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White Kitty has a new home and friends, life is great.
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Doodle goodbye kitty
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@kenjinx @mo-the-sapphic-ace @not-so-average-joseph @greenhairedfae @plantmomstories @glitchdoesart @chickenlittleabig @user172654829373 @ferf-bish @g0dz1ll4 @poeticallydead @honey-flustered @rumblesaurus @squeezil @goodbyekittys-blog @krystal-prisms @miriamladyvoid @julianova44 @waytocatharsis @ineedmoredragons @sad-wet-cat-hannibal @howaboutahat @decayingskullfox @butchyferrets @pinkflash4627 @left-handed-moths @justmightfindyoullfly @wickira @etudeinaflatmajor @pwerofmadonna @shinakazami1 @themysticaldivinities @barfscarf @kittykatbarnes @eclecticcosmonaut @glassminotaur @doodlesthegreat @rosecolouredocean @fangirlinc @thebrofriends @glovefae @celestialsoph @sanrioelitist @lokh @nolngrhuman @gatabrancas2 @anxious-watermelon @always-at-number-seven @tashababy @thephyrrus
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From Gaza Strip i extend my heartfelt congratulations to America and its people on the inauguration of President Donald Trump, hoping this moment marks the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity for the world.
A few minutes to the beginning of a new era. I hope that peace will prevail throughout the world.
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A few goodbye kitties are up for grabs along with a few other items I posted in my story wot are not in my store- check highlights for current pieces and prices! Love the way this batch of kitties turned out! - - #goodbyekitty #hellokitty #resinart #resintoy #resin #glowinthedark #zombie #minifigures #toys (at Junction Triangle) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Yzyzbgu7M/?igshid=1jqaibixjgs0p
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@punkrockfleamarkettoronto was so amazing! 🔥Here's a shot of my loot! @emilymayrose Crust Punk t-shirt, @wearealiveatnight sorry we're greasy patch, @nofunpress People Person Patch, @theangrybeast Fantasy 45 and Handearp, @attilaadorjany Goodbyekitty! 🔥⛓☠️⛓🔥Checkout @attilaadorjany page! Sweetest guy, long time toymaker! Was so cool to meet you! 🔥Thanks to the friends that made it out! @naomiknaff, @jamie_yyz @adrock79x @graveyardrock_ You know you guys rock! Until the next one! 🔥🤘🔥#punkrockfleamarket #punkrockfleamarkettoronto #prfmto #arttoys #patches #raccoons #pizza #crustpunk #sorryweregreasy #peopleperson #goodbyekitty #hellokitty #brains #zombie #fantasy45 #handearp #toronto #toycollector #toymaker #toyronto (at Lee's Palace) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpPmc3Rl7wt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bfep252srrsu
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After reading Liam's girlfriend's statement I just wanted to puke.
"I have been at a complete loss. Nothing about the past few days have felt real," she continued. "I ask and pray that you'll give me the grace and space to navigate this in private."
She concluded her message by addressing her boyfriend of two years directly, writing, "Liam, my angel. You are everything. I want you to know I loved you unconditionally and completely. I will continued to love you for the rest of my life. I love you Liam."
Of course, he was "everything" to her. He paid for the trips. He shared his spotlight. He brought everything she wore. He shared his followers with her. How will she find another generous, rich, and famous guy with an addiction problem to exploit? Either they aren't of his level or they don't have his kinda money.
"Unconditional love" she says, of course it was "unconditional" when he was doing drugs and bringing in hoes in the same room they stayed it was "unconditional." The only unspoken condition was let him suffer and you benefit.
He got into a relationship with a fake person who just used him till the day he died. The more he distanced himself with who he is, the more fake people who were enablers in the name of love entered his life. Only vultures and leeches get in relationship with unhealed people who are battling their demons.
Why didn't anyone interfere or put their foot down and tell him to see where he was heading? He didn't even come from a horrible household where he was ignored; rather, he was such a loved child, the baby of the family. His parents should've intervened. He could have been with us today. He could have been alive. He could have seen his son grow and have his own family. He could have gotten a second chance in life.
A precious life was lost because nobody cared enough to hold him down. Nobody.
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Dats gAy-(jkjkjk) Just a fanart for a show "goodbye kitty" from mondomedia channel from YouTube lel Inspiration it from the last episode of goodbye kitty :p
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Goodbye Kittty #pez #pezdispensers #pezdispenser #pezspender #candydispenser #pezcollector #pezcollection #pezhead #pezcollectables #pezcandy #dispensadorpez #viladegracia #blackoutbcn #blackout #shoppingbarcelona #pezfantasy #quemaloereskaws #hellokitty #goodbyekitty #deadkitty #handmade https://www.instagram.com/p/B2WK6NXlEAn/?igshid=1utaum9ahhclz
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Wow, already been 2 years.. 😿 #tooyoung #goodbyekitty #littlebuddy #FIP #NotFunny https://www.instagram.com/p/Brp7NPdgfp5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sy098c3g744y
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There is a new kitty in town, Black Kitty can't have that. Goodbye kitty.
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#goodbyekitty #bestbudsforlife❤️ #kingofthemountain
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What happens when you get a cool presskit (part 2). #goodbyekitty #noworkdone #sharkfest @natgeowild 🐋 (at Lifescript)
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#HKForever #FLA #MarcoIsland #WPB #SingerIsland #GoodbyeKitty #Vacation17 #Day7 #BestForLast #Gear #Squad 😍😘💖💝 @hklisaann @hklisaannashellokitty 👚🛍 #ParadiseFoundByUdowychenko (at Phoenix Towers)
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A quick pick of some of my stuff on display at @hairy.tarantula Really happy with the selection they chose to stock! Hard to capture all of it as there are several more shelves. Just starting in on a new Darth Vader custom 1:1 Helmet to add to the group! And I’ll be doing workshops at the store soon so stay tuned for that! I’ll post more pics but just wanted to show off the Beerholder out in the wild as they don’t seem to stay in stock very long which makes me very happy! - - #windowdisplay #toyshelf #hairytarantula #beerholder #beholder #goodbyekitty #tiltytoys #arttoy #resintoys (at Hairy Tarantula) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9E4WhlHz0a/?igshid=cjmi69ls9bcs
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#HelloKitty #GoodbyeKitty 🤓😆🤭😅😂🤣🐈 #OoH #JustForLaughs #Cartoon #MondayMotivation #cats — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2yriep4
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