#good job banu u just wanna say bye and even then u manage to annoy the fuckin shit out of people
bplm3 · 7 years
Just wanted to say real quick that i'm going to delete this tumblr app for a while. I won't delete the blog or anything else tho, just deinstall the app bc it has been distracting me for much longer than it should have now. My grades are at its worst and I think my life really would be a little bit easier to handle as well, if I wasn't a kpop fan lol or a fan of anything at all.. fml it's so hard..
Also i'm addicted to fanfictions lately and tumblr is a fanfic heaven soooo, I shouuuld prolly get outta here fast before I can say goodbye to passing this fucking semester ayy which is already hard enough on its own lol someone take my phone away pls
It's not like I have a billion followers to make a huge announcment to, to inform them that I'm going on hiatus for a while which, i'm not even sure I'll keep, bc I'm a fucking liar and would love to just drown myself in some really good fan written stories right now,
However, there are some really great people here that i'm thankful and honored (that sounds so fucking formal but i couldn't find a milder word that would've fit lol) to be allowed to call mutuals and friends so, yea if you text me I may not see it... if I can keep my tumblr addiction down for now. Lol (i'll prolly see it)
Omg yall just watch me re installing this fucking app tomorrow morning knocking on this damn apps door and begging them to take me back in LOL bc I just can't fuckin resist..... also i'm totally so not exaggerating right now... yea
If I, for some reason, really don't answer tho, my instagram and snapchat are the same usernames as this tumblr account's: bplm3
So feel free 💕 (even if u don't have anything to say you can still add me lol i wouldn't mind at all)
(But if u add me on snapchat, do tell me so I know you're coming from this post so I know, bc shit happened on there once and gurl do i not want to repeat that)
Ok but why does this whole "announcment" TM, that totally shouldn't have turned into a 500 000 words book, look so fuckin formal. I just wanted to properly express myself but it looks like I wrote a freakin resignation letter? Fml...
Looking through everything now I really wrote more than necessary
How about a fuckin "yeah i'm on hiatus now bc school bye" next time banu??????
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