digital-meat · 2 years
New favorite D&D monster: the Crypt Thing. It’s a true neutral skeleton that just sits around and teleports everyone who enters its lair to an absolutely random place just to be an asshole. That’s it that’s the entire monster.
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Please use this guy it will be hilarious.
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last level worst design
a spy game/snooper game where you go stealth around and take out enemies
but heres the twist, the final level you go to a castle to recover a agent named earl,
the first person you shoot or kill, will always be earl
and the bridge is so long and theres 2 snipers each in different towers
meaning you will have to be clever and kinda lucky not to get spotted
once your past the bridge things get more and more difficult as you cant kill or harm anyone
eventually you go through THE ENTIRE castle undetected, every room, every floor has to be searched,
only to recieve a text on your phone or spygadget asking “dude where are you ive been at the cafe for the past hour”
resulting in you having to escape out the castle (although WAY easier than befor)
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fliipclaw · 6 years
12. Who is your favorite dice/d&d blog?
oh hmm i dont rlly know!! @falyros’ art is always good, and the bad/goodrpgideas duo is a lot of fun. also i’ve been following @friendshipcampaign for over a year now and i’m really enjoying seeing how it’s turning out!
d&d asks!!
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probablybadrpgideas · 8 years
these are amazing ideas, don't put yourself down!!
Yay! Thank you!Maybe a name change is in orderSoon maybebadrpgideas, then goodrpgideas, then greatrpgideas, then bowdownandworshipme,meremortals,forthesearetherpgideasofTHEGODSThen my ego expands to swallow the stars.It’ll be great!
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Submissions are now open!
But please remember that this is probablygoodrpgideas, not definitlygoodrpgideas
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digital-meat · 3 years
People think you can’t have dragon PCs in ttrpg because they’re too stronk, too big. Well I control how strong dragons are. I control how strong everything are. They’re on par with other PCs because everyone works out and dragons have been just a little hyped up.
I know some people want dragons to be the ultimate final boss of monsters but then you can’t have lots of them. I’m OK if sometimes they lose to knights on horseback. So might a hippo? or at least a sufficiently unlucky lion. And knights in fantasy world can solo the average marvel hero so sayeth I.
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digital-meat · 3 years
Instead of biomes, kingdoms, or elements, my fantasy world map shall be sorted by 𝕸𝖊𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖗𝖊𝖘!
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