologically we can’t ignore you and pretend you’re not here. You’re in our care now, whether or not you like it, especially for when your next heat hits.”
I couldn’t help the choked laugh that bubbled out of me that spooked Ollie a bit.
“What?” He asked, frowning.
“Oh shit, they really didn’t tell you?” I said. “I’m not surprised. After this whole date, I’m wondering if they told you anything that was true. I don’t get heats. I never have. As far as the doctors can tell, I’m sterile. So no heat driven Omega or suppressants to worry about.”
“Shite,” he huffed under his breath. It was the one thing I could do to put a twist in their obvious plans of knocking up an Omega and having pups. No one wanted a sterile Omega, especially Alphas who had arranged mates and paid for them. “It doesn’t matter,” he said after a few moments, breaking my one wish that they’d return me. “You’re still here, whether or not you like it.”
“Oh fuck off,” I growled, moving to walk past him.
“Hold on,” John said, reaching out and grabbing my arm to stop me. On instinct I turned on him with a growl, snapping my teeth at him. He was a stranger that had obvious intentions that I had no plans to allow to happen.
“No!” I shouted, spooking the horses as I pulled from John’s grasp before he could close his hand completely. “Do not touch me,” I growled, the angry animal in me that was cornered came out. Danger was everywhere and I was not about to be snuck up on or taken without a fight.
“Easy there,” John said, holding his hands up to pacify me. Not that I wouldn’t expect him to try and grab me again. I’d spent my entire life dealing with Alphas who didn’t think Omegas would fight back, so I knew to not let my guard down. “I won’t touch you. All I ask is that you don’t run off suddenly. We’re miles from the nearest neighbor and you don’t want to get lost out here.”
He was right. I had no clue where I was or how to get home. We were damn near in another state compared to my home and I was not about to shoot myself in the foot to spite the Alphas.
“Let’s head back inside and you can meet Simon. We’ll give you your space, promise,” John said. A moment of hesitation passed before I let him take the lead back to the house.
The house itself was a two story cabin style with a green tin roof. Perfect for a pack starting out. It was close to the horse barn with a thick mix of pine and oak trees to one side and the other a wide open range of tall grass and rocks and rolling hills. We were truly in the middle of nowhere.
Stepping inside, John let me go in as he shut the door behind us. “Have a seat,” he said as he pointed to a kitchen table worn with years of use before going to the bottom of the stairs. “Simon! I brought our new friend inside!” He called up the stairs.
Getting a better look at him, John was rough looking. Short, sandy brown hair with mutton chops and mustache that was trimmed neatly and close to his jaw while there were soft wrinkles around his bright, sky blue eyes. His hands were large and calloused from work as his body as a whole looked like he knew how to use it as a tool more than others. He would fit right in with most farmers and ranchers that I knew at least.
When Simon came down, I quickly realized how odd the arrangement was getting. While John had a decent tan with hints of rosiness in his cheeks from working in the sun, Simon looked like the adult version of the emo kid in high school. He was wearing all black, shirt, jeans, boots, as well as skeleton decorated work gloves and a skull balaclava with black eyeliner smeared around his eyes. His eyes were dark and looked darker with the black around them. These men had to be in their late thirties to early forties, over a decade older than me. They should have had a pack by then, their own Betas and Omegas with pups. Why were they looking so late in their lives? I found myself curious, but I pushed it away. I wasn’t there because I was sympathetic, I was there by force.
“This is Simon Riley,” John said, motioning to the man standing next to him.
“Pleasure,” Simon said, his voice similar to John’s with gruffness and accent as he held out his gloved hand like John had. “Your parents told us a lot about you.”
“So I heard,” I said evenly, ignoring the hand as I sat back in my chair with my arms crossed over my chest.
“Simon. . . They’re not happy about being here,” John said with a small sigh, as Simon dropped his hand.
“What?” Simon asked, confusion in his voice as he looked from me to John.
“Their parents didn’t tell them anything about us or moving here. They didn’t even tell us the whole story,” John said as he took a seat, scratching at his jaw before looking at me. “They said that you were coming here willingly and that you just had not had a heat in a while,” John said, looking at me. “That you had fallen ill a few months ago and that delayed your cycle for a bit, but should be fine in a month or two.”
“So it seems we all are disappointed about this,” I said, earning a stern look from John. “Where’s my room or do I not get one because you two planned out a whole deal of me staying in your bed?”
“It’s upstairs and to the right. We wanted you to have your own space,” Simon said gently. At least they weren’t too pushy, demanding I be obedient and fulfill my Omega ‘duties’ right then.
“I’d like to go lay down if that’s okay with you,” I said, standing up without waiting for their answer. “It’s already been a long, shitty day.” It had taken my parents and I over 8 hours to drive to this ranch, having left at 4 AM. I was tired, pissed, hungry, and just needed to be alone.
“When’s the last time you ate?” John asked before I got too far.
“I don’t know, probably this morning,” I said, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. Had it been that morning? I wasn’t sure. The whole drive to the middle of nowhere and abandonment was messing with my brain a bit. It was getting late in the afternoon, almost 5PM. While I should have had something to eat with my stomach getting upset at the need to have something in nearly 9 hours, I didn’t want to on principle alone. I could be in control of at least one thing and that was food. “I’m not hungry and I’d rather just lay down.”
“You should eat something before laying down,” Simon added.
“I’m not hungry,” I said, doubling down on my stance.
“Alright,” John said as he stood. “Go ahead. If you get hungry, help yourself to whatever you’d like in the kitchen. We’re going to finish up chores then start dinner in a couple of hours.”
I nodded, taking the stairs back to the room I had originally picked as mine. While it wasn’t too big, I had originally assumed that my parents would take the big bedroom, it suddenly felt much, much smaller. The room I had demanded was not as big as I had thought it was, after all spending time in a room during a vacation is usually just to sleep and rest, not to live in.
Flopping onto the bed, I stared at the ceiling as I listened for the two Alphas to leave the house. It was only then that I let my walls down. Why had my parents felt they had to abandon me to two strangers to make sure I was taken care of? I could look after myself. I wanted to look after myself.
Hell, most of the time on the farm I was doing the work, whether it was with the cattle or the bills or taking care of the house. My parents were older than my peers’ parents were when I was in school, so to be taking care of things that most others my age had no clue about wasn’t odd. Was a headstrong Omega that odd and embarrassing that they thought I would be better off nearly a state away in a place I’d never been before? Was I a disappointment? I’d worked my ass off, earning respect for doing the same work that Alphas and Betas were doing with a pack.
But I’d always be ‘Just an Omega’ to everyone. No matter what I could do, no matter how hard I tried to prove myself, I’d just be a thing to trade for in a pack.
Tears pricked my eyes as I curled up into a ball as tight as I could, quietly crying myself to sleep.
For the next few days, I did my best to avoid the men, keeping to the house while they worked outside. The time inside wasn’t spent being lazy either. I cleaned and cooked and pitched in, but I made myself scarce around them when they came in. They would spend evenings in the livingroom after a shower and dinner watching TV, but always offered their company to me. Whether it was just them sitting there or eating, they offered.
I felt like I had to refuse on principle alone, to take out my anger and frustration on them. It wasn’t entirely their fault, but they were still a part of it. My parents still refused to answer my calls and texts, making my attitude worse than the first day I had arrived. I still did my chores, but stopped speaking to them before refusing to be in the room with them all together. They had given me space, but after a week of this, things came to a head.
John and Simon had come in for lunch as they usually did. I was hurrying to put the cooking dishes in the sink so I could leave, but Simon stood in my way of the stairs. His arms were crossed over his chest as he gave me a stern look.
“Sit,” he said firmly, pointing to the kitchen table. I tried to challenge him, growling as he kept his position in front of me, but when he growled back, something much deeper and stronger than mine, my body folded after a few moments. I sat back down with a huff, glaring hard. He followed, taking a seat next to John across the table from me, taking the lead in this ‘intervention.’ “I know that this isn’t an ideal situation, but we should make the best of it. We’ve given you some space and haven’t pushed for you to do more than the chores, but you can’t keep ignoring us. It’s not healthy and I doubt you’re ha-”
“I don’t care. I don’t want to be here. I can’t go home, I can’t leave, so this is what you get,” I said, holding back a growl.
“You will wait until I am done talking,” Simon snapped. It was shocking to hear one of them raise their voice, but then again I was being a bitchy asshole. I wanted to argue, to yell and scream, throw things, but his stare held me in place in silence. “Now, we are going to make the best of this situation. You have your room and we have ours. We are not going to make you do anything that you don’t want to do, but you have to be around us more. That means you are to come outside into the fields or at least out onto the porch while we’re in the garden, not inside by yourself. Understand?”
I gave a curt nod, not willing to say anything because I knew I would argue. They seemed to understand that as well, not pushing for a verbal answer.
“We are a pack now,” John said. “That means spending time together, helping one another, trusting each other. I know that you probably hate us, but we’re not going to leave you. You’re our Omega and we’re your Alphas. Bonded or not. Got it?”
Again, I nodded. My brain wanted to keep pushing back against them, yell, scream, making them miserable till they finally had enough and kick me out. At least then I could be free. As free as a jobless, homeless, packless Omega could be. Yet, I didn’t. It was stupid to do that and the Alphas weren’t being horrible. They were talking to me, accepting my need for space, and not forcing me to ‘perform’ for them. It wasn’t as bad as it could be and I was losing steam in continually pushing them away.
“Good,” John said. “Now, we have chores to do, so we’re going to show you around the rest of the homestead. You were on a cattle ranch before this?”
“Yeah,” I said, my tone drastically different than before. No longer was it biting or snide, now it was more even and calm.
“Well, we have a couple hundred head of cattle out in the pasture grazing that we need to check on. Have you ever ridden a horse?” He asked. Oh shit.
“Uh, no. I usually went out in a truck to check on ‘em cause that’s all we had,” I said, looking at him a bit worried.
“Alright, you’ll ride with Simon then,” John said before both men stood up. It took me a moment to realize I was supposed to follow and while I didn’t want to listen to anything they told me to do, one look from them had me swallowing my words. I walked behind Simon and John out to the stable where I watched as they got their horses ready to ride. Horses were not something I was familiar with aside from petting here and there, so I stood back to see how things were done. It was part of the reason why I wanted to go to this ‘vacation ranch.’ I wanted to learn how to handle horses, but I had almost no experience with them.
Both men were already dressed for going out on horseback in jeans, tall boots, and long sleeved shirts. With Montana fall settling in, they had grabbed wool lined jackets to slip on as well before heading to the barn. I just had on a pair of hiking boots, jeans, and a thin, long sleeved shirt. The trip was supposed to be short in the warmer weather so packing anything heavy didn’t seem necessary, let alone need anything jacket or coat wise.
“Did you bring a coat or jacket with you?” Simon asked, looking me over.
“No, I didn't think to bring it,” I said, standing to the side with my hands in my jeans’ pockets. He nodded as he handed the reins to the palomino, Charlie, over to me. Wide eyed, I held onto the leather straps as Simon went back into the barn. “I. . . Uh, what do I do?” I asked, looking at John who was just grinning.
“Hold onto ‘em,” he said with a chuckle as he led his horse back over to us.
“Okay,” I nodded, still unsure. While I was used to being around large animals that could hurt me if they really wanted, I was never in control of them like this and inside a pick up or outside a fence or head shute most of the time.
“Charlie’s a pretty relaxed guy, he doesn’t startle that easy,” John said, patting the horse’s forehead. “You’ve never been around horses much, have you?” I shook my head.
“Most time I’ve spent around them is when I go to the state fair and look at the livestock show,” I said, keeping a keen eye on Charlie.
“Here,” Simon said, coming back out. “It’s old, but it’ll be better than what you have on.” He handed me a similar denim jacket with wool lining, taking back the reins.
“Thanks,” I said, sliding it on. It was big, but with the wind picking up and no trees to break the wind when we were out in the pasture, it’d be better than nothing. “So. . . How do I get on?”
“I’ll get on first, then John’ll help you get up,” Simon said. He stepped into the stirrups to easily swing his body up and over into the saddle. Intimidation didn’t seem the right word to use for the image before me, seeing this large man on a large animal. Terror felt more apt. Having never been on a horse ever, I was hesitant, unsure where I’d go or how I would get up there. While both Alphas were tall and could easily pull themselves up into the saddle, I was barely tall enough to look over the back of Charlie without a saddle on.
“Here,” John said, wrapping his reins around a pole before moving over to me. “Hands here and here, then put your foot in the stirrup.” He placed my hands on either end of the saddle before helping my foot into the stirrup. “On count of three, jump and pull,” he said. “One, two, three!” John’s hands went to my hips and helped hoist me up as I pulled and jumped as I was told. There was no time to feel awkward about having the man hold my hips or how close we were because if I didn’t do as I was told, I was going to go flying over the other side. I swung my leg over and found myself pressed flat against Simon’s back, his arm reaching behind him to keep me from going past the saddle and onto the otherside.
“Where do I hold on?” I asked, suddenly very nervous when I saw how far up we were, not to mention that I was pressed right up against the Alpha when I’d never been closer than a quick hug from anything on two legs.
“Here,” Simon said as his gloved hands took my arms to pull them around his middle to latch together in front of his belly. “You’ll have to hold on tight because it can get bouncy.”
“Wait, what?” I asked as John moved away to quickly get in his saddle. Simon clicked his tongue, squeezing with his thighs to spur Charlie on. I yelped as we moved forward, tightening my grip on the Alpha.
“Alright, let’s move out,” John said with a chuckle. As much as I wanted to look and see where we were going, I was too scared to look. I buried my face in Simon’s back as we picked up speed, and indeed it did get quite bouncy.
“Ease up, Pet,” Simon said with a grunt. “I won’t be able to breathe if you keep squeezing me like a tube of toothpaste.”
“Sorry,” I squeaked. Chancing a look, we hadn’t even gone that far. Just a handful of yards to the gate where John was letting us into the pasture.
“You’re good, just don’t let go,” Simon said, reaching down to pat my leg. As quickly as I was to hate the two Alphas, try to challenge them and fight them, they were turning me around on the whole situation. Not completely, but enough to be civil. Once we were in the pasture, we didn’t stay trotting for long. Instead we began a gallop that had me burying my face into Simon’s back again while we flew across the fields towards their cattle.
Honestly, it was probably the most scared I’d been in a long time. The fear began to fade though as I opened my eyes and watched as the world whipped past us. I began to hear Simon laughing and realized John was too. This was exciting for them, thrilling really. It was second nature for them to go that fast as if they were flying low over the ground. I could feel that joy catching on with me, but the fear of falling was still in the forefront of my mind. With that speed, we reached the cattle in no time.
Calving season was over and most of the calves were big enough that they were weaned. Which meant less worry about predators and that come spring they’ll be big enough to sell. With the horses at a walk, I eased up my grip on Simon to actually look around. I was more familiar with this part of the job; counting cattle and checking for disease or lameness while they came up for treats or pets. The ranch back home only had about 50 head of cattle while John and Simon’s ranch had four times that almost. As we moved through the cattle, I relaxed more and didn’t even realize I was leaning against Simon with my cheek to his back and my arms loose around his middle in more of a hug than death grip.
This was something I could do without even having to think about it. Which actually made me feel, dare I say, more at home.
“Are you doing okay back there, Pet?” Simon asked as he began to slowly herd the cattle towards another part of the pasture. They had grazed enough in the section they were left in, so they were being moved to a new part to let that section regrow as well as move them closer to the house.
“Yeah,” I said with a hum, rubbing my cheek against him without thinking of it. The warmth of his body against mine was becoming more and more familiar as we worked with the cattle. It took a bit of time as we didn’t rush, but when we finished we didn’t run off at a gallop. Instead it was a slower, meandering walk that I didn’t mind one bit. Simon would reach back here and there to give my leg or thigh a reassuring pat while John would get close to lean over to kiss Simon or rub my back.
I was surprised given that most of the time Alphas didn’t mate together. They were in packs together, but that was usually because there was a Beta and an Omega or several Betas. These two seemed to be odd ones out.
Like me.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be in a pack with them. It would take more than just one horse ride to mate with them though. I couldn’t have pups and didn’t plan on even being mated. Friends though, I could probably do that.
Back at the house, Simon dismounted first before helping me off the back of Charlie.
“Fuck, Pet, your hair is a bit wild,” he chuckled as John took the saddle off Ollie.
“Oh shush,” I said, trying to finger comb my hair. I should have put it back with something, but that was too little too late. I winced, feeling the knots already there from being whipped around and pulled during the gallop. With a huff, I pulled it back as much as I could to at least get it out of the way. “I’ll comb it out later with some conditioner,” I said as the two men took care of the horses. Staying out with them, I watched as they brushed and watered the large animals, taking time to give them extra treats and soft spoken words of love.
“Come on. There’s some wood that needs to be chopped before it gets too dark,” John said, shrugging off his coat. “We’re trying to get enough done before winter so when the snow falls we won’t have to rely on the electric heater as much. That thing sucks up power and is a pain to pay for.” I nodded, taking the coat I had off as well, letting Simon have it to hang up again, before following them to the side of the house. There was already a large wood pile started and logs set up for splitting, so John took the lead with the ax as Simon and I helped with picking up the slit wood or putting the logs in place for the other to strike before the men switched places.
I wasn’t naive. I knew what men looked like, even Alpha men. The internet was a wonderful place to find things to broaden your horizon, but it was very different when the real thing was in front of you. At first I was shocked at how easy John split the logs in just one stroke each time, but then he took off his shirt. This handsome, strong, built like a goddamn brick house of an Alpha was just going to town like it was no one’s business as his skin started to shine with sweat. He was better than the internet too. I had always seen clean shaven Alphas as well, no hair except for on their head. John had HAIR. Up his arms, across his chest, down his belly and a sprinkle across his back. No one could have prepared me for how it would affect me to see this Alpha with a belly and hair.
It was getting to the point that Simon had to nudge me a few times to get me to pay attention, always having a husky, soft chuckle each time.
When Simon switched places, I wasn’t any better off. How the hell had these two Alphas stayed together and alone for so long? If they were in my hometown, they would have trails of Betas and Omegas after them. While John was built and a little shorter, Simon was tall and covered in tattoos. His biceps were the size of my head, I’m pretty sure at least. He did have hair as well, but it was a light smattering and shimmered in the light. John noticed my staring at the other Alpha as well, giving me a wink when he asked me a question about ‘the scenery.’ I choked out something that I thought was sarcastic as the men chuckled. Had I been missing out on this the whole time I stayed cooped up inside? Damn it.
After the chores were completed, we all went back inside for dinner and to clean up for the night. I made quick work of leftovers to serve while the other two took turns in the bathroom washing up.
The only downfall for the house was that there was one bathroom with a shower and a bathtub. There were two with toilets,one upstairs and one downstairs, but we had to take turns with showers. Letting John go before me, I went about with my usual habits of cleaning up the kitchen and washing dishes. It was a habit now, one I didn’t mind. Long days of work weren’t that unusual for me either, but these two were almost completely self-sufficient with their own garden, cattle, horses, and solar panels. Their work was twice as much as mine had been.
However, I could appreciate the effort put in to take care of everything and welcomed it. That meant no more sitting around and sulking. I would be too busy working to have time to continue my pity party.
When night had fallen completely, Simon and John were on the sofa freshly showered and watching TV while I cleaned myself up. Funnily, Simon kept covered all day, but at night he would relax in a tee and sweatpants. It was the first time I had seen him without a sweatshirt on or gloves, aside from splitting wood earlier that day. I guess it wasn’t just me that was getting more comfortable with a new living situation.
My hair had only gotten even more tangled as the day had gone on after I forced it into a bird's nest, refusing to come out even with a glob of conditioner on it. Giving up on it in the running water, I finished washing myself before stepping out. Dried and dressed, I carried a comb and leave-in conditioner with me to the living room to sit on the floor next to the loveseat they were on to work on my hair slowly and carefully.
Neither of them said anything at first, as it was our first real evening spent together. Maybe they were worried that I’d turn feral and bite them or we’d argue again. The TV filled the silence, making it less awkward than if it was just me grumbling softly under my breath as I painstakingly took my time with my hair.
“Are you still trying to get those knots out?” John said with a snort. I nodded with a huff as I kept working at the ends to slowly move the comb through it. Very slowly. “Come here,” he said, waving me over. I looked up, but listened to him. He spread his legs to let me sit on the floor in front of him with my back to the couch. Handing over the comb and conditioner, he took over while I watched TV.
Packs regularly groomed one another, so it wasn’t out of the norm to do it. I just wasn’t used to it. I had always been the one to take care of myself and my parents that it was second nature to fight against offered help. Then again my parents were Betas. They didn’t really know how to handle a willful Omega who was determined to do things themself. They would get frustrated with me or give up halfway through whatever we were doing.
Sitting there and letting John detangle my hair felt so simple and yet it meant so much more. No one had taken the time with me to help. Teachers, friends, even my parents never took the time to make sure I was okay or to see if I needed help. If they did happen to make an effort to ask, they didn’t mean it. There was no action behind their words. But these two Alphas. . .
John was gentle, never pulling or yanking my hair. He cared about not hurting me, showing me through his actions with simple gestures like combing my hair. As the night went on, Simon shifted to lay on the sofa next to John. My hair had already halfway dried with no more tangles, but I had stayed put between John’s legs in my place on the floor. I noticed Simon’s foot was next to me, hanging off the couch with the other in John’s lap.
Without thinking, I took it in my hands to begin to massage it. He hadn’t asked or indicated that he wanted me to do that, but I took the initiative. No one said anything, but I could feel their eyes on me as my hands worked deftly over the pads of his toes and foot. I kept watching the TV, not saying a word. It was a way for me to say ‘I’m okay with you,’ without having to actually say it. Because words are hard sometimes.
As the credits rolled for the crime drama we had been watching, I yawned and popped my neck. It was nearly 10 PM and I was usually in bed by 9 PM. Simon’s foot had moved to my lap, after the massage I had idly rubbed his leg while watching TV.
“Alright, I think it’s time to hit the hay,” John said. I patted Simon’s leg one last time before letting him move so I could. All of us stretched and felt joints pop before Simon checked the doors as John got the lights. I was already up the stairs and in my room when they walked by. I was ready to sleep alone again, to pass out from all the work we had done that day, but I paused. It wasn’t necessary for me to sleep alone anymore.
The Alphas had made it clear they weren’t going to hurt me, they weren’t going to force anything on me, and had helped me feel comfortable with them by respecting my boundaries. The small blow up at lunch wasn’t them forcing me to be with them, it was concern and worry for me, wanting me to actually be happy even if nothing came of us. Toying with my long sleeves of my oversized sleep shirt, I sat on my bed as I tried to decide what to do. I had been alone all week, but really, I’d been alone for most of my life.
It hadn’t occurred to me till I was forced to see it. But, I realized I didn’t want to be alone. To have a farm and work it by myself with just a dog for company wasn’t what I wanted after all. Maybe things would be better if I had met these two naturally and not through a scheme by my parents, but the maybes and what ifs didn’t matter anymore. What did matter was right then and there, where the Alphas were.
Reaching over, I turned my own light off as I pulled my shirt collar over my mouth, something I had done as a child when scared or nervous to ask for something. Stepping out into the hall, the bathroom was in front of me and the Alphas’ room directly to my right. The lights were all off in the house except for in their bedroom where a single side lamp was on, showing a king sized bed that John and Simon shared. With a small hesitation, my feet took me to their door where I shyly knocked on the door frame, getting their attention.
“Everything alright, Love?” John asked, sitting on his side of the bed as he plugged in his phone to charge. Love. . . It sounded nice, something people called each other when they were familiar with each other. A nickname of affection. In that second of him calling me that, I felt relief rush through me. It didn’t make sense, why was I relieved when they hadn’t said yes or no yet? Still, it solidified me asking for them.
“Can. . . Can I sleep with you guys?” I asked, shirt still over half my face as I pulled at the collar nervously. I felt so small and far away, like a child checking to see if their parents were awake as they were scared from a nightmare.
“Of course,” Simon said, his face uncovered to show his blond hair and scars. Seeing him like that, open and accepting, allowing me to be let in as I did the same to him and John, was perfect. He pulled back the covers and moved to let me have a space to get into bed, but I still hesitated. It was new and different and I was scared enough that I wanted to cry. But I wanted to run to them to hide. They didn’t move though, letting me take my time as I damn near tip-toed over to Simon’s side to crawl into the middle of the bed. Once I was settled, they both pulled the covers back for themselves before John turned off the lamp.
In the dark, I could feel them being careful to give me space as I was curled in on myself. I took a moment to calm myself before I turned on my side to face John. Reaching behind me, I grabbed Simon’s arm to tug on him to get him closer, wanting less space between us before reaching forward to do the same to John. Sandwiched between them my heart was racing, but the longer we laid there, the more their calming scents washed over me. I pulled my shirt from my face, nuzzling into the back of John’s neck as Simon did the same to me.
It was peaceful and fulfilling. Something I had not felt before with someone else, let alone two Alphas that were practically strangers.
I was still angry with my parents, so very angry, but not with John and Simon. No, I wasn’t angry with them or bitter. I was, dare I say, happy?
Taglist: @birdstoprey @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar @alwaysshallow @sae1kie @sleepydang @lexi-zsy09 @ghostlywhiskey @ghosts-cyphera @poohkie90 @neothewitch @shadofireshinobi @shadowlali
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creedslove · 1 year
we were married. months later Joel admit to us, he met someone else, fell in love and he wants a divorce, because he won't cheat on us. Later, after we parted our ways, we see Joel and his new girlfriend and her round belly. We decide it' time for us to move somewhere else, find new job, new life.
When years pass, we met Sarah. We have no idea who she is, we only know her mom left when she was little. We think it's so funny she has the same last name as our ex husband. She mentions her dad is a constructor, he can help with repairing few things.
Imagine shock and confusion, when Joel see YOU, as person he arrived to help.
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: anon, this idea is too good, you killed me with it because I haven't been able to think of something else since I read it
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• you met Sarah when she was knocking on your door while selling cookies for school, or whatever, you didn't really pay attention, you just bought a couple of boxes and offered her a glass of water
• you also liked her immediately: she was funny, sweet and smart and she reminded you of someone you avoided thinking about for a long time
• she was very polite and the first thing she paid attention was your bookshelf, being really into reading and loving your choices
• and that's how you became friends, even if she was a teen and you were a full adult, she was a very pleasant girl to be around
• she lived a few streets away as she'd mentioned and it didn't take very long for her to tell you how her mom had abandoned her and her dad a couple of months after she was born
• you'd placed your hand on her shoulder and assured her you also knew what was like to be abandoned by someone you loved
• something about the fact her last name was Miller also got you a little disturbed, you even thought of telling her you had actually been married to someone whose last name was Miller, but you gave up, she would've probably asked questions you didn't want to answer
• so you shrugged, after all, Miller wasn't such a different name
• she'd also mentioned her dad was a contractor and you asked her to call him and stop by your home one of these days, as you had a few things you needed fixing
• she assured you he would be there first thing on Saturday morning and you agreed, willing to get all the problems in your home fixed
• you were finishing doing the breakfast dishes when you heard the truck parking and Sarah's sweet voice, so you put on your best smile and went outside
• you were brutally shocked the moment you saw Joel Miller walking out of his truck, he looked a little older, but overall he was still the same bastard who broke your heart
• Joel on the other hand, couldn't even believe his eyes, he hadn't seen you in so long, he assumed you would've moved out and got married, as guilt still haunted him for leaving you for a romance that didn't work
• he was speechless when you walked towards him, extending your hand at him and shaking it as if you'd never met before, he thought it was odd, but then he spotted Sarah smiling at the two of you and understood you didn't want to make a scene in front of Sarah
• you took Joel inside, showing him exactly where you want it the fixing and while he tried making small talk, you cut him off
"Don't apologize Joel... It's been too long, you're better off without me and I'm definitely better off without you. I don't need to hear what happened, Sarah told me everything and I hope I can continue being friends with her without having the worry about our past"
• he nodded and began to work, silently as his mind tried to get in the right place, he was so surprised to run into you again, after everything that happened, everything he did, and through his daughter after all, that was ironic to say the least
• he couldn't believe how beautiful you were, this time you weren't a silly young girl in love with him, you were a woman, a gorgeous woman, who had a beautiful home, who succeeded in life like he always knew you would
• he didn't spot any photographs nor a ring on your finger, so he assumed that maybe, and just maybe, if he played his cards right, he could still work on a chance with you
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ivy-plays · 8 months
We'll be alright Ch.4
Summery:Summary: you've been married to Owen Grady as well as training a pack of velocsrapters at the New Jurassic World for two years now. So what happens when the two of you are asked to check on the paddock for a new dinosaur only for things to go sideways and send the entire park into chaos?
Warnings: blood, death, cussing, mentions of alcohol
Paring: Owen Grady x wife!reader
Previous: Ch.3
An: heyyyyyyyyy. Guess who finally was able to write the next chapter after two months.🙃 . I'm sorry for such a long wait but my life has been really hectic lately with my job and senior year and just life in general ( I hate saying that because it's the #1 writer's excuse, but it's true lol) . Anyway! I hope you all like this chapter and I hope it was worth the long ass wait.
"Owen. " I whisper out, my voice shaking as I grab onto my husbands sleeve.
"It's in the cage! It's in the cage with you!"
"Abby what is it?" He asks as he turns around and as he does his eyes lock onto what I'm seeing.
A large white dinosaur,much larger than the t-Rex, emerges from the trees; its head hung low. Looking right at us " Run!" Owen calls out as he takes me by the hand as we begin running as fast as we can for the gate. The muscles in my legs are burning and my heart is beating rapidly with adrenaline and fear. When we got to the gait Owen hurriedly shoved me through first before following right behind me. I keep running until I'm a good 20 feet from the paddock and I watch in horror as the extremely pissed off idomanous rex begins to break and pry its way through the gap left in the gate. "Oh God" I murmur under my breath as I stand frozen where I stand.
"come on, we gotta go!" Owens voice makes me come back to my senses as the two of us began to run again but we didn't get far when the gates gave way. I drop to the ground, the sharp gravel digging into my knees and hands as I crawl under a van and Owen is quick to follow. I watch as he rolls onto his back before pulling me on top of him.
"close your mouth and eyes" he whispers as he pushes my head into the crook of his neck before I hear his pocket knife flick open. The smell of brake fluid fills my nose as Owen covers us in it , the thick liquid soaking and staining our clothes. My breath hitches and I tighten my grip on the man beneath me as loud and terrified screams fill my ears before abruptly being cut off. I'm holding my breath, and my body is completely frozen in fear when I suddenly feel a large wave of warm air blow over us. Something that should not be happening under a van. I have to stifle the whimper that falls from my lips. Owen, now taking his turn to tighten his grip on me, strong arms wrapping me in a cacoon of safety. We both hold our breath as the dinosaur nudged the van with its nose before letting out a huff of disinterest and stomping off somewhere, most likely looking for her next kill. I let out a choked and shaky breath as I felt Owen relax slightly beneath me.
"What the fuck just happened?" I eventually whisper out as I pull back to look my husband in the eyes. In his usual tranquil green eyes swam anger and something I haven't seen in a long time. Fear.
Once we gathered our bearings the two of us eventually made it back to the main building of the park. I watched as Owen barged through the doors of the central control room, me hot on his heels as we shoved past a security guard who tried to keep us out .
"What the hell happened out there?"
"sir" the security guard barked as he tried to grab Owen by the arm but he just yanked his arm away.
" There are thermal cameras all over that Paddock! She did NOT just disappear." I argue as Claire walks up to us , the rest of the control room watching the exchange.
"It must have been some technical malfunction." Claire tried to argue, but her voice sounded just as unsure as her words.
" Were you not paying attention?" Owen speaks up once more, his anger evident," she marked up that wall as a distraction. She wanted us to think she escaped."
I folded my arms across my chest, nails digging into the skin of my palms as I tried to not let my irritation get the best of me. Arguing and standing around isn't going to solve anything.
"Hold on . We're talking about an animal here " Claire huffs out, clearly annoyed about Owens and I's presence here.
" A highly intelligent animal" I retort, my pointed look meeting her own.
"400 meters to the beacon" I catch someone saying before my eyes snap up to the giant screen in the room, and I can't believe what I'm seeing.
"You're going after her with non lethals?" I grit out , my patience and composure running very thin with those who are in charge of this damn park.
Claire , who is now also watching the screen with her back towards us, continues to argue with us." We have $26 million invested in that asset. We can't just kill it" she says , her voice laced with a very matter of fact tone.
"Those men are gonna die-"
"300 meeters to the beacon"
"You need to call this mission off right now." I can hear Owen bark out from beside me as my eyes continue to watch the group of men trudge through the jungle with nothing but tranquilizers and tasers.
"They're right on top of it"
" Call it off right now "
"You are not in control here!"
The argument between Claire and my husband stops as the captain of asset containment picks up a chunk of skin and muscle from the jungle floor.
"What is that?" I ask as I try to examine the blinking object embedded in the mass before I turn to look at the man beside me.
" That's her tracking implant. She clawed it out" Owen says in near disbelief and Claire turns to look at us again.
" How would it know to do that?" She mutters as she turns to look back at the screen and so do I.
"She remembered where they put it in" I finally answered.
"It can camouflage!" The captain screams out as everything erupts into chaos as the Indominus rex seemingly appears out of thin air , quickly attacking the squad of men.
"Evacuate the park"
"We'd never reopen"
I feel my anger bubbling over as Claire continues to care more about money and image than the lives of others. " You made a genetic hybrid, raised it in captivity," I say, my voice low," She is seeing all of this for the first time ."
"She doesn't even know what she is." Owen continues, building on top of my words," she will kill anything that moves."
" Do you think the animal is contemplating its own existence?" Mr. Masarani ask is disbelief as he finally turns and acknowledges Owen and I.
I watch as yet another agents heart monitor flat lines on the screen. There are only two people left.
" She is learning where she fits in on the food chain and I'm not sure you want her to figure that out " I explained, my eyes meeting Masarani's ." Now, asset containment can use live ammunition in an emergency situation. You have a M134 in your armory. Put it on a chopper and smoke this thing!" I say, my voice is loud and demanding.
"We have families here. I'm not gonna turn this place into some kind of war zone." Claire hissed back at me .
" You already have"
"Mr. And Mrs.Grady if you are not going to help , there is no reason for you to be in here." The red head scoffs out as the walks over to one of the people who work in this room.
"I would have a word with your people in the lab. That thing out there. That's no dinosaur" Owen huffs out before he turns and storms out of the control room. I look at the screen once more as the last heart monitor flat lines before following him.
Tag list:@kaykinotic ,@rubyxx16
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